How to lose weight by 5 kg or more in 2-3 months before vacation

Losing weight by summer, tightening your stomach, waist, hips means looking stylish and charming. A personalized fat loss training program will give you all this without too much effort!

When the sun is getting brighter, the thermometer is getting higher and the fertile time of holidays at sea is approaching, willy-nilly thoughts arise about losing weight for the holidays and ways to get a beautiful, slender figure.

If throughout the winter you moved little, spent a lot of time in a sitting position and did not deny yourself anything tasty, then you should not be surprised to suddenly discover that your figure has undergone serious changes and not for the better.

Extra centimeters will appear immediately as soon as you try on beautiful swimsuits, stylish skirts and open dresses. It is quite obvious that you urgently need to look for the most effective and at the same time the easiest way to quickly lose weight for the holidays and get your body in order.

The modern world offers us many different methods: among them there are effective and not very effective, easy and with heavy loads, accessible to everyone and very expensive, dangerous and, on the contrary, promoting health.

Have you thought about an online fitness marathon? Set up your own. So, the following training structure awaits you in the next 3 months:

  • Stage 1: 1 strength (3 times a week) + 1 cardio (interval - 2 times a week)
  • Stage 2 1 strength (3 times a week) + 2 cardio (interval - 2 times a week, aerobic - 1 time)
  • Stage 3: 2 strength training (4 times a week) + 1 cardio (interval aerobic - 2 times a week)

And of course we do high-quality warm-ups every day and an optional abdominal workout for fat burning on the sides.

Losing weight quickly before vacation is real

Where to start? You need to pay attention to your lifestyle, your habits and reconsider your views on food and physical activity. A reliable way, dictated by nature itself, will help you not harm your health and lose weight - increase physical activity.

Stage 1 – 1 month

Even if you have never worked out in the gym or have taken a long break from your workouts, this program will help you get into delicious shape. Burn fat, build muscles in the right places and eliminate all the consequences of a passive lifestyle - all this is possible with our hot training program.

PowerInterval Cardio - IntermediatePowerInterval Cardio - IntermediatePowerStretch marksRest

Do strength training 3 times a week, with at least one rest day between each session. For example, you can study on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, or move forward one day and take the weekend.

Cleansing the body

If you are over 30, you have 6-7 extra pounds, and you have never cleansed your body or done fasting days, you can get rid of unnecessary ballast by removing waste and toxins.

Those who need to lose weight in 1-2 weeks only have time to do a “spring cleaning” of one or two organs. Most often the intestines and liver. In 3 months you can cleanse your entire body. An approximate diagram recommended by experts looks like this.

First month

  1. Drink 3 liters of clean warm water daily.
  2. Play any sport.
  3. Follow the principles of proper nutrition.
  4. Lead a healthy lifestyle, first of all giving up cigarettes and alcohol.

Second month

  1. The first day is bowel cleansing (enema, laxative, fasting day).
  2. The second is liver (tubage).
  3. The remaining days of the first week are a kidney diet (teas, watermelon mono-diet).
  4. The second week is lung cleansing (bronchodilators, teas, breathing exercises).
  5. The third and fourth weeks - salon treatments (spa, baths, saunas).

Third month

  1. The first week is blood cleansing (appropriate diet, IVs or injections of vitamins as prescribed by a doctor, folk remedies).
  2. The second week is vascular cleansing (juice diet, dietary supplements, herbal teas).
  3. The third and fourth weeks - cleansing of the lymphatic system (you can use the Butakova technique).

You can learn more about all the methods of cleansing the body that allow you to lose weight in our review.

