Striae: what causes stretch marks on the body, what they look like and how to treat them

There are three types of scars that form under the skin:

  • Large burgundy-blue scars running longitudinally
  • Small scars of pale pink color
  • Thin white stripes of shallow depth.

For stretch marks to form on the body, mechanical stretching of the skin is not enough. If we talk about what causes stretch marks in a more understandable language, then we can say that they are the result of the healing of micro-tears in the elastin and collagen fibers of the skin. Such injuries occur due to disruption of regenerative processes in tissues or poor elasticity of the skin. The thinned dermis is susceptible to the formation of internal tears, which over time are filled with connective (scar) tissue.

Atrophic scars can appear on the thighs, abdomen, buttocks, chest, lower back, and even on the arms and face. As a rule, they begin to appear during puberty, while athletes are building muscle mass, with sudden weight loss or rapid weight gain, during pregnancy, as a result of hereditary predisposition, due to certain diseases. Scarring is a serious problem as all layers of the skin are affected. Dermal ruptures themselves do not pose a danger to humans and are not treated in medical institutions. But if stretch marks have formed for no apparent reason and there are such alarming symptoms as the growth of excess hair on the back, face, chest, high blood pressure, weight gain, then you need to urgently consult a doctor.

Adolescent children often face the problem of stretch marks on the back, chest, hips and buttocks. The reason for the appearance of defects is the accelerated growth of bones, behind which the muscles and skin do not have time to stretch. This can also occur as a result of hormonal changes. White stripes that do not tan in the sun can cause serious complexes about their appearance, so many teenagers try to solve this problem as quickly as possible. First, you need to consult an endocrinologist to rule out hormonal imbalance, and only then consider the issue from a cosmetological point of view.

Most pregnant women know that during periods of intense weight gain and belly growth, terrible red and blue stripes can appear on the body that are difficult to get rid of. Unfortunately, many people begin to think about how to remove stretch marks on the abdomen after childbirth, and this is not entirely correct.

Athletes who diligently increase their muscle mass sometimes experience the appearance of white stripes on their arms and legs. Striae on the hands indicate that the skin in these places has become thinner and collagen structures have collapsed. Skin defects can also be caused by taking hormonal drugs to quickly increase muscles. In the future, after stopping hormones, the muscles may return to their previous state or decrease slightly in volume, but the stretch marks will remain.

Stretch marks (striae ) are a skin defect in the form of linear stripes localized in places of greatest extensibility of the skin. Fresh stretch marks are pinkish or red-violet in color; Over time, they become discolored, turning into pearly white atrophic lines. Striae are localized mainly on the skin of the mammary glands, abdomen and thighs. They are purely a cosmetic drawback and do not cause any physical discomfort, but even in this case, many women are not ready to put up with the presence of stretch marks. To remove (or reduce the severity of) stretch marks, chemical peels, laser skin resurfacing, algae wraps, etc. are used.

  • External manifestations of stretch marks (stretch marks)
  • Causes of stretch marks
  • Prevention of stretch marks
  • Preventing stretch marks during pregnancy
  • Removal (treatment) of stretch marks
  • Stretch marks. Striae. – treatment in Moscow
  • Stretch marks. Striae. – illustrations

Stretch marks. Striae.

The unpleasant problem of stretch marks (striae) appearing on the skin is familiar to the vast majority of women. Almost 2/3 of the fair sex note their occurrence in the chest, abdomen, hips in the postpartum period, after breastfeeding or as a result of a sharp loss of extra pounds. Stretch marks, or stretch marks, are cicatricial changes in the skin due to microtrauma of its individual fibers.

Despite the fact that stretch marks on the skin are not a dangerous condition for health, they cause a lot of inconvenience to their owners in aesthetic terms. Women are embarrassed to wear revealing clothes and try not to sunbathe so that stretch marks do not stand out on darker skin. As with any other cosmetic defect, you need to start fighting stretch marks even before they appear.

Celebrities post photos with stretch marks

Ashley Graham, a famous American plus-size model, published another candid photo of her body. Graham has never been shy about her curves and often posts photos in a swimsuit and underwear, not hiding her belly and large hips, but this time she added stretch marks to the mix.

Last week, Ashley Graham and her husband, videographer and director Justin Erwin, officially confirmed that they will soon become parents for the first time. In this regard, the model decided to show subscribers how pregnancy changes her body and photographed herself naked, flaunting folds and stretch marks.

