Diet 5 tablespoons, before and after photos, reviews and results

The 5 tablespoon diet is one of the easiest ways to lose weight. The technique is suitable for those who do not want to radically change their diet and give up their favorite foods. It consists only of limiting food intake to five tablespoons.

This diet was invented for a reason. Everyone knows the fact that when overeating, a person’s stomach tends to stretch. This process leads to active weight gain. You can restore the organ to its previous size in one fell swoop with the help of surgery, but this choice is very painful and dangerous. much better to limit food intake so that the stomach recovers on its own and gradually.

The serving size is taken for a reason. Through many studies, scientists have found that the size of one serving should be 150-200 grams. This is approximately equal to 5 spoons, eating which the stomach does not stretch and the process of weight loss occurs. This amount of food is enough to satisfy a slight hunger.

By balancing your diet and setting a limit, you can eat absolutely any food without fear of gaining extra pounds. The weight loss process lasts from 1-3 months . After this period, the figure will be transformed beyond recognition.

Pros and cons of the technique

The 5 tablespoons diet has virtually no negative aspects. There are many positive aspects of this technique :

  1. An important advantage for every food lover will be the opportunity to eat absolutely whatever they want. The diet consists only of limiting portions, but there are no prohibitions. No matter how strange it may sound, you can even eat cakes, candies, pastries, gingerbreads and other sweets that are simply excluded in other diets. There is no need to give up on meat, fish, or sausage. It is quite possible to consume fatty foods in a limited amount. But you must understand for yourself that such behavior will only delay the onset of the desired results. So it’s better to exclude sweets and fatty foods from your diet, even if the diet doesn’t say so.
  2. Simple rules . This plus will be incredibly appealing to those who have already tried to use various techniques, but gave up due to difficulties during the process. It’s not so easy to constantly think about whether a given product can be eaten, how many calories it contains, and how it will appear on the figure. And with the help of the above-mentioned diet, you can eat absolutely everything, just without overdoing it and limiting yourself to 5 spoons. You no longer need to calculate your daily food intake and torment your body with hunger.
  3. Price . The diet is absolutely free.
  4. Reducing the volume of the stomach . It is because of this that people take up diets, because their main purpose is to lose weight. It is the loss of extra pounds that drives everyone who decides to torment the body with diets. You can get results by limiting the amount of food to 5 tablespoons in the first month, losing from 5 to 20 kilograms.

There are incredibly few downsides to this diet. This is just a food restriction, which is not a negative point. A strict limit is set on the amount of food consumed.

Some may think this is a minor problem, but 200 grams is quite a bit.

It will hardly be possible to satisfy your hunger with so many foods; there will always be a temptation to eat one spoonful more.

However, breaking the rule will lead to stretching of the stomach and excess weight will only begin to increase. The solution will be to increase the number of meals, but not its one-time volume.

The 5 tablespoons diet is practically harmless . Despite the strict restrictions, everyone will like it, because the diet does not threaten the loss of favorite foods. This diet does not give a person the opportunity to get hungry, since you can eat quite often, but in limited quantities.

This diet allows the stomach to restore its size in a short time and without surgical intervention. It helps normalize blood sugar and improve the absorption of nutrients.

5 spoon diet rules

For quick results, you should follow the basic rules of the diet, without which restriction in food intake will be useless:

  1. The first and most basic rule is to limit servings to 5 spoons of food. If you have prepared pasta, borscht, soup, porridge, then pouring a full plate is prohibited. Place exactly 5 tablespoons on the bowl and enjoy your meal.
  2. There should be at least 3 hours between meals. This particular period of time is enough to avoid overeating and avoid starvation. You need to act according to the situation. If after 3 hours you don’t want to eat, then you shouldn’t force it. If the desire to refresh yourself does not go away after five spoons of food, then be sure to wait 3 hours and then repeat the procedure.
  3. You are allowed to eat before bed and even at night. The main rules will be to follow the previous two points.
  4. You can create your own menu. By following the first 2 rules, you can eat absolutely whatever you want.
  5. But it's not that simple. Some things will need to be eliminated from the diet altogether. We're not talking about food, but about carbonated drinks and juices that contain sugar. These include various lemonades and sodas.
  6. When following a diet, you only need to drink water, tea, coffee and other sugar-free drinks. Their number is not limited in any way, it all depends on your desire.
  7. It is recommended to avoid salty and spicy foods, as well as various sauces. They are not prohibited by the diet, but their consumption causes a strong appetite. Therefore, it is better to remove them from the menu so that the result comes faster.
  8. It is also recommended to refrain from fried foods and processed foods. The best option would be to steam or grill the food.

5 spoons diet - reviews

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What I like about this diet is that you can eat anything. I used to eat a lot, but now I put off taking the “extra” for 3 hours. There are no breakdowns and I don’t feel hungry. People around have already appreciated the result. ))


Today I am finishing this diet due to illness. the second time “for the same rake.” I get sick after the diet. Apparently the immune system is weakening.


I've been on the diet for two weeks now. I feel great, my mood is wonderful, especially when I look at myself in the mirror. If you don’t want to worry about calculating what and how much it weighs, buy electronic scales. I can even fit a chocolate bar into 200 grams (well, when you really want something sweet). I will continue to lose weight on this diet.


