ECA nuclear mixture for weight loss: objective analysis

ECA is made up of three highly effective weight loss ingredients: ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin. All of them help burn fat deposits. The drug became popular in the 90s of the 20th century. All three components help increase body temperature, greatly reduce appetite and provide energy. Athletes and bodybuilders often use these supplements to burn subcutaneous fat and make their bodies more sculpted.

Ephedrine is used to influence the human psyche, reducing appetite. It stimulates the nervous system. After entering the human body, it is activated in beta receptors, enhancing muscle gain. As a result, fat burning is accelerated. The substance increases the amount of glucose in the body, which provides extra energy.

The caffeine in ECA has a tonic effect. A person feels a surge of energy, his heartbeat quickens. In addition, the caffeine in this mixture enhances the effect of ephedrine.

Aspirin helps thin the blood. But it has a negative effect on the walls of the stomach. Therefore, many refuse to take this component so as not to harm themselves.

It is important to use all components in the correct ratio. The wrong proportion can greatly harm human health. As a rule, it is recommended to take ECA for weight loss in a ratio of 1:10:10.

A single serving is as follows: 25 mg of ephedrine and 250 mg of caffeine and aspirin.

ECA is prepared independently as follows: you need to take a couple of tablets of caffeine sodium benzoate and acetylsalicylic acid, 25 g of “Broncholitin”. The latter drug contains ephedrine.

ECA for weight loss is taken daily according to this regimen three times a day . The course lasts no more than 14 days . Otherwise, addiction begins, effectiveness decreases, and drug addiction may develop. You should not take pills at night , as this will cause insomnia. They drink them maximum 5-6 hours before bedtime.

You should not immediately drink the combination three times a day. It is better to start taking it with one dose , gradually increasing it.

The main complication of ECA is disruption of the cardiovascular system and increased blood pressure. Aspirin can provoke the development of stomach ulcers. Ephedrine is considered a narcotic drug, causing addiction and a severe metabolic disorder called hyperthyroidism, a disorder of the thyroid gland. The process of losing weight becomes uncontrollable. The person literally dries up and gets anorexia.

According to reviews from those who have tried to lose weight with ECA, the drug has a more negative effect . Instead of the promised cheerfulness, people often experience a headache. Periodically there are attacks of aggression and irritability. Sometimes those losing weight this way complained of hallucinations. But I can’t exercise properly because of my high heart rate and panic attacks.

It is rarely possible to maintain the result obtained . The process of natural recovery begins.


  • diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidneys, thyroid gland;
  • mental disorders.

Under no circumstances should it be mixed with alcoholic beverages or caffeine-containing products such as black tea, chocolate and coffee.

It is important to take special vitamin complexes and drink enough water, consume 90-100 g of protein per day and constantly engage in physical activity.

All components included in ECA are inexpensive medicinal substances. Aspirin can be purchased for 200-300 rubles (10 pieces). The price of caffeine sodium benzoate varies around 40-70 rubles for 10 tablets. Ephedrine is obtained from Broncholitin, the cost of which is 100-150 rubles per 125 ml. The total cost of the course can be about 1000 rubles.

Read more in our article about ECA for weight loss.

What is ECA

ECA is three highly effective ingredients for weight loss: ephedrine, caffeine and

aspirin. All of them help burn fat deposits. The drug became the most popular in the 90s of the 20th century. At that time, many weight loss products were made based on it.

All three components help increase body temperature, greatly reduce appetite and provide energy. Often it is bodybuilders who use these supplements to burn subcutaneous fat and make the body more sculpted.

Operating principle of ECA:

The main active element of ECA is ephedrine. It is used to stimulate the central nervous system, similar in effects to methamphetamines.

