Three questions about dinner. When to have your last meal to lose weight

Why shouldn't you eat carbs for dinner?

I would like to say right away that anyone who wants to lose weight or maintain their slim figure should not eat carbohydrates for dinner. Children and people who are actively involved in sports can eat complex carbohydrates for dinner. But let's get back to losing weight.

Carbohydrates are a source of energy. We need it for the functioning of the body (breathing, heartbeat, the work of all organs, muscles, etc.), as well as, strictly speaking, for all our movements, including the work of the brain. When there is a lot of this energy, it is stored as a smell, and when there is not enough, the body draws it from reserves. So, in the evening we do not need to replenish this same energy in the form of carbohydrates. Otherwise, it may turn out that the surplus will be put aside in reserve. But you need to lose weight!

What time do you eat your last bite or drink your last sip?

In the evening, the brain and organs responsible for metabolism must switch from activity mode to rest mode. The last bite or sip at the end of the day signals the body to prepare to stop vigorous activity in order to begin cleansing and rejuvenating.

It takes several hours for the brain and body to accept the message and switch to another mode: they need to make sure that no more calories will enter the body. Therefore, just like a cup of coffee starts your metabolic clock, the last bite of something you eat or sip of drink goes through the entire processing process within 2-3 hours, and only then the body gets the opportunity to begin its repair and rejuvenation.

One of the main tools for managing diet is cultural traditions. Although many people in the United States eat dinner early, American culture has a tradition of eating late. In many Eastern countries and some places in Europe, late dinner is the norm. In some cultures, late dinners are the largest meals of the day, while in others it is common to serve something light or leftover from lunch at this time.

When you start this challenge, you may think that you already have an established eating routine, but my research shows that in most cases this is not the case. We use food when we need to recharge our batteries or relax, and on weekends we stay up late in various meetings.

Why eat vegetables for dinner?

Vegetables contain vitamins, microelements, and most importantly, fiber. A lot has already been said about the benefits of vegetables, but I would like to reveal one more secret. Have you noticed that in the evenings, even after dinner and tea, you constantly crave something sweet? This is because you ate incorrectly during the day or have been in carbohydrate addiction for a long time. So, if in the evening there is a plate of raw vegetables on your table, which is twice the size and weight of the main dish, then the craving for sweets will not come! Vegetables contain coarse plant fiber, which is processed very slowly. It will prevent your blood sugar levels from jumping and certainly will not let you get hungry quickly.

What needs to be changed in your daily routine: first steps

The information obtained can be used to determine where to start making changes. Even small modifications can go a long way toward ensuring your health, productivity, and immunity.

  • If the answers to all six questions vary by plus or minus 2 hours or more over the course of a week (differences between weekdays and weekends), then you have some work to do.
  • How many hours do you devote to sleep every day? According to the US National Sleep Foundation, adults should get at least 7 hours of sleep at night, and children should get at least 9 hours of sleep at night. If you're sleeping less and waking up tired in the morning, then the first thing you need to do is force yourself to go to bed earlier or create a daily routine that allows you to wake up at least 30 minutes later in the morning. If you sleep more than 7 hours, but after waking up you still feel sleepy, this may be a consequence of the quality of your rest not being good enough.
  • Pay attention to the total number of hours your digestive system is working. Take data from your earliest and latest meals for the entire week and exclude extremes that fall outside your “normal routine.” This will determine the period of time during which your digestive tract usually remains ready to process food.

If this period lasts longer than 12 hours, then the good news is that you can make changes that will have the most beneficial effects on your health for the rest of your life. If you can achieve an 8-11 hour eating window almost every day , this regimen will bring invaluable benefits to your health.

  • Match the time of your last bite/sip with your bedtime. Ideally, the difference should be at least 3 hours.


Dinner time

You should have dinner no later than 4 hours before bedtime. So figure out for yourself when is the best time to eat. And if before bed you are overcome with terrible hunger, do not take bites, grabbing “something”. Boil yourself an egg and eat the white with peace of mind, leaving the yolk for the morning. You can drink a glass of kefir in small sips. But remember that kefir should not be drunk by those who have gastritis with high acidity.

Author of the article: Alexandra Petrovicheva (psychologist-nutritionist). I help people gain weight, teach them how to eat healthy, how to get rid of addiction to sweets, overeating and psychological dependence on food.

Diet: what time do you have breakfast, lunch and dinner?

Getting rid of extra pounds is very easy! Just follow these simple rules and you will achieve your goal! Get out of your head the idea that you will never be able to get thinner! You just need to adhere to certain nutritional rules! So, in this article we will talk about what time breakfast, lunch and dinner should be, as well as how to eat in order to give a slim figure.

As soon as we get up in the morning, we drink a glass of water at room temperature. If you do not suffer from stomach diseases, you can add lemon juice to the water.

Breakfast time - 8-9 hours

  • We start having breakfast 20-30 minutes after drinking water. You can't wash down your food! We drink only 20-30 minutes after eating.
  • The best breakfast is oatmeal. It can be prepared with fruits, nuts, honey, cinnamon. There are many options for preparing healthy porridge. It has a beneficial effect not only on the functioning of the stomach, but also saturates our body with useful elements for beautiful skin, hair and nails.
  • Make it a healthy habit to eat oatmeal in the morning.
  • After we had breakfast, we don’t eat anything for 2 hours and don’t drink anything for an hour.

First snack time: 10-11 a.m.

First, a glass of water, after 20 minutes you can eat an apple, it is advisable to choose green varieties, cottage cheese or yogurt with a fat content of no more than 1 percent.

