Magic beans for weight loss - composition, application, reviews

In the article we discuss Magic Beans for weight loss. We tell you how to take beans correctly, what their composition is, and whether there are any contraindications. You will find out instructions for using the drug, reviews from doctors and real buyers who used this product for weight loss, whether after using them they really managed to lose weight or not.

What are magic beans for weight loss

Magic beans are an innovative remedy designed to combat excess weight, improve skin condition, remove toxins and waste from the body, accelerate fat metabolism and reduce the amount of food consumed. Its better known name is cyclonic weight loss Magic Beans. This may be due to the fact that manufacturers hint that the process of losing weight resembles a cyclone.

The drug is available in capsules of 36 pieces in one package. Inside the package there are smaller boxes containing 2 blisters of 9 capsules each. The blister has a golden hue.

The golden-colored capsule has an oval oblong shape, similar to a bean. Perhaps it was thanks to this form that the product received its name. Inside the capsule there is a homogeneous porous mustard-colored powder. Each capsule contains 500 mg of active substances.

One package of magic beans is enough for 1 course of weight loss. According to the manufacturer, you will lose 15-20 kg in a month.

How to take magic beans for weight loss. Mechanism of action of Magic Beans

The developers of magic beans for weight loss are healers from an eastern country who have conquered almost all the peoples of the world with their knowledge in medicine. Slimming capsules from China have a good reputation, thanks to their manufacturers, and people who dream of slimness and beauty purchase this drug, believing in their healing power of transformation.

Chinese capsules, thanks to the beneficial components they contain, have an intensive effect on activating the processes of breaking down fatty deposits in the human body and improve metabolism. Cyclonic weight loss: magic beans, that’s what the manufacturers call their unique drug. Since a cyclone means a hurricane, or a whirlwind, and this means that “magic bean” capsules sweep away extra pounds from the human body using a hurricane method.

According to the sellers, “Magic Beans” capsules will provide an optimally fast process of losing weight without causing unpleasant side effects, subject to strict adherence to the attached instructions for use and taking into account existing contraindications. Such effective power of Chinese capsules is ensured by their unique composition, which contributes to:

  • Saturating the body with oxygen at the cellular level, improving the permeability of vascular and capillary walls, stimulating circulatory processes, which causes intense weight loss and assists in the elimination process of eliminating cellulite deposits.
  • Improving the skin, namely increasing its elasticity, so that during the process of losing weight, the skin remains taut and does not sag.
  • Significant increase in metabolic rate.
  • Activation of an increased level of intestinal performance, which allows you to cleanse the body of toxins and toxic substances at the maximum level.
  • Cleansing and improving the appearance of the skin, thanks to the cosmetic effect of the “Magic Beans” drug.
  • Removing excess fluid and relieving swelling.
  • Decreased appetite and craving for sweets.

Composition of beans for weight loss

Magic Beans contain rare mineral and plant components, including:

  • Chitin (animal fiber) is a substance obtained from the shells of insects and crustaceans. The beneficial properties of the component include cleansing the body of harmful substances and increasing tissue restoration.
  • L-carnitine (L Carnitine) - increases energy metabolism in the body, improves intracellular transport of fatty acids. Most often, this substance is used to build muscle mass and in sports nutrition in conjunction with physical activity.
  • Fiber is a known component that affects body weight. It helps reduce weight if consumed before main meals. When fiber enters the stomach along with a sufficient amount of water, fiber increases its saturation, which helps reduce appetite and also helps you easily tolerate low-calorie diets.
  • Garcinia is a substance of plant origin. There is an opinion that the extract accelerates the oxidation of fats, but, according to laboratory studies, this is not the case. This means that this component does not promote weight loss.
  • Sea convalia (according to some sources, lily of the valley officinalis) - has a choleretic effect and has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system.
  • Collagen is an auxiliary component that has a positive effect on the dermis.

The Chinese miracle cure also contains vitamins, but the manufacturers do not say which ones. Also, the main active ingredient is not released, although the manufacturer promises that all components of the drug have a positive effect on the human body, improving metabolism.

Composition of capsules

The supplement is not available in the form of tablets, but only in the form of capsules that resemble beans in shape and have a golden color. Each capsule contains 500 mg of the active substance, which is a porous, homogeneous powder of gray or mustard color with red and green inclusions. The cardboard package contains 12 or 36 capsules, sealed in aluminum blisters of 6 and 9 pieces, respectively. The drug can be packaged in plastic jars of 36 and 108 pcs.

The active substance contains 6 components:

  • sea ​​convalia extract;
  • fruits of Garcinia gummiguta;
  • marine collagen;
  • chitin;
  • cellulose;
  • L-carnitine.