Five spoons is in many ways the right diet. And also not too tough. That is, you can eat everything, only within reason.

In fact, five spoons is not quite the correct name, it just sounds more beautiful than 200 grams, for example. In fact, you need to measure exactly 150-200 grams.

For the diet I had to buy scales. The portions turn out to be tiny if you take porridge, meat, and fruit. But you can eat a large plate of vegetables, cabbage, or even a bucket, it’s all about the volume and weight of the product. Stewed vegetables are also easier than fresh ones, so I cook stew almost every day!

The diet creates a calorie deficit, but it is not enough if there is very little excess weight. It’s very difficult to lose 5 or 6 extra kilos without additional load. Therefore, I almost immediately signed up for fitness, and my weight loss went faster.

I lost weight evenly, I can’t say that only my sides or stomach lost weight. The same amount of centimeters was lost everywhere. During all this time, my waist has become 6 cm, and so have my hips. But losing weight in my chest did not please me.

Elena from Moscow:

After reading articles about this diet, I immediately began to implement it. I can say that the first 5 days were incredibly painful. I wanted to “score” portions and eat to my heart’s content, but the thoughts of appetizing forms attracted me more. It was the time of the winter holidays and a lot of food had to be simply thrown away. After 2 weeks, I got used to the diet and felt good. And so, a month later, I stepped on the scale to see the fruit of my efforts. Surprise knew no bounds, because I managed to lose 14 kilograms. This is just for a month, without denying yourself anything. Now I continue to follow the diet rules and wait for the results.


It takes 3 hours to fully digest food. With your 5 spoons you will be forever hungry. Plant your stomach and endocrine system. Five spoons of food contain not 200 grams, but significantly less. They will be digested in 20 minutes. Therefore, you will have to eat every half hour so as not to go crazy from hunger on the second day and not to break the balanced systems of the body. It is very easy to harm yourself with such a “diet”, and then you will have to be treated for the rest of your life. A friend of mine, as a result of dieting, disrupted her endocrine system, then she was treated for a long time, and spent a lot of money. I couldn’t give birth to a child for a long time, because... Ovarian failure occurred.

The pancreas was disrupted, and the thyroid hormones were also disrupted. Yes, I just became a generally sick person. And I was still starving - I wanted to become slim. And she never believed that she would ruin her health, because she had never been sick with anything, she was the healthiest at school and in college, we were even surprised that nothing ever hurt her. Now everything is reflected in the appearance. She doesn’t look very good... Older than all of us with these sores.

Eva from Odessa:

At one time, this diet helped me a lot. Being plump and insecure, I decided to use this method of losing weight. In just six months, all the excess weight was gone. I added cycling and regular fitness to my menu. Now I’m married and haven’t used the method for a long time, but my weight remains normal.


I was attracted to the diet because you can eat desserts throughout the day. And any, even Napoleon cake and your favorite chocolate eclairs. The main thing is to clearly know that a serving is a maximum of 150-200 grams. And this comes with a drink. It's a pity, but I had to give up tea.

For the sake of the experiment, for the first 2 days I ate only eclairs, taking small ones. For 3 bites. I didn’t drink tea, I ate it dry. Then, after 40 minutes I drank water, my stomach felt unpleasant. But I didn’t want to eat other food at all. In the evening, a pleasant lightness began to appear in the body. And on the scales, even in the evening there was a plumb line of 1 kilogram, the second day on the eclairs took away 500 grams. It seems to me that in these two days I ate more sweets than in the last year. And there is a plumb line on the scales. This is a miracle!

I didn’t overuse miracles and for the third day I ate buckwheat and vegetable stew, all five spoons and every 3 hours. Plus I tried to drink more water, but not earlier than half an hour after eating.

Of the minuses: very strong thirst after eating literally drives you crazy. If you drink immediately after eating, you don’t have to wait for the plumb line, so I endured it with all my might so as not to drink excess liquid. For this I am lowering my rating; weight loss initially occurs due to dehydration of the body, and not due to a decrease in fat mass.


The 5 tablespoons diet only limits the consumption of what you eat, without affecting the food. You can eat everything, but 1 serving should not exceed 5 tablespoons. I'm used to eating a lot, so this diet was very difficult for me. Especially the first 2-3 days. Then my stomach narrowed and I even ate my fill with these 5 spoons.

I ate almost everything that was included in the PP, and sometimes I even indulged in candy (no more than 1 piece per day). The weight is coming off quite quickly. In the first week I lost 4.8 kg, in the second 3.5 kg. A month after completing the diet, I gained 3 kg. But overall, I look slim and attractive.

Diet teaches us to eat little by little. And this is very correct. This is not at all harmful to health, on the contrary - you are always light, food is digested quickly, and the resulting calories go to the needs of the body, and are not stored in fat folds.

Now I still try to eat a little bit, but in the rhythm of modern life it’s not always possible to eat a little bit and often.

