Is it possible to lose weight on a raw food diet and by how much? Personal experience of losing weight by 18 kg

A raw food diet is a current way to get rid of extra pounds by eating exclusively raw vegetables and fruits. This diet allows you to lose about 1 kilogram per day, so it is considered one of the most effective.

Initially, the raw food diet was popular among vegetarians, who were confident that this trend would help not only lose weight, but also improve their well-being.

The essence of a raw food diet

A raw food diet is a nutritional system that completely excludes foods that undergo heat treatment from the diet. It is believed that after undergoing processing, food loses all its beneficial properties and nutrients. Adherents of vegetarianism rely on the fact that in the wild it was not possible to process food using the heat method. Also, their main rule is to avoid eating meat and dairy products. The raw food diet itself can be divided into several subsections: omnivore SE, vegetarian SE, vegan SE, paleo SE. Each direction has its own rules.

An omnivorous raw food diet means eating all raw foods, both plant and animal. But it is worth noting that eating raw meat or fish is still very dangerous for health, and the taste of such raw food is not particularly pleasant.


  • The essence of a raw food diet
  • Principles of a raw food diet for weight loss
  • The benefits and harms of a raw food diet
  • How to safely switch to a raw diet
  • Menu for raw food diet
  • Conclusion

The vegetarian CE does not include the consumption of food of animal origin, except for raw milk and eggs, and the vegan CE is designed only for the consumption of plant foods. The most severe type of raw food diet can be confidently called the paleo diet. It is based on the fact that a person should consume a minimum of plant foods and eat as much raw fish, meat and fat as possible. There is also another rare direction - fruitarianism. The menu of such a diet includes fresh fruits, nuts, seeds and vegetable fruits (tomato, cucumber, etc.).

Raw foods fill the body with energy, cleanse and heal the body. This is what helps slow down aging.

The benefits of a raw food diet

Despite the results of scientific research, which slightly downplay the wonderful properties of raw food, the benefits of raw food are undeniable. At the same time, it is not necessary to become a raw foodist for life - a dietary course may be quite enough to get benefits for the body. The main thing is that in order not to harm your health, you need to have a good understanding of the balanced nutrition system itself and choose the right products.

Improved digestion

A raw food diet is probably the easiest diet for the digestive system. Digesting such food uses the body at only one-fourth of its capacity. This can significantly slow down the wear and tear of organs. And, with the right selection of foods, the body is satiated much better than when eating heavier foods.

Cleansing the body

A raw food diet causes the breakdown of excess fats and helps eliminate toxic substances and excess water from the body. Digestion and metabolism are normalized. Out of habit, following a raw food diet is difficult, but then the feeling of hunger goes away and the body begins to be full - this is a signal that the cleansing of the body is complete.

Health improvement

There is no doubt about the health-promoting properties of a raw food diet. A raw food diet activates the restoration of worn-out and diseased cells, improves well-being, and increases physical activity.

Weight loss

Normalization of metabolism, breakdown of fats and removal of excess water contributes to significant weight loss. The excess load of extra pounds is removed from the entire body, which has a positive effect on overall well-being and health.

Appearance improvements

Although the concept of beauty is contradictory and changeable from century to century, according to the majority, after adopting a raw food diet, many begin to look better. And this happens not only due to weight loss, but also manifests itself in the strength of the hair, and in the elasticity of the skin, etc. The anti-aging effect and significant improvement in appearance are probably the most attractive benefits of a raw food diet for women.

Principles of a raw food diet for weight loss

The basic rule of raw foodists is to avoid “dead” foods. Meat, sweet foods, and baked goods should be excluded from the diet. Heat treatment is allowed no more than twice a week. Meat is considered dead food, because out of 100% of the meat that enters the body, approximately 60% is digested, the rest takes a very long time to digest. This causes gradual decay and the release of toxins, which over time are absorbed into the human blood and organs. Having chosen this method of losing weight, you need to understand that you will have to give up almost all your usual foods:

  • meat and fish;
  • fats;
  • preserves and pickles;
  • confectionery and flour products;
  • sausages and semi-finished products;
  • Sahara.

50% of the raw foodist’s menu consists of raw fruits and berries, 35% of raw vegetables, 5-10% of grains and legumes, 4% is allocated to the consumption of dried fruits, seeds and nuts, dairy products, eggs and honey. And only 1% of the menu is taken up by onions, garlic, salt, seasonings, oils and juices. Losing weight is facilitated by avoiding all unhealthy foods and eating plant-based foods. In addition to reducing calories, a diet based on a raw food diet has an extraordinary cleansing effect.

