Is it possible to drink jelly while losing weight: benefits and recipes

What are the benefits of jelly?

In modern cuisine there are few dishes left that were eaten by our ancestors. Kissel is one of them. The liquid but satisfying drink was drunk all year round; it often quenched thirst, gave a feeling of fullness and helped against many diseases. The benefit of jelly lies in its unique property: it coats the walls of the stomach and helps remove toxins from the body. Excess weight, frequent colds, stomach ulcers and gastritis, atherosclerosis, chronic fatigue syndrome - regular consumption of the drink helps alleviate the course of these diseases, and even cure them completely.

Calorie content

The classic drink is a high-calorie and very filling product: one glass contains up to 140 kcal or more. Below is the calorie content of jelly (100 g) depending on the base:

  • cranberry – 79;
  • milk – 100;
  • cherry – 51.

The oatmeal version (70 kcal per 100 grams) stands aside, in it starch is replaced with fiber, which is absorbed much more slowly by the body, the feeling of fullness lasts much longer. Other options without starch:

  • buckwheat (110 kcal per 100 g);
  • rice (116 kcal);
  • flaxseed (107 kcal).

What is jelly made from?

The composition of jelly is simple: starch (potato flour) as a thickener, sugar and various bases - cream, sour cream, cocoa, milk, natural juice, berries, fruits and even vegetables. Since Soviet times, soluble concentrate has been very common, which is convenient - you just need to stir it in water, and the drink is ready. Carefully study what the mixture in briquettes for instant preparation is made from. Unscrupulous manufacturers add flavor enhancers and a lot of sugar. Oatmeal jelly for weight loss does not contain starch, which makes it a healthy drink.

Is it possible to get better from jelly?

Having looked at the composition of the drink, many will begin to doubt whether it can be consumed while on a diet and whether jelly makes them fat? Healthy lifestyle apologists consider this product suitable for weight loss, subject to several conditions:

  • Prepare only yourself; the composition of ready-made drinks includes too many impurities.
  • It is better to replace a full meal with the drink, and do not drink it instead of tea after lunch.
  • Minimize the amount of sugar or replace it with stevia or another sweetener.
  • The basis is not milk or cocoa, but fruit, berry or vegetable juice.

Is jelly good for weight loss?

Those who want to lose weight strive to speed up the process as much as possible, pushing themselves into the strict framework of extreme diets. Nutritionists require a varied diet. A hearty and healthy drink will come in handy, so the question of whether jelly is good for weight loss can be answered in the affirmative. We are talking about a drink where starch is replaced with wheat bran or oatmeal. Fiber slows down the absorption of carbohydrates, the body spends much more energy on it, calories are burned faster - and the question of whether jelly is possible on a diet is considered closed.

Benefits and harms

Depending on the recipe, jelly can be liquid and used as a drink of medium or thick viscosity. In this case, it acts as an independent dish or dessert.

Important! You can talk about benefits only if the product is prepared independently from natural ingredients. Semi-finished products sold in stores are a mixture of chemical components and sugar, and, except for empty calories, do not enrich the body with anything.

Benefits of jelly:

  • enveloping the walls of the stomach, it has an anti-inflammatory effect, reduces acidity, therefore it is useful for people with gastrointestinal pathologies;
  • reduces the feeling of heaviness in the stomach;
  • improves intestinal microflora;
  • fruits, berries, and vegetables saturate the body with vitamins and microelements;
  • absorbs waste and toxins, but this issue is controversial, since doctors deny the presence of any waste in the body;
  • helps remove excess fluid, thereby eliminating swelling.


  • dishes prepared with starch can cause constipation;
  • Excessive consumption of sweet jelly is contraindicated in obesity and people suffering from diabetes.

Oatmeal jelly for weight loss

The drink will help you get a beautiful figure and improve the condition of your gastrointestinal tract - thick oatmeal jelly for weight loss. It is ideal for soothing irritable bowels. Fiber will help reduce weight and blood sugar levels, minerals and amino acids have a beneficial effect on the body. The recipe is simple:

  1. Grind a couple of glasses of rolled oats.
  2. Fill the starter with water and leave in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.
  3. Then you need to strain the infusion, add honey, sugar, salt, milk or kefir.
  4. Pour into a saucepan and simmer over low heat until thickened.