The diet is difficult only for the first days, then you get used to it and it’s as if you’ve been eating like this all your life.



diet helps you lose weight


maybe you're hungry

Good day, guests and readers of the Otzovik website. I very often write reviews about diets, or rather fasting days. This topic is very close and familiar to me, and what I’m sharing is something I’ve tried on myself. And over such a considerable period of time, I have my own small amount of knowledge. Very often I read articles about healthy eating, watch TV shows, and study, in short, any literature on this topic. And when I saw a review on the website about the “five tablespoons” diet, I decided to study the information and share my opinion. So, what is the point of this diet and why is this particular diet called correct and effective for losing excess weight? Well, just by the name of the diet, you can assume that your portion should contain exactly 5 tablespoons in volume. People who are overweight and obese tend to have large stomachs and are often compared to the stomach of a large animal. And in order to shrink the walls of the stomach, you need to reduce your food intake. It is believed that your lunch or dinner should be no larger than a fist in volume, which is exactly five tablespoons. In grams this is approximately 150 grams. This diet has no restrictions, you can eat a piece of meat or a portion of cake at a time, but no more than 150 grams. It would seem great, I eat what I want, only in small quantities, but in my opinion this approach is not entirely correct. As for water, it also has restrictions, drink no more than 150-200 grams. What happens is that if you drink water before meals, then do you skip lunch? Since the diet says: “The most important rule is to eat no more than five tablespoons of food at one time.” And yes, it should be noted that at least 3 hours should pass between the first and second meals. For me, such a diet is very hungry and not correct. Isn’t it easier to choose the right diet, with vitamins and carbohydrates, a normal portion of water without shocks. This diet does not have any food restrictions. After reading more than one article, I did not find any restrictions on the use of sugar, salt or other seasonings. But in my opinion, for a person losing weight, one should not forget about this, first of all, significantly reduce the consumption of sugar and salt. Here again, the most important rule is to adhere to a three-hour break between meals. If you stick to this diet for seven days, you can lose from 4 to 6 kg. 6 kg in a week is a lot. Imagine for a moment what will happen to your skin; in a month, a kangaroo pouch may appear on your stomach. In my opinion, this is not the right approach, you can write a low-calorie diet for yourself and believe me, the result will not be worse, but the approach is more correct. The time gap of such a diet between meals can be reduced to two hours and you can eat the right and healthy foods, rather than eating a piece of cake and meat every other time. I offer several swatches of the products. So, you can clearly see from the photographs how much the products weigh. That's exactly how much you can eat in one meal. It seems that the diet is not starvation and it is quite possible to stick to the “five tablespoons” diet, but I would change it a little. Look at the photo, such a piece of cheese weighs 150 grams, well, it’s difficult to eat it at once if you want, isn’t it? Or the same sausage. I would advise you to exclude such foods from your diet, eat more vegetables and fruits, meat, fish, and game. If you eat cereals, then follow the rules - 1 serving is equal to 5 tablespoons and then such a diet will be correct. Also exclude sweets, which I consider unnecessary during a diet. For dessert, you can always choose the same fruit, sweet and healthier. And you can read a little more on the topic about my fasting days using the links below, and a complete list is provided in my profile.

Fasting day “Cereals + berries” - fasting day without hunger

Diet "Chicken" - Not complicated and effective

Diet 5:2 - eat, rest and get in shape


Hi all! I’ve been on this diet for the second week and everything is fine, there is no feeling of hunger, and to a pleasant surprise the plumb line is 3,200 in 7 days. I feel good. One piece of advice, so as not to worry about how much it weighs, buy electronic scales, they are inexpensive (650 rubles) and you will be happy. I can even fit a small chocolate bar into these 200 grams, but that’s only if I really really want it. In general, I realized that you can fill yourself up with such a volume of food, three hours pass calmly, without impulses to devour something (sorry). I will continue further. Good luck to you all! ))))))

Elena Lenina


I read about the “5 table beds” on the Internet. How could I not have realized before that the secret to losing weight is incredibly simple: if you can’t give up your gastronomic cravings, cut down on them . All these bandages, cuttings of the stomach - all this is aimed at reducing the volume of the stomach . What is it for?

The fact is that in our body everything is aimed at ensuring that the body stores. Stocked up on calories and fat . This has to do with evolution. The ancient man did not know that one day there would be a wagonload of food... So the body came up with an idea: he ate once every seven days, the fat was “tied up” and he ran through the forest in search of new prey/food...

But time passed. And now this prey is a dime a dozen. And you don't need to run. I threw a cart full at the supermarket - I don’t want more...

In our body, everything is thought out to the smallest detail so that death from hunger does not occur. Therefore, if you have fat on your stomach (I’m talking to myself), don’t think that your body will say goodbye to it, just so long as the reflection in the mirror makes you happy. Quite the opposite. As soon as he (the body) understands that he will have to part with the accumulated “wealth”, he will arrange for you))) ...

The problem is this...

The feeling of fullness (the feeling of satisfying hunger) is responsible for the area in the stomach that produces the satiety hormone ghrelin . For it to begin to be produced by the walls of the stomach, it is necessary that food begins to put pressure on the walls of the stomach. And this can only happen if the food has filled the stomach to the top. Yes, yes, you read it correctly, right to the top. Otherwise, the brain will not send an impulse about satiety and the hormone of the city, leptin, will not stop being produced... That’s the problem.