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same same but a little different

Posted by ASHLEYGRAHAM (@ashleygraham) Aug 18, 2019 at 9:07 am PDT

“Same thing, but a little different,” Ashley Graham captioned the photo.

Ashley's audience, who also promotes body positivity, was delighted with this photo. The model was generously showered with compliments, calling her body “beautiful” and “sexy.” However, some male subscribers did not really like Ashley's revelation.

"Seriously? Seriously? I’m a man of the 21st century, but... for me, this is ugly,” one of them commented on the photo.

“Since when is an unhealthy body considered beautiful?” - another man supported Albert.

Some commentators also agreed that stretch marks are still a flaw and openly showing it is inappropriate.

However, fighting stretch marks is very difficult, and in most cases even pointless, so even those stars whose appearance always seems ideal to us resign themselves to it and periodically show stripes on their bodies, urging their subscribers to love themselves. For example, last week, Kim Kardashian West's older sister Courtney posted a photo of her lifestyle project in a swimsuit on Instagram, where stretch marks are clearly visible on her hips and buttocks.

“I love these little stripes,” Kourtney wrote in the comments section of the post. However, it is not entirely clear why, in this case, the star removes stretch marks with Photoshop from candid photos for her personal account. In absolutely all the pictures on Courtney’s official Instagram, her hips look impeccable.

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Poosh away your pooch with these 5 simple moves. Link in bio for @amandaeliselee's step-by-step instructions for each. #pooshthemoves

Posted by Poosh (@poosh) Aug 12, 2021 at 5:15 am PDT

For some, demonstrating their imperfect forms has become a reason for jokes. The popular American model and TV presenter Chrissy Teigen spoke out against retouching several years ago when she discovered stretch marks after her first birth. She posted a photo of her changed legs with the caption: “Stretch marks say hello!” Teigen makes sure to keep her followers updated about the number of stretch marks she has, so shortly after her second pregnancy, she did the same and showed off new changes to her body. Not everyone likes such frankness, so in an interview the model often has to justify her actions:

“I don’t want anyone to feel like they’re alone [with stretch marks],” Teigen explained to Elle.

Chrissy Teigen often openly talks about quite intimate things, such as postpartum depression, excess weight and plastic surgery. Therefore, if such a step was fully expected from her, then some models mislead their subscribers with such statements. Thus, Rosanna Purcell, runner-up of Miss Ireland, greatly surprised everyone by posting an unretouched photo on Instagram, seasoning it with a heart-warming story about the stretch marks that have been with her since childhood.

“I first noticed stretch marks on my body when I was 11 or 12 years old. At first I thought that a cat had scratched me,” the girl admitted.

Rosanna said that she was very surprised when she learned that all women try to hide stretch marks and consider it shameful: as a child, she thought it was cool. At the end of the publication, the girl encouraged everyone, convincing that “stretch marks are normal” and those who condemn such a feature are “simply idiots.”

Many people supported Rosanna in the comments, but there were many who were disappointed with her imperfect figure. Some commentators also condemned the girl for deceiving her subscribers all this time by retouching her photos.

External manifestations of stretch marks (stretch marks)

There are three types of stretch marks (striae) on the body: thread-like shallow whitish stripes, small pale pinkish scars and longitudinal cicatricial defects of a blue-burgundy color, which become light over time.

Stretch marks usually appear on the skin of the thighs, abdomen, chest, and with concomitant hormonal disorders - on the face. Stretch marks caused by sudden weight loss are located vertically on the body, while endocrine disorders are located horizontally.

Under the influence of a violation of hormonal regulation or significant stretching of the skin, its collagen and elastin fibers lengthen and become thinner, which leads to their internal tears. In places where fibers are injured, connective tissue grows. At first, stretch marks have a pinkish-purple tint, then gradually fade and acquire a pearly white color. If measures are not taken in time, then after some time the stretch marks will begin to look like scars. Dark or tanned skin accentuates stretch marks even more, because connective tissue does not contain pigment and does not tan.


