How to combine Bcaa, protein and creatine intake

Glutamine: properties, effect, rules of use

Glutamine is one of the most important amino acids in the body. Its role for bodybuilders is easiest to assess. Muscle tissue consists of 60% of this element. Therefore, for athletes who want to increase muscle mass, taking this amino acid is vital.

Foods contain little glutamine. The main source of this amino acid is meat and dairy products, eggs, beans, cabbage and beets. During strength training, the amount of glutamine in the body decreases sharply. Therefore, in addition to proper nutrition, athletes need to use it in the form of a dietary supplement.

One of the most important properties of this amino acid is the neutralization of ammonia. In addition, it promotes muscle growth, accelerates metabolism, and energy production. The positive effect of glutamine on the body is so high that doctors use it to treat patients who have undergone severe operations.

However, despite the high effectiveness and safety of this substance, it should be taken in doses in the form of a dietary supplement. Medical studies have shown that some bodybuilders experience discomfort after taking more than 15 grams of the drug. Therefore, it should be consumed in portions of 4-8 grams several times a day. The total amount of glutamine consumed during the day should be at least 8 grams. This amino acid is partially destroyed during administration and is not completely absorbed. Therefore, a dosage of less than 4 grams 2 times a day will not give the desired effect.

Fitness trainers recommend taking this supplement after training and before bed. And on days when there are no workouts, drink it at lunch and in the evening. This schedule of taking the drug will allow you to get the maximum effect.

Glutamine combines quite well with other dietary supplements. The exception is proteins. Between taking this amino acid and eating proteins, you should take a break of 30-40 minutes.

The saga of CREATINE.CH-3. Creatine with transport system

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Creatine with a transport system Sports supplements from this category combine a number of substances that promote accelerated delivery of creatine to the muscles, and adequate dosages of creatine, which only need to be consumed on training days.
Despite all the advantages, creatine supplements with a transport system do not have any disadvantages, and most importantly, they are reliably effective. Currently, there is no better choice of creatine supplement on the sports nutrition market than creatine with a transport system. However, it is worth remembering that there are a large number of additives of this kind, which vary not only in quality, but also in composition. And you can often find additives that are simply frightening due to the ignorance of the scientists who worked on their creation. All this is done to somehow stand out from the crowd and attract the attention of the buyer. But such “innovations” greatly lose their effectiveness compared to well-balanced creatine supplements with a transport system. When choosing the best supplement, first of all, pay attention to the form of creatine. It is better if it is creatine monohydrate. The most effective transporter substances will be discussed below in more detail.

Creatine + carbohydrates/proteins

Since research has shown that the exact amount of carbohydrates combined with creatine produces powerful effects, a number of studies have been conducted to confirm and expand on this finding. For example, follow-up studies conducted at Creighton University have documented the positive effects of creatine plus carbohydrates on exercise performance. These studies have shown that this combination provides a 30% greater improvement in training performance than pure creatine.

Another interesting study conducted by Dr. Green and colleagues showed that individuals taking a combination of creatine plus carbohydrates not only had a 50% improvement in the uptake of creatine into muscle cells (as previously shown by Dr. Greenhaff), but also a 200% improvement in the formation of muscle glycogen . (Perhaps this is precisely the reason for the muscle “pumping” that appears after starting to use this drug). This study also showed that performance increases even in athletes whose bodies do not respond to pure creatine. There can be no mistake - the combination of creatine with carbohydrates works much more effectively than pure creatine.

Scientists hypothesized that the stimulatory effects of carbohydrates are related to insulin, likely in terms of sodium-potassium pumping. Recent studies have confirmed that insulin is capable of increasing creatine accumulation in skeletal muscle, but only at concentrations close to or greater than 100 ml/l. Insulin-like factor 1 (IGF-1) has a similar effect.

In light of studies like these, it is clear that creatine should be taken along with a significant amount of simple carbohydrates to cause a rise in insulin and insulin-like factor 1 (IGF-1), and thereby improve creatine transport.

However, scientists have found that consuming protein together with carbohydrates can cause a much greater rise in plasma insulin levels than if they were consumed separately. The goal of a recent experiment by Dr. GR Stinge and colleagues was to determine whether consuming creatine along with a mixture of 50 grams of protein and 50 grams of simple carbohydrates could increase plasma insulin concentrations to levels similar to those produced by consuming 100 grams of simple sugars.