Each of the components described above affects metabolism, promoting excess weight loss, which is why they are included in many drugs aimed at correcting body weight. However, the manufacturer emphasizes that only the complex use of the components that make up miracle beans provides the desired effect of rapid weight loss without fasting, special diets and additional physical activity.

Convalia marinea is a seaweed native to South America that is used in many weight loss products. The plant extract promotes:

  • acceleration of metabolism;
  • saturation of body cells with oxygen;
  • intensifying the weight loss process.

Garcinia gummigut (Cambodian) is an exotic fruit that improves digestion and is an effective antiparasitic agent. According to research, the presence of plant fruits in weight loss preparations makes the weight loss process as safe and effective as possible. They contribute to:

  • acceleration of metabolism by 2 times due to the presence of hydroxycitric acid;
  • decreased appetite due to the presence of pectin;
  • decreased absorption of fats from food;
  • improving mood by stimulating the production of serotonin;
  • inhibition of cancer cell growth;
  • increasing immunity.

Collagen is a protein that performs many functions. Its presence in the body:

  • maintains firmness and elasticity of tissues;
  • preserves bones, cartilage and tendons;
  • promote accelerated healing of bones after fractures;
  • increases the elasticity of joints;
  • improves the condition of hair and nails;
  • By retaining water in the cells, it prevents the appearance of wrinkles.

Collagen in the body.
During the process of losing weight, the presence of collagen has a powerful supporting effect on the skin, preventing it from sagging during sudden weight loss.

Chitin is a substance that is part of the shell of some animals. Chitosan is obtained from it, which is widely used in medicine to cleanse the digestive system. Chitin is not digested in the gastrointestinal tract, but its presence improves the functioning of the digestive tract. However, an overdose can have the opposite effect.

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The presence of chitin in the body has the following effects:

Fragments of chitin and chitosan molecules.

  • moisturizes the skin and increases its elasticity;
  • relieves spasms of small capillaries;
  • promotes skin regeneration;
  • eliminates inflammation;
  • reduces blood cholesterol levels;
  • normalizes lipid metabolism;
  • effectively fights constipation;
  • helps with body intoxication;
  • improves the adsorption of substances, the excretion of which promotes weight loss;
  • eliminates the consequences of overeating;
  • removes excess fat from the body, preventing it from accumulating;
  • Being “food” for beneficial microflora, it promotes the proliferation of bifidobacteria in the intestines.

Fiber is non-digestible dietary fiber that is necessary for the gastrointestinal tract to function normally. Once in the stomach, the fibers swell, creating a feeling of fullness (this helps reduce appetite), and move through the gastrointestinal tract unchanged, cleansing it and ensuring regular emptying.

In addition, fiber:

  • helps maintain normal blood sugar and cholesterol levels;
  • removes toxins;
  • heals intestinal microflora;
  • regulates weight.

L-carnitine is an amino acid responsible in the body for the delivery of lipids to mitochondria, where they are broken down to release energy. With a lack of L-carnitine, this process is disrupted, and fats begin to be deposited.

This amino acid is synthesized by the liver. If a person’s diet is balanced and includes a sufficient amount of vegetables, fruits, meat and milk, then the body produces a sufficient amount of L-carnitine. However, with an unhealthy diet, which distinguishes obese people, the production of L-carnitine is disrupted and, as a result, the accumulation of fat deposits increases.

Beans for weight loss - original

Recently, on many forums you can find information about the inconsistency of the drug with the descriptions and advertising promises. In fact, each Magic Bean capsule (original) contains a mustard-colored powder. But these capsules are not always sent to the people who ordered them, which indicates a counterfeit product.

If after ordering you receive Magic Beans in the form of tablets or there is a white or other shade of powder inside the capsule, with the exception of mustard color, then this drug is a fake. Yes, you will pay the same money for such a product as for the original one, but at the same time, such a drug is definitely not suitable for highly effective weight loss. Quite the contrary, in this case you may even harm your body or may not notice any changes in weight at all after consuming the counterfeit product.

Therefore, it is important to choose the right manufacturer and supplier of Magic Beans, based on the reviews and experience of your friends if they ordered this weight loss product. By the way, we recommend that you try the diet for the lazy, spring, watermelon and apple. These nutritional methods will help you effectively lose weight without harming your health.

How do Chinese beans work for weight loss?

In the instructions for use, manufacturers indicate that the drug is designed specifically for women. All substances, when interacting, function like the hormone estrogen, increasing metabolism.

