Incompatible products - compatibility table for simultaneous use

Compatible and incompatible products

The study of product incompatibility began hundreds of years ago. Ancient healers thought about solving this problem, and modern researchers pay a lot of attention to it. For the health of the body, it is important that the digestive system works properly, which has its own characteristics:

  • products are processed at different rates;
  • each requires its own enzymes to digest;
  • gastric juice is secreted differently to digest different foods;
  • Protein processing requires an acidic environment, and carbohydrates require an alkaline environment.

Using incompatible products causes the body to spend more energy on processing. When one type of food has been digested, ready to be absorbed and excreted, the time has not come for another. Enzymes have not yet been developed - ptyalin in the mouth, the rest - in the stomach. Intestinal dysfunction occurs:

  • the process of rotting and fermentation begins;
  • food is not digested;
  • splitting stops;
  • absorption of nutrients does not occur;
  • toxins are formed that poison the body;
  • various diseases develop.

Compatibility of buckwheat with fish

One of the postulates of separate nutrition is the prohibition of mixing animal proteins and products containing starch. Buckwheat and fish are foods that are not recommended for consumption at the same time. The best option is to eat both products separately, with the addition of herbs and vegetables. The reason of that:

  • fish is a protein food that requires acid production;
  • Buckwheat is a type of cereal, rich in starch, and requires an alkaline environment for the digestion process.

Compatibility of cottage cheese with banana

Is it right to eat a dessert that adults and children love, containing cottage cheese and banana? It is believed that the combination of sweet fruits and sugar is incompatible with protein products. There is a wonderful exception to the rule. Quickly digestible bananas can be consumed in combination with the following foods:

  • nuts;
  • cottage cheese;
  • fermented milk products (sour cream, kefir, etc.);
  • cheese;
  • sour cream;
  • cream;
  • greenery;
  • seeds.

Combination of fruits with each other

When thinking about incompatible products, it is important to know that these include melons - watermelon, melon. They require consumption separately from other food, several hours after ingestion. This is especially true for melon, which is digested instantly, starting the fermentation process, leaving other products to rot. The combination of fruits depends on the type to which they belong:

  • sweet;
  • semi-sweet;
  • sour.

It is believed that fruit is a product incompatible with other foods, requiring separate consumption between main meals. They fit together like this:

  • sweets - dates, banana, persimmon, dried fruits - are digested slowly, it is preferable to use them separately, simultaneous use with semi-sweet ones, with each other is permissible;
  • sour - orange, grapes, pear, currant - compatible with everything;
  • semi-sweet - apples, wild berries, apricots - compatible with the first two types.

Compatible vegetables for separate meals

The most favorable food, combined with most foods, is vegetables, which are actively used in separate meals. This speeds up the digestion process. It is not recommended to mix them with milk or fruit. There are compatible vegetables that can be combined with several groups:

  • with your own - cabbage, sweet peppers, radishes, cucumbers;
  • with proteins - meat, cottage cheese, fish, eggs;
  • fats – vegetable oil;
  • starchy foods - bread, pasta, flour products, potatoes.

Fruit and main course

Fruits are one of the best and healthiest foods that can enter our body. But what do most people do? He leaves fruit for dessert, believing that this will be much better than eating a bun or candy. This is partly true. But friends, you should absolutely not eat fruit immediately after your main meal.

Fruits and freshly squeezed fruit juices are fast-digesting foods that stay in the stomach for 15-20 minutes and give us all their vitamins. This is the case if you consume them separately: 40-50 minutes before the main meal or after - an hour and a half later. But if you “throw” fruit into the stomach immediately after eating, then within the same 15-20 minutes fermentation and rotting occurs, which leads to a number of diseases and allergic reactions. In addition, bloating, heaviness and other unpleasant symptoms will appear.

