Real reviews of Vietnamese diet pills

List of Vietnamese Diet Pills

The most popular Vietnamese fat burners include:


Herbal diet pills. Promotes burning of fat mass, reduces cholesterol levels, improves the functioning of the digestive system.

For your information. The Institute of Medicine and Pharmacy, together with WHO, through numerous studies, came to the conclusion that the drug VIEN GIAM CAN BVP is an effective and safe remedy that has been successfully used for the treatment of excess weight for many years in a row.

Systematic use of this Vietnamese weight loss product has multiple positive effects, including:

  • reduction of hips and waist;
  • weight loss by an average of 0.95 kg per week;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • improvement of brain function, blood pressure indicators (by reducing cholesterol levels in the body);
  • reducing the risk of pathologies of the cardiovascular system, including thrombosis and stroke.

The composition of the drug is represented by the following components:

  • ginseng root;
  • red knotweed;
  • rhizome of King's grouse;
  • medlar;
  • Ligusticum Wallich;
  • turmeric root;
  • Poria mushroom;
  • Japanese knotweed root.

The package contains 60 film-coated tablets

Vietnamese artichoke extract

The so-called flower vegetable is very popular in eastern countries. The healing properties of this plant are used in the manufacture of Vietnamese diet pills. Artichoke extracts, which look like a plasticine cube, taste like kvass when finished. It is this ingredient that is the leading one in various tablets, herbal teas and artichoke tinctures.

The capsules contain only 5% sugar, the remaining 95% is artichoke extract. The capsules also contain vitamin B, which improves the health of people suffering from impaired liver function.

Artichoke extract is actively used for intoxication of the body, as it helps eliminate waste and toxins. The same principle of operation of the drug is used in the process of losing weight and fighting extra pounds.

This is interesting. Artichoke extract is used not only in the production of herbal tea or weight loss capsules. It is no less effective as an ingredient for anti-cellulite wrap. In addition, artichoke-based devices are often used for subcutaneous injections for facial rejuvenation and correction.

Slimming capsules developed in Vietnam

Their systematic use helps to get rid of extra pounds and quickly lose weight. The drug does not harm the human body and its health, and has no side effects during use. The effect of using the capsules is observed already in the first week of use. The product is manufactured in accordance with WHO international standards.

This is interesting. Lishou capsules contain fruit extracts, which not only results in the loss of extra pounds, but also improves the condition of the skin and hair - they become smoother and more beautiful. These same components help enhance blood microcirculation, improving the functioning of all organs and systems of the body.

Herbal Vietnamese capsules have positive effects on the body:

  • diuretic effect;
  • reduction of fat accumulations, their rapid burning;
  • cleansing the liver, normalizing its functions;
  • rapid loss of extra pounds;
  • creating a kind of “block” for unnecessary nutrients, preventing their absorption by the body.

Fat burning product based on herbs from Vietnam CIAM CAN PV 60 capsules

The drug CIAM CAN PV is produced on modern GMP production lines of the Institute of Medicine and Pharmacy in Ho Chi Minh City.

Studies have shown that the drug is highly effective in treating overweight and obesity for many years.

Results of clinical studies at the Ho Chi Minh City Institute of Ethnic Studies of Medicine and Pharmacology.

1. Effectiveness of weight loss when using PV tablets, about body mass index:

  • The average when using the drug is 0.95 kg per week; through metabolism, excess fat is converted into energy, your body will become slim.
  • Blood pressure will decrease, weight, waist size, hips will be significantly reduced.

2. Effect of the drug on fat metabolism:

  • Reducing cholesterol levels, statistics are 99.5% reliable
  • The use of the drug reduces the level of LDL (low density lipoprotein) in the blood.
  • Because LDL is the main transporter of cholesterol in the blood.
  • Excessive amounts of LDL in the blood can accumulate in the walls of the arteries that supply the heart and brain.
  • When combined with other substances, it can clog the arteries - known as atherosclerosis.
  • The formation of a blood clot and plaque can block blood flow to the heart muscle causing coronary artery disease and can lead to stroke.
  • Increased levels of HDL (high density lipoprotein) help remove excess cholesterol from plaque, and reduce the amount of fat in the blood, limiting the risk of cardiovascular disease.
  • Thus, HDL is known as a kind of "good" cholesterol, because if there is a high concentration in the body, it will protect the body.
  • Levels of triglycerides (a type of fat) in the blood also increase the risk of atherosclerosis, especially in women. This value is significantly reduced when using PV.

3. Weight loss effects:

  • Glycemia: Hypoglycemia in 95% of patients was within normal limits after treatment.
  • Creatinine: the change is not statistically significant. Because it does not affect kidney function.


  • Ginseng root (Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae) …………78.33 mg.,
  • Red knotweed (Radix Fallopiae multiflorae)………..156.67 mg.,
  • Rhizome of King's grouse (Rhizoma polygonati)………. 78.33 mg.,
  • Alismatales (Rhizome of Alismatales)……………….. 156.67 mg.,
  • Loquat (Fructus Mali) 313.33 mg.,
  • Ligusticum Wallich (Rhizome Ligustici wallichii)… 235.00 mg.,
  • Turmeric root (Curcumae longae Rhizome)………. 78.33 mg.,
  • Mushroom Poria………………………………………………. 78.33 mg.,
  • Japanese knotweed - roots (Radix Polygoni Cuspidati)….. 130.00 mg.

Mode of application:

Take 2 times, 2 capsules. Drink with warm water after meals. The time for taking the drug is not limited.

