How to lose 5 kg in a month without harm to your health: menu and exercises + real tips

Physical activity

Exercising and additional exercise contribute to rapid weight loss. Calories are burned and muscle mass is built. For women it is slower, for men it is faster. This is facilitated by the hormonal background of men.

Exercising and additional exercise promote rapid weight loss

Women can exercise without the risk of becoming overly muscular. They will only be able to get rid of fat in certain places, correct the figure, and speed up the process of weight loss.

Effective exercises for losing weight at home

A set of cardio exercises for losing weight for 20 minutes. The exercises are performed for 30 seconds, then a 15-minute break, followed by a second approach.

Each exercise is performed in 2 approaches:

  1. Side steps with straight arms raised and lowered.
  2. Squats with arms extended forward. Rising through a jump, feet together.
  3. Kicks forward and backward. Perform for both legs separately in 2 approaches.
  4. Jumping (legs apart, arms up). Starting position - position 6 (legs together, arms at your sides).
  5. Squat down, do a plank, stand up.
  6. Move your legs one by one, spreading them apart and connecting them. Starting position – plank.
  7. Run in place with knees raised.
  8. Running in place with your socks raised.
  9. Rhythmic body tilts to the sides.
  10. Rotation of the body around an axis in both directions alternately.

Perform to rhythmic music every day. The load is designed for all muscle groups.

Be sure to read: Strength training at home: a set of exercises for weight loss, rules of execution

Getting enough sleep

During diet therapy, the body experiences increased stress. It recovers most quickly during sleep. Night sleep should begin and end at the same time. After waking up, you need to stay in bed for 5 minutes.

The duration of night sleep is 7-8 hours. Daytime naps have a positive effect; if possible, you should rest for 1-2 hours during the day.

Avoid stress

Nervous tension causes a feeling of psychological discomfort. This can trigger a breakdown. Psychogenic overeating is the cause of 85% of obesity cases. A person fills the lack of personal and social life with food. Food gives you a feeling of satisfaction that is missing in life.

To prevent stress from harming your diet, psychologists advise taking more walks in the fresh air and playing sports. This way you will increase the production of happiness hormones without chocolates. Aromatherapy, psychoanalysis of a stressful situation, and positive self-hypnosis help.

How to lose 5 kg: exercises

My fellow nutritionists say that the most optimal weight loss is 1 kilogram per week. With this result, the body does not suffer, the skin does not sag, the lost kilograms do not come back, the muscles are not burned, as stated in the article of my colleagues.

However, each person is individual. Therefore, if you follow a certain diet and exercise regularly, you can lose more kilograms. The result also depends on the initial weight - the higher it is, the easier it is to lose weight.

Lifestyle and motivation

Communication with other people who are losing weight motivates.
The driving force in the process of losing weight should be motivation. It should be written down and placed in a visible place.

List of possible motives:

  • restore beauty;
  • return your spouse, restore your family;
  • improve health;
  • have perfect forms, meet standards;
  • arouse envy and admiration;
  • get married, get the attention of the opposite sex.

Motivation will help you completely change your lifestyle. This is the driving force without which it is impossible to lose weight.

Keep a journal and mark the milestones there

The diary of someone losing weight should include a graph of weight changes: planned and real. It’s worth planning a schedule for a month. Next, you need to focus on results, setting realistic goals.

The journal may include notes about feelings, joyful thoughts at the sight of losing extra pounds. Nutritionists recommend writing down everything you eat in a day. Controlling your eating behavior helps you avoid relapse.

How to motivate yourself to lose 5 kg in 1 month

Visualization is an excellent motivation. Printed photos of people with a beautiful figure or your own photos are hung in prominent places (on the mirror, refrigerator).

You can promise yourself a reward for losing weight (a complete change of wardrobe, a trip to the sea).

Circle of friends

Motivates communication with other people losing weight . The competitive moment allows you to lose weight faster. Regular meetings, joint jogging and mutual support will not let you fail.

People who insist that it is impossible to lose weight will discourage you from continuing the course. Communication with them should be minimized or acted contrary to prove it to everyone. This will serve as additional motivation.

Lifestyle and thinking

According to psychologists, in order for a girl to lose 5 kg in a month, she initially needs to properly set herself up and prepare for the process.

It is advisable to prepare yourself for losing weight: eliminate lack of sleep and stress from your life as much as possible. Even minor worries directly affect the rate of weight loss. They cause apathy, which makes you lose the desire to complete the task, and also contribute to the production of cortisol, a hormone that affects metabolism.

You can also tell your loved ones that you are going to lose weight. This will allow you to get the support you need from people.

We support the result

After completing the weight loss course, you should stick to a diet, sometimes allowing yourself to eat something from the list of prohibited foods. You can eat everything, but without increasing the portions. It is important to control your weight. 70% of those who lose weight gain weight again, returning to their previous eating behavior.

