Fitness after 50 years: training without harm to health

Fitness after 50 years is gaining momentum and this will not surprise anyone. Nowadays, all over the world there is often a positive trend towards a significant increase in the active participation of older people in the Fitness movement, and this is due to an increase in overall life expectancy and the natural desire of people for a good quality of life, a healthy lifestyle. Training for any age brings undoubted benefits - this fact has been proven by numerous scientific studies. The benefits of fitness are undeniable.

What are the benefits of fitness after 50 years?

The age group 50+ has its own characteristics and they are related to physiology:

  • the strength of the heart muscle and the elasticity of blood vessels decrease;
  • blood pressure and heart rate increases;
  • the strength of the respiratory muscles and bronchial patency decreases, which leads to shortness of breath during physical exercise. exercises;
  • metabolism decreases and muscle loss occurs;
  • hormonal changes occur;
  • chronic diseases appear;
  • therefore, the priority becomes not a slim figure, but health.

Useful Tips - Joint Supplements

Since joint health is critical to movement performance, taking a joint supplement is highly recommended. Over the years, joints wear out under stress, so taking glucosamine, an important component of cartilage, is a wise decision.

Set of exercises

An approximate training program for a woman after 40 looks like this:

  • Run in place. This is an excellent warm-up, as well as the prevention of bone decalcification and a good way to maintain joint mobility and elasticity of ligaments. You need to start with a light warm-up jog for 3-5 minutes, then gradually increase the pace, vigorously working with your arms bent at the elbows and raising your knees as high as possible. The highest pace should be maintained for 15-30 seconds.
  • Burpees. Squat down and place your hands on the floor. Jump sharply as high as possible, simultaneously straightening your legs and without lifting your hands from the floor. Having taken the desired position, push up and return to the starting position with the same sharp jump. Then jump again, but up, without straightening your legs. The number of repetitions is 5-20 (depending on how long ago you started exercising, the general tone of the body and the presence of contraindications).
  • Lunges with dumbbells (at home, they can be replaced with plastic bottles of water). Take a dumbbell weighing no more than 1 kg in each hand and transfer your body weight to one leg, moving it half a step forward and bending it at the knee. Raise the knee of the second leg sharply up, trying to touch the chest. At the same time, straight arms rise up through the sides. The number of repetitions is the same as in the previous exercise.
  • Grand plié. While standing, straighten your back and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Raise your straight arms with dumbbells (1.5-2.5 kg each) above your head. At the same time, slowly squat down and bend your elbows so that the dumbbells rest on your shoulders. Then return to the starting position.
  • Pendulum. Standing straight, extend your arms freely along your body. Make a sharp swing with one leg to the side, while slightly bending the other leg at the knee and transferring your weight to it. When performing the exercise every third time, hold your leg at the top point for 3-5 seconds.
  • Bike. Lying on your back and raising your lower back, leaning on your bent arms, imitate riding a bicycle, first in one direction, then in the other. Prepared ladies can sit on a chair, rest their hands on the seat, straighten their legs and “ride” in this position.
  • Leg lift. Lying on your back, alternately and together raise your straight legs until they form a right angle with your body. Alternate this exercise with pulling one or both knees to your chest.
  • Hitch. Jumping in place, swinging your legs forward and to the sides, and bending your body are suitable. Stretching exercises are also helpful. Leaning forward, try to touch your fingers to the floor or reach your toes from a sitting position. It is not recommended to bend your knees in both cases.

Basic principles of training

  • gradualness (start with 1-2 times, 2-3 times a week - optimal rhythm, 30-60 min.
  • moderation (medium pace: walking, swimming, not running)
  • regularity (it’s better to consistently exercise 2-3 times a week than to start with 5-7 times)

As we gradually get older, it is necessary to make timely changes to the training program.

Useful tips - Fish oil

Adequate intake of fatty acids is important for maintaining health, and a calorie-restricted diet may lead to deficiencies. Fats also cushion joints and participate in metabolism, which is extremely important if you lead an active life. Eating healthy fats also means reducing your risk of Alzheimer's and other diseases.

Main part

The main training should consist of basic exercises, only they should be performed in the most gentle manner possible. It's worth starting with partial squats. It is necessary to perform 10 repetitions in three sets. There is a break of at least two minutes between approaches. The next exercise is leg raises. Bend one leg at the knee and raise it until the thigh is parallel to the floor. Straighten your leg as far as possible, bend it again and lower it. Repeat with the other leg. Perform eight to ten times on each leg in three approaches.

