Apple mono-diet for 7 days - principles of the method, reviews, results, photos before and after the diet

In the ranking of diets for weight loss, apple occupies one of the first places.

Like other methods, this one has a positive and negative side. It's not suitable for everyone.

Before you buy a few kilograms of apples “in reserve”, it is worth studying reviews about the apple diet, both fans and ardent opponents of mono-diets. Finding out what doctors and nutritionists think about this is no less important.

70% of those who quickly “put their figure in order” thanks to ordinary apples talk with delight about their experience. They think it's the "modeling school" diet. And even the “Paradise Diet”.

Accordingly, it is a panacea for excess weight, suitable for everyone. Only sometimes timid negative reviews appear.

It's not so easy to eat only fruits. And the mood is “not very good.” And my health is far from satisfactory - weakness, dizziness, stomach problems... Completely negative.

The benefits of the "apple diet"

The method of eating one type of food for a certain time is called a “mono-diet”. Usually used as an “express method” (1-3 days) for rapid weight normalization.

Such nutrition is not balanced, which means it is not suitable for long-term use.

Apples are undoubtedly healthy. They contain:

  • up to 90% water;
  • 0.6% fiber;
  • from 5 to 15% sugar;
  • about 27% pectin;
  • 0.9% starches;
  • carotene;
  • organic acids;
  • a rich “set” of vitamins (A, groups B, E, C, K, P);
  • microelements.

The only bad thing is that during long-term storage and heat treatment they lose some of their vitamins. Freshly picked fruits are most beneficial. Although cooked, they still remain an energetically valuable product.

Doctors generally have a positive attitude towards the short-term apple mono-diet. Especially on “fasting” days once a week. But it is not recommended to eat this way for more than three days.

Apple diet is recommended

  • for weight loss;
  • patients with hypertension;
  • as an adjuvant for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease;
  • as protection against cholesterol;
  • for diseases of the liver, bladder, cardiovascular system;
  • as a prevention of vitamin deficiency;
  • cancer prevention...

One hundred grams of fresh fruit contains only 47 calories. There are not many calories in baked apples - 66 kcal per 100 g. But dried ones are much higher in calories (100 g - 253 kcal).

Apples have no fat and a glycemic index of 35, making them an ideal product for weight loss.

The fiber contained in apples helps eliminate toxins. Thanks to pectin, complexion improves. Vitamins will prevent the development of vitamin deficiency during a diet.

It is not recommended to abuse these fruits

  • for stomach ulcers;
  • for gastritis (sour varieties);
  • allergies (red and yellow varieties);
  • for diabetes (apples with a high sugar content).

Advantages and disadvantages

In addition to the fact that the apple diet for weight loss for 7 days allows you to quickly get rid of extra pounds, it is also famous for improving the functioning of the digestive system. The fiber contained in fruits normalizes intestinal motility and accelerates metabolic processes, and this helps to further prevent the formation of new fat folds. Of course, this will not work if you continue to eat junk food in large quantities, but if you rearrange your diet, then unloading on apples will be the first step on the path to health.

Another advantage of the technique is that it is accessible to almost everyone. At any time of the year, apples can be bought at a reasonable price, and in summer and autumn you can even pick them from your own garden.

At the same time, it doesn’t matter too much which variety you use for weight loss. It is believed that green apples are the healthiest, but you can just as easily eat any other apples - the difference will not be noticeable.

Apples have a mild diuretic effect, therefore they help remove excess fluid from the body and normalize water-salt metabolism. Thanks to this, puffiness disappears from the body, and this is also an important step on the path to a beautiful figure.

The technique also has disadvantages, and they cannot be neglected:

  1. The fruit acid contained in apples can upset digestion and lead to diseases of the stomach and intestines.
  2. Tooth enamel is also threatened by fruit acid.
  3. Some people notice that apples stimulate the appetite, and this interferes with weight loss, as the likelihood of diet failure increases.
  4. Eating large amounts of apple seeds is harmful, because they contain large amounts of iodine and hydrocyanic acid.

