Belly dancing: benefits and harms, effects on the body, reviews

Playing sports has long ceased to be just a desire for ideal shapes or elastic muscles - caring for health, not only physical, but also mental, comes to the fore. For this reason, many women add dancing, yoga, and various types of art therapy to their life schedule. Nature has created the fairer sex in such a way that dancing is as necessary for them as putting on beautiful clothes or feeling loved, so the eyes of many women turn to different types of dance, especially those that awaken sensuality and femininity in them. One of these types is belly dancing, the benefits of which have long been discussed not only by doctors, but also by psychologists, soul researchers and other interested individuals.

Belly dance

This is the English version of the name, which is often used to refer to this direction of oriental dance. Many women like this particular style, which, in their opinion, helps them express themselves in dance and show their inner essence.

What is the secret of belly dancing? Why is the benefit for women of this particular area highly valued among medical luminaries? The main advantages include:

  • Posture: Oriental dancers have an ideal back and very rarely suffer from scoliosis, osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis and other pathologies of the spinal column.
  • Thanks to the free small muscles along the spine, a woman does not have problems with blood pressure, headaches, thoracic stiffness and other manifestations of congestion in the body. Sleep improves, the level of optimism increases, and mental activity increases significantly.
  • Proper breathing during dancing allows you to get rid of problems with the functioning of the lungs, diaphragm and cardiovascular system, which directly depends on quality breathing.

Dance? Easily!

There are cases when you cannot practice dancing. There are situations when you cannot practice dancing. Temporarily or never. You can consider dancing your life's work. Love to dance and dream of records. But ignoring the prohibitions can lead to serious health problems. Or even to death. When you need to temporarily limit dancing 1. Do not dance with a fever, runny nose or cough. In short, if you catch the virus, you don’t need to dance. And even more so go to group classes. This way you will develop complications and infect others. 2. It would not be amiss to remind you that after injuries, especially craniocerebral injuries, after heart attacks and strokes, after surgical interventions, you should forget about active dance classes for a long period. And increased physical activity. 3. If today you feel unwell, dizzy and weak, there is no need to dance. The returns will be minimal, and the risks of problems will be maximum. 4. Do not dance during an exacerbation of chronic gastritis, peptic ulcers, liver and pancreas diseases. Only increase your torment. Is it true.

Never dance ! If you have a vertebral hernia. Problems with the spine can only be solved by dancing and gymnastics in the early stages of the disease. If you have serious problems, see a doctor. You don't want to leave the dance hall in an ambulance, do you?

! If you have hypertension, heart disease, thrombosis. There is no need to risk your life and set up your coaches. The risk of loss of consciousness, sudden death, and an attack of suffocation due to heart disease and bronchial asthma increases significantly! Warn your coach about your illnesses! ! If you have epilepsy or other brain diseases. These are strict contraindications for dancing. ! Strong physical activity is prohibited with high myopia and the risk of retinal detachment. You can dance blind, of course, but you are unlikely to be happy after that.

Here is another list of contraindications for dancing: - Injuries (fractures and dislocations) - Joint diseases - Malignant neoplasms - Osteoporosis - Hernias of various locations - Scoliosis - Varicose veins of the lower extremities, grade 3-4 - Vegetative-vascular dystonia (with caution when monitoring your well-being ) — Acute inflammatory diseases of the pelvis (gynecological).

Found yourself on the list?

Then you need to see a doctor. You first decide with him what you can and cannot do, and then you go to the trainer and choose the type of load allowed.

No diseases? If there are no health problems, or there are minor ones, then run to the dance hall! Warm up, stretch, improve your health! You can sign up for classes by calling 413-07-52

Dance school "Dynamo-NN"

Musculoskeletal system

The physical benefits of belly dancing for a woman’s health, in particular for the spine, are undeniable. Anyone who has seen oriental dancers knows that the movements of their bodies are sometimes impressive: various waves along the spine, bends deep back, low bends to the side and stunning rotations of the pelvis, chest and hips make it clear that there is no question of any stiffness of the joints Maybe.

Those who had some problems in the lumbar region, sacral area and hip joints unanimously note that back pain began to go away literally from the second lesson, and after two to three months it disappeared completely, despite the fact that for some they were constrained for several years. All movements from oriental dances allow the body of a woman who regularly attends classes to maintain the health of the musculoskeletal system in full health until old age.

