How to remove stretch marks? Review of modern techniques

How do stretch marks occur and why?

The appearance of stretch marks, which are essentially “dimples” in the skin, indicates that the collagen and elastin fibers that act as a framework in the skin are deeply damaged. Moreover, the skin cells that are involved in the production of these fibers are destroyed and cannot ensure their renewal. This can occur due to rapid growth, when the skin does not have time to produce enough cells and therefore stretches. For example, when you gain weight or become pregnant.

During pregnancy, significant hormonal changes occur and cortisol levels in the blood increase. Therefore, the risk of stretch marks increases.

To eliminate stretch marks, you need to restore the number of skin cells that serve as a framework for the skin. And, if necessary, normalize hormonal levels.


The most effective way to treat stretch marks in adolescents is homeopathy, which involves influencing the body’s hormonal levels in order to stabilize it. When prescribing homeopathic treatment, deep restoration processes can be dramatically activated, which can lead to a reduction and smoothing of stretch marks and the prevention of the appearance of new ones. This method is gaining more and more popularity, it is not harmful at all and has no contraindications - and this is important when treating the teenage body.

It is possible to turn to homeopathic or allopathic mesotherapy - the intradermal and subcutaneous administration of drugs that promote the rapid restoration of damaged skin areas due to the production of elastin and collagen. This treatment option takes some time, usually from several months to six months, but it is quite effective. To do this, you need to undergo a course of procedures. The effect of such a procedure is “cumulative”, and will become more noticeable with each procedure.

The appearance of stretch marks in adolescents is easier to prevent than long-term treatment. Usually at this age, physical education and sports, the use of a number of special cosmetics, water treatments, and a proper balanced diet are recommended. With such a complex effect, the risk of stretch marks is very small.

It’s so nice to look at people whose beautiful bodies remain beautiful and healthy, regardless of age. Smooth and well-groomed skin plays an important role in this. It is easier to be beautiful in youth, thanks to rapid tissue regeneration. Let's be beautiful at any age! And our cosmetologists and plastic surgeons will always be on your side in matters of achieving perfection and inner harmony.

Causes of stretch marks

Stretch marks can occur both during physiological conditions and be signs of various disorders and diseases. Let's take a closer look at the causes of stretch marks:

  1. pregnancy, menopause;
  2. in adolescence in children during growth spurts;
  3. sudden weight fluctuations;
  4. genetic predisposition;
  5. poor nutrition;
  6. taking hormonal medications (for example, corticosteroids);
  7. in athletes with intensive muscle building;
  8. endocrine and hereditary diseases (for example, hypercortisolism, hypothyroidism, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, Itsenko-Cushing's disease, etc.).

Prevention of stretch marks

The most effective way to combat skin stretching is daily prevention. It is necessary to monitor your weight, trying to avoid sudden changes, and during the pre- and postpartum period, use special bandages that will help your muscles and skin cope with the additional load. During breastfeeding, be sure to wear a bra.

To reduce the likelihood of stretch marks appearing, we take care of it using a variety of creams that contain elastin and collagen; products containing vitamins A, E and C, as well as beneficial plant extracts and essential oils. All this helps to increase skin elasticity and strengthen it.

Sport, another method of prevention, tones not only the muscles, but also the skin - it improves blood circulation and metabolic processes in cells, promotes their division and renewal. To prevent stretch marks, it is recommended to go swimming, do morning exercises, and in general, any sport both at home and in the gym.

Treatment of stretch marks

Even if stretch marks are prevented during pregnancy, they can still appear after childbirth. Stretch marks on the abdomen, sides, and chest become more noticeable in the first days after pregnancy .

To get rid of stretch marks, long-term skin care is necessary during the postpartum period.

But immediately after pregnancy and during breastfeeding, radical methods of combating stretch marks associated with exposure to current, ultrasound, heat or cold, anesthesia, laser, active chemicals, mechanical impact on the abdominal area are contraindicated. Painful procedures are also best avoided.

During the first 3 weeks after childbirth , it is worth continuing preventive and restorative measures to combat stretch marks : a balanced diet, contrast shower, massage, baths with aromatic oils, physical activity. Read more about this in the section “Stretch marks in pregnant women.” Also drink fish oil capsules and pump up your abs!

Immediately after childbirth, you should use a special cream or gel against stretch marks after pregnancy . To achieve the effect, they need to be used for a long time. The cream or gel must contain special substances that resolve scars and increase skin elasticity (collagen, vitamins, plant extracts, etc.), be non-toxic and safe for mother and child.

