Goji Berries. Properties overview. 7 recipes. Who are the miracle berries dangerous for?

How and how much to take goji berries

When dried, the berries can be eaten like dried fruits , adding them to hot or cold dishes, such as porridge, a variety of salads or baked goods.

Tea will be no less tasty

To prepare it, just pour boiling water over the fruits and leave for just a few minutes. After drinking unusually tasty and healthy tea it is recommended to eat berries, since it is in them that the rich vitamin composition is concentrated, and only a small part of it is present in saturated water.

Based on research, employees of the London Medical Center at the University of New York found out how to eat goji berries.

To maintain health and improve immune properties, the recommended amount is 30-40 grams per day.


Lamb ribs chowder with goji berries and ginger

Such recipes with goji berries allow you to prepare healthy and warming dishes that will fill the body with strength during periods of frost, illness and vitamin deficiency. The combination of ingredients will help you feel full, but will not clog your blood vessels with harmful substances and will not lead to the formation of fatty deposits.

Required ingredients:

  • goji berries – 100 g;
  • lamb ribs – 800 g;
  • fresh ginger root – 15 g;
  • leek – 50 g;
  • chef's wine - 3 tbsp. spoons;
  • salt, pepper, spices.

To prepare a tasty and healthy stew, you need to pre-process the ingredients. Wash the lamb ribs, remove excess fat and bone fragments. Soak the goji berries, drain in a colander, and dry. Cut the onion and ginger into small slices.

Pour clean water over the ribs, put on fire, bring to a boil, and add salt. Be sure to remove the foam as it appears, this will make the broth transparent. Reduce heat to low, add onion, ginger and berries. Cook for about an hour. When the meat is almost ready, add wine and season with spices. Reduce heat to low and cook until meat is completely cooked. After the dish is ready, you can strain the broth if it does not seem clear enough.

These recipes do not include adding potatoes, rice or pasta, which will thicken the soup! The dish turns out satisfying and nutritious.

Dietary veal combined with berry sauce and vegetables

The use of goji berries as an aid against diseases

Knowing how to use goji berries, their beneficial properties will help fight the following ailments:

  • Early aging;
  • Arthritis;
  • Oncological and blood diseases;
  • Cardiovascular diseases.
  • Diabetes;
  • Gastrointestinal tract disorder.
  • Hypertension.
  • Infertility.
  • Improper functioning of the liver and kidneys.

Let's take a closer look at how to properly take goji berries to help effectively treat various disorders and diseases:

✿ Arthritis. The beneficial effects of goji on joints have been proven by Chinese scientists. These berries stimulate the production of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase, which is involved in the anti-inflammatory process. To prevent arthritis, the recommended daily dose is 30 g.

✿ Increased physical and energetic strength. For athletes and people who regularly experience increased physical activity, these berries will be an indispensable remedy. By consuming just 60 g per day, a person can reduce the feeling of fatigue. Such fruits eliminate muscle pain and are ideal for people working out in gyms.

✿ Blood diseases. The positive effect on blood counts has been proven in numerous tests conducted by experienced scientists for three years on elderly volunteers. The LSB contained in the berries stimulates the growth of stem cells and also increases the number of monocytes in the bone marrow. The beneficial properties are especially important for patients with insufficient platelet production. The daily dose in the course of administration is about 20 g.

✿ Prevention of cancer.

As is known, interleukin-2 can reduce the appearance of tumors. Its production in the body can be increased by consuming goji. Tests at the Beijing Institute found that this product can suppress the gene mutation caused by strain TA98 and TA100. Thus, daily intake of berries (20 g) will protect the liver and also prevent the growth of tumors.

✿ Treatment of cancer diseases. Studies were conducted on cancer patients in Shanghai. In addition to medications, goji berries were included in the course of treatment (from 40 to 60 g per day). Patients who received this product experienced longer tumor remission compared to patients who did not use it. The results of additional studies confirmed the strengthening of the immune system.

  • According to the National Cancer Institute of the US National Institutes of Health, no natural or pharmaceutical treatment has been shown in clinical trials to completely prevent breast cancer, only to reduce the risk . Specifically, there are no completed or ongoing clinical trials in the United States examining the effects of wolfberry or goji sap on the outcome of breast cancer or any other disease;
  • Other than preliminary laboratory studies and one Chinese clinical trial described in the abstract alone, there is no scientific evidence that wolfberry berries or its juice have cancer-preventive properties

✿ Cardiovascular diseases. Consumption of goji berries (30 g per day) increases the production of superoxide dismutase, which prevents the accumulation of lipids with excessive peroxidation.