All these disadvantages can be smoothed out with the right actions. To protect the stomach and enamel from fruit acid, you need to alternate eating fresh apples with baked ones. If a fruit stimulates your appetite, you can temporarily dull it with a cracker made from black bread - this will not harm your figure. You don’t have to eat apple seeds at all, but if you wish, consume no more than 5 pieces per day, clearing the fruits of them.

"Fasting day

If you make it a rule to arrange a “rest day” for your body once a week, then it is quite possible to lose several kilograms without “suffering” at all.

Willpower will have to be “strained” during the first 4-7 weeks: not to forget, not to change your mind, not to put it off “for later”.

To make it easier to cope, you need to schedule a day that is as busy as possible, when you have no time to think about food. Then the body will get used to this regime.

In the morning, it is recommended to drink a glass of water with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to speed up your metabolism.

One and a half kilograms of fresh apples should be divided into six doses. During the day you need to drink two liters of water.

Second option. Bake a third of the daily serving of apples (without sugar or honey) in the oven. Also eat them in 5-6 meals.

Water recommendations vary. Sometimes you can hear that water is prohibited on this day. A very controversial statement. As a compromise, drink water when you are very thirsty (1-1.5 liters).


  • Mono-diets, in general, are not beneficial for the body;
  • The apple diet should not be followed by people with gastroenterological problems;
  • Those who have problems with the cardiovascular system should be more careful.

The apple diet does not have many disadvantages, mostly they are all related to initial health problems. You should not be too zealous and increase the number of apple days to 10–14, as it can harm your health. It’s better to take a month to a month and a half break between diets and repeat the cycle to maintain or consolidate the results.


How to lose weight in three days

The apple mono-diet for 3 days helps you lose from 2 to 4 kilograms. This is a “strict” diet - you can’t eat or drink anything except apples and water (coffee, tea, juices are prohibited).

Every day

  • distribute 1.5 kilograms of apples into 4 – 6 doses;
  • In the morning you need to drink 2 glasses of warm water;
  • The first apple should be eaten only after half an hour;
  • drink up to two liters of water.


To achieve the desired result, it is not enough to simply stock up on apples and eat them without restrictions during the week. Losing weight using this method cannot be called rational, but you need to get the maximum benefit from it and prevent harmful effects on the body. The apple diet for weight loss for 7 days requires compliance with the following rules:

  1. You cannot eat the entire amount of apples in 1 or 2 times. It is necessary to divide the fruit into 4-6 servings and eat them at regular intervals. In this case, hunger will not be felt so clearly, and the digestive system will be able to work without unnecessary stress.
  2. If there are other dishes on the menu, they must be prepared without salt, sugar and animal fats.
  3. You can use natural herbal spices, sweeteners and vegetable oils (olive, flaxseed) in small quantities.
  4. Servings of dishes should be small - each meal should fit into a 200 ml glass.
  5. Every day you need to drink at least 8 glasses of water, preferably warm. You can drink other drinks, except carbonated and alcoholic ones, but they are not included in the daily fluid intake.
  6. Apples must be washed thoroughly, and if they are purchased, the peel must also be removed. This is necessary because on the surface of the fruit there may be parasites invisible to the eye or chemicals that were used to treat the trees.

The apple diet is not for everyone. It is contraindicated for people with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular and excretory systems. Also, the technique cannot be used for diabetes, mental disorders, in childhood and adolescence, during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Below are the apple diet menu options for the week.

Apple week

The first version of the apple mono-diet for 7 days is “hard”. Everything is the same as in the three-day diet, only you will have to eat like this for a whole week.

You can “deceive yourself” by preparing puree from fresh apples or baking them.

One subtlety:

  • on days 1 and 7 – 1 kg. apples;
  • 3rd – 4th day – 2 kg each;
  • 2nd, 5th and 6th days – 1.5 kg each.

At this time, the body will not receive many of the necessary products for life.

