Products for proper nutrition and weight loss - complete list, table

Every person needs quality products. People who decide to lead a healthy lifestyle are interested in the question of how to eat tasty and healthy - they want to know everything about food. Every person who sooner or later comes across the principles of healthy eating needs to learn how to choose foods for proper nutrition and figure out which foods are healthy.

What does healthy food consist of?

A healthy diet should not include food that contains pesticides. Products with a balanced diet should contain 4 main components that allow you to get rid of excess weight and normalize the functioning of internal organs and the digestive tract. These include:

  1. BJU (proteins, fats, carbohydrates). They are considered the main sources of energy and building material for cells.
  2. Fiber. Coarse fiber that normalizes the digestion process.
  3. Mineral components. Due to them, water metabolism and electrostatic tension in internal organs are normalized; they participate in most enzymatic processes and in the construction of tissues.
  4. Vitamins. They strengthen the immune system and are responsible for a person’s appearance; they will also help normalize metabolic processes in the body.

Descriptions of food products, their names and detailed composition will help you decide on the choice of diets for weight loss.

Before you start eating healthy, you need to decide which foods are environmentally friendly and which are not.

How can you give a parcel to a loved one without visiting the isolation ward?

There are several options for transferring essential items and food without visiting a detention center:

  • send a parcel by mail;
  • through the pre-trial detention center store;
  • via the Internet.

By mail

When a package for a prisoner arrives at the institution, the contents are checked in the presence of a commission consisting of three pre-trial detention center employees. Based on the results of the inspection, an act is drawn up in which a detailed description of all things and food products, their quality and appearance is made. The act is signed by the commission, read to the prisoner and attached to his personal file.

If money is found in the parcels, the money is seized and transferred to the accounting department to be credited to the personal account of the suspect or accused.

Prohibited products, substances and items seized from the parcel are transferred for storage or destroyed (clause 73 of the Internal Regulations of Detention Facilities of the Penitentiary System, approved by Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2005 No. 189). In this case, a protocol and materials are drawn up against the person who sent the parcel to bring to administrative or criminal liability.

Checking parcels and transfers is carried out as follows::

  • all bakery products are cut into pieces;
  • liquid products are poured into another container;
  • fish, cheese, lard and meat products are cut into pieces;
  • cigarette packs are opened, cigarettes are broken;
  • bulk products are poured into transparent bags;
  • The wrappers are removed from the candies, and all products are cut into pieces in order to detect hidden notes and prohibited substances.

If at the time of receipt of the parcel the prisoner is in a punishment cell, then the parcel addressed to him is temporarily transferred to a warehouse for storage and will be transferred to him after his transfer to the main cell (clause 76 of the Internal Regulations of Pre-trial Detention Facilities of the Penitentiary System, approved by the Order of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2005 No. 189).

Important ! The management and staff of the pre-trial detention center are responsible for the safety of items and products sent by relatives in parcels, with the exception of products that have become unusable due to expiration dates.

The number of parcels sent per prisoner is not limited, but the total weight of all parcels cannot exceed 30 kg per month.

Read more about how to send a parcel by Russian post to a pre-trial detention center in this article.

Via internal store

There is a store (stall) for supplying goods to suspects and accused in every pre-trial detention center. A variety of goods from the list of permitted items are brought into the store : food, personal hygiene products, newspapers, board games, matches and cigarettes.

Ordering and purchasing food and essential items through the pre-trial detention center kiosk is a more acceptable and convenient way to transfer food from relatives and loved ones.

The order of the Ministry of Justice stipulates that almost all food products to be given to a prisoner must be cut into pieces, canned food must be opened, wrappers removed from sweets, and cigarettes taken out of packs and broken in half (of course, not all in a row, but selectively). This is done in order to detect prohibited substances and hidden notes.

When transferring cigarettes and other goods through the internal store of the pre-trial detention center, all products are delivered to the prisoner’s cell in a whole, undamaged form . This is especially nice for cigarettes. Of course, for relatives, purchasing goods from a kiosk in a pre-trial detention center will cost a little more, but it is worth it.

To purchase and transfer necessary products and things through the pre-trial detention center kiosk, a relative or acquaintance must write an application in triplicate, in which he must indicate the list of goods to be transferred.

You should also indicate the weight and quantity of food and other items being transferred. One copy of the application remains with the person sending the transfer, the second copy is given to the prisoner to check the contents of the transfer, and the third is filed in the prisoner’s personal file.

Payment is made either by transfer to the account of the pre-trial detention center or to the account of the prisoner. In any case, if you decide to use this option, be sure to call the pre-trial detention center and find out how best to do it. Sometimes procedures change, and sometimes details change, so calling is a must.

Prisoners can also . To do this, they write statements addressed to the head of the pre-trial detention center, which they hand over to an administration employee. In the application they indicate a list of necessary products and items. An employee of the internal store transmits this statement to the accounting department of the institution, where employees make a record of the presence or absence of money in the personal account of this prisoner.

Purchased goods are carried to the cells and handed over against receipt. Suspects and accused persons have the right to shop at the store (stall) of the pre-trial detention center twice a month.

Ecological purity is the basis

The basic products from which food is prepared for a balanced diet must be satisfying, nutritious, of good quality and environmentally friendly. Before choosing components, you need to know their origin, type of processing and at least an approximate chemical composition. Healthy products must be organic, that is, they must be grown without the use of chemicals - pesticides, thanks to which plants are protected from the harmful effects of the environment, insects and other pests.

