How to stop eating at night - effective ways to get rid of this habit

It’s a painfully familiar picture: everything around has fallen asleep, it’s dark everywhere, but then light appears in the kitchen, and a hand reaches out to the refrigerator door, at first hesitantly, and then confidently. Then everything is like a fog. The desire to eat all the goodies at once does not disappear until the hunger goes away, forcing us to get out of our warm bed and go in search of delicacies. What to do if you want to eat at night, and how to get rid of the habitual midnight vigil, which turns into extra pounds on your sides and hips?

A hard day at work, a trip to the cinema or a party with friends, and now you find yourself at home. Remembering that your figure will not become slim by itself, you deny yourself dinner: after all, it’s already seven o’clock - you can’t eat. At night you toss and turn and can’t close your eyes. How can you calm both yourself and your grumbling empty stomach? There is only one way out - tiptoe into the kitchen and put into your mouth everything that your eyes fall on: a sandwich with sausage and cheese, a bun, a cutlet... After that, your soul is calm, and you have extremely pleasant dreams. It’s just that the number on the scale is terrifying - away with dreams of a thin waist.

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A cry for help sounds like a sentence. I eat at night, what should I do? Put a lock on the refrigerator? Test your endurance by counting sheep? Fight off hunger with your favorite pastime - but this will result in lack of sleep and constant fatigue! It's time to understand the causes of the bad habit and find effective ways to get rid of it.

Is it harmful to eat at night?

Is late-night snacking really that bad? We can say with confidence - yes, it really has a negative impact on our condition. During sleep, the stomach should rest, and not work like a clock. Continuous exercise leads to poor health in the morning, lethargy and loss of strength. Interesting fact: by falling asleep, rather than devouring endless pies and rolls, we help rejuvenate the body.

Experts say: there are two things that provoke aging. These are trips to the refrigerator in the dark and severe restrictions on food, leading to starvation.

The frightening news for those who like to eat heartily while others sleep soundly does not end there. The harm of the habit of eating at night lies in the destructive effect it has on the digestive system. The stomach has difficulty coping with unplanned work: it simply gives up and does not complete its task, because it wants to rest, and not work until the morning. The result of this “shirking” is that glucose enters the liver. Do you think there's nothing wrong with this? However, the consequences of such a movement are the storage of fat in reserve and unwanted extra pounds. Eating as a substitute for restful and healthy sleep is one of the causes of obesity.

Metabolism also suffers: salts stagnate in the body, which affects joint mobility. Pain and stiffness of movement arise, and sedentary work in the office becomes simply unbearable. Muscle fatigue and arthritis are constant companions of this unpleasant process.

Disrupting the body's work cycle is extremely dangerous. It can react not only with weight gain, but also with the occurrence of serious diseases: diabetes, atherosclerosis, sudden surges in pressure. Do you need such problems? I’m sure no one wants to grow old before their time and acquire a bunch of sores.

How to stop eating at night: six effective tips

The main reason for excess weight is evening and night trips to the refrigerator. How to stop such breakdowns? We share simple and effective tips that will help you.

Don't have dinner too late

If you sit down at the table late in the evening, you risk staying up late into the night and eating a lot of extra food. Especially if you watch TV shows and movies and surf the Internet during dinner. The more distracted you are from dinner, the higher the risk of going to bed with a full stomach.

Try separating entertainment time and dinner time. This way you will learn to eat to satisfy your hunger, and not to complement a pleasant pastime.

Work with your emotional hunger

Evening is the most convenient time for analysis and soul-searching. You return from work tired... and begin to “eat up” problems, dissatisfaction with yourself, stress. Food gives a pleasant feeling of calm, but it cannot drown out emotional hunger. The only way out is to work with the source of the problem itself. Be honest with yourself: the next time your hand reaches for another bun at night, ask yourself if you are really hungry.

