8 steps: how to stop eating sweets and starchy foods forever?

As you know, sweets and starchy foods are the worst enemies of slimness. Read below to learn how to give up these foods forever and lose weight at home!

Poor nutrition is the first thing you have to face on your path to slimness. The presence of sweets and flour in the diet affects the figure in an extremely negative way. Therefore, avoiding these products is really necessary! At the same time, in addition to excess weight, skin problems will go away, digestion will improve, the functioning of the heart and blood vessels will normalize, and the risk of developing diabetes will decrease.

State the motive

Everyone must decide for themselves why they want to stop eating sweets and starchy foods. Someone dreams of fitting into their favorite dress or attracting the attention of the opposite sex. Some people prefer to monitor their health and prolong their youth. For some it is important to have healthy children. The goals can be anything. The main thing is that they are so important to you that you don’t leave the race halfway.

Formulate a motive in your head and constantly work on this topic, like a mantra: “I want to give up sweets and starchy foods as much as possible, because it is harmful to my figure, health, and activity.”

If this is not enough, then literature and the media work great, which are simply full of headlines about the dangers of obesity and the terrible consequences of excess weight. For some, reading a couple of lines will be enough to motivate themselves for the rest of their lives.

Counting calories is also a good help. Sometimes, after comparing the number of calories allowed by nutritionists to consume with those that a person actually absorbs per day, he once and for all gives up sweets and starchy foods.

Why is it difficult to give up sweets?

Throughout the article, we tried to name the most common causes of sweet addiction. You now know that sugar is a kind of drug, not only on a physiological level, but also on a psychological one. How many people do you know who can easily give up drug addiction? This time



— we don’t always understand how much this craving can harm us, which means we don’t really try to deal with it.

And three

— to overcome a craving for sweets, no matter what causes it, you need to work hard. But such work is not very fashionable in our times. Nowadays it is fashionable to live in pleasure, and if it is not enough, then it is suggested to work hard to find another. The era of self-indulgence leads to natural unpleasant side effects. But with our consistent efforts, each of us can change a lot in our lives. Ready?

This is interesting

How to get rid of food addiction?

The vast majority of people today suffer from some type of eating disorder. According to research, more than half of the people on the planet are obese, and more than 90% of them are due to overeating. At the same time, probably every person suffered from food addiction, permanently or temporarily. Food addiction is a condition when a person gets full not because of hunger, but in order to improve his mental state. Food addiction develops most often in people who are prone to negative thoughts or are in low vibrational frequencies and sometimes have a depressive syndrome.

Wean yourself off gradually

If you have formed a motive and decided to give up sweets and starchy foods, remember: do not rush. Otherwise, there is a risk of falling into depression. Reduce your sugar and flour consumption gradually. For example, on the first day of your new life, instead of two spoons of sugar, put one and a half spoons of sugar in your coffee, instead of three sweets, eat two, instead of five cookies, eat four.

Each subsequent day, reduce the dose of harmful foods by one serving. By the end of the first week, the body will get used to it and stop demanding sweets.

Do the same with bread: instead of white, take rye, then bread with bran, and then eliminate it from the diet completely.

An approximate scheme for gradually giving up flour products, sugar and all kinds of sweets looks like this:

First weekAvoid sugary sodas and juices (even freshly squeezed juice contains large amounts of sugar), and stop adding a few teaspoons of sugar to your tea and coffee. If you cannot tolerate unsweetened black tea, drink it with a dash of honey (not sweetener) or switch to herbal teas. It is acceptable to drink coffee with milk.
Second weekGet rid of your stocks of flour and sweets, stop baking or buying new sweets and reconsider your eating habits. Keep candy, chocolate and cookies out of sight. Remember that dried fruits are not at all a “safe” substitute for sweets and contain a large amount of sugar.
Third weekLearn to see the “hidden sugar”. Pay attention to the composition of the products (breakfast cereals, ketchup and other sauces contain sugar), and also study its synonyms. The fact is that food manufacturers often mislead consumers by labeling them “sugar-free,” but using substances related to sugar. Fructose, glucose syrup, glucose, maltodexin, dextrose, sucrose, agave syrup, honey are all sugars.

How to give up sweets and starchy foods: psychology is the best assistant

And indeed it is. No miracle pill will help as much as the right attitude. Any drugs work only at the moment when you take them, while psychological techniques, if used wisely, will always work for you.

