When exercising in the morning is dangerous to health and life

Most often, it is recommended to engage in sports in the morning, when the body is fresh and the problems accumulated during the day are not spinning in your head. You can also hear that training at this time is especially useful for losing weight.

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This makes sense, but not everything is so simple. In fact, both morning and evening workouts have their benefits. The choice depends on what you want to achieve. Below we will look at what time is best to train to achieve different goals.

For muscle building

Evening physical activity helps build Effects of morning physical versus evening combined strength and endurance training on performance, muscle hypertrophy, and serum hormone concentrations muscles faster than exercise in the morning. Moreover, the higher a person’s training, the greater the effect will be. For example, in one study, Training in the evening gives you more muscles, more definition, evening sessions provided experienced bodybuilders with a 3.2% increase in muscle mass, while the same load in the morning increased muscle mass by only 0.6%.

This difference may be due to fluctuations in hormone levels throughout the day.

For muscle building, the amount of the male sex hormone testosterone and the “stress hormone” cortisol is of great importance. The first has a positive effect on muscle growth and fat burning, the second promotes the accumulation of fat reserves and muscle breakdown.

Testosterone production increases The effect of diurnal variation on clinical measurement of serum testosterone and other sex hormone levels in men at night and reaches a peak Modeling of Circadian Testosterone in Healthy Men and Hypogonadal Men in the morning. Then the hormone level gradually decreases, increases slightly at 16-18 hours, and then drops again, down to its lowest levels at nine in the evening.

And it would seem that since its level is highest in the morning, it is necessary to train at dawn. But don't forget about cortisol. Its amount increases Replication of cortisol circadian rhythm: new advances in hydrocortisone replacement therapy after midnight and reaches a peak around eight in the morning, and then gradually decreases.

As a result, the most favorable ratio of testosterone to cortisol The Diagnosis and Management of Central Hypoadrenalism is observed in those same 16–18 hours: at this time, the male sex hormone, as mentioned earlier, slightly increases Circadian Variation in Testosterone, Sex Hormone‑Binding Globulin, and Calculated Non‑SexHormone‑Binding Globulin Bound Testosteronein Healthy Young and Elderly Men, and the stress hormone is at low levels. In addition, in the evening, The Differential Hormonal Milieu of Morning versus Evening May Have an Impact on Muscle Hypertrophic Potential activity of insulin-like growth factor (IGF), another anabolic hormone that helps increase muscle mass, is high.

This may be why, after training in the afternoon, more intense Effects of time of day on resistance exercise‑induced anabolic signaling in skeletal muscle are noted than after training in the morning.

Disadvantages of exercising at night

Sports activities activate all body systems - blood circulation increases, metabolism increases, hormones begin to be produced, including a certain amount of adrenaline.
The body becomes toned, the brain begins to work faster. It is almost impossible to fall asleep after a workout, unless a person has had enough sleep the night before and exercised until exhaustion - but this is very harmful to health, especially for the cardiovascular system. Most people at night after sports will not be able to fall asleep immediately, which will lead to sleep disturbances. The biological clock is designed in such a way that in the dark the body requires rest. But not all people live according to the same schedule. If your body tolerates being awake at night well, but during the day you feel tired and lazy, if your schedule allows you to get enough sleep, for example, in the morning or afternoon, then you can train at night. How to exercise at night?

Some famous athletes and bodybuilders trained at night: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Boyer Ko, Chris Dickerson. By carefully planning their studies and adhering to several important rules, they achieved great success. One of the most important advantages of night physical activity is the absence of city noise, silence and tranquility, which promote concentration. Night is a great time to practice yoga, but you can also devote this time of day to other sports. In order not to subject your body to a lot of stress and not to harm yourself, you need to get a good night's sleep before training - either sleep the previous night or during the day. Keep in mind that after class you will most likely have to stay awake for several hours. This is especially true for those who do strength training. Swimming, stretching exercises, yoga calm the body - it’s easier to fall asleep after that. If you don't have enough time for proper sleep before training, sleep at least three to four hours in the evening: this will help avoid heart problems due to regular night exercise. After exercise, stretch and do breathing exercises, this will help bring your body into a calm state. If you exercise late at night, be sure to have dinner three hours before your workout—your body needs enough nutrients to support physical activity. It is harmful to exercise on an empty stomach. Monitor your health during regular nighttime exercise, measure your blood pressure and pulse, and if the readings do not correspond to the norm, change your schedule, otherwise the risk of cardiovascular diseases increases.