Environmentally friendly products can be found in specialized retail outlets, which have been regularly opening throughout the Russian Federation since 2015. You can purchase them at markets, from farmers who grow crops on small plots, or try to run your own farm - produce eco-products yourself. To simplify the choice, experts recommend purchasing a special device that allows you to determine the residual level of nitrates with almost 100% accuracy. The name of the device is nitrate tester.

If the concentration of nitrates in fresh vegetables and fruits is high, then the residual amount of pesticides can be reduced independently: to do this, pour warm water into a large saucepan and add 15 ml of apple cider vinegar and 15 g of crystalline sodium carbonate. Vegetables and fruits are soaked in the resulting solution for 30 minutes, then washed in plenty of water and dried.

Useful elements contained in onions

Onions are rich in ascorbic acid, and their content is not inferior to any vegetable crop. Ascorbic acid helps strengthen the immune system, regulates blood pressure and enhances bone regeneration.

About retinol

Retinol has a beneficial effect on skin condition. If you include the vegetable in your daily diet, the water balance of the epidermis will noticeably normalize, and problems with dryness and flaking will go away. Retinol also has a beneficial effect on a person’s nervous structure, relieving him of stress and sudden panic attacks. Due to retinol, the quality of breast milk improves, and this is so important for a young mother when feeding her baby.

About vitamin E

Vitamin E has bactericidal properties, promotes the absorption of proteins and fats and is considered an excellent prevention of cancer. And it also has a beneficial effect on mental activity, memory and concentration.

Other benefits...

Thiamine is responsible for stimulating the female and male reproductive system, for the proper functioning of the reproductive systems, improving spermatogenesis, and increasing the likelihood of conception. It is good for the skin because it has protective properties against the harmful effects of sunlight and cold. Thiamine is also responsible for the transmission of genetic data through cells. Riboflavin is popularly called vitamin B2; it significantly improves hematopoiesis by supplying the bloodstream with oxygen. Riboflavin helps the adrenal glands function in the required order, improves visual function, protects the eye socket from the harmful effects of sunlight, and reduces the risk of cataract formation. Folic acid, which is also responsible for the formation of human DNA, is important in the formation of the neural tube leading to the fetus of a pregnant woman. It is involved in the absorption of proteins and the conversion of carbohydrates into energy, helps prevent blood clots, clogging of veins, cholesterol deposition, varicose veins and other diseases. Vitamin PP is used in the treatment of diabetes, arthritis and osteoporosis. It is interesting that this plant contains water in large quantities and occupies 86%. Thanks to this, its consumption improves the functioning of the digestive system and increases the speed of metabolic processes, helping to quickly lose weight.

List of foods recommended for proper nutrition

Many people are interested in the question of what foods can be consumed with a balanced diet. Let's consider a list of foods that are beneficial for the body, containing fast carbohydrates, large amounts of vitamins, fiber and rich in animal protein. These include:

  • cereals – corn, barley, oatmeal, rice, buckwheat;
  • legumes - beans, peas, chickpeas, soybeans, lentils;
  • cereals – rye, wheat;
  • raw vegetables - carrots, bell peppers (sweet), tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, rhubarb;
  • processed vegetables (cooked) - cauliflower and white cabbage, potatoes, beets, eggplants, zucchini;
  • fruits - apples, bananas, oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, plums, kiwis, peaches, apricots;
  • berries – currants (red black), rowan, raspberries, strawberries, cranberries;
  • nuts – almonds, peanuts, walnuts, hazelnuts;
  • mushrooms – truffles, porcini, boletus, oyster mushrooms, honey mushrooms, chanterelles, champignons;
  • vegetable oils – olive, sunflower, corn.

Products allowed during a balanced diet include pasta. Before purchasing, it is important to pay attention to what varieties of cereals they are made from.

Pasta made from durum varieties is considered the most useful - it is low in calories, does not overcook and does not overload the digestive tract.

Meat must be present in the diet. Some types of meat contain a large amount of fat (pork, fatty beef).

Dietary food should include salads, sauces, spices and seasonings. They do not need to be completely excluded from the diet, just reduce the amount. Dietary products should contain the optimal amount of protein.

Full list of products

Proper, balanced nutrition should bring pleasure, so experts recommend deciding on your gastronomic preferences in advance. List of products for a proper diet in alphabetical order:

  • legumes (chickpeas, peas, beans);
  • greens (dill, parsley, cilantro);
  • cereals (buckwheat, rice, pearl barley, barley);
  • meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit, lamb, veal);
  • vegetables (spinach, broccoli, potatoes, carrots, leeks);
  • seasonings (khmeli-suneli, cumin);
  • offal (heart, kidneys, veal liver);
  • spices and sauces (white and black pepper, bay leaf, sour cream sauce and lemon butter dressing);
  • fruits (apricots, quinces, bananas, avocados, pineapples);
  • berries (cherries, sweet cherries, raspberries, blueberries).

Exotic fruits must be consumed with caution - they can cause allergies.

Groups of products that will make your life better

The dietary menu must be compiled depending on the existing diseases of the internal organs. Experts recommend adhering to the conditional classification of products for a particular pathology. Allowed foods for stomach ulcers:

  • vegetables (broccoli, spinach, celery, carrots, bell peppers, pumpkin);
  • cereals (rolled oats, semolina, rice);
  • meat (turkey, chicken, lean beef, lamb);
  • fish (halibut, cod, pike perch);
  • dairy products (cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, yogurt).