Reproductive system

For many women who cannot get pregnant, doctors strongly recommend not just playing sports, but attending belly dancing: the benefits for women's health are truly amazing.

  • Blood circulation in the pelvic organs improves, which brings with it relief from minor and unpleasant “female” problems: menstrual irregularities and pain during menstruation, inflammation of various kinds.
  • In some cases, gynecologists are surprised to note that cysts and fibroids decrease in size and disappear. They cannot explain this effect, since they believe that simply improving blood circulation from active movements has nothing to do with it, because this does not happen when doing fitness, aerobics, running and other types of active sports.
  • Women who attend Belly dance for at least six months and had problems conceiving a child before starting classes believe that it was belly dancing that helped them get pregnant.

In addition to eliminating problems with the reproductive system, there is an improvement in libido, menopause recedes, and the overall resistance of the body increases, so the benefits of belly dancing are obvious.

Feminine energy

This important aspect is often overlooked, although not only the emotional state of a woman, but also the general atmosphere in the family, in which she is the main regulator of good mood and keeper of the hearth, depends on it.

Thanks to oriental dances, a woman blooms like a flower, increasing her essence many times over - what some call magnetism.

Should you use oriental dancing as a physical activity?

For some women, the importance of health is not in the first place, since they do not have pronounced problems with it, but the appearance of their body worries them more. Muscle elasticity, tightened skin and the absence of cellulite worry many people much more. Are there any benefits of belly dancing for your figure? Undoubtedly, although not as obvious as from visiting the gym: you cannot achieve a pronounced relief here, but you can make your waist thinner, your buttocks and hips more elastic, and your back line more graceful - 100%.

How does belly dancing affect the female body?

You can take up oriental dancing at any age, if you have the desire. If you think that belly dance is too difficult, you are wrong. With due diligence, you will master it quite quickly, and the results will surprise you and those around you.

On the body

  • Helps get rid of extra pounds. An important note - you shouldn’t hope for a miracle, exercise regularly and for a long time to really lose weight.
  • Works well on different muscle groups - abdomen, thighs, buttocks and arms. Constant practice and you won't need to sign up for a gym.
  • All dancers are incredibly feminine and flexible. Their movements are extremely flexible and filled with grace.
  • The spine straightens, and, consequently, the posture becomes prouder.
  • It affects the vestibular apparatus, as a result, movements become softer.
  • Has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system and ligaments.

Do not miss

  • Do not miss

    Useful foods for the heart and blood vessels: a list for strengthening veins and capillaries

  • Helps get rid of congestion in the pelvic area by activating blood circulation. As a result, you receive prevention from PMS and various female diseases.
  • The skin becomes more elastic and the complexion becomes healthier.
  • Toxins begin to be actively eliminated from the body, and hormonal levels gradually return to normal.
  • The organs of the digestive tract work like clockwork.
  • Thanks to the specifics of dance, the muscles are constantly in motion, and cellulite does not form.
  • The veins of the legs are also trained, so the likelihood of varicose veins is reduced.
  • Helps you prepare for the arrival of your baby. During oriental dance, those muscles that are not needed in everyday life actively work, but they are the ones that are used in the process of bearing and giving birth to a baby. By the way, if you are expecting a baby, you can sign up for special belly dance classes for pregnant women - you can do them from the 16th week until the birth itself, if there are no medical contraindications.
  • The respiratory muscles become stronger and the lungs are stimulated.
  • If you constantly exercise, you will develop a feminine figure with a thin waist and sloping hips, and your breasts will rise.

Is it possible to lose weight with the help of such dances?

Considering that oriental belly dancing mainly uses the abdominal muscles, these specific movements naturally massage the internal organs, which contributes to their coordinated work. Intestinal function quickly improves, stagnation, constipation and bloating go away, which, of course, actively promotes weight loss.

In one hour-long session at an average rhythm, you can lose from 290 to 360 calories, and if the rhythm is high, then all 400. This is a very good indicator for those who cannot engage in high-impact training: people with heavy weight, sore joints and other health problems . The benefits of belly dancing for weight loss will be more pronounced if they are combined with proper nutrition, because not a single type of impact on body shape can do without it. By attending Belly dance classes three to four times a week (1-1.5 hours) and adhering to a simple rule: “Do not eat for three hours before and the same amount after training,” you can make serious progress in weight loss, and without much effort. effort, because dancing is much more pleasant than doing squats with a barbell on your shoulders.