This method of “losing weight quickly” is not recommended by nutritionists or other doctors. Although, according to reviews from extreme sports enthusiasts, you can lose 7-10 kg this way.

For such a long period, it is better to use a more gentle type of diet when additional foods are introduced.

Can be added to the diet (optional)

  • chicken breast (no more than 300 gr.);
  • rye crackers (200 – 300 gr.);
  • low-fat kefir (2 cups). It is permissible to prepare a kefir-apple drink;
  • boiled or raw carrots;
  • 200 gr. low-fat cottage cheese;
  • In addition to water, you can drink herbal infusions or freshly prepared juices.

Results and reviews

The degree of weight loss on the apple mono-diet can vary depending on its duration, the chosen variety and the initial state of the figure of the person losing weight. In general, you can count on losing 1-4 kg in 3 days, 2-6 kg in 5 days, 4-7 kg in a week, provided that the mono-diet is maintained without “breakdowns” for candy or a piece of lard.

Below are various reviews of the apple mono-diet.

For example, the girl Elvira left the following review: “I always loved apples, so when I started looking for a suitable mono-diet, the choice was obvious. I didn’t achieve colossal results, but minus 3 kg in 5 days is already good. She ate apples, drank kefir, licked her lips while looking at the meat - everything was like everyone else.”

The girl Sophia had a different impression: “I couldn’t stand this mono-diet - I broke down at the end of the second day. Apparently, I’m too used to eating whatever I want, so the apple days turned out to be unbearable. And even if I can’t fit into my favorite skirt, I won’t deny myself pleasure.”

How to live for two weeks on apples

You can’t eat apples alone for two weeks! The apple mono-diet for 14 days is a myth. Such an experiment is dangerous not only for health, but also for life.

Nevertheless, with the help of this fruit and additional ingredients, you can lose 7-10 kilograms in such a short time.

There are different recommendations. Let's look at the most “tasty” of them.


Apples are one of the most popular fruits in our country; they can not only be bought in a store at any time of the year at an affordable price, but also grown in your own garden without much effort. Apples contain a large amount of vitamins and healthy components, quickly satisfy hunger and to some extent cleanse the body of accumulated “garbage”.

However, in large quantities this fruit can be harmful to health. Most often, the intestines suffer from an excess of apples in the diet, especially if the person losing weight has diseases of the digestive system. If the fruits have a high acid content, this can lead to inflammation of the gallbladder.

Important! If you have high stomach acidity, it is recommended to eat baked apples rather than raw ones.

Another danger is that too much malic acid can damage tooth enamel. To prevent this from happening, it is better for people with a tendency to dental diseases to rinse their mouths with a balm based on medicinal herbs after each meal on the apple mono-diet.

These fruits rarely cause allergies, but they are contraindicated for gastritis, stomach ulcers and other serious diseases of the digestive system. It is not recommended to eat apple seeds, as they contain hydrocyanic acid, which is harmful to the human body.

Apples + buckwheat

In the evening, steam buckwheat in a suitable container with one glass of boiling water (1:1). Cover with a lid and wrap it up.

Divide the resulting porridge into three servings - breakfast, lunch, dinner. In between, you need to eat two medium-sized apples.

It won’t hurt to add half a liter of 1% kefir every other day.

You can diversify your diet by adding soy sauce or butter to the porridge (alternating by day)

Apples can be pureed. Even better is to bake it.

The downside of this diet is the lack of protein and low amount of fat. In addition, there is a deficiency of magnesium, potassium and some vitamins. That is, the diet is unbalanced.

With such a diet, it is necessary to additionally consume vitamin complexes.

If you suddenly want to eat something forbidden (a piece of chocolate, a cracker, a carrot...), then you don’t have to deny yourself (within reasonable limits). Having relaxed a little, it makes sense to continue the diet

Which apples are better

When choosing fruits suitable for your diet, follow a simple rule: the sweeter the variety, the more high-calorie it is, which means that it is less suitable for weight loss. Sour varieties with strong pulp contain more dietary fiber and organic acids and an order of magnitude less sugar, which prevents fat burning. To lose weight, you need to eat this fruit along with the peel, which contains ursolic acid.


