How to run 3 km in 12 minutes. Personal experience of a runner

From theory to practice

picture 1
Picture 1 (screenshot from the Endomondo running program) shows all the personal records (personal records) for running at various distances, including 3 km. This program has an error, but even with these shortcomings I can manage 12 minutes for 3 km. We won't talk about it now.

Also, in addition to the above, I have the VII degree gold badge for protecting the GTO standards, where one of the standards is to run 3 km in 12 minutes.

Based on this, I believe that I have the right to write a post about how to run 3 km in 12 minutes without further ado about working in pulse zones, about creatine, glycogen, breakdown, oxygen absorption, etc.

Each case and each 3 km running program is unique in its own way. Therefore, I will describe all my parameters so that you can understand under what conditions and actual indicators it was possible to achieve this time.

Programs for a three-kilometer race

There are different ways to run a 3K, all that matters is what your goal is. Some will be satisfied with finishing in 15 minutes, while others dream of finishing in 9-10 minutes.

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Each goal has its own software requirements:

How to run a three-kilometer distance in 15 minutes

Before moving on to classes using this method, you need to prepare a little to cover a distance of three kilometers. To achieve the desired result, training should last up to ten weeks, after which you can move on to the following exercises:

  • first day: five km speed run;
  • second day: run one km in a minimum of time. Three times in total, resting for a minute between each run;
  • third day: run five km.

How to run a three-kilometer distance in 13 minutes

In this method the number of kilometers will be increased. Before training, you need to warm up, and then cool down and stretch your muscles:

  • first day: run seven km at speed;
  • second day: run one km in a minimum of time (three times, every 1 minute);
  • third day: run half a km at speed. You need to do 8 approaches, with brisk walking between each to restore breathing.

How to run a three-kilometer distance in 12 minutes

This is one of the most difficult running programs. The past techniques were only meant to prepare you for more difficult work. The program does not involve increasing the distance, because the training is already too demanding.

It is important

The core of this program is interval training, which involves both low and more difficult loads: no breaks, squats after a run, etc. This approach allows the body to function at the maximum stage of its abilities, thereby saving extra minutes.

  • first day: run seven kilometers;
  • second day: run one km at speed (4 times, break 40 seconds) -;
  • third day: run half a km (6 times, walking for forty seconds after each);
  • fourth day: speed running – 1 km (3 times, between each – 30 squats).

How to run a three-kilometer distance in 11 minutes

The final program should show you how to improve your 3K run in 11 minutes. Here you need to focus on resting your body after completing the lesson: you don’t need to increase the load too quickly, but do all the approaches with special quality.

The program involves the use of the burpee exercise , which perfectly burns fat and develops endurance. It is performed in a sitting position, with your palms on the ground. Afterwards you need to jump out so that the body position is like during a push-up. Now you need to do a push-up and immediately return to the starting position. Then you need to jump and stretch your arms into the sky.

  • first day: speed running – 5 km (after covering this distance you need to do the burpee exercise 50 times without resting);
  • second day: timed jogging – 1 km (3 times, during the break – 40 burpees);
  • third day: run four hundred meters, then 10 burpees;
  • fourth day: run half a km (6 repetitions, 40 seconds of brisk walking between them);
  • fifth day: run one km at speed (three repetitions).

It is important

Now you know for sure how to prepare for a 3 km run. A lot goes into what program you choose and how hard and how well you train.

What we have

Age at the time of writing this article is 32 years old, weight 73 kg with a height of 172 cm. I regularly engage in strength sports and 3 years ago I could barely run 3 km in 16 minutes. In the previous year, the total running volume was more than 500 km. If you are a runner, you understand that this is not much, but for the average person, it is more than enough. I am describing all this so that it is clear at what level I started training and what kind of life I lead.

I described earlier how I started and what I did to improve my results in the 3 km run. But during the practice I changed my opinion a little on several issues and most likely I will change my opinion more than once when I receive more information and practice. Still, I recommend reading this article so that you understand the dynamics of both thinking and development.

