Pill for vigor: composition, names, instructions for use, dosage and contraindications

Bodybuilding is a strength sport where the main emphasis is on developing muscle mass and strength.

But during relief training (cutting), you have to do more work, including cardio, in order to speed up the fat burning process.

This is where aerobic abilities come to the fore.

Today we will consider the issue of developing this physical quality not from the point of view of sports, but as a practical guide for bodybuilders during the drying period.

What is endurance and how to increase it

Endurance is one of the main motor qualities of a person.

It is expressed in the body’s ability to perform low-intensity physical activity for a long time.

There are two types of endurance:

  1. General
  2. Special

General endurance is the body’s ability to perform any low-intensity physical activity for a long time, and special endurance is narrowly focused (specific).

Special endurance is in turn divided into:

  1. Expressway
  2. Speed-power
  3. Coordination
  4. Strength (dynamic and static strength endurance)

The main factors for developing endurance are special training and nutrition.

There are also a large number of medications and dietary supplements that help speed up the improvement of this physical quality.

Pharmaceutical drugs that increase stamina

There are 4 groups of drugs that are characterized as drugs to increase endurance.

Let's look at each in more detail.

1) Depleting

Caffeine is a drug widely used in bodybuilding from the class of psychostimulants.

In pharmacies it is sold in tablet form as caffeine-sodium benzoate.

By the way, this is the safest remedy from this section.

Probably everyone has experienced what a caffeine overdose is: trembling hands, rapid heartbeat and a hyperactive state.

Caffeine also has a lethal dosage - 20 grams in its pure form.

Psychostimulants should not be taken for longer than 3-4 weeks! They have a debilitating effect on the body, and the central nervous system (CNS) is particularly affected.

In bodybuilding, drugs containing caffeine are used only during shock loads. For example, in the last weeks of drying. This is followed by a month's rest.

2) Metabolic

Among them:

  1. Actoprotectors
  2. Steroid and non-steroidal anabolics
  3. Adaptogens
  4. Nootropics
  5. Vitamins
  6. Amino acids

These are pharmaceutical drugs that increase endurance by activating the corresponding mechanisms of the body.

Pharmacy complex vitamin-mineral preparations and individual amino acids (glutamic acid, taurine and methionine) are common in bodybuilding.

This also includes L-carnitine. In medicine, it is patented under the name “Levocarnitine” (trade names “Elkar”, “Carniton”).

All these substances improve endurance, while being safe for health.

The course of admission is from 1 to 3 months.

Another class of drugs that have proven effective in developing endurance are non-steroidal anabolics.

They are completely legal and are not doping.

Non-steroidal anabolic steroids are widely used in all types of endurance sports.

Among them:

  • Riboxin
  • Mildronate
  • Asparkam
  • Potassium Orotate
  • ATP-long

Anabolic steroids work just as well.

They were legally used in elite sports, in disciplines related to endurance, until 1973.

Later, the International Olympic Committee banned their use, and the fight against doping began.

But athletes continue to take anabolic steroids, only unofficially.

Steroid use is associated with increased muscle mass and strength.

But in fact, anabolic steroids speed up the body's recovery after heavy training, increasing physical performance and increasing the number of red blood cells.

Everything taken together significantly improves endurance, provided that the training is appropriately focused.

The following anabolic steroids can be found in the pharmacy chain:

  • Testosterone esters (Sustanon-250, Omnadren-250, Testosterone propionate)
  • Retabolil

True, there is one “but” - they are sold only with a doctor’s prescription, as they have a lot of side effects and require monitoring.

Adaptogens are an alternative to anabolic steroids.

They have similar effects, which is why they are also called natural anabolics. True, in terms of the degree of impact, these drugs are much weaker.

The range of adaptogens is varied:

  • ginseng
  • Eleutherococcus
  • Leuzea
  • Rhodiola rosea
  • echinacea
  • Schisandra chinensis

Taking these drugs increases overall vitality and, as a private effect, improves endurance.

Another class of medications are nootropic drugs.

The most popular of them is Piracetam. A controversial drug, the effectiveness of which is questionable.

However, these drugs are also used in sports.

Actoprotectors have proven their benefits in professional sports, but have become less popular among wide circles of athletes.

The most famous drug from this class is Antichot (bemitil). Nowadays it is rarely found in pharmacies.

3) Combination drugs

The most famous combination drug is Dexamethasone.

