Dumbbell training program for gaining weight at home in 4 weeks

Are you looking for ways to build muscle with dumbbells at home and build a new body with broad shoulders, massive chest, big biceps and triceps and ripped abs? You're in luck because this article provides dumbbell exercises at home that will help you quickly build muscle and transform your physique in just 4 weeks.

Be sure to strictly follow the dumbbell workout plan below at home, complete the exercises in order and follow the instructions. All you need is a pair of collapsible dumbbells.

Description of the dumbbell training program

Before we go directly to the program and tell you exactly what exercises with dumbbells for men need to be performed, first let's talk a little about the theory.

  1. Split

This 4-week plan involves 4 home workouts per week. Each lesson is aimed at different parts of the body: the first - on the chest and back, the second - on the arms (biceps and triceps), the third - on the legs and abs, and the fourth - on the shoulders.

This at-home dumbbell workout program is designed to help you build muscle mass and transform your body as quickly as possible.

During the first three workouts per week, you work different muscle groups, so that while one part of the body is working, another is recovering. This will keep the intensity high and lift the heaviest weight without compromising your technique. For better muscle growth, each exercise at home with dumbbells must be done with maximum intensity.

  1. Workout structure

Now about how to practice under this scheme. Each workout includes 6 exercises divided into three supersets, designated 1A and 1B, 2A and 2B, and 3A and 3B. In a superset, you perform 2 exercises back to back, resting only after completing all reps. After completing all the sets and reps of the first superset, you move on to the second and so on.

This regimen is great for building muscle quickly because supersets maximize intensity. You know that the heavier the weight you work, the more muscle fibers you can destroy, which will grow larger and stronger after recovery.

  1. Progress

The only way to maintain consistent progress is to follow a plan that challenges your muscles in new ways every week. In such a situation, the body has no choice but to continue to repair damaged muscle fibers and make them bigger and stronger.

For each exercise with dumbbells at home, the rest time, the number of approaches and repetitions, as well as the tempo are set, which is based on the 2010 scheme: 2 seconds for the negative phase, 0 seconds for the stop at the bottom, 1 second for the positive phase, 0 seconds for the stop at the top .

In the first week of training with dumbbells at home, you will do 4 sets of 10 repetitions in each exercise, in the second - 4 sets of 12 repetitions, and in the third and fourth - 5 sets of 10 and 12 repetitions, respectively. So every week will be more difficult than the previous one. Moreover, in the third and fourth weeks the tempo (time between negative and positive phases) will change to keep the target muscles under load for longer.

Tips for proper training.

Exercising your arms will help pump up your muscles, but don't forget that excessive effort can damage them. Therefore, to understand how to properly pump your arms at home, read the tips below:

  • Warm up. Warm up before exercising. Muscles require warming up before exercise. Even after warming up, you should not immediately lift heavy dumbbells; start with light weights.
  • Athletes usually pump up more than just their arms; their programs include various types of training. To prevent your muscles from getting tired, you should not overwork them. Pump your arms every 5-7 days to avoid overload. Typically, athletes do up to 10 sets of 10-12 repetitions.
  • Learn basic dumbbell exercises. If you are thinking about how to properly pump your arms at home, then you should pay attention to the exercise techniques. It is necessary not only to remember the training, but also to hone the technique.
  • Dedicate a separate workout to pumping up your arms. Do biceps and triceps exercises separately from other sports activities.

Now you are ready to start your workout.

Workout 1: Chest and Back (Week 1)

1A Bench press on the floor

Sets : 4, reps : 10, rest : 0 sec, tempo : 2010

Technique : Lie on the floor, holding dumbbells with straight arms above your chest. Lower the weight to your chest, then lift it up to the starting position.

Note : Lying on the floor provides you with a stable position that allows you to handle heavier weights. The range of motion here is shorter than the classic bench press, so focus on properly contracting your chest muscles.

1B Bent-over row with hammer grip

Sets : 4, reps : 10, rest : 0 sec, tempo : 2010

Technique : Hold a dumbbell in each hand with your palms facing each other. Bend forward and then pull the dumbbells toward your chest. Using a controlled movement, lower the weight back to the starting position.

