A complete list of all products for proper nutrition

How and where to start

It is clear that not a single list of the best products for proper nutrition and healthy weight loss can be called universal - each organism is special, and we all have individual preferences . Therefore, I recommend proceeding according to this scheme:

  • studying theory;
  • We make our own list of what to buy;
  • We conduct an audit of household supplies, mercilessly throwing away everything prohibited (you can donate to charitable organizations if you don’t dare throw away the food);
  • we save our grocery list (you can even print it out and hang it on the refrigerator);
  • Let's go to the store and start shopping for the week.

It’s easy to create a personal list: write down from our article those products that you love, as well as those that are available in your region; cross out what you absolutely do not like or is not suitable for your health (allergies, intolerance); check to see if anything prohibited has been included.

After that, feel free to go shopping - now there will definitely be no harmful things or temptations in your refrigerator and on the shelves.

PP menu for weight loss for a month with recipes: cottage cheese casserole

In the process of losing weight, you can prepare a delicious casserole of apples and cottage cheese. The dish contains the following products:

  • 150 grams of cottage cheese 5% fat;
  • 1 dessert spoon of honey;
  • a small amount of natural low-fat yogurt;
  • a little cinnamon;
  • 100 grams of apples.

It is recommended to bake the dish in the oven. In this case, you need to prepare a small pan with a non-stick coating. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly. To give the dish a viscous consistency, you need to add a small amount of semolina. Cottage cheese and apple casserole is prepared in the oven at a temperature of at least 180 degrees.

List of foods for proper nutrition

Proper, healthy food is primarily a source of energy, which is divided into 4 groups:

  1. complex carbohydrates;
  2. vegetable and animal proteins;
  3. fats;
  4. cellulose.

This also includes water, but everything is simple with it - drink only high-quality, purified water and without any additives. Let's take a closer look at the products.

Complex carbohydrates

What you probably know is that these are carbohydrates, when digested, the body receives high-quality energy (without spikes in insulin levels).

In general, carbohydrates are found in almost all foods, but the easiest way to get them is from grains (buckwheat, oatmeal, pearl barley, bulgur, brown rice, millet), legumes (peas, beans, lentils, chickpeas) and pasta made from whole grain flour or flour durum wheat varieties.

ProductKcal per 100 gProductKcal per 100 g
Peas323Pearl barley324
Whole peas303Wheat “Poltavskaya”325
Buckwheat done326Millet334
Buckwheat core329Rice323
Whole grain pasta300Beans309
Pasta from TV varieties295Lentils310

Protein (protein)

For athletes and simply active people, protein is no less important - it helps build muscle mass and feel young and vigorous. Therefore, any list of foods - for a week, month or even a day - must necessarily include a variety of protein-rich foods .

We already know which foods contain a lot of protein. The best sources of protein are eggs, fermented milk products with a minimum amount of fat (kefir, cottage cheese, yogurt from a slow cooker with low-fat milk), lean meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit, veal), seafood and fish. By-products - liver, hearts - will also not hurt.

ProductKcal per 100 gProductKcal per 100 g
Yogurt 3.2%87Chum salmon138
Kefir 0%29Sprat142
Kefir 1%37Smelt93
Milk 0%34Shrimp85
Milk 2.5%53Icy76
Milk 3.2%58Bream109
Raw goat milk71Salmon200
Whole milk powder477Mackerel111
Curdled milk 3.2%57Boiled mussels53
Ryazhenka 2.5%53Pollock67
Cream 10%121capelin159
Sour cream 10%118Navaga78
Sour cream 20%208Burbot85
Dutch cheese352Sea bass123
Poshekhonsky cheese348River perch80
Russian cheese366Sturgeon161
Sulguni cheese293Octopus74
Low-fat cottage cheese89Halibut106
Beef191Boiled crayfish96
Beef tongue160Carp119
Beef heart89Saira257
Beef brains126Salaka124
Beef liver100Herring248
Chicken liver140Horse mackerel119
Chicken gizzards86Sterlet126
Chicken hearts159Zander81
Chickens (white meat)101Cod76
Chickens (on average)161Tuna95
Pork liver105Sea eel331
Pig heart87Oysters91
Pig tongue203Trout99
Pork kidneys84Hake84
Gobies147Marine language89
Pink salmon151Egg powder545
Squid77Chicken egg153
Flounder86Quail egg170
crucian carp84Ostrich egg118
Carp95Duck egg176