Striae appear as a result of rapid stretching of the skin against the background of hormonal imbalance and/or in the presence of a genetic predisposition. Hormonal disorders (increased progesterone, glucocorticoids, etc.) lead to a decrease in the activity of fibroblasts - the unique “factories” of the dermis - “producing” collagen, elastin, hyaluronic acid. It's no secret that the latter are the main components of collagen, elastin fibers and the intercellular substance of the middle layer of the skin. In addition, the above hormones increase the activity of enzymes that destroy dermal fibers - collagenase, hyaluronidase and elastase.

As a result of such changes, the middle layer of the skin becomes thinner and loses its basic properties - strength, elasticity, firmness, extensibility and contractility. Therefore, under heavy loads (tension), the dermis “bursts” with the formation of a recess, covered only by a thin epidermis - this is how stretch marks appear. The intradermal rupture is very quickly “sealed”, “patched” by the same fibroblasts, through the formation of rough scar tissue, following the same patterns as the healing of any other wound after injury.

At first, the scar tissue in the area of ​​stretch marks is dense, inextensible and contains a large number of chaotically located blood vessels, which give the stretch marks a pinkish-purple color. Gradually, like any other scar, the connective tissue in stretch marks matures, this happens over the course of 1-2 years, it becomes softer, the number of vessels in it decreases, and as a result, the stretch marks turn pale. However, not for everyone and not always. For some women, stretch marks that appear on the abdomen or thighs during pregnancy can become pearlescent pink throughout their entire lives. If there are a lot of stretch marks, then the skin in the damaged area changes in principle, it becomes thin, vulnerable, parchment-like, and when you move and bend, it sags sadly like a finely wrinkled cobweb.

Another unpleasant feature: there is no pigment in the area of ​​stretch marks, so they do not darken under the influence of sunlight and remain white stripes against the background of tanned skin.


“What can I say for sure!! The fact that the skin on my stomach has changed! Before that, the skin was so thin that I was even afraid to smear cream on it, and I constantly wore high pants so as not to hurt it, it seemed to me that if I touched it with my fingernail, it would simply tear! And when I bent or bent over, small goose folds appeared all over my stomach!! And they converged on the seam after abdominoplasty, as if they were not alive, and they folded somehow unnaturally!! And now she's really alive! The skin has become normal and more elastic and thicker, or something! Now when I bend over, it no longer turns into a cobweb! So the effect here is colossal!!! I'm very happy!! Stretch marks that have been purple for 2 years have definitely lightened up! But they didn’t disappear completely (well, I didn’t expect such an effect, because it’s not real), they became not so deep or something.” Elena, 35 years old and other reviews on how to get rid of stretch marks.

Causes of stretch marks

The appearance of stretch marks is not just the result of overstretching of the skin. Stretch marks (striae) are the outcome of the healing of skin collagen and elastin fibers after microtrauma, i.e. their scarring.

The occurrence of stretch marks is caused by increased secretion of cortisol, a hormone from the adrenal cortex. Its hypersecretion leads to stretching, thinning, and then rupture of the skin fibers with the subsequent appearance of stretch marks (striae).

The cause of fiber ruptures and their subsequent scarring may be insufficient elasticity of the skin or its poor regenerative ability. Internal microtraumas of the fibers lead to the growth of connective, i.e., scar tissue in places where there are tears.

The reasons for the appearance of stretch marks in the thighs, buttocks, abdomen, and chest can be very different: puberty, pregnancy, and significant weight fluctuations. Adolescents in adolescence, pregnant women, athletes - all those who, for one reason or another, quickly gain body weight - are susceptible to stretch marks. The hereditary factor also plays a role if stretch marks run in the family of older women. Another reason for the appearance of stretch marks may be hormone replacement therapy for diseases of the endocrine system.

In people who are forced to take steroid hormones for a long time (hydrocortisone, prednisolone and other adrenal hormones), as well as in patients with Itsenko-Cushing syndrome, stretch marks can appear over the entire surface of the body and on the face. Such stretch marks are more pronounced in length, width and body surface area than stretch marks of pregnant women or teenagers.

Oksana Samoilova

Oksana, of course, was caught using Photoshop - but in words the brunette does not try to seem impeccable. “Cellulite, loose skin, small stretch marks on the hips, but they seem old,” is how the Instagram star described herself during her fourth pregnancy. The caesarean section and the birth of her son did not have much effect on the model’s body - ten days later she was showing off in a bikini on the beach, showing off barely noticeable stretch marks on her hips.

