Calorie content of Muesli with nuts. Chemical composition and nutritional value.

Dietary properties:

How many calories are in muesli, what dietary properties they have, all this is very interesting for those who are trying to lead a healthy lifestyle, monitor their health and figure. So we will try to answer these questions in the next article.

So here it is:

Muesli is essentially a mixture of ground bran and grains, which contains various additives. This dish owes its appearance to a Swiss doctor who invented it more than a century ago.

The benefits of this product are due to the fact that the grains in their composition are, as a rule, whole and unground. Namely, these grains have the greatest nutritional value. Muesli, among other things, is a rich source of vitamins E and B, as well as calcium, potassium, magnesium, and iron. They contain a lot of fiber, which is also beneficial. Fiber does not contain nutrients, but it helps to normalize digestive processes, improve the intestinal tract, and reduce cholesterol in the blood due to the fact that fiber interferes with the absorption of fats.

A bowl of muesli for breakfast is an excellent choice for those who would like to get rid of extra pounds. This food product successfully satisfies the feeling of hunger, since the dietary fiber from its composition takes a long time to digest in the stomach, which allows us to feel full. In addition, the easily digestible carbohydrates in them ensure optimal blood glucose levels for a long time - this will prevent you from overeating during the day.

Use for weight loss

Muesli is a high-calorie product, but it can also be consumed during a diet, since the fat content of the flakes is low, and most of the calories come from carbohydrates, which do not turn into fat deposits. It is almost impossible to eat more than 200 g of dry food in one meal, since it is very nutritious and a small amount is enough to fill you up.

To lose weight, it is recommended to prepare muesli at home rather than purchase it in stores. This makes it much easier to control calories. It is recommended to mix several grains and add fresh fruits or berries to them. To avoid gaining excess weight, it is good to eat this dish for breakfast, since this way the calories will have time to be spent during the day.

It is recommended to pour cereals with low-fat dairy products or natural juice. Adding sugar and chocolate is prohibited, so it is advisable to replace these ingredients with a small amount of honey. During the diet, you are allowed to eat muesli with nuts or seeds 1-2 times a week.

During the process of losing weight, it is allowed to consume cereal in the evening, but you only need to fill the cereal with water. Dried apples and raisins can be used as additives.

from 140 to 450 kcal

Depending on their composition, which can be very different.

If you want fewer calories, buy a product without any additives or containing only fruit. It would be best to avoid “exotic” brightly colored pieces of fruit. The best option is pieces of apples, cashews, bananas or familiar raisins and other dried fruits. Components such as sugar, honey, and chocolate contribute to an increase in energy value.

What is the energy value of this product prepared in different ways? And here it is:

Calorie table for muesli, per 100 grams of product:

Muesli:Calories, in kcal
Vitalis fruity317,0
Vitalis chocolate400,0
with fruits376,0
with candied fruits320,0
with milk calories150,0
with kefir167,0
with yogurt105,0

And the nutritional value of this product, prepared in different ways, is as follows:

Table of nutritional value of muesli (BJU), per 100 grams of product:

Muesli:Squirrels, gr.Fats, gr.Carbohydrates, gr.
Vitalis fruity7,84,661,1
Vitalis chocolate10,013,062,0
with fruits7,813,156,7
with candied fruits8,02,466,0
with milk5,73,622,0
with kefir6,07,027,0
with yogurt3,83,016,0

What dishes can be prepared with this product at home? Here is one of the recipes

Fruit muesli:


  • Kefir (low-fat) or yogurt – 0.5 cups
  • Mixture of dried fruits and nuts - 1 tablespoon
  • Hercules flakes - 0.5 cups
  • Seasonal fruits - 1 piece

Place half of the oatmeal in a large cup and pour half of the kefir (or yogurt) into it. Then - layer by layer - the remaining half of the muesli and kefir. The selected fruit is peeled, cut into cubes and decorated with it. Before serving the finished dish, let it sit in the refrigerator for a while.

If you don’t have enough time for breakfast in the morning, you can prepare them in the evening and place them in a plastic container. In the morning, you can take the container with the dish with you to work and eat it for your health.

Should you get addicted to granola bars?