Ephedrine leads to stimulation of the production of protein structures (there is an increase in muscle volume) and to a decrease in the percentage of fat and its consumption in the form of bioenergy. The susceptibility of cellular receptors in muscles and adipose tissue under the influence of stimulating ephedrine increases, the processes of tissue growth (muscle mass) and fat loss occur more easily and quickly. Ephedrine inhibits the synthesis of its agonists, replacing them with itself, and because of this phenomenon, dependence on ephedrine occurs.

Ephedrine also tends to increase body temperature, under such circumstances the number of calories burned increases noticeably. Ephedrine does a good job of increasing blood sugar levels, making it possible to endure long, high-intensity physical activity.

Weight loss in the human body occurs due to the effects of stress hormones (catecholamines: adrenaline and norepinephrine). Through beta receptors, both hormones act on fat, oxidizing it into glycerol and acids.

Ephedrine has the property of influencing the sympathetic region of the central nervous system, its main function is the release of norepinephrine - this is what acts on the body and increases the rate of weight loss.

In medical practice, ephedrine is also used to eliminate bronchospasms.

Taking ephedrine leads to slower intestinal motility and dilation of the eye pupils (mydriasis)

The next active element, caffeine, increases the tone of the body, “accelerates” the central nervous system, increases heart rate and slightly increases the temperature of the skin. Caffeine improves mental performance, increases resistance to fatigue and sleep.

At low dosages, caffeine stimulates the nervous system ; at high doses, it inhibits the functions of the central nervous system.

Caffeine and ephedrine in combination - the effectiveness of use is multiplied several times.

Composition of the product

As the name implies, this drug consists of three components: ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin. Each of them has its own properties.

Ephedrine is used to influence the human psyche, reducing appetite. It stimulates the nervous system. After entering the human body, it is activated in beta receptors, enhancing muscle gain. As a result, fat burning increases. Plus, ephedrine increases the amount of glucose in the body, which gives extra energy.

The caffeine in ECA has a tonic effect on the body. A person feels a surge of energy, his heartbeat quickens. In addition, the caffeine in this mixture is designed to enhance the effect of ephedrine.

Aspirin in ECA helps thin the blood. In addition, it has a negative effect on the walls of the stomach. Therefore, many refuse to take this component so as not to harm themselves.

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Fat Burning

In bodybuilding and fitness, ephedrine is not used without combination with caffeine, since by itself it can lead to only minor fat burning.

As practice shows, the best ratio of these substances is 1:10, that is, one dosage of ephedrine contains ten times more caffeine.

Their combination leads to an acceleration of metabolism and, as a result, the process of burning fat reserves is enhanced.


A safe dose of ephedrine is considered to be no more than 20 mg. ECA is a complex of three drugs: ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin, which is used in bodybuilding and fitness for weight loss.


Studies involving a group of subjects who were treated with a placebo method showed that a standard dosage of ECA components is effective when used as a fat burning agent.

The analysis showed that the use of ECA leads to the burning of 1-3 kg of fat per month without the use of special diets and exercise.

The effectiveness of ECA increases significantly if taking the complex is combined with aerobic exercise and following a low-calorie diet.


Interestingly, the combination of caffeine and ephedrine is much more effective than either component alone.

The study, which lasted for six months, showed the following. Subjects who were obese followed a diet and received either a dose of caffeine (200 mg per day), ephedrine (20 mg per day), or a combination of both (200 mg and 20 mg, respectively, per day), or a placebo.

The most effective formula was caffeine plus ephedrine. Those who took this particular combination lost 16.8 kg in weight. Those given the placebo lost 13.2 kg in weight.


About 15 years ago, when the combination of caffeine and ephedrine was already actively used, scientists decided to add a third component - aspirin. It was assumed that aspirin would enhance the effects of ephedrine and make it last longer.

How does aspirin work? It inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins, and they, in turn, can reduce the production of norepinephrine, which makes the effects of ephedrine less effective.

Side effects from the use of ECA are only isolated and, in most cases, are based on people’s predisposition to diseases of the cardiovascular system or its pathology.

Is the ECA complex safe?

