Going to the gym for the first time in your life - tips for those over 40, 50, 60 and older

Useful tips

If you are over 40 years old (50, 60 or even older) and have not exercised for a long period of time

(or never in your life!), does this mean that you are off limits to the gym?

Not at all, say scientists and doctors! If you want to join an active lifestyle for the first time after 40 years or even much later

, we offer you some universal tips that will help you do this as efficiently and painlessly as possible.

General recommendations for all ages, starting from 40 years old


It is clear that going to the gym for the first time in your life at the age of 70 (or even 40!) to immediately lift a heavy barbell or work hard on the machines is not the most reasonable decision

. And sports training at a later age will bring health benefits only if the right approach has been chosen, which allows, in fact, for the first time to join sports at this age.

We will talk further about different approaches for each age, but now we bring to your attention simple but universal advice

for any age, be it 40, 50, 60 years or even more:

  • For any person who has started playing sports for the first time or after a long break (say, several years or even decades), it is extremely important to start sports training with the lightest loads
    , gradually increasing their intensity and duration step by step.

As our bodies age, the importance of properly combining cardio and strength training increases. Cardio exercise (aka aerobic exercise) affects the heart muscle

, training it and keeping it in good shape, while strength training (so-called resistance or weight training) helps strengthen bone tissue.

What is cardio exercise

Cardio exercises are intense exercises that are aimed at strengthening the cardiovascular system. The specificity of aerobic exercises is that at the time of their implementation, high intensity

loads on the muscles in combination with loads on the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Strength loads (working with weights or using exercise machines, for example) are minimal.

An example of cardio exercises are all moving types of sports activity, including running and even race walking. Strength exercises can also be done in cardio mode

, however, for an unprepared person (especially for older people who have almost always been far from sports), strength training in cardio mode is contraindicated.

Has there been any research to support the ability to safely take up sports in older age?

Literally in August 2021 in the popular academic publication Frontiers in Physiology

The results of an official study were published on whether it is too late to start playing sports
in old age (link to the study at the end of the article)
. If we jump ahead a little, we can reassure everyone at once - the results of the study indicate that it is not too late to start playing sports at any age.

Aerobic or anaerobic exercise?

Anaerobic exercise is strength exercise in which the body’s “ready fuel” is the resource for energy production. These include, for example, exercises with dumbbells. They allow you to gain muscle mass.

Aerobic exercise is cardio training to strengthen the cardiovascular system, normalize blood pressure, improve lung function and lose weight. “Aerobic” is translated as “with oxygen,” that is, the source of energy is oxygen. Such training effectively improves blood supply to tissues, organs and systems. Example of aerobic training: swimming, walking, exercise on an exercise bike.

After 40, doctors recommend giving the body aerobic exercise for 30-60 minutes 3-5 times a week. Just don't be exhausted. If this is a lot for you, start with 20 minutes, and then increase the time. Include in your program exercises to train balance, exercises for flexibility and joint mobility.

Anaerobic training is also needed, but you don’t need to start with a barbell; at first, your own body weight is enough. Raise your legs and body for the abdominal muscles, do push-ups, pull-ups. The lesson should consist of 8-10 exercises of 10-15 repetitions with three approaches. Take a 1-1.5 minute break between repetitions. If you have enough strength, then you can exercise with light dumbbells. The number of anaerobic workouts per week is 2-4. Work out 2-3 muscle groups during each workout. For example: abs, shoulders and legs. The next day: arms and pectoral muscles.

Alternate aerobic and anaerobic exercise, because without strength training, the effectiveness of aerobics will be minimal. You need to strengthen the musculoskeletal system, and without anaerobic training it is almost impossible to do this.

How to start playing sports after 40 years old

Do you know what the bad news is?

If you have turned 40, you can be sure that the process of losing muscle mass (the so-called age-related loss

muscle mass) has already begun. This age period is characterized not only by a loss of muscle mass, but also by a decrease in physical strength, which is the result of the natural course of events (that is, the result of the aging of the body).