Is a cereal bar with dried fruit a healthy snack or just another dud? Judging by the composition, the product should saturate the body with energy and nourish tissues with vitamins and minerals. But the first disadvantage is its high energy value. A muesli bar contains almost 416 kcal per 100 g. You can’t dilute it with water or juice to reduce calorie content. The data is given for the amount that should be eaten in its pure form.

The energy value of such popular delicacies as Performance Bar, Corny Big and Ego starts from 420 kcal and reaches 433 kcal per hundred grams. They contain a lot of empty carbohydrates and harmful fats, the sources of which are refined syrup, emulsifiers, preservatives, dyes, and flavoring additives.

Want to eat healthy granola bars? Make them yourself! Here is a recipe for a grain product whose calorie content is 340 kcal. You will need 150 g of dried apricots, 100 g of prunes, 15 g of sunflower seeds, 100 g of flax seeds, 40 g of sesame seeds, 50 g of honey and a mixture of 4 cereals.

Grind the dried fruits in a blender, mix all the ingredients and place the mixture in a layer about 1 cm high in a baking dish. Place it in the oven for 40 minutes at 150 C. The natural bar is ready!

Muesli for weight loss:

It is really possible to lose weight with this product, but in order for the result to come, you need to follow several rules:

This is not a low calorie product. Of course, compared to cake, it has fewer calories, but it still has them. Therefore, when consuming it, you need to carefully monitor the amount of calories. It's best to write them down so you don't forget. The norm for the body is 1400 kcal per day;

You need to eat muesli in the morning. Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day. It should be much higher in calories than lunch and dinner. This is important because the metabolic process is more active in the morning. To avoid feeling hungry after breakfast, you should dilute them with low-fat kefir;

Don't limit your diet. Muesli is really intended for weight loss, but not for mono-diets. The body needs nutrients from fruits, vegetables, and meat. The main thing is not to overeat and count calories;

Sweets should be excluded from the diet. Such dishes can be consumed only when the desired weight is achieved, and then infrequently. But while losing weight, you should forget about them completely, otherwise you won’t get the desired result;

You need to drink water often. No method of losing weight will bring results without water. When using this product, you need to drink 8-10 glasses of water per day, preferably still. Drinks with various flavors and flavor enhancers should not be drunk.

What is muesli - composition and features of the product

Muesli is low in fat and high in slow carbohydrates, so the calorie content of the product is low. This is especially true for maintaining optimal weight, for weight loss, and during the rehabilitation period after various diseases. With increased energy costs, nuts, dates, honey and other high-calorie foods are added to the mixture.

The assortment of muesli on store shelves is huge. When choosing sports nutrition, pay attention to the composition, taste, shelf life, presence of preservatives and method of preparation. The properties of the final product depend on the composition of the mixture.

Muesli is prepared from several components:

  • cereals;
  • fruit;
  • berries;
  • nuts;
  • bran;
  • honey and syrups;
  • seasonings and spices.


One or more types of oat, buckwheat, wheat, etc. grains are the basis of the product. Slow carbohydrates from cereals keep you full for several hours. They take a long time to digest and maintain the required sugar level until the next meal, reducing cholesterol levels.

The B vitamins contained in cereals have a beneficial effect on the tone of the nervous system and support the correct structure of teeth, nails, hair and skin. And the fiber that grains are rich in regulates the rhythmic functioning of the intestines.


Apples, bananas, pineapples, etc. are added to the mixture. This not only affects the taste of the product, but also its calorie content. The most satisfying muesli includes bananas, kiwi, and mango. You can also diversify the taste with dried fruits. Dates, prunes, dried apricots saturate muesli with calories. Below is a table with the calorie content of fruits.


They complement grains perfectly. By making the taste as varied and pleasant as possible, the berries significantly change the properties of the mixture. The mixture is lightened by adding cranberries.


They are rich in minerals (phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, etc.), vitamins and proteins, so they are often used in healthy diets. The high calorie content of nuts (tens of times more than berries) limits their use in weight loss programs. Below you will find a table with the calorie content of nuts:


The hard shell of the grain increases the volume of the mixture, reducing its calorie content. When bran is added, food seems more nutritious, and the feeling of fullness lasts for a long time. They become the basis of a low-calorie diet, stimulate regular bowel function, and reduce blood cholesterol levels.

