The amazing benefits of pasta: revealing the secrets

Are there those among us who don't like pasta? Undoubtedly, there are those who do not allow them for dinner, but it is simply impossible not to love them. And, if we are talking about long strings of spaghetti, then only a few can resist... Spaghetti is our favorite type of pasta - pasta. Their homeland is Italy, and to be precise, its southern part is Naples. This type of pasta received its name in 1842 thanks to Antonio Viviani, who called them so for their resemblance to twine laces, which in Italian sounds “spago”.

History of pasta

Disputes about which country became the birthplace of pasta continue to this day. Various sources claim that pasta was invented in China, and the great European traveler Marco Polo brought it to Italy. There is another version that says that modern Tuscany, which was located on the site where the ancient Etruscan civilization once lived, became the birthplace of pasta. In one of the Etruscan tombs, tools were found that were similar to those used to wrap pasta. And this happened 500 years earlier than the Chinese invented the product.

Drying spaghetti in Naples, 19th century The Italian writer Giulielmo di Malavalle in the 12th century described in his book a banquet at which a dish of pasta mixed with sauce was served. Time passed, and in the 13th century the question of storing the product arose, namely, drying pasta. This need arose as a result of the emergence of maritime republics such as Genoa, Venice, Amalfi and Pisa. What was needed was a product that could be stored well for many months on board a ship. Naples was the first to produce dried pasta. In the 16th century, pasta was consumed in Italy as a festive treat, for which an occasion was needed. The product was produced at that time from the most expensive durum wheat varieties and was available only to the upper class. And even among the rich, pasta was sometimes served exclusively for dessert. It was only in the 17th century that pasta became the daily food of Italians in the southern regions of the country. Experience and opportunities for growing durum wheat appeared, so the dish became available to poorer segments of the population.

Spaghetti seller

The first pasta production company appeared in 1827. Today it operates and is considered one of the largest pasta factories in Italy.

Useful properties of pasta

You will probably argue that pasta is a medicinal food.

- You are wrong to be ironic. As a physician, I can say that pasta provides the body with the necessary carbohydrates. Every Italian will convincingly prove that pasta is good for health. And the doctor will add that, according to statistics from recent years, the level of cardiovascular diseases in the Mediterranean, to which our country belongs, turned out to be one of the lowest in the world.


  • Italy
  • Greece
  • Spain
  • France

are much less likely to encounter such ailments as:

  • diabetes
  • and malignant tumors.

Modern nutritionists have proven that pasta is a preventative against cancer and cardiovascular diseases.

The answer, of course, is not only in pasta, but in the so-called “Mediterranean diet.” The most popular Mediterranean food products are vegetables, fruits, fish, and poultry. Italian housewives always complement the taste of pasta dishes with plenty of tomatoes, garlic, onions, and aromatic herbs.

Every Italian will convincingly prove that pasta is good for health

And pasta “dressings” are prepared only with olive oil, which:

  • stimulates digestion
  • and activates the liver.

Cereal products, which include pasta, contain a lot of vitamin F, which is called the “vitamin of youth.”

High-quality pasta is also rich in proteins. 100 grams of dry pasta, which turns into a 250-gram serving after cooking, gives our body 15% of the required daily amount of protein.

Thus, “pasta shows” organized by culinary experts are healthy for their participants.

The benefits of pasta

In Italy they do not know pasta made from soft wheat, so spaghetti is considered to be a rather healthy product. Their production is based on durum wheat flour, which makes the product healthy. Such pasta contains a lot of fiber, which promotes weight loss and cleanses the body clogged with toxins.

Spaghetti made from durum wheat contains B vitamins, which are simply necessary for the female body, as well as vitamin E, which binds free radicals and prevents the aging of the body. In addition to vitamins, pasta contains amino acids and fiber, which help cleanse the body. In addition, “proper” pasta contains a significant amount of protein, making it an indispensable dish in the diet of vegetarians.

Make the right choice

In order to stay slim, you should purchase durum wheat products. There is no fat in it, and it does not increase blood sugar levels due to its low glycemic index. Such products are rich in many useful microelements, protein and B vitamins. And the complex carbohydrates they consist of provide a long-term supply of energy.

You need to cook them until half cooked, then turn off the stove and let them stand for a while - this will allow the body to break down starch without spending a lot of energy.