Hypertensive patients need to eat fresh vegetables, lean fish, dairy products, fruits, dried fruits, seafood, cereals, and legumes. Avocados, dried apricots, white cabbage, broccoli, fresh herbs, sorrel, spinach, arugula, potatoes, carrots, cereals and legumes are good for hearts. Meat and fish - low-fat varieties, nuts - almonds, cashews, peanuts.

Overweight people need to focus on greens, fruits and vegetables.

Dairy products, fish, meat - only low-fat varieties, sausages - boiled types (sausages, sausages).

Table of permitted products for PP

Good foods contain fiber, fresh vegetables and fruits are enriched with vitamins and minerals. Table of useful products:

CategoryProduct NameCalorie content
Proteins (proteins)Fermented milk87-149
Meat and offal140-360
Vegetable oils900
Seeds and sunflower seeds570

If your blood sugar level is high, experts recommend eating dried fruits – they eliminate the feeling of hunger and contain a small amount of fructose.


The main rule in the transition to a healthy lifestyle is drawing up a diet, preparing dishes from fresh and high-quality food (preferably without processing or adding chemical additives). Then the body will receive more nutrients.

From the entire list of products for proper nutrition, there are 5 main groups based on origin: cereals, meat and fish, plants (vegetables, fruits, berries), oils, dairy products. Nuts, seeds, beans, and eggs are also allowed.


Healthy cereals per meal: Buckwheat, barley, pearl barley, corn, whole oatmeal, millet, brown rice. Less common: sorghum, couscous, quinoa, spelt, bulgur and teff.

What is the benefit: Valuable sources of slow carbohydrates. They satiate for a long time, suppress cravings for sweets, and help rebuild muscles. The intestinal walls are cleansed, the microflora is enriched, blood pressure is normalized, and metabolism is activated. Lots of B vitamins, fiber, potassium, phosphorus.

Tips for consumption: Cereals can be eaten in the first half of the day: for breakfast or lunch. Ideally combined with mushrooms, vegetables and herbs, berries, fruits, dairy products, fish and seafood, eggs. You can also serve porridge with meat and poultry. Cooking methods: steaming or boiling (steaming has a lower glycemic index).

How often to consume: Daily, 150-400 g per day (ready-made).

What cereals are best to exclude: Quick oatmeal (cereals), white rice, semolina, breakfast cereals. For the most part, they contain fast rather than slow carbohydrates. Cereals provide almost no long-term energy and do not satiate. Such cereals cause a quick appetite. Regular use leads to gaining extra pounds.

Which grains to reduce while losing weight: Rice, couscous, bulgur, corn porridge. High glycemic index, high in calories, carbohydrates. It is not necessary to exclude it completely.


Healthy types of meat per meal: Veal, lean beef, rabbit, lamb, chicken, turkey. Less common: venison and elk, partridge and quail, goat meat, horse meat, camel meat. Eggs: chicken, quail.

What is the benefit: Supply of complete protein and essential amino acids, prevention of anemia. At the same time, meat and eggs are rich in B vitamins, phosphorus, selenium and zinc. Muscle mass grows faster, bones are strengthened, and the functions of the central nervous system, brain, and thyroid gland are supported. Eggs contain fatty acids, choline, and lutein.

Tips for consumption: Can be used at any time of the day. The best combinations of eggs and meat will be with vegetables, herbs, mushrooms, but fruits, berries and dairy products are also suitable for poultry. You can also do it with cereals. The meat needs to be boiled or stewed, baked. Eggs - fry without oil, boil, poach.

How often to consume: Red meat 2-3 times a week, 130-180 g, poultry and low-fat varieties can be consumed more often. Eggs – 1-2 whole eggs daily.

What meat is best to exclude: Pork, goose and duck. A lot of fat - from 30% to 60%. This increases calorie content significantly. This meat changes the lipid composition in the blood and increases cholesterol levels. The products are definitely not suitable for PP and weight loss; especially, they should not be included in the diet on a regular basis.

What meat to reduce while losing weight: Lamb, marbled beef (beef with fatty layers). There is less fat in these varieties than in pork, so they can be consumed when losing weight, but only rarely. However, lamb and beef contain a lot of protein and amino acids to support muscle mass.


Healthy seafood for pp: Low-fat fish varieties - pollock, hake, blue whiting, halibut, cod, haddock, flounder, navaga. Fattier species are mackerel, chum salmon, salmon, coho salmon, pink salmon, sardines, and trout. Seafood: squid, shrimp, mussels, caviar.

What are the benefits: Sources of easily digestible protein. The exchange of fats with cholesterol is improved, bones are strengthened, and the immune system is strengthened. Fish has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, the central nervous system, liver, hair and nails. Lots of vitamins, minerals.

Advice on consumption: Can be taken at any time of the day. Combinations on PP - vegetables, herbs and greens, olives, beans, lemon are suitable for fish. From cereals you can have buckwheat, rice, millet. Seafood is steamed or baked. Fish with vegetables is an ideal dinner option.

How often to consume: Low-fat varieties are allowed daily, and fatty ones - 2-3 times a week. A standard portion is from 100 to 200 grams.

What seafood is best to exclude: Salted and dried. They contain large quantities of salt, which retains water and develops swelling. Swordfish, shark, sea bass, mackerel, eel, tilefish, carp, perch, oysters - no more than once a week due to the accumulation of mercury and toxins.

Which seafood to reduce while losing weight: Varieties with a high proportion of fat, eat no more than 2 times a week. This cannot be completely ruled out, since such fish contains a lot of healthy fatty acids with vitamin D.


Useful by-products for pp: Beef, pork, chicken liver, tongue, heart, kidneys, ventricles. Less common: lungs, brains, heads, tails, spleen.