It would seem, so what? And that’s what’s happening here. If you are a happy owner of fat on your butt, sides and stomach (I’m talking about myself), then this can only mean one thing - you are obese. And this fat did not stick on its own. You ate it (I'm talking about myself) with your mouth. No one stuck it on you at night and you didn’t catch it like a virus. YOU EATED IT . You didn't eat right and it formed.

If you were able to admit this to yourself, this is the first step towards success . Let's start the countdown))). We are going along the path of harmony .

The “5 tablespoons” diet is the most difficult of all that I have managed to implement. I consider it ideal for those who want to regain their slim figure.

The difficulty is that five tablespoons is 100 ml of food, this is exactly the volume that can be eaten at one time. You can eat from morning to night. The interval between meals should be at least 3 hours. MINIMUM 2.5 HOURS . But the volume of food should always be no more than 100 ml. I drink a lot between meals. SNACKING IS PROHIBITED . I recommend not to neglect your drinking regime. You need to drink more than 2.5 liters of water. Then there will be an effect.

You can eat everything.

The only thing I recommend abstaining from is fats . Even if you want to eat sweets, it is better to eat meringues or marshmallows. The body is very reluctant to convert carbohydrates into fats. But the fat passes into the subcutaneous tissue as soon as the body receives the first tablespoon of vegetable oil. Animal fats are strictly prohibited. Therefore, read the ingredients on the packaging.


The first week is torture of torture. I was ready to kill anyone who asked a question louder than others)). This lasted more than five days. Then it passed. It was these five days of withdrawal that were incredibly difficult for me. I drank all the time. This somehow smoothed out the feeling of hunger. But!!!! As soon as the withdrawal was over, I began to understand that a weak impulse about satiety was waking up in my brain!!! Yes!!! I did it!

Once you survive the first week, you will understand what I mean))!

Weight comes off slowly, but it is due to fat. But the volumes go away perfectly!!!

I recommend this diet to everyone. Anyone who thinks they need to lose weight.


This is not a diet, but hell, I was constantly waiting for 3 hours to pass and I would eat.

I held on for 5 days, then I broke down and I just ate what I saw.

and I gained more than I lost, you eat for 1 day, then you don’t eat.

5 spoons is negligible and wait until the stomach finally decreases, then I waited, but I probably had a protracted process because it never decreased.

One plus of the diet is that the volume goes away a little from the beginning, but then everything stays the same.

I know how to limit myself, but not with this diet, it’s not for me.

It’s easier for me to decide the amount of calla lilies per day for myself and eat it and stick to it, but not this.

Therefore, I can only recommend this diet to someone who is very serious about sticking to it for a long time. Because getting off such a diet is dangerous by returning more than a couple of extra pounds at once...

I'm upset, I expected a miracle, but there was no miracle.

alena belgorod


Didn't find any advantages


Endless presence in the kitchen and for me it's hungry

Almost two years have passed since the birth. While on maternity leave, I gained ten extra kilos: which not only disfigured me, but also deprived me of at least 5 dresses! practically new! Last year I already tried to lose weight and lost 7 kg: but in the new year 2021 they returned. Of course, it’s my own fault... I love sweets... and I cook delicious things for my husband. In general, I decided to try this diet. where not with a spoon there are 200 grams. I agree to five spoons of oatmeal... but I really wanted to wash it down... I had to wait an hour. an hour after drinking, five spoons of salad again... the grass was quickly digested and the stomach groaned... lunch, five spoons of borscht... ABOUT NOTHING! In general, at least don’t leave the kitchen all day... after two or three hours you seem to be eating, but you seem to be hungry. In general, if you don’t have anything to do at home, you can go on this diet. and with me, just look at your watch and run for these spoons. didn't like it

Alexander Vinogradov


I once read that the French and Japanese do not gain weight, or rather, they have much less weight than we do. Why is this? Yes, because they eat eight times a day, not in large portions, and the last time at eight o’clock in the evening. Between among other things, the Japanese diet includes 130 different dishes per week, their portion “for our food lovers,” as we say, “for one tooth.” Later, I came across a few articles about different diets there, for example, they were funny to me. But there were also those among my friends and acquaintances, who, in their naivety, exhausted themselves with hunger, replacing food with water, others chewed cabbage, carrots, in general, everyone in their own way, “went crazy” But as a result, after such executions “on themselves, they got the desired result achieved for a month or two. And they understood that with this method of losing weight, they would have to sit on this diet of theirs all the time, in most cases they abandoned these experiments. I came to the conclusion that in order not to face problems with excess weight , you need to eat right. More often, but not in large portions, in our family such nutrition is constant, we eat at least five times a day, there are no “forbidden” foods, we eat everything, but in moderation. Such nutrition will not only help reduce weight, but it helps to constantly stay in shape. I also want to say that overweight people are not necessarily those who eat a lot, I know many who, due to some illness, have gained weight and before they gain weight with the help of all sorts of diets , and especially on the advice of such “smart guys” as “we”, you need to see a doctor so as not to harm yourself even more. And for those who are healthy, I recommend the method of your own nutrition, which I wrote about above, there is no harm, but will there be any benefit? -See in a couple of weeks..Good health to everyone!