Is it possible to lose weight from green apples? In general, they contain a large number of useful substances, among which insoluble fiber, pectins, and vitamins should be highlighted. The first component is dietary fiber, which can maintain a feeling of fullness for a long time, which is very important when losing weight. In addition, green fruits contain many substances that help relieve asthma and allergy symptoms.


The apple diet is not suitable for everyone; for example, it is contraindicated for people with chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Baked fruits come to the rescue. During heat treatment, the amount of acid in fruits is significantly reduced - it acts as an irritant that can affect the walls of the stomach. In addition, baked products are lower in calories than fresh ones. Despite the heat treatment process, all vitamins, minerals and nutrients are retained.


The question often arises: is it possible to lose weight on apples if they are dried? Dried fruits will be an excellent option for losing weight and improving health. Dried “chips” are stored for a long time and are easy to prepare. Almost all the beneficial elements are retained in them, but the question of whether there is a strict diet for them is controversial. Such apples are more likely to be a natural nutritional supplement that will help overcome dietary restrictions. In this regard, it is better to introduce them into the main diet.

Apple decoction

Compote is great for losing extra pounds, because it is rich in vitamins and nutrients: sodium, phosphorus, potassium and sulfur. Preparing such a decoction of fruits does not require any culinary skills. To prepare the drink, you need to thoroughly wash all the fruits and peel them, removing all the stems and leaves. After this, all that remains is to cut them, place them in ordinary water, to 1 liter of which add 5 g of citric acid. The resulting compote can be used not only for weight loss, but also for the treatment of gastritis and kidneys.

Apples + buckwheat + protein

Cooking buckwheat is the same as in the first option. Throughout the entire diet, introduce animal protein into the diet, but not more than 100 grams per day.

It could be

  • chicken (boiled, steamed without salt);
  • low-fat fish. You can also steam or bake;
  • cottage cheese (not fatty);
  • eggs.

In addition, it is allowed to eat a small amount of boiled or baked vegetables (carrots, beets, celery, pumpkin, zucchini).

Additional products must be alternated for 14 days.

The rules for “exiting” such a diet are common to all mono-diets. You should not overeat and follow the recommendations of nutritionists.

Important! Before exposing your body to stress, you should consult your doctor.

The apple diet gives good results. Many girls and women brag about their achievements by showing before and after photos.

Since apples are not an expensive exclusive product and there is no point in advertising them, you can completely trust what you see. Photos with such results become an incentive for those who decide to put their figure in order.

In any case, the main thing is not to overdo it. The same goes for losing weight.

If during a diet your health worsens and your mood becomes “decadent,” you should try to lose weight using other methods. For example, jogging, race walking, swimming, yoga; go to the gym.

If you do calanetics or bodyflex exercises daily for three months (or better yet, always), then, in addition to apples, you will be able to allow yourself your favorite foods without any special restrictions.

Do apples help you lose weight?

Many reviews from those losing weight indicate that losing weight on apples is really effective. This fruit is often used for fasting days. It contains many useful vitamins, minerals, iron, calcium, etc. A diet on it allows you to correct impaired metabolism, but it is best to lose weight slowly.

Is it possible to eat apples while losing weight? Yes, because these fruits are considered a dietary product; they contain a small amount of calories - in the range of 80-100 kcal. By adding them to your daily diet, you can not only lose weight, but also improve your skin condition. After finishing the diet, you should try to stick to a healthy diet, otherwise the original weight will gradually return.

Due to the presence of potassium, these fruits help stabilize blood pressure, and calcium helps strengthen bone tissue and tooth enamel. Pectin helps improve complexion and keep skin fresh. In addition, these fruits are practically hypoallergenic, so they can be consumed by many who want to get rid of extra pounds. They are often used even to prevent colds.

Gentle diets with menus

The apple diet is considered a strict weight loss method. They talk about a gentle regime when compared with the classic diet, including only apples. Such methods are no less effective, they are easier to tolerate: additional foods or dishes are introduced.