Plan your time

If “you worked all day, forgetting about breakfast and lunch, and only got around to eating at night” - about you, then we recommend that you radically reconsider your rhythm of life. It has been proven that unsystematic, irregular meals have a negative impact not only on the waist, but also on health. Therefore, keep your diet consistent and don’t be afraid to eat after six, the main thing is to eat 3-4 hours before sleep so as not to overload the digestive system.

Maintain balance

Monitor the amount of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and fiber in your diet - it should be varied and balanced. These healthy nutrients will help keep your hormones and blood sugar levels under control, so you won't feel hungry later in the evening.

Try going without snacks

Snacks are necessary in order not to go hungry between main meals, but if the latter are satisfying, you will not want to eat something else again.

Try to exclude snacks from your diet: healthy fasting will allow the body to completely process sugar and start fat burning processes in a timely manner, which means that in the evenings your appetite will be moderate and you can easily last without food until the morning.

Don't skip breakfast

Even if you ignore all the benefits of breakfast, a hearty start to the day is the key to your emotional peace in the evening. It will be easier for you to restrain yourself in the evening if you know that you will have a hearty breakfast again in the morning.

How not to want to eat in the evening at night: reasons for “breakdowns”

Why does the desire to put another tasty treat in our mouths flare up in us when we are about to sleep? How to explain the very fact of midnight feeding? After all, the body will not give signals, begging for saturation, just like that!

  • The first reason that causes a feeling of hunger in the dark is an incorrect diet, incorrect distribution of portions throughout the day. As a rule, most lovers of snacks at night deny themselves breakfast, somehow have lunch at work, hastily swallowing instant noodles or eating unhealthy fast food. They allow themselves to relax only in the evening. That’s when freedom begins: fried potatoes, fatty chops, pickles and jams fly into the stomach...
  • Are you nervous about trifles or are you struggling for a long time and decisively with prolonged depression? Stress also leads to a harmful desire to console yourself at night, recklessly wielding a knife and fork. When we are sad, we look for a source of joy and positivity. As a rule, many people prefer to shorten their search and choose food.
  • The last reason is problems in the functioning of our body. Those of us who suffer from gastritis or diabetes really want to eat at night. Excessive secretion of gastric juice, increased blood sugar levels - disturbances in biochemical processes can lead to more and more “disruptions”. In this case, a recommendation from an endocrinologist or gastroenterologist would be good advice.

How to stop eating at night? Is the fight against hunger really doomed to failure? Let's try to find the answer to a popular question and help those who have become hostage to their own desires, which have a detrimental effect on their figure, spoil their health and lead to more and more disorders.

How to stop eating at night

What do sufferers who want to get rid of their addiction to late snacks do: they inhale essential oils, in the hope that this will definitely help and prevent the feeling of hunger, brush their teeth as soon as the desire to eat their favorite treat arises, put on tight clothes to remind themselves about the imperfections of the figure... It’s all to no avail: at midnight a plate appears on the kitchen table, filled to the brim with goodies. We offer the following effective ways to break the habit of eating at night:

  • We must not forget that the root of all evil is poor nutrition and limiting oneself in food. You starve, and then you break down, attacking cakes and sweets. Is constant testing of the body's strength worth the end result - weight gain and metabolic disorders? Stop exhausting yourself and plan your daily diet wisely. You can eat delicious food without gaining weight. How do you like this news? Sounds tempting. Together with us, divide all products into “profitable” and “unprofitable”. Monitor the calorie content of your meals, adjust your diet, and the results will not take long to arrive.
  • How to force yourself not to eat at night? First, try giving yourself a full breakfast. You need to saturate your body in the morning regularly, and not every other day or whenever you want. Your health is not a toy. The consequences of fasting after sleep are the rapid onset of hunger, increased appetite and the appearance of extra pounds. If we want to become slim, we will have to forget about the habit of skipping our morning meal.
  • Are you coming up with new ways to avoid eating at night while your empty stomach grumbles menacingly? Stop skipping dinner. This is another mandatory component of a proper diet, and you cannot break the routine. We are talking about both “night owls” and “larks”. Surprisingly, you can eat more calories in the evenings and not gain weight. However, do not forget that this rule will only work if the energy value of dinner does not exceed 650 kcal for women and 950 kcal for men. What to eat to fill yourself up before rest, meeting the specified norm? The ideal option would be fish or lean meat, poultry or game with a side dish of vegetables: tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, zucchini, etc. Be sure to calculate the calorie content of each dish!