Note : This exercise targets the large muscles of the upper back. Its lower part is under tension to support the torso in an inclined position. The hammer grip allows you to work your forearms.

2A Push-ups with dumbbells

Sets : 4, reps : 10, rest : 0 sec, tempo : 2010

Technique : take dumbbells, take a lying position with your hands shoulder-width apart. Brace your core and straighten your body into a straight line from head to toes. Bend your elbows, lower your body, and then with an energetic movement, straighten your arms and return to the starting position.

Note : Push-ups are effective for building chest muscles, especially when you use dumbbells to add instability to the movement, which forces your core muscles to engage.

2B Bent-over dumbbell raises

Sets : 4, reps : 10, rest : 60 sec, tempo : 2010

Technique : Hold a light dumbbell in each hand and lean forward without rounding your back. Maintaining a slight bend in your elbows, lift the dumbbells to shoulder height, then lower them back to the starting position.

Note : This exercise literally works wonders for your upper back and rear deltoids. Start with light weights and master the technique thoroughly to maximize muscle strength and reduce the risk of injury.

3A Wide Hand Push-Ups

Sets : 4, reps : 10, rest : 0 sec, tempo : 2010

Technique : take dumbbells, lie down, spread your arms wide and bring your legs together. Brace your core and straighten your body into a straight line from head to toes. Bend your elbows to lower your body, and then vigorously straighten your arms and return to the starting position.

Note : Wide stance reduces the involvement of the triceps and shoulders, so that the main load falls on the chest muscles.

3B Lying dumbbell row

Sets : 4, reps : 10, rest : 60 sec, tempo : 2010

Technique : take dumbbells, lie down with your hands shoulder-width apart. Brace your core and straighten your body into a straight line from head to toes. Pull one dumbbell toward your chest, lower it back down, and then repeat with the other arm.

Note : One movement of this exercise works one side of your upper back (so you can fully target every muscle) and also forces you to engage your core and shoulder joints to keep your body in a stable position.

Week 2

ExerciseApproachesRepetitionsRest, secPace
1A Bench press on the floor41202010
1B Bent-over row with hammer grip412602010
2A Push-ups with dumbbells41202010
2B Bent-over dumbbell raises412602010
3A Push-ups with wide arms41202010
3B Lying dumbbell row412 per side602010

Week 3

ExerciseApproachesRepetitionsRest, secPace
1A Bench press on the floor51002010
1B Bent-over row with hammer grip510602011
2A Push-ups with dumbbells51002010
2B Bent-over dumbbell raises510602011
3A Push-ups with wide arms51002010
3B Lying dumbbell row510 per side602010

Week 4

ExerciseApproachesRepetitionsRest, secPace
1A Bench press on the floor51202010
1B Bent-over row with hammer grip512602011
2A Push-ups with dumbbells51203010
2B Bent-over dumbbell raises512602011
3A Push-ups with wide arms51203010
3B Lying dumbbell row512 per side602011

Workout 2: Arms (Week 1)

1A Biceps curl

Sets : 4, reps : 10, rest : 0 sec, tempo : 2010

Technique : Stand up straight, holding dumbbells at your sides (palms facing forward). Without spreading your elbows to the sides, lift the dumbbells to your shoulders, tensing your biceps at the top. Lower the dumbbells to return to the starting position.

Note : This classic exercise is a good way to build big biceps quickly. Just control each repetition so as not to swing your body and dumbbells.

1B Extension of the arm from behind the head

Sets : 4, reps : 10, rest : 60 sec, tempo : 2010

Technique : Stand up straight, holding a dumbbell overhead with one hand. Bend your arm at the elbow, lower the projectile behind your head, and then lift it back up. Complete all repetitions on one arm, then move on to the other.

Note : Working with one arm allows you to fully focus on the triceps. The core muscles must be tense to keep the torso upright.

2A Hammer Grip Dumbbell Raise

Sets : 4, reps : 10, rest : 0 sec, tempo : 2010

Technique : Stand up straight, holding dumbbells at your sides (palms facing each other). Without spreading your elbows to the sides, lift the dumbbells to your shoulders, tensing your biceps at the top. Lower the dumbbells to return to the starting position.

Note : The hammer grip places stress on different parts of the biceps and also engages the forearms at the same time.

