Qigong with Lee Holden: 5 workouts for self-healing

Lee Holden - teacher and student: where it all began

Lee Holden
Probably, one thing can be said about the story of Lee Holden: “if there was no happiness, but misfortune helped.” Lee considered a football career to be his life's work, but serious injuries put an end to this dream. He began to look for a way to restore his health and discovered Qi Gong. Gradually, the ancient practices performed a miracle, Lee felt that he could return to the game again. However, inspired by the result, he continued to improve spiritually and physically. Over time, he realized that he had to share his knowledge with other people.

Today he is a world-renowned instructor of meditation, tai chi and Qi Gong. His experience and approachable teaching style have made him a favorite teacher for thousands of followers.

Lee Holden: “Ancient practices performed a miracle and helped me regain my health”

Practices with Lee Holden

Rules for morning 10 min Qigong exercises.

1. You cannot suddenly get involved in vigorous activity, this is harmful to the heart. 2. Some exercises can be done while lying in bed. 3. Before starting the complex, you can wash your face, walk around a little, and drink a glass of water. 4. It is necessary to perform the complex in a ventilated room, in clothes that do not restrict movement, to quiet music with a tempo of no higher than 140-170 beats per minute.

There are a great variety of morning exercise complexes. We offer you two sets of Chinese morning qigong exercises.

Morning exercises are an important part of the complex

An important part of the qigong complex with Lee Holden is morning exercises. It can be quite long (about twenty minutes) or simplified (about ten minutes). The advantage of this charge is the gentle activation of all vital systems. By starting your day right, you can make it more productive, positive, and fulfilling because your initial energy levels will be high.

Morning exercises gently activate all body systems

The advantage of this charge is the gentle activation of all vital systems.

Qigong Lee Holden morning exercises 10 min video:

As Lee Holden himself demonstrates, morning exercises in the spirit of qigong should be done relaxed, without muscle tension and unnecessary effort. Each movement should be smooth and measured, but at the same time aimed at achieving a specific goal.

This is the best way to wake up from sleep and take the first step towards health, without putting it off until another day. Anyone can master such a complex; the main thing is not to forget to repeat it every morning.

Exercise is the best way to wake up from sleep and take the first step towards health, without putting it off until another day.

Lee Holden morning qigong exercises 20 minutes video:

15-minute morning routine to boost energy and vitality:

Exercises from the Lee Holden complex

Lee Holden's exercise is somewhat different from the classic Qigong technique. It is simpler and suitable for everyone, even beginners. We offer several exercises from the gymnastics complex.

Doors of Life

Starting position: stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, relax your neck and shoulders. Turn your body, helping yourself with your hands. They should bend when turning and tap the lower back and lower abdomen. If you want to pay more attention to your spine, look over your shoulder when turning.

Breathe deeply while doing the exercise. This exercise well stimulates the acupuncture point at the level of the second lumbar vertebra between the kidneys. The body opens to energy and warms up, the cardiovascular system actively works.


The starting position is similar. Raise your arms above your head and bend your knees as you exhale. Slowly sit down, smoothly lowering your arms down. As you inhale, rise up. Do the exercise slowly. You need to inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. You can squat either deeply or just a little.

This exercise helps strengthen the leg muscles and tones the kidneys. It also strengthens the hips and lower back. Deep squats are a great leg stretcher.

Qi massage

Perform light tapping in the kidney area with the fists of both hands. Then tap your palms completely, lowering and rising slightly above and below the kidneys. Lower yourself down, simultaneously patting on the outside and lifting your body up, now patting the inside of your legs. Next, you need to tap your chest with your fists, while inhaling deeply and exhaling slowly. Pat the inside of the shoulder, then the outside. Do the same with the shoulders and neck. Thus, we pat the body from the wrist to the neck, both from the outside and from the inside.

This light massage improves blood circulation, energizes the heart and lungs, and strengthens the body's defenses.

In between exercises, close your eyes for a few seconds and relax completely.


Buddha holding the earth

Relax your neck, shoulders and core. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. Round your arms and place them in front of you. As you inhale, raise your arms above your head. The palms should face up and the thumbs should be extended. As you exhale, lower your arms, and then, as you inhale, raise them again. As you raise your arms, you can pause briefly at the top. This exercise strengthens the muscles and further improves lung function.

