Five exercises with a fitball for pregnant women for every day.

The benefits of exercising with fitball

A fitball is a large inflatable ball designed to perform a wide range of exercises. Its creator is Susan Kleinvogelbach, an experienced physiotherapist from Switzerland. In the mid-20th century, she developed physical exercises with a special ball for people with movement problems.

With the help of this sports equipment it was possible to strengthen the back muscles and recover from injuries. Since the end of the 20th century, the scope of use of fitballs has expanded significantly. They began to be used in various sports sections. Today they are successfully used in maternity hospitals to ease contractions, rock babies and massage infants.

The fitball is suitable as a seat in the workplace. Sitting on it, you have to control your position so as not to roll off it. This develops the habit of maintaining posture with minimal stress on the spinal area.

Exercises on a fitball for weight loss are a great way to tighten your muscular system and achieve the desired slimness.

In addition, activities with this sports equipment:

  • Improves posture.
  • Helps strengthen the body.
  • Increases endurance.
  • Improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.
  • Develop excellent coordination of movements.
  • Warm up joints and increase flexibility.
  • Recover after childbirth, injuries and complex operations.

Fitball exercises are also recommended for pregnant women. The fact is that exercises with such equipment not only help to maintain good shape, but also prepare the muscles for childbirth and do not harm the developing fetus.

Fitball workouts for pregnant women:

  • Relieves tension from the lower back.
  • They put the circulatory system in order.
  • Relaxes the muscles in the spine.

In addition, we can say that exercise on a fitball makes regular workouts more varied, improves your mood and fills you with energy for the whole day.

How to choose a suitable fitball: criteria and rules

When choosing a fitball, it is recommended to pay attention to the following points:

  • The maximum permissible weight that the ball can support. This criterion is primarily important for overweight people and those who will use dumbbells during training.
  • The equipment should have the abbreviation “ABS” on it, indicating the presence of an anti-burst system. Thanks to it, the fitball will not tear or burst during training.
  • When choosing a ball, you need to sit on it with your back straight and your feet together in front of you. If your knees form a 90º angle, the ball is fit for use. If the angle is smaller or larger, you must first check whether the sports equipment is overinflated or deflated. If necessary, you should pump up the ball or deflate it a little, and then sit on it again. It will be uncomfortable to sit on a fitball with the wrong diameter, as the pressure on the joints and spine increases.

You can also choose the correct fitball diameter based on a person’s height.

Ratio of human height to ball diameter:

Height, mRecommended diameter, m
Below 1.510,45
1,52 – 1,640,55
1,65 – 1,790,65
1,80 – 2,000,75
From 2.000,85

When choosing a suitable ball, it is also recommended to look for the presence of a pump. However, if it is not there, then you can always pump up the fitball with a regular bicycle pump.

Class rules, precautions

Exercises using a fitball have a number of rules and caveats:

  • It is recommended to choose a spacious room for ball training. All sharp and large objects should be removed from the ball, as such proximity can lead to an unpleasant situation and even injury.
  • Each workout should begin with a full-body warm-up, which will take no more than 10 minutes.
  • If you can’t keep your balance, it is recommended to place small pillows at the base of the ball before starting exercise. Thanks to this, the fitball will become more stable.
  • Concentration is a necessary condition for the successful and correct execution of each physical exercise. During exercise, you need to constantly maintain balance, which involves a large number of muscles.
  • When training, you need to monitor your breathing. It should be smooth and rhythmic. While maintaining balance, you should never hold your breath.
  • You should sit on the ball with a straight back so as not to overstrain the spinal muscles.
  • If pain or discomfort occurs during exercise, you should stop and choose easier and more suitable workout options.

Features and selection

Fitball is a large elastic rubber ball of various diameters and colors. For many years he has been helping young mothers get in shape. Such exercises are safe, effective, and also help the body adapt to further, more serious training.

To achieve the greatest effect, and so that aerobic exercise does not cause harm to health, you need to choose the right equipment.

The main guideline when choosing a sword is your height. There are certain standards that will help you choose the optimal size. For short girls (height up to 156 cm) - a ball with a diameter of 55 cm, of average height (156-174 cm) - 65 cm. For tall women from 175 cm, balls with a diameter of 75 cm are suitable. If a woman is very tall, from 185 cm with a ball diameter should be 85 cm.

Scientists and doctors have found that moderate and proper physical activity is beneficial for both the expectant mother and her baby.

A smooth rubber ball or a classic bulky ball is an excellent choice for mom. Who plans to study with the baby. Pimply ball - will help cope with cellulite. A ball with one or two handles is intended for those who have no experience with the ball and also have poor balance.