The result of losing weight is different for each person, as it depends, first of all, on physiological characteristics. The outcome is also affected by compliance with all the rules of a raw food diet. Approximate weight loss per week is from 3 to 4 kilograms.

losing weight on a raw food diet

Hello my beauties!!!

Our last week of the marathon starts today. On Friday we are already summing up the results. Therefore, we make the final push and write reports and complete all tasks! :)


Here's a great article on ideal weight formulas.

When working on our body, we all strive for the ideal, although we do not always understand well where it is - this very ideal. Some are guided, as if by a holy truth, by someone proclaimed “90-60-90” and do not take into account their height and body features. For others, the ideal is hidden in their favorite old jeans, bought before the birth of their first child. In fact, the ideal figure is the figure of a healthy person, which does not pose any danger to his well-being. How to find this ideal? There are many formulas for this. Let's try to figure out this fitness arithmetic. When playing the game of losing weight, it is very easy to get carried away and start striving for indicators on the scale that will be dangerous to your health. There is also the opposite option - considering your figure to be normal and harmonious, you can gain excess weight and move out of the “healthy” range in the other direction. Let's figure out how to maintain the perfect balance between beauty and health. The simplest and therefore most common formula for determining your ideal weight looks like this: subtract 110 from your height in centimeters and get your ideal weight in kilograms. However, many experts believe that this formula can only be used by tall girls, at least 175 cm tall. For girls with a height of 165-174 cm, it is recommended to subtract 105 from their height, for those who are even shorter - 100. In this case, one more important indicator must be taken into account – body type . It can be asthenic, normosthenic and hypersthenic. In the first case we are talking about tall and naturally thin people, with thin, light bones, in the latter - about short and stocky girls, distinguished by wide and heavy bones. Normosthenics, accordingly, are in the middle between these categories. It is clear that a hypersthenic person, no matter how hard you try, will weigh more than an asthenic person of the same height. Therefore, it is proposed to add 10% to the above formula for hyposthenics, and for asthenics to subtract 10% from their result. It is believed that in this way a person’s ideal, healthy weight is calculated - without extra pounds, but also without excessive thinness. But first you need to understand what body type your figure belongs to. In addition to the eternal method of “determining by eye,” there is also a formula here: you need to measure an unusual place on the body - your own wrist. It is believed that if the thinnest part of a girl’s arm is less than 15 cm in circumference, she belongs to an asthenic body type; 15-17 cm are usually found in normosthenics, more than 17 – in hypersthenics. Some experts advise taking into account the person's age when calculating the ideal weight. To do this, you need to add half a kilo to the result obtained for each year of life after 25 years, however, no more than 7 kg in total. However, it is clear that ideal weight is not a mark on the scale accurate to the gram, but a certain range. Your body mass index will help you understand how healthy your weight is. It is calculated this way: divide body weight in kilograms by height in meters squared. That is, if you are, say, 175 cm tall and weigh 65, BMI is calculated as follows: 1.75*1.75=3.0625; If you divide 65 by 3.0625 you get approximately 21.2. So, everything is fine with you. A normal body mass index is considered to be between 19 and 26. Numbers below 19 indicate underweight, and above 26 indicate overweight. But it often turns out that according to all the formulas, our weight turns out to be ideal, and our body mass index is within the given limits, but we still desperately don’t like the reflection in the mirror. This may be due to sagging, untrained muscles and excess fat deposits. Diets cannot save the situation here: you need to develop and develop muscles. Fat tissue will gradually be converted into muscle tissue, the figure will become more beautiful and fit, and the weight will not seriously decrease (and maybe even increase, because muscles weigh more than fat). Well, now more about ways to combat excess weight, if any. Of course, the first thing that comes to mind is the terrible word diet . However, few people think about what kind of animal this really is, because the idea of ​​a diet as a hunger strike, deprivation, torment and willpower has long been ingrained in everyone’s brain. I will deliberately not talk about diets in this post, much less recommend them to you, because, firstly, I am categorically against diets, and, secondly, only a nutritionist after tests can choose a diet just for you ! Wikipedia tells us that a diet is a set of rules for eating food by a person or other living organism. Diet can be characterized by factors such as chemical composition, physical properties, culinary processing of food, and the timing and intervals of food intake. The diets of different cultures may vary significantly and include or exclude specific foods. Dietary preferences and dietary choices affect a person's health. That is, diet is a very global concept, it is not a short-term deprivation of your favorite food, it is a way of life. With this interpretation of the word, it becomes no longer so scary. Common sense is important in everything. Diet and lifestyle are important. If you follow some rules and choose the right lifestyle, extra pounds will never bother you again. We will not delve into topics such as vegetarianism, raw food diet, etc. and so on. I would like you to take note of the basics of proper nutrition, a proper diet, which will help you not only lose and maintain weight, but also improve your overall health and have a beneficial effect on the appearance of your skin, hair and nails. 