What is the benefit: Lots of protein, like meat, but fewer calories. Contains calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc, vitamins B, A, D and E, enzymes. By-products saturate, tone and give energy for a long time, and have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system. Muscle tissue begins to grow rapidly, sleep normalizes. Regular consumption of offal reduces the risk of developing anemia.

Tips for consumption: If the offal is low-fat, it is allowed in any meal. It is better to eat fatty liver in the first half of the day. The group is combined with vegetables, cereals, and herbs. The lungs, the brain need to be boiled and stewed, the kidneys and tongue need to be boiled, the liver and heart need to be stewed.

How often to consume: 1-2 times a week is enough, serving from 15 to 200 g.

Which by-products are best to exclude: Duck liver (foie gras). This product is not the best for a healthy lifestyle, since 100 g contains 40 g of fat. Moreover, it is classified as a saturated group, the proportion of which is recommended to be limited in the diet.

Which by-products to reduce while losing weight: Beef brains. The delicacy is good for the body, but it is fatty and contains a large amount of cholesterol. In addition, beef brains are difficult and take a long time to digest.


Healthy dairy products per pp: Milk, kefir, cottage cheese, fermented baked milk, natural yoghurts, yogurt, cream, butter, sour cream, hard and soft cheeses. Less common: acidophilus, Varenets, kumiss, ayran, kurt, Varenets, matsoni.

What are the benefits: Suppliers of protein, amino acids, calcium, phosphorus and vitamins A, B12, D. Add products to a healthy diet to strengthen bones and teeth, normalize intestinal microflora, and improve brain function. Dairy products have a positive effect on immunity, the central nervous system, and hormonal levels.

Tips for consumption: Allowed at any time of the day. For example, in the morning you can make porridge with milk, and in the evening eat cottage cheese. The products are suitable for vegetables, dried fruits, herbs, berries, and cereals. Must be consumed fresh.

How often to consume: Daily unless intolerant.

Which dairy products are best to exclude: Zero-fat products and sweet yoghurts with additives, condensed milk. They contain sugar, which negatively affects health. Sugar is often added to low-fat products to compensate for the taste.

Which dairy products to reduce while losing weight: Butter, high-fat cheese, cream should be reduced due to their high calorie content.


Healthy types of vegetables per pp: White cabbage, broccoli, cucumbers, zucchini, zucchini, Chinese cabbage, celery, green peppers, green onions. Less popular: Brussels sprouts, kohlrabi, asparagus, artichokes, bok choy. Greens: spinach, sorrel, parsley, cilantro, dill, arugula, basil, as well as green salad leaves (iceberg, roman lettuce, lettuce, batavia, frisee).

What are the benefits: High in fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants. Metabolism and digestion are normalized, intestinal microflora is restored, and cholesterol levels in the blood are reduced. Radicals and toxins are neutralized, iron deficiency disappears, and the appearance of nails, skin and hair improves. Low calorie content, but high benefits.

Consumption tips: Preferably with every meal. Suitable for meat, fish and seafood, eggs. Combine with grain bread, dairy products, beans, and oils. It should be eaten fresh or steamed.

How often to consume: Every day is a must. Minimum 300 g per day.


Healthy vegetables for pp: Tomatoes, eggplants, carrots, beets, pumpkin, potatoes, garlic, onions, red and yellow peppers, cauliflower, radishes, chili peppers. Less common: daikon, parsnips, capers, sweet potatoes, yams, rutabaga, turnips, radishes.

What are the benefits: Enriching the body with fiber. Digestion improves, the percentage of beneficial microflora increases, and metabolism accelerates. The liver and intestines are cleansed, the feeling of hunger is delayed, and the risk of problems with the heart or blood vessels is reduced. Lots of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Tips for consumption: It is better to eat starchy vegetables before 17-18 hours, and the rest can be eaten at any time of the day. Combine with eggs, vegetable oil, green vegetables, fish and meat, beans, mushrooms. This segment is fully digestible in its fresh form, but baking, stewing, and boiling is not prohibited.

How often to consume: Daily, as long as the vegetables are non-starchy.

Which vegetables to reduce while losing weight: It is better to eat with restrictions - potatoes (no more than 1-2 times a week), beets, carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, turnips, rutabaga (no more than 2-3 times a week). High starch content can slow down the process of losing excess weight.


Healthy legumes for pp: Beans, beans, mung beans (mung beans), green beans, peas, lentils, chickpeas, soybeans. Each product has many varieties and types.

What are the benefits: Cleansing the intestines of food debris, improving the absorption of nutrients and nutrients, removing toxins. Beans have a beneficial effect on the skin, nails and hair, liver, blood composition, and central nervous system. Products for PP contain: B vitamins, proteins, fiber, iron and zinc, magnesium.

Consumption tips: Best served in the morning or afternoon. Legumes are ideally combined with herbs and vegetables, oils, and spices. It is better not to combine with meat, mushrooms, asparagus, cabbage, garlic and onions. Cooking methods: boiling, stewing. Pre-soaking is required.

How often to consume: 2 times a week with a portion of 100-150 g is enough.


Healthy fruits on pp: The most popular: apple, pear, banana, kiwi, grapes, persimmon, pomegranate, grapefruit, orange, tangerine, lemon. Seasonal or less common: watermelon, melon, pineapple, nectarine, apricot, peach, fig, plum, mango. Least common: papaya, passion fruit, lychee, guava.

What are the benefits: Improving the lipid profile with the prevention of atherosclerosis, neutralizing free radicals, strengthening bone tissue. Intestinal motility is improved, microflora is enriched, and foci of chronic inflammation are stopped. Mandatory products for a healthy lifestyle and proper nutrition.