When deciding what to eat for weight loss, often those individuals who want to lose weight, at best, cut down on fats, and at worst, ignore them altogether. This is fundamentally wrong, and with a long-term exclusion of fats, you can not only see how the condition of your hair, nails, and skin deteriorates, but also significantly undermine your health. Especially for women - without fat, the female hormonal system cannot function normally .

Nutritionists advise getting high-quality fats from unrefined vegetable oils, nuts and seeds, and fatty sea fish. For example, chia seeds are good - with a calorie content of 512 kcal, they contain 31 g of healthy fats!

ProductKcal per 100 gProductKcal per 100 g
Peanut551Vegetable oil (any)898
Pine nuts629Almond649
Cashew633Sunflower seeds610
coconut flakes606Pumpkin seeds580


The role of fiber is important both in a healthy lifestyle and when losing weight - it promotes long-term satiety, improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and does a lot more so that we can enjoy life to the fullest.

The best sources of fiber are fresh vegetables, fruits and berries, herbs, dried fruits.

Remember! Your daily list of foods for proper nutrition must include all groups!

Vegetables and herbs, fruits, berries and dried fruits

White cabbage27Agrus (gooseberry)42
Brussels sprouts43Watermelon28
Red cabbage24Quince40
Cauliflower30A pineapple49
Young potatoes61Banana91
Sweet potatoes (yam)61Grape64
Green onion19Pomegranate52
Bulb onions41Pear42
Sweet pepper26Figs257
Parsley (root)53Cranberry21
Rhubarb (stalks)16Kiwi49
Radish21Dried apricots240
Celery (root)32Peach42
Tomatoes23Date fruit306

What is a balanced diet

A balanced diet (BN) is a set of healthy nutrients, designed for one or another body weight, which contributes not only to the loss of extra pounds, but also to the improvement of the entire body. The SP is observed according to several principles.

Firstly, the number of calories received is reduced to a minimum, and nutrients received to a maximum. This happens by reducing the consumption of fat-containing foods.

Secondly, the body, due to a calorie deficit, speeds up its metabolism, thereby using up its own fat resources.

Attention! It is recommended to eat berries and fruits before 15:00, raw vegetables - before 17:00, otherwise their consumption will have a detrimental effect on the digestive system. An exception may be stewed or boiled vegetables.

A balanced diet is:

  1. Accelerated metabolism (active metabolism). It is an effective way to lose excess weight and build muscle mass (the condition will be properly selected exercises).
  2. The energy value of calories in the diet is selected so that the body spends energy from the inside, but at the same time does not feel an energy deficit.
  3. The regimen is in the form of fractional meals, divided into six daily portions. This approach allows you not to feel hungry, but at the same time not to overeat due to small portions. The last meal should be no later than 19.00. It is allowed, an hour before bedtime, to satisfy your hunger with a glass of kefir.
  4. Balance of proteins, fats, carbohydrates (B/F/U). Compliance with proportions in order to improve the health of the body will be as follows: B2/G1/U2. With a balanced diet, designed not for weight loss, but for controlling your weight, the formula will be different: B1/W1/U4. Fats of animal origin should be replaced with vegetable ones, and carbohydrates should be exclusively “long-term”.
  5. Cooking method. Not only excess body volume, but also health in general depends on this point. You will have to exclude fried, fatty, smoked, salty foods, as well as fast carbohydrates in the form of confectionery, chocolate and fast food products.
  6. Eating according to a person’s biorhythmic characteristics. Given this approach, emphasis should be placed on the rules established by nutritionists: breakfast should be eaten by a person no later than the first hour from his morning awakening; lunch should be divided into two stages, one of which will include soups and meat, and the other, main courses; be sure to have afternoon snacks several times a day; have dinner no later than three hours before going to bed.
  7. Drinking plenty of water throughout the day. It helps cleanse the body of toxins, better digestion of food, weight loss, and activation of metabolism.
  8. Limiting sugar and salt, which can retain water at the cellular level, preventing you from getting rid of extra pounds.