The second goal was to see if this would increase creatine retention to levels seen with simple carbohydrates. The study results showed that taking creatine along with 50 grams of protein and 50 grams of carbohydrates was just as effective in stimulating insulin release and creatine retention as taking creatine with 100 grams of carbohydrates. That is, creatine can be mixed with a gainer, this is both convenient and doubly effective. In this case, not only the summation of their actions will occur, but also mutual potentiation. Plus it's quite convenient.

Amino acids can be a good alternative to proteins. Their advantage is that they are lower in calories compared to proteins, and this is important for people losing weight; at the same time, they are absorbed much faster, since they do not require enzymatic catalysis, which leads to a powerful release of insulin, and this in turn helps facilitate the transport of creatine.

Creatine and Taurine

Taurine is a vitamin-like compound, a sulfur-containing amino acid, a natural substance that is part of the tissues of the heart and skeletal muscles, a component of bile, and a neurotransmitter.
Taurine is a metabolic product of the essential amino acid cysteine, plays an important role in ensuring such physiological functions as vision, bile acid production, platelet aggregation, insulin activity, sperm motility, and reduces convulsive activity of the brain. Taurine is found in products of animal origin: meat and seafood.

For bodybuilding, the most important properties of the variety of positive effects of taurine are its activating effect, which makes training more intense, and therefore improves athletic performance, faster recovery after training, and the ability to enhance insulin secretion.

Firstly, insulin has a powerful anabolic effect, enhancing the synthesis of muscle tissue. Secondly, insulin promotes the active transport of creatine from the lumen of the gastrointestinal tract into the blood, from where it inevitably reaches its intended destination - into the muscles.

In addition, taurine reduces muscle soreness the day after training by accelerating the elimination of milk, the main waste product formed during aerobic physical activity. Taurine has a direct anti-catabolic effect, which is why it is included in many creatine supplements for cell volume and muscle growth. Taurine is also an effective stimulator of growth hormone production and a powerful antioxidant, incl. partially preventing injuries to the ligamentous-articular apparatus.

Alpha lipoic acid

Alpha lipoic acid enhances insulin metabolism even in the presence of insulin resistance (or insulin insensitivity). Insulin resistance is a condition in which the body produces enough insulin in response to elevated blood glucose levels, but does not respond properly to insulin. This disorder has become quite common these days. Alpha lipoic acid is included in a number of creatine transport systems because it has a powerful effect on insulin metabolism, even in people who have metabolic disorders. Studies conducted on diabetics who suffered from insulin-dependent diabetes showed that alpha lipoic acid significantly increases tissue utilization of blood glucose, at the same time improving the functional characteristics of mitochondria associated with age-related changes.

In addition, alpha lipoic acid is necessary for the formation of a favorable environment in the stomach, necessary for better absorption of creatine. All this means that the use of alpha lipoic acid promotes more complete absorption of creatine. Alpha lipoic acid also increases the production of glutathione (one of the most powerful natural antioxidants that prevents catabolic processes in the body).


Arginine (NH-C(NH2)NH(CH2)3CH(NH2)-COOH) is an aliphatic amino acid. It is present in the body in free form and as part of proteins. There is especially a lot of arginine in protamines. Takes an important part in nitrogen metabolism processes. Several qualitative properties of L-arginine provide powerful in-line delivery of creatine to muscle cells. L-arginine is a precursor for the synthesis of nitric oxide, which has pronounced vasodilating properties.

This improves blood flow in the muscles for faster and more voluminous transport of nutrients, including creatine. The more blood flows through the muscle capillaries per unit of time, the more nutrients will be delivered to the muscle cells. Nitric oxide also helps lower blood pressure, which will be a good prevention of hypertension, which is quite common among weightlifters. Finally, nitric oxide increases sexual potency by improving blood flow to the genitals.

L-arginine increases insulin sensitivity, and this is the second important factor in accelerating creatine transport.

In addition, L-arginine activates the secretion of growth hormone, improves the body's immune function, reduces the healing time of injuries (including tendons), reduces the risk of heart disease, improves the reproductive properties of sperm and much more. Such a wide range of positive qualities of L-arginine simply cannot be overlooked, especially when it comes to bodybuilding.


