Slimming tea from Turboslim

Release form and composition

Release form – medicinal tea (2 g in filter bags, 20 bags in a cardboard box, which contains instructions for use of Turboslim Cleansing Tea).

Tea composition:

  • active ingredients: senna (cassia aquifolia) leaves, cherry stalks, corn silk, green tea, peppermint leaves, garcinia extract;
  • auxiliary components (carriers): potato starch, maltodextrin.

Content of active substances in a daily dose (in 2 filter bags):

  • senna leaves – 1600 mg, including anthracene derivatives – not less than 6.8 mg;
  • cherry stems – 800 mg*;
  • corn silk – 800 mg*;
  • green tea – 500 mg*;
  • peppermint leaves – 200 mg;
  • Garcinia extract – 80 mg.

*Including tannins – 120 mg.

Tea composition

It is multi-component and natural, so it has a fairly gentle effect on the body.

Composition of "Turboslim cleansing" tea

  • Green tea . This is the basis of the drink, which “supplies” useful substances to the body - vitamins, flavonoids, various minerals, tannin, polyphenols, caffeine, antioxidants. This component in Turboslim tea has a normalizing and stabilizing effect on the gastrointestinal tract, cleanses the body of toxins and waste, and makes the metabolic process more active.

Green tea helps fight laziness and apathy, irritation and mood swings for those who are on a low-calorie diet.

  • Corn silk. A powerful choleretic agent that plays a big role in regulating appetite. When taking this natural product, the feeling of hunger is dulled, you can feel full after a small portion of food.
  • Cherry (cuttings) . When consumed, a good diuretic effect is observed, which allows you to get rid of edema and remove substances that poison it from the body. Thanks to cherry cuttings, stagnation stops, and the blood and lymph circulation system begins to work actively.
  • Garcinia Cambodian (extract) . It contains hydroxycitric acid, which stops the process of converting fast carbohydrates into fatty tissue and prevents the appearance of new deposits. Thanks to this component, Turboslim tea for weight loss reduces appetite and reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Alexandrian leaf . The second name of this plant is hay, which explains the main effect of the drink. This plant has good laxative properties, helps cleanse the intestines in its middle and upper sections, and not just the lower ones. Hay improves the absorption of nutrients from already processed food, significantly strengthens the intestinal walls and makes peristalsis stable.

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Pharmacological properties


Turboslim cleansing tea is a high-quality green tea enriched with plant extracts, a drink designed for comfortable cleansing of the body and weight loss.

The properties of the dietary supplement are determined by the properties of its active components:

  • senna leaves: have a mild laxative effect;
  • Cherry stems: remove excess fluid from the body;
  • corn silk: reduce appetite, normalize the process of formation and excretion of bile;
  • green tea: supports normal metabolism, removes metabolic products;
  • Garcinia extract: helps control appetite, participates in fat burning processes;
  • peppermint leaves: complement the taste and aromatic properties of tea.

Thus, Turboslim Cleansing Tea saturates the body with a complex of plant components, promotes the elimination of toxins and waste, accelerates metabolic processes, enhances drainage, and reduces hunger.


Information is absent.

Properties of Turboslim tea

The properties of Turboslim tea are determined by its natural composition and the action of each component in the direction stated in the instructions. How tea works:

  1. Actively fights gastrointestinal problems, eliminates fermentation and gas formation, normalizes the “uninterrupted” functioning of the intestines, and relieves the feeling of “heaviness”.
  2. Reduces appetite.
  3. Fights weight problems, has a laxative effect, which means you can lose up to 5 kg in a week.
  4. Helps get rid of excess fluid in the body and improve skin condition.
  5. Improves the functioning of the liver and gall bladder.

special instructions

Turboslim cleansing tea is not a medicine; you should consult a doctor before taking it.

The dietary supplement does not contain sugar, gluten, GMOs, artificial colors or flavors.

To enhance the effect of Turboslim Tea, cleansing can be used in conjunction with other products from the Turboslim series. The dietary supplement goes well with Turboslim Coffee and Turboslim Coffee Cappuccino. In this case, morning tea can be replaced with one of these remedies.

Impact on the ability to drive vehicles and complex mechanisms

There is no information about the negative impact of dietary supplements on the speed of reactions and the ability to concentrate.

Beneficial properties of the components of Turboslim cleansing tea

The peculiarity of the drug Turboslim is that each of its components is not only responsible for a specific process in the body, but also enhances the work of other components. Before you start getting rid of extra pounds, you definitely need to study how individual ingredients work:

  • Cherry stalks. It is a diuretic and anti-inflammatory element that can cope with swelling. If overindulged, it can lead to an unexpected effect - increased appetite.
  • Green tea. The active substances that this ingredient is rich in normalize the body’s metabolism, have a positive effect on the digestive system, soothe, and remove harmful substances.
  • Corn silk. Useful substances can reduce the level of bad cholesterol in the blood, calm the nervous system, suppress appetite and have a diuretic property.
  • Garcinia. It is difficult to imagine a drug for weight loss without the extract of this plant, because it contains unique elements that can prevent the conversion of glucose into fat cells and relieve hunger.
  • Peppermint. The peculiarity of this plant is its anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and antimicrobial effects. Active elements have a beneficial effect on the digestive system.
  • Cassia. Better known as senna, which is an effective laxative. With regular use, the plant can improve the functioning of the digestive tract.

