How to lose 32 kg in 1 month without health consequences? The experience of Tatyana Tarasova

Tatyana Tarasova is known in Russia and abroad as a well-known and respected figure skating coach. She can often be seen on the jury at Russian competitions. From early childhood she had a tendency to be overweight. At a young age, Tatyana still somehow kept her body weight at a more or less decent level. But the older she got, the more extra pounds accumulated. Finally, firmly deciding to fight obesity, the coach asked nutritionist Margarita Koroleva for advice.

From the new photos, it is clear to the naked eye that Tatyana Tarasova has lost weight radically: her face has acquired a more graceful shape, and her figure has become slimmer. Despite the fact that she is 70 years old, she can easily knock off at least a dozen years. Many are keenly interested in how Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova lost weight. After all, sometimes parting with even 10 kg is a huge problem. What can we say then about the 30 kg that she was able to lose in just a few months.

Diet of Tatyana Tarasova

Deciding to change her lifestyle and appearance, Tatyana signed up for a consultation with the well-known nutritionist in Russia, Margarita Koroleva. Why to her? Doctor Koroleva has helped many stars of domestic show business successfully cope with excess weight. Having carefully studied all the initial data provided to her by Tarasova, the nutritionist created a personal nutrition system for her.

The diet developed specifically for Tarasova is absolutely harmless and does not have any age restrictions. However, only those who strive hard to lose weight and have a strong will will be able to withstand it.
It is very difficult to prevent violations. Tatyana Anatolyevna was able to overcome all difficulties, and was rewarded for this with a new figure.

How to lose 32 kg in 1 month without health consequences? The experience of Tatyana Tarasova

Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova is an outstanding Russian figure skating coach. She became famous for her inimitable art of raising European, world and Olympic champions.

Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova is a public person. Millions of people know her as the main judge in the ice television shows Stars on Ice and Ice Age. And these same millions of people saw how quickly, literally in a month, Tatyana Anatolyevna lost weight and began to look a good couple of decades younger. The Internet exploded - HOW? The star coach has always been attentive to people, which is why she has achieved such success.

This interview was born out of the desire to share my experience of how to achieve such results.

We met with Tatyana Anatolyevna and asked her in detail about the secret of how she managed to lose 40 kg and maintain health and an active lifestyle.

- How did I lose weight?!

I grew up in a sports family. My father, the famous coach Anatoly Vladimirovich Tarasov, who repeatedly led the USSR national hockey team to gold medals as world champions and Olympic champions, kept me under a tight rein. And intense physical activity burned any calories. When I started working as a trainer, the weight began to increase. Little by little in my youth, and then more and more...

— The extra pounds eventually began to interfere with living and working fully. Age, genetic predisposition (I’m a copy of my dad, who was, to put it mildly, not small), and nerves took their toll - my sister died in 2009, my mother died in 2010, and the next year my husband, the famous pianist Vladimir Krainev, with whom I lived for 30 years. The busy schedule of the TV presenter of several ice shows did not calm her nerves.

There was only one way out - lose weight!

“I needed drastic measures!”

- But you look just great, which means you have found a really effective method? Forgive my tactlessness, but at your age this is a real feat.

- This is true. I receive a lot of letters from fans and simply from women who are surprised at how I did it. I also increasingly see my face on the covers of magazines with diets and various dietary supplements. I can’t answer everyone, that’s why I invited your editors to visit me. Yes, this is not a secret at all!

“I think thousands of our readers are now frozen with impatience...

— Due to my age, I could no longer afford heavy physical activity. Moreover, in my youth I had a hip injury, which forced me to leave big sport.

Was there any diet left?

I haven’t tried anything! Kefir, Kremlin, low-calorie, no-carbohydrate, protein diets - none of the diets helped, nor did all kinds of teas for weight loss. In addition, all these diets negatively affected my well-being and mood. I was constantly hungry. I became irritable and hot-tempered. This was unacceptable, because TV viewers could see it!

“I needed a really effective, safe and quick method to lose weight without changing my lifestyle.

An unexpected gift from my student Nicole Gosviyani

— My former student Nicole Gosviyani, who under my leadership made her debut at the national figure skating championship this year, helped me out.