2B Bent-over arm extension

Sets : 4, reps : 10, rest : 60 sec, tempo : 2010

Technique : Holding a dumbbell with bent arms, lean forward while keeping your back straight. Straighten your arm and move it back, and then lower it back to the starting position. Complete all repetitions on one arm, then move on to the other.

Note : To get the most out of your triceps workout, make sure you keep the target muscles tense as you straighten your arms and curl them slowly in a controlled manner.

3A Squat Curl

Sets : 4, reps : 10, rest : 0 sec, tempo : 2010

Technique : Squat down, lean over, and place your elbows on your hips while holding a dumbbell in each hand. Raise the dumbbells, squeezing your biceps at the top, then slowly lower them back to the starting position.

Note : This exercise allows you to work your biceps through a full range of motion at a slightly different angle than the classic variation.

3B Push-ups with narrow arms

Sets : 4, reps : 10, rest : 60 sec, tempo : 2010

Technique : Take dumbbells, take a lying position, placing your hands so that the dumbbells touch. Brace your core and straighten your body into a straight line from head to toes. Bend your elbows to lower your body, and then with an energetic movement, straighten and return to the starting position.

Note : narrow placement of the arms reduces the involvement of the chest and shoulder muscles, and places the main load on the triceps.

Week 2

ExerciseApproachesRepetitionsRest, secPace
1A Biceps curl41202010
1B Extension of the arm from behind the head412 per side602010
2A Hammer Grip Dumbbell Raise41202010
2B Bent-over arm extension412 per side602010
3A Squat Curl41202010
3B Push-ups with dumbbells with narrow arms412602010

Week 3

ExerciseApproachesRepetitionsRest, secPace
1A Biceps curl51002011
1B Extension of the arm from behind the head510 per side602011
2A Hammer Grip Dumbbell Raise51002011
2B Bent-over arm extension510 per side602011
3A Squat Curl51002011
3B Push-ups with dumbbells with narrow arms510602010

Week 4

ExerciseApproachesRepetitionsRest, secPace
1A Biceps curl51202011
1B Extension of the arm from behind the head512 per side602011
2A Hammer Grip Dumbbell Raise51202011
2B Bent-over arm extension512 per side602011
3A Squat Curl51202011
3B Push-ups with dumbbells with narrow arms512602010

Exercises with dumbbells

Home > Articles > Exercises with dumbbells

Dumbbells are one of the most uncomplicated “simulators”, which nevertheless works almost every muscle group. To achieve certain successes, both the weight of the gymnastic apparatus and the technique of performing the exercise are important. The following are options for working out muscles. Based on them, everyone is given the opportunity to create an individual training program.


This group is more difficult to work with than others. However, a couple of exercises with simple sports equipment for the chest effectively work it out:

  1. Bench press – if performed on an incline bench, the upper pectoral muscles are trained; and if on horizontal – bottom:
  • Take a “lying” position on a bench, spread your arms, bend your back. Make sure that the angle formed by the shoulder and forearm is 90 degrees;
  • exhale - straighten your arms, bringing them together, and hold for one second;
  • take the starting position;
  1. Lying fly is an isolated exercise for the chest that stretches the muscles well:
  • lean back on the bench, place your bent legs on the floor, take a stable position, avoid arching your back, place your hands above your shoulders, and your elbows are slightly bent;
  • spread your arms to the maximum distance, avoiding discomfort and pain;
  • slowly take the starting position.


Representatives of both halves of humanity work on this part of the body. The following exercises will help make these classes more effective:

  1. Standing biceps curl – uses the brachialis, brachioradialis and biceps muscles:
  • stand straight, take sports equipment in your palms and turn them towards your body;
  • inhale and slowly bend your arms, turning your palms outward;
  • After lifting, exhale and return to the original position. Make sure to keep your wrists still;
  1. Extension of the arms from behind the head while standing - actively pumps the triceps:
  • straighten up, place your feet shoulder-width apart, take the dumbbell with two hands and lift it up, straightening your arms;
  • Grasp the handle with your thumbs and the inside of the dumbbell disk with your palms. The latter are directed upward, the shoulder is perpendicular to the floor;
  • inhale - smoothly lower the projectile behind your head, touching your forearm with your biceps;
  • exhale - return to the starting position (shoulder motionless).