For example, the anti-stretch mark gel from Velinia is very effective and absolutely safe.

When to treat stretch marks?

Treatment of young stretch marks (up to a year) is much easier. Therefore, it is necessary to contact a doctor as soon as a problem appears. But there are certain periods of life when treatment is prohibited. For example, during pregnancy and lactation. Since during these periods it is impossible to carry out cosmetic procedures. To make the treatment of stretch marks easier and faster after the end of lactation, it is necessary to moisturize and nourish the skin with various means.

Striae that have already appeared will not disappear on their own. But it is necessary to carry out prevention in order to avoid them in the future. The likelihood of stretch marks should be considered individually for each individual. But, if stretch marks have already existed once, then in the presence of factors influencing their occurrence, the likelihood of stretch marks forming is very high.

Cover your tracks: 5 ways to get rid of stretch marks on your body

Publication date: July 10, 2021.

The problem of stretch marks becomes especially relevant during the beach season, when these ugly white stripes on the hips and stomach cannot be hidden behind the stripes of a swimsuit. If you don't want to sit on the beach in a wetsuit, then we'll tell you how to correct stretch marks. Spoiler: it will hurt, but you will forget about them forever.

Sergey Barsukov, cosmetologist-dermatologist at the Romanov Beauty and Health Center: “Stretch marks or stretch marks on the body are a complex problem associated with hormonal imbalance and mechanical stretching of the skin. A classic example is pregnancy. This can also happen when you first gain a lot of weight and then lose weight. Damaged skin at the level of the reticular layer of the dermis does not have time to recover, the “gap” is filled with connective tissue. This is how stretch marks appear. Paradoxically, these injuries can be treated with other injuries. To restore the normal structure of the dermis, you need to activate regeneration processes in the desired area. This can be done by damaging the skin, but it is necessary that this occurs precisely at the level of the reticular layer of the dermis, where the problem is. A dermatologist-cosmetologist has several effective procedures in his arsenal that will help get rid of hated stretch marks on the body. I would recommend paying attention to the three most effective in my opinion.”

Ablation using fractional CO2 laser

The method is effective, but quite traumatic, since fractional (point) vaporization (evaporation) of the skin occurs, including the epidermis, which performs a protective function. In this regard, you will face a long rehabilitation period, the appearance of redness and peeling at the site of laser exposure. Careful care is required (antibacterial and restorative agents) and avoidance of insolation (tanning) due to the risk of hyperpigmentation.

Microneedle radiofrequency treatment technique

Another very effective method, and without the disadvantages of a CO2 laser in terms of intense damage to the epidermis. The rehabilitation period is not as long and more comfortable. The procedure is quite painful, but it gives visible results immediately.

High-intensity focused ultrasound (Ultraformer)

A relatively new technique for solving the problem of stretch marks. It perfectly renews the dermis, while at the same time giving the skin tone, elasticity, and also providing a powerful lipolytic effect. The procedure is almost painless, there is practically no recovery period, since there is no damage to the epidermis, which is undoubtedly a huge plus.

Home care

You can’t get rid of stretch marks on your own, but you can take preventive measures! For example, to improve microcirculation, it is recommended to massage and regularly take a contrast shower. You should also take dietary supplements to improve trophism and metabolism (vitamins, antioxidants, micro- and macroelements). If the appearance of stretch marks is associated with hormonal disorders, then hormone replacement therapy is needed (this issue can only be resolved with a doctor).

Anastasia Shestakova, dermatologist, cosmetologist, laser therapist, doctor at the LazerJazz clinic: “The favorite localization of stretch marks in women is on the stomach, hips, buttocks, waist and mammary glands, and in men and athletes stretch marks are in the shoulder girdle and hips. Striae are exclusively a cosmetic defect: the skin in this place differs in color (from bluish-purple to whitish) and relief: atrophic (retracted), hypertrophic (convex) or abnormal (level with the skin). It is advisable to start therapy for stretch marks while they are still “young”, that is, up to 6 months, and in the absence of contraindications.”

Fractional radiofrequency resurfacing + plasma therapy

One of the most effective regimens for the treatment of striae is Fractor + plasma therapy. Fractora is a fractional radiofrequency resurfacing, which in combination with autoplasma gives the effect of leveling the relief, texture and smoothing the clear boundary between the skin and stretch marks. The device has several types of attachments with different lengths and numbers of needles, which allows you to control the depth and area of ​​impact. The effect appears after the first session, but to consolidate the result you should take a course. It consists of 4-6 fractions in combination with 5-6 plasma therapy sessions. Regularity: once every 30-45 days.