Its big advantage is its low cost and availability in any pharmacy.

The downside is that it is a hormonal drug, and also a corticosteroid. This means that it provokes the breakdown of muscle tissue.

For long-distance runners, losing a couple of kilograms of body weight is a joy. The lower your body weight, the easier it is to run.

But in bodybuilding, losing muscle mass, and even of your own free will, is like death.

It is worth noting that dexamethasone is still used in bodybuilding, but only together with anabolic steroids to minimize muscle loss.

There is also a 4th group of drugs - secondary action.

But these are drugs that increase endurance indirectly and are not used due to low efficiency.

Non-depleting action

Non-depleting or metabolic drugs, in turn, are also divided into certain classes: actoprotectors, steroids, nootropics, non-steroidal anabolics, adaptogens, various compounds and vitamins that supply energy.

Actoprotectors are drugs that promote the body’s resistance to physical stress without increasing oxygen consumption, while they increase the efficiency. Actoprotectors are non-depleting metabolic drugs. They also often have antihypoxic effects. They differ from antihypoxants in that they primarily stimulate protein synthesis and increase performance.

Steroids are drugs that imitate the action of male sex hormones: testosterone and dihydrotestosterone. Steroids help build muscle mass. These drugs are widely used in bodybuilding.

Nootropics are medications that improve brain function and have a positive effect on a person’s mood and activity. They facilitate the assimilation of knowledge, improve the memorization of information, and make a person more focused.

Non-steroidal anabolics - their effect is similar to that of steroids, but much less pronounced. The main effect of taking these drugs is that they accelerate the removal of lactic acid breakdown products, thereby increasing the rate of recovery after physical activity.

Substrates (energy) - restore physical endurance when tired. In general, drugs in this group are not toxic, they do not have a central stimulating effect, but the effect disappears quite quickly when taking it is stopped.

Sports nutrition to increase endurance

In the world of dietary supplements, there is a fairly large group of supplements that promote the development of endurance:

  1. Pre-workout supplements
  2. Isotonics
  3. Creatine
  4. Amino acids

The undoubted leaders are pre-workout complexes that help increase productivity. Endurance increases to cosmic levels.

They contain various substances that improve the body’s performance in different ways:

  • Psychostimulants (caffeine, geranium, ephedra)
  • Creatine
  • Amino acids
  • Vitamins

However, there are a number of contraindications for use:

  1. Heart diseases
  2. Hypertension

Another disadvantage is that it quickly becomes addictive and the effect disappears.

Use only under shock loads, 3-4 weeks. Next, you should take a break from taking it for 1-2 months.

Isotonic drinks are a time-tested remedy for millions of athletes.

They are similar in composition to blood plasma, are easily and quickly absorbed, and maintain performance at a consistently high level.

Amino acids (complex, BCAA, individual - L-glutamine, Beta-alanine, citrulline and others). They speed up the recovery of the body during the workout, which is directly related to the increase in endurance.

Creatine monohydrate is another supplement that is widely used not only in strength sports (strength plus mass), but also in all types of endurance sports, as it very well promotes the growth of this motor quality.

Top 10 drugs from the pharmacy

The pharmaceutical market offers a wide selection of officially registered medicines and biologically active food supplements, which are one of the best means for increasing the energy and performance of the body.

Renaissance Phytodrive

Renaissance Fitodrive is a dietary supplement produced by the Russian pharmaceutical company Marbiopharm OJSC.

This product has a completely natural herbal base, and it contains extracts of the following medicinal plants:

  • Rhodiola rosea;
  • echinacea;
  • Eleutherococcus;
  • ginseng root.

Iron oxide and titanium dioxide, which act as food coloring, as well as talc are used as auxiliary components. The last substance is an anti-caking agent.

The following indications for the use of the dietary supplement Renaissance Phytodrive are distinguished:

  • the need to saturate the diet with natural eleutherosides;
  • activation of the body's energy resources;
  • elimination of chronic fatigue syndrome.

The Renaissance Phytodrive dietary supplement is prescribed to take 1 capsule 2 times a day (morning and evening). the optimal duration of the therapeutic course is 14 days. After this period of time, you should take a break. If necessary, this remedy can be taken again.

