Nutrition books that will change the way you think about food

The topic of competent weight loss is invariably on the lips of the majority of the female population of the world. How to lose weight quickly, what is the best way, how to eat right so that men look after you with admiration, and your favorite dress not only fits, but is even a little too big?

The editors of COLADY present to you a rating of the best books about weight loss according to women who have already managed to become better.

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See the list of the most effective unconventional weight loss methods!

“I don’t know how to lose weight” Pierre Dukan - about his nutrition system

Dr. Dukan describes in his book a nutritional system that instantly gained popularity due to its effectiveness (fast and serious weight loss) and reasonable dietary restrictions. It is clear that all the author’s recommendations are mandatory, but the Dukan system is quite within the capabilities of every woman. The first two stages of the system are a harsh impact on excess weight, the next two are consolidation of the results obtained. Dukan diet products are available in all Russian stores - this is one of the undoubted advantages of the diet. The second advantage is the variety of dishes.

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How to lose weight by summer: 10 books about sports and proper nutrition

Not only doctors and nutritionists are puzzled by issues of sports and proper nutrition. Bloggers, trainers and famous TV presenters experiment with fitness, diets and share the results on the pages of their books.

Gary Taubes Why We Get Fat. Body mechanisms that make us overeat

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In his book “Why We Get Fat. Body mechanisms that make us overeat” Gary Taubes explains why counting calories is not an effective way to lose weight, which foods are “to blame” for gaining extra pounds, how harmful low-carb diets are, and how sugar affects the body. The author supports his own conclusions with the results of scientific experiments and observations. Some of them are illustrated with original photographs.

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Tina Kandelaki “PRO body”

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“PRO body” is a continuation of the bestseller “PRO face” by the famous journalist and TV presenter Tina Kandelaki.

The girl visited the gym for many years, experimented with various diets and shared the results on social networks. In her book, Tina answered the most popular questions regarding weight loss that came to her from subscribers.

The following topics are covered in “PRO Body”:

– psychological aspects affecting weight loss;

– nutrition and intake of dietary supplements;

– optimal volumes of physical activity;

– subtleties of stretching and types of effective massage;

- plastic surgery.

Natalie Makienko “A strong girl is tired...How to overcome stress, look great and forget about eating disorders”

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Disruptions in nutrition due to stress are one of the main problems of losing weight. Natalia Makienko is a practicing nutritionist and specialist in the field of women's health. In her book, she tells how to learn to “listen” to your body, what food will help in the fight against extra pounds, how to combine foods correctly, how to create a diet just for yourself, how not to eat up problems with sweets and junk food. Natalia Makienko’s book is the path to health, slimness and good habits in just seven steps.

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Cynthia Kafka “My motivator. 3 months to create the perfect body"

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Blogger Cynthia Kafka claims that three months is enough to get your body in order.

Kafka's book is a weekly guide to losing weight, lasting three months. It describes recipes for a balanced diet and effective exercise. The author also offers tips and tasks that should motivate the reader to work to achieve their goals.

The publication resembles a working notebook. In addition to the main text, it contains interestingly designed motivational phrases, illustrated tasks and to-do lists for the week.

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Ursula Kim "Marathon: 21 days without sugar"

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Ursula Kim is a fitness blogger, author of the “I Can Without Sugar” marathon.

Sugar is a product that is easy to overdo. And abuse can lead to a number of problems: excess weight, acne, heart and vascular diseases. The main goal of the book is to help you free yourself from sugar addiction forever.

In the book “Marathon: 21 days without sugar” you will find comments from doctors and a psychologist, a healthy nutrition diary, healthy recipes and practical tasks.

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Natalya Stepuk “Anatomy of stretching”

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Stretching exercises strengthen muscles and have a positive effect on the nervous and circulatory systems of the body: keeping your back straight becomes easier, tightness goes away, and self-esteem increases.

The publication is unique in its presentation form. “Anatomy of Stretching” is 78 cards with original stretching exercises. There is no need to flip through pages during training; just lay out the cards in front of you - this will allow you not to be distracted.

To ensure that no problems arise during the exercises, QR codes were printed on the cards; by clicking on them, the reader will find detailed video reviews.

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Nancy Clark "Sports Nutrition for Professionals and Amateurs"

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Each person can choose a diet that will improve their health and help maintain the desired level of energy necessary for good health throughout the day. Nancy Clark helps to understand this issue.