On apple cider vinegar

The effectiveness of a diet using apple cider vinegar is compared with a strict weight loss option that does not include strong dietary restrictions. Regular intake of vinegar and avoidance of harmful foods are important. Apple cider vinegar contains vitamins and microelements that:

  • suppress appetite;
  • accelerate metabolic processes;
  • stimulate the secretion of gastric juice;
  • remove toxins;
  • fight cellulite.

Due to increased acidity, apple cider vinegar is not recommended for weight loss in gastrointestinal pathologies.

Apple cider vinegar intake: 1 tsp. injected into a glass of water and drunk after lunch or breakfast or dinner. Do not forget about rational nutrition and a healthy lifestyle. You can use another recipe: a glass of water diluted with 1 tbsp. l. apple cider vinegar, drink daily on an empty stomach in the morning. The reception guarantees a surge of energy and strength.

With buckwheat

Buckwheat is steamed daily in a thermos with boiling water. It is advisable to carry out the manipulation at night: by morning the porridge is ready. When eating, adding salt and adding oil is prohibited. The serving size is not limited: it is important to satisfy your hunger. The dish is taken 3 times, observing the same time intervals. Eat 10-12 slices of dried fruits throughout the day.

With oatmeal

The oatmeal diet takes 1 or 1.5 weeks. Oatmeal is prepared using water, eliminating the addition of salt and sugar. For breakfast they eat 3 fresh apples plus a bowl of porridge. For lunch, oatmeal seasoned with a spoon of honey, cottage cheese (100 g) and 3 fruits. Dinner is not complete without 3 apples and a portion of cottage cheese. Every 3rd day you are allowed to eat 300 g of greens and vegetables.

With rice

The apple-rice diet will get rid of toxins, harmful salts and extra pounds. You will need a glass of rice and 500 g of apple fruits. The cereal is boiled in water, without adding salt or sweetening. Compote is prepared from half the fruits. They drink it with rice porridge, which is eaten in small portions throughout the day. When you feel hungry, an apple will help you out. The diet is followed for 3 days. To cleanse the body, it is useful to alternate rice cooked in water with apples. 1 kg of fruits is consumed per day, and, like rice, they are divided into 3 servings.

With vegetables

If you eat fruits and vegetables, you can improve your health by replenishing your supply of nutrients. The essence of the apple-vegetable weight loss method is to alternate days consisting of fruits and vegetables. They are fed according to a 1:2 scheme. First they stick to the apple menu, then a two-day vegetable diet follows. The duration of the diet with vegetables is 8 days, you can lose 6 kg.

Vegetables and fruits are consumed in any form, without added fats, salt, spices, or sugar. The menu includes cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, and peppers. Low-calorie vegetables have a positive effect on metabolism and weight loss. Drink water, herbal or green tea in a volume of 1 liter.

With eggs

If you plan to go out, the apple-egg option will help you quickly lose weight. An effective diet is suitable for opponents of strict mono-diets. The content of easily digestible proteins in eggs promotes rapid weight loss.

According to clinical studies, if you eat soft-boiled eggs without salt for breakfast, you lose weight 20% faster. It is advisable to combine diet with exercise to maintain results.

The diet helps you use nutrients for energy without forming new fat deposits. When losing weight, apples together with eggs improve the digestive process and cleanse the body of toxins, freeing it from the layer of fat and swelling.


A three-day apple diet will not allow you to lose weight by several sizes, but it will help relieve the body and slightly adjust your figure. The technique is not suitable for everyone, since apples contain fruit acid, so if you feel discomfort, it is better to return to your normal diet.