For a good back workout, dumbbells alone are not enough. However, if you are not preparing for bodybuilding performances, the “bent-over row” exercise with such sports equipment will be quite enough. It is performed as follows:

  • stand straight, put your chest forward, bend your back. After this, lean forward, maintaining a deflection, and lock in this position. The legs may be slightly bent. The distance between them is narrower than shoulders;
  • As you exhale, pull the gymnastic equipment to your lower abdomen, keeping an eye on your elbows. They move along the body. Keep your head up.

Legs and buttocks

Dumbbells will help you tone your lower body, and a universal exercise that strengthens both your legs and buttocks is lunges:

  • stand up straight, not forgetting to take sports equipment;
  • take a step forward with one leg, without lifting the second leg from the floor, and while inhaling, squat down with a straight back. Make sure that the knee is in line with the foot and the shin is perpendicular to the floor;
  • As you exhale, rise up and return to the starting position.

The exercise is performed first for the right leg, and then for the left.

Exercises with dumbbells at home Barbell squats >

Workout 3: Legs and Abs (Week 1)

1A Squats

Sets : 4, reps : 10, rest : 0 sec, tempo : 2010

Technique : Hold a dumbbell in each hand and stand straight. Tighten your core and squat down as deeply as possible. Push your heels off the floor and stand up to return to the starting position.

Note : This is a classic exercise for building big, strong legs. Since squats work multiple muscle groups, they are also very effective for burning belly fat.

1B "Lumberjack"

Sets : 4, reps : 10, rest : 60 sec, tempo : 2010

Technique : Stand up straight, holding a dumbbell in both hands above your shoulder. Squat down, lowering the dumbbell in an oblique line across your body. Reverse the movement to return to the starting position. Do the prescribed number of repetitions and switch sides.

Note : This exercise works the core, shoulders, and lower back muscles.

2A Lunges

Sets : 4, reps : 10, rest : 0 sec, tempo : 2010

Technique : Take dumbbells, stand straight and lower your arms along your body. Brace your core, take a large step forward so that your legs are bent at a 90° angle, then push off with your front leg and return to the starting position. Complete the prescribed number of repetitions on one leg and move on to the other.

Note : Lunges work many of the same muscles as squats, but with more emphasis on the core, as the abdominal muscles must work harder to keep the body balanced.

2B Dumbbell Overhead Rotation

Sets : 4, reps : 10, rest : 60 sec, tempo : 2010

Technique : Stand up straight, lift the dumbbell above your head and move it clockwise. Complete all repetitions, and then repeat the same movement, but this time counterclockwise.

Note : This exercise works the abdominal muscles, which must be fully contracted to support the torso in an upright position. It also strengthens the shoulder joints.

3A Goblet Squats

Sets : 4, reps : 10, rest : 0 sec, tempo : 2010

Technique : Stand up straight, holding a dumbbell in front of you with both hands. Keeping your back straight and your core engaged, squat down until the dumbbell almost touches the floor. Stand up to return to starting position.

Note : in addition to building muscle mass, this exercise allows you to maintain a high heart rate, which will have a positive effect on fat burning.

3B Crunches

Sets : 4, reps : 10, rest : 60 sec, tempo : 2010

Technique : Lie on the floor, holding a dumbbell on your chest. Tighten your abdominal muscles, lift your torso, and then slowly lower yourself back down.

Note : crunches are a very effective way to pump up your upper abs. Additional weights in the form of a dumbbell will allow you to work the target muscles even better and raise and lower your torso without the help of inertia of movement.