General rules

At first glance, it seems surprising that jelly helps you lose extra pounds.
Is it possible to drink jelly while on a diet? It is possible, if we are not talking about traditional fruit and berry jelly, the preparation of which uses starch and sugar, which gives the drink excess calories. The jelly diet for weight loss contains healthy cereal jelly (oatmeal, flaxseed, buckwheat, rice or a mixture of cereals), which act as an aid in losing weight. Cereal jelly belongs to dietary drinks because:

  • They have a low calorie content (100 ml - from 100 to 116 kcal).
  • Having a viscous consistency, they envelop the walls of the stomach, reduce the production of gastric juice and, thereby, suppress the feeling of hunger.
  • They improve the function of the digestive organs, so these types of drinks are used for gastritis , peptic ulcers , colitis , and flaxseed is additionally indicated for constipation .
  • They contain vitamins , microelements and fiber, which are necessary in any weight loss program, as they gently cleanse and promote the elimination of toxins and metabolic products, and also give a feeling of fullness and satiety.
  • In general, they help improve metabolism.

The properties of drinks depend on the additional ingredients. For example, those including beets and prunes have a laxative effect, and flaxseed jelly itself is a diuretic and laxative. You need to prepare healthy drinks yourself from natural ingredients, and you can choose the recipes for dietary jelly that you like best.

Classic oat jelly

It is obtained as a result of lactic acid fermentation, so kefir is required for preparation. Take 300 g of oat flour obtained from whole oatmeal, 4 tablespoons of oatmeal and 0.5 cups of kefir. Everything is placed in a three-liter jar and filled with warm boiled water (1.5-2 liters). The jar is wrapped and placed in a warm place for 2 days. After this, pass the mixture through a sieve and bring to a boil. When losing weight, you should not add sugar or honey to oatmeal jelly. You need to drink 150 ml 30 minutes before meals. Additions to taste of berries or fruits make the drink a dietary breakfast or dinner. It satisfies well and, unlike ready-made sweetened breakfast cereals, is very healthy.

If preparing this recipe seems labor-intensive and you don’t like the sour taste of the drink, you can prepare it using other recipes. For example, a regular decoction of oats, but add the cereal itself to it to obtain a more viscous consistency. Pour a glass of oats into a liter of water, cook over low heat for 2-3 hours, stirring and adding water. After this, the oats are filtered, ground in a blender and added to the broth. The presence of crushed cereal in the drink makes it more beneficial.

You can take 2 tbsp. already prepared oatmeal, pour a glass of water and boil until you get a jelly broth. Oat decoction has a calorie content of only 21 kcal.

Of course, drinks that have undergone minimal heat treatment are of great benefit. To do this, ground oat grains are poured with hot water and infused in a thermos overnight. Take 1-2 tablespoons of ground grains per glass of water. Take half a glass of the strained drink 30 minutes before meals.

Whole grains have a low glycemic index and are rich in vitamin and mineral composition. Vitamin A affects fat metabolism. Vitamin K promotes the absorption of calcium and vitamin D. Vitamin E is important for the prevention of atherosclerosis . B vitamins take an active part in all types of metabolism. Iodine regulates protein and fat metabolism, and fluorine regulates mineral metabolism. Among the microelements, iron, zinc, sulfur and cobalt necessary for the body are also present.

In general, drinks made from this healthy grain speed up metabolic processes and help remove fluid from the body.

Any oat drink is good for weight loss and health. Oats improve the absorption of carbohydrates and treat fatty liver hepatosis . Adding beets and prunes to the drink will enhance the laxative effect if you are prone to constipation, give a different taste and increase the benefits. For 1.5 liters of water take a small root vegetable, 2-3 tbsp. l. large oat flakes and 100 g prunes. The beets are grated, the prunes are cut with a knife, flakes are added, poured with hot water and boiled for 15 minutes. Cool and filter. You can take half a glass 30 minutes before meals and at night. A strained mixture of beets, oatmeal and prunes can serve as breakfast or dinner.