How to Prepare for a 3K Run

People who are interested in athletics understand that to achieve results they need to work with breathing, do exercises that strengthen muscles, and also improve their running technique. But motivation is a very important engine of progress. Having achieved success, the athlete sets new goals. Let's consider what activities are necessary in preparation for a 3 km run.

  • It is useful to record the results by keeping notes in a journal. Celebrating achieved parameters is the basis of efficiency.
  • The athlete calculates, having set himself a task in the form of a distance of 3 km, how to improve his speed performance. In the preparation process, it will not be superfluous to purchase auxiliary devices. For example, a heart rate monitor will help you choose the pace to suit your body’s capabilities. And heart rate monitoring will be added to the log.
  • The training program is important. For example, we first master the distance in 15 minutes, then move on to 13 and 12. These are the GTO standards for the 3 km running discipline for men.
  • Learning methods to improve speed and endurance involves finding the technique that best suits the runner's personality. Sometimes in practice you have to go through trial and error.

The result of hard work is self-discipline, which one way or another must be present in the development of endurance.

Cardiovascular system and breathing when running

There are no pathologies, I don’t smoke, the training load system is gradual. After reading articles from other sources, it turned out that smokers can forget about this standard. I can’t agree with this, there are unique people, but still I was very lucky in this regard. But I’ll also note that I smoked 12 years ago.

As for breathing, you can often find a breathing technique when running 3 km - inhale for two steps and exhale for two steps. I used this technique all the time. During such breathing, in my case, my pulse immediately increased. In turn, you won’t run far at a high heart rate.

How can a beginner learn to run fast?

How to learn to run 3 km quickly? Many people are interested in this issue. It's not that difficult, but it requires following certain rules:

  • Start jogging short distances at a slow pace. In the beginning, any person without preparation will have difficulty running only 1 km. After each lesson, the distance must be extended by 100 meters.
  • To run fast, you need to know how to breathe during a 3K run. You should not start jogging quickly, but your breathing should be even. After a couple of sessions, you will feel that your breathing is no longer interrupted. At the end of the distance , speed up your run .
  • Work out when it's convenient for you, according to your schedule. You can run both in the morning and in the evening.
  • Forget laziness . After a couple of sessions, your enthusiasm may wear off, but it is better not to skip running, as you may get completely lazy and give up.
  • You need to train regularly, but not every day - several times a week is enough. In this mode, the muscles will get used to the increased workload.
  • Listen to your favorite songs in the player while running. The music charges you with good emotions and energy, which will enable you to run a distance of 3 km.
  • Choose more comfortable shoes for jogging, because they play a very important role during training.

A little personal history

One day I was preparing for a running competition at a stadium in the city where I live. A magnificent place on the Black Sea coast. And I was lucky enough to run with someone who changed the way I thought about breathing while running. I often try to look closely at people who are stronger and faster than me. Monitor their technique, breathing and exercises. And he told a simple philosophy of breathing. You need to breathe evenly and not as often as I did. At the same time, deeply smell the sea, listen to the wind, listen to the cries of seagulls and try to relax. Something like meditation, only in motion.

Of course, I tried to breathe like this and did not immediately understand all the subtleties. Practicing all the time, it dawned on me! You need to breathe deeply and in such a way, as if after a nervous situation or conversation you are trying to calm down, inhaling deeply and exhaling smoothly. Breaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand! This way I manage to lower my heart rate (pulse).

Exercises to improve results

By devoting time to one of the 3 parts of the body: top, middle, bottom, we understand the effect of certain methods of developing muscles. In the question of how to improve your 3 km running, it is recommended to adopt the following methods.

  • Barbell exercises, lunges, squats. To strengthen the area of ​​the middle part, pump the press. After such additional exercises to running, endurance increases, and results in terms of speed can improve by up to 10 seconds in the first time.
  • The “running against the wall” exercise helps. An athlete who does not understand how to move faster ends up having the opposite effect as a result of layup.
  • Proper organization of strength training will be useful. For example, we start each of them by pumping the calf muscles. We double the number of approaches to the simulator, and constantly add the amount of load.

Considering the 3 km run in terms of how to improve the result, we undertake competitions on the treadmill. This is a very effective method. Especially if the opponent is superior in athletics.

Technique for running 3 km “from toe to heel”.