But how to adjust your psychology to stop eating sweets? We present to your attention the TOP 5 psychological techniques that definitely need to be “implemented” into life.

Rule one: don't feel sorry for yourself

Don’t let this rule seem strange to you - nothing will work without it. Either you won’t be able to say “no” to sugar at all, or giving up sweets and flour will not bring results. Because the most important thing that determines the success of any endeavor is desire.

Therefore, you should not consider yourself the main martyr in the history of mankind. Refusal of flour and sweets is solely your own, adult and balanced decision, made in your personal interests. Make a choice, take responsibility, don’t look for someone to blame for the fact that you need to reduce your consumption of sweets. And you will see, it will be much easier for the body to get rid of this bad habit.

Rule two: do everything gradually

We have already talked about this above. Of course, you can say to yourself a firm “No!”, immediately putting the candy aside, but how long will it last? So remember: no rush! Otherwise, you risk going into deep depression, creating additional stress for yourself and hating the whole world. Do you need it?

How to gradually reduce your sugar intake? Very simple. For example, on the first day of your new life, “remove” the sugar from two cups of coffee, eat two instead of three candies, and four instead of five cookies. And this should be done every subsequent day - reduce the amount of harmful substances per serving. According to reviews, giving up sweets and starchy foods in this mode should last about five days. By the end of the first week, the body will get used to it and stop demanding buns and cakes. Do the same with bread - instead of white, take rye, then bread with bran, and then eliminate it from the diet completely.

Couldn't you completely give up sweets? Try to at least replace unhealthy foods with healthy ones: milk chocolate with dark chocolate, cakes with marshmallows, ice cream with fruit ice.

Rule three: get distracted

“I can’t give up sweets, what should I do?” - you ask. The answer is: do other things! Find some interesting hobby and devote all your free time to it. Remember – what have you wanted to do for a long time, but always had no time? So now is the time!

Rule four: tasty treats - for seven castles

Another relevant tip on how to stop eating sweets and starchy foods is to make sure that tasty but unhealthy foods do not become an eyesore. Do not put sweets and cookies on the table, distribute food in the refrigerator so that the sweets are not at eye level - and you will see that it will be much easier to resist temptations.

Rule five: proper diet is everything

How to give up sweets to lose weight? First of all, create the right diet. Every second article on losing weight talks about how to do this on the Internet. Therefore, we will repeat only the most basic points:

  • Instead of sweets - fruits and vegetables in any quantity.
  • Ketchups, store-bought canned goods and other products that contain “hidden” sugar should be completely avoided.
  • You can eat nuts, honey, dried fruits - for example, dried apricots, dates, prunes. But don't get too carried away!
  • It is necessary to consume a lot of protein foods - lean meat and fish, eggs, dairy products.
  • Drinking about two liters of water a day is a must if you decide to give up starchy and sweet foods.
  • It wouldn't hurt to take vitamins. Which ones exactly – check with your doctor.

Some more useful tips on how to stop eating sweets

A great tip on how to stop eating sweets is to replace cheap sweets with expensive ones. Firstly, you will not be able to buy harmful products in large quantities. Secondly, expensive sweets are more natural. And thirdly, elite chocolate or imported cookies are really very tasty. However, it is possible that this is compulsive overeating and then you cannot do without a doctor.

If you are looking for a way to give up sweets and starchy foods forever, start cooking yourself. There are millions of dietary recipes for cakes on the Internet that are as tasty as store-bought ones, but at the same time they contain several times fewer calories. It's simple: slimming housewives replace sugar with dates, fruit puree, and spices - nutmeg or cinnamon.

You will also find many useful tips on how to force yourself not to eat sweets in the video presented:

Have you tried giving up sweets and did it work? Share your own experience in the comments!

Replace unhealthy foods with healthy ones

In order to help yourself overcome sweet cravings, you need to replace them with protein. The fact is that eating protein will reduce your need for food. To prepare the drink, simply dissolve protein powder, which is sold in stores, in regular milk.

People often consume sweets to combat depression and lift their spirits, so to speak, to “eat stress.”