Sellers highlight the following benefits of magic beans:

  • Getting rid of cellulite. Agree, few people will like the “orange peel” on the hips and buttocks, because it makes it impossible to wear a beautiful swimsuit. Taking magic beans helps make your skin smooth, eliminating unpleasant cellulite.
  • Losing weight without exercise. There is only one condition - lead an active lifestyle, walk at least a thousand steps a day. Only in this case will the process of losing weight actively take place, and you will not need to visit the fitness center.
  • Stabilization of metabolism, removal of harmful substances from the body and elimination of “bad” cholesterol. The fiber present in beans improves stool and removes excess fluid from the body. According to reviews from those who have lost weight, magic beans act better than laxatives.
  • Increased performance. The main function of food is to give the body energy. When consuming capsules, L-carnitine in its pure form enters the body, which promotes vigor and a surge of strength.

Mechanism of action for weight loss

The indication for the use of “Magic Beans,” according to the manufacturer’s official website, is excess body weight caused by:

  • addiction to unhealthy food;
  • sedentary lifestyle;
  • lack of desire to play sports;
  • consequences of pregnancy.

The main causes of obesity.

The product is also recommended for excessive accumulation of fat deposits in the abdominal area.

Since some components of dietary supplements act similarly to estrogen, it is not recommended for use by men.

The composition of the supplement components is balanced so that when taken regularly during the course, it affects the body as follows:

  • reduces appetite;
  • reduces cravings for snacks;
  • cleanses of harmful cholesterol, toxins and other waste;
  • relieves swelling;
  • improves intestinal microflora and, as a result, its function;
  • destroys pathogenic intestinal microflora;
  • regulates the acidity of gastric juice;
  • reduces the load on the liver;
  • activates metabolic processes;
  • promotes the breakdown of excess subcutaneous fat;
  • eliminates cellulite;
  • reduces the enlarged belly after childbirth;
  • improves the quality of the dermis and increases its elasticity, as a result of which the skin does not sag during weight loss;
  • saturates tissue cells with oxygen;
  • stimulates blood circulation;
  • improves the permeability of vascular walls;
  • stimulates the immune system;
  • promotes fast and safe weight loss.

Miracle beans do not have a laxative effect and do not require restrictions on food intake or any products. The result achieved in the process of losing weight is consolidated, and the extra pounds do not return in the future. This is achieved through powerful cleansing and stimulating effects on all organs and systems of the body.

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At the same time, the product promotes the production of additional energy in the body, thanks to which:

  • getting up in the morning is easier;
  • apathy goes away;
  • vigor remains throughout the day;
  • efficiency increases;
  • there is a desire to lead a more active lifestyle.

The use of beans for weight loss

According to the instructions, Magic Beans for Weight Loss should be taken one capsule once a day as a supplement to your daily diet. If you have grade 2-3 obesity, then in this case you need to increase the dosage to 2 capsules per day.

The course of admission is 36 days. During this time, you will be able to lose up to 20 kg of excess weight. The final result depends on your initial weight.

How to use

How to drink Magic Beans for weight loss? To minimize the risk of side effects, follow these recommendations:

  1. If you drink 1 capsule a day, do it 20 minutes before a meal or an hour after it.
  2. If you drink 2 capsules a day, then follow the same procedure before breakfast and lunch.
  3. Take the product with 220 ml of warm water.
  4. Do not take beans in the 2nd half of the day, as they have an invigorating effect, which will lead to problems with sleep.
  5. During the entire course of taking capsules, drink more liquid.
  6. It is prohibited to drink alcohol while losing weight.
  7. Do not exceed the recommended dosage, as there will be no result, but side effects will appear.

Also follow these rules to improve the effect of taking Magic Beans:

  1. Be active in sports while losing weight. If you don’t have time for this, try to walk every day.
  2. Eat dietary foods, do not eat fatty, flour and smoked products.
  3. Take beans as directed. After 5 weeks of use, take a break.
  4. If you experience side effects, stop taking the drug.

Magic beans pros and cons for weight loss

Magic beans for weight loss: pros and cons : everything you wanted to know!

In recent years, the pages of women's websites and forums have often touched on the topic of certain magic beans, which supposedly help to quickly lose extra pounds. Let's figure out together what kind of product this is and what it is made of, what are the pros and cons of magic beans for weight loss, how to take them and what effect to expect. So, let's go!

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First meeting

For those who have not yet encountered this advertised supplement, let us explain: it is a package of oblong capsules, which contain active substances aimed at losing weight and reducing volume.

The drug is manufactured in China. The manufacturer assures that these magic beans are aimed at cyclonic weight loss, that is, they compare the effect of them with a powerful cyclone that literally sweeps away fat deposits from the body. Most reviews confirm that a lot of excess weight actually goes away in a month, and your figure changes for the better.