The author talks about how to eat properly during a busy work schedule and how to make food enjoyable and not stressful. You will learn which foods you should avoid and which foods you should increase your consumption.

“It’s not what you eat, but how and when you eat it,” says Nancy Clark.

Alena Murlaeva “SMART healthy lifestyle. Without strict diets and grueling workouts"

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Alena Murlaeva is a certified fitness trainer with 15 years of experience and a millionaire blogger.

In her book, the girl tells how to eat properly without exhausting diets, not give up your favorite “snacks”, not eat stress with sweets and play sports with pleasure. The book contains QR codes with links to educational videos that can be viewed using the free app. Exercises are also provided - they can be performed even at home.

“SMART healthy lifestyle. Without strict diets and grueling workouts” - this is a balance between what is useful and what is pleasant.

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David Kessler "One More Piece! How to take control of your brutal appetite and stop constantly thinking about what to chew.”

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David Kessler is a contemporary American writer, doctor of medicine and personal consultant to show business stars. He has four books in the non-fiction genre to his credit.

Dr. Kessler studied the latest brain research, interviews with leading doctors, and came up with his theory about how people fall into manufacturers' marketing traps. In the book, the author explained why, in his opinion, humanity has lost control over appetite. The publication also contains recommendations and tips to help overcome food addiction.

Alex Hutchinson “Cardio or Strength? What loads are right for you?

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Alex Hutchinson compiled the guide based on current information on human health and exercise. To do this, the author studied more than 400 articles published in academic journals and more than 100 thematic interviews. Hutchinson tried to answer all the most popular questions about fitness: how best to eat, how much you need to train, what sports gadgets you might need, who should choose cardio training and who should choose strength training.

“Diet “Doctor Bormenthal”” by Kondrashova and Dremova - confident steps towards slimness

The technique presented in the book helps to get rid of fifty extra pounds or more. Each step to losing weight is described in detail. The main objective of the book is reprogramming the psyche. That is, thinking and actions aimed at quickly losing weight without suffering, and at getting pleasure from eating without the cult of food. Thanks to exercises and psychological techniques, you move first to internal and then external harmony. This weight loss book has become popular not only in Russia, but also abroad!

Brett Blumenthal A Year Lived Right. 52 steps to a healthy lifestyle"

Why do we know probably everything about a healthy lifestyle, but never do anything? Yes, because for every ten of our acquaintances, hardly one person practices the notorious healthy lifestyle. No, he doesn’t sit on kefir diets and try to get pumped up for the beach, but evenly, steadily loads his body with feasible physical work and nourishes it with nutritious healthy food.

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Brett Blumenthal's book will seem like the revelation of a good friend. No wild purges or other “give up everything at once.” The steps are realistic and anyone can do them. Brett went from “your not-so-healthy friend” to Ironman triathlon competitor. At the same time, his advice is presented in an inspiring manner, and makes you not only think about how lousy and wrong we live, but also do something with our everyday life.

“3000 ways not to interfere with slimness” by L. Moussa - psychological aspects of the path to slimness

This book is especially recommended for those who suffer from complexes. Psychological “training” from the author is the implementation of tasks, the main goal of which is ideal weight and self-love. With the help of the book, you will forget about your low self-esteem, cheer yourself up and, most importantly, achieve what you want with a minimum of financial costs. Do you want to lose weight in a fun and interesting way without changing your habits? Desperate to lose weight? So, this is what you need.

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Allen Carr "The Easy Way to Lose Weight"

Allen Carr has helped millions of people quit smoking. And he wrote about being overweight. Or rather, about how to avoid our entire modern cultural tradition in the process of discarding it. What will a nutritionist advise us? Download the app on your smartphone, buy a culinary scale and start, at a minimum, counting calories. As a maximum, hang a fitness bracelet on your wrist and count your steps.

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And why don't we do this? Yes, it's just difficult. The squirrel doesn't know how to lose weight. She eats nuts. And the hare doesn’t know - he eats grass and escapes from predators. Allen Carr convinces us to become vegetarians. Yes, not just, but radical vegans who eat only “grass,” vegetables, fruits and nuts. I must say, it convinces brilliantly. Even if we are not from this category of people at all, it is still interesting to read.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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