After using ECA-based drugs in people who did not suffer from serious illnesses, not a single significant complication was identified, only natural and prescribed symptoms - the natural reaction of a healthy body to a powerful external irritant.

So, the complex of ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin can be considered relatively safe. The exaggeration of the danger of ECA is explained by ignorance of the actual data.

Component ratio.

The optimal ratios of ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin are 1:10:10 or 1:10:15.

How to take ECA

A single serving is as follows: 25 mg of ephedrine and 250 mg of caffeine and aspirin.

ECA is prepared independently as follows: you need to take a couple of tablets of caffeine sodium benzoate and acetylsalicylic acid, 25 g of “Broncholitin”. The latter drug contains ephedrine.

ECA for weight loss is taken daily according to this regimen three times a day. The course of weight loss on ECA should not exceed 14 days. Otherwise, addiction begins, effectiveness decreases, and drug addiction may also develop. You should not take pills at night, as this will cause insomnia. They drink them maximum 5-6 hours before bedtime.

You should not immediately drink the combination three times a day. It is better to start taking it with one dose, gradually increasing it.

Watch this video on how to prepare ECA:

Why is aspirin included?

Aspirin is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug that has the properties to reduce pain, relieve inflammation and lower body temperature, in addition, it increases blood fluidity and increases its circulation (blood circulation). It is likely precisely because of this property (improving blood circulation) that aspirin was added to the ECA combination.

This fact serves for faster absorption of ephedrine and caffeine into the blood.

Previously, about 10 years ago, two substances, ephedrine and caffeine, were fully used for weight loss. Researchers from Harvard Medical School tried to add aspirin (or acetylsalicylic acid) to these two substances. There has been speculation that aspirin may increase the potency and prolong the effects of ephedrine. The principle of operation of aspirin is to slow down the production of physiologically active substances (prostaglandins), suppress the release of catecholamines (adrenaline, norepinephrine) in synaptic connections and reduce the effect of ephedrine, therefore reducing the body's dependence on ephedrine.

In experiments at the University of London Dietetics and Nutrition, they also found out the difference between the combination of Ephedrine plus Caffeine and Ephedrine plus Caffeine plus Aspirin. In both groups (control and study) no significant differences were found in the decrease in the amount of adipose tissue.

One of the subsequent experiments at King's College London also found that aspirin did not increase the effect of ephedrine.

It follows from this that the presence of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) in the composition of Ephedrine, Caffeine, Aspirin is not important. It is also necessary to understand that frequent use of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin) has various negative effects, such as gastrointestinal ulcers, liver and kidney failure, erosion of the mucous membrane of the stomach and duodenum, and a severe decrease in blood clotting (anticoagulation). Most of those taking ECA, due to the side effects of acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin), cancel it and leave the combination of caffeine and ephedrine.

Side effects

Violation of the regimen for taking ECA for weight loss, as well as an overdose, lead to dire consequences. Therefore, before use, it is important to weigh all the pros and cons of the drug.

The main complication is disruption of the cardiovascular system. The drug also causes an increase in blood pressure. As already mentioned, taking aspirin can provoke the development of stomach ulcers.

Ephedrine is considered a narcotic drug, so it is prohibited for free sale in the Russian Federation. It causes addiction and a severe metabolic disorder called hyperthyroidism. It is associated with disruption of the thyroid gland, as it begins to produce an increased amount of hormones. The process of losing weight becomes uncontrollable. The person literally dries up and gets anorexia.

According to reviews from those who have tried to lose weight with ECA, the drug has a more negative effect. Instead of the promised cheerfulness, people often experience a headache. Periodically there are attacks of aggression and irritability. Sometimes people complained of hallucinations. But I can’t exercise properly because of my high heart rate and panic attacks.

Finally, it is rarely possible to maintain the results obtained, since after completing the course the body no longer works in this mode. The process of natural recovery begins. The person begins to overeat, in addition, the body itself returns to its usual form.