Photos of stars with cellulite and stretch marks: Oksana Samoilova. Source: Instagram

Prevention of stretch marks

Avoiding the occurrence of stretch marks is not easy, especially in cases where there are objective reasons for this: pregnancy, endocrine problems, poor skin elasticity and existing stretch marks due to weight changes. But this task is completely solvable if you approach it with all seriousness and responsibility.

Preventive measures to prevent the formation of stretch marks should be taken by women who, for one reason or another, gain or lose extra pounds. During pregnancy, when significant overstretching of the skin of the chest, abdomen, and thighs occurs, it is necessary to take especially careful care of these areas of the body. To prevent the appearance of stretch marks, dermatocosmetologists recommend the use of creams containing vitamins A, E and C, as well as a collagen-elastin complex.

Professional cosmetic lines Decleor, Babor, Biotherm offer special creams that effectively prevent the appearance of stretch marks. A massage of the areas most vulnerable to the formation of stretch marks on the chest, thighs, and abdomen with light rubbing of olive oil has a good effect. Daily use of products to prevent stretch marks, although it does not guarantee 100% results, in some cases can serve as an effective remedy against their occurrence.

The modern cosmetic industry offers a wide variety of special phytocreams: Biotherm (Biovergetures), Galenic (Specific Vergetures), Gernetic, Lierac (Photolastil), Phytomer (Pre Vergetures), Vichy (Vergetures) and many others. others that effectively combat the occurrence of stretch marks. Special skin-strengthening creams, as a rule, include active moisturizing components (aloe juice, chitosan, hyaluronic acid), as well as vitamin and mineral complexes, collagen, amino acids and protein hydrolysates. A mandatory ingredient in such products are vegetable oils (avocado, borage, grape seeds, wheat germ, cocoa, sea buckthorn, aspen, soybean, thistle, rose hip, etc.), which nourish weak, stretchable skin.

Treatment of stretch marks

Dealing with stretch marks is neither easy nor easy. Their treatment, even in modern conditions, with the availability of smart technology and effective methods, is not always successful, so you should not even start with those methods that do not guarantee complete restoration of the skin. The most effective methods for treating stretch marks can be noted.

Laser stretch mark removal is increasingly gaining popularity. And this is not without reason, although laser nanoperforation is a new method, it allows not only to improve the appearance of the skin, but also to completely remove stretch marks. Laser beams specifically penetrate the desired location and reach the connective tissue. Under their influence, collagen begins to be produced, connective tissue is destroyed and the skin is restored. The procedure is effective, but expensive and painful. It is recommended to carry out under local anesthesia.

Chemical peeling is considered a good procedure for removing dead skin particles from the skin. As a result, the patient begins to produce collagen and blood circulation in the upper layer of skin improves.

Biorevitalization is suitable for those who have just begun to develop stretch marks. A special composition is injected under the skin through thin needles, which helps restore the skin.

Mesotherapy is carried out using microinjections, which restore elastin and collagen. To remove stretch marks, several sessions are necessary. At each such session, medications are injected through thin needles into the problem area.

Microdermabrasion is performed using a special device that releases microcrystals. They reach stretch marks and make them less noticeable.

Abdominoplasty is based on transplanting healthy skin to the affected areas. This method, although it completely eliminates stretch marks, has dangerous consequences. The slightest violation of technology can cause complications that are very dangerous.

Treatment methods for stretch marks using creams, ointments and other cosmetics are considered ineffective, although they can be used at the initial stage of formation of stretch marks. When stretch marks appear after pregnancy, treatment methods can be combined. This will help you achieve the best results.

Preventing stretch marks during pregnancy

Preventative measures to prevent skin stretch marks should be taken before pregnancy. For this purpose, you can undergo a course of vacuum or general hygienic massage procedures. Vegetable oils used in massage have proven themselves to improve skin elasticity and nutrition.

Mud and algae wraps promote the entry of essential amino acids, vitamins and minerals into cells, improving skin tone and turgor.

During pregnancy, you can resort to self-massage. After taking a shower, the body must be thoroughly rubbed with a soft terry towel, and then, using pinching movements, clockwise, carefully work the skin of the abdomen until it is slightly reddened. This method of self-massage increases blood circulation and nutrition of the skin, thereby protecting it from the appearance of stretch marks. It is useful during pregnancy to wear special elastic underwear and a bandage that protect the skin from the appearance of stretch marks.