I came across this diet here, on Airek, when I gained so much weight that when I met my friends, they started asking what month I was in) Unfortunately, the abuse of going to cafes and fast food took its toll. Then I decided to do something.

In the beginning there was

buckwheat diet, but it turned out to be too cruel, as for me. And then this one caught my eye. Well, I think, why the hell not, I’ll try it.

The description said that you can eat everything, but I decided not to abuse this - I tried not to eat mayonnaise, fatty foods, high-calorie fruits and sweets. Those. I ate not only small portions, but also low-calorie foods.

I lasted like this for a week. What can be said after this period? At first it was a little difficult, I wanted to eat within an hour after eating, and considering that there were containers with the remaining portions for the day standing nearby at the workplace and beckoning and intoxicating, it was quite a test) Then, after 3 days, the body got used to this regime and became quite normal. Those. It’s easy to follow this diet, but alas, there were no results. On the plus side, nothing worked, but the plumb line was small - about half a kilo. This diet is not for those who need to lose weight quickly and effectively.

But still, I give it a “recommend” rating, and now I’ll explain why. Even if it has not proven itself very well as a diet, then this particular diet is healthier for the body - more often, but in small portions. By eating this way, your weight will not creep higher than what it is now. And later, after I finally threw off the excess from

Dukan diet, I try to adhere to this diet (albeit without food restrictions)



weight goes off, you can eat everything


the first five days are hard

After reading online reviews about the “5 spoons” diet, I began to put it into practice. The New Year holidays did not pass by, everything that was prepared with such difficulty))) went “for future use”, leaving an increase of almost five kilograms in two and a half weeks. There is a lot of information on the Internet about the “five spoons” diet, but what “touched” me most was the interpretation of the mass of foods that, according to many, should have fit in five tablespoons. A tablespoon contains twenty milliliters. For some reason, those who promote the “5 spoons” diet believe that the weight of food included in five spoons is one hundred and fifty to two hundred grams. This is already ten spoons))!!! I spent a long time studying everything that was written by those who had already tried it and those who “advertise” the diet. Having made a “squeeze” of all this abundance of information, I left for myself, in my opinion, the most important. Now I have been practicing the diet for the fifth week, and I am very pleased with the result. The first five days I simply couldn’t find a place for myself. I decided to eat five level tablespoons, that is, my diet was one hundred milliliters. This is not two hundred grams. Although, I admit that I weighed the fruit and took one hundred and fifty grams for one meal. Difficulties. It started off difficult from the first day. It didn’t seem to prohibit anything, but this tiny amount, which even on a plate (coffee) looked like an orphan’s ration, was simply lost in my distended stomach. He purred before eating. And after taking it, he also purred. I didn’t want to eat, I wanted to eat everything... Five days passed in such tossing. The motivation was enormous, I won’t tell you, but believe me, nothing is more valuable to a reasonable person than life and health. If these categories do not yet weigh more than material values ​​for you, then if you succeed in losing weight, it will not be for long... For the first five days, I even dreamed about food in my dreams. I never eat at night. And I haven't eaten for a long time

after six. But with the “5 spoons” diet, I caught myself thinking that at night I was ready to go to the refrigerator and eat everything I saw))). I managed to endure it. But at the cost of incredible efforts... I think that if the motivation had been more “down-to-earth”, it would have failed... Only after five days did I begin to enjoy eating. By then I started eating with a coffee spoon. This made my efforts easier. By the time you pick up something with this “ice cream spoon,” you will already be full. This was the main difficulty. We need to endure it. Or don't start. Second difficulty. Drink water in a volume of AT LEAST TWO AND A HALF LITERS PER DAY. If more, great. Since I was hungry all the time, I drank a lot, trying to drown out the rumbling in my stomach and hunger. I think that thanks to my empty stomach I managed to avoid swelling. But I had to run regularly... Pros: . The first benefits began towards the end of the third week, when I stepped on the scale and saw a plumb line of five kilograms. It seems like five kilograms is not such a big plumb line, but I didn’t exclude anything from the diet. And there was cake. And meat in batter. And fried fish. Everything is delicious and beautiful)). And such a plumb line. The second tangible plus is that my stomach finally “gave in” and began to shrink. Now these “torture” “five spoons” no longer seem like shot for an elephant to me))). I’m completely full, but I continue to eat with a coffee spoon and a dessert fork. Water works wonders! My complexion has improved significantly. Even those around him noticed this. I started noticing changes about two weeks after starting the diet, while everyone else is just now. And one more tangible plus: the skin does not sag. The volume goes away, but the skin manages to catch up with it... The only downside is that you need to eat this way all your life. Small doses. Otherwise, the weight will return... And more. You can eat food at least as many times as you like. But the break between doses should be at least three and a half to four hours. At least until nightfall. On the one hand, it is very convenient. The problem of evening torment disappears. On the other hand, for those who are used to snacking, it will be difficult. I'm going to practice until the summer. And it will be seen there. I really like it, but the most important thing is to survive the first week. If you survive, only bonuses will follow. No, nothing will work... I recommend it.



You can eat your favorite dishes.


It's hard to cut down on portions right away.