Weight loss program 1-4 weeks

Body turns with a fitball in your hands

  • 1 set of 5 reps
  • Body part: Press Equipment: Fitball

Exercise "Superman"

  • 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps
  • Body Part: Lower Back Equipment: No

Exercise "Bridge"

  • to increase the challenge, you can do this exercise with your knees locked!
  • Body part: Buttocks Equipment: Body weight

Squats with dumbbells

  • You can do squats with a barbell on your shoulders instead of this exercise!
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Dumbbells

Lunge with dumbbells forward

  • 1 set of 4 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Dumbbells

Lunges with barbell to the side

  • 1 set of 4 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Barbell

Push ups

  • 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps
  • Body Part: Chest Equipment: No

Swing your legs while lying on a bench

  • 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps
  • Body part: Buttocks Equipment: Body weight

Pulling your legs to your chest on a horizontal bench

  • 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps
  • Body part: Press Equipment: Body weight

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Pay attention to the cardio block and determine in advance your optimal heart rate for fat burning. The easiest way is to use the mHR formula “220 - Age”, from which to calculate the corridor of 55-70%. This will be your guideline for the pulse zone in which you need to be during aerobic training.

Cardio for weight loss 1-4 weeks

Treadmill workout

  • 3-5 minutes, 1 repetition
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

Treadmill workout

  • Walking on a treadmill. 2 minutes of fast walking, 2 minutes of walking at medium speed. This will be 1 approach. Do 3 of these sets and increase the number of repetitions every week until you reach 5-7
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

Treadmill workout

  • Walking on a treadmill. 3-5 minutes of easy walking at low speed.
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

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So, do cardio twice a week to burn fat. And don't forget about warming up.

Stage 2 – 1 month

The structure becomes a little more complicated in the second stage:

PowerInterval CardioPowerInterval CardioPowerAerobic cardioRest and stretching

Do the same strength program three times a week. Rest after each workout for at least one day. That is, you can train, for example, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

To make a plan

When planning how to lose 10 kg in 3 months, you need to specify your own actions. To effectively lose weight, you need to think about two areas:

  • Correction of the diet - you can eat fully while receiving a limited amount of calories, and a large assortment of available products will allow you to expand the menu with a large number of new delicious dishes;
  • Increasing physical activity - a training plan may include exercise in the gym, at home, in the nearest park; even a brisk walk from work will be considered a workout, provided that the distance is several kilometers.

Be sure to read: What is subcutaneous fat and how to remove it?

Weight loss program 5-8 weeks

Triple stretch

  • 1 set of 4 reps
  • Body part: Hamstrings Equipment: Body weight

Lunges with barbell to the side

  • 1 set of 4 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Barbell


Single leg barbell squats

  • 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Barbell

Dumbbell bench press

  • 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps
  • Body part: Chest Equipment: Dumbbells

Pulling your legs to your chest on a horizontal bench

  • 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps
  • Body part: Press Equipment: Body weight


  • 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps
  • Body Part: Lat Equipment: Bodyweight

Oblique crunches on an incline bench

  • 2-3 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Body part: Press Equipment: Body weight

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And additional cardio is added. Three times a week (preferably on days adjacent to training) do this cardio program. Do interval training the first two days (for example, Tuesday and Thursday), and aerobic cardio training on the third (Saturday).

Nutritional Features

Is it possible to lose 10 kg in 3 months? Quite if you pay close attention to the quality of your diet. It is important not only to choose healthy foods and prepare them correctly, but also to achieve a balance of nutrients entering the body - proteins, fats, carbohydrates. The body will easily say goodbye to ballast if it is not deficient in key nutrients.

A person of average weight needs to eat per day:

  • Carbohydrates - 240 g;
  • Proteins - 60 g;
  • Fat - 60 g.

It should be borne in mind that in dietary nutrition, complex carbohydrates are taken into account, which take a long time but are completely absorbed, give a feeling of satiety and form energy metabolism. Rich in complex carbohydrates:

  • Cereals;
  • Cereals;
  • Legumes;
  • Potato;
  • Vegetables, greens;
  • Fruits with moderate amounts of sugar.

Proteins form the basis of the diet. Their deficiency leads to serious metabolic disorders, and this often happens to those who like to lose weight dramatically. Proteins can be animal or plant. Animals are kept:

  • In meat;
  • Bird;
  • Fish;
  • Egg;
  • Dairy products;
  • Cheese.