✿ Diabetes mellitus. For many years, the Chinese have been helping patients who are not yet dependent on the dose of insulin with the help of goji berries (20 grams every day). Blood glucose and insulin balance in patients is restored.

✿ Gastrointestinal tract problems. Atrophic gastritis at the Institute of Traditional Medicine of Mongolia was cured faster thanks to the introduction of goji berries into the diet, which were prescribed 10 g before meals. The positive effects of this product have been claimed.

✿ Hypertension. Chinese studies have also confirmed the benefits of goji for people suffering from high blood pressure. Its stabilization was observed when taking berries 20 g per day.

✿ Male infertility. With daily consumption of 50 g of berries for four months, the body is saturated with essential microelements and polysaccharides, which help restore sperm viability.

✿ Premature aging. The rejuvenating properties of goji are due to the presence of lipopolysaccharides - binding proteins (LPB) - in the berries. Experimentally, it was possible to determine the required daily dose (from 20 to 30 g) to curb the aging process. In addition to the rejuvenation effect, many people noted an increase in sexual potency, improved appetite, and the disappearance of sleep problems. At the same time, the strengthening of the immune system did not go unnoticed.

✿ Provide liver protection. Thanks to the discovery of a new cerebroside in berries, one of the scientists suggested that they are able to provide the liver with the necessary amount of glutathione, reducing cell damage. The recommended dose is only 10-20 g per day.

✿ Restoration of sexual function in men. The Chinese also found that these berries contain substances that increase the level of male hormones. In the prevention of impotence, the daily intake of the product is reduced to 20-30 g. Its effectiveness in this aspect is evidenced by an ancient Chinese saying that warns the male sex that, being away from their spouse, they should not allow goji berries to be eaten.

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Baked veal with goji berry sauce

The sweet and sour taste of the berries allows you to come up with interesting recipes for sauces that complement fish or meat dishes. When using a sufficient amount of hot red pepper during the cooking process, an additional fat-burning effect is created. In addition, the simultaneous use of such strong components helps to actively cleanse the body of toxins and waste. Recipes for meat with goji plant fruits are simple, and the dishes have an unforgettable taste.

Ingredients needed for 3 servings:

  • piece of veal – 600 g;
  • carrots – 3 pcs.;
  • red onion – 2 pcs.;
  • sweet bell pepper – 1 pc.;
  • goji berries – 200 g;
  • tomatoes in their own juice or fresh – 300 g;
  • chili pepper (powder, Tabasco sauce or pod);
  • salt, olive oil.

Peel carrots, onions and sweet peppers and cut into cubes. Soak the berries until well softened. Cut the veal so that you get 3 large pieces or 6 small ones. First of all, you need to prepare the baking base. A little olive oil is poured onto a sheet of foil and carrots, onions, and sweet peppers are laid out. Place a piece of meat on top, lightly salt it first. The foil envelope is sealed and placed in the oven. It is best to cook all pieces of meat in different envelopes. Bake the meat until fully cooked for 40-60 minutes. If you beat pieces of veal first, the dish will be ready faster and the meat will be tender.

While the meat is baking, you need to prepare the sauce. Berries, tomatoes, a little olive oil and hot peppers must be crushed in a blender. Healthy recipes include the use of hot pepper in reasonable quantities. This could be a pinch of powder, a few drops of sauce, or a small piece of fresh pepper, previously ground in a mortar. After the ingredients have turned into a paste, pour it into a small saucepan or saucepan, put it on the fire and bring to a boil. Then reduce the heat to low and keep the sauce covered for about 20 minutes. It is recommended to stir the mixture periodically. You can add a little salt.

When the meat is ready, remove it from the foil and serve with the sauce. The vegetables in which the meat was baked can be served as a side dish.

Goji fruits can be the main ingredient of a drink or an additive to tea

Tea with goji berries

Regular consumption of goji berries significantly increases their beneficial effect on the body. And the easiest way to ensure this is to make tea. Goji fruits can be included in recipes as the main ingredient or as an addition to the usual version.

Making this drink is very simple. The washed berries must be placed in a kettle scalded with boiling water and filled with hot boiled water. Let it brew for 20 minutes and you can eat it warm. Considering the taste and properties of goji, adding sugar and honey to this drink is not recommended.

