Real tips: how to get rid of age-related fat for a woman over 60 years old

» Real tips: how to get rid of age-related fat for a woman after 60 years
How to lose weight?

Alexandra Nikolaeva 08/07/2018 (Updated: 03/03/2021) 51621

You passionately want to get rid of extra pounds, but you just can’t do it. And who is to blame? Age? Or is this just an excuse? In order to quickly and correctly lose weight for a woman after 60 years of age, without consequences or harm to health, you need to know what you need to do and what you shouldn’t do.

And age has nothing to do with it!

Article navigation

  • 5 main mistakes of women losing weight after 60 years
  • Weight loss chart is a very useful assistant
  • Preparing for Effective Weight Loss
  • Want to lose weight? Do not do that!
  • Relapses are the main reason for failure to lose weight.
  • Real tips for losing weight
  • Proper nutrition
  • Sport? Is it possible to get rid of extra pounds without it?
  • What if you need to lose weight quickly?

Weight loss chart is a very useful assistant

Agree, the process of losing weight requires careful control! Moreover, you need to monitor not only successes, but also defeats, then you will be able to take the necessary measures in time.

To do this, we recommend using a simple but very useful tool! Be sure to download your Weight Loss Chart! With it, you can track the dynamics of your weight changes day by day.

It is presented in the form of an Excel table in which your weight data for each day is entered. Filling out the table is simple and easy. It will only take you a few seconds, but the benefits are simply enormous.

Let's say that you start losing weight at 95 kg. You enter this figure in the cell opposite which “Your initial weight” is indicated. Well, then you enter the values ​​in accordance with the day of the month. All changes will be entered on the chart automatically.

It is not necessary to enter data into the table every day! Weigh yourself the way you are comfortable and as you are used to. For example, if you weigh yourself once a week, then record your readings once a week too.

If several days have passed between control weighings, then the data should be entered into the table as follows:

For example, you weighed yourself on the 2nd, and then only on the 7th. Those. missed 4 days. This means that in the cells that correspond to these days, you enter the number that you put on the 2nd. How would your weight stay the same because you had no control over it these days. And on the 7th you already enter new data. In this case, the graph will run in one line, without breaks.

Be sure to download a convenient, simple and useful Weight Loss Chart! With its help, you can easily monitor your progress in losing weight, monitor your weight loss and finally get rid of those extra pounds.

If you suddenly have questions or difficulties in using the chart, do not hesitate and be sure to contact us through feedback or comments! We will be happy to help you!

Features of losing weight in old age

With age, physical activity decreases, which contributes to the replacement of muscles with fat and changes in metabolic processes. Metabolism slows down and weight loss occurs much more slowly than in younger years.

In order to lose weight without compromising your health in old age, you need to change your approach to some things:

  • Maintain drinking regime. Older people are much less thirsty than young people, but despite this, the daily volume of fluid consumed should be at least 1 liter.
  • Change your diet. Reducing portion sizes is a prerequisite for rapid weight loss. If you still feel hungry after eating, you need to switch to 5-6 meals a day with an interval of 3 hours. This will avoid stress on the gastrointestinal tract and at the same time eat well. Also, to lose weight you need to increase the amount of fruits and vegetables you consume. However, it is worth knowing that fiber is poorly absorbed in old age; therefore, it is recommended to eat vegetables only after heat treatment. In addition, when choosing dairy products, you should give preference to cottage cheese, milk and sour cream with a small percentage of fat.
  • Eat food correctly. Large pieces of food practically do not have time to be processed by pancreatic enzymes, which creates additional stress on the digestive system. Thoroughly chewed food is well absorbed and quickly digested in the stomach.
  • Change the way you prepare food. Changing eating habits is a fairly lengthy process and requires discipline and patience. In order to lose weight, older people are not recommended to eat fried foods, baked goods, processed foods, smoked foods, sweets, and fatty broth soups. By replacing heavy, from a nutritional point of view, meals with low-calorie ones, you can achieve weight loss quite quickly.
  • Arrange fasting days. You can get rid of extra pounds without harming your health if you take fasting days 2-3 times a week. This does not mean that you need to starve: on such days you can eat dairy and vegetable dishes, low-calorie foods. This approach will help you avoid overeating, balance your diet and get rid of extra pounds.
  • Lead an active lifestyle. Moderate physical activity has no age restrictions. Health-improving exercises will help increase calorie consumption, strengthen the muscle corset, and help you get into good physical shape. Also, do not exhaust yourself with heavy physical activity. In order to feel good and lose weight, it is enough to exercise and take a fresh walk every day.
  • Eliminate foods and drinks that stimulate appetite from your diet. Avoiding strong alcoholic drinks, beer, salty and smoked foods, sauces and fatty broths will help improve your well-being and reduce weight.