Tegan Martin

This is Tegan Martin, she is 27 years old. In her youth, the girl suffered from excess weight and exhausted herself with diets in order to fit into the model parameters. Tegan managed to achieve her goal - she became Miss Australia and reached the finals of the Miss Universe competition. But I didn’t get carried away by moralizing in the style of “work out, you shouldn’t let yourself go.” Against.

“I know that there are many girls among you who are shy about cellulite and stretch marks, because I used to be shy about it too. But now is the best time to carefully weigh and think about everything. Given all the uncertainty in the world, it's time to figure out what's really important and what's not. So, our cellulite is completely unimportant!” - Tegan boldly says on Instagram.

Photos of stars with cellulite and stretch marks: Tegan Martin. Source: Instagram

Causes of stretch marks

The factors that lead to the development of striae are poorly understood.

There is no general consensus as to what causes stretch marks, but it has been suggested that stretch marks develop more easily in skin that has a high proportion of tough, cross-linked collagen, as occurs in early adult life.

Striae are a reflection of “breakdowns” in the connective tissue. Skin stretching may result in excessive degranulation of mast cells with subsequent damage to collagen and elastin (Sheu HM, Yu HS, Chang CH. Mast cell degranulation and elastolysis in the early stage of striae distensae. J Cutan Pathol. Dec 1991;18(6):410 -6)

. Long-term use of topical corticosteroids or Cushing's syndrome, associated with increased adrenocortical activity, also lead to the development of striae. Genetic factors definitely play a role, although this point is not fully understood.

Causes of red stretch marks

1. Pregnancy causes red stretch marks

Women commonly develop stretch marks during pregnancy. The fibers in the skin around the abdomen become soft and stretch to make room for the developing fetus. As the embryo grows, the skin stretches and forms stretch marks.

2. Growth spurt during puberty

Often teenagers experience a sudden and rapid growth spurt when they reach puberty. During this time, their body grows and either loses weight or gains it quickly. This sudden stretching and contracting can leave stretch marks.

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Rapid weight gain or weight loss

When you gain weight over a short period of time, your skin stretches suddenly and causes stretch marks. The same thing happens when you try to lose weight quickly and go on a diet. This is why it is advisable to lose or gain weight gradually so that it does not strain your skin.

Genetics and red stretch marks

If you have a family history of stretch marks, you may develop them too.

5. Corticosteroids and drugs

Using corticosteroids over a long period of time can reduce the level of collagen in your skin. This affects the skin's ability to stretch and you become prone to developing stretch marks.

Bodybuilding and red stretch marks

When you're trying to build muscle, rapid muscle growth can also stretch your skin and create stretch marks.

Diseases and red stretch marks

Rare health conditions such as Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, Cushing's syndrome, and Marfan syndrome can also cause stretch marks due to various physiological factors associated with these conditions.

You don't get stretch marks on your arms, legs or face. There are certain parts of the body where you usually get stretch marks. Check them out below.

Can't get rid of

The first thing you need to know when starting to fight stretch marks is that it is completely impossible to get rid of them.

“Stretch marks are atrophy of the dermal layer and partially deep into the underlying layers. Of course, with such atrophy, complete recovery is impossible,” explained Candidate of Medical Sciences, dermatovenerologist, employee of the department of the Russian National Research Medical University named after. Pirogova Irina Skorogudaeva .

However, according to the expert, stretch marks can be corrected. Moreover, the only way to disguise existing stretch marks is to inflict a new injury.

“Any trauma promotes the growth of root collagen. This is an evolutionarily developed defense mechanism. The skin plays the role of a barrier, and if we violate its integrity, bacteria enter the body. Since the body cannot survive under these conditions, it tries to quickly close the “gap” by building a collagen structure. That is, scar collagen or scar,” the doctor explained.

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How to preserve beauty. 15 SPA tips from the stars The point of treatment, according to Skorogudaeva, is to stimulate the production of scar collagen, which can partially fill the stretch mark.

“The only option is to provoke an injury in the striae area and then not suppress the development of collagen, as we usually do with a scar, but, on the contrary, stimulate it, at least somehow compensate and not allow it to go away completely,” Skorogudaeva is sure.

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