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Despite such a rich and healthy composition, manufacturers warn that you should not expect a miracle from Turboslim cleansing tea unless you put in a little effort. It is recommended to review your daily diet, introduce healthy dishes and products into it, partially or completely eliminate animal fats, sweets, marinades and smoked foods. You should not neglect sports either - a short daily jog or simple exercises are enough.

Reviews of Turboslim Cleansing Tea

Reviews about Turboslim Cleansing Tea are contradictory. Some patients indicate the effectiveness of this dietary supplement when used as a means of losing weight, but note that it helps to get rid of literally several kilograms. In this regard, most users consider the use of this dietary supplement for weight loss to be ineffective and even harmful, since weight loss occurs only through cleansing the intestines and removing fluid from the body. At the same time, the body also loses useful substances, vitamins and minerals, which can cause more harm than good.

Thus, users recommend using Turboslim Cleansing Tea, but only occasionally, solely for the purpose of cleansing from toxins and removing excess fluid. This tea is also suitable for people suffering from constipation.

Side effects often include pain and cramping in the abdomen, and an excessive laxative effect. Many people write that this tea should not be taken by people with gastrointestinal problems, since the situation may worsen.

The cost of the dietary supplement is generally considered too high, since its components individually are “penny” substances.

What to expect from taking Turboslim?

Many people are interested in what happens after taking the entire Turboslim course. The main results of drinking a drink with natural ingredients:

  • Loss of body weight – from 3 to 8 kilograms.
  • Restoring the functions of the digestive system.
  • Appetite suppression.
  • Feeling better.
  • Good spirits and good mood.

Interesting fact. Despite the large list of positive effects, reviews of Turboslim tea are quite contradictory. The drug acts individually on each person. You can only understand how the drink works for you after taking the entire course yourself. In any case, you should consult your doctor before use.

Opinions of experts and fans of Turboslim cleansing tea

Despite the fact that turboslim tea for weight loss has many fans who manage to quickly get rid of extra pounds, doctors do not advise getting too carried away with consuming the drink. Experts warn that the product can not only break down fatty tissue, but also remove large amounts of fluid from the body. If you do not pay enough attention to this and do not promptly replenish moisture in organ cells, you can get dehydrated. Stomach upset and a host of other equally unpleasant consequences are another danger that, according to doctors, can await fans of this drink.

If you study the reviews on the Internet, you can see that Turboslim cleansing tea is really capable of correcting your figure, but, as its fans testify, the effect does not last long. Only regular courses of using the product will help maintain a slim and toned waist. Some ladies recommend drinking the drink for frequent constipation - it acts as an effective laxative.

Turboslim cleansing tea really helps to get rid of excess weight, but we should not forget at what cost this happens - along with harmful substances and broken down fat deposits, beneficial cells are also washed out of the body. There is no need to abuse the drug - only strict adherence to the instructions can protect you from unpleasant consequences.

Who is contraindicated for losing weight with Turboslim cleansing tea?

Despite its natural herbal composition, Turboslim tea for weight loss has a considerable number of contraindications that need to be carefully studied before starting to take the drug. If you have doubts about the advisability of using this remedy, it is better to go to a doctor for a consultation - a specialist will help determine how safe it is for the body.

Contraindications for drinking tea:

  • intolerance by the body to any components of the drug,
  • problems with the nervous system,
  • serious diseases of the urinary system,
  • constant high blood pressure,
  • age (it is strictly forbidden to take the drink under 16 years of age),
  • prolonged insomnia,
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Since the effect of the drug on a small body has not been fully studied, it should not be taken during breastfeeding. Pregnancy is another contraindication to drinking the drink. A careless attitude towards these prohibitions can have an extremely negative impact on the health, development and well-being of the baby.

The side effects that can occur if the drink is consumed incorrectly are also quite serious:

  • disruptions in the menstrual cycle,
  • prolonged diarrhea,
  • sleep disorders:
  • dehydration,
  • hormonal disbalance,
  • liver and kidney problems,
  • disturbances in the functioning of blood vessels and the heart.

Long-term and continuous consumption of the drink can lead to dangerous consequences - the stomach will refuse to work independently without additional influence.

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Features of drinking Turboslim cleansing tea

The basic rule for using the product is that you should not drink it more than twice a day. An overdose threatens not only the appearance of side effects, but also serious consequences for the body. A prerequisite is to drink tea only after meals. Preparation is not particularly difficult - just pour one sachet of the drug with boiling water (200 ml) and leave covered for five minutes. You should not prepare the drink for future use - it quickly loses its positive qualities. You need to brew fresh tea every time. It is forbidden to add sugar or honey to the liquid to improve the taste - they can also reduce the active effects of the components of the drink.

It is recommended to work on extra pounds in short courses. If you drink the drink twice a day, after 10 days of regular use, you need to take a break of 2-3 weeks.

You can drink the drink only once a day, but in this case the course should last at least 20 days. The break is at least half a month. It is strictly forbidden to conduct experiments with the drug and engage in treatment according to your own scheme - in this case the result can be very disastrous and unexpected.

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