How to lose weight for an elderly person without causing harm to health is a question that is relevant for those who cannot cope with the problem of extra pounds on their own. By following these recommendations, you can improve your health and return to normal weight as quickly as possible.

Preparing for Effective Weight Loss

Do you really want to lose weight? Then put all doubts, emotions, fears aside and get to work!

So where should you start?

Get rid of illusions . Losing weight will require effort from you, and sometimes quite a lot. The hardest thing is to get into the idea that you have to work hard to achieve results.

Positive attitude . This is perhaps the most important thing. Try to be optimistic about the future. Believe in your strength and you will definitely succeed.

Buy a steamer, juicer and non-stick frying pan . You can't do without this kitchen tool. With its help, you can prepare a lot of different healthy and tasty dishes that will contain a minimum of calories and a maximum of vitamins. Has already? Great, then take them out and keep them ready.

Determine how many kg you need to lose . This is where a weight calculator will come to the rescue, which will help you determine your ideal weight and how many kilograms you need to lose.

Psychological reception . You need to get rid of 10-15, or maybe more, kg. It is quite obvious that this will take several months. It is psychologically difficult to accept such a long time frame. Don’t set yourself the goal of losing 20 kilos in 4 months.

Start small . For example, set a goal to lose 200 grams per day. And live one day at a time. Set a goal for today, achieve it, move on. So unnoticed you will “eat the whole elephant.”

Hang your photo on the refrigerator . Moreover, the photo should be the most terrifying! Hang up exactly the photo that shows all your folds, sagging belly and double chin.

The opposite method . Doesn't the sight of your own body make you panic? Then perhaps this option will help stir up your mind. Attach a photo of a slender, beautiful woman with a toned figure to the refrigerator.

Diary of weight loss . This method is suitable for those women who like to plan and keep records. Write down in your diary everything you ate during the day, the number of calories, how much water you drank. You can also create a weight loss chart by day. This will help you track your progress.

Find yourself a hobby . Knitting, embroidery and flower growing do not count. You need a hobby that captivates you completely and leaves you no time for memories of food.

For example, master the computer and create your own online home business! Once you are carried away by such an idea, you simply will not have time to think about food. As a result, you will eat less, plus, you will be able to provide a significant increase in your pension!

Instead of bowls with cookies and sweets - nuts and dried fruits . From now on, sweets, cookies, cakes and other delicacies are only for your children and grandchildren. For you, healthier snacks are nuts, dried fruits, fresh fruits. These snacks are very nutritious, healthy and low in calories.

Want to lose weight? Do not do that!

Many women love to rush from one extreme to another. They begin to starve themselves, go on overly strict diets, and then sincerely wonder why they are not losing weight?

If you want to lose excess body weight, then remember what you should never do.

Starve . This is a huge stress for the body, which simply “does not understand” what is happening. Why did they suddenly stop supplying him with “fuel”? As a result, he begins not to give away, but to accumulate fat in reserve. It is hunger that causes the accumulation of extra pounds.

Strict diets with calories less than 1000 kcal . Fans of extreme calorie diets of 300-500 kcal per day should remember that such executions can lead to dire consequences. By following such a diet, you will not burn fat, but muscle, plus, your body will not receive nutrients in full.

Mono diets . Are you into mono diets? Can you sit on nothing but apples, bananas or cereal for weeks? This is a direct path to a hospital bed! A lack of some and an excess of other nutrients, vitamins, and amino acids can provoke the most serious diseases. But it will be very difficult to get rid of them.

Eliminate salt completely . Such a radical approach also promises big health problems. A lack of salt in the body can result in weakness, dizziness, nausea, loss of consciousness, very low blood pressure, heart failure, atrophy of the kidneys and liver.

For the normal functioning of the female body after 60 years, 4-5 grams per day will be enough.

Take diuretics . The main disadvantage of such medications is that calcium and potassium are washed out along with excess fluid. Constantly using diuretics can disrupt the water balance in the body. The result is complete dehydration. And this is a very dangerous condition that requires immediate hospitalization.

Take artificial sweeteners . It has been scientifically proven that all artificial sweeteners and sweeteners, without exception, lead to the development of cancer of the liver and pancreas.

And this is an established fact! Of course, one tablet won’t do much harm, but if you are used to using such products constantly, then we definitely advise you to stop doing this immediately!

The only natural and safe sweetener is stevia, however, it is not very popular due to its specific taste characteristics. But, if you like it, then you can take it without fear.

All other artificial sweeteners in the trash! And no talking!

Sports and fitness for women after 60 years

It is difficult to fight extra pounds at an older age due to a slow metabolism. Therefore, at the age of 60, you need to choose your sport extremely carefully.

