Chromium picolinate for weight loss and more: reviews, features and personal experience

What is chromium picolinate

The name of the biologically active additive in Latin determines its composition: CHROMIUM PICOLINATE (TRIVALENTE).

The main component and active substance is the trivalent form of chromium, a chemical and biogenic element (present in plants and animals).

Preparations containing chromium are produced by manufacturers in different forms.

The standard and more common are capsules containing 200 or 500 mcg of active substance, 100 or 120 pieces per package.

When taking, you need to take into account that they usually contain magnesium stearate and microcrystalline cellulose.

There are liquid forms in the form of a spray or drops (25 or 50 ml).

Chewing gum is a new and very convenient option for the drug.

Personally, I really like high-quality preparations from the famous iherb, here is a link to the best chromium-containing preparations. Solgar brand products are especially good - this is confirmed by reviews and the history of TM Solgar itself, which began back in 1947.

Mechanism of action of chromium

The cause of excess weight is not always banal overeating. Disturbances in metabolic and digestive processes in the body can lead to weight gain . Metabolic failures occur due to the lack or absence of micro- and macroelements. The lack of building elements - “bricks” - threatens the stability of the entire building-organism.

Trivalent chromium is a trace element, the deficiency of which causes disturbances in lipid and carbohydrate metabolism. The body reacts to this deficiency by increasing the level of glucose, cholesterol, malfunctioning of the central nervous system and immune defense. And one of the consequences of these disorders is excess weight.

Chromium picolinate, entering the body and easily absorbed, replenishes the missing “building blocks”. Cholesterol levels and blood sugar levels gradually return to normal. Restoration of metabolic processes (lipids, proteins, carbohydrates) has a positive effect on digestion, promotes weight loss, and improves the condition of blood vessels.

Decreased appetite, cravings for sweets, and feelings of hunger are “side” effects when normalizing blood sugar levels. But they are the ones who help in the fight against extra pounds.

Video about the connection between chromium, carbohydrate addiction and diabetes:

Reducing insulin resistance

If we talk about the original purpose of this supplement, then according to the statements of its developers, it can help in the fight against excess weight, while maintaining lean muscle mass. This effect is associated with the amazing properties of chromium, which promotes a more efficient release of insulin, which helps stabilize blood sugar levels. This is why chromium supplements are so popular among people with diabetes, insulin resistance, and low blood sugar. Some scientists attribute this effect to the ability of chromium picolinate to improve the sensitivity of insulin receptors.

Foods high in chromium

The main source of this element is our daily food. What foods “deliver” chromium into our body? In foods, it is found most abundantly in fish, meat, liver, legumes and whole wheat flour or unprocessed grains.

Fish holds the record for chromium content

Among food products, sea fish is the leader in the content of this chemical and biogenic element.

But even among sea fish there is an absolute leader - tuna.

100 grams of this fish contain 90 micrograms of chromium!

That’s why delicious tuna salads are not only tasty, but also good for weight loss.

Trivalent "familiar" in meat and offal

The second position is occupied by meat and offal, which contains up to 1/3 of the daily requirement. Among them, the first place is beef liver, kidneys and heart. Pork, turkey, and chicken contain just over 10% of the daily requirement.

Brewer's yeast is a source of chromium

The chromium content in brewer's yeast is quite high, it is easily absorbed by the body. They can be purchased at a pharmacy or also by ordering on iHerb (link with a 5% discount) and taken as a food supplement. A significant drawback is the unpleasant taste and smell. You can “kill” it by mixing yeast with yogurt or kefir.

To compensate for the deficiency of this necessary and useful chemical element, it is necessary to include in the menu products containing chromium in large quantities. The table clearly shows what this element contains. It will help you decide how much and what foods to eat.

Features of chromium action

Chromium preparations for weight loss are a group of products that can be found in pharmacies and on the Internet. They allow you to transform accumulated extra pounds into energy and reduce the volume of fat.

The peculiarity of chromium is that it affects the functioning of the thyroid gland, the depressed state of which often leads to extra pounds, chronic fatigue, as well as an insatiable desire to consume sweets in large quantities.

Tablets and vitamins for weight loss with chromium can reduce appetite and restore thyroid function.

Additional mineral:

  • Activates metabolic processes, and therefore sugar levels decrease and the deposition of fatty tissue is prevented.
  • Used by the body as an effective transporter that delivers glucose into the cell. If it remains in the blood, it often becomes the basis for the formation of adipose tissue. It depresses the body, increases stress, and causes an increase in blood sugar levels.

Chromium tablets allow you to cleanse the body of harmful substances. However, the mineral does not work on its own. Additional exercise and activity will be required.

Who needs chrome?

The answer to this question is clear - everyone! But those who adhere to therapeutic diets and weight loss diets especially need it .

Any dietary restrictions lead to a lack of vital microelements. And although proper nutrition is the best thing you can think of for losing weight, periodic courses of healthy supplements will not be superfluous.