Having learned about my problem from my students, she called me and offered to send me a Weex weight loss product. I didn’t particularly believe in all sorts of miraculous things, I had already tried so many things and everything was in vain, but in order not to offend my pupil, because I treat my pupils as children, I politely agreed.

— A month later the parcel arrived. I carefully studied the instructions for using this drug and, of course, the side effects. But as it turned out, such an effective tool is very easy to use. So I decided to try it, I took it twice a day. Even for me, a lazy person, it turned out to be a piece of cake.

And most importantly, the most pleasant thing is that you don’t need to go on any diets.

— After trying the drug on myself for a week and asking in detail about it to a representative of the manufacturing company in Russia, I ordered myself another package. Fortunately, as it turned out, Weex has no contraindications or side effects. This means that even I, an older woman with a lot of chronic illnesses, can take it without fear.

Just two weeks - and the effect is like an operation!

— After a week, the scales showed a weight loss of 7 kg! I gasped!

Before that, my achievement was 6 kg on a low-calorie diet in a month. With tripled enthusiasm, I began to use this calorie blocker. Second week and another 8 kg! I was literally getting younger before my eyes! This was even more inspiring and exciting. Third week – another minus 8 kg!

The final result for the month is 32 kg! Great! Or in a modern way, WOW! And this despite the fact that I did not change the usual rhythm of life. That is, the constant fuss associated with preparing a TV show, constant time pressure, constant unforeseen circumstances, nerves, snacks on the run.

— Over the next two weeks, I opened a new package of Weex, but still lost another 12 kg and calmed down. Total 40 kg. with a ponytail. Enough! Half a year has passed. The weight is not growing, it stays at an excellent 60 kg for me, although I still don’t watch my diet.

As promised by the manufacturer, there are no side effects or discomfort, and cellulite has disappeared and the skin has tightened. I would show you clearly, but I’m not at that age anymore (laughs).

— Thank you very much, Tatyana Anatolyevna, for your story. But probably the main question our readers have is the cost of the drug. And not every average woman can order it from Europe.

— Not at all, the calorie blocker is very affordable even by our standards. And you no longer need to order it from Europe. A representative office of the manufacturing company has opened in Russia, and they are distributing the product throughout the CIS, and under a special preferential program, sample packaging can be obtained at a discount of up to 100%. The preferential program is carried out in the form of a drawing of discounts on the drug. And as I already mentioned, I ordered a second package from them. All instructions, indications - everything is in Russian.

- Now I don’t care what angle they take me from - I’ll be a beauty from any angle, a long-forgotten lightness in my body has appeared, my efficiency has increased, and I have a lot of creative plans in my head.

So you can lose forty kilograms without diets or exhausting physical activity and at any age. I did it at 68 years old!

Try to lose weight, start today and your life will change! Love yourself!


So, let's look at how Tatyana Tarasova lost weight. First of all, she strictly observed the following rules:

  • Transition to fractional (a little at a time) and 6 meals a day.
  • Increasing the volume of consumption of plant-based products (over 70% of the daily diet).
  • Exclusion from the menu of sweets and all starchy foods. Only natural honey is allowed.
  • Drink at least 2 liters of clean water per day. This should be done according to this scheme: 1 glass after waking up and one glass at a time 30 minutes before meals. This helps cope with hunger and prevents overeating. Soda is strictly prohibited.
  • Before going to bed, only a light snack is allowed. No heavy food.
  • The maximum daily amount of calories is 1500 kcal.
  • A glass of low-fat kefir will help get rid of the feeling of hunger.
  • Ban on fried foods. Only boiling (including steaming) and baking in the oven are allowed.
  • Increasing physical activity. Gymnastics is very effective for weight loss. It is necessary to exercise so that after weight loss the skin does not sag, but retains its elasticity and firmness.

Basic principles of the diet

Tarasova’s method of losing weight is based on following a meal schedule, avoiding fasting and overeating. This approach allows you to maintain the required level of energy. When following a diet, all the necessary substances enter the body, and there is no weakness inherent in methods based on strict restrictions. Such principles are extremely important for older people.

Portion size plays a big role in losing weight. You are allowed to eat only 200 g of food at a time. Five meals a day. It includes breakfast, lunch, dinner, two snacks. Four hours before going to bed, eating edibles is no longer allowed. If there is no time to have dinner, then the last meal is skipped.