Today there are many sports complexes where experienced professionals offer services for older people to improve their body health. These areas include gymnastics and yoga. Training takes place in the morning with minimal occupancy in the halls.

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A walk in the park at a moderate-fast pace is considered an excellent physical activity. Running is not recommended, as contact of the foot with asphalt creates a strong load on the joints and spine. If there is no arthritis or arthrosis, then cycling is allowed.

Some women, upon retirement, become interested in oriental dancing. Smooth movements help to work all the muscles of the body, calming the nervous system with pleasant music, reducing excess body weight. The main contraindications to oriental dance classes:

  • diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • phlebeurysm.

It is also worth remembering that at first, a very active lifestyle can harm the body. It is necessary to increase the load smoothly and slowly. The intensity of training will depend on your health status and the presence of chronic diseases.

Are you eating right?

Not really

At home, a woman is allowed to do the following exercises for weight loss after 60 years:

  1. Bend forward. Hands and feet shoulder width apart. Perform 2 bends on one and the other leg.
  2. Rotational movements of the shoulders forward, backward, 4 turns.
  3. Circular movements of the pelvis.
  4. Tilt your head left, right, down, up.

Relapses are the main reason for failure to lose weight.

You know everything about diets and proper nutrition. You know what foods you need to eat to lose weight and you even know how to calculate your body mass index. But you still can’t lose weight.

What is the reason? Why do many women after 60 years still cannot lose extra pounds?

The reason for failure is hunger and eating habits!

Hollywood, Kremlin, blood type, Japanese... It doesn’t matter which! Any diet is always associated with dietary restrictions. You need to eat in small portions, which means you have to endure hunger.

Same with food cravings. Agree, it is very difficult to “love” lettuce and kefir when for decades you have preferred mayonnaise, pastries and cakes.

The result is breakdowns! Failures are most often the reason why a woman after 55-60 years cannot lose weight. But, most importantly, how do you feel about failures?

Don't be afraid to break down! This is fine!

Only a few can withstand “dietary torture” for a long time. Don’t take a deviation from the diet as a defeat and give up.

Nothing bad happened. Well, you allowed yourself to eat a piece of cake, so what? Nothing and no one is stopping you from returning to healthy eating.

The main thing is, don’t torture yourself with reproaches and don’t beat yourself up with the fact that you have weak willpower! You are still a big smart girl for making the decision to lose weight!

How to lose weight for a woman at 60 years old

The main method for how to properly lose weight for a woman aged 60 is to balance and regulate her diet and perform a series of physical activities. This is the only way to maintain your figure and health. Let's look at some useful tips that are worth listening to:

  • avoid psychological and physical stress. Visit a psychologist in a timely manner to learn to enjoy all events in life, to use new opportunities to lift your spirits;
  • increase consumption of foods containing significant amounts of calcium and limit consumption of animal fats. Moreover, the daily calorie content of food should be no more than 1600 Kcal;
  • to improve the health of the body as a whole and reduce muscle weakness, older women should devote 40 minutes to sports per day;
  • use high-quality cosmetics aimed at comprehensive skin care after 60 years.

A woman can lose weight after 60 years if she listens a little to practical recommendations.

Real tips for losing weight

Even the great Roman commander Octavian Augustus said: “Hasten slowly.” You should do the same. Start losing weight gradually, step by step approaching your goal.

You shouldn’t immediately switch to broccoli and chicken breast starting tomorrow. Your fuse will not last long. It is better to start with a gradual transition from your usual food to dietary nutrition.

First week - eat as usual, but reduce the amount of salt.

Second week - replace sugar with a teaspoon of honey per day. No sweeteners!

Third week - now give up honey too.

Fourth week – exclude fried and fatty foods.

Fifth week - exclude flour and baked goods.

Now gradually replace regular foods and dishes with dietary ones. And no breakdowns or stress!

And some more valuable real advice.

1Eat slowly, chewing thoroughly.

2Eat food 5-6 times a day.

3Reduce the serving by one teaspoon every day.

4Drink water. If, according to medical indicators, everything is in order, then the optimal norm is 1.5-2 liters per day.

5 Boil, stew, bake, smoke, dry-fry, but without adding fat, lard, or oil.

6Cook dishes without adding salt. Add salt to the already prepared dish. If your health allows and there are no problems with the thyroid gland, then regular salt can be replaced with sea salt. Or buy the special product Sanasol at the pharmacy.

How to lose weight for an elderly person with a sedentary lifestyle

Hypokinesia in older people necessitates daily exercise. Gymnastics should be done daily for 10–15 minutes. Supplying the blood with oxygen, training the muscles of the body - tasks that can be solved by walking in the fresh air, breathing exercises, and simple morning exercises.

If you are physically unable to do so due to health limitations, you can lose weight by changing your diet and limiting the consumption of high-calorie foods.