The amino acid L-glutamine is an essential participant in insulin metabolism at the cellular level. Experiments have shown that supplementing the diet with L-glutamine can even prevent the onset of insulin imbalance in the body. L-glutamine is included in many creatine transport systems to promote cell volume and muscle growth.

In addition, it prevents overtraining, improves brain function and, finally, is well known for its anti-catabolic and immune-boosting properties. In general, glutamine is one of the most common amino acids in the human body. Skeletal muscles consist of 60% of it. In addition, it makes up 20% of the structure of freely circulating amino acids.

Today, glutamine is one of the most common components of sports nutrition.

Creatine and D-pinitol

D-pinitol is an herbal extract that has insulin-like properties. The goal of the latest study by Dr. M. Greenwood and colleagues was to find out how the combined use of D-pinitol and creatine affects the retention of the latter.

It turns out that consuming creatine with small doses of D-pinitol (2 times 0.5 grams per day) can increase creatine retention almost as much as consuming it with large amounts of simple carbohydrates or a mixture of carbohydrates and protein. However, consuming higher doses of D-pinitol (4 times 0.5 grams per day) did not increase creatine concentrations. Further research is needed.

Creatine and vitamin E

One recent study led by G. B. _ Gerber found that vitamin E promotes the absorption of creatine into muscles.
The experiment was carried out on mice in which vitamin E deficiency was artificially induced. In this condition, at the initial stages, a higher level of free creatine in the serum was determined, compared with the control group, which then decreased to a level lower than in the control group. Scientists have concluded that the absorption of creatine into muscles decreases with a lack of vitamin E, as a result of which the pool of free creatine increases. Continuation:

The saga of CREATINE. Ch-1. History of discovery, biochemistry and physiology of creatine

The saga of CREATINE.Part 2. New forms: Ethyl Ester, Kre-Alkalyn, Serum, etc. Critical analysis

The saga of CREATINE.CH-4. Safety Issues and Benefits of Creatine

The saga of CREATINE.CH-5. Optimal dosing regimen

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What is creatine, how is it useful and how to use it?

Creatine is also a naturally occurring amino acid. Unlike glutamine, it is produced inside the body. But with intense exercise, the level of this amino acid drops, causing muscle tissue to deplete. Therefore, creatine is a component of almost all complex dietary supplements for athletes.

The effect of creatine on the body is multifactorial. It strengthens muscles, increases endurance, and neutralizes lactic acid. Like glutamine, creatine is used in medicine. It effectively stabilizes blood composition, reduces cholesterol levels, restores the central nervous system and cardiovascular system.

For creatine use to be effective, you need to choose the right time to take the drug. Medical studies have shown that it is well absorbed when insulin levels in the blood increase. Therefore, it is recommended to drink it after sleep, 50-60 minutes after intense exercise, and after eating sweets.

Creatine is easily combined with other dietary supplements. Sports nutrition experts recommend combining it with other amino acids and fruit juices. In this combination, it is absorbed faster and better.

What are the benefits of taking creatine?

Creatine is a substance that takes part in the process of energy exchange in muscle and nerve fibers. It is responsible for supplying muscles with energy during training loads. In addition, after taking the supplement, phosphocreatine levels increase, which promotes rapid recovery between sets and increases strength endurance.

Consuming creatine helps:

  • Building muscle mass;
  • Development of strength indicators;
  • Increasing ultimate endurance;
  • Accelerate muscle recovery after training;
  • Manifestation of relief and improvement of muscle quality;
  • Blocking the release of lactic acid.

In addition, it can be noted that it increases human activity, eliminates depression, and improves some health factors related to the central nervous system.

Creatine supplements are especially popular among vegetarian athletes. They do not consume meat products, but extract essential elements from creatine.

If you use the supplement wisely, it will be a faithful assistant in losing extra pounds.

Is it possible to drink creatine and glutamine together: reviews

Taking glutamine and creatine together is highly effective. The combination of these amino acids enhances the effect they have. The main thing is to use them so that they are well absorbed.