Tea recipes, where goji fruits are used as an additional ingredient, are endless. They can be added to black or green tea, brewed with mint, linden or lemon balm. The taste of goji goes well with hibiscus.

The only contraindications to consuming goji berries are allergies and a tendency to diarrhea. Considering the list of beneficial properties of the product, it is recommended to diversify your menu with dishes containing it.

Effectiveness research

The purported health benefits of Goji berries are found only in traditional Chinese and Tibetan medicine, while no benefits have been proven in Western studies

None of the peer-reviewed studies have confirmed the therapeutic effect of consuming Goji products in clinical trials. Just a few years ago, wolfberry (called Goji berries) entered the American and European health food markets as one of the “superfruits” (i.e., fruits with supposedly high nutritional value).

from Wikipedia materials

When promoting the beneficial properties of Goji, a man named Li Qing Yun who ate the berries daily and lived to be over 240 years old. There is no solid evidence of the very existence of this person. The story is an outright lie, made up to increase sales of Goji berries in hopes of people living longer.


Contraindications to eating goji berries

Despite the numerous positive effects of berries, there are still several significant contraindications to their consumption:

  • taking anticoagulant drugs,
  • poor blood clotting,
  • people suffering from frequent nosebleeds,
  • high body temperature,
  • days of menstruation,
  • any inflammatory process,
  • pregnancy,
  • stress and any emotional outbursts,
  • the occurrence of any inflammatory processes in the body,
  • tendency to increased intraocular pressure,
  • uterine bleeding.

It is also necessary to mention that people who are under medical supervision for hypertension or diabetes are not allowed to take berries on a regular basis.

This is due to the fact that the substances in goji berries react with the substances in medications. As a rule, such interaction gives negative results, and the patient's condition may worsen.

Side effects of goji berries during pregnancy

When carrying a child, all women treat various products with caution, since the body's reaction can be unpredictable. Experts from different continents have different opinions regarding the benefits of berries for pregnant women. However, discussions continue to this day.

Some Chinese doctors claim that the vitamin complex of berries is so rich that they can and even should be included in the diet of women expecting a child. According to the research results, the well-being of Chinese women did not worsen, but on the contrary, only improved. This is most likely due to the fact that this product is not something extraordinary for Asian women.

As for European doctors, they unanimously declare that the berries are dangerous for local women during pregnancy, as they can increase the tone of the uterus and cause miscarriage.

In addition, goji increases blood pressure, increases heart rate and accelerates metabolic processes, which negatively affects the expectant mother and developing fetus.

Therefore, pregnant women are not allowed to consume miraculous berries. For a European woman, they are exotic, and the body may perceive them incorrectly.

In order not to cause additional stress, medical practitioners do not recommend including exotic goji berries and other non-local foods in the diet, even in small quantities. The period of gestation should be calm, and introducing unfamiliar foods into the diet can cause a lot of side effects.

Table of useful elements and vitamins in goji berries.

Substance Compound % RDN
Protein 47.6 g 190%
Vitamin B1 61 mg 4000%
Vitamin B2 200 mg 1000%
Vitamin B5 2.8 mg 28%
Vitamin C 366 mg 260%
Biotin 63 mcg 21%
Calcium 250 mg 25%
Chromium 180 mcg 150%
Iron 2.5 mg 125%
Magnesium 295 mg 74%
Manganese 2.9 mg 145%
Phosphorus 522 mg 52%
Potassium 3.63 mg 103%
Zinc 4 mg 25%

Much of the advertising campaign surrounding Goji is based on its high vitamin C content.

According to some marketers, the berries have the highest levels of vitamin C in the world. However, clinical studies have shown that the level of the vitamin is the same as in citrus fruits and strawberries.

Research results have confirmed the beneficial properties of goji berries:

  • stabilization of metabolic processes in the body, which is important when fighting excess weight;
  • normalization of hormonal levels;
  • elimination of symptoms of migraines and headaches;
  • cleansing the blood and stimulating the production of blood cells;
  • reducing blood sugar levels, which is indispensable for diabetes;
  • saturating the body with calcium.

The fruits are widely used for chemotherapy and to reduce the effects of radiation in cancer patients. After the tumor is removed, they help restore the body.

Infusions and decoctions of berries are used to prevent the occurrence of new malignant tumors.

For any pathology, they eliminate inflammatory processes and promote tissue regeneration.

Many people confuse goji berries and barberries.

32 reasons why you should eat goji berries every day.

