Magic beans for weight loss can you drink alcohol

Properties of beans that help in weight loss

Beans help break down lipids, reducing the thickness of fat folds. When combining capsule therapy with traditional methods, you can significantly speed up the process of losing weight, get rid of cellulite on the thighs and buttocks, and reduce the circumference of the abdomen and waist.

Beans in capsules help saturate cells with oxygen, stimulating blood circulation and improving the permeability of the walls of large arteries, veins and small capillaries. In the production of the supplement, only plant components that belong to the group of phytoestrogens were used.

Release form, trade name

The full official name of this drug is: “Magic beans. Cyclonic weight loss." The country of origin of the famous herbal remedy is China. Like many other weight loss formulations, this product is a dietary supplement, not a medicine.

The product is available in the form of capsules for oral use. The product is packaged in packages of different sizes. Magic beans are found in bright plastic jars or golden blisters, each of which contains 9 elongated oval-shaped capsules.

They do somewhat resemble regular beans, which explains the origin of the name. Each capsule is filled with a porous, homogeneous blue-gray powder, which is a mixture of plant components (about 500 mg).


Diet pills Magic beans, made in capsule form, have a natural composition:

  • chitin – removes harmful substances from the body;
  • garcinia – quickly saturates the body;
  • L-carnitine – enhances energy metabolism and improves the movement of fatty acids;
  • fiber – cleanses the intestines;
  • convalia - has a choleretic effect, enhances metabolic processes;
  • collagen – improves the appearance of the skin.

According to the manufacturer, the medicine Magic Beans for Weight Loss contains vitamins, but the specific groups are not specified.

Composition of beans for weight loss

Beans for weight loss in capsules (reviews say that the product is completely harmless to health, since they contain exclusively natural ingredients) supposedly trigger the process of so-called cyclonic weight loss. The contents of the capsules are indicated in detail on the packaging. There is no division into the main active substance and auxiliary components.

The manufacturer states that each plant included in the dietary supplement plays its role in weight loss and comprehensive cleansing of the body.

Beans contain:

  • marine collagen;
  • naval convalescent hood;
  • chitin;
  • levocarnitine;
  • cellulose;
  • Garcinia cambogia fruits;
  • useful microelements.

The history of Chinese coffee beans or the world history of weight loss

Cassia aculifolia is a low shrub.
The plant's homeland is East Africa, Asia, the Arabian coast of the Red Sea. The leaves are compound, consisting of several pairs of lanceolate leaflets. Yellow flowers are collected in a brush. Cassia fruits are dry flat beans. The name senna comes from the Arabic word “Sana”. In the ancient world, medicinal raw materials were imported to the market through the Egyptian port of Alexandria, hence the name “Alexandrian senna”. This is the Latin or pharmaceutical variant. On the other side of the world, Cassia has the Chinese name Jue Ming Zi, and is known as “Chinese grass.” According to an ancient Chinese legend, one old Taoist priest consumed cassia fruits all his life, lived for more than 100 years, retained his slim figure, clear eyes and keen hearing. Many people prayed to the monk to tell him the secret of youth. To his surprise, he said that there was no secret. Every day he takes cassia seeds. Currently, cassia beans are popular among Chinese office workers who lead a sedentary lifestyle and constantly strain their eyes at the computer.

Modern pharmacological studies have also confirmed that this herb has beneficial effects in the prevention and treatment of various eye diseases, regulates blood pressure, reduces high cholesterol and is useful in constipation.

How do Chinese beans work?

To understand the principle of action of the capsules and determine which mechanism serves as an impetus for weight loss, you should consider in detail how each substance works separately.