Next, you should lie on the floor on your back. Exercises for the abdominal muscles will tighten your stomach and improve your posture. A simple and well-known exercise is the “bicycle”. Starting position - on the floor, arms along the body, raise your legs up and make movements similar to riding a bicycle. It is necessary to perform twenty to twenty-five repetitions in three sets. You should pay attention to the fact that the lower back should be pressed tightly to the floor.

The glute bridge is a favorite exercise for many women. It helps support the pelvic floor muscles. It should be performed after the “bicycle”. Lying on your back, bend your knees, tense and lift your buttocks up. There should be a straight sloping line from the knee to the chest. The heels should be placed as close to the legs as possible. The shoulder blades do not come off the floor. Hold for a couple of seconds in this position and lower. Perform three sets of twenty to twenty-five times.

The aerobic part of a home workout includes movements to rhythmic music. The simplest exercise is the side step. A step to the left is a step to the right. Legs slightly bent. You can complicate the exercise by taking not one step, but two. Hands are on the belt. You can raise your arms up through your sides one step, and lower them down the next. Steps can be performed diagonally forward and backward. Perform for three to five minutes. You can insert an aerobic part between exercises, then reduce the time, but do it twice. It is necessary to monitor your heart rate.

Finish your workout with light stretching. These can be smooth bends and stretches. Breathing should be calmed by an exercise with hands up and down. After training, it is not advisable to rest, but you should move a little, for example, do light cleaning.


The main priorities should be:

  • strengthening the back muscles;
  • increased physical endurance and strength;
  • stretching exercises;
  • it is necessary to avoid high loads on the joints and spine;
  • Exercises with the head down, as well as circular rotations of the head and torso with weights, are undesirable.

That is, physical health is your goal, and not the aspiration to model parameters. Ladies during menopause should be especially careful when drawing up a training plan.

Before starting classes, a consultation with a fitness doctor is required, and if you have health problems, a certificate from your attending physician is required. Fitness after 50 years must first of all be safe, then it will really bring benefits.

Separately about visiting the sauna. Places increased demands on the cardiovascular system: blood pressure rises, the number of heart contractions increases. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account indications and contraindications, no more than 1. per week, mode 2-3 visits for 3-7 minutes. The motto here is “moderation and moderation again.”

Useful tips - Protein and amino acids

For people who don't do strength training, the process of losing muscle mass begins in their young years along with a drop in testosterone levels. The gym will help stop this process or even reverse it. In this case, protein (amino acids) will be the building material for muscle fibers. It can be very difficult to consume the required amount of protein from regular food. Protein and amino acids help out in this situation.

How to start playing sports after 50 years old

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The relentless natural course of events is that after age 50, age-related muscle loss begins to occur even faster than after age 40. In addition, muscle strength and endurance also continue to decline

. As a result of this process, the metabolic rate in our body after 50 years decreases by 10-15 percent.

But that's not all...

On top of this, the strength of bone tissue is reduced. This happens in both men and women. As a consequence of this process, the risk of bone injuries (fractures, cracks)

. Our ligaments, which by this age become less elastic, also do not get younger; the amount of so-called synovial fluid (a kind of lubricant for joint ligaments) decreases.

All this together can sooner result in injuries to our body than, say, ten years ago (that is, at 40 years old). That is why it is recommended not to neglect

advice for those who are planning to start playing sports for the first time at this age.

What is the best way to start exercising after 50?

At the age of 50, it is very important to start working out with a personal trainer. The presence of a specialist who will observe you is necessary at least in order to assess the ability

your body to increase loads and intensity before you yourself begin a full-fledged training regimen.

A qualified trainer will definitely prescribe you several exercises (let's call them diagnostic or testing), which will allow him to evaluate your flexibility and endurance in the complex (we are talking about muscles, joints, spine, heart, and so on). It is during this period of time that it is necessary to develop an individual training program.

, including exercises that suit your level of physical fitness and health (taking into account, of course, your injuries and contraindications).

Very important!

Before starting work, even with a trainer, it is necessary to undergo a medical examination, which will rule out the presence of

any pathological conditions or hidden diseases that can interfere with your sports activity.