Vegetable protein sources:

  • Nuts;
  • Soy;
  • Beans;
  • Avocado;
  • Vegetable oils;
  • Cereals.

During the diet, it is recommended to take fats of vegetable origin. They are found in any vegetable oils.

In addition, the body vitally needs a sufficient amount of minerals - calcium, iodine, iron. Calcium is found in cheese, milk, cottage cheese, dried fruits, shrimp, and sea fish. Iodine is found in seaweed, seafood, feijoa, and fish. Iron - in rabbit meat, liver, beef, beans, strawberries, green apples, rose hips.

To lose 10 kg in 3 months, you must follow the following rules.

  1. Drink plenty of clean water. Start the day with a glass of warm water and precede each meal with a glass of water. This greatly helps digestion, accelerates metabolism, and simulates the elimination of metabolic waste from the body.
  2. Eat food often, but little by little. If there are three main meals, then have a healthy snack three more times - a light salad, fruit, a glass of kefir, a handful of nuts. You should not allow yourself to feel hungry. With quickly digestible food, the body will not experience stress and it will be easier to part with extra pounds.
  3. Eliminate sources of sugar. Avoid confectionery, sweets and other sweets. There are enough sugars in foods allowed for the daily menu - fruits and berries, dried fruits. Unsweetened tea can be drunk with honey. A couple of spoons a day will only do good.
  4. Reduce coffee consumption. It causes dehydration and stimulates the excretion of calcium from the body and promotes the production of gastric juice. To support your metabolism, it is better to train yourself to drink good green tea. It helps control appetite and improves complexion.
  5. Absolutely avoid carbonated drinks and alcohol. A few tablespoons of sugar are dissolved in a glass of soda. Each glass nullifies all the efforts of the diet. Even a little good alcohol stimulates the appetite and blocks the parts of the brain responsible for normal metabolism.

Be sure to read: Advantages and disadvantages of the Moreno diet

It is important to combine products correctly. For example, complex carbohydrates are best consumed separately from protein foods. That is, eat stewed buckwheat separately and only after a couple of hours a piece of rabbit meat in sauce or pork baked with garlic. It is recommended to cook food by boiling and steaming, and less often by stewing and baking. Frying is prohibited. During cooking, minimize the amount of fat and salt.

Cardio for weight loss 5-8 weeks





Treadmill workout

  • Walking on a treadmill. 3-5 minutes walk at medium speed
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

Treadmill workout

  • Walking on a treadmill. 1 minute of intense walking at high speed, reduce speed to medium and walk for another 2 minutes. This will be 1 approach. Do 4 sets. Within 3 weeks, try to increase the number of approaches to 6.
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

Treadmill workout

  • Walking on a treadmill. 3-5 minutes of walking at low speed.
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

Treadmill workout

  • Walking on a treadmill. 3-5 minutes of walking at low speed.
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

Treadmill workout

  • Walking on a treadmill. 15 minutes of walking at an average speed. Over the next weeks, try to increase your workout duration to 25 minutes.
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

Treadmill workout

  • Walking on a treadmill. 3-5 minutes of walking at low speed.
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

Alternate the first and second workouts three times a week. You need to rest for at least 1 day after each visit to the gym. For example, if you study on Monday according to the first program, then on Wednesday - on the second, and on Friday - again on the first.

Stage 3 – 1 month

The third stage will be the most difficult and important.

Power 1Power 2Interval aerobic cardioPower 1Power 2Interval aerobicRest and stretching

Do strength training four times a week: first - legs, shoulders, abs; the second - arms, back.

Sample menu

Before each meal, you should drink a glass of water at room temperature. You cannot replace pure water with another drink. It is recommended to diversify the menu with seasonal products. Experiment with cooking methods, look for new recipes. The taste of fresh vegetables is radically different from stewed or baked vegetables, and a steamed cutlet is in no way inferior in taste to the traditional fried version.