Reader’s story “How I lost 18 kg in 2.5 months” I’ve been fat all my life and suffered from excess weight. In clothing stores I chose size L, which by the age of 25 turned into XL and continued to grow. I can tell you for a long time how I tried to fight my 30-35 extra pounds: diets, hunger strike, physical activity, even pills and some kind of conspiracies. The effect was short-lived or absent altogether. In short, despair, depression and almost resignation to one’s enormous weight. But one day I came across... a chocolate bar that helps you lose weight! It didn’t cost me anything to try it - I love chocolates. I ordered it and ate it. And the weight crept down!! It seems like mysticism, but it's true. I began to study the issue and realized how it all works. Girls, try it! I have already lost 18 kg in 2.5 months. And I continue. It's up to you, but you don't lose anything except weight, of course. Try Choco Burn chocolate for weight loss for 147 rubles.

5 day diet

As a result of the nutrition system, you can get rid of 5 kg of weight. The basic principle of the apple diet for weight loss, according to reviews from those losing weight, is eating apples along with low-calorie foods.

Diet menu for 5 days

Breakfast2nd breakfastDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
1, 3 and 5 days1 apple and low-fat cottage cheese (100 g)An apple and a few rye crackersFruit salad from apple, orange, boiled fish (100 g)Low-fat cottage cheese (100 g) and apple1-2 fruits and 2 slices of hard cheese
2, 4 daysApple, any porridge (100 g)Vegetable salad (carrots with apples)Apple, lean boiled meat (100 g)Low-fat cottage cheese (100 g), 1/2 cup yogurt2-3 medium apples

Based on the reviews of those who have lost weight about the results of the apple diet, it can be understood that it will help not only reduce body weight, but also improve the health of the body as a whole.

During the day you need to drink water and freshly squeezed juices.

Essence and features

Apples can be called the most popular fruit on our tables, especially in the summer, when tasty and juicy fruits can be taken from the tree rather than bought in a store. But it’s not just the prevalence of apples that has made them a staple of the diet.

This fruit is allowed as a snack for all those who want to lose weight, and many weight loss methods include an apple in the menu.

This is due to the low calorie content - only 47 kcal per 100 g of product, which is mainly due to the high water content (85%) and the almost complete absence of proteins and fats (0.4% each).

If you lead a quiet lifestyle and do not play sports, then every day you need to consume no more than 1000-1200 kcal. In this quantity, the energy value of apples is insignificant, so they can be eaten with virtually no restrictions.

Another advantage of the fruit is its low glycemic index. It is 30-45 units depending on the variety and sugar content. To lose weight, you need to give preference to foods with a glycemic index of less than 55, so apples again fit within the established limits.

This fruit is rich in fiber - indigestible plant fibers. Due to this, apples give a feeling of fullness, albeit short-lived. In addition, fiber has a positive effect on the digestive system - it improves intestinal motility and accelerates metabolic processes.

All this makes the apple diet more effective than many others. It does not require careful calorie counting or intense physical activity - you just need to follow the menu and not allow yourself more than it provides.

There are several varieties of apple diets. Some suggest that you need to eat only this fruit and nothing else for several days. This is certainly stressful for the body, but you can achieve clear results.

Other varieties allow you to add another low-calorie product to the apples, such as kefir, cottage cheese or buckwheat. Still other diets offer a relatively balanced menu that contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates in sufficient quantities.

Everyone chooses for themselves the option that will allow them to achieve the desired results. You should not torture yourself with a hunger strike if you are not ready for this - it is better to choose a more satisfying menu, which will also help you lose a few kilograms.

Important! Green apples are considered the most preferable for the diet.

Strict diets with menus

Often, when losing weight on apples, only fruits are introduced into the diet along with kefir. Common methods for normalizing weight include strict diets such as:

  • mono-diet: eat apples, drink water, unsweetened green tea or herbal decoction;
  • on apple juice: squeeze the juice yourself, drinking liquid is not prohibited as in a mono-diet;
  • apples plus dietary products: can be eaten together or separately.

Methods eliminate excess weight by 1 or 1.5 kg. The number of kilograms lost is determined not by the diet, but by the length of time the diet is followed. However, a strict diet of fresh fruits will bring greater benefits to those losing weight.

On fresh apples

The green apple diet is effective, but difficult to follow. If its advantages include the presence of vitamins and minerals in fruits, then its disadvantages include its one-sided nature and possible harm to humans.