The diet should contain dishes rich in protein. It is this kind of food that helps avoid severe hunger, but at the same time saturates the body. Drinking regime plays an important role in the diet. It is recommended to drink 2.5 liters of liquid per day. This can be not only water, but also herbal drinks and berry fruit drinks. You cannot drink food with teas or compotes. The liquid can be consumed 30 minutes before a meal.

Dieting involves counting calories. Their total number per day should not be more than 1500. Also, a special role is played by the fasting day, during which it is recommended to eat apples with kefir and cucumber salad.


In addition to the diet prescribed by Margarita Koroleva, which Tatyana Tarasova strictly adhered to, she also periodically arranged food fasts. For example, one day a week was devoted only to kefir, the next week to buckwheat, then to cottage cheese, oranges or apples.

During the diet, the trainer had to eat protein foods. It was allowed to prepare dishes from seafood, fish, lean meat, cereals, low-fat sour milk, fruits, nuts and vegetables. The list of acceptable products is quite impressive. Therefore, hunger is practically not felt on this food system.

The diet proposed by Dr. Koroleva belongs to the long-term category. This means that significant results will appear only after a few months. In 30 days, Tatyana Anatolyevna lost about 5 kg on it. This is an excellent indicator.

The most important thing here is to avoid laziness and breakdowns. The effectiveness of diet in combination with physical exercise - Tatyana Tarasova lost 30 kg (before and after photos can be easily found on the Internet). In just 7 months, her appearance completely changed.

Diet of Margarita Koroleva No. 1.

Margarita Koroleva’s diet combines, first of all, the principles of healthy separate nutrition and a mono-diet.

Details about the diet:

1. Lots of water. You need to drink 2-2.5 liters of pure still water or green tea. Be sure to have a glass of water before eating. But, the Queen’s diet does not allow drinking during or after meals, as we usually do.

2. One day a week – fasting, on kefir.

3. Margarita Koroleva’s diet provides for frequent split meals - 5 times a day, while meat, fish, chicken can be eaten only once a day, steamed. Portion for men is up to 300 grams, for women – up to 250 grams. It is necessary to exclude sugar, bread, flour, pasta, sauces, and alcohol from the diet.

So, once again about the principles of Margarita Koroleva’s diet: frequent meals, 5 times a day, but little by little, mainly vegetables and fruits, kefir, once (for lunch) meat, two and a half liters of water a day, one fasting day on kefir in Week.

What is possible and what is not

Take any convenient sheet of blank paper and divide it in half with a line. On the left, write down all the foods in your daily diet. Now we start crossing out. Take courage and say a firm “no” to sweets, baked goods, fast food, fried, fatty, salty and spicy foods. Go to the right side of your sheet and opposite the mercilessly crossed out goodies, write their healthy counterparts.

So, you have created a list of healthy products that can become a complete replacement for your usual food. For example, instead of sausages and frankfurters - boiled meat; replace high-fat cheese with low-calorie cheese; Having given up sweets, we learn to enjoy fruits or honey. Well, various snacks can be successfully replaced with popcorn without additives and oil.

Having decided on healthy low-calorie alternatives, proceed to “spring cleaning” your menu for every day. In addition to the already mentioned forbidden foods, the diet should under no circumstances contain:

  • semi-finished products and canned food;
  • smoked meats;
  • mayonnaise, ketchup, any store-bought dressings and sauces;
  • carbonated drinks;
  • coffee granules;
  • juices from the store;
  • potatoes;
  • dishes cooked in a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil.

Allowed use:

  • fresh berries, fruits and vegetables;
  • fish and seafood (steamed);
  • porridge and cereals;
  • boiled lean meat;
  • freshly squeezed juice from fruits and vegetables;
  • different types of tea;
  • all varieties of nuts;
  • brewed coffee.

Lists of permitted and prohibited products

Tarasova's diet includes the consumption of the following products:

  • vegetables and herbs;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • fruits and berries;
  • fish and seafood;
  • lean meat.

Food can be steamed, boiled, baked, but not fried.

Prohibited products include:

  • confectionery;
  • yeast baked goods;
  • bananas and grapes;
  • store-bought juices;
  • soda;
  • alcohol;
  • coffee;
  • smoked meats;
  • fatty meat and fish.