Active components

A clear advantage of magic beans was their composition. It included:

  1. naval convoy;
  2. Garcinia Cambogia;
  3. L-carnitine;
  4. organic chitin;
  5. collagen;
  6. alimentary fiber.

Let's consider what qualities each additive has.


The extract of this American algae accelerates the slow metabolism, due to which the body begins to process food faster and convert it into energy, without storing fat reserves.


An extract from this oriental plant prolongs the feeling of fullness after eating and enriches the body with hydroxycitric acid, which suppresses lipogenesis, that is, prevents the accumulation of fat.


This supplement is known to all sports nutrition lovers. It promotes fat burning, increases energy and performance, reduces bad cholesterol levels and makes it possible to recover faster after physical activity.


Chitin refers to the powder extracted from the shells of crabs. It improves gastrointestinal motility and also accelerates tissue renewal processes, helping the skin tighten during weight loss.


This natural protein helps maintain skin elasticity, helps it not sag due to sudden loss of extra pounds, fights stretch marks and smoothes the skin, reducing the appearance of cellulite.


Dietary fiber is needed in order to qualitatively cleanse the intestines of the remnants of undigested food, remove all excess from the gastrointestinal tract and reduce appetite, creating an illusory feeling of fullness.

However, hand in hand with the plus comes a minus: many skeptics argue that the manufacturer did not indicate all the ingredients included in the capsules. There is an assumption that in fact the key active ingredient is the serious drug sibutramine, which greatly increases the feeling of fullness by suppressing appetite, that is, it has anorexigenic properties. And such a medicine can no longer be called a harmless dietary supplement!

Admission rules

Many girls ask: “Why don’t I lose weight from magic beans?” Most often, the reason lies in the incorrect use of golden beans.

First of all, you must follow the dosage: take one capsule 30-40 minutes before breakfast, washed down with clean, still water. If you can’t do this before meals, you can take the product about an hour to an hour and a half after breakfast. But not with him! In rare cases (if you are overweight), you can take two capsules.

Important: exceeding the dosage prescribed in the instructions is strictly prohibited!

However, this is not all the subtleties. During a weight loss course with royal beans, you should remove fried, smoked, sweet foods from your diet, as well as strong tea, coffee, soda, and be sure to exclude alcohol! In addition, you must follow a drinking regime: a sufficient amount of water will contribute to a faster loss of excess weight.

It is also recommended to introduce feasible physical activity. This could be exercise, group exercise in the gym, cycling, swimming, long walks or anything else you like. It is advisable that such activity be daily.

After completing the course, you need a break of at least two months, that is, drinking two packs of capsules in a row is not allowed! In addition, it is not allowed to go on a hunger strike while taking them.

Side effects

Women often note that losing weight with magic beans is accompanied by side effects. These may be high blood pressure, rapid heartbeat, upset stomach, increased fatigue, weakness, insomnia, dry mouth, unstable emotional state, irritability, nausea, depression.

If such side effects do not go away on their own within 2-3 days, we recommend that you immediately stop taking the drug to avoid further health problems!


Capsules are not suitable for everyone who wants to lose weight. For example, they should not be taken by pregnant women and nursing mothers, persons under 18 and after 55 years. And also if you are allergic to one of the components included in the drug.

In addition, some diseases will become an obstacle: problems with the kidneys, liver, gastrointestinal tract, urinary, reproductive, nervous, and cardiovascular systems.

When taking capsules and contraceptives at the same time, weight loss may become worse.

Instead of a conclusion

The manufacturer's promises are very tempting: in just one month you can lose up to 20 kg of excess weight, with virtually no effort!

However, we advise you to think carefully: will such a sudden weight loss be painless for the body, and will it respond in the future with a deterioration in well-being or an exacerbation of existing problems? Buy this product only if you are sure that the product is worth the candle.

We wish you to quickly achieve your goal and finally get the long-awaited beautiful forms!


It is not recommended to take Magic Beans in the following cases:

  • age under 18 and over 55 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding.

Since the drug consists of natural substances, which contain seafood products, a special role is assigned to personal intolerance to the constituent components.

It is strictly forbidden to take weight loss capsules if you have:

  • severe or chronic pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract and liver problems;
  • chronic diseases of the urinary system.

Despite the fact that lily of the valley extract and levocarnitine have a beneficial effect on the human vascular and cardiac system, if there are pathologies in this system, it is forbidden to consume Magic Beans. Also, the weight loss drug should not be used together with antibiotics.