Constantly want to eat: a mono-diet is difficult to stick to. A transition to this nutrition option is possible if there are no gastrointestinal pathologies. Otherwise, the disease worsens. During the diet, be sure to drink 2.5 to 3 liters of water per day.

On baked

It is safe and comfortable for the stomach to lose weight on baked fruits. You can eat baked fruits in any quantity. The nutritional system is responsible for the speed and duration of saturation compared to fresh apples. Such a menu does not affect the increase in appetite and does not irritate the stomach with fruit acids. In addition, on a diet of baked fruits, they lose no less kilograms than on fresh foods.

When fruits are baked, the acid content decreases. The preparation method protects the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines from irritation. The diet is suitable for normalizing body weight and eliminating disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract.

The low calorie content of baked apples will not harm your figure. In addition, they are consumed on an empty stomach, providing a laxative and diuretic effect. Toxic breakdown products are removed with feces and fluids.

To lose weight, eat baked fruits without fillers. If you can’t follow the diet, stuff the fruits with low-fat cottage cheese or berries.

The diet for weight loss is calculated for 2, maximum 6 days. The menu provides 500 g of baked fruits and 1 kg of fresh fruits daily. Before putting them in the oven, carefully wash the apples, remove the core, and fill the cavity with a teaspoon of honey. Sprinkling foods with cinnamon doesn't hurt.

The results of the apple diet are weight loss of 1 or 2 kg: depends on body weight or the chosen option.

On dried

The content of useful substances in dried fruits does not differ from fresh fruits. When losing weight, dried fruits are consumed in limited quantities: loss of fluid does not reduce their calorie content.

To lose weight on dried fruits, take 15 g of the product daily, preferably in the evening instead of dinner. The weight will return to normal slowly and unnoticeably. The result of losing weight in 6 months is 3–4 kilograms lost or weight retained.

On apple juice

With a mono-diet, the volume of prepared apple juice is 1.5 liters. The gentle regime involves taking the drink strictly according to the schedule, when there is a break between breakfast and lunch or lunch and dinner. Fatty foods, baking and sweets are prohibited in the diet.

A mono-diet in 3 days will help you get rid of 2 kg: toxins and impurities go away. To prevent constipation while dieting, you will need to drink 1 tbsp on an empty stomach. l. vegetable oil.

Apple with kefir

The daily menu includes 6 meals: 1 apple plus 250 ml of kefir. Green tea is allowed during breaks. The last dose is 2 hours before bedtime. The method of losing weight with kefir is calculated for 2 or 4 days maximum.

Apple with cottage cheese

The daily diet consists of 1.5–2 kg of apples and low-fat cottage cheese (150–200 g). Drinks include tea without sugar, as well as clean water between snacks. Duration of the regimen: 3–5 days, if there are no complications.

Apple with cucumbers

The cucumber-apple method of losing weight is tough: the products contain water, their energy value is low. Compliance with the nutritional system involves alternating “cucumber” and “apple” days or eating foods together. Fruits are baked or eaten fresh, vegetables - in salads with lemon juice and herbs. You can have a snack with kefir or cottage cheese. A fruit and vegetable cocktail is prepared from the products.


Take ready-made options as a guide and adapt them to suit you. For example, oranges can easily be replaced with grapefruits, celery with spinach, and carrots with beets.

For a three days

A gentle option that allows for a little bit of everything. The main thing is to eat little so that each meal ends with a slight feeling of hunger. For lunch, drink green tea with lemon or ginger, and for an afternoon snack - a protein shake with apples.

For a week

Unlike the classic one, the non-standard 7-day diet suggests combining apples with a small amount of other low-calorie foods. It has a more descriptive name - Minus 10 kg. This result is worth a try. It is quite difficult to tolerate due to the paucity of the diet. For lunch and afternoon snacks, drink green tea and low-calorie protein shakes

Wow! The most useful apples are those that are marked with wormholes.

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