Effects of ephedrine

Ephedrine is not a harmless substance at all: use without a doctor’s prescription leads to irreversible pathologies. The liver, nervous and cardiovascular systems suffer the most.

Effect of ephedrine on the central nervous system

Due to the stimulating effect, the drug contributes to overload of the central nervous system. It is possible to develop epilepsy, the person suffers from sleep and appetite disturbances. Tremors, impaired reaction, and excessive sweating occur. The human psyche also suffers.

The effect of ephedrine on internal organs

The average life expectancy of an ephedrine addict is about eight years. This is the maximum period: in the presence of chronic pathologies, a person’s life expectancy is reduced even more. The liver is constantly intoxicated and does not have time to process toxins; the blood vessels are overloaded due to increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. Sooner or later the human body gives up and death occurs.


To make the use of ECA safe and beneficial to the body, it is important to consider the following recommendations:

  • Do not drink if you have diseases of the cardiovascular system, liver, kidneys, or thyroid gland;
  • the drug is prohibited for mental disorders;
  • Never mix with alcoholic or caffeinated drinks such as black tea, chocolate and coffee.

It is very important to seek medical help if you experience any discomfort or deterioration in your health. It is also important to take special vitamin complexes and drink enough water to avoid dehydration.

In order for weight loss to help burn fat deposits, you need to eat right, consume 90-100 g of protein per day and constantly engage in physical activity.

Iron Health

ECA is a combination of three different drugs – ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin. This combination of drugs is actively used in fitness and bodybuilding to burn subcutaneous fat.

ECA gained wide popularity in the 90s of the last century, when there was a huge selection of drugs based on it on the sports supplement market. However, later ephedrine, like ECA, was banned due to the possibility of creating narcotic substances from their derivatives. However, these drugs can still be obtained today; their production is actively established in India, China and other countries.

ECA effects

According to scientific research, the drug based on ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin leads to significant loss of body fat, including without exercise and diet. However, side effects in healthy people did not have serious consequences.

The analysis showed that ECA leads to an average of 1-3 kg of fat loss per month without additional measures. At the same time, the effectiveness of the drug increases sharply with the use of aerobic exercise and a special diet.

Other scientific tests have shown that using caffeine and ephedrine in combination with each other can produce much more powerful fat burning effects. At the same time, taking these supplements separately results in less weight loss than their combination, so in this case there is a synergistic effect.

As for aspirin, there is no adequate explanation for what it is needed for. Initially it was assumed that it was able to prolong the effect of ephedrine, but in practice it turned out that this assumption was wrong. In addition, aspirin itself has a number of side effects, the most serious of which is the development of stomach ulcers. For this reason, its presence in this combination is unfounded.

Course of taking ECA (ephedrine, caffeine, aspirin)

The recommended single dose of ECA is as follows: ephedrine 25 mg + caffeine 250 mg + aspirin 250 mg.

Typically, up to three such doses can be taken per day. The only thing is that you should not take ECA in the evening, as insomnia is possible at night.

The duration of the ECA course should not exceed 2 weeks, followed by a week's rest. After this period, the course can be repeated. Do not take long courses, as the effect quickly decreases and addiction occurs. Increasing the effectiveness of the ECA course

The effectiveness of fat burning on the ECA course can be increased as follows:

  • Use aerobic exercise;
  • Create a special diet and follow it;
  • Use sports nutrition for weight loss.

Side effects of ECA

Information about serious complications while taking ECA has been reported quite rarely, and is associated primarily with predisposition or pathologies of the cardiovascular system that existed before the start of ECA use.

In scientific studies conducted on humans, there have been no serious cases of complications during or after the use of ECA. For this reason, the combination of ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin can be considered a relatively safe drug (compared to steroids and some other specialized drugs).