1. Have a hearty breakfast During the cold season, the body requires more calories. And to protect yourself from hunger pangs, learn to eat breakfast properly. Don't try to skip your morning meal - during the day you will want to eat three times more than if you had breakfast. Nutritionists are sure that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After all, it is she who awakens the metabolism and gives energy for the whole day. Ideally, in autumn and winter, breakfast should be hot: it will be much warmer for you to get to the parking lot or public transport stop. But this does not mean that after this post you can, with a clear conscience, cut yourself sandwiches and snack on cookies! Eat cottage cheese, porridge, nuts, fruits, natural yoghurts, boiled eggs for breakfast... 2. Drink water When talking about losing weight or stabilizing weight, we cannot help but mention drinking clean drinking water. It is she who removes harmful toxins from the body and participates in the processes of fat dissolution. Without water, alas, it is unlikely that you will be able to lose weight seriously and for a long time. Learn to drink at least 2 liters a day, and within a month you will notice positive changes in the scale value. Of course, you shouldn’t drink a bottle of mineral water before leaving the house, but in the office, try to drink a glass of cool liquid per hour. 3. Eliminate hidden calories Before adding supposedly “diet” cottage cheese or yogurt to your food basket, carefully study the packaging and pay attention to the calorie content. Often it exceeds the permissible limit. The deceptive maneuver of manufacturers is to reduce the fat content of the product and replace regular sugar with harmful sweeteners. If you really want to purchase a dietary product, choose foods labeled “low-calorie” rather than “low-fat.” 4. Love vegetables If you want to eat on a subconscious level, but in reality it looks something like this: “I want a chocolate bar, a cake, a sausage sandwich...”, try deceiving your psychological hunger and eat some sweet vegetable instead of unhealthy baked goods. Let it be bell peppers, carrots, peas. True, beets are not good - they have too much sugar, and this fact makes them similar to sweet fruits, so rich in fructose, which provokes surges in blood glucose. Sweet vegetables are not so rich in simple carbohydrates and are absorbed much more harmoniously. 5. Love cooking If you still eat monotonously, it's time to change tactics. Even from the simplest dietary products you can create a culinary masterpiece. Prepare new dishes more often and try them in small portions. This technique will make it easy to deceive your appetite. After all, you eat delicious and varied dishes. Pay attention to Mediterranean and Italian cuisines with an abundance of vegetables, fish and seafood. 6. Cook correctly A lot depends on the method of cooking. If you are on a strict diet, for example, you can eat steamed or grilled foods. Stewing or baking often involves adding fat. And there is no need for extra calories in the fight for a slim figure. Even outside of the diet, try to cook correctly - this healthy habit will definitely affect not only your body, but also your skin - it will become smoother and more youthful. Give up cutlets dripping with oil, fried vegetables in soups, get yourself a slow cooker - it will help you eat deliciously and at the same time lose weight! 7. Don’t deprive yourself of dessert Dessert while on a diet is possible! Just choose less harmful sweets. Replace chocolate, pastries and rich ice cream with fruit and berry parfaits, soufflés and sorbets. Marmalade, marshmallows and marshmallows without chocolate also do not contain fat and are a safer alternative to chocolate. Well, and, of course, don’t forget about fresh fruits and berries. 8. Love herbs All kinds of spices and aromatic herbs are easy ways to replace salt: they have a distinct taste, make food spicy and appetizing. In addition, some spices, such as curry, garlic, onion, tarragon, parsley, chili pepper and ginger, can speed up metabolism and help break down fats. Green tea is a very healthy drink, but nutritionists do not recommend drinking more than 3 cups a day. Replace it with equally useful infusions of medicinal herbs - mint, chamomile or lemon balm. They can be drunk almost without restrictions, as well as rooibos and ginger tea with lemon. 9. Avoid nasty things: different types of sauces -

mayonnaise, ketchup, sausage, frankfurters and other abominations! It is very easy to replace mayonnaise with sour cream or sour cream with mustard. And there is nothing tastier and healthier than just a boiled piece of meat! Girls, believe me, if you just don’t eat mayonnaise, sausage and fried food, you will be as slim as a cypress tree! In just a month you will see amazing results! Well, there is no meat in our sausage and any sausage products! Dishes cooked steamed or in the oven are no less tasty! On the contrary, they even look more sophisticated! 10. Do not eat less than 3 hours before bedtime. Here's the food pyramid for you!