Top 10 products for weight loss

From all this variety, I would like to highlight 10 products that are simply ideal for both weight loss and weight loss:

  1. ginger is both tasty and healthy, and also has a slight fat-burning effect;
  2. grapefruit - vitamins, cholesterol protection, minimum calories;
  3. oatmeal satiates for a long time and easily replenishes the lack of carbohydrates. A serving of cooked oatmeal does not contain many calories;
  4. buckwheat - similar in properties to oatmeal;
  5. apples, raspberries, blueberries - tasty, low-calorie and very rich in vitamins;
  6. low-fat cottage cheese is an ideal source of protein and many useful micro- and macroelements;
  7. lean sea fish;
  8. chicken fillet;
  9. cabbage, including sea cabbage, contains so few calories and so many useful substances that everyone should include it in their list of foods for weight loss or simply maintaining weight.
  10. dill, parsley, lettuce and any other greens are useful both as a source of vitamins, fiber, and as simply a great way to make any food tastier.

We could also include green tea in the top 10 - its qualities are very useful for those losing weight, but only without honey, sugar or other sweeteners.

Recipes for proper nutrition for weight loss

In order for the diet to be as effective as possible throughout the month, meals for proper nutrition for weight loss are prepared according to a number of principles:

  1. A small amount of ingredients - up to four in one dish.
  2. Without salt, sugar and spices.
  3. Minimum heat treatment time.
  4. Steam or water bath recipes are preferred.
  5. No semi-finished products.
  6. Soups and porridges on water: sweet - with dried fruits, salty - with mushrooms.
  7. Poultry meat - steamed; fish and beef - baked in foil in the oven.

Prohibited products

Since we're talking about sugar, it's time to move on to products that are prohibited in paragraphs.

I think each of us already knows which foods to exclude:

  • everything that contains sugar. Sweets, chocolates, store-bought yoghurts with fillings, and even that delicious and healthy raspberry jam from grandma;
  • flour products made from premium flour, various snacks (chips, crackers, etc.);
  • everything fried in fat, smoked and salted;
  • any alcohol, including beer. Even those brewed in private breweries are “natural and healthy”;
  • any semi-finished products: dumplings, dumplings;
  • all kinds of store-bought juices, jams and generally any preserves with vinegar, salt, sugar.

Balanced nutrition menu for every day

To solve the problem of extra pounds, you should think about your diet for a certain period of time and stick to it. Most often, nutritionists write out the menu for the week.


BreakfastFirst afternoon teaLunch (1 part)Lunch (part 2)Second afternoon teaDinner
AppleYogurt, natural (100 ml)Soup, chicken (180 ml)Buckwheat (70 gr.)Dried fruits (70 gr.)Stewed cabbage
Hercules porridge (100 gr.)Nuts (65g.)Boiled chicken (85 gr.)Cottage cheese, low fat
(100 gr.)
Chicken cutlet
Sandwich: slice of cheese, bran bread (40 gr.)


BreakfastFirst afternoon teaLunch (1 part)Lunch (part 2)Second afternoon teaDinner
PearKefir (100 ml)Soup, vegetable (180 ml)Boiled beans with onions (70 gr.)Sesame seeds (100 gr.)
(70 gr.)
Zucchini fritters (baked)
Buckwheat porridge
(100 gr.)
Baked apple with nuts insideCarrot salad (85 gr.)Beetroot casserole
(100 gr.)
Sour cream (30 ml)
1 boiled egg


BreakfastFirst afternoon teaLunch (1 part)Lunch (part 2)Second afternoon teaDinner
Fruit salad dressed with yogurtTender cottage cheese (80 gr.)Soup, meat
(180 ml)
Broccoli, baked (80 gr.)Carrot pudding
(70 gr.)
Two potatoes (baked)
Corn porridge
(100 gr.)
Oatmeal cookies, homemade (2-3 pieces)Boiled beef (80 gr.)Kefir
(100 ml)
Zucchini caviar (70 gr.)
Slice of soy cheese