Have you noticed an irresistible craving for sweets? So, it wouldn’t hurt to try chromium picolinate. It is easier to cope with carbohydrate addiction if you take this drug.

Sports nutrition during intense exercise should not only be balanced, but also enriched with micro- and macroelements, which is why complexes are specially created for athletes, where chromium picolinate is one of the most important active ingredients.

Who really needs

People at risk for cardiovascular disease, such as those who are obese, can get a prescription for medications containing omega-3 fatty acids, which are contained in much higher concentrations than in dietary supplements. This will reduce the level of triglycerides in the blood to the optimal level.

“According to the Memorandum of the International Society for the Study of Atherosclerosis, the use of ω-3 PUFA drugs in cardiology can be useful even if the patient is already taking cholesterol-lowering drugs - statins,” Polenov cites the official position.

Also, these drugs can help people with poor memory, but they cannot prevent Alzheimer's disease and senile dementia.

Contraindications and side effects

Like any dietary supplement or drug, chromium picolinate has contraindications. These include individual intolerance to the components of the drug. In this case, it must be cancelled. This will help avoid troubles - allergic reactions: Quincke's edema, urticaria, dermatitis, skin rashes.

Possible harm will be caused by excessive and uncontrolled use. Due to the desire to lose weight faster, the dosage of the drug is often violated. It is important to take the dietary supplement accurately and correctly.

Expecting a child, breastfeeding - during these periods a woman must stop taking medications containing trivalent chromium. Children under 16 years of age are another contraindication. For stage IV diabetes mellitus, use is not recommended.

Side effects when taken are extremely rare. But they are still possible: nausea, indigestion, dizziness, vomiting. In any case, consultation with a doctor is necessary. It will help not only determine the need for treatment, but also select the dosage.

Reasons for decreased chromium levels

Diet pills Chromium picolinate are prescribed to replenish the lack of the mineral in the body in the following conditions:

  • Stress and depression,
  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding – the mother’s body gives a huge amount of valuable elements to the growing child. Together with milk, as well as during the development of the fetus in the womb, it is the mother’s body that transfers chromium, among other components, to the child.
  • Infections and thyroid dysfunction,
  • Exhausting mono-diets and poor diet, in which simple carbohydrates predominate,
  • Diabetes and high blood sugar levels,
  • Lack of proteins in the body,
  • Physically hard work and excessive stress.

Tablets or drops of chromium for weight loss can normalize appetite, eliminate an increase in blood sugar levels, but the main thing is to restore the normal functioning of one of the main “culprits” of obesity - the thyroid gland.

Rules of admission, dosage

The standard dosage regimen and dosage are given in the instructions for the dietary supplement.

The daily norm of chromium (it is the same for women and men) is 50-70 mcg, during a diet or during excessive physical activity - up to 200 mcg.

They usually take 1-2 capsules per day with meals for a course duration of 10-25 days - this dosage regimen is prescribed in the recommendations of the drug with a dosage of 200 mcg.

If necessary, the doctor can adjust it, reduce the dosage or extend the duration of administration.

How to take the drops? In liquid form, the drug is taken 10-25 drops 2 times a day.

Chewing gum is enough to chew 1 lozenge three times a day for at least 10 minutes each time.

Reviews from those who tried it

Research on the effect of chromium picolinate on the human body is contradictory. Some doctors consider high-quality products to be very effective, but there are also those who are skeptical. Thus, studies in America in 2003 and 2005 confirmed that regular use of chromium preparations in the required dosage for atypical depression actually reduces cravings for sweet and fatty foods. However, the controversy still does not subside. Even at some time, there was widespread speculation that chromium was carcinogenic, that is, it provoked cancer. True, they “forgot” to mention that they mean hexavalent chromium, and not the one that is included in drugs and food products.

As for ordinary people who are far from chemistry, medicine and other sciences, reviews of chromium preparations are positive:

Sveta, 45 years old:

“The endocrinologist recommended taking chromium picolinate. The reasons for the prescription are very serious: blood sugar levels are higher than normal, weight gain over the last six months. After taking the course, the levels returned to normal, and the weight began to go off. It has become much easier to limit yourself in eating sweets and starchy foods - the desire to eat sweets and tasty things has disappeared.”

Marina, 33 years old:

“Chrome picolinate chewing gum is very helpful when you want to raid the refrigerator in the evening. After 10-15 minutes of chewing, the feeling of hunger goes away. The magnetic power of the kitchen is clearly weakening.”

Natalia, 29 years old:

“I started taking the drug after a friend started losing extra pounds in front of her eyes. She told how to take chromium picolinate for weight loss. At first I was very doubtful, but the doctor dispelled my fears. I’m happy with the result - the process of losing weight is easier and more active.”

Yulia, 40 years old:

“After giving birth, I gained extra weight. I didn’t want to remain a donut. After I stopped breastfeeding, I started taking a drug containing chromium. I quickly got back into shape by adhering to the rules and taking the drug. How to drink it? In accordance with the doctor’s recommendations or instructions.”