If your life is full of such situations, replace sweets with fruits or nuts, include honey in your diet, and enjoy diabetic desserts. However, remember that here you need to know when to stop. At the initial stages, you can simply replace harmful foods with healthier ones:

Harmful productsAlternative
Milk chocolateDark chocolate (cocoa content 50-70%)
Ice creamFruit ice
SugarHoney, stevia
CandiesRaisins, prunes, dried apricots, dates
BakeryCrispbread with nut butter
Buttercream cakesCakes with yoghurt cream
Sweet moussesFruit jellies
Potato chipsApple or pear chips
TaffyDried berries (strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, rose hips, strawberries, cherries)
MilkshakesWater-based drinks (with lemon, grapefruit, tangerines, non-alcoholic mulled wine)

Symptoms of sweet addiction

Like any addiction, sugar addiction has its own symptoms. You may not find all 5 signs in yourself, but even the presence of several of them should be an alarm bell for you.

So, the manifestations of sugar addiction:

  1. You eat sweets even when you are not hungry.
  2. You can’t stop, you’re ready to eat sweets beyond what you planned.
  3. Eating sweets calms you down.
  4. You want simple carbohydrates.
  5. You realize that sugar addiction is “evil,” but you can’t do anything about it.

The good news is that everyone can find the strength to overcome sugar cravings. But you will have to work hard for this.

“There is nothing that cannot be achieved through intense effort.”


This is interesting

Food for healthy skin: rules and list of products

Do you increasingly dislike the way your skin looks: is it flaking, or maybe you are tormented by rashes or an oily sheen? Visits to cosmetologists are not cheap, and you won’t get away with just one procedure. You need to take courses, you need to spend your free time on this, which you could spend with greater benefit for yourself. Agree that it is much more pleasant to relax once again in a warm, aromatic bath than to nervously hang around in traffic jams: after all, you still need to find a good cosmetologist; it will be a miracle if his office is in the next house.

Give up rituals

Give up all rituals associated with eating sweets: for example, tea with colleagues, visiting a theater buffet, going to pastry shops and cafes, and so on. Don’t flatter yourself with the hope that you can refuse candy, for example, during your usual tea party at work. It is necessary to generally replace the consumption (or purchase) of sweets with something completely unrelated to them.

Also, stop rewarding yourself with sweets. This forms an unhealthy habit.

First you complete an important project and buy a cake, and then you start eating cakes when you are stressed because you associate sweets with success and joy.

It’s better to reward yourself with something inedible or put the money you were going to spend on sweets in a piggy bank.

Drink water

Stop quenching your thirst with sugary carbonated drinks. Remember that one can of lemonade contains about 39 grams of sugar, which is more than half the daily requirement. Don't think that juices are much healthier than soda: a glass of orange juice, for example, contains about 33 grams of sugar.

There is no sugar or calories in water. Therefore, this is the best drink for maintaining water and electrolyte balance in the body.

Do not forget to drink enough ordinary water (daily intake: 1.5-2 liters, excluding other liquids).

And as soon as you feel the need for something sweet, take a few sips and eat a slice of apple. This will help overcome harmful cravings.

Is it possible to do without sweets?

October 5, 2016

The benefits and harms of sweets. How to benefit from sugar and is it even possible?

For each of us, sweets are an integral part of our diet. Often we buy sweets in order to somehow console ourselves or simply “sweeten” our lives. Buying sweets has become something of a ritual for us; many people often do not understand those who give up sugar (for example, due to a diet), because giving up this “joy” seems very difficult. But what if most sweets are actually bad for our health? How to learn to live without them? Sweets have a very strong effect on our body, especially if these sweets are consumed in excessive quantities. Due to the rapid absorption of sweets, our body begins to rapidly gain weight. This is due to the fact that the energy contained in a chocolate bar is enough to run a couple of kilometers, and most of us are unlikely to run these kilometers after eating a chocolate bar; as a result, the calories are not processed, but are stored as fat. For the same reason, we eat more and more sweets - carbohydrates are processed very quickly and the appetite awakens half an hour after eating sweets. Also, excessive consumption of sweets leads to metabolic disorders and even the development of diabetes. Due to the fact that a person eats a lot of sweets, the body must produce a large amount of insulin, which means the pancreas must work much harder. Moreover, the presence of large amounts of glucose in the blood negatively affects the cardiovascular system. Sweets also harm your teeth. For example, constantly eating candy leads to mechanical damage to the teeth. And sugar destroys tooth enamel (due to bacteria that multiply in the oral cavity). For the same reason, bad breath appears. Sugar has a negative effect on the skin. This mainly happens due to eating sweet buns, pastries, cakes and other baked goods. As a result of the proliferation of bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract (which are formed after taking these sweets), a rash forms on the skin. In addition, flavorings included in sugar products can cause allergies. Scientists have proven that eating sweets in large quantities leads to a decrease in mental activity. Although consuming sugar can be harmful to your health, there are also benefits to consuming sugar in limited quantities. Dark chocolate increases your IQ level, sweets calm your nerves, increase your energy and improve your mood. Therefore, you should not completely exclude sweets. But it is worth remembering that sweets can be healthy only in moderation. If you decide to change your diet to a healthier one, then sugar can be replaced by sweeteners: saccharin, sucralose, sorbitol and others. But you need to remember that you should never abuse such substitutes - in excess, they can cause insomnia, stress, worsening mood and allergies. You can also replace store-bought sweets with natural products that contain healthier sugars. Honey, fruits and berries also contain sugar and have a beneficial effect on the body. If you want to make something without using regular sugar, you can replace it with barley malt syrup, agave nectar or rice syrup. You can serve honey and dried fruits with tea. If you decide to give up sugar altogether, then it will not be so easy; the most important thing is to withstand 21 days. It is during this time that a person develops a habit, which in the future is no longer so difficult to observe.