Articles on the topic:

  • Rating of the best fat burners

ECA cost

The tool is available. All its components are inexpensive medicinal substances. Aspirin can be purchased at any pharmacy for about 200-300 rubles (10 pieces). The price of caffeine sodium benzoate varies around 40-70 rubles for 10 tablets. Ephedrine is obtained from Broncholitin, the cost of which is 100-150 rubles per 125 ml. Thus, the total cost of the course can be about 1000 rubles.

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ECA is a controversial, even dangerous means for losing weight. More often it gives a temporary effect with a large number of side effects. Its main advantage is its affordable cost. In addition, without diet and physical activity, the product does not have any special effect.

How does ECA work?

The combination of these three components leads to a significant reduction in body fat mass, which occurs even without training and low-carb diets. On average, the figures range from 1 to 3 kg per month without any effort. By adding aerobic training or following a low-carb diet, performance increases significantly.

The effects of these drugs on the body are as follows:

  • Ephedrine. This drug is a thermogenetic. It activates ketosis processes and transfers them to lipid energy sources.
  • Caffeine. A strong energy drink, thanks to which the body increases energy expenditure. Also considered an adrenaline substitute.
  • Aspirin. Reduces the chance of side effects from the previous two drugs. Helps thin the blood and reduce the risk of stroke in athletes who play sports professionally.

To improve results when taking ECA, the following measures are recommended:

  • performing regular aerobic exercise;
  • following a low-carbohydrate diet;
  • taking sports nutrition for weight loss.

Useful video

Watch this video about the operating principle of ECA:

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Signs of ephedrine use

Unhealthy cravings for drugs can be determined by internal and external signs:

  • External – pale skin, a thick layer of plaque on the teeth, dry mucous membranes, wide pupils, trembling hands, red tongue.
  • Internal - nervousness, tachycardia, high blood pressure, decreased intellectual abilities, accelerated metabolism, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

If you find signs of ephedrine addiction in a loved one, then you need to start treatment immediately. The drug leads to personality degradation, destruction of the central nervous system, and increased stress on the heart. Over time, a person may have a heart attack or cerebral hemorrhage. Psychosis gradually develops against the background of deep depression, which can lead to suicide.

Reviews about ECA weight loss

If you think that losing weight with ECA is an easy walk, then you are very mistaken. Instead of feeling pleasant cheerfulness and lack of hunger, you will periodically experience headaches, unmotivated bursts of irritability and aggression, and in some cases there may be hallucinations. There are reviews indicating the inability to train due to palpitations and panic attacks.

Yes, most people on ECA do not really experience hunger, but this does not mean that everyone loses weight. Unfortunately, the reason for the obesity of so many people lies not in increased appetite, but in an unconscious approach to the process of eating food. Simply put, a person uses the process of eating, for example, as a way to escape from problems and worries. With this approach, a “fat burning” drug will not help. In the complete absence of hunger, a person will strive to snack on something “like that”, and still manage to overeat

In addition, numerous “ECA reviews” indicate that it is almost impossible to maintain the achieved result. The body's natural recovery process takes place. After a long period of fasting, he will demand an increased amount of nutrients, which will ultimately result in almost guaranteed overeating. Thus, this drug is not a panacea and cannot be used as a means of losing weight by those who care about their own health.

Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova


By taking a mixture of these drugs, you can lose from one to three kilograms per month. This does not require additional load. But if a person is interested in additional weight loss, then he can additionally engage in sports. Although ephedrine is prohibited for sale, particularly inventive people find preparations containing it and use it in this way. It is noted that when using the entire ECA mixture, symptoms of drug intoxication are observed.

People feel underwhelmed, have a lot of energy, but have no appetite at all. This effect lasts about 5-6 hours. That is why in the ECA-based diet there is a recommendation to drink a portion of the drug no later than 5 hours before bedtime, otherwise you simply will not fall asleep due to raging energy. Also, the reaction to the use of ECA is characterized by dry mouth, nausea and active sweating. Everything indicates that the body is trying to get rid of such “diet products.”

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