Honey and syrups

They are added to make the mixture more tasty, healthier, or to form muesli into bars. They saturate the mixture with microelements and vitamins. But, as in the case of nuts, they increase its calorie content.

Seasonings and spices

They are especially relevant when using muesli regularly. Such additives not only diversify the taste, but also regulate appetite.


Their addition increases shelf life and is justified on long expeditions without food supplies. In all other cases, preference should be given to natural muesli without preservatives.

The cereals included in the product are flattened or ground to speed up the preparation of the mixture. By preheating the grains, baked muesli is obtained. They are often included in candies and bars, which are eaten as an independent dessert.

Raw muesli requires pre-soaking in juice, milk, water, but it is much healthier than its baked counterparts.

What to top the muesli with?

In order to lose weight, it is better to eat muesli for breakfast. It is recommended to pour 100-125 g of the product with low-fat or completely skim milk, kefir, and yogurt. Milk itself is a high-calorie product; the energy value of even the most low-fat milk (0.5%) is 36 kcal per 100 g of product, not to mention milk with a high fat content. Therefore, skim milk is ideal for dressing muesli. Freshly squeezed juice can be an excellent option for refueling. You can use various additives in the form of nuts, fresh or frozen fruits, berries, bran.

You should not add jam and honey to muesli, because muesli itself is a fairly high-calorie product (about 400 kcal per 100 g). If you want to lose weight, include muesli in your diet without any nuts, candied fruits, dried bananas, honey and chocolate. According to nutritionists, the most ideal fuel in the fight against extra pounds is water.

Contraindications and harm to muesli

Many of us consider muesli a dietary product. Advertising with slogans is mainly to blame for this: eat muesli and lose weight! In fact, losing extra pounds with muesli is not so easy, since its calorie content can be very high. As a rule, on average, 100 grams contain about 450 calories, which exceeds the calorie content of even a chocolate bar. Roasted nuts, syrup, chocolate and sweet additives make muesli tasty, but they do not help you lose excess weight, but also add it. Moreover, they can harm not only the figure, but also the body as a whole.

How can a healthy food product be harmful? Nowadays, ready-made mixtures found on supermarket shelves may contain vegetable oils, palm oil, flavor stabilizers, flavorings, preservatives and sugar. All this turns muesli from a healthy product into a product whose consumption can cause the following health problems:

  • stomach and liver diseases;
  • due to the presence of sugar in the composition, they are contraindicated for diabetics, people with obesity and problems with the cardiovascular system;
  • high amounts of salt have a negative effect on hypertensive patients;
  • Chemical additives and preservatives may cause stomach upset and allergic reactions.

All this does not mean that you should stop eating muesli, but you need to approach the choice of this product with all seriousness.

Properties of muesli

How much does muesli cost (average price per 1 kg)?

Moscow and Moscow region.

130 rub.

The history of muesli begins with a trip to the mountains of the Swiss naturopathic doctor Max Bircher-Benner to conduct some kind of scientific research. One day, due to his sincere interest in the life of the local population, he got into a conversation with a rather elderly shepherd, who looked like an overly energetic and active person for his age. The shepherd treated the doctor to a dish that he himself regularly ate. It was a mixture of ground wheat, honey, milk, and blueberries and strawberries. As it turned out, all the shepherd’s ancestors had this dish in their diet, and each of them was long-lived.

We can say that immediately after the doctor’s meeting with the shepherd, the process of inventing all kinds of recipes and methods for preparing muesli began. For these purposes, they used wheat, rice, barley, oats, millet and rye, the grains of which were carefully crushed or flattened.

It is customary to add milk, kefir, yogurt, natural juices or plain water to the crushed grains. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and then berries, finely chopped fruits or chopped nuts are added to them. You can experiment according to your taste, finding more and more interesting and unusual ways to prepare muesli. By the way, the inhabitants of the Alps prefer to prepare this dish from pressed cereals with the addition of seeds, nuts and any fruit.

How to make homemade muesli

You can make your own muesli. This is a simple process that guarantees the quality of the product.

Baked muesli with honey

This mixture is perfect as a snack. The dish turns out satisfying. How to make a slimming granola bar:


  • oatmeal – 0.5 tbsp;
  • almonds – 20 gr.;
  • walnut – 20 gr.;
  • honey;
  • coconut flakes.