Smooth fitballs have medium hardness and are suitable only for exercises, while pimply ones, due to their increased rigidity, affect not only the muscles, but also the quality of the skin due to the massage effect.

  1. In addition, it is important to consider a number of features:
  2. Consultation with a doctor. Before starting training, consult a gynecologist, who, after an examination, will decide whether you can start training.
  3. Choosing the right clothes that will not restrict movement is also an important point.
  4. Choosing a training room. The floor in the room where classes will take place must have a smooth, even surface. The room needs to be ventilated and cleared of foreign objects.
  5. All exercises must be performed smoothly, sudden movements are not allowed. Watch your breathing.
  6. The right time to study. If the mother plans to study alone, then the ideal choice would be the baby's bedtime. If classes will be carried out with the baby, then the appropriate time is before feeding.

Contraindications to training

People of almost any age and health status can train with a fitball. However, there are still a small number of contraindications for such sports equipment.

Exercises on a fitball for weight loss are contraindicated if:

  • Pathological process of internal organs.
  • Intervertebral hernia.
  • Severe diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Pregnancy up to 12 weeks.

If you are pregnant or have any illness, you should definitely consult your doctor before starting training with a fitball.

Exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and sides

Regular exercises using a special ball in a sitting or lying position help strengthen the abdominal muscles. They get rid of excess belly fat, tightening it and making it attractive.

They also help to work the deep and oblique abdominal muscles, which are rarely used during classical training. It is worth noting that exercises on a special ball are not dangerous, since the fitball relieves the load on the lumbar region.


This exercise will help pump up your rectus abdominis muscles.

It must be done in the following sequence:

  1. Sit comfortably on the fitball. Bring your legs together and place them in front of you.
  2. Cross your arms over your chest or place them behind your head (do not clasp your fingers).
  3. Take a breath. As you exhale, tense your abs, slowly tilting your head forward, then your shoulders and body. Press your chin lightly towards your chest.
  4. While inhaling, return to the original position.

The lower you tilt your body forward, the more effective the stretching of the abdominal muscles will be.


This exercise helps pump up your abs and develops your back muscles.

It should be performed in the following sequence:

  1. Lie down on the fitball so that your stomach and pelvis are completely placed on the ball.
  2. Place your hands behind your head without interlocking your fingers.
  3. The body should form a straight line.
  4. As you inhale, bend back to the most comfortable level.
  5. When exhaling, return to the original position.

When performing the exercise, you cannot help yourself with your hands, and also keep your abdominal muscles tense for a long time.

Transferring a fitball from hands to feet

Due to its complexity, this exercise is recommended only for those people who have good physical fitness.


  1. Lie on your back on a mat or small rug. Legs should be straight.
  2. Raise the fitball above your head without bending your elbows.
  3. Tighten your abdominal muscles and slowly sit down.
  4. Turn to the left and then to the right.
  5. Lower the fitball and hold it between your knees.
  6. Without bending your legs, return to the mat in a lying position.
  7. Tighten your abdominal muscles and slowly rise to a sitting position.
  8. Take the ball and turn your body with it to the left and right.
  9. Return to original position.

The training should be carried out without jerking, smoothly and leisurely.

To burn fat on the buttocks

Fitball relatively quickly gets rid of excess fat on the buttocks. With regular exercise, cellulite is reduced and muscles become firmer.


The exercise successfully helps burn fat and strengthen the lower back, relieving it of pain and tension.


  1. Lay out the mat and lie on it with your back.
  2. Raise your legs, placing your feet completely on the ball. Your knees should form a right angle.
  3. As you inhale, lift your buttocks up without lifting your shoulders from the mat.
  4. When exhaling, return to the original position.

Leg pull-up

The exercise tightens the buttocks and thighs and effectively combats “orange peel” skin. Even beginners can do it.


  1. Lay out the mat and lie on it with your back.
  2. Place your legs straight on the ball.
  3. Pull your knees as close to your chest as possible. At the same time, you should roll the fitball towards you with your feet.
  4. Straighten your legs, rolling the ball back and returning to its original position.

Reverse squat

The exercise works well not only the buttock area, but also the inner thigh. It also trains balance and improves stretching.


  1. Turn your back to the fitball lying on the floor.
  2. Take your left leg back. Place the straightened toe on the ball.
  3. Bend your right leg while keeping your left limb on the ball.
  4. Straightening your right leg, carry out the same procedure, but with your left leg.

Raising a straight leg from a lying position on a fitball

Initial position. Lie face down on the fitball, press your hips to it, press your stomach, lower ribs to the ball. Place your palms and feet on the floor and brace yourself.