Losing 5 kilograms in a month is quite possible.

This is the right pace of weight loss, allowing you to lose weight without harming the body. It is important to choose the right motivation that will evoke emotions.

They will force you to give up unhealthy foods and overeating. It is necessary to follow the recommendations of nutritionists, observe sleep and rest patterns, and avoid stress. The process of losing weight will go without problems, all that remains is to consolidate the result and learn to maintain weight.

Recommendations from nutritionists and fitness trainers

According to experts in the field of weight loss, for trainers, psychologists and nutritionists, the desire to lose weight alone will not be enough, especially in order to lose a large number of extra pounds. Their opinion should be relied upon.

Listen to the advice of experts on how to lose 5 kilograms if you need it:

1. Learn to distinguish the signal about the need for a snack that comes from your head from the physiological need to eat. When a person is really hungry, he will agree to eat any porridge. But if there is a desire for a juicy bun, this is an artificial appetite.

2. You won’t be able to lose extra pounds without dieting unless you include at least some exercise in your daily plan. In addition, training will create muscle tone. The duration of the lesson should last about 40 minutes.

3. Don't forget about water balance. The required amount of water allows you to quickly burn fat in the body and remove toxins. You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of drinking, clean water per day. A more accurate dose can be calculated using a formula based on body weight.

4. Reduce your consumption of fatty and floury foods - you definitely shouldn’t give up these foods. It is enough to reduce the portions.

5. Avoid going to the refrigerator at night. It is better to have dinner with low-calorie dishes 3 hours before bedtime.

What is the secret to losing weight without dieting?

A child is born with a natural need for food. He eats when he needs it. However, parents diligently try to feed him better, and if the baby refuses to eat soup or porridge, they begin to offer pies, cookies and cakes, encouraging frequent snacking. This is how unhealthy eating habits are formed, which will turn into problems as soon as rapid growth ends.

Delicious food is a real problem for modern people. There is a lot of it, it is everywhere. But you must clearly remember that you have a calorie intake limit that cannot be exceeded. Sweets, cakes and desserts are very high in calories, which means that you will have to severely limit yourself in the rest of your diet. For example, Napoleon cake is 600 kcal per 100 grams. It’s difficult to resist eating twice as much, and this is almost the daily calorie requirement for a person who leads a sedentary lifestyle. For comparison: the same amount of calories would be a sandwich with butter, a plate of meat borscht and a portion of pasta with a fried cutlet. Not very healthy food, and it’s also difficult to survive on this all day.

Healthy foods don't provide too many calories. For example, a plate of buckwheat porridge and cottage cheese, mackerel baked in the oven, a portion of chicken breast, a kilogram of vegetables and fruits - all this gives no more than 1500 kcal per day, and you definitely won’t face hunger.

From all that has been said, we conclude that it is necessary to adhere to the principles of a healthy diet, choose the right foods and not exceed the calorie intake limit, this is how you can lose weight for a month. Let's take a closer look at how to lose 5 kg in a month.

The mechanism of losing weight without grueling diets and physical activity

The greatest attention should be paid to what we eat. Losing weight without dieting is based on two main rules - a balanced diet and consuming fewer calories than your body uses. Normally, a person spends about 2000 kcal on physical and mental work per day. If you are engaged in heavy physical labor, this figure will increase to 3500-4000 kcal. However, if you want to not only maintain your weight at the same level, but also lose extra pounds, you will have to constantly be a little in the red, consuming not 2000, but 1500 kcal. Now it’s roughly clear how to quickly lose weight by 5-10 kilograms in 1 month. These rules seem simple, but many people make a lot of mistakes.

Using fat burning pills and dietary supplements

The abundance of advertising now does not play into the hands of people losing weight. They tell us on TV about miracle pills and teas for burning extra pounds. If you believe the advertising, these products will reduce the size of your waist by several centimeters in a matter of days.

In general, such funds are a dream for everyone. But there are many pitfalls. Such methods of losing weight are an empty mechanism that spoils the body and greatly destroys the metabolism. Therefore, if the question arises of how to lose 5 kg without dieting, then fat-burning pills and dietary supplements are the most merciless and ineffective way.

What is a metabolic disorder?

In order to function normally, our body requires a number of useful substances and energy resources that come from food. All vitamins and microelements perform their tasks, and metabolic processes proceed perfectly. What is food? This is energy for every cell of our body. However, we eat because the food is tasty, aromatic, for company, and so on.

Here it is especially important to note what we eat. Usually these are not the products that will provide us with a complete set of microelements. Often our menu is monotonous, overloaded with fats and carbohydrates, which the body has nowhere to put but to store as fat. We eat bread and butter, potatoes, flour and fatty meats. Vegetables, fruits, dairy products and cereals fade into the background, although they are what we need every day. As a result, metabolism slows down and weight increases. This does not mean that you cannot lose weight in a month. We will consider further how to lose 5 kg in a month.

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