Tips for consumption: You can eat fruit at any time of the day, but it is better to eat it in the first half. Fruits are combined with each other, with dairy products and cereals. Citrus fruits go well with meat, seafood, and nuts. The benefits of fresh fruits are greater; with heat treatment, beneficial substances are lost.

How often to consume: Required every day. 200-300 grams is enough.

What fruits are best to exclude: Canned foods, as well as juices and nectars (store-bought, freshly squeezed). Lots of sugar, little dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals. Often there are additives, for example, preservatives.

Which fruits to reduce while losing weight: Grapes, mango, banana, figs, lychee, watermelon. Lots of natural sugars. If you overeat, it will be extremely difficult to lose excess weight. Often such fruits cause fermentation in the gastrointestinal tract. It is also best to avoid overripe fruits due to their high sugar content.


Healthy berries for pp: Strawberries, wild strawberries, blueberries, blueberries, currants, cranberries, lingonberries, cherries, cherries, raspberries, blackberries, cloudberries, sea buckthorn, gooseberries. You can also add goji berries, viburnum, dogwood, and rose hips to your diet.

What are the benefits: Sources of antioxidants, fiber, calcium, zinc and iron, manganese, vitamins C, K, A and group B. Blood sugar decreases, the inflammatory process is inhibited, and the effect of harmful radicals is reduced. Berries help with weight loss, improve digestion, saturate for a long time, and rejuvenate the skin.

Consumption tips: It is recommended to save berries for snacks. They also go well with breakfast, for example, with porridge, oatmeal or PP pancakes. Can be consumed frozen or fresh. Pairs well with dairy products, nuts, and fruits.

How often to consume: Preferably daily, 200-300 g per serving.

Which berries to reduce while losing weight: Cherries and sweet cherries. These berries, compared to other varieties, have a lot of sugar. Therefore, it is often impossible to add to the diet when fighting excess weight, but there is no need to exclude it completely.


Healthy nuts per pp: Walnuts, pine nuts, almonds, hazelnuts, cashews, pistachios, peanuts. Less common: pecans, macadamia, coconut, chestnut, Brazil nuts.

What are the benefits: Filling the stomach with protein and fiber, reducing the feeling of hunger, stimulating the breakdown of adipose tissue. The harmful fraction of cholesterol and glucose in the blood decreases, and the functions of the gastrointestinal tract are activated. You need to include this product in a proper diet for its fatty acids, vitamins and minerals.

Tips for consumption: It would be more correct to consume nuts for breakfast and snack, but only before 15:00. Combine with fruits, dried fruits, berries and honey. Ideally consumed alone, raw or dried as a snack.

How often to consume: Allowed daily, but not more than 20-30 grams.

Which nuts are best to exclude: Salted ones. There is often too much flavoring in a product, and salt in large quantities causes swelling. Heaviness in the stomach and poor digestion are common consequences.

Which nuts to reduce when losing weight: Pine nuts, Brazil nuts, pecans, hazelnuts, macadamia, as they contain a lot of fat, which increases calorie content. It's easy to overeat them, ruining your entire meal plan for the day. There is no need to exclude it, but it is better not to abuse it.


Healthy seeds per pp: Sesame seeds, chia seeds, sunflower seeds, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, hemp seeds, poppy seeds, cumin.

What are the benefits: Normalization of lipid profile, long-term feeling of satiety, activation of metabolism, cleansing of toxins. The work of the gastrointestinal tract is stimulated, hormonal levels are stabilized. Lots of fatty acids, proteins, fiber.

Tips for consumption: Acceptable at any time of the day. The seeds are combined with fruits, berries and vegetables, nuts, honey, dairy products and cereals. Maximum benefit when consumed raw (fresh).

How often to consume: Daily, but no more than 1-2 tablespoons.

Which seeds to reduce while losing weight: Sunflower seeds. It is difficult to keep track of portions when eating freely, and the seeds are high in calories and fat. They also contain a lot of Omega-6 acids, which in large quantities are harmful.


Healthy oils for pp: Olive, flaxseed, sesame, corn, coconut, mustard, camelina, hemp, walnut oil. Less common: pine nut oil, avocado oil, pumpkin seed oil and grape seed oil.

What are the benefits: Regulating blood cholesterol, improving the digestive process, supporting metabolism, strengthening bones, muscle tissue, blood vessel walls and the heart. The immune system is strengthened, the condition of the skin, hair, nails, and joints improves. It is imperative to include this product in the diet on PP due to the presence of fatty acids.

Tips for consumption: Oils are useful at any time of the day. More often used as a dressing for vegetable salads, sauerkraut or mushrooms. They make homemade mayonnaise from them. In this case, unrefined varieties are taken. Before breakfast, you can eat a spoonful of butter in its pure form. But it’s better to fry in refined oils.

How often to consume: Every day. Serving – 1-2 tablespoons.

Which oil is better to exclude: Sunflower and soybean. Not the best varieties in terms of composition and properties.

Which oil to reduce while losing weight: Olive, sesame, corn, grape seed oil. These varieties are extremely low in Omega-3 fatty acids needed in the diet. Therefore, it is better to give preference to other varieties.


Healthy flour products for pp: Wheat flour from grade 2 and below, corn, whole grain, oatmeal, rice, rye and buckwheat flour. Less common varieties: flax flour, barley flour, soy flour, pea flour, chickpea flour, coconut flour, spelled flour. Types of bread: Borodino, bran, buckwheat, rye, whole grain. Pasta made from durum wheat. You can use PP snacks and PP baked goods.