This is a universal procedure, that is, it is suitable for everyone, regardless of gender, age and phototype (in the absence of medical contraindications). Fractora differs from other technologies in that it is FDA approved and is the most effective procedure among all fractional needle technologies in Russia.

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How to remove stretch marks?

Stretch marks are quite difficult to remove, as they are permanent changes to the skin. However, do not despair; modern cosmetology and medicine have learned to successfully cope with this problem.

Newly formed stretch marks:

If the period that has passed since the appearance of stretch marks is relatively short, then seaweed wraps can help in eliminating them. This procedure improves skin tone, and this in turn contributes to better healing of torn areas. Another effective procedure to reduce stretch marks is ozone therapy. It consists of subcutaneous injections of an oxygen-ozone mixture into problem areas. Such procedures give a lifting effect and improve metabolism in the epithelium. The procedure is done once a week, and the number of procedures varies from 8 to 20.

Old stretch marks:

Today there are medical technologies that can also get rid of old stretch marks. A comprehensive treatment program allows you to remove traces of stretch marks and restore collagen production in the skin, regardless of age. Of course, it is easier to remove stretch marks that are fresh up to 1 year old, but an experienced doctor, having chosen the right treatment, can remove stretch marks that are even more than 20-30 years old.

Laser resurfacing. In this procedure, a laser removes the top layer of skin (epidermis) where the stretch marks are located. Thus, this procedure “smoothes” the surface of the skin. In addition, the laser starts the process of skin cell renewal and the formation of new collagen. For fresh stretch marks up to 1 year, 1 laser resurfacing procedure is sufficient. The doctor may prescribe 2-3 resurfacing procedures to remove old stretch marks.

Laser rejuvenation Derma Genesis. This is another laser procedure. It does not require recovery, is pleasant for the patient, but requires more procedures to achieve results. The laser warms up the fibroblast skin cells, which are responsible for the production of collagen and elastin, and thus restore the lost framework.

Eximia . If, in addition to stretch marks, the goal is to eliminate sagging skin and lose weight, the Eximia procedure is suitable, which is aimed at lifting the skin. A special nozzle makes it fit due to the influence of RF. After a course of Eximia, the skin becomes smooth and sagging goes away. And the massage effect allows you to achieve weight loss. Metabolic processes are activated and new collagen is produced. For a good effect, you need to complete a course of 6-10 procedures once a year.

Plasma therapy Endoret . And this is an injection procedure - the introduction into the skin of the patient’s own blood plasma, enriched with growth factors, through small injections. These factors promote rejuvenation and cell division. It is prescribed to restore metabolism, i.e. stimulates the production of protein by skin cells and the growth of collagen in the skin. It is important to combine this procedure with hardware techniques; it enhances their effect. The number of procedures that will be needed depends on the complexity of the task - the number, depth and age of stretch marks. This can be 1-4 procedures.

Chemical peeling . During chemical peeling, acids are applied to the skin, which burn the deep layers of the epidermis, and at the same time, this procedure significantly stimulates collagen synthesis. Chemical peeling is a rather serious and painful intervention, so it is performed under anesthesia, and upon completion it is necessary to undergo a course of rehabilitation treatment.

Mesotherapy . Sometimes, to treat stretch marks, a mesotherapy procedure is prescribed, which consists of introducing microinjections of a cocktail consisting of nutrients, vitamins and extracts under the skin. This procedure helps accelerate metabolic processes in connective tissues in the areas of stretch marks. All this contributes to the complete or partial resorption of stretch marks. The course consists of 7-10 procedures.

Abdominoplasty . Complete removal of stretch marks is guaranteed only by abdominoplasty surgery, during which a small area of ​​abdominal skin containing stretch marks is radically excised.

Causes of stretch marks

This kind of trouble can happen at any age: both in teenagers and in older people. More often, women ask to get rid of stretch marks, however, this does not mean that men are less susceptible to stretch marks.

What causes striae:

  • Hormonal imbalance . It affects teenagers, pregnant women and women with menopause. Prevention would be a trip to an endocrinologist. He will prescribe a blood test, look at the results and select the necessary drug. In this case, by adjusting the level of hormones in the body, the skin defect may disappear on its own.