Reviews from athletes about the combination of these dietary supplements are extremely positive. Statistics show that creatine and glutamine together can quickly build muscle mass, create a sculpted figure, and improve the overall condition of the body. 80% of bodybuilders surveyed claim that after a course of taking this combination of dietary supplements, there is a sharp increase in energy during the day, improved sleep, and increased muscle growth.

Description of glutamine and its actions

Glutamine is an amino acid necessary for muscle growth. This is the main component of protein. For the body of people involved in sports, this supplement is necessary to stimulate the functioning of the immune system. The amino acid accumulates in muscle cells.

The substance is found in foods such as cabbage, fish, beef, eggs, sugar beets, spinach and dairy products.

Benefits for the body:

  • restoration of immunity;
  • accelerating the recovery process after training and competitions;
  • energy replenishment;
  • suppression of dissimilation;
  • preventing fatigue;
  • balanced glucose levels;
  • growth stimulation;
  • improving body parameters

The drug does not cause side effects and has no age restrictions.

How to take glutamine with creatine?

Creatine and glutamine should be taken from 16 years of age. Before this, sports nutrition is selected on an individual basis and only after consultation with a nutritionist, therapist and personal trainer.

As for the dosage regimen, it looks like this:

4-5 grams of glutamine are mixed with 5 grams of creatine and dissolved in a glass of grape juice (or other fruit juice). This mixture is drunk twice a day:

  1. After training or during lunch;
  2. Before bed on an empty stomach.

The peculiarity of this combination is that sweet fruit juices and glutamine accelerate the absorption of creatine.

Since dietary supplements should be taken in a course, a solution of glutamine with creatine should be drunk daily for 1.5 months. It is best to change the dosage during the course. The following dosage regimen is considered the most effective:

  • 5 days 25 grams of creatine and 10 grams of glutamine (in a combination of 5:2 5 times a day half an hour before meals);
  • 40 days of 10 grams of creatine and 10 grams of glutamine (1:1 combination twice a day).

Some sports nutrition experts who tell how to take glutamine and creatine together recommend dissolving them in water and drinking them separately, washing the solution down with juice or eating sweets. There is no consensus on whether to drink these amino acids together in one solution or separately in two solutions. Both methods are considered effective. The main thing is to take the drugs at the same time, so that glutamine can serve as a catalyst for the absorption of creatine.

In addition, glutamine and creatine can be taken together with other dietary supplements. However, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of their influence on the body.

How to take BCAA and glutamine together?

These amino acids combine perfectly with each other: you can drink them even at the same time - there will be no negative effect. Because of this, there are even complex supplements - manufacturers themselves create drugs that combine glutamine with leucine, isoleucine and valine.

If you purchased a complex dietary supplement, then you just need to follow the instructions for use. The most common regimens for taking the supplement are: before and/or after training, and on non-training days - after waking up, half an hour before breakfast. Some additionally take one dose of amino acids before bed. During long-term training, BCAA along with glutamine is drunk directly between exercises, although in such cases you can take only BCAA - the effect will be approximately the same.

But many people wonder how to drink BCAA with glutamine from different packages. There is nothing complicated here either. Both dietary supplements can be taken at the same time, since their dosage regimens are almost the same. Before training, preference can be given to BCAA, and after training and on non-training days it is better to take both amino acids.

Important! Glutamine is considered an unstable substance that loses its properties when diluted in water. If you are using the powder form of the dietary supplement, you must take it immediately after preparation.

Another important recommendation: if any of the dietary supplements brought good results, you should not take it for months without breaks. Experts advise taking dietary supplements in courses, with weekly gaps every 1–2 months.

How to choose the right drug?

There is a very large selection of dietary supplements containing glutamine and creatine on the sports nutrition market. However, not all of them are effective.

Both creatine and glutamine should only be purchased in powder form. Ready-made solutions practically do not have the desired effect, since these amino acids are quickly destroyed upon contact with liquids. For the same reason, they should be consumed immediately after they are dissolved in water or juice.

As for the food manufacturer, you should choose trusted companies. The most famous are the American brands Optimum Nutrition, BSN, MuscleTech, SAN. If the cost of their products is too high, you can take domestic analogues. The main thing is to buy certified products in a specialized sports nutrition store. This will protect against counterfeits and guarantee proper storage of dietary supplements.