What are the benefits: Sources of fiber, complex carbohydrates. This group has a beneficial effect on digestion, microflora, cholesterol levels, hematopoiesis and metabolism. The feeling of hunger is reduced, and the body is saturated with energy.

Tips for consumption: The food is carbohydrate-rich, which means it is suitable for consumption in the first half of the day. This could be PP baked goods (pancakes, pancakes, casseroles and muffins) for breakfast or a snack. Flour is also used to make homemade bread, which is suitable for lunch, or dough for dumplings and pies. Flour is also used for breading. Bread is suitable for snacking, pasta as a side dish for meat.

How often to consume: Can be consumed daily, but limited, within the calorie diet.

Which flour products are best to exclude: Premium wheat flour and bread, dough made from it. Store-bought baked goods, loaves, confectionery. Each of these foods contains empty calories and does not fill you for long. They contain the bare minimum of useful properties; there are almost no microelements with dietary fiber.

Which flour products to reduce while losing weight: Lavash, rice, barley, pea flour and chickpea flour, coconut flour. For the most part, these are high-calorie foods with starch or an abundance of fat. It’s better to give up pasta while losing weight and replace it with cereals. Bread – no more than 1-2 slices.


Healthy sweets for pp: Dried fruits, candied fruits, honey, marshmallows, marshmallows, marmalade, dark chocolate, as well as jams, jams, jellies without sugar. Special dietary sweets at PP: protein bars, muesli bars, gingerbread cookies and cookies (sold in special health departments or prepared at home). All products must be made from natural ingredients, without additives or sugar.

What is the benefit: An alternative to sugar, sweets, and confectionery. When such a product is made from natural ingredients, almost all beneficial substances are preserved. The body is recharged with energy, hormones of joy and pleasure are produced, and the mood improves. This is a good option for a quick snack when the body needs an urgent boost.

Tips for consumption: Sweets should be eaten in the first half of the day. You can add dried fruits, candied fruits, honey, and jam to your breakfast porridge. For a snack, take: marshmallows or marshmallows, marmalade, a piece of dark chocolate. It is not advisable to eat sweets in the afternoon.

How often to consume: Literally 20-30 g per day, you don’t need to abuse it even if you are not losing weight.

What sweets are best to exclude: Sugar, chocolates, candies, ice cream, energy drinks and carbonated sweet drinks. The risk of diabetes increases, skin and teeth deteriorate, intestinal microflora deteriorates, and extra pounds accumulate.

What sweets to reduce while losing weight: It is advisable to exclude everything; you can only leave dark chocolate and dried fruits. Otherwise, the risk of breakdowns and excess calories increases.


Useful spices for pp: Black pepper, paprika, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, garlic, bay leaf, nutmeg, cloves, coriander, rosemary, cumin, cardamom, oregano, basil, fennel, anise, cumin, vanilla. You can also include salt here, but with proper nutrition it should be reduced in the diet.

What is the benefit: Adding aroma and pleasant taste to dishes. The central nervous system is strengthened, eliminating stress, depression, and neuroses. Blood pressure and lipid profile are stabilized, blood circulation is accelerated, and metabolism is improved. Spices should be present in proper nutrition.

Tips for consumption: Adding spices to dishes does not depend on the time of day (you can add cinnamon to porridge for breakfast, coat chicken with paprika and garlic for lunch). Seasonings are combined with lean meat, fish, and vegetables.

How often to consume: Allowed daily, the norm is from 1 to 4 grams.

Which spices are best to avoid: Store-bought spice mixtures. They usually contain a lot of unhealthy additives. For example, glutamic acid is often included, which can provoke an allergic reaction. There may be dyes.

Which spices to reduce while losing weight: Spices will not add calories to the dish, but they whet the appetite, which can result in overeating. Therefore, you should not overuse seasonings. It is better to minimize salt when losing weight, as it provokes swelling and inhibits weight loss.

A set of products for weight loss. The main rules for losing weight

The basics of proper nutrition for overweight people include eating healthy and nutritious foods that do not overload the digestive tract. Essential foods that speed up the fat burning process must contain proteins, carbohydrates and fiber. Fats of animal origin are replaced with vegetable fats, but they cannot be completely excluded from the diet.

Cereals and legumes

Legumes and cereals must be present in the diet menu. Dishes prepared using them quickly eliminate the feeling of hunger. Legumes and cereals contain complex carbohydrates, the breakdown of which the body spends energy on, thereby accelerating the process of releasing fat capsules from the subcutaneous layer. To retain all the nutritional value, crops must be cooked properly.


Fats of animal origin are contained in meat; the body cannot be completely deprived of them. Experts recommend reviewing the menu and excluding fatty meats (lamb, pork, beef). They are replaced to a greater extent by vegetable fats. Dishes with added meat should be present in the diet - they are prepared from turkey and chicken.

Fruits, vegetables, greens

The main emphasis when losing weight is on fresh products of plant origin. They contain vitamins, macro- and microelements, you can quickly get enough of them without compromising your health. The best vegetables, plant foods (list of products):

  • potato;
  • carrot;
  • beet;
  • celery;
  • spinach;
  • broccoli and other types of cabbage;
  • sweet bell pepper;
  • zucchini;
  • eggplant;
  • onion;
  • rhubarb.


  • avocado;
  • apricots;
  • pineapples;
  • oranges;
  • lemons;
  • tangerines;
  • kiwi;
  • apples;
  • pears.