Renaissance Phytodrive has the following contraindications for its use:

  • increased excitability of the nervous system;
  • disruption of the process of falling asleep and insomnia of any etiology;
  • tendency to have too high blood pressure;
  • state of pregnancy and lactation period of a newborn baby;
  • atherosclerosis of blood vessels;
  • individual intolerance to the constituent components of this product.

Before deciding to use the Renaissance Phytodrive dietary supplement, you must undergo an examination and consult a general practitioner. This product is sold without a doctor's prescription, and its average cost is 290 rubles. per pack of 30 capsules.


Mildronate is a medicine produced on the basis of the active substance meldonium dihydrate in a concentration of 500 mg. This drug belongs to the category of metabolic drugs.

Mildronate is indicated for use in the following cases:

  • pronounced decrease in performance;
  • heavy mental and physical stress that leads to exhaustion of the body;
  • circulatory disorders in the tissues of the brain and myocardium of the heart;
  • the need for complex therapy of coronary heart disease.

Mildronate is useful for people who are hypertensive and also periodically experience a feeling of decreased performance and loss of physical strength.
This remedy is prescribed to take 1 capsule 2 times a day. The evening medication should be taken no later than 17-00, so that sleep disturbance does not occur due to the influx of additional energy. The duration of the therapeutic course is 2 weeks. The average cost of Mildronate is 269 rubles. per pack of 40 capsules. This drug is available only with a doctor's prescription.

Gerimaks Ginseng

Gerimaks Ginseng is a herbal medicine with general tonic properties, which is produced by a Danish pharmaceutical company. This product is available in the form of tablets coated with a layer of protective film. The active substance of Gerimax Ginseng is an extract obtained from ginseng root. 1 tablet of this tonic contains 200 mg of the main component.

Tablets for energy and performance of this type are indicated for use in the following cases:

  • increased physical and mental stress;
  • presence of a constant feeling of overwork;
  • the need to increase physical endurance.

Gerimaks Ginseng is prescribed to people suffering from asthenic syndrome, sexual disorders that arise against the background of neurosthenic conditions. Children over 12 years of age, as well as adult patients, should take this drug 1 tablet per day.

Gerimax Ginseng is contraindicated for use by women who are pregnant. The duration of the therapeutic course is determined by the doctor. Gerimax Ginseng is dispensed without a doctor's prescription. The average cost of a medication ranges from 476 to 506 rubles. for 30 tablets.

Alphabet Energy

Alphabet Energy is a complex of 13 tonic vitamins and 9 minerals, the action of which is aimed at activating the vital forces of the human body, replenishing energy reserves, and increasing performance. This drug is available in the form of tablets coated with a layer of protective film. The medicine Alphabet Energy also contains extracts of medicinal plants in the form of ginseng root and lemongrass.

Alphabet Energy must be taken 3 times a day. In the morning, at lunch and in the evening you should take a tablet of a different color. The same time interval should be maintained between each dose of the vitamin and mineral supplement.

This will ensure better absorption of the vitamins and minerals contained in the drug. Alphabet Energy is suitable for therapy in adults as well as children over 12 years of age. The average cost of this medicine is 367 rubles. for 60 tablets.

Eleutherococcus extract

Eleutherococcus extract is a tablet form of the dried rhizomes of this medicinal plant, which belongs to the pharmacological group of general tonic agents. 1 tablet of this drug contains at least 100 mg of active substance.

The drug Eleutherococcus extract is indicated for use in the following cases:

  • asthenia;
  • physical fatigue;
  • prolonged mental stress;
  • decreased immunity due to recent infectious diseases.

To increase the performance and energy reserves of the body, Eleutherococcus extract is taken 1 tablet 2 times a day with a treatment duration of 1 month. The average cost of this medication ranges from 75 to 102 rubles. for 30 tablets.

Vitrum Energy

Vitrum Energy is a multivitamin complex that contains all the vitamins and minerals necessary for the full functioning of the human body. The chemical formula of this drug is designed specifically for people who lead an active lifestyle and experience physical and mental stress every day. Vitrum Energy tablets are coated with a layer of protective coating. This drug is approved for use in children over 12 years of age and adult patients.

The recommended dosage of the medication is 1 tablet, which is taken once a day. The duration of the therapeutic course is from 1 to 2 months. Vitrum Energy is not recommended for use by women who are pregnant or breastfeeding a newborn. This product is sold without a doctor's prescription. Average cost 530 rub. for 30 tablets.