Going back a little, I described the technique by which I ran “heel to toe.” Then, after reading articles on the Internet, I began to retrain myself to run from my toes, because... this way I will run faster. As a result, I bought the book “Running according to the 80/20 rule. Train slower to compete faster,” which basically says that technique is not that important for those who like to run, be it toe-to-toe or heel-to-toe. I settled on the “toe to heel” technique only because it looks more impressive from the outside.

This once again confirms that you don’t need to get so hung up on the intricacies of running. Especially if you are not going to become an Olympic champion. Knowledge is power, but knowledge without practice is just another article on the Internet or a magazine that describes the breakdown of amino acids in the body and still does not answer the question: “How to run 3 km in 12 minutes”!!! What the hell are amino acids here?! Not up to them.

World records in the three kilometer run

The GTO standards for running a distance of 3 km suggest covering this distance for men from 15 to 29 years old in a period of 13 to 12 minutes 50 seconds, respectively. They give you a gold badge for this. Bronze is awarded to those with a time of 15 minutes 20 seconds for those aged 15 years and 15 minutes for those aged 29 years. Women do not participate in the GTO test for 3 km running.

Based on the established standards of the GTO - running 3 km in a specified time, the trainee can improve his own skills. A training program, perfect technique and other factors that contribute to obtaining results will help him with this. It is also interesting to learn about record values ​​in the form of world achievements. Until 1993, the 3000-meter race was included in the program of major competitions for women. Men do not compete in this distance at the Olympic Games. But occasionally it is included in the program of commercial competitions as test preparation for championships.

Among men

The world record among men belongs to Kenyan D. Komen. His result is 7 minutes. 20.67 sec. It was installed in Rieti on 09/01/1996.

Among women

The world record among women was set on September 13, 1993 in Beijing by Wang Junxia. An athlete from China ran 3000 meters in 8 minutes. 6.11 sec.

Running 3000 meters is considered an average distance. Runners with developed tactical thinking and speed abilities show good results.

You are most likely a creature of habit (like all of us): you fall asleep listening to the series around midnight, drink a cup of coffee in the morning, then run the same distance and at the same speed as a million years ago. But stability is good only in architecture, and in running training, consistency is fraught with stagnation and injury.

In addition, as you remember, different running styles have different effects on the body and its systems. For example, short interval training significantly increases VO2 max (maximum oxygen consumption - an indicator of your aerobic performance), and long interval training improves heart function and blood circulation.

Smart athletes use all four main types of training: speed, threshold, speed-strength endurance training, and calm long running for active recovery. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all what kind of result you expect from your training. Even if you are a dedicated marathon runner at heart, speed-strength work will still be useful to you.

So says Tom Kloos, coach of the elite Bay Area Track Club (USA): “I have seen the greatest transfer of performance for runners of any profile from speed training - the athlete improves technique, corrects individual biomechanics and gets rid of mistakes that steal energy. Once you learn to run fast, you will be able to run for a long time at greater speed and with greater economy of energy.”

We'll tell you the benefits of each type of training and teach you how to most effectively fit them into your training schedule.

Running program - 3 km in 12 minutes

One of the rules is consistency. Just start running regularly. Running is not a strength exercise, where sometimes a short break gives positive dynamics. I stopped running a little and added one minute to the time.

Day 1 – 5-10 km at an easy pace;

Day 2 – 2 km fast, 2 minute pause x 3 times;

4th day – 12 minutes quickly;

Day 5 – 7-10 km at an easy pace;

Days 3,6 and 7 – rest or active recreation.

If we take into account that strength training is still my main sport, then while gaining strength, I train in the gym all the days, if I just keep in shape, then strength training twice a week, where at the beginning of training 2 km at a competitive pace and one day of easy running.

Program for newbies

Set yourself a task, get on the treadmill and go. For example, you want to cover 3 km in 15 minutes. To do this, try training for at least 2 months 3 times a week.


  • Lesson 1 – 5000 m run;
  • Lesson II – distance 1000 m. Do three approaches with a rest of 60 seconds;
  • Lesson III - repeat the first.

Running during training should be fast. Do exercises and walking as quickly as possible.

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