In military conditions, it is no coincidence that the wake-up time is 6:00 am. The human body can easily get up at this time. Good clothes and shoes for training are also important. Despite the fact that military personnel spend most of their time wearing military shoes as army combat boots and military clothing , such as the VKPO set , they use special sneakers and tracksuits for training. Military shoes are not suitable for such training.

To increase strength

Although muscle size and strength are not the same thing, these indicators are directly related. After evening workouts, not only muscle volume grows faster, but also your achievements Effect of Time of Day and Concentric or Eccentric Strength Training on Muscle Strength in strength training. The fact is that at this time the strength increases Diurnal Variation in Maximal and Submaximal Strength, Power and Neural Activation of Leg Extensors in Men: Multiple Sampling Across Two Consecutive Days, Muscle strength, resting muscle tone and EMG activation in untrained men: interaction effect of time of day and test order‑related confounding factors, Does Raising Morning Rectal Temperature to Evening Levels Offset the Diurnal Variation in Muscle Force Production? , power and activation level Circadian Rhythms in Exercise Performance: Implications for Hormonal and Muscular Adaptation of muscles - the body's ability to recruit more fibers during exercise. As a result, working weights increase faster than after morning exercises.

This can be partly explained by differences in body temperature, which fluctuate throughout the day.

In the morning, it is Diurnal Variation in Maximal and Submaximal Strength, Power and Neural Activation of Leg Extensors in Men: Multiple Sampling Across Two Consecutive Days at about 36.6 ° C, then gradually rises and reaches a peak at 18-21 hours. Then it starts to fall and drops to its lowest values ​​at 3 am. The higher your body temperature, the softer and more elastic your muscles are. It’s easier for you to warm up before exercise, and during the workout the fibers work more powerfully and efficiently.

However, body temperature and muscle readiness for exercise can be increased before morning exercise. For example, if you drink coffee. One study, Caffeine Ingestion Reverses the Circadian Rhythm Effects on Neuromuscular Performance in Highly Resistant-Trained Men, found that 250 milligrams of caffeine provided the same neuromuscular readiness in the morning as before a decaffeinated evening workout.

To increase endurance

If strength exercises are best performed in the evening, then regarding aerobic endurance exercise, research data are ambiguous. The effect of training at a specific time of day: a review. Some scientific works show Morning and evening exercise increased performance in the morning, others The Effect of Exercise in the Morning and the Evening Times on Aerobic and Anaerobic Power of the Inactive Subjects show better results from evening sessions.

In general, it doesn't really matter when you run, swim, or do other aerobic work. The main thing is to do this at approximately the same time. Compliance with the regime causes The effect of training at a specific time of day: a review adaptation of the body and increases its productivity at the usual time for training.


The main rule for successful exercise is regularity. In addition, experts usually advise exercising at the same time. But what time is better to choose? When is it better to exercise: morning or evening? Let's try to understand these issues. The human body obeys circadian rhythms. By nature, our body is programmed to be active at specific times and rest at specific times. Moreover, these periods may differ for different people: some feel a surge of energy in the early morning, while others experience maximum productivity in the afternoon. Therefore, there is no exact recipe for when it is best to exercise. Training will be most effective if it coincides with a person’s individual rhythms.

During activity, two important parameters for a person fluctuate:

- Physical activity, in which the muscles can perceive the load positively or not very well.

-Psychological activity, in which the brain can actively perceive everything new or resist receiving any stimuli.

It is important to choose the time for training taking into account your biorhythms.