  • To stop this process, it is necessary to develop an individual weight training program (that is, strength training
    using dumbbells, barbells and other sports equipment). If such training does not take place, you can safely count on the fact that now every ten years your body will lose from three to five percent of muscle mass.

But there is good news!

Even if you haven’t been involved in sports in all previous years, with the right individual training regimen, which you started after 40
, there is every chance of not only stopping the process of losing muscle mass, but also quite quickly reversing it.

Important condition!

For this to happen, your physical health must be conducive to strength training. You also shouldn't have

serious injuries in the past that could interfere with this mode of operation. You should first undergo a medical examination!

Even if you start exercising diligently and regularly right now, no one is saying that you will immediately feel like you are back to your younger days.

and are now ready to run a marathon. You shouldn't try to catch up if you haven't exercised regularly for a long period of time.

The most acceptable training regimen for people over 40 years old is two to three sessions per week. These classes may include individual work with a trainer in the gym

, group classes in your age group or independent work on a training program compiled for you personally. The need for a gradual increase in loads must be determined individually!

Sad news for women

Starting to play sports for the first time after 40 years of age is most difficult for the fairer sex. Forty years of age in women is usually the period of so-called perimenopause.

. That is, at this age, irreversible changes occur in the female body, which precede the natural irreversible state called menopause (with infertility and other inevitable consequences).


Characteristic signs that indicate the onset of perimenopause include a sharp gain in excess weight, the appearance (or increase) of a noticeable fat layer around the waist; Often women experience paroxysmal sensations of heat

, which cannot be controlled. However, regular sports training can help cope with these symptoms (negate or help survive them as painlessly as possible).

What is the best way to start playing sports at this age?

At this age, moderate intensity activity is indicated, which may include:

  • brisk walks

    (use automobile and public transport less often; take advantage of any moments to travel on foot);

  • n’t strain yourself too much, as if you’re not used to it you can harm your body).

Start with this simple activity - it will help you prepare for more serious training

, which, of course, should include aerobic and strength exercises.

By the way, a little more about aerobic exercises, which are extremely important to do correctly after 40 years in order to bring maximum benefits to the cardiovascular system. There are special techniques for calculating heart rate depending on gender, age, body weight and other things that you can work on with a trainer if you want.

However, here is a simple tip that indicates the correctness of performing the exercise in cardio mode:

  • If, after performing an aerobic exercise, you can say a relatively long sentence without losing your breath, this means that the benefits for the heart
    from such an exercise are not enough, that is, it was performed incorrectly. If the exercise was performed in the correct mode, then your breath will be enough to say 5-6 words before your breath stops.

Be sure to include weight-bearing exercises (lifting barbells, dumbbells, etc.) in your training regimen. Start with the lightest weights to avoid injuries and sprains. The trainer will help you choose the optimal load

taking into account your own weight. Before increasing the load, learn to work correctly with the previous weight.

What does this mean? This means that if the sets are too short, the training results will be minimal. Besides, if you do 3 sets of 10 reps with a certain weight without straining, you are not forcing your body to work

. You should add loads in such a way that you can work with it comfortably and safely, but so that the last two repetitions are difficult for you.

How to start playing sports after 50 years old

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The relentless natural course of events is that after age 50, age-related muscle loss begins to occur even faster than after age 40. In addition, muscle strength and endurance also continue to decline

. As a result of this process, the metabolic rate in our body after 50 years decreases by 10-15 percent.

But that's not all...

On top of this, the strength of bone tissue is reduced. This happens in both men and women. As a consequence of this process, the risk of bone injuries (fractures, cracks)

. Our ligaments, which by this age become less elastic, also do not get younger; the amount of so-called synovial fluid (a kind of lubricant for joint ligaments) decreases.

All this together can sooner result in injuries to our body than, say, ten years ago (that is, at 40 years old). That is why it is recommended not to neglect

advice for those who are planning to start playing sports for the first time at this age.