Which is better: glutamine or BCAA?

So, both dietary supplements are amino acids from which the muscle proteins of our body are built. But what are the differences between these substances?

Question BCAAs Glutamine
Are they produced in the body? Can only be taken with food Can be produced in the body
Main function Building material for muscles
Are they used as a source of energy? With a lack of energy With excess glutamine
Are they neurotransmitters (signal molecules)? Yes, they regulate protein synthesis, cell growth and insulin secretion Yes, regulates the release of cortisol and growth hormone
Additional functions Protect muscles from destruction, participate in the synthesis of other substances

Both nutritional supplements have been taken by athletes around the world for decades and have already proven themselves to be effective means of increasing muscle mass. Answer the question: “Which is better: glutamine or BCAA?” – is simply impossible, since both amino acids are vital for any athlete. There is no way to replace one of them with a second one, so in recent years another question has been increasingly raised: “Is it possible to drink BCAA with glutamine together?”

Health Benefits of Glutamine

The amino acid glutamine has many health benefits for the proper functioning of the body. The answer to why you need to take glutamine lies in its many effects. Glutamine:

  • supports the immune system [15]
  • improves muscle regeneration and strength renewal after exercise [35]
  • increases growth hormone [37]
  • supports proper bowel function [32]
  • protects the body from stress [21]
  • makes the growth of leukocytes [14]
  • helps with wound healing [16]
  • improves brain function [26]
  • increases nitrogen levels during illness [19]
  • protects against decreased levels of BCAA amino acids during injury [20]
  • protect the heart during a heart attack or surgery [22]
  • protects the liver from destruction (not only in alcoholics) [23]
  • supports recovery after surgery [18]
  • reduces the secondary effects of chemotherapy [17]
  • reduces muscle tissue loss in patients with HIV and AIDS [1]

Role in bodybuilding

Intense training greatly depletes an athlete's glutamine reserves.

  • Cortisol (stress hormone) is released, which removes glutamine from the blood and reduces its concentration in the liver.
  • Lactic acid is formed in the muscles - a product of metabolic breakdown. It is this that causes pain and burning in muscle tissue. To restore balance, you need to take glutamine.
  • The protective functions of the immune system are reduced. To “recharge” the immune system, an athlete needs glutamine.

Intense training in bodybuilding depletes the athlete's reserves, and it is important to replenish them in time. If this is not done, the muscles will recover more slowly and the body’s immune defense will decrease.

So bodybuilders who spend at least 3 times a week in the gym should be aware of the need to take such an important amino acid as glutamine. A lack of substance reduces muscle growth rates or completely eliminates the results of labor-intensive training. In bodybuilding, the supplement is important to take for muscle growth and for rapid recovery, especially after injury.

We have found out that glutamine is a vital amino acid for an athlete. Equally important is the correct technique. When is the best time to take it? In what volumes? How long?

Additional Effects of Glutamine

No side effects have been proven with daily glutamine intakes of up to 40g On the contrary, glutamine is necessary for consumption by pregnant and lactating women , people with liver disorders or cirrhosis , patients with mental disorders or seizures . Long-term use of glutamine in large quantities has not been well studied. Gaps also exist in the addition of glutamine to athletes' diets. [2]


Low protein intake or minimal intake of it into the body leads to a decrease and destruction of muscle mass. Muscles are made of protein, so they need additional protein and must be fueled in a timely manner, stimulating the restoration of damaged muscle fibers after physical activity, to increase muscle strength and endurance. Muscle fibers that have been damaged during exercise due to heavy workload, physical stress, and catabolic hormones need renewal and accelerated protein synthesis. Protein is also needed to create new contractile proteins to increase muscle strength. According to a 1995 study in the International Journal of Sports Nutrition, athletes need 1.2 to 1.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day to stay in shape and recover well after hard, intense training.

Is glutamine needed as a sports supplement?

Now let's talk about the facts. To date, in the world of sports medicine there has not yet been a unanimous opinion regarding the benefits of glutamine for the body. Naturally, sports nutrition manufacturers point to the undeniable anabolic effect of its effects, citing some sources. At the same time, other sources categorically reject the need to take glutamine.