Observe how you feel for 2-3 weeks to identify when you usually become drowsy, apathetic, or irritable. Training at this time will not be very useful: even if you force yourself to go to work out, your body will only get very tired. And vice versa, if you notice that you have a strong desire to move and be active, try to schedule sports at just such a time. Training at the peak of activity, in which the muscles will enjoy the work, will contribute to the active burning of fat and the acquisition of beautiful muscle mass. Thus, the best time to exercise will be determined by biorhythms. It is better for larks to train in the first half of the day, for owls - in the second. Then the training will take place with maximum benefit and pleasure. But in the course of certain studies it was revealed that the rhythms can be changed. For example, if a person starts exercising regularly in the morning, over time his body will get used to it and be ready for it. WHAT IS THE BEST TIME TO PLAY SPORTS?

Scientists believe that the optimal time for fitness is when normal body temperature is maximum and muscles are warm and elastic. For most people it is 16-17 hours. In addition, there is evidence that in the middle of the day a person is 5% stronger than usual, and in the afternoon - more resilient. In the morning, body temperature is considered reduced, and it is not recommended to resort to serious activity - simple exercise is enough.

In other time periods, biorhythms have the following features:

10-12 noon. At this time, the concentration of adrenaline is maximum, so sports that require endurance and attentiveness are optimal.

14-15 hours of the day. Activity decreases, and it is better to rest during this time.

15-16 hours of the day. Muscle tone is increased, you can resort to strength exercises.

16-19 hours. You can run, swing, and resort to aerobic activities - at this time the body reacts to the load as favorably as possible.

20-22 pm. Body temperature gradually decreases, energy decreases, and fatigue is felt. It is better to postpone serious loads at this time - you can do yoga and other activities that promote relaxation.


The answer to the question of what time of day and how long after eating is best to exercise will depend on what type of activity we are talking about. Let's take a closer look:

Run. If you want to run for the purpose of losing weight, then it is best to do it in the morning, before breakfast, after drinking a cup of tea or coffee - this way the body will begin to actively burn fat reserves. You can run in the evening, but preferably no later than 2-3 hours before bedtime, otherwise insomnia is possible.

Charger. Exercise is a classic start to the day. It helps you wake up faster, stretch your muscles and the whole body, so it is recommended to do it in the morning, before breakfast, after taking a shower and washing your face. After eating, any stress can cause digestive disorders.

Workouts to gain muscle mass. For those who want to accelerate muscle growth, the optimal time is the second half of the day. During the period of 14-16 hours, the muscles are maximally susceptible to stress, and the metabolism is maximally active, and as a result, the exercises will be very productive.

Researchers agree that physical activity helps improve sleep quality. And at the same time, it is not so important what time you train. But it is better to try to avoid strong activity immediately before bedtime - the body may not have time to adjust to rest, which will provoke insomnia. In general, vigorous exercise at least an hour before bed will not have a negative effect, so as such there are no restrictions on how long you can exercise. But keep in mind that lack of sleep will negatively affect your activity and training results.

Thus, at what time it is more effective to exercise, everyone can choose individually, depending on their biorhythms. But remember that in any case, regularity, consistency and a sense of proportion are very important.

Physiotherapist, State Healthcare Institution "City Clinic No. 1 of Grodno"

Korneyko E.A. tel. 61-06-22 room. 204


For weight loss

Morning workouts help Exercise may have different effects in the morning and evening process fat and sugar more efficiently throughout the day, and also increase fat oxidation Exercise Increases 24‑h Fat Oxidation Only When It Is Performed Before Breakfast. In other words, after them your body will be better able to cope with incoming calories and store less in reserve. That said, evening workouts burn Exercise may have different effects in the morning and evening more calories than morning sessions at the same intensity, so it's hard to say which will help you lose fat faster.

However, if you look at the problem of losing weight as a whole, training in the first half of the day is still more Comparison between the effect of 6 weeks of morning or evening aerobic exercise on appetite and anthropometric indicators: a randomized controlled trial is effective due to its influence on eating behavior.

Several studies at once Want healthier eating habits? Start with a workout, Neural response to pictures of food after exercise in normal‑weight and obese women, Comparison between the effect of 6 weeks of morning or evening aerobic exercise on appetite and anthropometric indicators: a randomized controlled trial showed that morning exercise helps control appetite and choose healthier foods, and also increase Neural response to pictures of food after exercise in normal‑weight and obese women. physical activity during the day. And since proper nutrition and overall level of physical activity often matter more than exercise, anyone who is losing weight should really start their day with exercise.

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