Breakfast ideas:

  • Milk rice porridge with apricots;
  • Cottage cheese casserole with apple;
  • Oatmeal pudding with nuts;
  • Dried rye bread with boiled egg and lettuce;
  • Cheesecakes with yoghurt dressing;
  • Buckwheat with prunes;
  • A glass of natural yogurt, a piece of hard cheese;
  • Smoothie made from fresh vegetables with herbs and lemon juice.

Breakfast should be hearty enough to give you energy for the whole day. It’s a mistake to think that during a diet you can get by with a cup of coffee and a cracker.

Constantly sucking in the pit of the stomach will have the opposite effect and cause a bad mood. And we agreed that we would try to lose 10 kg in 3 months without stressing the body.

Lunch options:

  • Sea fish baked with lemon;
  • Chicken breast with green beans and herbs;
  • Warm roasted vegetable salad with turkey and mustard dressing;
  • Quinoa with cilantro and grapefruit;
  • Chicken broth soup with meatballs;
  • Lentils with mushrooms;
  • Pasta with homemade tomato sauce;
  • Boiled veal with green peas;
  • Vegetable soup with sweet peppers and tomatoes.

It is recommended to alternately prepare liquid and main courses so that the body takes food in its usual manner. Alternate vegetables with side dishes made from cereals, and lean meats with poultry fillets or sea fish and seafood.

Dinner ideas:

  • Rice cooked with corn, sweet peppers and cherry tomatoes;
  • Stuffed cabbage rolls with beef and buckwheat;
  • Vegetable salad with a piece of fish fillet;
  • Potatoes baked in foil with onions and herbs;
  • Raw vegetables (cucumbers, carrots, celery stalks) with natural yogurt and garlic sauce;
  • Boiled egg stuffed with chicken liver pate;
  • Zucchini fritters.

In addition to main meals, have small snacks and drink more water. During second breakfast and afternoon snack, you can prepare freshly squeezed juice and brew herbal tea. If dinner was early, then shortly before bed you can drink a glass of fresh kefir.

Fruit lovers should give up sweet varieties and consume the rest in moderation - fresh, baked and as additives to morning porridge. Citrus fruits are useful for accelerating metabolism. Just be careful for people prone to allergies. Grapefruits, pomelo, and lime are considered hypoallergenic types. Allergies most often occur to oranges and tangerines.

Weight loss program 9-12 weeks





Deep squats with a barbell on the chest

  • 3 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Barbell

Incline Dumbbell Press

  • 3 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Body part: Chest Equipment: Dumbbells

Single leg barbell squats

  • 3 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Barbell

Dumbbell rows lying on an incline bench

  • 3 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Body part: Middle back Equipment: Dumbbells

Standing Dumbbell Overhead Press

  • 3 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Body part: Shoulders Equipment: Dumbbells

Oblique crunches on an incline bench

  • 3 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Body part: Press Equipment: Body weight

Concentrated dumbbell curls

  • 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  • Body part: Biceps Equipment: Dumbbells

Neutral grip dumbbell bench press

  • 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  • Body part: Chest Equipment: Dumbbells

Romanian deadlift

  • 3 sets of 8-12 reps
  • Body part: Hamstrings Equipment: Barbell

Dumbbell flyes with rotation while lying on an incline bench

  • 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  • Body part: Shoulders Equipment: Dumbbells

Dumbbell extension from behind the head

  • 3 sets of 10-12 reps
  • Body part: Triceps Equipment: Dumbbells

Hyperextension on a bench

  • 3 sets of 8-10 reps
  • Body Part: Lower Back Equipment: Bodyweight

This workout is a special type of cardio in which you first do accelerated intervals to kickstart your metabolism and burn fat, followed by a long, steady workout. Again, watch your heart rate.

Cardio training - maintenance

Interval training
Treadmill training

  • 45 seconds of fast walking, then 2 minutes of walking at an average speed. Do 5 sets, but gradually try to increase them to 7.
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

Treadmill workout

  • 4-5 minutes of slow walking.
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

Treadmill workout

  • 25 minutes of walking at an average speed. Gradually increase the time to 30 minutes.
  • Body part: Quadriceps Equipment: Exercise

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For example, according to an interval program for burning fat, you can do it on Wednesdays and Saturdays, and add stretching and massages on Sunday.