Researchers from Canada conducted experiments that involved athletes taking this amino acid for two hours after the end of the training or competitive process. Dosage – 100 mg per 1 kg of body weight of the subject.

The results of the studies were that adding glutamine to food brings almost no tangible benefit. During the experiments, the following results were obtained:

The rate of protein synthesis processes does not change. Taking fast carbohydrates in their pure form has a more noticeable anabolic effect than a mixture of glutamine and carbohydrates. However, the amino acid still performs the function of inhibiting catabolic processes in muscles.

No effect on improving athletic performance and muscle growth of the athlete.

Lack of positive effects on the athlete’s immune system and recovery processes, despite the fact of increased glutamine content in the blood.

The two groups of athletes taking placebo and glutamine supplements showed identical results in the bench press and other normative exercises. That is, the strength indicators of representatives of both groups remained at the original level.

However, parallel studies were also carried out by Oxford experts, who similarly divided the athletes into two groups. Runners took part in the experiment. Of the group that consumed glutamine, 19% of athletes fell ill within a week after the marathon. Of those who took the placebo, every second person succumbed to the disease.

Other researchers conducted similar experiments, but their results did not coincide with the opinion of scientists from Oxford.


Many athletes, particularly bodybuilders, take this amino acid and speak very positively about it. However, a number of studies eloquently indicate the lack of influence of glutamine supplements on the training activity of an athlete.

Be that as it may, glutamine has been and will continue to be in demand. What is absolutely impossible to argue with is its undeniable benefits in comparison, for example, with beer. Play sports and be healthy!

We recommend looking at an alternative opinion on the topic of sports supplements.

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Benefits of Glutamine for Athletes

Glutamine is a very popular dietary supplement among bodybuilders, weightlifters, and other athletes . Opinions about its effectiveness and use are completely different. Below in the article we have prepared for you reasons why you may need glutamine. We will also talk about deceptive effects that are common on the Internet.

Glutamine and protein synthesis

Glutamine is an amino acid closely associated with muscle protein synthesis. Supplementation with glutamine provides an anabolic state that protects against muscle loss. And the deficiency of this amino acid promotes catabolism . [44] [45] Scientists have observed the above phenomena with intravenous administration of glutamine . [47]

The benefits of glutamine include its ability to reduce the rate of leucine oxidation and increase its absorption. This has a positive effect on the effects of leucine in bone muscle cells. Therefore, glutamine is recommended to be taken in combination with BCAAs. [46]

Glutamine and muscle growth and regeneration

Scientists and experts have studied the effects of glutamine supplementation on muscle growth, physical performance, and strength. They claim that glutamine is a building block of muscle tissue. [27]

The results of these studies only support these effects of glutamine in minimal amounts. In one study , a group of people used glutamine while a second group took a placebo. The study lasted 6 weeks and both groups underwent strength training. At the end of the study, both groups' muscle mass and strength increased. But the difference between them was minimal. [28]

Some studies show that taking glutamine supplements in combination with other nutritional supplements, such as branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) or whey protein, increases muscle growth and physical performance. [34] These effects have not been demonstrated with a single supplement of glutamine.

Glutamine does not directly affect muscle growth and promotes muscle regeneration after intense training. The addition of glutamine effectively combats muscle pain and restores strength. [29] [30]

Glutamine and Reducing Muscle Pain

A high dose of glutamine (0.3 g per kilogram of body weight) may, according to research, protect muscles from injury and improve muscle regeneration. The studies were conducted on a group of people who consumed glutamine immediately after an intense workout and subsequent servings of the supplement during the next 3 days. [35]

On the other hand, in a study on young men who did not exercise and consumed 0.1 g/kg glutamine 3 times a week for 4 weeks, this effect was not proven. It is worth adding that the differences between these two studies depend on the test group, the amount of glutamine and its consumption. These factors may have influenced the results of both tests. [36]

The following study on 23 athletes tested the effect of glutamine in combination with leucine. A serving of 0.3 g/kg glutamine and 0.087 g/kg leucine was given to the test group 30 minutes before training , immediately after training, and after 24, 48 and 72 hours. The combination of leucine and glutamine was more effective at renewing strength than leucine alone. [39]