Example of a daily diet

Let's give a sample diet that helped Tatyana Tarasova lose over 30 kg of excess weight. It can also be used to develop your own menu, based on the list of allowed products.

Having breakfastPorridge cooked in water with a drop of oil added. A sandwich made from whole grain bread with hard low-fat cheese. Any fruit (half).
Having a snackA piece of steamed fish and 3-4 cherry tomatoes. An alternative option is natural yogurt and fruit.
Let's have lunchStewed vegetables and a piece of lean meat, basmati rice.
Having an afternoon snackA glass of low-fat kefir with bread.
Let's have dinnerLow-fat cottage cheese and stewed vegetables.
Having a snackGrapefruit, apple, orange or a small handful of nuts.

Recipes from Tatiana

Chicken soup

Cut the raw chicken fillet into small cubes, place in a pan filled with water and cook. Chop carrots, sweet peppers and onions. Throw it all into the broth and add salt to taste. Chop the greens and pour them into the pan about 8-10 minutes before they are fully cooked. When there are 5 minutes left of cooking, slowly add the pre-beaten eggs into the soup.

Salad "Dietary"

Cut the pumpkin into thin strips, and grate the peeled apples on a coarse grater.

Take a separate container and mix lemon juice with natural honey in it. Season the apple-pumpkin salad with the resulting sauce. Before serving, it is advisable to sprinkle with any crushed nuts.

Stuffed vegetables

Coarsely chop the eggplants and zucchini. Divide the tomatoes into halves. In all vegetables, the core must be removed - only the bottom remains.

Grind minced chicken and beef in a meat grinder. Then add to it, after passing through a meat grinder (or blender), onions, carrots and herbs.

Stuff the vegetables with the prepared minced meat. There is no need to stuff the tomatoes. They need to be grated and placed on top. Simmer in water under a closed lid for an hour.


Previously, Tatyana Tarasova shared on her personal blog with her readers that her weight is at around 105 kg. Then she said it was a tragedy. The extra pounds started piling on after her figure skating career ended. It was all due to injury. Because of her, the physical activity of the once very promising athlete dropped to almost zero.

The trainer tried many ways to lose weight. However, only the technique developed by Margarita Koroleva helped her get the expected effect.

Today, Tatyana, who has lost weight, weighs 72 kilograms (with a height of 162 cm). This is an excellent indicator given that it is much more difficult for women in adulthood to adjust their body weight.

See for yourself how much weight Tatyana Tarasova has lost - photos from 2015 perfectly demonstrate the changes in her appearance. For those who are skeptical that any photo can be processed in Photoshop, there is the opportunity to view any program with its participation.

Note that the trainer has become 38 kg lighter in total.

Tatyana Tarasova lost weight. How Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova lost weight: diet features

Tatyana Tarasova is an honored figure skating coach and simply a charming woman. Her biography interests thousands of fans in Russia and outside our country. But today we will not talk about this, but about how Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova lost weight. The features of her diet are described in the article.

short biography

The future coach Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova was born on February 13, 1947. Her father is a famous Soviet hockey player. It was he who first put his daughter on skates when she was barely 5 years old.

A few years later, she already began performing in tandem with Georgy Proskurin. They managed to win the World Universiade. It would seem that Tarasova had a brilliant sports future.

But a serious injury received during one of her performances put an end to her figure skating career.

However, our heroine is not one of those people who gives up ahead of time. She continued her studies at the Institute of Physical Education and also began working as a coach. Her students at different times were Alexey Yagudin, Irina Rodnina and other figure skaters who became real stars.

In 2005, the leadership of the Russian Skating Federation invited Tatyana Anatolyevna to the position of coach-consultant. She agreed. In 2006, Tarasova headed the jury for the TV show “Stars on Ice.” This is how a new generation of TV viewers learned about her.

How Tatyana Anatolyevna Tarasova lost weight

In her youth, our heroine was as slender as a reed. And all thanks to a balanced diet and regular sports training. Her weight problems began in adulthood. In just a few years, the slender lady turned into a plump woman.

Participation in “Let Them Talk”

Tatyana Anatolyevna is often invited to participate in various television projects. As a rule, she is either a guest of the program or a member of the jury. And in recent years, presenters have constantly asked her whether she really lost so much weight just by dieting.