What is the best way to start exercising after 50?

At the age of 50, it is very important to start working out with a personal trainer. The presence of a specialist who will observe you is necessary at least in order to assess the ability

your body to increase loads and intensity before you yourself begin a full-fledged training regimen.

A qualified trainer will definitely prescribe you several exercises (let's call them diagnostic or testing), which will allow him to evaluate your flexibility and endurance in the complex (we are talking about muscles, joints, spine, heart, and so on). It is during this period of time that it is necessary to develop an individual training program.

, including exercises that suit your level of physical fitness and health (taking into account, of course, your injuries and contraindications).

Very important!

Before starting work, even with a trainer, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination, which will rule out the presence of

any pathological conditions or hidden diseases that can interfere with your sports activity.

Taking into account the recommendations and conclusions of the trainer and doctors, you will be offered a cardio training program, which may include working on an exercise bike, swimming, or perhaps you will be limited to intense walking

. Only after this will it be possible to think about gradually increasing the load.

  • If you're training intensely enough, but still have short rest periods between sets, this means you can gradually increase the intensity of
    your cardio. This approach strengthens your cardiovascular system, increasing the benefits of aerobic exercise.

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You can’t do without strength training at this age. Exercises with weights help strengthen the body and increase your strength; it is very important to work on the muscles of the lower limbs and core

, since such training helps improve your balance, and in the future it will help you stay firmly on your feet, which is very important in old age to avoid falls and injuries.

The training regimen after 50 years, as after 40, can include two to three sessions per week. Very useful to turn on regularly

The training complex includes exercises that are important for this age period, such as:

  • push-ups from the floor while lying down;
  • squats;
  • simple abdominal exercises (such as, for example, the plank for the transverse abdominal muscles).

Thanks to these simple exercises, performed regularly, the functional strength of our body (that is, its ability to act and withstand)

physical activity during sports and in other situations) increases gradually, but significantly. In addition, the risks of injury when performing such exercises are minimal.

Examinations and tests before classes

Before starting classes, you need to undergo an examination: do an ECG, ultrasound of the thyroid gland and abdominal cavity. An ultrasound will show whether you have any serious disorders: ulcers, inflammatory processes, pathological changes in the liver and kidneys. If there are problems with the spine, then you should definitely do an MRI to rule out intervertebral hernia and impingement. You also need to take tests: a general blood and urine test. A blood test will show the amount of hemoglobin, ESR and lymphocytes. A urine test can determine the presence or absence of inflammatory processes, the further development of which can be provoked by training.

If there are no critical changes, welcome to the gym. If there are contraindications for exercise, then you will need to take care of your health and prefer gentle training.

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How to start playing sports after 60 and later in life

The age of 60 (not to mention later periods of life) is an extremely difficult period for any person to involve himself in any active lifestyle

, if this was not the case before. However, nothing is impossible, as research, practice and examples of many people confirm.

Your main goal at this age, if you decide to take up sports, is to remain conservative and strive to get back to your previous results, and not to conquer the peaks.

In other words, if you are as patient and persistent as possible, you will definitely see the fruits of your labor. It’s clear that at this age you can’t do without a personal trainer: it doesn’t matter how good your health is – you need a trainer

at least in the initial stages of training. A qualified specialist will develop an individual training program just for you, which you will have to strictly follow.


After 60 years, any unexpected loads must be justified and agreed upon not only with your trainer, but also with medical specialists

. If you decide to take up sports, first undergo a full medical examination.

Age changes after 40

The body's peak activity occurs at the age of 30; at this age, nature gives us everything in advance. Then the decline gradually begins. And it is very important not to waste time and not to neglect your health.

Women's problems of elegant age:

  • Decreased progesterone levels and increased estrogen levels, irregular monthly cycle.
  • Insomnia, irritability, headaches, fatigue.
  • Decreased muscle tone, dry and sagging skin, noticeable wrinkles.
  • Reduction of bone mass by 25-30%.
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