  • Fruits
  • Honey
  • Sweets

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Adjust your diet

Cravings for sweets and starchy foods are sometimes inextricably linked with poor diet. So try to stick to proper schedule and rules.

Ideally, meals should be fractional and balanced at the rate of: a small portion every 3 hours.

It is precisely too long breaks between breakfast and dinner that traditionally encourage overeating and abuse of flour products. Your ideal eating schedule should be like this:

  • 7-8 a.m. – breakfast,
  • 11 a.m. - snack
  • 13:00 – lunch,
  • 15 o'clock in the afternoon - snack,
  • 18 pm - dinner.

Eat even the healthiest sweets before 3 p.m., or even better, for breakfast. This will make it much easier for you to refuse temptation during the day. In addition, in the morning you will be charged with energy and will be happy to spend it, and all carbohydrates after 15.00 will certainly transform into excess weight. In general, choose only healthy foods for the menu with sufficient amounts of proteins, fats and slow carbohydrates.

Sweet cravings: reasons

All the reasons for this “sweet” story can be divided into two groups: physiological and psychological.

Physiological causes of cravings for sweets.

  • Lack of glucose for the brain, which can be caused, for example, by low blood pressure, concussion and other unhealthy conditions.
  • Malfunction of the thyroid gland. This organ is also responsible for metabolism and participates in carbohydrate metabolism. Therefore, disturbances in the functioning of the thyroid gland can often cause cravings for sweets and starchy foods

    It is important to first exclude these two causes, especially if you have symptoms such as a constant feeling of hunger, chronic fatigue, dizziness, etc. To do this, you need to consult a competent doctor.

  • Insulin resistance, or cell insensitivity to insulin.
    It looks like this: when the blood sugar level increases, insulin is produced, but it cannot fulfill its role sufficiently - complete absorption of glucose does not occur. As a result, there is a lot of sugar in the blood, but the body’s needs for glucose cannot be met, even despite the efforts of the pancreas, which will produce new doses of insulin in an attempt to provide the cells with energy. At this time, we may experience a strong appetite, and often for fast carbohydrates.
  • Hormonal changes in women.
    Every month there is a period when the female body prepares for conception, regardless of the wishes and plans of the mistress; This is how nature works. To this end, the body increases its energy requirements to 500 calories per day. Since it is easier and faster to close them with simple carbohydrates, cravings for sweets may arise. Causes in women may also lie in sex hormones involved in the monthly menstrual cycle. Progesterone and estrogen influence blood glucose levels, and they are also associated with digestive hormones responsible for the feeling of fullness.
  • Illiterately composed or chaotic diet. If your menu does not have enough proteins, complex carbohydrates and fiber; if you limit yourself beyond measure, then you break down and overeat if you don’t drink enough water... This one strategic flaw can greatly affect your eating habits.
  • Deficiency of chromium and B vitamins - the most important nutrients for the body. Below we will talk about chromium shortages in more detail.

Have fun and exercise

Do something interesting to take your mind off thoughts about sweets and starchy foods. It doesn’t matter what you do (walk down the street, watch a movie, visit the theater, read a book, knit, sew), the main thing is that it brings you pleasure, which will take all your attention. In order to suppress thoughts of sweets, you can engage in physical activity or breathing exercises, after which the craving for heavy food disappears.

What techniques do you use to limit your intake of sweets and starchy foods?

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