Exercise for harmony of soul and body

The position of the arms is similar, extend your arms slightly forward. Move them apart in a smooth motion, then bring them together again with the backs of your hands. In this position, raise your arms to chest level and stretch them forward with force. Then release your arms, raise them again and lower them. In this exercise, correct breathing is important: as you exhale, spread your arms to the sides, straighten them as you exhale. Circular movements are made while inhaling. This exercise is great for relieving tension in the spine and arms.

Exercise for balance and attention

You need to put your feet together. Place one hand on the center of the abdomen, and draw the other in a semicircle. Inhaling, describe the circle, exhaling, lower your hand. Thus, describe circles with each hand in turn. At the end of the lesson, cross your arms over your stomach, close your eyes and relax your entire torso. Maintain this position for a few seconds. This exercise will teach you to concentrate and accumulate energy.

Qigong “Self-Healing Complex with Lee Holden”

Lee Holden has developed a complex that harmoniously combines the age-old wisdom of the East and the tireless dynamism of the West. Lee Holden called this complex “Self-Healing”.

Qigong “Self-Healing Complex with Lee Holden”

“Self-healing” is a sequence of exercises based on the activation of energy centers by influencing acupuncture points and reflexogenic zones of the body. In the East, the ability to influence the functioning of internal organs by stimulating these centers has long been used. By performing simple movements, you can increase your level of vital energy, relieve muscle tension and tune your whole body to a healthy wave.

Healing Through Exercise

We increase our vital energy level, relieve muscle tension and tune our body to a healthy wave.

By working with Lee Holden, you can avoid many health problems or solve them without resorting to the help of doctors. Just three weeks of regular classes - and gymnastics will become a part of your life, and poor health and ailments will leave it!

Qigong: morning exercises - 10 minutes for a great day

In the East, the sages began their day with a whole unique ritual. They trained, tempering both mind and body, and received vital forces from the source of Qi energy during their meditations. Now everything has become much simpler - it turns out that Qi lives everywhere, its environment is air.

And qigong is a practice that is based on breathing and simple physical movements. They are smooth, graceful and calm, and they are aimed at making it as easy as possible to launch Chi energy into your body.

There are special energy points and channels in our body called meridians. By practicing, a person activates them with the help of his breathing and exercises, as if unsealing them so that life-giving Qi can enter the body.

Morning practice transforms the state of body and spirit, and in addition, it also heals physical ailments. Traditionally, in China it is customary to practice qigong in the morning, immediately after waking up. It is believed that at this time a human being is most receptive to receiving Qi energy, and its healing and strengthening effects are most pronounced.

Tibetan gymnastics 5 pearls

The 5 pearls gymnastics were also practiced by Tibetan monks. It affects hormonal levels and helps you lose weight.

1 pearl

We spread our arms to the sides and rotate clockwise (21 times). Exercise improves blood circulation throughout the body.

2 pearl

Place your hands on the floor and raise your legs at right angles. And so 21 times.

3 pearl

We kneel down, press our chin to our chest, place our feet on our toes, then bend our back (21 times).

4 pearl

We sit down, put our hands back, and leaning on them, throw our heads back and raise our knees (21 times).

5 pearl

We take the emphasis while lying down. We stretch upward, arching our back a little.

This set of exercises improves blood circulation throughout the body, strengthens major muscle groups, speeds up metabolism, and thanks to this helps to lose weight.

  • Try Qigong exercises to get rid of back pain.
  • Yoga to enhance your sexuality.
  • And 5 Tibetan pearls to lose weight.

Just 15 minutes a day will help you stay healthy!

Qigong for longevity

According to Chinese wisdom, the key to longevity is good kidney function. It is this organ that is emphasized in Lee Holden’s gymnastics for longevity. The effectiveness of Qigong for extending life has been proven by a record number of centenarians among Eastern monks.

The technique contains exercises performed on the basis of special turns of the body, tapping on the “Sea of ​​Qi”, (abdominal) “Gate of Life” (lumbar region), external and internal sides of the legs, hips and other areas of the body.