Rules for eating spaghetti

Rule #1. It may seem that the new way of eating spaghetti using a fork and spoon is an option that can be used in Italy. This is a misconception. Spaghetti is eaten only with a fork and these are the rules. Rule #2. The length of real and most correct spaghetti is 24 centimeters. And this is the right size for wrapping pasta strings around a fork. Therefore, if you suddenly feel like you need to cut the spaghetti with a knife before putting it in your mouth, it’s better to leave this idea. Italians will not understand you, because they firmly believe in the ideal size of their favorite spaghetti. Rule #3. Spaghetti is served in a deep, one might say, soup bowl. Do not rush to stick your fork into the middle of the dish and shake it until the entire portion is on it. Even though this is the easiest thing to do, it will be much more difficult to put it in your mouth later. Therefore, it is better to adhere to the established rules and be content with two or three pasta at a time. It is best to separate two or three strings of spaghetti from the main mass, moving them to the free space of the plate, and wind them clockwise around a fork. Rule #4. Remember, spaghetti is primarily a family dish. And not because it is so customary in Italy, but because it is served in a sauce that can splash and smear you and your neighbor at the table. Therefore, spaghetti is not for receptions and important negotiations, it is for a warm and cozy circle of close people in front of whom you can be yourself. Rule #5. In the event that the portion is eaten, but the sauce remains in the plate, a method with a melodic Italian name “scarpetta” is suitable, which means “lady’s slipper”. You can dip the bread or focaccia in the remaining sauce and eat, although this method is not for trick-or-treating.

Spaghetti sauces

It is generally accepted that the most important thing about pasta is the sauce with which it is served. The classic method of serving pasta is to combine it with various sauces. It is worth noting that we are not talking about the ketchup or tartar sauce that you can buy in the store, but about the classic Italian recipe, which is prepared specifically for spaghetti from fresh ingredients.

List of classic Italian sauces: ✔ Bolognese sauce - tomato sauce with minced meat, red wine and herbs. ✔ Carbonara sauce – finely chopped and fried bacon, stewed in cream with the addition of Parmesan cheese. ✔ Norma sauce is a tomato sauce with the addition of pork fat and a lot of onions. ✔ Arribiata sauce is a spicy sauce made from tomatoes, peppers and a lot of spices. ✔ Florentina sauce - creamy sauce with mascarpone cheese and spinach. ✔ Napoletana sauce - tomato sauce with fresh herbs and vegetables. Knowing this list of classic sauces, you can easily order pasta in any Italian trattoria, even without knowing the language. The fact is that pasta is usually called by the name of the sauce with which it is served.

Spaghetti Museum
Spaghetti is a food that can be easily combined with many foods. That is why the whole world fell in love with spaghetti and the tradition of Italian dinner is characteristic not only of Italy, but also of New York, Paris, and Minsk. Feel free to choose a package of spaghetti at your nearest hypermarket and delight your family with new culinary adventures without leaving home!

What to eat pasta with so as not to gain weight

Additional components with which you want to eat the finished dish can bring benefit or harm to your figure. If slimming is important to you, supplement it only with low-calorie ingredients.

Boiled vegetables are perfect: peas, broccoli, tomatoes, asparagus, spinach, zucchini. Seafood would be a good addition. But meat and fish sauces, mayonnaise and ketchup will add extra calories.

When asked if you can eat pasta for breakfast, the answer is yes. This is the best time to consume them. In the morning you can cook them with cheese - for example, Adyghe or mozzarella.

Today, there are many conflicting opinions about whether you can eat macaroni and cheese on a diet. And most nutritionists are still inclined to think that in the morning, when metabolism accelerates, pasta with such an addition will be harmless.

What time of day is best to eat your favorite food to stay slim?

It is best to use it without harming your figure in the morning. Preferably once a week. Although there are special diets, the main component of which is pasta. They, according to reviews, help to lose up to 5 kg of weight.

The essence of the diet is that for 50-60 days you need to eat only pasta for breakfast and lunch. No salt or seasonings. It is only allowed to add fresh fruit to the finished dish.

You can treat yourself to this dish once a day. For lunch, it is recommended to eat it with vegetables and a small amount of cheese.

Eating this dish for dinner, according to nutritionists, is the worst thing. This is especially true for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. For active people, it is acceptable to use it twice a day. For those whose lifestyle can be called sedentary, the optimal time for eating this food will be in the morning, but in no case - in the afternoon or evening.

Pasta lovers are advised to exercise daily to maintain muscle tone.

  • Oleg: “I love pasta since childhood. Now I eat often too. Once upon a time I couldn’t imagine life without them and ketchup. When I got married, my wife convinced me that it was harmful. We buy only hard varieties and cook them for lunch a couple of times a week. We eat it with a lot of fresh vegetable salad. It is in this form that they are harmless to the figure. My wife also does fitness. I already have an active life. So, with a reasonable approach, you can eat pasta. The main thing, as with any other food, is not to overdo it.”
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