Effect of Magic Beans for Weight Loss

Component name and brief descriptionHow it affects the bodyHow much does it contain?
Levocarnitine or L-carnitine is an amino acid that is produced in the liverIt triggers fat metabolism, has antihypoxic and anabolic effects, helps reduce the load on the cardiovascular system, and slows down the process of protein breakdown.Less than 100 mg (while the described effect on the body is achieved with a daily intake of 1 g of levocarnitine or more).
Fruits of Garcinia gummiguta (Cambogia)It has been used in dietetics for more than 50 years; it causes relaxation of the smooth muscles of the intestine, but in large doses it can lead to dehydration of the body.30 mg
Chitin is an animal protein extracted from the shells of arthropods.Has properties similar to plant fiber.40 mg
Fiber – plant fibersIt has a laxative function, swells in the gastrointestinal tract and, leaving the body, removes toxins with it, normalizes stool, and is an element of nutrition for representatives of the intestinal microflora.100 mg (recommended daily fiber intake is 25 g).
Sea convalia - it is possible that the name of the plant was translated from Chinese into Russian incorrectly, but in fact the composition of the drug includes lily of the valley (medicinal)Helps normalize the functioning of the heart and blood vessels, has a positive effect on the nervous system, produces a calming and restorative effect, and prevents the growth of lipoid subcutaneous deposits.80 mg
Marine collagen is a type of protein obtained from the tissues of underwater inhabitants.Included in the composition to maintain metabolic processes in the skin and stimulate the production of natural collagen.50 mg

In addition to herbal ingredients, the capsules contain vitamins and beneficial microelements. However, the manufacturer does not indicate in what quantity and what specific substances are added to the drug. Beans for weight loss in capsules, reviews of which should not be compared with the recommendations of professional nutritionists, are a tonic.

Some patients who have taken this remedy claim that after taking the first capsules:

  • laziness passes;
  • there is a surge of energy;
  • the level of working capacity and labor productivity increases;
  • mood improves.

After a week of using Magic Beans, people undergoing a weight loss program note that the feeling of vigor and upliftment becomes permanent. However, there are also opposing opinions about the supplement. It is possible that Magic Bean capsules affect each person's body differently, and may even cause adverse symptoms in some.

Unlike many dietary supplements for weight loss, beans do not produce a laxative effect and do not require a special diet.

The manufacturer guarantees that after completing the course of using the capsules, the lost weight will not return and the weight will remain stable, even if the person again begins to neglect dietary restrictions and physical activity. How true such statements are can be determined by user responses.

Indications and contraindications

A package of 36 capsules is designed for 1 course . The recommended dosage is 1 tablet per day.

In order for an enhanced effect to be achieved in a short time, the manufacturer suggests following some rules:

  • exclude fried and smoked foods from the diet;
  • increase the amount of fluid you drink to 2 liters per day;
  • do not neglect sports activity;
  • maintain a daily routine;
  • after 5 weeks of taking it, take a break;
  • take in the same time period;
  • Take no more than the period specified in the instructions.

The drug is not recommended to be taken:

  • pregnant women;
  • women, during breastfeeding;
  • children under 18 years of age;
  • people over 65 years old;
  • people with abnormal urinary system;
  • people with problems with the liver and gastrointestinal tract;
  • people with pathologies of the cardiovascular system.


The manufacturer declares its product to be safe and absolutely harmless. In practice, patients have to face various restrictions.

Contraindications to taking Magic Beans are:

  • allergic reactions of various forms and localization;
  • childhood and adolescence;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation period.

The high allergenicity of dietary supplements is explained by the content of products of marine origin and exotic plants, to which people often have individual intolerance.

Women should not use weight loss capsules during pregnancy , while menstruation is not a reason to stop taking beans. Elderly people should also not take these capsules.

Among the contraindications to the use of weight loss capsules, it is worth noting pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, urinary system, heart, blood vessels, and brain. If you have kidney or liver failure, Magic Beans increase the risk of complications.

In addition, this herbal-based dietary supplement should not be taken together with broad-spectrum antibiotics due to lack of knowledge about a possible reaction when combining active ingredients.

Rules and application schemes

Unlike medications and many other nutritional supplements, the manufacturer of Magic Beans gives the consumer the right to choose. The patient can adhere to the pattern of use that seems most convenient to him.

There are 4 options available:

  1. Take 1 capsule twice in the morning on an empty stomach (recommended for grade 3 obesity) for 4-5 weeks.
  2. For 2.5 months, drink 1 capsule every other day in the morning.
  3. Take 1 capsule before meals or 1 hour after breakfast for the first 14 days, and then 1 capsule every 2-3 days until the remaining product is completely used.
  4. Drink 1 capsule per day half an hour before breakfast on an empty stomach for 1 month.