A complex effect on vital points, according to Lee, not only prolongs life, but also restores health, vital energy, improves mood, and uplifts spirit.

Execution technique

When performing exercises, you must adhere to three rules. These are the “three pillars” on which qigong is based:

  • correct posture;
  • breathing technique;
  • concentration of consciousness on energy.

Lee Holden's morning complex will bring maximum effect if the correct exercise technique is supplemented with the following components:

  1. Mastering proper breathing technique. You will need to use abdominal breathing, concentrated in the lower abdomen. As you inhale, you need to fill the abdominal cavity with air, and as you exhale, relax it as much as possible. This breathing improves blood flow, strengthening the immune system and having a beneficial effect on metabolic processes.
  2. Use of massage in the program, which complements the exercises and activates vital energy points. The movements will be performed energetically and sharply, but without the use of force.
  3. Attracting Qi energy. You need to learn to concentrate on internal sensations, completely relaxing. As a result, the tone and appearance of the skin will improve, congestion will disappear, and spiritual harmony will appear.
  4. Not the least place in Eastern philosophy is given to nutrition, which provides the right energy. You should drink more water, eliminate unhealthy foods, and eat more plant foods - vegetables and fruits.

Originally posted 2018-01-29 12:42:59.

Opinions about the Lee Holden technique from doctors and patients

Most patients who care about their health, want to maintain it at the same level, rejuvenate the body and prolong life, speak positively about charging for 20 minutes.

About 80% of respondents note the ease and ease of doing the exercises. There is no need to leave home, run to the gym or waste a lot of time.

The technique of performing gymnastics is very simple and at the same time effective. Patients have the opportunity to independently, while at home, treat and prevent diseases of the nervous system, internal organs, spine, and musculoskeletal system.

Doctors of all specializations speak positively about Lee Holden’s gymnastics, but emphasize that every person who wants to master this practice must first undergo an examination at the clinic.

This will allow timely detection of hidden chronic diseases, the presence of which precludes the use of the above exercises. This is especially true for people with diseases of the spine and gastrointestinal tract.

When is the best time to practice qigong?

In accordance with the practice of traditional Chinese medicine, the flows of qi and blood circulate (circulate) through special energy channels - a system of meridians and collaterals. During daylight hours, a closed circulation cycle occurs in the human body along 12 meridians. Every 2 hours, a certain meridian dominates, and the opposite meridian retreats as much as possible in its action.

The optimal time for classes is from 3 to 5 am. Previously, doctors in the Middle Kingdom believed that the correct qi energy was concentrated in the lungs. Ancient works indicate that this organ is not only the place where true energy is generated, but also keeps the entire body in balance. This time period is the period of the birth of yang power. This period is excellent for therapeutic and preventive measures.

You can also set aside time around 12 noon, when training will be fruitful due to maximum Yang. You can also highlight the time at 12 o'clock at night, when maximum Yin is characteristic.

Often today they train in the morning before work. 30-40 minutes is enough for quality training and a surge of energy for the whole day. It happens that evening workouts are preferable. In this case, classes are postponed until after the end of the working day.

What role does sound play when performing qigong exercises?

Making sounds is part of the breathing technique. It allows you to perform exercises more accurately and speed up the achievement of results. It is important that the sound and breathing techniques are harmonious and consistent. A classic breathing technique system is used, which is characterized by the following seasons:

  • heat;
  • cold;
  • dryness;
  • humidity.

The practice correlates with the diagram of internal organs, the five elements, and the meridian system. This gives the correct balance of yin and yang substance, regulation of blood circulation and qi energy. It is important to strictly follow the master’s recommendations, observe breathing techniques and perform exercises.

This classification is associated with a system of specific sounds, such as “si”, “chuy”, “sy”, “yuy”, “he”. Depending on the position of the lips, the types of exit are named, which affect the nature and strength of the impact. The condition of the lungs, spleen, kidneys, liver and heart is taken into account. The effect on collaterals and meridians is also taken into account.

Thus, the practice of qigong allows you to gradually improve, achieving progress in training. This requires the help of a real master, who takes into account the physiological state and health of the students.

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