We recommend reading: What are the benefits of almonds, properties and contraindications

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. The nuts are crushed and mixed with coconut flakes.
  2. Flakes are poured into them and slightly warmed honey is poured in.
  3. Mix everything and distribute it in an even layer on a baking sheet.
  4. Place in an oven preheated to 190°C. Bake for 25 minutes.

Muesli baked with nuts will benefit if you use whole grains.

Fried muesli

The properties of the dish will be higher in calories compared to others. Therefore, it is better to limit the amount consumed. How to cook:

  1. The nuts are not chopped too finely.
  2. Dried fruits are crushed in any available way.
  3. All ingredients are mixed in any ratio.
  4. Honey is heated in a water bath, olive oil and orange juice are poured into it. Liquid components are taken in equal quantities.
  5. In total, 500 grams of dry mixture will require 200 ml of liquid.
  6. Pour the liquid mixture into the dry mixture and place it in a frying pan.
  7. Fry over medium heat for 15 minutes. Sprinkle with cinnamon during the process.

Muesli with milk

Low-fat milk is used for the dish. Per person you will need:

  • mixture of rye and oat flakes – 50 g;
  • frozen black currants – 2 tbsp. l.;
  • milk – 1 tbsp.;
  • dried apricots – 5 pcs.

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Pour boiling water over dried apricots and let stand for 10 minutes. Then cut into thin strips.
  2. The berries are mixed with flakes and poured with slightly warmed honey.
  3. As soon as the cereals swell, they can be consumed.

The benefits of muesli with milk are noticeable after injuries suffered during the rehabilitation period.

Muesli with kefir

The mixture is poured with fermented milk product and sent to the refrigerator to soak. In the morning, a wonderful, healthy breakfast is ready.

Muesli with kefir is very beneficial. The fermented milk product contains beneficial bacteria that convert milk sugar into glucose. This breakfast is perfect for athletes who are lactose intolerant. Also, muesli with kefir is excellent for weight loss.

Muesli with yogurt

The mixture is prepared in the evening. By morning, breakfast will be ready. You can take him to work. You need to take large flakes, so they will remain crispy.


  • cereal flakes – 0.5 tbsp.;
  • dried fruits – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • bran, flaxseed - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • yogurt – 0.5 tbsp.

How to cook:

  1. Dried fruits are poured with boiling water and left for 20 minutes.
  2. Mix the dry ingredients and pour yogurt into them.
  3. Leave for 12 hours. Then you can enjoy a healthy breakfast.

Benefits of muesli with yogurt: adding a fermented milk product will enhance the positive properties of the dish. Yogurt contains beneficial microorganisms that have a positive effect on the digestion process.

Muesli with fruit

You will need to prepare the fruit. You can take apples, pears, bananas. Take 50 grams of flakes, 100 grams of fruits.

Recommended reading: Benefits of bananas

Step-by-step preparation:

  1. Apples are peeled and cut into strips.
  2. Place on a baking sheet and bake for a few minutes to dry.
  3. Mix everything and dilute with milk.

Comment! If desired, you can add a little cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg.

The benefit of muesli baked with apples is that they have a beneficial effect on the digestive tract.

Another recipe for muesli with pieces of fruit:

Benefits of muesli

By consuming muesli in recommended quantities, you will benefit your health and well-being in the following ways:

  • the product helps reduce symptoms of gastroenteritis and colitis;
  • in healthy people, intestinal function is stimulated, stool is normalized, and constipation is eliminated;
  • the vitamins, minerals and amino acids contained in muesli are useful for memory, normalization of the nervous system, prevention of diseases of the male genitourinary system;
  • the benefits of muesli for stimulating muscle growth have been proven;
  • after heavy physical and mental stress, muesli helps to quickly restore energy balance;
  • With regular consumption of muesli, the processes of removing toxins and waste from the body are accelerated.

Types of muesli

There are 2 types of muesli:

  • raw cereal flakes, which are first lightly crushed and then combined with different types of nuts, seeds, and, of course, dried fruits;
  • baked cereal flakes, prepared in the oven and combined with natural fruit juices and honey, nuts, dried fruits.

The first option is suitable for lovers of unsweetened foods, but the second, higher in calories, is often found in the form of bars, suitable for light snacks.

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