That's the whole training plan for 3 months, follow it regularly and after a short time you will be able to achieve tangible results, without exhausting diets and without medications.

We offer simple exercises that will allow you to lose all excess weight in a short time. After all, in order to lose weight for the holidays, it is not at all necessary to exhaust yourself with long, intense sports.

Three months of training according to a special program, walking to lose weight, climbing the stairs (instead of the elevator), light morning exercises (you can even do it in bed), a more balanced, proper diet for weight loss - and things will move forward.

How to lose 10 kg in 3 months

In addition to the general rules mentioned above, there are several more important points regarding diet, plate contents, and cooking methods. It is advisable to adhere to these recommendations not for 3 months, but to make them a lifelong habit if you want to maintain the results obtained and keep your figure ideal.

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates

The calculated daily caloric intake will help you lose weight, but only until you reach a normal weight. The following months, a calorie deficit will not bring results if you do not think about the quality of food. The balance between key nutrients is something you will have to monitor for all 3 months if you want to have a beautiful body, and not just low weight. There are general universal ratios of BZHU, but nutritionists advise performing individual calculations. For a person who plans to lose weight without gaining muscle, the following conditions apply for 3 months:

  • Up to 4 g of carbohydrates per kg of net weight.
  • No more than 1 g of protein per kg.
  • Up to 1 g of fat per kg of weight for women and up to 0.8 g for men.

According to this scheme, a person weighing 60 kg needs to eat 240 g of carbohydrates, 60 g of protein and up to 60 g of fat. These numbers do not indicate the weight of the product, but the amount of BZHU in it. For the entire 3 months while you are losing weight, you will have to use tables of the energy value of foods to create a competent nutrition plan for yourself. However, keep in mind that in order to lose weight, you need complex carbohydrates, and half vegetable and animal fats.


The optimal nutrition plan, with which you can gently lose weight in a few months and maintain the result, is focused on accelerating metabolism, cleansing the body and correcting eating habits. A fast metabolism will prevent you from seeing weight gain later if there is any error in the menu, and a change in taste preferences will help you give up junk food. The basis of the diet will be:

  • vegetables (especially legumes), greens;
  • seafood, fish;
  • lean meat;
  • cereals;
  • fruits, nuts.

During all 3 months, do not forget about the main rules of this diet:

  • Drink clean water.
  • Replace coffee with green tea.
  • Get rid of sources of sugar - they interfere with weight loss.
  • Make it a habit to have a hearty breakfast.
  • Make it a norm to eat greens every day.

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Menu for losing weight by 10 kg

Drawing up a diet for 3 months is based on the above list of healthy foods, an understanding of the inadmissibility of frying in oil and combining protein with complex carbohydrates. Those. It is not advisable to serve meat with buckwheat if you do not go to training afterwards. When preparing food for 3 months, sugar and salt are excluded. Menu:

Breakfast Dinner Afternoon snack Dinner
Monday Oatmeal with nuts Pasta with mussels and stewed tomatoes Apple 2 boiled eggs, cucumber, bunch of greens
Tuesday Buckwheat porridge with prunes Vegetable broth, steamed veal Grapefruit White omelette with vegetables
Wednesday Cheesecakes in the oven Boiled turkey (fillet), green beans 3 nectarines Steamed trout steak, tomato
Thursday Rice porridge with dried apricots Baked flounder, cucumber 40 g cheese, 2 whole grain breads Bean salad with tomatoes and peppers
Friday Millet with pumpkin Chicken fillet soup with vegetables 2 pears Baked potatoes with herbs
Saturday Oatmeal with banana Baked beef, greens Orange Grilled zucchini and peppers
Sunday Cottage cheese casserole Lentil soup with vegetables Banana Pollock with asparagus
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