How to do it. As you exhale, lift your straight right leg, and as you inhale, return to the starting position. Repeat on your left leg. Perform 12 repetitions for each leg. Then simultaneously lift your opposite arm and leg and hold for 30-60 seconds. Repeat on the other side.

Advice. Make sure that your iliac bone does not come off the ball and that your hips do not rotate as you lift your legs.

For slimming thighs

Fitball is an ideal remedy for cellulite and problematic thighs. During training with the ball, most of the muscles of the lower extremities are involved, thanks to which the much desired slimness of the thighs can be achieved.

Static squat

This exercise requires good coordination of movements. During this exercise, be sure to keep your back straight.


  • Stand with your back to the wall. Fix the ball between the vertical surface and your back.
  • Take 1-2 steps forward, while holding the fitball against the wall.
  • While maintaining this position, slowly squat down, allowing the fitball to roll along the vertical surface. Squat until your thighs are parallel to the floor.
  • Hold this pose for 20 seconds.
  • Return to starting position.

Leg raise

There are 2 types of this exercise: straight and inverted. With a direct approach, you should lie on your back, with an inverted position - on your stomach.


  1. Lay out a mat and lie on it with your back or stomach.
  2. Gently lift your feet onto the ball.
  3. Alternately raise one or the other leg up, without bending them at the knees. In this case, the body should remain tightly pressed to the frame.

Swing to the sides

This is a fairly difficult exercise for people who do not have good physical skills. The fact is that to perform it you need strong arms and abdominal muscles. When training, you should not arch your lower back to avoid problems with it in the future.


  1. Place your palms on the floor.
  2. Place straight legs on a fitball.
  3. Alternately move each leg to the side.

Beginners can perform an easier version of this exercise.


  1. Place your emphasis while lying down, placing your palms on the surface of the ball. Do not bend your arms at the elbows.
  2. Take your right leg to the side. Hold it in the indicated position for 1-2 seconds.
  3. Repeat the above steps with your left leg.

Spinal traction from a standing position

Initial position. Stand with your feet hip-width apart. Lean forward and roll the fitball away from you to the distance of outstretched arms: your head, neck and entire spine should stretch into a line.

How to do it. Stretch by pushing the ball forward and lifting your sit bones. Make sure that your abdominal muscles remain tight and your spine is aligned: do not arch in your lower back. Stay in this position for 30-60 seconds.

Advice. If pain or discomfort occurs in the lower back, bend your knees slightly.

Back and arm workout

Exercises on a fitball for losing weight on your arms and back do not load your spine. They strengthen your back muscles, pump up your arms and improve your posture.


The exercise not only successfully works the back muscles, but also helps strengthen the lower abdominals.


  1. Lay out the mat. Place yourself on it with your stomach down.
  2. Do not squeeze the ball too much between your feet.
  3. Straighten your arms and extend them forward.
  4. As you inhale, raise your arms and legs up without bending them.
  5. Hold this position for 1-2 seconds.
  6. When exhaling, take the original position.

Dumbbell bench press on fitball

Training with a fitball and strength equipment successfully works the muscles of the arms and chest.


  1. Place your back on a fitball, bending your knees.
  2. Take dumbbells weighing 1-2 kg.
  3. Bend your elbows.
  4. As you inhale, bring your elbows together in front of your chest.
  5. As you exhale, move them apart.

Five exercises with a fitball for pregnant women for every day.

Five simple exercises with a fitball every day will help maintain health and well-being for a pregnant woman

The period of waiting for a baby and childbirth is a serious burden for the expectant mother. You can maintain good health through daily walking and exercise. These types of physical activity become necessary conditions for the safe bearing of a child and successful childbirth. In our article we will tell you about five daily exercises on a fitball for pregnant women. The complex is aimed at loading, stretching and relaxing the back muscles.

"Roll and Twist"

An exercise for the lower back trains the lower back, which bears most of the load while waiting for the baby.

To perform this exercise, sit on a ball and spread your arms out to the sides for balance. Then perform circular rolls using the pelvic muscles.

This movement strengthens the lower spine, which bears most of the load.

The exercise is performed in two sets of six times.

"Leaning In"

Bending strengthens the spine and helps get rid of pain in the lumbar region.

Sit on the fitball and alternate bending to the right and left. When bending, for better stretching, raise your arm above your head and point it in the direction of the body tilt. When bending over, you can use your other hand as a support and place your elbow on your knee.

There's no need to rush. The most important thing here is to feel how the muscles stretch. The exercise is performed in two sets of five bends in each direction.