Where do Chinese coffee beans grow - can I grow coffee beans in my garden plot

Currently, the plant is cultivated for medicinal purposes in India, China, Egypt, and Africa. The plant is thermophilic and does not tolerate low temperatures. In our climate, there have been attempts to grow cassia as an annual, but without much success. The beans are harvested as they ripen, the leaves 2-3 times per season. Once the pods are ripe, they are collected and dried in the sun.

Cassia Tora is found in many parts of the world. The shrub grows abundantly in areas of Afghanistan, India, China, Pakistan, Myanmar, Nepal and Bhutan. It is grown and cultivated in the Himalayas at an altitude of 1400 meters and in Nepal. Cassia Tora is distributed throughout India, Sri Lanka, Western China and the tropics.

The whole plant, as well as individual parts such as roots, leaves and seeds, are widely used to control various diseases, especially in rural traditional cultivation areas in India and China. Cassia Tora is one of the recognized plants in Chinese and Ayurvedic medicine.

Cassia Tora can grow in dry soil in tropical parts and at altitudes (Himalayas) up to 1800 meters, as well as in plains. The seed has huge reserves of nutrients. Cassia seeds remain viable for twenty years and can produce up to 1000 plants per square meter.

Leaves and beans contain glycosides, sennosides, flavonoids, organic acids, sterols, macro and microelements, and other biochemical elements. The active organic compounds are anthraquinones (sennosides A and B). These compounds help improve digestion and enhance intestinal motility. Due to this property, Chinese coffee beans are used in weight loss and detoxification programs. As a result of consuming coffee beans, cholesterol levels are reduced and joint health is improved.

Side effects

The likelihood of side effects is especially high in the first days of taking dietary supplements. Uncharacteristic reactions may disappear after a few days without any intervention, or may intensify to such an extent that the patient will have to abandon the use of this remedy and look for other tools to combat excess body weight.

Beans in weight loss capsules often provoke allergic symptoms after the first doses.

According to reviews, the process of fighting excess weight may be accompanied by:

  • rash;
  • redness;
  • constant itching;
  • lacrimation.

In case of a severe allergic reaction, bronchospasm and Quincke's edema may occur. To prevent complications, the patient must urgently take an antihistamine and call an ambulance.

After this, the capsules must be transferred to specialists for further laboratory examination of their contents. It is for this reason that it is better for people who are prone to allergic reactions to refrain from using herbal dietary supplements.

Side effects from Magic Beans are:

  • headaches and dizziness;
  • nervousness and irritability;
  • feeling of constant fatigue, even after waking up;
  • decreased visual acuity;
  • insomnia or drowsiness;
  • nausea, vomiting, thirst;
  • constipation.

The dietary supplement can lead to more dangerous complications in cases of cardiac dysfunction, persistent arterial hypertension, arrhythmia, and tachycardia.

Properties of the drug

There are many ways to lose weight, gain a slim body and a beautiful figure. Some methods require significant effort, others require high costs and medical intervention, and others require the use of special medications.

The last option is the most attractive for many, since it significantly reduces the need to limit diet and increase physical activity, but at the same time gives a fairly pronounced result.

According to the developers, this is exactly what the “Magic Beans” dietary supplement has for weight loss.

As practice shows, the effectiveness and safety of weight loss products offered on the modern market do not always correspond to the promises of manufacturers, and the whole truth about the composition is sometimes not revealed at all.

Therefore, when choosing certain tablets, you need to carefully study the information about them, and before purchasing, compare the photo and description of the original with the product offered. It is also advisable to give preference to those drugs that were developed at a professional level.

These include the “Magic Beans” capsules, created by doctors from the Yichun Meijitang biotech laboratory (Hong Kong) in collaboration with specialists from the American Genetic Biomedical Company.

Combining the traditions of ancient Chinese medicine with modern pharmacological developments allowed scientists to obtain a unique formula that provides rapid weight loss, which the developers called cyclonic.

The full name of the product in question is “Cyclonic Weight Loss: Magic Beans.” The first part of the name reflects the mechanism of action of the capsules, the principle of which was developed and patented by the manufacturer.

Nowhere else is this method of weight loss described, but the term “cyclonic” comes from the word “cyclone” and essentially means “fast, whirlwind movement.”