Lunch time - 12-13 hours

20 minutes before eating, drink a glass of water. For lunch, you can allow yourself meals consisting of complex carbohydrates. For example, durum pasta with tomato sauce, buckwheat porridge with soy sauce, boiled chicken or turkey with brown rice.

Baked vegetables are allowed. There are many options, the most important thing is that the dishes should not be fried. It is better not to salt foods or to use a little salt when the dish is already ready. After lunch, do not eat or drink anything for two hours.

Second snack - 14-15 hours

Don't forget about a glass of water 20 minutes before. You can eat some vegetable or fruit. For example, baked apples.

The recipe is very simple:

  1. Cut the apple in half and sprinkle cinnamon on top.
  2. Add water to the bottom of the baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 200 degrees for about 15-20 minutes. After the apples are baked, sprinkle ground walnuts on top and add a little honey.

You can't drink for an hour.

Dinner time - 17-18 hours

Drink one or two (optional) glasses of water 20 minutes before dinner.

Dinner should consist of protein foods. If you don’t really want to eat, you can eat cottage cheese or an egg white omelet. And if you are hungry, you can cook chicken, fish with vegetables, baked in the oven, or steamed.

What to do after 18:00?

19:00 is the ideal time to go to the gym. It all depends on your habits, it can be cardio exercises, or strength exercises, or training on exercise machines. It is necessary to drink during training, but after 20:00, water consumption must be reduced, otherwise in the morning you may wake up with swelling on your face.

After you finish training, it is advisable to drink some kind of carbohydrate cocktail.

You are unlikely to come in to eat, but nevertheless, if your stomach begins to demand food, you can eat some cottage cheese. Don't forget that your last meal should be no more than two hours before bedtime.

That's basically all the rules. This nutrition system is very effective due to the fact that you eat five times a day.

It is very important not to overeat at night, and also adhere to time intervals, do not forget about water, and also reduce the amount of salt consumed and do not fry food in oil. Now you know what time breakfast, lunch and dinner should be, as well as how to eat in order to avoid unpleasant pounds. Please share this article with your friends!

You will find many other tips in Women's Magazine

What should a proper dinner be like?

Proper nutrition has a huge impact on both human health and his appearance - figure, hair, skin, well-being. It is advisable that the time between breakfast and lunch be 5-6 hours. It would be good to observe the same time interval between lunch and dinner. If you add one light snack between these main meals, then here is a ready-made formula for a proper diet.

Unfortunately, many who watch their figure ignore dinner as such, believing that when weighing themselves in the morning, such hated grams or even kilograms will disappear. However, in most cases they will have the opposite effect. Weight increases and gastrointestinal problems may occur.

Why you shouldn't skip dinner

Refusing to eat after six in the evening does not contribute to weight loss, this is just a myth that you can verify for yourself. Meals supply the body with useful substances, which means they should be regular and timely. The body gets used to receiving food at a specific time. If you don’t eat for several days after 18:00, although before that you ate at 22:00, for example, the body will decide that hard times have come and switches on economy mode.

What is Economy Mode? This is a state of the body when it begins to consume fewer calories (metabolism slows down) because it is starving. Prolonged hunger and refusal of food, supposedly for the benefit of the figure, actually triggers the mechanism of fat storage and a decrease in calorie intake. The ideal interval between main meals should be 4 to 5 hours. The last meal should be 1.5-2 hours before bedtime.

Skipping dinner can also negatively impact your digestive health. The health of the gastrointestinal tract depends on proper and regular nutrition. If you do not eat after 18:00, some gastrointestinal diseases may worsen, since the gap between dinner and breakfast is too long. You need to make sure your digestive tract is healthy before you deprive yourself of dinner, otherwise you may harm yourself.

Nutritionists have studied the issue of skipping dinner and found that it has no effect on weight loss results. The amount of calories burned affects weight, so when a person burns more than he consumes, he loses weight. Physical activity and proper nutrition contribute to weight loss. It doesn’t matter when you consume calories, in the morning or in the evening: if they are excess (more than you burn), then weight gain occurs. Of course, you need to reduce your caloric intake and carefully choose what to eat and what not to eat, but you don't have to check your watch when you decide to eat a piece of chocolate.

Correct dinner time

His sleep, well-being, figure and much more depend on what time a person has dinner.

Proper nutrition. Sample menu


Must include: slow carbohydrates, proteins and fats .

Slow carbohydrates: any porridge, whole grain bread (may be marked “without flour”). Proteins: meat, fish, seafood, eggs (you can make an omelet or scrambled eggs), legumes, tofu. Fats: cheese, dairy products, any fatty fish, vegetable oils, nuts, avocado, flaxseed oil, olive oil, fish oil.


Cottage cheese, cottage cheese casserole, cheesecakes, kefir, vegetables, fruits, berries - any product of your choice.


Must include: meat, cereals and vegetables .

Instead of meat, you can eat liver, fish or seafood, and replace cereals with durum pasta. Vegetables can be consumed in any form: fresh, in salad, baked, steamed or grilled.

Afternoon snack

Cottage cheese, cottage cheese casserole, kefir, vegetables, vegetable salad, nuts and fruits until 16:00, sandwich: bread and chicken or liver pate - any product of your choice.


Must include: protein and fiber .

Protein: chicken, turkey, seafood, lean fish, eggs, omelet, cottage cheese. Fiber: Green vegetables, steamed or grilled vegetables, but not starchy ones.

Late dinner

Any fermented milk product of your choice.

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