1. Fights premature aging17. Protects human DNA
2. Increases energy and strength18. Provides antioxidant protection
3. You look and feel younger19. Helps improve blood circulation
4. Supports Healthy Blood Pressure20. Helps with chronic dry cough
5. Supports Healthy Cholesterol Levels21. Combats joint pain
6. Helps stabilize blood sugar levels22. Increases the number of lymphocytes
7. Restores healthy sexual function23. Reduces menopausal symptoms
8. Helps manage weight24. Relieves morning sickness
9. Relieves headaches and dizziness25. Increases the possibility of getting pregnant
10. Improves sleep quality26. Strengthens muscles and bones
11. Supports eye health27. Supports normal kidney function
12. Optimizes cardiovascular health28. Improves memory
13. Inhibits lipid peroxidation29. Supports Healthy Liver Function
14. Improves disease resistance30. Eases inner anxiety and stress
15. Boosts immunity31. Improves digestion
16. Prevents the appearance of malignant tumors32. Normalizes pH levels in the blood

How to take goji berries?

Proper intake of berries is the key to their effectiveness and achievement of goals. Depending on personal taste preferences, goji is taken in the form of:

  • juices,
  • decoctions,
  • as a food additive.

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They can be added to various dishes: baked goods, food mixtures, cereals, soups, salads. The product is suitable for use as regular berries or dried fruits.

Delicious recipe for eating goji berries

However, it is necessary to remember the rules for eating berries. The main thing is not to combine the product with acids. The aggressive environment promotes the breakdown of valuable polysaccharides and amino acids, as well as the oxidation of trace elements (magnesium, zinc, iron and potassium).

It is strictly forbidden to mix berries with vinegar or citrus juice. In addition, fresh garlic and onions also neutralize most of the beneficial substances contained in goji. Chinese doctors do not recommend mixing fruits with green tea, which reduces their effectiveness.


Video: Goji berries for weight loss

Do goji berries really help you lose weight? How can you use these berries in cooking and still lose weight? Nutritionist Elena Chudinova answers all these questions, as well as other common questions, and shares her recipes based on goji berries:

Goji berries are not a miracle pill that will help you lose weight without doing anything. This is a natural supplement that allows the body to work correctly, thereby unloading it. Therefore, truly visible results can be achieved if, along with taking goji berries, you maintain proper nutrition and actively engage in sports. Before starting such a diet, do not forget to consult a nutritionist and take into account all his recommendations.

Berries go best with:

  • with milk - studies have confirmed a synergistic immune effect;
  • cereals - goji amino acids allow you to better absorb nutrients.

If you take the product in its pure form, it is better to chew it thoroughly before eating. This will speed up the digestion of fruits and improve food absorption. Taking goji on an empty stomach is not recommended.

According to research results from the New York University London Medical Center, the optimal daily dosage of the product for treatment and prevention is:

  • allergies and psoriasis - 20–30 g;
  • slowing down the aging process of the body - 20–30 g;
  • arthritis - from 30 g;
  • blood diseases - from 20 g;
  • oncological diseases - 60 and 20 g. respectively;
  • heart and blood vessels - from 30 g;
  • diabetes - from 20 g;
  • gastrointestinal disorders - from 10 g;
  • infertility - from 50 gr.

For weight loss, the effective dosage is 60 grams, divided into several doses. This is a Chinese medicine recipe

Although Goji berries have many nutrients, they are far from the “miracle food” that the advertisements claim.


Goji for weight loss

Do not rush to take this fat-burning remedy without learning how to use Goji berries recipes for weight loss, which are presented in a wide variety. Nutritionists recommend that their patients suffering from excess body weight add 20-30 g of these fruits to breakfast or dinner every day. According to them, this amount of natural product will be enough to stimulate the weight loss process.

If you want to speed up the process of weight loss, the following recipe for Goji berries for weight loss will be useful to you: 1 tbsp. l. Brew these fruits in 400 ml of hot water, leave for half an hour. The tincture prepared from Goji berries according to this recipe should be taken along with the fruits on an empty stomach in the morning and evening. The maximum effect from taking this infusion can be obtained by combining it with a diet selected for you individually by a nutritionist.

However, according to reviews from many people who have actually managed to become thinner and slimmer using this product, there is no need to combine it with a diet. It is necessary only in case of excessively excess body weight, then physical activity will be required.