The second part also causes ambiguous interpretation. In some sources, “beans” are associated with the fact that the capsules are similar in shape, in others - with the main component of their contents – convalium marine, which supposedly belongs to the legume family. Although there is no information about this plant and in many descriptions it is called algae.

Since the drug is delivered from China, all the inconsistencies described above may be due to translation issues.

The manufacturer’s official website lists the following indications for the use of “Magic Beans”:

  1. abdominal obesity (big belly);
  2. weight gain after pregnancy and childbirth;
  3. sedentary lifestyle and addiction to junk food.

Chinese capsules are recommended to be taken if you are overweight and have no desire to exhaust yourself with strict diets and regular workouts.

According to the statement, they are suitable only for women, since they contain plant components whose action is similar to the hormone estrogen.

The balanced composition is designed to ensure the following actions:

  • decreased appetite, elimination of cravings for snacks;
  • cleansing of toxins, removing harmful cholesterol and toxins;
  • removal of puffiness;
  • stimulation of intestinal function, improvement of microflora;
  • regulation of the composition and acidity of gastric juice;
  • destruction of pathogenic microorganisms;
  • reducing the load on the liver;
  • increased metabolism;
  • breakdown of excess fat, primarily subcutaneous deposits, which are difficult to remove even with strict diets and regular exercise in the gym;
  • elimination of cellulite manifestations;
  • reduction of the abdomen after pregnancy and childbirth;
  • saturation of tissues with oxygen at the cellular level;
  • stimulation of blood circulation, improvement of the permeability of the walls of blood vessels and capillaries;
  • increasing the elasticity and general condition of the skin, so that after volume reduction the skin does not sag;
  • rapid weight loss;
  • stimulation of the immune system.

The capsules do not have a laxative effect and do not require a special diet. After completing the course, the result remains stable, the lost kilograms do not return, as after most other methods.

The drug works flawlessly from the first dose, which makes it easier to give up junk food and achieve amazing results without strict diets and workouts. At the same time, “Magic Beans” fill the body with additional energy, due to which:

  1. laziness and apathy go away;
  2. getting up in the morning becomes easy;
  3. there is a desire to play sports;
  4. training becomes effective;
  5. performance increases.

The effect should become especially noticeable in the first week of use. Then the person gets used to it and the state of cheerfulness becomes natural for him.

The manufacturer warns that the recommended dosage should not be exceeded. The result should be achieved gradually, in a natural way, then it will be sustainable and will not cause overstrain of the body.

According to the instructions, excess weight will be lost without additional effort by 10–20 kg per month, without causing health problems. However, real reviews are very contradictory. In fact, “Magic Beans” have an individual effect on each organism, have contraindications and often cause unpleasant symptoms.

Attention! Most reviews about the use of “Magic Beans” for weight loss are negative and contain information about a wide range of pronounced side effects. Negative reactions of the body are observed even when taken correctly in accordance with the attached annotation.

Therefore, before taking “Cyclonic Weight Loss: Magic Beans,” you must consult a specialist.

The manufacturer warns that when taking the capsules you need to drink large amounts of water. This will allow the active substances to reveal themselves faster and the breakdown products to be removed in a timely manner, which will eliminate the occurrence of side effects. In addition, the drug loses its effectiveness when consuming antibiotics, alcohol and coffee.


Composition of beans

The manufacturer guarantees that cyclonic weight loss with magic beans is produced exclusively using natural raw materials.

The components of the drug are indicated on the packaging. The manufacturer does not highlight the main active ingredient, but promises that each component has a positive effect on metabolism and cleansing the body.


  • L-carnitine;
  • cellulose;
  • sea ​​convalia extract;
  • chitin;
  • marine collagen;
  • garcinia gummiguta fruit;
  • complex of vitamins and other substances.

Manufacturers gave their product a second name, which is indicated on the packaging - cyclonic weight loss. True, the instructions do not decipher this concept, so the meaning of this definition remains a mystery.

But the other two words on the packaging, “Magic Beans,” have a mesmerizing effect on buyers. The drug has been on the dietary supplement market for several years; people buy it periodically, hoping for the promised miracle.

Will it happen, and what does the supplement company promise? According to the instructions, wonderful beans have incomparable properties:

  1. eliminate 5 kg of excess weight, while the buyer does not have to change his lifestyle and eating habits;
  2. reduce appetite, so the feeling of hunger will not torment you;
  3. burn subcutaneous fat, which accounts for the lion's share of problems with obesity; tightens the skin from the inside, rejuvenating it;
  4. cleanses all body systems, primarily the intestines.