Chromium picolinate

The microelement CHROME PICOLINATE was first artificially synthesized in the USA in the late 80s by scientist Harry Evans. The American patented the development and introduced it to the market as a drug that burns fat and builds muscle mass. 2 studies were conducted, which were described in detail by G. Evans. After lengthy debate, the US Federal Trade Commission issued a decision prohibiting making controversial and unsupported claims about the fat-burning properties of the drug. complied with the order of the US FTC, while making a number of loud statements about the machinations of competitors. And in fact, the FTC’s decision was “strange”, since no one was able to directly refute G. Evans’ research. The “evidence” of the drug’s ineffectiveness was presented by Melissa Hallmark, just a college graduate student, and Henry Lukaski, Ph.D. Strange isn't it? At the same time, no side or negative factors affecting the microelement chromium picolinate on the body were identified.

All specialists: doctors, biologists, nutritionists admit that chromium is one of the biogenic microelements that is necessary for a living organism. In its pure form, chromium is toxic, but chromium as part of the enzyme trypsin is involved in the metabolism of lipids, carbohydrates and proteins - the basis of the body's vital functions. A decrease in chromium content in the blood and body leads to a decrease in growth rate and an increase in “harmful” cholesterol in the blood.

All statements aimed at discrediting the microelement also did not receive a single official confirmation, and remained at the level of “black PR in the yellow press.”

The microelement CHROME PICOLINATE is very popular in the fitness community and is practically little known as a drug that stimulates the production of “good” cholesterol (clinically proven). “Good” cholesterol removes “bad” cholesterol from the body and thereby cleanses blood vessels of cholesterol plaques (prevention of atherosclerosis). A sufficient amount of “good” cholesterol in the body has a positive effect on skin elasticity, hair and nail growth.

G. Evans’ statement regarding the “fat-burning” properties of CHROME PICOLINATE was obviously based precisely on the fact of removing “bad” cholesterol from the body, which is often the cause of nutritional obesity. The property of the microelement in “building muscle mass” was most likely based on the logical conclusion that the microelement CHROME PICOLINATE has a positive effect on the restoration of lipid-carbohydrate-protein metabolism and accelerates the process of delivery of useful active substances to muscle tissue (this is a scientifically proven fact).

Testing and proving the ineffectiveness of a microelement based on short-term and small-scale experiments (only 8 weeks), as M. Hallmark and G. Lukaski did, is a big mistake, according to many experts.

The only thing we can agree with them on is that it is necessary to conduct more in-depth research to study the “fat burning” properties of the drug.

Main! The microelement CHROME PICOLINATE is important and necessary for the body. And in recommended dosages, like any useful substance, it is absolutely safe.

Personal experience

I couldn’t pass up such a drug either. I had experience taking chromium picolinate, and I can say that I repeat the courses. I took the Solgar brand drug with a dosage of 200 mcg. The first week I didn’t feel any effect, but the good stuff doesn’t go to waste, and dietary supplements almost never work right away.

But somewhere on the 10th day I noticed that I indifferently walked past a piece of cake that my son had forgotten on the table! I don’t seem to have a sweet tooth, but it was after lunch that I often craved sweets (by the way, such a craving for sweets is explained by the release of hormones in the afternoon, when the body is already “tired” and craves glucose as the easiest way to get energy). Fruits and berries were used; I could resist sweets and cakes, but I really wanted to. And this piece of chocolate! I was completely indifferent to the cake!

And then I noticed that I don’t want anything sweet after lunch! That is, the drug really works! I will say more - even before the CD, indifference to treats has not gone away!

I personally didn’t notice any special “weight loss” effect, although I have practically no excess weight. But I think that for those who are just starting their weight loss journey, chromium will not hurt, it will help you stop craving high-calorie sweets... But still, do not forget about consulting a doctor and choosing good medications.

Secrets of buying quality drugs

  • The first rule for purchasing quality drugs is to buy them at a pharmacy or a trusted specialized online store. There is no need to buy from someone else or from strangers - it is dangerous to stumble upon a fake or low-quality product.
  • When ordering or purchasing, it is important to read the information on the packaging itself or in the annotation for the dietary supplement. What to pay attention to: date of packaging, where it was produced, shelf life or expiration date.
  • If the text on the package is hard to read, blurred, or has spelling errors, you should refuse the purchase. Serious companies do not allow such disrespect for consumers. If the integrity of the packaging is compromised, you should be alarmed.
  • If all these points are in order, but doubts “gnaw”, it is better to ask the seller for a certificate of conformity and/or a license for the drug. In such a situation, it is better to play it safe and not cause harm to your health.

Irina Polyanitsa My name is Irina, I am the owner and admin of the site, as well as the author of most of the recipes and articles. I love to cook simple and healthy delicacies. Certified gym instructor, personal trainer. She completed a course on nutrition and health at Stanford University, Stanford Introduction to Food and Health, as well as a course at Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (LMU) Nutrition and Lifestyle in Pregnancy (about nutrition and lifestyle during pregnancy).

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