I lost weight for a long time and painfully, I achieved my goal. BUT! Now I have huge problems with my stomach, since I solved the problem radically by simply starving. In 1.5 months from 75 kg. lost weight to 49 kg. This is actually the prehistory, now as a result, after 5 years I began to weigh 89-90 kg, it was really scary, even with my height of 172 cm, I looked like a pig. Naturally, I started digging into diets, and came to a disappointing conclusion for myself: the diet must be effective, which means you need to be patient, because losing weight quickly means it will come back at lightning speed, but I think about this, you know without me. This means that I had to choose not even a diet, but a new way to eat properly; in my case, this meant significantly reducing the portions of food, since I had completely stretched my stomach, and I noticed that the main thing for me recently was not the food itself, but its quantity. I finally decided on a “SPOON” diet, but I won’t hide it, it wasn’t difficult, but hellishly difficult, but it was reassuring that you could eat everything, I divided my meals into 4 times, but I didn’t stop there, I also excluded cereals, pasta, bread, alcohol and sugar. I drank as much as I could, sometimes even through force, it came out to 2.5 liters, sometimes a little less. I wasn’t very keen on physical exercise, but I mastered the press 15-20 times. Another thing is that I wanted to lose weight faster, so I sometimes reduced the spoons to three, but it’s not advisable to do this, the weight shouldn’t come off very quickly. As a result, I can report in 8 days, minus 7 kg. 200 grams, almost kg per day. Of course, you need to go a little slower, otherwise the skin will noticeably sag. I continue to lose weight, and believe me, the first 3 days were the most difficult, I felt it myself, then it got easier. If I can give you some final advice, do whatever you want, sew, cook, walk, socialize, it’s much easier to endure the diet and restrictions, don’t get hung up on the feeling of hunger. I hope I helped someone, I wish you good luck in this difficult task!!!


This review begins my series on tried and tested diets.

Why am I starting with this diet?

For some reason, I liked and remembered it the most.

But not in terms of efficiency, for sure.

I think the meaning of the diet is clear to everyone.

In fact: you can eat EVERYTHING without worrying about dividing it into proteins, carbohydrates, and so on.

You can burst an unlimited number of times. Provided there is a three-hour break between meals.

Well, fit your entire meal into 5 tablespoons.

If the food is not liquid or free-flowing, then we measure it in grams.

5 heaped tablespoons is approximately 150-200 grams of the finished product.

So count on it)

I'm vegan. That is, I do not eat animal products.

And it’s easier for me.

No need to stand and weigh a piece of meat. Calculate how many grams are in a slice of bread.

My daily diet includes: fruits, vegetables, freshly squeezed juices, greens, legumes and many other tasty things that can easily be measured in 5 spoons

An additional plus is that there is no restriction on liquids).

I love juices and water.

Of course, this means liquid without sugar. Carbonated sweet drinks, store-bought juices, sweet tea, coffee, etc. are prohibited.

It’s clear that you are losing weight by cutting out sweets from your diet and limiting your servings in quantity.

Elementary. Without reinventing the wheel.

In fact, all diets offer the same layout in different ways.

If you don’t understand, then I’ll say it differently, you can drink water and acceptable liquids in any quantity, and don’t measure out five spoons

A diet for those who have time. The weight comes off slowly and evenly. Even with little physical activity.

It was stated that the average weight loss on this diet per week is 4-6 kg, and per month 15-20 kg.

Nothing like this.

It is absolutely not difficult for me to limit myself and follow exact instructions. So I followed the diet according to all the rules for a month. Without ever violating a single point.

I lost three kg in a month. Moreover, these three left in the first week, and then all

As for me, it’s more likely not a diet, but a way of life. To lose excess weight, and then simply not gain what you don’t need and keep your body in good shape.

It is also allowed to use fructose instead of sugar. 1 tsp for 250 ml of liquid. But I'm covered in fructose, lactose and other sweet substitutes. So this point was not useful to me.

Precision is not important in a diet. If you want to eat with a slide, not without a slide. Eat for your health.

You can also use a teaspoon (I eat it with it).

There are three teaspoons in one tablespoon. That is, you can have not five spoons, but fifteen.

After feeding the baby, I just got used to teaspoons, but here psychology kicks in, and the chewing break between spoons increases. Diets were much more effective; my next review will be about one of these.

And this diet is neither fish nor meat

But why not?!

@[email protected]

For ten years, I tried just a bunch of diets: protein, and carbohydrates, and I counted calories, and I sat on buckwheat - I can’t list everything. Of course, there were results: losing weight went hand in hand with breakdowns, anger and a terrible mood... nothing made me happy. Gradually the body got used to such torment and adapted. As a result, the “plateau” effect occurred literally on the third day after starting the diet. And when you don’t see the result on the scale, you “give up” and continue to adhere to the restrictions, well, I don’t really want to. And as happens with everyone, the weight came back with extra “baggage.” This went on for about 7 years...And then, as the proverb says, “there was no happiness, but misfortune helped.” My stomach started to hurt very badly, so that I wouldn’t eat, after half an hour severe pain would set in. I felt like the food was stuck in my stomach and couldn’t be digested for as long as 6-8 hours!!!! This all scared me, I was examined (luckily for me, there was nothing terrible) and I decided that I would stop torturing myself like that. Then my intuition worked and I simply began to eat less and not wash everything down with water and tea. So, in the morning I get up, drink a glass of water and after 15 minutes eat only 150 grams of regular food (porridge, meat, pasta, etc.) and 200 grams if it’s soup (electronic kitchen scales help very well). Then I drink 1.5 hours after meals, every 20 minutes. The break between meals is 3-3.5 hours. There are no restrictions . I eat everything: sausages, sausage, potatoes, mayonnaise, pizza, etc. This is a huge plus when you have a family and there is no need to cook for yourself separately. You just need to remember simple rules:

1.Eat a maximum of 200 grams at a time

2. Don't wash down your food

3. Break between meals 3-3.5 hours

“Everything ingenious is simple.” I forgot about the torment: boiled breast, fish, a separate saucepan with food, counting calories………brrrrr. Now I eat everything that I cook for my own.

My stomach stopped hurting completely. And the volume became smaller. I once tried to eat a large bun, which I ate easily before, and I didn’t succeed. I ate half of it, the other half simply wouldn’t fit.

In a month I lost weight from 58 kg to 54.5!!! No restrictions - it’s just super! This method is very similar to the “5 tablespoons” diet. I recommend it to everyone!

Recommended and harmful products

The 5 tablespoons diet has no restrictions, but for quick results, a list of foods recommended for consumption and those that should be avoided has been compiled. To lose weight, it makes sense to create a menu.

Sweets and carbohydrates are not prohibited by the diet . This is what makes her so popular. A cake before bed can lift your mood for the whole day, but eating such food is not recommended. The main reason to exclude fast carbohydrates and sweets from the diet is the simulation of glucose; as a result of this process, the feeling of hunger will only increase. Therefore, eating 5 tablespoons of chocolate for breakfast is not the best idea for those who want to lose weight.

It is recommended to add cereals, fruits, and vegetables to the diet . They will quickly saturate your body and provide it with all the nutrients.

The main dish in your diet should be salad, and it is recommended to season it with flaxseed or olive oil.

This product will prolong the feeling of fullness for a couple of hours.

A mandatory component on the menu is protein food . Foods high in protein take a long time to digest, so a meat chop for lunch will be the best solution to satisfy your hunger. Consume dairy products, but remember the 5 tablespoon limit. Protein foods are an important part for rapid weight loss.

Menu for the day

You can create your own diet and not deny yourself anything. But if we take into account the recommended foods and foods that should be excluded, the menu for the day will be as follows:

  • 8:00 – oatmeal with dried fruits, tea;
  • 11:00 – pear or apple;
  • 14:00 – a small piece of meat;
  • 17:00 – vegetable salad dressed with olive oil;
  • 20:00 – cottage cheese, you can add sugar for taste;
  • 23:00 – yogurt.

Each serving contains exactly 5 tablespoons. By following this menu, you will be able to lose at least 5-10 kilograms within a month. You can set the time frame yourself, the main requirement is 3 hours between meals.

If you want to speed up the process of losing excess weight, then eat every 5 hours 3 times a day.

But you should be careful so as not to harm the body.

It is recommended to diversify the menu in order to receive all the important substances and vitamins.

Here's an alternative :

  • 9:00 – tea with sandwich;
  • 12:00 – apple or pear;
  • 15:00 – buckwheat porridge with pieces of meat;
  • 18:00 – salad with sour cream or yogurt;
  • 21:00 – pilaf.

Creating your own menu is easy. It is worth remembering that these are only recommended products, you should not limit yourself to them, because you can eat whatever you want, but in small quantities. So it’s quite possible to replace fruit with the desired piece of cake. But you shouldn’t overuse it, because the diet is carried out with the goal of starting to eat right.

Reviews about the 5 spoon diet

Gloria: Not a portion, but a starvation ration. You need strong motivation to withstand such hunger. And the fact that the stomach will shrink is a real myth. It will both contract and expand. And the weight is unstable. When you eat more than you should, it makes me sick

Arina: And the ventricle has actually shrunk. By the way, I eat candies. I can't live without them. And the interval between meals is 2 hours. Unless I overeat. I just think that I won’t get carried away with such a diet. She really blows my mind)))

Martha: What I like about this diet is that you can eat everything. I used to eat a lot, but now I put off taking the “extra” for 3 hours. There are no breakdowns and I don’t feel hungry. People around have already appreciated the result. ))

Lucy: I’ve been on a diet for two weeks now. I feel great, my mood is wonderful, especially when I look at myself in the mirror. If you don’t want to worry about calculating what and how much it weighs, buy electronic scales. I can even fit a chocolate bar into 200 grams (well, when you really want something sweet). I will continue to lose weight on this diet.

Lina: In 3 days minus 1.5 kilos. I eat every 2-2.5 hours. I don't feel dizzyingly hungry. Everything is ok! ))) We’ll see what happens next.

Irishka: The kilograms will melt like buckwheat. For 2 days minus 800 gr. Why did I choke on buckwheat if I could eat whatever I wanted? I don’t understand))) By the way, I don’t eat after 18.00. I can easily endure such a hunger strike. I crossed out bread and pasta from my menu.