What causes such a wonderful effect on the body? The answer suggests itself: the secret must be hidden in the composition of the drug: Sea convalia.

The extract of this plant, native to South America, supposedly helps speed up metabolic processes in the body. Surprisingly, if you type these two words into an Internet search engine, the World Wide Web will not produce a single sensible result.

Thus, it remains a mystery to the consumer what this plant looks like and whether it actually exists. Garcinia gummiguta.

This is a plant that is actually used in Chinese medicine. However, finding its exact description is also problematic.

Those wishing to lose weight have already come across the name “garcinia” if they took the dietary supplement “garcinia cambogia”. Based on this, it can be assumed that garcinia gum should have similar properties - speed up metabolism.

Chitin. It is a polysaccharide obtained from the shells and bones of animals. The substance “chitosan” is made from it, used in medicine as a sorbent.

It can be assumed that it is he who should play the role of a body cleanser. However, the instructions indicate chitin in the composition: is this a mistake or ignorance of the manufacturers themselves?

L-carnitine. Nutritional supplement used in sports nutrition. It really helps burn fat, but only if you drink a lot of fluid and do active physical activity. Carnitine itself does not burn anything.

Cellulose. Plant fibers that activate the intestines and promote food digestion. Fiber is found in all vegetables and fruits. A complex of vitamins (which ones are not specified).

Magic beans weight loss capsules also contain “other plant substances,” according to the manufacturer. What these plant components are is not explained.

Based on the given composition of the drug, it is not entirely clear which components should cause the miraculous effect. Perhaps the last listed “other plant substances”?



There are many contraindications to taking this “miracle” drug. It is not recommended to take Magic Beans:

  1. children under 18 years of age;
  2. pregnant women;
  3. women during lactation;
  4. people over 65 years old.

Since the product consists of natural ingredients, which include marine products, a special role is given to individual intolerance to the constituent elements.

Organic pathology also occurs, which raises additional doubts about the composition. The following people are prohibited from taking Magic Beans:

  • with chronic or severe pathology of the cardiovascular system;
  • with problems with the liver and gastrointestinal tract;
  • with chronic pathology of the urinary system.

Based on the composition, lily of the valley extract and levocarnitine should have a beneficial effect on blood vessels and the human heart. But pathological deviations in this system are a contraindication for use.

There are contraindications to the simultaneous use of the drug and antibiotics.


Side effects

Users almost always note the appearance of side effects in the first days. For some, they disappear or decrease over time, for others they intensify until the drug is discontinued.

Against the background of a high risk of allergization, the possible occurrence of:

  1. rash;
  2. redness;
  3. constant itching;
  4. development of bronchospasm;
  5. Quincke's edema;
  6. anaphylactic shock.

Therefore, it is advisable for allergy sufferers to refrain from taking a drug with a completely unknown composition or to check the contents of the capsule in the laboratory.

Disorders of the central nervous system are often noted:

  • constant dizziness;
  • headache;
  • increased irritability;
  • feeling overwhelmed and tired;
  • double vision and blurred vision;
  • insomnia.

Side effects observed on the part of the gastrointestinal tract:

  1. nausea;
  2. sometimes vomiting;
  3. constant thirst;
  4. dry mouth;
  5. constipation;
  6. fear of food;
  7. feeling of a lump in the throat.

The most dangerous side effects are disruption of the cardiovascular system:

  • persistent increase in blood pressure;
  • feeling of a sinking heart;
  • interruptions in heart function;
  • tachycardia;
  • feeling of heartbeat.


special instructions

To get rid of the first kilograms in a short time, you should follow these recommendations:

  • Each capsule should be taken with 200 ml of non-hot water.
  • When taking a dietary supplement before bed, you should keep in mind that its invigorating effect may cause sleep disturbance.
  • When regularly consuming Magic Beans, it is important to drink enough fluid (at least 2 liters per day).
  • It is better to avoid coffee and alcohol, which can interfere with the removal of excess fluid from the body, for the entire period of weight loss.
  • You cannot exceed the dose and take more than 2 capsules per day, even if one or more doses have been missed.