Flaxseed jelly

Flax seed is rich in protein, essential amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6 , vitamins E , K and D , group B, minerals and dietary fiber. These are non-digestible fibers that have absorbent properties and help normalize the natural processes of intestinal cleansing, while simultaneously removing excess cholesterol from the body. Phytosterols inhibit the absorption of cholesterol from the digestive tract. Non-digestible fibers swell well in the gastrointestinal tract, creating a long-lasting feeling of fullness. This point is especially important if you gain weight as a result of overeating.

When seeds are soaked, they swell and form mucous substances. They envelop the gastric mucosa, create a protective layer and reduce juice secretion. The complex of fatty acids has a beneficial effect on the condition of blood vessels and joints. Thus, by drinking this drink, you simultaneously improve your health.

To prepare the drink, you need to take 200 g of seeds per two liters of boiling water. Boil over low heat for 20-25 minutes. The jelly should sit for 1.5-2 hours. Strained drink is taken in a glass before meals.

You can also make a healthy drink from flaxseed flour. You need to take 1.5 tablespoons of flax seed flour and 0.5 liters of water. Flaxseed flour is stirred in water and brought to a boil. Cool and take a glass 30 minutes before breakfast.

You might prefer the option of cooking in a thermos. For two glasses of boiling water you need to take a tablespoon of ground flaxseed. Place the seeds in a thermos and pour boiling water over them. Leave overnight so that the drink is ready in the morning. Strain the infusion and drink 0.5 cups 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The course of administration should not exceed ten days, repeated after 10 days. During the course of treatment you need to drink more water.

Kielny drink made from a mixture of cereals

To prepare it you will need bran, rye, oats, barley and wheat. Each ingredient is ground separately in a coffee grinder. Then take 2 tablespoons of each and add a liter of water. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 5-10 minutes. Let it sit for an hour, wrapping it well. Take 0.5 cup three times a day.

Buckwheat jelly drink

It is necessary to grind 4 tablespoons of buckwheat, dilute it in a small amount of water and gradually add one liter to boiling water. Cook for no more than 5-7 minutes. Take 150 ml drink 2-3 times a day before meals. The calorie content of the drink is 110 kcal.

Rice jelly for cleansing and weight loss

Rice is a low-allergenic grain, therefore it is indicated for adults and children with a tendency to various allergic manifestations. It is a good sorbent and removes harmful substances from the intestines. However, rice broth taken in large quantities can cause constipation .

To prepare jelly, you need to soak half a glass of cereal overnight in cold water. The next morning, the cereal is washed, filled with 2 liters of water and cooked for 1.5-2 hours, during which the water boils away somewhat. After that, beat the contents in a blender, you can add a pinch of salt, if necessary, water until the consistency of jelly. Drink a glass on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast. The course is one month. Calorie content of 100 g of drink is 116 kcal.

For a cleansing course, add a tablespoon of buckwheat flour to the rice broth, and a pinch of cinnamon to add flavor and enhance the effect. One week is enough for cleansing.

What is the best way to consume these drinks? Several options can be used:

  • Drink half an hour before each meal and at night if you feel hungry. To obtain results, the use of jelly drinks must be long-term - at least a month. During the day you need to adhere to a healthy diet, devoid of fried and flour dishes, sausages, smoked meats, and sweets.
  • Replace additional meals with drinks (afternoon snack, second breakfast).
  • Replace the main meal, which from the point of view of rational nutrition is wrong, especially if we are talking about long-term (monthly) use. Cereals are a source of complex carbohydrates, but the body must also receive other nutrients in the form of animal proteins and fats.
  • If you are going to take an express diet for 5-7 days, then you can replace dinner and breakfast with this drink. For lunch, you should definitely eat protein foods (fish, boiled meat or poultry, cottage cheese) and vegetable salads.
  • Arrange fasting days once a week.