What products cannot be combined

As a result of the research, it became clear which foods are not recommended to be mixed. This includes a combination of products:

  • coffee - rye bread - caffeine prevents beneficial substances from being absorbed;
  • tomatoes - cereals (rice, buckwheat, millet, etc.) - acid in vegetables interferes with the absorption of starches;
  • meat, eggs, mushrooms – sugar – fermentation occurs;
  • fish - cereals, legumes (peas, beans, lentils, etc.), sour cream - different time for digestion;
  • fermented milk foods - meat, bread, cereals - the reason is the same.

Product incompatibility table

To make life easier for those who want to lose weight or who preach the benefits of separate meals, a table has been developed to help quickly navigate the choice of healthy food. With its help, you can figure out which foods should not be eaten together. The table is a grid, at the intersection of the vertical and horizontal columns of which there is a compatibility mark. Wherein:

  • in the first column from top to bottom the products are listed by number;
  • the top line contains numbers corresponding to the food order from the first column.

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Shelton compatibility table

The American scientist Herbert Shelton, who wrote many books on weight loss and fasting, dealt seriously with the issue of separate nutrition. Thanks to his research and propaganda, the system of combining incompatible products became widespread. Shelton has developed a table with which you can easily figure out what you need to eat with what. This promotes stomach function and the ability to stay healthy.

Shelton's table in the intersection of graphs helps to find out the compatibility of the main types of food used by humans. By examining the material, you can understand that melon cannot be combined with anything. It is recommended, for example, to use together:

  • meat – non-starchy vegetables – eggplant, cucumber, sweet pepper;
  • potatoes, bread – vegetable oil;
  • grains – all vegetables;
  • sweet fruits – fermented milk products, cottage cheese;
  • starchy vegetables - cauliflower, pumpkin, carrots - everything except sugar.

Meat should be eaten separately from everything else. This is true?

Most ideas about what you can and cannot eat together are based on the so-called separate food system. It was invented at the beginning of the 20th century by Herbert Shelton. In his opinion, the conditions for processing various substances in the stomach are very different. He suggested eating proteins separately, fats separately and carbohydrates separately, thereby facilitating digestion and reducing weight.

Herbert Shelton lectured on medicine without having a doctorate.

In the 20s of the last century, science still had a poor understanding of how digestion works. And Herbert Shelton had no medical education at all. He was convicted several times for treating without a license, and one of his patients died [1].

One of Shelton’s first opponents was the German doctor Martin Rehfuss [2]. He studied the absorption of food in various combinations. In an address to the American Medical Association in 1934, he said, “There is no evidence, either in the scientific literature or in my research, to lead me to believe that proteins and carbohydrates are incompatible in the stomach.”

Any food contains proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, and our stomach is excellent at processing everything together. As nutritionist Elena Motova explains [3], in order to eat substances in their pure form, we will have to consume either one sugar or one fat. Even a simple loaf of bread has some protein. “In fact, the digestive system “monitors” what you eat and itself regulates the required amount of enzymes. Proteins and carbohydrates are digested without problems and do not interfere with each other. This is all written in the school textbook on biology, but for some reason Shelton’s followers are not decreasing,” the doctor gets upset.

Followers of Herbert Shelton fear that without food separation, food will rot in the stomach. But rotting is the decomposition of organic substances as a result of the action of bacteria or fungi [4]. The pH in the stomach is about 2.0 (and even less if a person is very hungry), and this is more acidic than vinegar or lemon juice. In such an unpleasant place, microorganisms that could contribute to decay simply cannot survive. Even if bacteria or yeast encounter food at some point during the cooking process, they most likely will not survive in our stomach.

Incompatible foods for weight loss

Using the ideas of separate nutrition, you can not only help the body become healthy, but also lose excess weight thanks to the proper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. There are diets that take into account incompatible foods when losing weight. You should know incompatible groups:

  • proteins - eggs, meat - flour products;
  • bread – sugar, tomatoes;
  • fish, meat – grains;
  • sour cream, butter – nuts, proteins;
  • porridge – tomatoes, sour fruits;
  • zucchini, pumpkin, berries, nuts - sugar;
  • both animal and plant proteins.

Is there an alternative to the principles of separate nutrition?