I would like to give a personal example. After giving birth, I lost the 20 kg I had gained during B + 6 kg on top. I was slimmer and more perfect than any model. And all because I went on a diet in connection with my daughter’s rash, eliminating all harmful foods, sweets, drinking a lot of fluids, etc.

The second way to bring your weight back to normal is, of course, physical exercise . But how often do we start and not finish the job! Let's figure out why we give up halfway. A clearly defined goal is, as they say, half the success. However, if visually this goal is not approaching in any way, any person can give up and quit an activity that is not bringing results. It’s the same in fitness: people often start playing sports by setting specific goals for themselves (for example, losing weight or building up certain muscles). And if, over time, the arrow of the scales does not rush to the left, and the muscles do not begin to work as we would like, there is a great temptation to give it all up and return to cakes and watching TV series. But this cannot be allowed. You just need to understand why you are unable to achieve your intended results. Usually the reason for fitness failures lies in your own mistakes. Maybe you are doing something wrong, eating something wrong, or thinking about something wrong. Wrong Workout The most common problem is usually that you are not working out at the gym correctly. The training program should correspond to the goals you have set, your age and body condition. For example, in order to pump up muscles you need to do one type of exercise (strength exercises with a lot of weight and a small number of approaches), in order to lose weight - another (in this case, the emphasis is usually on not very heavy exercises with a large number of approaches) . But this rule is not absolutely true - when developing a training program for weight loss, you still cannot completely abandon strength exercises. In addition, it is important to choose the right training intensity. When you exercise on your own, there is always a desire to feel sorry for yourself and stop doing this or that exercise, feeling the slightest fatigue in your muscles. Try to perform the exercises in such a way that the last approaches are truly the last. And keep in mind that the body quickly gets used to stress and needs to be constantly “surprised” with new, more complex tasks. When a newbie comes to the gym, he often lacks a system in his training: he can sit on one machine, go to another, then become interested in something shiny at the end of the room. Such chaotic wandering between simulators is unlikely to bring any noticeable results. And although the training program, as I have already said, should be compiled individually for each person, the general recommendation is that before each workout, make a list of the exercise machines that you must “bypass” today. On each simulator, perform a certain, predetermined number of approaches and repetitions (so as not to exercise until the first fatigue). The workout should consist of a warm-up (10-minute sessions on a cardio machine), a main part, and a cool-down (another 10 minutes of low-intensity exercise). And now regarding the training schedule: you should not exercise rarely, but for a long time. The ideal schedule is 3 times a week. Poor nutrition Eating during sports should also depend on your goals. If you primarily want to lose weight, reduce the number of calories you consume; if you want to strengthen your muscles, do not disdain foods containing protein. If you want both, find a balance between feeding muscle and not feeding fat. Before training, it is recommended to eat foods rich in carbohydrates, for example, baby fruit puree. Under no circumstances should you overeat - the portion should be no more than 100 grams. After strength training (unless, of course, it is late evening) it is advised to eat a small amount of low-fat protein food. Wrong thoughts Yes, yes, when playing sports, it is important not only how you exercise and what you eat, but also what you think about. After all, motivation is one of the most important conditions for successful fitness classes. To begin with, do not set yourself too difficult or impossible tasks. If you decide to lose half the weight in a week, most likely you will not succeed; failure will lead to disappointment and a desire to quit everything. Set simple tasks one after another - completing each of them will bring joy and along them, like on a ladder, you will come to that “most important goal”, because of which everything, in general, was started. The other extreme is lack of faith in one’s own strength. Constantly thinking that you can't do anything will not make your training more effective. You need to study with a positive attitude. Additional weight loss products. Baths for weight loss at home Losing weight is not a quick process and you should not expect