Beans for weight loss in capsules (user reviews in the vast majority of cases are subjective) should not be the only tool for getting rid of extra pounds.
To speed up the fat burning process, it is fundamentally important to maintain physical activity and eat right. Nutritionists also advise taking weight loss formulations at the same time (for example, every day at 8.30) in order to develop a schedule for the supply of active substances to the body.

Wanting to improve the results obtained, many make the mistake of continuing to use Magic Beans immediately after finishing the previous course. If necessary, the capsules can indeed be taken again, but only after a break of at least 2 months.

How to properly take magic beans for weight loss gel. Action:

  • Magic bean gel capsules effectively suppress appetite, but the need for fluid increases. At the same time, the product perfectly relieves swelling, stimulates intestinal function and enhances metabolism. All this together allows you to achieve truly amazing results.
  • The composition of the Magic Beans drug inhibits the accumulation of fat in the body, accelerates metabolism, stimulating faster burning and decomposition of fat deposits, turning them into energy.
  • Capsules allow you to remove belly fat, which is why Magic Beans for weight loss are offered to women after the birth of a child: numerous reviews confirm the speed of the product and its high effectiveness in reducing the weight gained during pregnancy.
  • Natural plant extracts nourish the body's skin, increasing the level of oxygen in the blood, thereby stimulating a faster breakdown of fats.
  • Magic beans for weight loss have a pronounced effect and allow you to quickly get rid of excess fat, as well as cope with food addiction.

Cost of the drug, where to buy

Beans for weight loss in capsules (reviews may be disappointing) cannot be bought at the first pharmacy you come across. Those who decide on the need to use dietary supplements should better turn to official suppliers for help.

Their Internet pages usually contain all the detailed information about the product, delivery method, and price. In addition, you can order capsules by phone by calling the number listed on the official website, or leaving a request for a call back on the manufacturer’s website.

Thus, Magic Beans can be purchased:

  • in specialized retail stores - in this case there is a high risk of overpayment;
  • through Internet resources (the disadvantage is the inability to visually evaluate the product, examine the packaging in detail and verify its authenticity).

The cost of dietary supplements for weight loss may vary, depending on the type of packaging and the number of capsules. The reduced price of the drug should alert you, since this is one of the signs of counterfeit.

The average price of Magic Beans capsules is:

  • blister with 9 capsules – from 750 rubles;
  • blister with 18 capsules – 1199 rubles;
  • blister for 36 pcs. – 1900-2000 rub.;
  • a jar with 36 capsules - about 2400 rubles;
  • jar for 60 pcs. – about 3500 rub.

How to distinguish an original from a fake?

Beans are only available in capsules, so if you come across a weight loss product in tablet form, you should not buy such a product. Most likely this is a counterfeit. Fraudsters also supply the market with dietary supplements in the form of a white powder, which must be diluted with water and consumed as a suspension.

Because Magic Beans. “Cyclonic weight loss” is a sought-after, expensive product; scammers do not miss the opportunity to make money on its popularity by selling packages with counterfeit capsules.

In addition, the large number of online stores significantly increases the consumer’s risk of encountering scammers selling dummies and low-quality products. To protect yourself from deception, you should not purchase dietary supplements at the first place you come across. Before purchasing, it is important to make sure that the seller has an impeccable reputation. Don't chase too low a price.

In addition, the original Magic Beans products. Cyclonic weight loss" has several characteristic features:

  • Color. This dietary supplement is presented in golden, mustard-colored, oblong capsules with dark gray inclusions. Everything else (tablets, powder, suspensions) is counterfeit.
  • Taste. The Chinese weight loss drug has a bitter, tart taste. Some users claim that the capsules cause short-term numbness of the tongue.
  • Multiplicity of capsules per package. Original beans are sold in blisters of 9 pieces, or in cans of 36 and 60 pieces.

If the label contains the wrong name of a dietary supplement, there are grammatical errors, or there is no information about the composition or expiration date, there is no doubt that it is a fake.

However, you need to take into account that the official manufacturer of Chinese weight loss capsules can actually conduct promotions and sales, offering to buy dietary supplements at a reduced price. According to reviews, users have repeatedly been able to purchase 3 cans of beans for the price of two.

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