These miraculous fruits, fresh or dried, can also be added to various dishes. Fruit salads, soups, smoothies, jellies, juices and other dishes are prepared from them. Goji berries will add a piquant taste to food and only improve its taste. These fruits have a pleasant sour-sweet taste; their texture resembles raisins.

The fruits of the Lycium barbarum plant are the only berries included in the Dukan Diet. All the rest, according to the nutritionist, on the contrary, contribute to excess weight gain.

Goji berries for diabetes

The healing properties of goji berries are used in the treatment of patients with diabetes.

Goji berries are widely used in oriental medicine. The healing properties of the longevity berry are confirmed by modern scientific data. For example, there is information about the benefits of taking them for patients with diabetes.

Tibetan doctors have long used goji to normalize blood sugar levels in adults (in children, fruits saturated with active components can cause allergic reactions).

Compliance by the patient with the diet prescribed by the doctor is one of the important areas of treatment for systemic metabolic disorders. Including goji in the diet of diabetic patients can normalize carbohydrate metabolism and significantly improve their well-being.

The fruits satisfy the feeling of hunger characteristic of this disease and promote weight loss. contained in the berries regulate the activity of the pancreas.

Goji berries have a complex effect that helps improve the condition of patients in the treatment of diabetes, namely:

  • restore the balance of glucose and insulin;
  • reduce appetite and the need for sugar-containing foods;
  • improve metabolism, digestive and excretory processes;
  • remove fat from the liver;
  • lower blood cholesterol levels;
  • normalize blood pressure.


Goji berries help against blindness due to diabetes

Scientists from the Sydney Institute found that including goji berries in the diet significantly reduces the risk of developing retinopathic blindness, a common complication of diabetes.

The elevated glucose levels characteristic of the disease cause protein oxidation, proliferation of the vascular network, and weakening and dysfunction of the retina. The high content of taurine (a sulfur-containing amino acid) in fruits helps to normalize metabolic processes in the tissues of the eye.

Table of nutrients contained in 100 grams of dried goji berries.

Saturated fats1.1
Vitamin C306
Amino acids8.48

The initial dose for diabetes is 5 g. in a day. Gradually, the amount of fruits in the diet is increased to approximately 20–40 grams. per day (the exact dosage is calculated by the doctor).

These berries are not used as an alternative to drug treatment for diabetes. At the same time, they can significantly improve the patient’s condition and stabilize the body’s condition during a course of drug therapy.

Tibetan barberry will come to the aid of everyone who wants to get a boost of vigor and health and extend their life. It is important to know how to use these magical fruits. Dried or dried goji berries can be eaten immediately, but for real gourmets there is a way that is both pleasant and healthy - making a drink or tea.

Firstly, it tastes good, is completely natural, and can restore water balance in the body.

Secondly, when they are consumed, excess fluid is more actively removed from the body and the intestines work better.

How to brew goji berries?

From dried fruits you can get both aromatic tea and a healing decoction. It all depends on how to brew goji berries.

For people losing weight, a decoction is ideal. In this section we will tell you how to brew goji berries. But this information is not enough. How long to brew goji berries and how to get aromatic tea from dried fruits?

The easiest way is to brew the healing product in boiling water. You will need a small 250 ml teapot and one tablespoon of berries. Pour the dried fruits into a container and pour boiling water over them. After 20 minutes, the healing decoction is ready for use! This drink should be taken three times a day, half a glass.

The second way is to add goji berries to boiling water. How to brew tea? It’s very simple - you need to mix a pinch of dried fruits with your favorite tea. A great idea is to brew goji berries in a thermos. This way you won’t be without your favorite tonic drink even at work!

A gourmet method is to create a unique mix of oriental herbs. You will need a teaspoon of green tea, a pinch of chrysanthemum flowers, jasmine and goji berries. All components are mixed and poured with hot boiling water. The tea is infused for 25 minutes. The resulting drink warms, tones and strengthens the immune system.

We have listed only the basic ways of brewing goji berries. Reviews of the recipes listed above speak for themselves - people happily drink various drinks with the addition of this gift of nature.

Goji berry brewing process

But just choosing a recipe is not all; you need to be able to brew this tea so that it retains all the benefits of the products.

Pay attention to the temperature - the water needs to be boiled in an open container, observing the process. If bubbles appear on the surface, quickly remove the container from the heat and pour in the tea mixture.

An important indicator is the infusion time. When brewing a drink based on tea leaves, it needs to infuse for about 15 minutes.

The cup must be covered with a clean natural cloth.