"We're reaching out"

Bending in the lower back relaxes the muscles of the lower back

Kneel in front of the exercise ball. Straighten your arms and rest them on the ball. Roll away the fitball and bend at the lower back. Then return to the starting position. The exercise effectively relaxes the back muscles. It is optimal to perform it four approaches five times.

"Let's strain our hands"

An arm exercise using a fitball also uses the muscles of the legs and back for balance.

Sit on an exercise ball and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Stretch the top of your head up to keep your back straight. Take lightly weighted dumbbells or half-liter water bottles in your hands. Bend your elbows and spread them to the sides so that your shoulder and elbow remain in line, parallel to the floor. Straighten your arms up and back. Try to ensure that in the starting position your elbows do not fall below shoulder level and remain in line with it.

The exercise uses the muscles of the arms, as well as the back and legs - to balance on the fitball.

"Let's relax"

Relaxation is necessary not only at the end of a set of exercises, but also after a long and active day.

Relaxation completes the gymnastics.

Sit on the floor near the fitball. Bend your legs under you. For convenience, they can be moved apart. Lean on the ball, lower your chest onto the apparatus. Place your head in your hands. Close your eyes and stay in a completely relaxed position for a while. The exercise can be performed separately from the entire complex - as a relaxation after an active day.

Fat burning exercises

Fitball exercises for weight loss are more effective if performed in combination. During complex exercises on the ball, most of the muscles of the body are worked out. The type of training and its duration are selected depending on the physical capabilities of the person and his state of health. Before starting exercises, a warm-up is necessary to warm up the muscles.

Suitable for this purpose:

  • run;
  • squats;
  • jumping on 1 or 2 legs;
  • swing the lower and upper limbs to the sides;
  • body turns.

Warm-up lasts 5-10 minutes.

Everyday complex for beginners

The weight loss exercises from this complex are designed for the initial level of physical fitness. Their duration is only 5-7 minutes. To achieve the desired result, training on a fitball should be carried out regularly.

Daily program:

NameDurationNumber of approaches
Power press10 times2
boat5 times3
Swing your legs to the side15 times for each leg1
Leg raises while lying on your back15 times for each leg1

After all the exercises, it is recommended to stretch the muscles of the inner thigh for 10 minutes.

Complex for experienced

This program lasts 6 days. Once every 2 days you should increase the number of exercises by 4-5 times. The duration of the static squat should be increased to 2 minutes. On the 7th day it is recommended to take a break.

The photo shows effective exercises on a fitball for weight loss.

Daily program:

NameDurationNumber of approaches
Twisting the body to work the abdominal muscles20 times3
Leg Raise20 times3
Hyperextension15 times2
Passing the ball from hands to feet15 times2
Static squat60 sec2
Bridge15 times3
Reverse squat15 times for each leg1

Complex for women after childbirth

Pregnancy is a real test for the female body. After giving birth, a simple training program with a fitball will help you return your body to an attractive shape and get rid of excess fat. All exercises should be done in 1 approach.

Daily program:

Static squat60 sec
Bridge on the ball20 times
Lifting a fitball with your feet20 times
Plank with emphasis on the surface of the ball60 sec
Twisting the body15 times

You can finish your workout with a 5-minute stretch on the ball.


This complex is done in the morning. It perfectly trains the muscles of the body, charges you with energy and a great mood for the whole day. All exercises should be done in 1-2 approaches.

Daily program:

Torso twists while sitting on a ballFrom 30 to 60 sec
Jumping while sitting on a ballFrom 30 to 60 sec
Tilt the body to the side while sitting on the ball15 times in each direction
Plank60 sec
Jumping while holding a fitball in your hands60 sec

Exercises on a fitball to strengthen body muscles and lose weight can be performed at any rhythm. The use of strength equipment, such as dumbbells, will increase the effectiveness of training.

Stretch for thigh muscles

Initial position . Lie on your back. Place your left leg straight on the ball. Raise your straight right and pull it towards you. Grasping your shin with your hands, stretch and lengthen the muscles of the back of your thigh.

How to do it . Hold the position for 1-2 minutes, then repeat on your left leg. Now bend the leg whose muscles you just stretched, pull your knee towards you, press your thigh on your stomach, try to press your lower back to the floor. Hold this position for 1 minute, then perform the movement on the other leg.

Advice. If, when pulling your straight leg towards you, you feel muscle pain, you can slightly bend it at the knee.

For maximum effectiveness, this set of exercises after childbirth should be performed 4-5 times a week. If you don't have time for the entire program, break it down into separate exercises and do them throughout the day, as soon as you have a free minute.

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