The abundance of stretch marks on the body is a reason to think about your health.

  • Sudden weight gain . Pregnant women and obese people suffer from this: body volume increases so quickly that the cells simply do not have time to regenerate in the required quantity. This increases skin tension and thins the epidermis. If you move it carelessly, it easily breaks and stretch marks appear.

Rapid weight gain is one of the causes of stretch marks

  • Sedentary lifestyle . Muscles weaken, blood flow does not work as quickly as during normal physical activity. As a result, less oxygen, vitamins and other useful substances reach the cells, the epidermis becomes thinner and, ultimately, breaks.

To prevent stretch marks, physical activity is necessary.

  • Incorrectly selected sports exercises or their excessive implementation. Excessive exercise can be just as harmful as a sedentary lifestyle. The only difference is that with fanatical sports, the muscles do not have time to rest, the body is in constant tension. This weakens the cells and the muscles increase in volume - tension increases and the elasticity of the skin decreases.

Sports can both help and harm: improper exercises thin the epidermis

You can reduce the risk of stretch marks by leading a healthy lifestyle: eating right, sleeping 8 hours a day, going for walks and doing light exercise such as yoga, swimming or dancing.

If a stretch mark already exists, you can get rid of it with the help of cosmetology or a special cream - it all depends on the complexity of the defect.

How to treat stretch marks at home?

The treatment of stretch marks needs to be approached comprehensively, even at home. In addition to proper nutrition and physical activity, it is necessary to add cosmetic

care. Let's look at the basic home care methods for stretch marks that are considered effective.

  1. Clean the skin with a scrub 1-2 times a week. In addition to the scrub itself, you must use a hard washcloth or exfoliating glove. You need to scrub your stomach clockwise, your hips with movements from the knee up, and your buttocks with movements horizontally.
  2. Contrast shower in the morning. You need to start with a comfortable water temperature, then change fairly hot water and cold water every 30 seconds. The water change must be repeated 3 to 5 times. The contrast shower is usually completed with cold water.
  3. Daily use of creams and gels for stretch marks.
  4. Use of essential oils. Jojoba and wheat germ oils are best used as base oils. To 2 tablespoons of base oil you need to add 4-5 drops of mint, rosemary, lavender oil. You can combine it to your taste. The mixture of oils must be rubbed into the skin 2 times a day. You can also take baths with essential oils 2-3 times a week for 20 minutes. The following composition of essential oils for baths is recommended: 5 drops orange, 2 drops geranium, 6 drops neroli, 3 drops frankincense, 2 drops nutmeg.
  5. Algae baths. Pour hot water over the dried kelp and leave for at least 30 minutes. Next, the resulting infusion is added to the bath.
  6. Wraps consist of applying the active composition to the skin and then wrapping it in plastic film. When wrapping, kelp, clay, Dead Sea mud and other cosmetic mixtures for wraps are used.
  7. Massage - daily when applying creams, gels and other products. You can also do vacuum massage with home massagers.

Are stretch mark creams effective?

It is impossible to get rid of stretch marks at home. In fact, creams, oils, masks, wraps are effective only for the prevention and prevention of stretch marks. But if there are already stretch marks on the body, then no creams will help remove these skin breaks. Since all cosmetics, without the use of special cosmetic techniques, penetrate only into the surface layer of the skin - the epidermis, and it is necessary to restore damaged elastin and collagen fibers in a deeper layer - the dermis.

Treatment of stretch marks is a long and complex process. To achieve an effect, it is necessary to carry out complex therapy with medical procedures. In each individual case, the cosmetologist draws up an individual treatment program.

Can stretch mark creams help?

Elena Sibrina : “Creams against stretch marks are not a panacea, but I wouldn’t call them complete profanation either. In moisturized skin with a good lipid balance, regeneration processes are better.”

Marina Miusova : “With formed white atrophic stripes, creams do not help. But they can be used as adjuvant therapy in addition to procedures.

There are also retinol preparations that are used in the treatment of various collagenoses, including stretch marks. They are effective at the first – “red” – stage of formation. But these drugs have many limitations and must be prescribed by a doctor.”

Tatyana Al Sabunchi: “If you smear your stretch marks with anything, even sour cream, they will still eventually turn white. And we can say that the sour cream helped. But I haven’t seen a single cream that could prevent or remove them. But if the skin is thick, elastic and elastic (the cream can contribute to this), the stretch will be narrow and not very noticeable.”

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