Lingonberry jelly

Refreshing, invigorating and simply delicious, lingonberry jelly will become your favorite drink at any time of the year. Vitamin C helps fight colds, gives strength in winter and spring, and helps cleanse the body. Recipe:

  1. The best berries are lingonberries or cranberries (fresh, soaked or thawed). They need to be crushed, put into a saucepan and pour boiling water over them, and then strain.
  2. Add the resulting juice with sugar (as much as you want) and boil.
  3. Separately, dissolve the starch in a glass of water, add to the pan, and bring to a boil again.
  4. Cool with the lid closed.
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Harm and contraindications of jelly

Despite the undoubted benefits of jelly for the human body due to its rich vitamin and mineral composition, the product is not without drawbacks. Use is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • excess body weight - explained by the high glycemic index, in simple words, contributes to greater weight gain with frequent use due to the carbohydrate substances contained in the composition;
  • allergic manifestations - in this case, you should refuse or select a composition that does not contain substances that cause a reaction;
  • the presence of individual intolerance;
  • constipation;
  • all types of diabetes - it is possible to consume only oatmeal without adding salt or sugar.

Beet jelly

Beetroot is a unique gift of nature; this root vegetable has a powerful antioxidant effect. Beetroot jelly is called a remedy for a flat stomach. Active stimulation of the intestines and a boost of vitamin C speed up metabolism. A jelly drink is prepared from oatmeal (2 tablespoons), beets (1-2 pieces) and prunes (100 g). The beets are crushed in a blender or on a grater, the prunes are cut. The flakes are added and the mixture is filled with hot water. Cooking time – 15-20 minutes. Cool the mixture, strain, and drink on an empty stomach. There are contraindications - stomach ulcers and high acidity.

Calorie content and chemical composition of jelly

Kissel is a jelly-like mass that is consumed as a drink, replacing the main dish on the menu, or as an analogue of tea or coffee. It is difficult to provide exact data on the calorie content of a homemade product, because to do this you need to take into account the entire component composition that was used for cooking.

In the case of preparation from concentrated powder, you need to take into account the information from the manufacturer presented on the packaging. In general, the energy value is 75 kilocalories, one hundred grams contains 13 grams of carbohydrates, therefore, sweetened drinks containing preservatives, flavorings and other substances that manufacturers add to the powder to increase shelf life, impart taste, color characteristics, can contribute to non-discharge, and weight gain.

Rice jelly

A drink that came to us from the East is rice jelly to cleanse the body and remove toxins from the body. The cooking technology is simple: rice (about half a glass) must be sorted and filled with cold water for fermentation (for 10-12 hours). After this, rinse and simmer the mixture over low heat for about 2 hours. Add sugar to taste, a little water and grind in a blender. Bring to a boil again - the drink is ready. Is it possible to drink jelly while losing weight? It’s even necessary: ​​it is recommended to take this on an empty stomach or between meals.

Is it possible to drink jelly while losing weight?

The product will help diversify your diet, become a quality alternative to sweets, desserts, or even replace a meal. On average, the calorie content of one serving varies in the range of 100–130 kcal, but at the same time ensures saturation. Whether it is possible to lose weight on jelly depends on the ingredients from which it is prepared, as well as your diet. To lose weight, only one condition is necessary - a calorie deficit, which is achieved through physical activity and reducing daily calorie intake.

Important! Dietary jelly should act in tandem with a low-calorie menu.

Kissel for weight loss is prepared from oats, rice, flaxseed, berries, fruits, root vegetables, and vegetables. When preparing it, it is advisable to do without sugar.

Diet on jelly

Who doesn’t want to find a product that will help them acquire graceful shapes? The jelly diet is a choice for everyone who wants to lose weight and feel rejuvenated. With strict adherence to the diet, a loss of up to two kilograms is guaranteed in 3-4 days, a maximum of a week. If it gets worse, drink more clean water. Follow this diet:

  • Breakfast is a home-brewed drink.
  • Lunch – lean meat, vegetable salad.
  • Afternoon snack - repeats breakfast.
  • Dinner - dairy product (cheese or cottage cheese), fruit, rye bread.
  • Drink before bed.