  • watermelons;
  • strawberry;
  • raspberries;
  • cherry plum;
  • currant;
  • plums

Dill, parsley, green onions and cilantro contain the optimal amount of minerals and improve the taste of dishes. They are most often consumed fresh.

Fermented milk

The main sources of protein are fermented milk and dairy products. The diet menu should include yoghurt, cheeses (feta cheese), kefir, yogurt and milk.

When purchasing, you need to pay attention to the fat content of the products - the percentage of fat content should not exceed 2.5%.

Meat, fish, seafood

Meat, fish and seafood can be eaten 1-2 times a day. Low-fat varieties of fish and meat go well with a side dish of stewed vegetables and boiled cereals. It is important to follow the basic rules for preparing dietary food - products are boiled, stewed in their own juices or steamed. Frying and deep-frying should be ignored. Vegetables and meat can be sauteed with the addition of a small amount of oil.

Nutrition while breastfeeding

During breastfeeding, the mother’s diet should take into account the following main factors:

  • exclusion of gas-forming products and substances that are harmful to the baby (carbonated drinks, cabbage, seeds, chewing gum, legumes, grapes, carbohydrates, alcohol, smoked and salty foods);

  • exclusion of allergenic foods (red fruits and vegetables, red fish, food additives);
  • consumption of foods rich in protein, vitamins, minerals and healthy fats (lean fish and meat, liver, eggs, baked apples, dried apricots, dried fruits, cereals, potatoes, bananas, nuts).

Proper nutrition. Fats, proteins, carbohydrates and fiber

All products are conventionally divided into 4 categories according to the content of certain components. They play an important role in human life, so experts recommend maintaining the ratio of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and fiber in food. A healthy diet requires a simultaneous intake of vitamins and minerals along with food.

Proteins are the main source of protein necessary for the normal formation of muscle tissue; fats are involved in the functioning of most systems (digestive, cardiac). Carbohydrates are a source of energy that is divided into 2 categories. Food enriched with fiber helps to lose excess weight and prevents the development of a number of chronic diseases.


Proteins, or proteins, contain the necessary concentration of amino acids involved in digestion. There are 2 types of protein - animal and plant origin, they must enter the body in equal quantities. Plant protein is found in beans, soy, lentils, wheat, chocolate and seaweed, while animal protein is found in meat, eggs and dairy products.


When losing weight, nutritionists advise focusing on foods containing easily digestible fats. These include certain types of fish (salmon, sardines, tuna), fruits (avocados) and nuts (almonds, walnuts, cashews). The consumption of animal fats should be partially reduced. Regular consumption of products in this category will preserve the elasticity of blood vessels and provide an influx of energy.


There are 2 types of carbohydrates - complex and easily soluble. The latter do not bring any benefit and are most often found in fast food and fast food; such food is transformed into fat deposits. Complex carbohydrates are found in cereals, mushrooms, pasta and dairy products. The consumption of products in this category should be regular.


Foods enriched with fiber help maintain normal weight. Unbreakable carbohydrate is found in nuts, grains, vegetables and fruits.

Fiber helps cleanse the body - by absorbing excess moisture and sugar, it speeds up the digestion process, stopping the development of fermentation and putrefaction processes in the intestines.

Products that can help you lose weight

One of the most important problems of our time is maintaining normal weight. Many people believe that a diet for weight loss is very strict and tasteless. In fact, there are a large number of products that help you lose weight “deliciously” and without harm to your health. Here are the main dishes to include in your weight loss diet:

  • legumes – rich in proteins, vitamins and dietary fiber (reduce the absorption of cholesterol, remove toxins), and also saturate the body well;
  • fish (salmon, sardines, herring, halibut, tuna, trout) and flaxseed oil are sources of fatty acids and vitamin E;
  • eggs contain 12 vitamins and minerals, choline (very beneficial for weight loss);

  • nuts are a nutritious and healthy product, rich in proteins, fats, antioxidants, and fiber;
  • low-fat yogurt without sweeteners is a source of calcium, protein and stanol (reduces cholesterol absorption), and has a beneficial effect on intestinal microflora.
  • blueberries are a powerful antioxidant that prevents aging; it is able to break down fat deposits and reduce cholesterol levels; When eaten fresh, it improves digestion.

General principles of healthy eating

People who try to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition are interested in questions about what foods can be consumed daily, how to properly prepare and combine them. Meals should be separate and fractional - the weight of portions in this case is 250-300 g. Particular attention should be paid to the methods of preparation - salads from boiled vegetables are not seasoned with mayonnaise, but with olive oil and lemon juice.

Seasonings and spices can be added to dishes, but in small quantities. Second fish courses are steamed, vegetables can be stewed and boiled. Wheat bread is replaced with rye bread, and the consumption of confectionery products is reduced to a minimum. It is important to completely give up bad habits; drinking alcohol is unacceptable.

Separate means useful

Proteins, fats and carbohydrates must be consumed correctly; some foods do not combine with each other. When preparing healthy meals, you need to be guided by the basic principles of separate nutrition:

  • starchy foods are not combined with acids - bread is not eaten with tomatoes, tangerines - with bananas;
  • carbohydrates are consumed separately from proteins - mushrooms are not eaten at the same time as porridge;
  • acids and proteins are consumed separately - nuts and mushrooms are not eaten with oranges;
  • complex and easily digestible carbohydrates cannot be combined with each other.

Eat only one type of food high in protein at a time - bread and pasta are incompatible.