What to do to avoid eating at night? Another tip is to drink more water. Place a full glass in each room if you constantly forget about your fluid intake. Fun fact: Warm or hot water reduces your appetite. She finds it easy to feel full between meals. You should not quench your thirst immediately after lunch: this will lead to “retention” of fat in the body and weight gain.

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Stop eating for the night! Have pity on your body, and it will definitely thank you with harmony and wonderful well-being throughout the day. Create the right diet with us. The clinic’s doctors will select the right program and help you get rid of extra pounds by eating tasty and healthy food. Get slim without debilitating restrictions and resorting to dubious methods.

How to stop eating at night

After 20:00 the digestive system slows down, and at night it practically stops, so food is poorly absorbed

There are several effective strategies to help you cope with the persistent desire to munch on a couple of slices of pizza and a portion of French fries at two in the morning.

Debunking myths

The common statement that you cannot eat after 18:00 turns out to be just a myth. Forget about being tied to six o'clock in the evening and replace the bad advice with the rule: at least two hours should pass from the last meal of easily digestible food to going to bed.

If you have dinner at six and go to bed at 01:00, you have a full 7 hours left to be physically hungry, and the fight against late-night snacking turns into self-torture. Don't mock yourself. Introduce a light late dinner into your daily routine at 22:00 or 23:00. A bowl of porridge with fruit or an omelet with vegetables and herbs will solve your problem. The main thing is that the calorie content of food does not exceed 1/3 of the daily value.

Change your eating habits

To get rid of the desire to eat heavy and high-calorie foods at night, you should understand your eating habits. It's not that hard to do. It is enough to follow a few simple rules:

  • find time for a full breakfast in the morning (the first meal is the most important);
  • give up snacks on the run, no street food and dry sandwiches;
  • eat a full meal during your lunch break: heat up food brought from home in the microwave or get into the habit of going to the nearest cafe that serves business lunches with first and second courses;
  • drink enough water, two to three liters per day.

Say a word about a hearty breakfast

The morning should account for the bulk of your daily caloric intake. If you have a fairly hearty breakfast and later have a full lunch, then you will not have an acute feeling of hunger or the desire to grab something tasty either during the day or in the evening.

Vegetables and fruits, whole grains and lean protein are good for breakfast. For example, eggs, milk, nuts or low-fat cheese cooked in olive oil. If you have to sit in the office most of your working time, it is optimal to consume about 350 calories in the morning. With a more active lifestyle (sports, physically demanding work, or the need to walk a lot throughout the day), it is recommended to slightly increase the norm.

Fighting emotional hunger

Physical hunger increases gradually, but emotional hunger appears suddenly. One minute you weren’t even thinking about food, and the next thing you know, you’re greedily devouring whipped-up ham and cheese sandwiches.

The most effective way to combat artificial hunger caused by stress is to eliminate the cause of discomfort and overexertion. Unfortunately, in many cases, doing this quickly and simply will not work. In the meantime, the source of stress is not eliminated, try to make do with “improvised means”:

  • If you have a strong desire to snack, eat a spoonful of polyphepane (lignin). In addition to eliminating the feeling of hunger, enterosorbent compensates for the lack of natural dietary fiber and has a beneficial effect on the intestinal microflora.
  • “Surrogate” actions help cope with the desire to snack, but a cigarette in your mouth is not the best way to combat hunger. In extreme cases, a mint candy or chewing gum will do.
  • Get into the habit of brushing your teeth not before bed, but immediately after dinner. Oddly enough, this is one of the most effective ways to cope with the “night watch”.

To break the habit of eating at night, first of all, get your diet in order. Eat a full breakfast and lunch, avoid snacks on the run, and don’t give up a light second dinner if you go to bed after midnight.

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