An elderly person should under no circumstances exhaust himself with hunger. Eating small meals up to 6 times a day with sufficient fluid is the key to burning fat and improving blood composition. A good habit is to drink a glass of warm water before meals. Compliance with the drinking regime should be limited to eight glasses of water (or other liquid) per day.

An older person can lose weight if they consume more calories than they take in from food. This does not require additional physical activity. The simplest way out is to eat less, choose lower-calorie foods. But any diet is a stress to which the elderly body reacts by accumulating fat reserves in the body. If an older person suddenly begins to lose weight, he risks not losing weight, but gaining even more. In the absence of any other option for weight loss other than nutritional correction, radical measures should be avoided.

Finally, we wish all elderly people maximum health and longevity! In all aspirations for a quality and long life, it is necessary to observe moderation and approach problem solving rationally.

Proper nutrition

And it must be correct! Moreover, taking into account the characteristics of a woman’s body after 60 years. It is at this age that he needs less energy, and therefore fewer calories.

The daily calorie requirement for women after 55-60 years is 1800-2000 . This figure should be used as a starting point when drawing up a dietary menu.

A diet for weight loss in women after 60 years of age may be something like this.

Breakfast . Cottage cheese 0-1% fat 200 gr. + 1 teaspoon of low-fat sour cream. Grain toast, 2 slices of 30% fat cheese, a glass of tea without sugar.

Snack . Apple or peach or any other fruit.

Second breakfast . Salad of fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, bell peppers, dressed with 200 g olive oil, a piece of boiled fish 150 g.

Snack . A glass of low-fat kefir.

Dinner . Vegetable soup 250 g., grilled chicken or baked in foil 100 g., boiled beet salad, dressed with olive oil, 150 g., tea or coffee without sugar.

Afternoon snack . Cottage cheese casserole 150 gr., glass of orange juice, 200 gr.

Dinner . Boiled or baked cod, stewed cabbage, vegetable salad, herbal tea.

1You need to eat 5-6 times a day: 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks. Try not to take long breaks between meals.

2Lean on the fish. All low-fat varieties of river and sea fish, as well as any seafood.

3Unrefined vegetable oil. Flaxseed or olive oil is better, but regular sunflower oil is also suitable.

4More fiber. All fresh vegetables, fruits, except bananas and grapes, as well as oat bran.

5Water. At least 1.5-2 liters per day.

6 Lactic acid products. Include more cottage cheese, low-fat yogurt, and kefir in your menu. This is a source of calcium, which is usually deficient after age 60.

7 Whole grain bread, crispbread. A great alternative to buns and white bread.

8Freshly squeezed juices, fresh juices, smoothies. This is a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients.

9Taking special dietary supplements and multivitamin complexes. They will protect the body from stress, help improve metabolism, and speed up metabolism.

Sport? Is it possible to get rid of extra pounds without it?

Physical activity is, of course, necessary. They have a good effect on the heart, burn sugar, and normalize blood circulation. But what to do if your health does not allow you to run or jump? Or if you basically hate sports and even morning exercises are akin to torture for you?

There are several ways that will help you stay active, cheerful, and at the same time not make you disgusted.

No elevator . Do you live on the second or third floor? If possible, try not to use the elevator. Moreover, do not set yourself the task of climbing to your floor at all costs. Can you only climb five steps? Great! Ten? Well, you are just smart! Believe me, even a couple of steps will do more good for you than an elevator.

On foot . Stay on your feet as much as possible. Don’t sit on a bench in the park for hours; it’s better to walk slowly along the alley. Talking to a friend? Talk while standing. This way you will burn more calories.

Move more . Try to be active and walk more. But not to the detriment of health.

Pool . If you have the desire and health allows, then why not? Moreover, swimming is not at all necessary. You can just stand in the water and do the simplest exercises. Even if you just walk in the water, you will lose a fair amount of calories. Water treatments will not only charge you with energy, wash away fatigue and invigorate you, but will also help fight many diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

What if you need to lose weight quickly?

The main thing is not to take this idea to the point of absurdity! You should be aware that it is simply impossible to lose, for example, 10 kg in a week without harm to your health! But it’s entirely within your power to speed up the process of losing extra pounds.

Fasting days! 1-2 such days per week will be enough. But not more! This is the “golden mean” that will not cause harm to your body. It is a big misconception to believe that increasing the number of fasting days will allow you to instantly lose excess weight.

Firstly, this is a huge stress for the body, which, instead of giving away kilos, will accumulate them. And secondly, you are unlikely to psychologically or physically withstand such executions.

Which fasting days are right for you? Choose products based on your health status. Do you have diabetes? Then fasting days can be milk, buckwheat, apple. In a word, any foods that are allowed to be eaten for such a disease will do.

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