Yes, and this is a balanced diet, a mixed diet, in which there is room for healthy combinations of products that have a beneficial effect on our body, improving digestion. If you want to regain your slim figure, you can switch to a proper diet, which includes products based on natural plant ingredients: stevia, amaranth, Jerusalem artichoke. This is the best option for those who want to lose excess weight without harm to their health.

In this article, we talked about the principles of separate nutrition for weight loss and gave a table of product compatibility. Whether you follow Shelton’s technique or not is up to you. But do not forget that having rebuilt your body with monotonous breakfasts, lunches and dinners, you are unlikely to be able to return to the most rational for us and beneficial for the functioning of enzymatic systems mixed meals. ⁠

Author: Di&Di Corporation

What products are incompatible with antibiotics?

When a doctor prescribes a course of antibacterial drugs, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of their combination with food. Antibiotics already have a negative effect on the body, so incompatible products should not add problems. It is necessary to read the instructions for the medications, which stipulate contraindications for eating certain foods at this time. This is especially true for drinking alcohol.

There are products that are incompatible with antibiotics and cause problems:

  • milk, fermented milk food - calcium in the composition binds the active substance, which, instead of being absorbed, is removed from the body, neutralizing the therapeutic effect of the medicine;
  • cola, pepsi - irritate the gastric mucosa;
  • sour fruits, dry wine, vinegar, pickles - negatively affect the liver.

Let's have a drink! What shall we have for lunch?

Summer means picnics and romantic dinners on the seashore. The question arises: what do we drink and what do we snack on?

Vodka. The first stack “asks” for a fatty snack - in this case, the alcohol will be absorbed more slowly. A good option is a piece of lard, fatty herring, a sandwich with red fish or caviar. The following toasts go well with lightly salted cucumbers, pickled mushrooms, and hot meat dishes. But keep in mind: vodka is not “friendly” with sausages and cheeses.

Cognac. This is not a table drink, but an exquisite dessert. His best partner is a cup of black coffee.

Guilt. Fish dishes like white table wines, meat dishes like red ones. Why? Different wines stimulate the secretion of gastric juice in different ways. But it's not that simple. White dry, semi-dry and semi-sweet are perfect for light snacks of meat and vegetables. Hot fish dishes are an excellent partner for fortified white wines (Madeira, sherry). And for hot meat dishes (kebabs, turkey, goose) dry red ones are suitable. However, it is better to choose dry white wine for pork dishes, which will help the stomach cope with the “fatty” load. And keep in mind that wines cannot be combined with ketchup and citrus fruits.

Products incompatible with milk

Dairy products are a special food for an adult. The body does not produce the required amount of special enzymes to digest them. Can milk be combined with other foods? This product is not compatible with anything. It is advisable to use it in the diet separately from other products, otherwise complications are possible:

  • when combined with melon – a laxative effect;
  • consumption with salty and sour foods – herring, cucumbers – pain, poisoning;
  • together with soda - a violent process in the stomach.

Products incompatible with alcohol

It is believed that alcoholic drinks can cause poisoning. At the same time, few people think that these consequences are possible when eating incompatible foods for snacks. This reaction is associated with the peculiarities of the interaction of food with alcohol:

  • mushrooms – actively release poisons that enter the bloodstream and affect the liver;
  • chocolate - stimulates the outflow of bile, and alcohol makes it difficult to remove it, provoking a spasm of the sphincter of the duct into the duodenum - acute pancreatitis develops;
  • grapefruit - blocks liver enzymes that break down alcohol - causes severe poisoning.

It is necessary to combine food and alcohol with caution to avoid unwanted reactions:

  • when washed down with drinks, juices containing sugar , the latter is quickly digested, leaving the alcohol unsplit, which leads to poisoning;
  • spicy snacks - horseradish, pepper, mustard, slow down the destruction of alcohol, which poisons the liver and harms the heart and blood vessels;
  • melon in combination with alcohol has laxative properties;
  • fried meat requires lengthy digestion; alcohol, remaining in the body for a long time, causes symptoms of poisoning.
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