instant results. The best results are obtained by the classic complex - diet, light physical activity and, of course, cosmetic procedures. The latter are necessary to keep the skin toned. As you know, the moment subcutaneous fat is lost, the skin sags and loses its elasticity, and stretch marks may appear on it. In addition, baths for weight loss contribute to the weight loss process itself - metabolism improves, the body is cleansed of toxins. And after a course of weight loss baths, the skin becomes soft, smooth and elastic. That is why baths for weight loss are also called “rejuvenating baths.” Queen Cleopatra, known for her beauty and youthfulness, knew about the benefits of baths many centuries ago. First, let's talk about contraindications. Baths for weight loss are contraindicated for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system: during the procedures the load on the heart increases significantly. If you have any chronic diseases, it is better to consult your doctor before using baths. So, now a few general rules: Baths for weight loss are taken while sitting, while in water up to your waist. It is better not to take baths during menstrual periods. Avoid eating an hour before your bath and do not eat for about an hour after your bath. It’s better to drink a fresh herbal tea 15 minutes after swimming. Be sure to rest for at least half an hour after your bath. The water temperature should not exceed 38 degrees. Immediately after your bath, rinse first with a warm shower, then with a cool shower. First rinse your feet, then your hands and only then your whole body. Only a course of home baths for weight loss gives visible results. Ideally, this is 10 days. Below you will find recipes for various bath fillers that will help speed up the process of fat breakdown, detoxification and removal of excess fluid from body tissues. Mustard bath for weight loss You will need a glass of dry fresh mustard and some warm water. Stir the ingredients in a deep bowl until thick sour cream forms. Fill the bathtub with warm water and pour the prepared mixture into it. Take a bath for about 10 minutes. Then rinse off in the shower and rest for half an hour, covered with a blanket. By the way, such a bath helps well at the first signs of a cold or if you are very cold. Cleopatra's bath for weight loss Heat the milk to 40 degrees and dissolve 100 grams of honey in it. Now prepare a body scrub from equal parts of salt and sour cream (150 grams each). Using a scrub, cleanse your body skin and rinse. Now take warm water and pour the prepared milk and honey into the bath. An important point: milk should not be higher than 40 degrees; at higher temperatures, the beneficial properties of honey are lost. Take a milk bath for about 20-25 minutes. After it, you will notice how velvety and soft the skin and droppings will become, which is why Cleopatra loved this bath so much. Soda bath for weight loss Soda baths give very good results. They promote tissue drainage and perfectly cleanse the skin. Mix 200 grams of baking soda and 300 grams of sea salt, pour the mixture into a warm bath. Take a bath for no more than 10 minutes. Then rest under the blanket for about 40 minutes. An important point: you should not eat or drink two hours before and after the bath. Slimming bran bath This bath not only promotes weight loss, but is also considered one of the best rejuvenating baths. Brew 1 kg of bran with 2 liters of milk with the addition of 1 tablespoon of honey. Pour the mixture into the bath. The bathing procedure can last up to half an hour. Afterwards, rinse and rest. Turpentine baths for weight loss Turpentine baths are highly valued by cosmetologists: they not only help get rid of excess weight, but also significantly increase skin elasticity. A special emulsion for preparing turpentine baths at home can be purchased at the pharmacy. The instructions will tell you how to use the composition. However, be careful: choose the emulsion according to your blood pressure type. Yellow turpentine is indicated for hypertensive patients, and white turpentine for hypotensive patients. In addition to beauty benefits, turpentine baths are an excellent way to strengthen the immune system. During the period of autumn colds, it is a good idea to take baths with turpentine emulsion. And of course, don’t forget about baths with the addition of ready-made SPA compositions based on healing mud, sea salt and water, as well as algae extract. To conclude this topic, I would still like to draw your attention to the fact that no figure is worth your health! Do not rush to extremes under any circumstances! Don't starve! Don't exhaust yourself with training, and most importantly, first love yourself for who you are! This will be the first step to success! And, of course, forget about products that supposedly give an immediate effect! Never buy pills (herbs, tinctures, etc.) for weight loss!