BreakfastFirst afternoon teaLunch (1 part)Lunch (part 2)Second afternoon teaDinner
AppleFruit juice, berry (180g ml.)Soup, fish
(180 ml)
Green bean dish (80 gr.)Nuts
(80 gr.)
Steamed eggplants (100 gr.)
Oat flakes
(100 gr.)
Apple pudding (80 gr.)Boiled fish (80 gr.)Kefir
(100 ml)
Baked mushrooms (70 gr.)
Sandwich: a slice of cheese with bread and tomato


BreakfastFirst afternoon teaLunch (1 part)Lunch (part 2)Second afternoon teaDinner
Yogurt with added fruit (100 gr.)Berries (110 gr.)Vegetable okroshka, with kefir
(180 ml)
Beans, boiled (80 gr.)Dried fruits
(70 gr.)
Zucchini, baked (100 gr.)
Omelette of two eggs with kefir
(100 gr.)
Corn fritters (2-3 pieces)Baked cauliflower (100 gr.)Cocoa
(180 ml)
Pasta (80 gr.)


BreakfastFirst afternoon teaLunch (1 part)Lunch (part 2)Second afternoon teaDinner
Fresh cabbage salad (100 gr.)Yogurt (180 ml)Beetroot soup
(180 ml)
Boiled potatoes (2 pcs.)Dried fruits
(70 gr.)
Vegetable casserole
(100 gr.)
Corn flakes
(100 gr.)
Baked bananas (70 gr.)Boiled chicken breast (85 gr.)Kefir
(100 ml)
Crab meat (70 gr.)
Cheese (50 gr.)


BreakfastFirst afternoon teaLunch (1 part)Lunch (part 2)Second afternoon teaDinner
Berries (80 gr.)Cocoa (120 ml)Broth
(180 ml)
Soybean dish (80 gr.)Nuts
(70 gr.)
Vegetable pilaf (100 gr.)
Salad: corn, crab sticks (70 gr.)Boiled broccoli (100 gr.)Steamed cutlets (100 gr.)Kefir
(100 ml)
Raisins (70 gr.)
Bran (100 gr.)

In addition to water and the above drinks, you can also drink from liquids:

  • Tea with lemon;
  • herbal tea (chamomile, lemon balm, oregano, valerian, motherwort);
  • black coffee;
  • fruit drinks and fruit compotes.

It is better to avoid milk and cream, but all fermented milk products are suitable, but with the least amount of fat and, of course, without sugar.

With a list to the store

If your personal list is ready, let's go shopping!

Before doing this, I advise you to have a snack - with an empty belly, you can rush and put what you don’t need in the basket.

also better to take a specific route, trying not to go near departments with sweets , cakes, ice cream and cookies.

It is also better not to visit departments with prepared food, especially at the beginning of your journey, while you are still learning to plan your diet.

Let's read the composition! This is very important - often a product that is healthy and correct at first glance may contain various taboo additives.

Diet pattern depending on gender

A healthy monthly weight loss nutrition program can be adjusted depending on a person’s needs. The calorie content of the menu for a woman engaged in heavy physical labor should be increased by approximately 15%.

Important! A monthly weight loss meal plan for a man with a high level of physical activity involves increasing the recommended caloric intake of the menu by 25%. If a male representative simply wants to stay in shape, it should be increased by about 40%.

Tips video

I also recommend this must-watch video with advice from doctors:

Irina Polyanitsa My name is Irina, I am the owner and admin of the site, as well as the author of most of the recipes and articles. I love to cook simple and healthy delicacies. Certified gym instructor, personal trainer. She completed a course on nutrition and health at Stanford University, Stanford Introduction to Food and Health, as well as a course at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) Nutrition and Lifestyle in Pregnancy (about nutrition and lifestyle during pregnancy).

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