Once the coach even got into a program with Andrei Malakhov. Just at that time, Tatyana Tarasova, invited to “Let Them Talk,” lost 38 kg. This is a truly stunning result that had to be immediately told to the audience. In the studio, she also readily shared her own experience of struggling with excess weight. By the way, the release called “The Snow Queen,” where Tarasova shocked the studio, was released on December 29, 2010.

Tatyana admitted that the extra pounds prevented her from even moving. And now her health is fine.

Tarasova: “Rodnina is a fool, I once didn’t hire Tutberidze”

About the conflict with Rodnina

“Now it seems to her that she trained herself. Well, let her live by it. I don't mind. I don't care. Initially, she came to me for two years. If I were incompetent, she would change me. But Rodnina never left and stayed with me for six long years. And those were very difficult years. She gave birth to a child, went on the ice after giving birth - the first and only one. This has never happened before! I had good programs - and we worked on a lot of new elements that no one was doing then. And she always looked the best."

“Rodnina said, “Tarasova has lost something in her brain a long time ago”? The main thing is that it slipped away from her. Because she writes about the eighties, and I’m talking about 2001. When Lena Cherkasskaya went to Australia with the medalist of the United States Championship, and I with Alyosha Yagudin, and these were the first competitions in the Olympic season on the eve of Salt Lake City. So she's a complete fool! I feel sorry for Irina Konstantinovna.”

About how Eteri Tutberidze was not hired to work at the CSKA school

“I didn’t take her, she came to me too! Much later, when this story became clear, she told her: “I don’t remember you.” And she said: “You worked with Klimova and Ponomarenko, and you didn’t see anything around at all. It was obvious." I really didn’t see anyone or anything, I only worked point-by-point. And I didn’t notice who came and went there.

About the uniqueness of Tutberidze’s work

“She is unique. She has learned a lot, she has good conditions - however, as of yesterday. And when the second skating rink is built, it will be even better. She has a very strong and well-chosen coaching team, excellent selection. She works long hours without leaving the ice. I understand this because I myself worked twelve hours a day. She spends her life on ice. Her life is there. She has a goal - to be the best of the best, to always win. And when your profession becomes your life, you can’t help but succeed...

It was clear for a long time that she was not like anyone else. I remember Tutberidze from her first students; they differed from others in that they jumped a lot and very consistently. She had an amazing twist...

It is not true that she has an “incubator”. The first place is one. And she has ten people vying for him alone. And none of these destinies are broken. They trained and got the best they could from her. It’s just that one person’s body can withstand it, while another’s cannot. The third began to gain weight, the fourth developed bulimia. Not everything depends on her. Parents should watch this too.

The very individuality of an athlete did not just fall from the sky. You work with everyone the same way, and the manifestation of the strongest, the best depends on how much talent and perseverance you have. She found the golden key that opens them.”

About the conflict with Tutberidze’s team on social networks

“I realized that they had misread my mind. Yes, three programs are really not enough for me (Tarasova stated that she was sorry that Alina Zagitova had only three programs in her career; the Tutberidze school coaches criticized this statement - editor's note). Because I want to watch her sports life, like the life of other great athletes, for a long time. Is it bad? On the contrary, she interests me.”

About Semin's dismissal

“I’m amazed at how quickly some of our bosses release real coaches! Take this case. Our hockey team, after many years of silence, won the Olympic Games. What did they do with head coach Oleg Znarok? Removed. And who did they replace Semin with? Serbian Marko Nikolic? This is to write off money! How can a country not have its own coach? They would also invite a Canadian to coach the hockey team. If they write a petition in support of Semin, I will sign!” – Tatyana Tarasova said in an interview with SE.

Beware - scammers!

As already mentioned, Coach Tarasova has an individual dietary “recipe” developed especially for her by a professional nutritionist. But today, unfortunately, Tatyana’s name and her photograph, posted in the depths of the Internet, are increasingly being used by swindlers. They transfer all this to their websites and offer to purchase products of dubious quality (for example, “medicines” for weight loss) at an inflated price.

Please note - advertising of Tatyana Tarasova’s nutrition system has nothing to do with:

  • green beans;
  • “Liquid chestnut”;
  • Goji berries;
  • various “miracle” pills for weight loss.

This is a real scam. By purchasing any of the above, you are not only throwing away a significant amount of money, but can also be harmful to your health.

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