Taking into account the recommendations and conclusions of the trainer and doctors, you will be offered a cardio training program, which may include working on an exercise bike, swimming, or perhaps you will be limited to intense walking

. Only after this will it be possible to think about gradually increasing the load.

  • If you're training intensely enough, but still have short rest periods between sets, this means you can gradually increase the intensity of
    your cardio. This approach strengthens your cardiovascular system, increasing the benefits of aerobic exercise.

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You can’t do without strength training at this age. Exercises with weights help strengthen the body and increase your strength; it is very important to work on the muscles of the lower limbs and core

, since such training helps improve your balance, and in the future it will help you stay firmly on your feet, which is very important in old age to avoid falls and injuries.

The training regimen after 50 years, as after 40, can include two to three sessions per week. Very useful to turn on regularly

The training complex includes exercises that are important for this age period, such as:

  • push-ups from the floor while lying down;
  • squats;
  • simple abdominal exercises (such as, for example, the plank for the transverse abdominal muscles).

Thanks to these simple exercises, performed regularly, the functional strength of our body (that is, its ability to act and withstand)

physical activity during sports and in other situations) increases gradually, but significantly. In addition, the risks of injury when performing such exercises are minimal.

Types of training

If you're interested in fitness after 50 and decide to add a little exercise, here are 5 additional enjoyable, high-impact, but easy types of workouts:

  1. Swimming and Water Aerobics Even at a moderate pace, 45 minutes of swimming burns more than 300 calories. Adding resistance exercises to water aerobics further activates the muscles without straining the joints.
  2. Yoga Yoga can be very challenging, especially if you haven't done it before. Start slowly and gradually lengthen your muscles. An hour of yoga for beginners burns approximately 100 calories.
  3. Walking You can burn about 200 calories (depending on your pace) in 45 minutes. Find a partner to walk with, maybe get a dog and enjoy the scenery!
  4. Pilates This exercise is great for posture and flexibility. An hour of Pilates for beginners burns about 120 calories.
  5. Aerobics : Zumba, stair stepper, elliptical, rowing, cycling, etc. Depending on the type of aerobics, choose the appropriate exercise category for you. 45 minutes of Zumba can burn up to 350 calories.

It is important to find a balance between what problems you have, what keeps you in shape and what you like.

Useful tips - Vitamins

Vitamins are recommended for almost everyone, and people over 50 are no exception. Because older people consume fewer calories than younger athletes, they may not be getting enough nutrients from their daily diet. A good multivitamin will fill this gap, boosting your immune system and overall health.

Where to begin

A weight loss program for women aged 50 should begin first with determining the motivation and the doctor’s opinion. A woman must answer herself why she needs this. For oneself or under pressure from society (everyone should be young at any age).

Then, a weight loss program for women aged 50 should include a comprehensive examination of the body for contraindications. This is a matter of your own safety. The main principle with increasing age becomes “do no harm.” If at 20 years old injuries heal easily, then after 50 you should be more delicate and careful in this matter. So, a weight loss program for women over 50 should start with a doctor.

General recommendations

  1. A doctor's certificate is required, initial testing by a fitness doctor.
  2. Train 2-3 times a week, no more than 1 training session per visit.
  3. Avoid high intensity workouts. Morning hours are preferred.
  4. Do not combine several workouts in one day.
  5. The uniform for classes should be comfortable.
  6. Be sure to drink water during your workout.

For some, 50 years is the peak of their career and personal life; for others, it is the stage of struggle for health. Everything is individual. Listen to yourself. If you overcome physical stress during fitness classes as before, continue at the same speed. If you feel discomfort, contact your doctor for advice.

Weight loss for women after fifty

After thirty years, metabolism slows down by about 20-25%, after forty – by 30%, and after fifty – by almost 50%. These are dry statistics. Modern life dictates the opposite to us. A woman should be well-groomed and fit at thirty, forty, and fifty. Whether this is good or bad - everyone decides for themselves. As well as whether to follow these trends or not. Nevertheless, the question of losing weight at this age arises most often in the context of health. Excess weight complicates any illness. And after a certain age, many begin to have problems with the heart and blood pressure, joints and spine. And not only. Therefore, losing weight after fifty years is primarily of a health nature. A BMI above 30 is an absolute indication for weight loss.

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