Useful properties of jelly

The undeniable benefits of the famous dish of Russian cuisine are proven by its presence on the tables of our ancestors as a sign of prosperity. The positive effect on the body is as follows:

  • taken two hours before dinner or lunch is used as a treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases;
  • reduction of stomach pain due to the enveloping effect;
  • using tea or coffee as a substitute to wash down food during meals helps relieve the feeling of heaviness;
  • due to the high carbohydrate content, taking it as a breakfast helps improve performance throughout the day, giving you energy until lunch;
  • removes fluid from the body, where it has a positive effect on the kidneys;
  • helps increase metabolic processes and synthesis of B vitamins;
  • cleanses the intestines, removes heavy metal salts.

Fasting day on jelly

Our body needs a break from everyday food, so fasting days are recommended by nutritionists for everyone. A fasting day on jelly will help cleanse the body of toxins, improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and give strength. Tasty and filling, it will allow you to last the whole day without the usual foods. For a fasting day with jelly, it is recommended to prepare a drink based on oats, rice or buckwheat, berries or vegetables and drink it instead of regular meals. It is better to organize the event no more than once a month.

History of jelly

The history of the dish goes back a whole millennium, because the first mention was found in the chronicle, which tells about the reign of Grand Duke Vladimir the Red Sun. Then jelly was something different than the drink that we are used to seeing on the tables. The origin is associated with the beginning of grain cultivation, and jelly was prepared using fermentation. The result was a very thick, sour-tasting product that could be eaten with a spoon. The dish served not as a drink, but as a full-fledged menu component, similar to porridge.

On the streets of large ancient Russian cities of those years (10th century), they sold a food that Russian merchants loved so much - pea jelly - this was done by jelly makers. Centuries later, in our capital there were still streets with the word “jelly” in the name - in these places lived those who made large quantities of food and sold it in crowded places in the city - jelly makers.

Our ancestors associated wealth and well-being with jelly, because expressions such as “jelly rivers”, “jelly banks” - expressions associated with a well-fed life - have survived to this day. Does everyone know that there are no analogues to this dish in the world - Western and other countries of the world have adopted the technology, adding certain adjustments.

The origin of the word is related to the process that underlies the preparation - lactic fermentation - and gives the main sour note of taste. It is interesting that the word has been translated into other languages ​​of the world in full accordance with the sound in Russian.

The appearance of ancient jelly is similar to porridge; its preparation technology was quite complicated, but it was greatly simplified with the production of starch from potatoes.

When potato starch appeared in Rus', the technology for making the dish underwent a number of changes - after all, its preparation time has now been reduced, and for the desired thickness it is enough just to sprinkle the right amount of thickener. This technology has survived to this day.

Main conclusions

Kissel is a healthy and tasty drink that can be used even during weight loss:

  1. Kissel is useful for gastrointestinal diseases, inflammation, dysbacteriosis and swelling.
  2. This drink can suppress appetite and prolong the feeling of fullness.
  3. You can lose weight on jelly only by replacing starch with bran and sugar with stevia.
  4. There are many varieties of this dish: cereals, berries, fruits and vegetables.
  5. Fasting days allow consumption of the drink up to 5 times a day.

The jelly diet is popular not only due to its visual results, but also due to the therapeutic effect it has on the digestive organs.

Share your opinion about this material and tell us about your weight loss program and your favorite recipes for this drink.

Milk jelly

Names of products used to prepare the drink:

  • milk (pasteurized) - 8 tbsp. spoons
  • granulated sugar - 2 teaspoons
  • starch (corn) - 0.5 tsp

Combine the heated milk with sugar and boil, then add starch and boil again. We wait three minutes and remove from the stove. Sprinkle the drink with granulated sugar and let cool.

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