Vladimir: I once tried this diet, and at first the results were great. I lost 10kg in a couple of weeks, but then my body started to get used to it and the weight didn’t come off so quickly. The main thing here is not to stop and continue.

Victoria Prishchepova : Advantages: No need to starve, good habits are developed

It is important not only to lose weight, but also not to gain it again. This diet develops the right attitude towards food. Eat 5-6 times a day and little by little, just what is good for the body. Once you get used to eating small portions, you are guaranteed not to gain weight! Moreover, the good news is that you don’t need to starve and you can eat everything. The body will receive all the necessary vitamins. I don't see any downsides to this diet.

Benefits compared to other diets

Our body is accustomed to an extensive diet.

It is very important to eat proteins, carbohydrates, fats and not limit yourself to anything. The meaning of most diets is based on the consumption of a specific product. This is of course useful, but you cannot “feed” solely on one source of energy: this will not have the best effect on the body.

Even if you achieve the desired results, but then move away from the planned diet, the kilograms will quickly return. And it is very difficult to exclude your favorite sweets and fried foods for life. The 5 tablespoons diet is structured in the right way.

You can eat absolutely everything by setting a limit on the amount of food you eat at one time.

This method does not exclude foods that affect weight gain, but helps reduce the size of the stomach . As a result, in the future you may stop sticking to the norm and staying in shape. The main thing is not to overeat.

Diet 5 tablespoons is the best choice. There is no need to torture your body, eat as you wish.

Frequently asked questions regarding diet

  1. How can you divide a piece of meat to comply with the norm? Indeed, meat cannot be divided into tablespoons, but there are ways to solve this problem. The first way is to cut a piece of food that could fit on a spoon. Here everything should be done by eye. The second method is more accurate - you need to weigh the meat. A serving of 5 tablespoons is equal to 200 grams of product. The same procedure must be followed with chicken, fish, vegetables, etc.
  2. How to eat a sandwich? The answer is still the same. You need to remember that the weight of one serving should be 150-200 grams. And all food that is not in liquid form must be weighed.
  3. Can servings be measured in teaspoons? If you are comfortable measuring servings in teaspoons, then do so. But you should know that one tablespoon contains 3 teaspoons. Accordingly, one serving of food is equal to 15 teaspoons.
  4. How to eat fruits and vegetables? To do this, the product also needs to be weighed. But there is another way - it is recommended to grate the fruit or vegetable, then you can eat it with spoons.
  5. How many meals are recommended? The quantity is unlimited by the diet; you can also eat foods at any time of the day. You just have to remember about portions and that 3 hours should pass between meals.

What is the essence of the 5 spoon diet?

As is clear from the name, this program involves reducing the amount of food consumed to 5 tablespoons.

The bottom line is that frequent eating in small portions interrupts the emerging appetite. At the same time, a person feels full and comfortable in the stomach. The diet includes only healthy and easily digestible foods.

The most important rule of the diet is that the volume of food should not exceed 5 tablespoons each time. Even fruits and vegetables need to be cut into small pieces to measure out the specified dose.

There are other diet rules that must be followed to achieve results:

There should be no more than 200 g of food on your plate. This is approximately 5 tablespoons or 15 small teaspoons of the finished product. That is, you will have to leave the table feeling hungry.

Solid foods will have to be cut into pieces and weighed. Vegetables and fruits can be grated and measured with spoons or sent to the scales.

You can eat every 3 hours. More often - not recommended. As well as drinking immediately after eating.

Any drinks are allowed, the only thing is that they are not sweet, and should be taken in between meals.

Products – there are practically no restrictions. But healthy food is welcome. Fatty, smoked, sweet, salty - reduce. Try to choose those foods that are richest in microelements and vitamins. Otherwise, with such a small volume, you will not get all the necessary nutrients.

Prohibited products include:

· sparkling water;

· alcohol;

· industrial juices;

· sweets;

· sauces.

It is important to limit the consumption of salt and spices. It is recommended to eat food raw or with minimal heat treatment.

You should not engage in active sports, running or swimming while on a diet. You can limit yourself to morning exercises and walking. The physical program should consist of feasible loads. Jumping ropes and abdominal exercises are acceptable.

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The duration of the diet is 1-2 weeks. The maximum period is 1 month. You can repeat it once every 6 months.

Diet contraindications

The method of losing weight using five tablespoons does not negatively affect the human body and is well tolerated.

There are concerns only for people with chronic diseases. Their body may not accept a quick change in the amount of food in their diet. Before starting a diet, you should consult a doctor to make sure there are no side effects when restricting food. This technique is not suitable for pregnant women. In their case, it is better not to think about losing weight at all until the birth of the child.

The 5 tablespoons diet no longer has any contraindications . You can add allergies to the list, but in this case everything is completely individual.

If you are concerned about an allergy to any product, then you need to exclude it from the menu.

Indications and contraindications

This diet can be successfully used by people of all ages whose weight problems are caused by excessive overeating. Contraindications to this weight loss method include:

  • presence of chronic diseases;
  • gastrointestinal problems;
  • pregnancy and lactation period.

Attention! Reviews of people who have actually lost weight with the “5 tablespoons” diet indicate a fairly comfortable weight loss down to minus 6 kg in 7-10 days.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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