Experts recommend one-time brewing, as the infusion should be drunk warm and fresh. It is in this case that the berry will bring maximum health benefits.

It is recommended to take the drink 3 times a day. When drinking an infusion based on berries alone, the amount will be one glass. If using a tea mixture, then half a glass.

Fans of this drink talk about the effect even after the first dose - digestion improves, the body is filled with energy.

We especially note that you need to drink the infusion with Goji berries before lunch, as otherwise it will be difficult for you to fall asleep in the evening. This aspect should be taken into account by those who suffer from insomnia.


Useful, exotic, educational


Didn't notice

Goji berries. Everything that is unknown is terribly interesting - these words from a children's song, as well as a craving for all kinds of exotic things, prompted me to buy goji berries. The scientific name of Goji is Lycium barbarum. I don’t know about lisium, but barbarum is for sure. The berries are our barberry in appearance, you just can’t tell the difference. Like dried apricots, but only small in size.

According to various scientific and non-scientific data, Goji have simply miraculous properties. Hundred hundred different vitamins and minerals. They contribute to this and that and the fifth or tenth. This is all clear, any berry helps. Goji also delays aging. And one little man in China lived for 252 years eating these berries. Believe it or not, it’s up to you, they don’t smoke like that in China.

But there is a telling fact: Goji is the only berry allowed on the Dukan diet; all other berries and fruits contain sugar and are prohibited until the third stage. By the way, that’s where I learned about them and started getting interested.

Marine Nikolaevna (Abakan)


Vitamin C is present. The general state of vigor has increased


this is not a means for losing weight. My mother has been losing weight all her adult life, she tried everything, all sorts of Herbalife and diets and so on... and then she saw an advertisement for Goji berries, secretly bought herself and started using them... then she admitted that she drank their decoction, yes only the weight remained the same as it was... I felt sorry for my mother because she spent a lot of money, but did not lose weight!

Elena Ch (Ekaterinburg)


New, useful properties



I heard about goji berries a long time ago, but there was no reason to buy, although there was curiosity, but somehow not too intrusive for the time being)) I bought 180 grams of dried Goji berries in a package for 420 rubles. You can’t easily buy it on any grocery store shelves. When I accidentally came across it in an online store. PROPERTIES OF GOJI BERRIES: Promised weight loss, -healthy nutrition, -longevity, -rejuvenation, -indicated during training and stress -relieves fatigue, healthy sleep, increased immunity and other, other advertising slogans and statements :) That is, everything is said about the berry only super-positive :) Strange? Curious? Me too :) So I couldn’t help but buy it to try out of simple curiosity. I won’t lie, if I naturally lose a little weight by summer, I’ll be happy, but that’s not my main goal at the moment. For me, idle curiosity prevailed more :) TASTE of berries. Nothing special, not disgusting, but not the height of bliss - ordinary, why such a price I’m perplexed :) I bought dried berries. The taste is something between carrots and dried apricots, it smells like grass. Almost not sweet, but the taste is quite pleasant. I limit it to children, otherwise they may eat handfuls. It’s all a little-studied product and I don’t see the point in overeating.

P.S. I’ve been drinking tea for over a month now, brewing it, and taking it to work. As a result, I don’t notice ANY changes - it doesn’t suppress my appetite, it doesn’t improve my mood, I don’t lose weight “by itself without effort”, well, I haven’t looked 5 years younger)) In general, there are benefits for the body, like from a food supplement, but Don't wait for a miracle.

See even more reviews on the website https://otzovik.com/reviews/yagodi_godzhi

Ice cream dessert with goji berries

  • cream – 500 ml;
  • egg yolks – 3 pcs.;
  • sugar – 100 g;
  • dried fruits - if figs, then 10 pcs., if dried apricots or prunes, then 100 g;
  • berry liqueur – 50 ml;
  • goji - 10 dried fruits.
  • vanillin - optional.

How to cook:

In a saucepan, combine the yolks with sugar, beat, gradually pouring cream into the mixture, put everything on the fire, heat almost to a boil (you cannot boil, the mixture should just be very hot) with constant stirring.

Soak goji berries in berry liqueur for 10 minutes. Cut dried fruits into small pieces, combine with berries (drain the liqueur), add to the creamy mixture, cool and freeze. Decorate the finished ice cream dessert with berries and fruits.

Instead of dried fruits, you can use fresh fruits or berries in the recipe - figs, apricots, peach, plums, strawberries, raspberries, currants. They are advised to be added in their natural form or lightly boiled.

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