Supradin is a multivitamin preparation that is available in the form of cylindrical tablets with a light yellow tint. This product contains a complex of vitamins and minerals that provide increased performance and a surge of additional energy.

Supradin is indicated for a course of treatment in the following circumstances:

  • heavy physical and mental stress;
  • decreased performance;
  • the period of recovery of the body after an infectious disease;
  • exhaustion caused by unbalanced nutrition;
  • chronic alcoholism.

Tablets for energy and performance Supradin, coated with a layer of a protective coating, are taken 1 time per day during a meal. The effervescent tablet must first be dissolved in 200 ml of water at room temperature. The general course of therapy is from 1 to 2 months. Supradin is contraindicated for use in patients with renal and liver failure. The average cost of this medication is 370 rubles. for 10 tablets.

Biorhythm multivitamins

Biorhythm multivitamins are a biologically active supplement to the basic diet, which helps improve performance and provides the human body with additional energy. This drug is available in the form of morning and evening tablets, coated with a layer of protective film. Biorhythm multivitamins are intended for course treatment of vitamin deficiency and depletion of the body by severe mental and physical stress.

The dosage regimen for Biorhythm multivitamins involves taking 1 morning white tablet daily and taking 1 evening purple tablet. This remedy should be taken with meals. The optimal treatment period is at least 30 days. A repeated course of therapy can be taken from 1 to 4 times a year, depending on the individual needs of each organism. The average cost of Biorhythm multivitamins is 333 rubles. per pack of 64 tablets.

Ginseng with vitamin C

Ginseng with vitamin C is a combined medicine with a general tonic effect. 1 tablet of this drug contains 250 mg of extract obtained from ginseng root, as well as 50 mg of ascorbic acid. Ginseng with vitamin C stimulates the functional activity of brain centers, increases mental and physical performance. This product is approved for use by people over 15 years of age.

The dosage regimen for Ginseng with vitamin C is 1 tablet per day, which must be taken in the first half of the day. The duration of therapy ranges from 4 to 8 weeks, depending on how you feel.

This product is contraindicated for use in the following cases:

  • insomnia;
  • individual intolerance to the constituent substances of the medication;
  • bleeding disorders;
  • acute form of infectious diseases;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding period.

Ginseng tablets - a natural preparation for energy and performance
Ginseng with vitamin C is available only with a doctor's prescription. The average cost of this drug ranges from 130 to 159 rubles. per pack of 30 or 40 tablets.


Fitovit is a general tonic drug that is completely natural in origin.

1 capsule contains the following substances of this medication:

  • extract from the roots of withania soporific - 95 mg;
  • extract from the fruits of creeping Tribulus - 14.3 mg;
  • extract from the rhizomes of Sita membranous - 5 mg;
  • extract from the roots of asparagus racemosa - 50 mg;
  • extract from the stems of cordifolia tinospora - 14 mg;
  • dried nutmeg fruit extract - 2 mg.

An auxiliary function is performed by additional substances in the form of corn starch, silicon dioxide, and magnesium stearate.

Fitovit has a general strengthening effect, provides the body with an additional flow of energy, and increases mental and physical performance. To achieve this effect, the medication is prescribed to adults, as well as to children over the age of 12 years. The optimal dosage regimen is 1 capsule 1 time per day.

The duration of treatment is determined individually. Fitovit is not used for pregnant women, breastfeeding women and persons prone to an allergic reaction to the components of the drug.

Tablets to increase the body's performance and energy reserves are a separate category of general tonic and multivitamin preparations that help improve mental and physical activity.

Medicines in this group are produced in the form of plant-based dietary supplements, vitamins, and medications with metabolic properties. The average duration of taking drugs to increase energy and performance is from 1 to 3 months. depending on the general health of the patient and the constituent components of the tablets.

Solid food

If sports supplements and pharmaceutical medications help improve endurance, then simple food is the foundation without which the development of endurance is simply impossible!

The main attention is paid to the quantitative and qualitative composition of carbohydrates.

It is recommended to consume 60-70% of the total calorie intake.

Preference is given to complex (slow) carbohydrates - cereals, vegetables, black bread.

Simple (fast) carbohydrates are also accepted - sugar, honey, fruits and dried fruits.

The main task of taking fast carbohydrates is to instantly replenish glycogen depots in the body (in the liver and muscles).

The best time to take fast carbohydrates is during training and immediately (within the next 30-40 minutes) after the end of the workout.

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