Week 2

ExerciseApproachesRepetitionsRest, secPace
1A Squats41202010
1B "Lumberjack"412 per side602010
2A Lunges412 per side02010
2B Dumbbell Overhead Rotation412 per side602010
3A Goblet Squats412 per side02010
3B Crunches412602010

Week 3

ExerciseApproachesRepetitionsRest, secPace
1A Squats51003010
1B "Lumberjack"510 per side601111
2A Lunges510 per side03010
2B Dumbbell Overhead Rotation510 per side601111
3A Goblet Squats510 per side03010
3B Crunches510602011

Week 4

ExerciseApproachesRepetitionsRest, secPace
1A Biceps curl51203010
1B Extension of the arm from behind the head512 per side601111
2A Hammer Grip Dumbbell Raise512 per side03010
2B Bent-over arm extension512 per side601111
3A Squat Curl512 per side03010
3B Push-ups with dumbbells with narrow arms512602011

Workout 4: Shoulders (Week 1)

1A Overhead press

Sets : 4, reps : 10, rest : 0 sec, tempo : 2010

Technique : Stand straight, holding dumbbells at shoulder height. Raise the dumbbells above your head with your arms fully extended, and then lower them back to the starting position.

Note : The key to building broad shoulders is to get the muscles to work through their full range of motion, so make sure you lower the dumbbells all the way to the starting position at the end of each rep.

1B Dumbbell lateral raises while standing

Sets : 4, reps : 10, rest : 60 sec, tempo : 2010

Technique : Take dumbbells, stand up straight and lower your arms along your body (palms facing each other). Lean forward slightly, lift the dumbbells to the sides, and then slowly lower them back to the starting position.

Note : This is an excellent exercise for the middle delts, which, when properly developed, create a wide V-shape to the torso.

2A Arnold Press

Sets : 4, reps : 10, rest : 0 sec, tempo : 2010

Technique : Stand up straight, holding dumbbells at shoulder level with your palms facing you. Raise the dumbbells overhead by rotating your wrists and straightening your arms, then lower them back to the starting position.

Note : Rotating your wrists allows you to recruit even more muscle fibers than the classic overhead press.

2B Chin Row

Sets : 4, reps : 10, rest : 60 sec, tempo : 2010

Technique : Stand up straight, holding dumbbells at the front of your body with straight arms. Pull the dumbbells up until your palms are level with your chin. Lower your arms and return to the starting position.

Note : Do not use too heavy a weight at first and do not make sudden movements. Instead, focus on the quality of your reps.

3A Raising dumbbells in front of you

Sets : 4, reps : 10, rest : 0 sec, tempo : 2010

Technique : Stand up straight, holding dumbbells at the front of your body with straight arms. Raise the dumbbells in front of you to shoulder level and then lower them back down.

Note : The exercise primarily works the front of the shoulders.

3B Shoulder Raise

Sets : 4, reps : 10, rest : 60 sec, tempo : 2010

Technique : Take dumbbells, stand straight and lower your arms along your body. Brace your core, lift your shoulders, pause, and then return to the starting position.

Note : The main benefit of this exercise is that it allows you to work with heavy weights because it has a small range of motion.

Week 2

ExerciseApproachesRepetitionsRest, secPace
1A Overhead press41202010
1B Dumbbell lateral raises while standing412602010
2A Arnold Press41202010
2B Chin Row412602010
3A Raising dumbbells in front of you41202010
3B Shoulder Raise412602010

Week 3

ExerciseApproachesRepetitionsRest, secPace
1A Overhead press51003010
1B Dumbbell lateral raises while standing510602011
2A Arnold Press51003010
2B Chin Row510602011
3A Raising dumbbells in front of you51002011
3B Shoulder Raise510602011

Week 4

ExerciseApproachesRepetitionsRest, secPace
1A Overhead press51203010
1B Dumbbell lateral raises while standing512602011
2A Arnold Press51203010
2B Chin Row512602011
3A Raising dumbbells in front of you51202011
3B Shoulder Raise512602011

Source: https://www.coachmag.co.uk/exercises/dumbbell-exercises/4131/the-ultimate-dumbbell-arms-workout

Arm workout with dumbbells

Standing dumbbell curl

  • 4 sets of 15, 12, 10, 8 repetitions
  • Body part: Biceps Equipment: Dumbbells

Seated dumbbell curls

  • 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Body part: Biceps Equipment: Dumbbells

One-arm dumbbell curl on an incline bench

  • 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Body part: Biceps Equipment: Dumbbells

Hammer grip dumbbell lift

  • 3 sets of 10 reps
  • Body part: Biceps Equipment: Dumbbells

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The video explains all the details of the technique of each exercise.

Do not forget to perform the recommended arm stretches after each exercise, try not to make sudden movements or jerks.

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