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Are there any contraindications for use?

Almost any weight loss product from Vietnam has a number of typical contraindications, including:

  • period of pregnancy and lactation;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, as well as kidneys or liver;
  • age less than 16 and more than 65 years.

In some cases, taking weight loss drugs from Vietnam can cause the following side effects:

  • sleep disorders;
  • increased sweating;
  • sudden loss of appetite, nausea;
  • strong heartbeat;
  • intense headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • stomach pain;
  • dry mouth;
  • tearfulness, nervousness.

Review of weight loss products

All weight loss products from Vietnam are based on natural ingredients. The drugs have undergone clinical trials and have shown excellent results in obese people. Some time of use of the products led to significant weight loss, and the well-being of these people improved.

Lishoy weight loss capsules do not contain chemicals, which is important, they are not addictive, as a rule, many similar Vietnamese capsules are combined, or more correctly, they are created from different medicinal plants. This assortment not only tastes good, but is also healthy. Has no side effects, breaks down fats.

“3X Slimming Power” capsules with Lingzhi mushroom extract increase and improve metabolism.

Thus, the use of capsules helps not only to get rid of excess weight, but also to have a complex beneficial effect on the human body.

Many weight loss teas have a laxative effect, such as Red tea. It acts effectively as a laxative, diuretic, and removes toxins from the body. It’s not for everybody, but it’s also appreciated by buyers who want to lose weight.

Green coffee “Green Coffee 1000” is a natural dietary product that reduces appetite and stimulates fat burning.

Vietnamese instant coffee “Trung Nguyen” contains dietary dry vegetable creamer. This is a delicious weight loss product.

You can buy herbal tablets “Vien glam can bvp”, which help burn fat. Moreover, they can be used by both adults and children. Reduces cholesterol. According to the manufacturer, studies have shown that these tablets are effective in treating obesity, which a person has suffered from for many years.

The famous Goji berries also help you lose weight. They contain minerals. Can be used as a prophylaxis against diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

How to take Vietnamese remedies?

In order for Vietnamese weight loss drugs to bring maximum benefit and contribute to the loss of extra pounds, you should follow the instructions for their use:

  1. Capsules should be taken one at a time half an hour before meals. The number of tablets taken may vary depending on the characteristics of the drug (from 1 to 3 per day).
  2. The medications should be taken with warm water.
  3. The course of taking Vietnamese diet pills is 4-5 weeks. If necessary, the course can be repeated, but not earlier than a week after the end of the previous dose.

For your information. If pure artichoke extract is used as a means for weight loss, it should be mixed with boiled water. For 200 ml of liquid take ¼ tsp. hoods. The solution is taken three times a day after or before meals.

Useful tips for taking Vietnamese drugs for weight loss:

  1. In case of weight loss, you should drink 2.5-3 liters of water per day every day. This approach will replenish the body’s water balance, because extra pounds are burned due to the release of fluid.
  2. Although Vietnamese drugs normalize digestion and the gastrointestinal tract, and also have a beneficial effect on the condition of a person’s skin, weight loss capsules do not replace medications prescribed by a doctor. For this reason, before taking fat burning products, you should discuss this issue with a specialist.
  3. Taking weight loss medications is not a reason to stop exercising. A balanced diet and exercise, the absence of stress and nervous tension makes the process of parting with extra pounds even faster and more enjoyable.

For advice from a nutritionist on effective weight loss, watch the following video:


Real reviews from people losing weight who have used weight loss products from Vietnam create a complete picture of the effectiveness of such drugs:

Milana, 33 years old, Penza

I'm a fan of a weight loss medicine from Vietnam called Lishou. My sister first brought these capsules to me from a trip. We both belong to the type of women with rather appetizing shapes - it runs in our family. According to her, this drug is very common in Vietnam; local women often use it to get rid of extra pounds and centimeters. I have been taking these capsules intermittently for 3 years now (about 2-3 courses per year). I believe that it is thanks to this drug that I am able to keep my weight within 65 kg (three years ago the number on the scale showed 75 kg). During all this time I have not felt any side effects, I feel great. I recently had a medical examination and my body works like a clock. In a word, a wonderful drug, I recommend it to everyone.

Ekaterina, 27 years old, Syzran

While in Vietnam a year ago, I couldn’t help but visit the local pharmacy, where I came across VIEN GIAM CAN BVP diet pills. Or rather, of course, I didn’t immediately distinguish them from the rest of the assortment. But I came across a pharmacist at the pharmacy who spoke good English, and I explained to him that I was a tourist and began asking about interesting local drugs on the shelves of his pharmacy. He told me in detail about various immunomodulatory and restorative agents and, finally, touched upon the problem of excess weight. For me, I must admit, this is very important: with a height of 175 cm, I weigh almost 80 kg. Unfortunately, it was not possible to “drive” them away with the help of diet and sports: they ran away 1-2 times, but as soon as they gave in, they immediately came back. Interested in the miracle drug, I began asking the seller about the side effects. It turned out that there are none: the product is developed exclusively on a natural basis that does not harm the body. I purchased the capsules and began taking them in Moscow - the result was not long in coming: within a week the coveted number 77 appeared on the scales, and a week later my weight reached 75 kg. Here I relaxed a little (New Year’s holidays) and the figure again jumped to 77 kg. After the weekend, I began to combine taking pills with going to the gym three times a day. A year has already passed, I weigh 69 kg, in my opinion, this is an excellent result, in any case, I am very pleased. At one time, I couldn’t even dream of such a chic and quick weight loss.

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