For a weight loss product that is highly effective, unique components were selected. Ingredients of magic beans:

  1. Convalia marinea is an algae brought from South America. It is used in various medications to speed up metabolism in the body. The plant fights excess fat by supplying tissues with oxygen.
  2. Chitin is a natural component obtained from the processing of crab shells. Promotes rapid saturation and normalization of cholesterol in the blood.
  3. Garcinia is a herbal substance that reduces appetite, which promotes weight loss.
  4. L-carnitine is a vitamin that improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Gives a feeling of vigor and strength.
  5. Fiber - consists of plant fibers, fills the stomach and stimulates the removal of toxins from the intestines - this component of magic beans is also excellent for weight loss.
  6. Collagen is an auxiliary substance that improves skin condition.

Nutritionists believe that all elements contained in the capsules are safe for consumption. In addition, they really have a powerful ability to reduce hunger, which is very important for a person losing weight. However, doctors warn that before using magic beans, you need to carefully study possible contraindications to avoid complications. Even healthy people should eliminate any risk and start losing weight with a small dosage.

Side effects

Many people, after using miracle beans for weight loss, experience various side effects, which most often appear in the first days after starting to take the capsules. Over time, these signs either disappear completely or become even more intense until the drug is stopped.

With a high level of allergization, the following signs may appear:

  • constant itching;
  • rash;
  • redness;
  • formation of bronchospasm;
  • anaphylactic shock;
  • Quincke's edema.

For this reason, it is better for allergy sufferers not to take this drug with an incompletely known composition or to first check the contents of the capsule in the laboratory. And for weight loss, we recommend going on the Kremlin diet or 5 spoons.

The following side effects are likely to occur from the nervous system:

  • headache;
  • systematic dizziness;
  • feeling tired and overwhelmed;
  • vision problems;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • increased irritability.

The following side effects are observed from the gastrointestinal tract:

  • problems with stool;
  • dry mouth and constant thirst;
  • infrequent vomiting;
  • fear of eating food;
  • feeling of a lump in the throat.

The most dangerous side effects are those that occur against the background of disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system:

  • tachycardia;
  • feeling of palpitations and heart sinking;
  • interruptions in cardiac activity;
  • noticeable increase in blood pressure.

Before using Magic Beans for weight loss, be sure to consult a specialist. It is possible that your doctor will select a suitable diet for weight loss, for example, atomic or acting, and will also adjust your diet.

Instructions for use

The composition of the product does not contain harmful substances, however, the use of magic beans for weight loss has clear instructions, from which it is not recommended to deviate. One package, designed for a course of treatment for food addiction, contains 36 capsules. After taking them, you should take a break for 1-2 months. According to women who bought magic beans, appetite decreases several times even after stopping the course.

Mode of application

If no contraindications are identified and there is no risk of side effects, you can start taking the drug. In order to lose 15 kilograms or more, the following method of using magic beans is used - drink one capsule in the morning after or during breakfast. In some cases, it is possible to increase the daily dosage by one more piece. It is prohibited to take more than 2 capsules per day to avoid side effects.

Photos before and after

Below are photos of girls before and after losing weight on Magic Beans.

Minus 17 kg

Minus 15 kg

Minus 12 kg


Below are reviews from doctors and people who took Magic Beans for weight loss.

Victor, cardiologist

Lately I have been meeting more and more people with heart disease. Often this pathology is caused by excess weight. In this case, I recommend that my patients engage in light exercise whenever possible and follow a diet, such as the Hollywood diet. But I strongly do not recommend consuming Magic Beans! I recently had a patient who took this “miracle” drug despite having heart problems. She was lucky that she was taken to the hospital on time, otherwise the consequences of taking weight loss capsules for her would have been sad.

Tatyana, therapist

Excess weight is a problem for most people of all ages. Some go to gyms to cope with it, others go on diets or drink Chinese weight loss capsules. But I would not advise women and men to use any dietary supplements, like Magic Beans, since their composition has not been fully studied, and how the body will react to this supplement is unknown.

Larisa, 36 years old

I am 15 kg overweight. To get rid of it, I started taking Magic Beans. I know that they are intended for women, although some claim that they are also effective for men. In 2 courses of taking the drug, which is 72 capsules, I managed to lose 10 kg. True, at this time I adhered to proper nutrition, so I can’t say for sure what exactly helped me lose weight.

Vasilisa, 41 years old

I took 36 Magic Bean capsules. As a result, I didn’t lose weight, but there were a lot of side effects! I do not recommend this drug for weight loss; it is better to exercise or diet, for example, model or asparkam for weight loss.

( 2 ratings, average 5 out of 5 )
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