Many people are interested in the answer to the question of what can be cooked while adhering to a healthy diet, and what cannot be cooked. One of the main rules of healthy eating is self-discipline. If a person decides to lead a correct lifestyle, then he must adhere to it constantly. You should not break down and abuse alcohol; prohibited dishes and foods should not be included in your diet, even with a strong desire. Experts do not recommend abruptly switching to a balanced diet; they begin to eat healthy foods gradually.

Observation and analysis

According to reviews, by adhering to proper balanced nutrition, you can get rid of up to 7-8 kg per month. At the end of each week, experts recommend arranging fasting days - they will help cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and waste. If a person pursues the goal of losing weight, then fasting is strictly prohibited. With a balanced diet, you can not only get rid of extra centimeters, but also improve the functioning of most internal organs, especially the gastrointestinal tract.

We drink a lot and correctly

Maintaining a drinking regime is considered a prerequisite for proper nutrition.

You need to drink when thirst occurs, the minimum volume of liquid consumed is no more than 2 liters, but this does not mean that all drinks can be used. Permitted include:

  • compotes from dried fruits and fresh fruits without added sugar;
  • herbal infusions and teas, including green;
  • fruit drinks;
  • jelly;
  • mineral water without gas;
  • fresh juices;
  • kefir;
  • weak coffee and black tea;
  • homemade lemonade;
  • drinking yogurt.

Sparkling mineral water, carbonated sweet and alcoholic drinks must be completely excluded from the menu.

Fruit juices can be mixed with vegetable juices - such fresh juices are beneficial for the body.

Table of food combinations for proper nutrition

Nutritionists recommend observing food compatibility - this will avoid digestive problems. Food compatibility table (according to Sheldon):

1. Fish and meat0+
2. Green vegetables+0++++++++++++++
3. Vegetables with starch*+0+++*+++*++*+*
4. Butter++0+****+
5. Vegetable oil++0+*++*+
6. Sugar+0
7. Cereals and flour products++++0*+*
8. Dried fruits, fruits+**0**+**
9. Legumes++*+*0*++
10. Potatoes+++*0+*+
11. Sour cream++**+*++0++
12. Milk***0
13. Cottage cheese++0+++
14. Cheese+***+0+
15. Eggs+*0
16. Nuts++**+*++0+
17. Mushrooms+*++*+*++0

Table symbols: (-) – negative compatibility, (+) – positive compatibility, (*) – relative compatibility. Thanks to the data in this table, you can quickly navigate and prepare a dish in which the components are combined with each other.

Approximate list of products for PP for a week

You need to buy food from trusted retail outlets - this will minimize the risk of purchasing low-quality or spoiled vegetables, fruits and dairy products.

Nutritionists say that the healthiest foods are natural, naturally grown.

Grocery list for the week:

  1. Meat and offal (beef liver, chicken fillet, chicken breasts and thighs) - from 130 rubles per 1 kg.
  2. Cereals (buckwheat, rice, semolina) – from 50 rubles. per pack.
  3. Greens, vegetables and fruits (depending on gastronomic preferences) – 70 rubles. for 1 kg.
  4. Chicken eggs – from 50 rub. for 10 pcs.
  5. Dairy products (drinking yogurt, kefir, milk) – from 40 rubles. for 1 piece
  6. Bread and flour products (buns, rye or grain) – from 40 rubles. for 1 piece

The daily menu can be varied with fish - from 150 rubles, the total budget for PP products is at least 380 rubles. There is no need to purchase exotic fruits (papaya, passion fruit) - they can provoke allergic reactions in people who are not accustomed to them. Apples, pears and citrus fruits contain almost the same amount of vitamins.

Prohibited foods for PP

Most people trying to maintain a balanced, fractional diet are interested in the question of which foods should be excluded from the diet. In view of this, when eating on a diet, it is recommended to count foods; fatty, hard, salty, smoked and spicy foods should be removed from the menu. It slows down the speed of metabolic processes, disrupting their synthesis.

Prohibited foods include smoked meats and sausages, fatty meats, fish and some seafood (oysters, mussels and octopus). You need to completely give up snacks, chips, crackers made from wheat bread and fast food. Dishes sold in fast food chains (french fries, nuggets) are deep-fried, so the food contains a large amount of carcinogens.

Instant noodles and quick soups should be completely excluded from the diet. They contain artificial flavors, flavor enhancers, and preservatives. They quickly, but not for long, satisfy hunger due to the high concentration of light carbohydrates. It is not recommended to consume tobacco products, baked goods, and chocolates - they contribute to the formation of cholesterol plaques on the vascular walls. Alcohol, energy drinks and those containing caffeine are strictly prohibited.

List of foods to avoid

Products prohibited for consumption include finished products that can be purchased in stores. Full list of products for the duration of the diet or during PN:

  1. Store-bought juices and nectars. They contain no more than 20-35% natural freshly squeezed juice, the rest is dyes, flavor enhancers, flavors and other food additives.
  2. Canned food. Such fish, vegetables and meat contain all kinds of E-additives, which have a detrimental effect on the functioning of the digestive tract and the entire body.
  3. Mayonnaise. The sauce is high in calories and also contains flavor enhancers. If desired, the sauce can be replaced with low-fat cream or sour cream.
  4. Ready-made seasonings for first and second courses. They can be replaced with fresh herbs, salt and ground black pepper.
  5. Sausages (smoked). The products are high in calories, they most often contain carcinogens and various food additives that allow sausages to be stored for a long time.
  6. Sweets. They are replaced with dried fruits, which contain the optimal amount of complex carbohydrates necessary for normal digestion.

Prohibited products include flour products cooked in vegetable oil. If desired, the pies are cooked in the oven.

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