We found one study that combined women and men , because all the studies discussed so far were conducted only on men. The researchers offered both women and men They received a portion 1 hour before training , after intense training and immediately before performing tests, after 24, 48, 72 hours. The men were found to have renewed strength. This effect was not observed in women. Both sexes experienced a significant reduction in muscle pain. [38] You can check the overview of the presented studies in the table. [33]

Glutamine and growth hormone

Research has confirmed that glutamine supplementation can increase growth hormone levels. Research findings have shown that oral administration of 2 g of glutamine increases the plasma level of this amino acid after 30-60 minutes after consumption , and after 90 minutes this level returns to normal. After 90 minutes, growth hormone in the blood increases . This study confirms that a surprisingly small dose of glutamine can increase alkaline reserves and growth hormone. [37]

Glutamine and the immune system

During training or other mental stress such as fasting, severe illness, injury or illness, the need for glutamine increases. Prolonged intense exercise or cardio can deplete 34-50% of plasma glutamine, and also increase the risk of infection and disease (most commonly upper respiratory tract disease). [49]

Scientists suggest that both of these phenomena depend on each other. The reason for this statement may be the hypothesis that cells of the immune system, lymphocytes and macrophages depend on glutamine , which is their primary source of energy . If during intense training the moment of weakening of immunity comes, the cells will exhaust their glutamine reserves from the plasma and bone muscles. [50] Moreover, their need for glutamine may be even higher than the amount of glutamine the body produces or takes in from food. [51]

Not all studies agree that supplementing with glutamine after exercise supports immunity. [43] One 1997 study found an inverse effect of glutamine on lymphocyte distribution in marathon running.

On the contrary, a study from the University of Oxford confirmed the effect of glutamine in supporting immunity and limiting infection and disease. Scientists in it compared the health of 150 marathon runners one week after the race. Half of them consumed 5 g of glutamine immediately after the run and the next day. The remaining runners took a placebo . The results of the study proved that the group that took glutamine was 2 times more protected from disease 7 hours after the run. [42]

The conclusion is that stressors such as burns, surgery, wounds, long periods of intense exercise , or overwork contribute to decreased glutamine concentrations in bone muscle and plasma. By overwork we mean excessive physical activity the frequency, intensity or volume of training increases . We are talking about a condition where the mentioned factors contribute to an increase in the level of the catabolic hormone cortisol, fatigue and poor performance, and depression. Typically, an athlete reaches a state of overexertion after 2-3 hours of training. Studies have shown low levels in overexerted athletes , similar to athletes who have not exerted enough stress on their bodies. [52]

Glutamine and its effect on intestinal function

impact on immune support can also be directly seen through its positive effect on proper bowel function. As you know, long and intense training is associated with the so-called leaky gut syndrome. We are talking about problems of the digestive tract, which contribute to an increase in intestinal throughput . This is a disease in which heat stress and reduced blood flow to the digestive tract contribute to damage to intestinal cells , which means that the damaged intestine loses its ability to hold intestinal cells closely together. Holes begin to form in the intestines, through which toxic substances, bacteria, viruses and other elements that do not belong there enter the body. [31]

The study confirmed that glutamine supplementation was effective in reducing intestinal damage due to exercise. This greatly supports and promotes the overall immunity of the body. [32]

Based on these properties of glutamine, we can say that it is an important element for athletes who engage in intense training or endurance training . Glutamine can help them improve their health so that they no longer have to limit their workouts due to illness or other health problems. [41]

When studying the effects of glutamine on athletes, there is still tremendous opportunity for new research and findings. If only because there have been no long-term studies on glutamine intake, or studies with large portions. We expect that glutamine will continue to be the subject of testing and new research to help athletes on their path to a healthy and strong body.

To summarize, it is important to note that the amino acid glutamine is essential for the proper functioning of the human body. As an important element, it has an irreplaceable effect on chemical processes and its effects are shown even in diseases. A sufficient amount of glutamine can be obtained from foods enriched with proteins. Vegetarians, vegans and those who do not consume protein to increase

A quality glutamine supplement has its benefits in the diet of athletes who perform high-intensity workouts or cardio exercises. It can support the immune system , relieve muscle pain, accelerate muscle regeneration and restore strength .

What is your experience with glutamine? Share it in the comments . If you find this article useful, please support it by sharing it.

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