1. We continue to follow our water regime, praise ourselves and be beautiful at home (write down the amount of water you drink and compliment yourself). 2. We perform our daily beauty rituals: Morning: * wash our face * brush our teeth * gently massage our lips with a toothbrush

* all skin types - we do peeling and mask

* wash everything off with water * tone the skin with an ice cube with green tea * restore PH with tonic or lotion * moisturize the face and neck with cream (along the massage lines) * check the shape of the eyebrows and adjust if necessary * apply cream/gel/mousse (who has what) on the skin of the eyelids with light patting movements, without stretching the skin, with ring fingers along the massage lines!
* intimate hygiene * apply hand cream, don’t forget about elbows!!! * comb hair, do styling/hairstyle * MAKEUP Evening: * makeup removal (cleanse the skin of cosmetics and dust during the day) - along massage lines! * brush your teeth * take a shower (wash your hair, body scrub, hair removal - who needs it))) * restore PH with tonic or lotion (don’t forget about the neck!) * apply nourishing cream to the face and neck (along the massage lines) EYELID CREAM NO NEED! Don't forget to wear a headband to protect your hair. * apply balm to the lips * moisturize the skin with body milk (or someone else has cream/lotion/oil) * do exercises on the neck (10-15 minutes a day) * apply nourishing hand cream * at night lubricate the feet with cream ( every day) 3. How are you doing with your weight and nutrition?) Tell us your secrets;) Kisses!;)

The benefits and harms of a raw food diet

Undoubtedly, eating fruits and vegetables provides the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals. Plant foods also contain microelements and fiber, which play an important role in the fight against extra pounds.

Reviews of raw foodists say that the use of such a diet helps improve the functioning of the digestive and cardiovascular systems, adds maximum energy, strength and vigor, and also increases working capacity. In addition, with the help of a raw food diet, you can get rid of annoying rashes and inflammations on the face, improve the condition of your hair and restore a healthy complexion.

A noticeable advantage of the diet is saving time. You don’t have to spend a lot of time in the kitchen frying or cooking anything. Just rinse the fruits or vegetables well, and the dish is ready! Also, this power system does not require the purchase of special household appliances, of all possible devices. Only a blender can come in handy if you need to chop and mix some ingredients.

The main disadvantage of a raw food diet is the almost complete absence of protein in the diet. Since its presence is very important in the body of every person, raw foodists try to compensate for its deficiency with peas and beans. This is an important issue, since the complete absence of protein in the human body has a detrimental effect on its health, particularly on muscle tissue and the liver. It is worth noting that the amount of protein in plant foods cannot be compared with its amount in foods of animal origin. In any case, it is impossible to achieve a complete replacement.

Switching to such a power system can also cause a lot of unpleasant sensations. At the beginning of the diet, headaches, nausea, and gastrointestinal disorders may appear. According to raw foodists, this is how the body is cleansed of waste and toxins that have accumulated in the body for many years. The duration of such a crisis may vary; some adapt within two months, while others get used to it for at least a year.

Also a disadvantage of the diet is the lack of vitamins B12 and. A deficiency of foods containing these vitamins can cause weakening of joints and bone tissue.

How to safely switch to a raw diet

Having made an unconditional decision to eat exclusively raw foods, you need to approach the transition from your usual diet to a raw food diet with full responsibility.

There are 2 methods of switching to a raw food diet:

  • smooth;
  • cutting.

With the abrupt method, a person must give up his usual food in one day. It is very difficult both mentally and physically. This method may be suitable for those who adhere to a healthy diet in their usual life. However, it is absolutely not suitable for people who are used to eating high-calorie foods. For them, the best option is a smooth transition.

In the first stages of a raw food diet for weight loss, you need to gradually increase the amount of raw food, while not giving up cereals and drinks. This will prevent much damage to the digestive system.

In order to feel good and not harm the body, you should adhere to certain recommendations:

  • get used to combining products correctly;
  • get a good night's sleep;
  • divide meals into 5-6 times;
  • drink enough liquid (clean filtered water) per day;
  • eat in moderation, do not overdo it;
  • Before switching to this diet, consult your doctor.

How to switch to a raw food diet as comfortably and safely as possible?

If the decision to follow this diet has been made, this does not mean that from the next day you need to stop using pots and pans, and remove meat and dairy products from the refrigerator. For a proper transition to a raw food diet, it takes an average of a year for the body to fully, without stress, adapt to the ability to absorb energy in a new way. The main rules for switching to a safe, and possibly healthy, raw food diet are given below:

  • medical consultation - having made the psychological decision to become a raw foodist, a person must go to a medical institution for a full medical examination to make sure that his body is ready for such changes; It would also be useful to have regular consultations with a gastroenterologist or nutritionist to make the new menu as healthy and varied as possible;
  • gradualism - you cannot give up previously familiar food in one day; it is recommended to reduce the amount of meat consumed for several months, then dairy products, while leaving thermally processed cereals, beans, vegetables, fruits; it is also necessary to abandon heat treatment gradually and slowly;
  • a gradual increase in fiber intake - despite all the benefits of this substance (contained in vegetables and fruits, unprocessed cereals), it is not recommended to sharply increase the amount of fiber entering the body, this can lead to disruption of the intestinal microflora and dysbacteriosis;
  • increasing the amount of drink - a person striving for a raw food diet is recommended to increase the amount of drink consumed to 2 liters or more, for a start this, among other things, can be fruit drinks and compotes, and then only fresh juices and water;
  • It is better to plan the final transition to a raw food diet for the summer - in June-July the choice of fresh fruits and vegetables typical for a given region is as wide as possible, and there are several summer months and autumn ahead; The first winter is considered the most difficult for beginning raw foodists, but in this case the body will come to it already relatively prepared;
  • individuality in approach - in the process of adjusting to a new diet, a person is advised to listen carefully to his body, and discuss all controversial and troubling issues with his personal doctor; a menu suitable for one may not be suitable for another.

Menu for raw food diet

The menu of raw foodists mainly consists only of raw vegetables and fruits. For breakfast, you can eat an apple or pear in its pure form, or grease the fruit with nut butter. You can also make muesli. They need to be filled with clean water and allowed to swell. You can add fresh berries to your prepared breakfast. You can complement the dish with freshly squeezed carrot, apple or pumpkin juice.

You can have lunch with diet cabbage rolls, the filling of which consists of lentils and beans. The filling is prepared in advance as it takes about three days.

For dinner, you can make a salad of avocado and olives, add your favorite nuts. You can also make a mix of vegetables or fruits in cubes, or prepare a cocktail using a blender.

Menu for raw food diet for weight loss for 7 days


Breakfast: 2 oranges and 1 apple.

Lunch: vegetable salad with herbs, dressed with oil or fruit salad, 100 grams of nuts.

Dinner: vegetable or fruit salad.

In between meals, you can drink still water, juices, and coconut milk.


Breakfast: 2 grated apples, a handful of raisins, honey.

Lunch: salad of tomatoes and onions, dressed with vegetable oil.

Dinner: fruit mix.


Breakfast: oatmeal with strawberries.

Lunch: sprouted lentils, vegetable salad, dressed with olive oil.

Dinner: pumpkin porridge.


Breakfast: banana and strawberry smoothie.

Lunch: sprouted wheat, bread.

Dinner: white cabbage salad dressed with sesame oil.


Breakfast: kiwi, 2 tangerines.

Lunch: pumpkin porridge.

Dinner: bread, salad of arugula, onions and tomatoes.


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Breakfast: strawberries or blueberries.

Lunch: raw vegetable soup.

Dinner: raw vegetables.


Breakfast: 2 oranges.

Lunch: sprouted wheat and bread.

Dinner: carrot salad.

Basic rules of raw food diet

A raw food diet for weight loss involves eating raw foods. This is clear from the name. Not only boiled foods are prohibited, but also frozen vegetables and fruits. Do not eat steamed cereals or other foods that have been filled with hot water.

Basic Rules:

  • organic food is consumed. The diet should not contain vegetables and fruits with pesticides, grown on fertilizers treated with chemicals. Therefore, the best time to lose weight is summer and autumn;
  • It is prohibited to drink alcohol, including dry wine;
  • Coffee and regular tea are prohibited. But you can drink green tea, poured with warm water at about 40 degrees, and you can infuse it for a long time. Compotes from berries and fruits are also prepared;
  • Marinades, sauces, canned and pickled vegetables are not allowed. If salads or other dishes with spices are prepared, they should be consumed immediately;
  • Sugar is banned. There is still a lot of controversy about salt. Some raw foodists use it, while others exclude salt. If you plan to add salt, it is recommended not to overdo it.

During a raw food diet for weight loss, the menu for every day mainly contains vegetables and fruits. Since they have a low calorie content, you will have to consume fairly large portions to feel full. The breaks between meals should not be long; at first, two hours is enough. You can eat at any time of the day and even at night.


Based on reviews from raw foodists, we can conclude that a raw food diet for weight loss is really effective if all the rules and recommendations are followed. There are a number of diseases for which a raw food diet is contraindicated. Before switching to such a diet, it is important to weigh the pros and cons and be sure to consult a doctor.

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