The benefits of belly dancing

  • A significant advantage of belly dancing is that there are no age restrictions for those who want to practice it. Oriental dancing is ideal not only for young girls, but also for older women.
  • Regular exercise helps improve intestinal function , metabolism, and gets rid of accumulated waste and toxins. This affects the condition of the skin and the body as a whole. Belly dance is also an excellent prevention of various diseases, such as osteochondrosis, hypertension, women's diseases, etc.
  • Belly dance helps women shape their figure , make it slimmer and more feminine . Due to the high energy consumption, oriental dancing classes help burn calories and get rid of excess weight. The principle of this dance technique is to alternate tension and relaxation of muscles. During the dance, all muscle groups are worked out, even those that are not involved in everyday life. This effect is difficult to achieve with any other exercises. These workouts help increase the elasticity of the abdomen and buttocks, strengthen the pectoral muscles, abdominal muscles, make the hips more rounded, strengthen the spinal muscles, spinal column, improve posture, and get rid of stoop. Movements such as shaking allow you to forget about the problem of cellulite. Due to the emphasis placed on the arms and shoulders in dance, these areas are subject to significant stress, and this is very useful for maintaining a beautiful breast shape.
  • The positive influence of oriental dances on the female body is due to the specifics of movements . They promote blood flow to the pelvic organs, eliminating stagnation, which helps prevent and cure many female diseases (cysts, fibroids, inflammation of the appendages, etc.), ease and normalize the course of menstruation. Belly dancing classes help prepare the body for pregnancy and the birth of a child, as the muscle groups necessary for this are trained (pelvis, perineum, abdominals, back). Women manage to make contractions less painful and avoid ruptures during childbirth. And for a young mother, this is a great way to get in shape and restore the body.
  • With regular exercises, you can achieve increased flexibility of the body , joints, grace and plasticity of movements, and give lightness to your gait.
  • Another important advantage of belly dance is that it increases a woman’s sexual attractiveness and enhances libido. It is believed that oriental dancing helps a woman open her sexual chakra.
  • In this dance technique, movements are combined with breathing exercises , due to which the entire body is enriched with oxygen. Also, thanks to rhythmic breathing, endorphins are released and your mood improves.
  • The psychological aspect is also important . Oriental dancing gives positive emotions and is an excellent antidepressant. Classes help a woman get rid of complexes, better study her body, feel desired, attractive and sexy.

Is it harmful to practice oriental dancing?

There are plenty of positive factors for attending dance classes, but is there anything besides the benefits of belly dancing: harm, contraindications and outright taboos for people who want to engage in this type of activity. There are such nuances:

  1. You cannot attend dance classes with acute inflammatory processes of any nature: ARVI, influenza, bronchitis, etc. You need to wait until you recover, and then continue to attend the dance class.
  2. If you have a stomach or duodenal ulcer, belly dancing is prohibited. There will be no benefit, but it’s easy to cause more harm to these organs, even to the point of bleeding. This also includes acute inflammatory processes in the kidneys, liver or gall bladder.
  3. If there are serious problems with the spine: hernias, vertebral instability, or previous serious injuries, it is recommended to consult a specialist doctor so as not to aggravate the situation. Under no circumstances should you dance while using a drug blockade.
  4. If a woman has painful periods with heavy discharge, then it is better to refrain from attending a dance class on such days - let the body recover for several days, and then continue classes.

Naturally, starting from the second trimester of pregnancy, you need to stop belly dancing, replacing it with slow stretching or yoga for pregnant women. Some fitness centers offer simple versions of oriental dances for expectant mothers, but it is important to remember: their motivation is money, and the woman’s is her health and her unborn child. Do not forget that any manipulation of the abdomen can cause irreparable harm to the baby while still in the womb.

How to learn belly dancing

It is almost impossible to master the basics of oriental plastic arts on your own. Only professional dancers can do this. Many movements are so complex that beginners can only master them after several months of hard training.

A very important point in learning oriental wisdom is a comfortable, relaxed atmosphere, like in the La Salute dance studio, where you can relax and completely surrender to the fiery oriental rhythms. An experienced trainer explains the nuances of performing complex elements and shows examples.

Basic movements for beginners

If you look closely at the dancer, you will notice that each part of the body moves in a different rhythm and direction. This is the “hypnotic” secret of the dance. The legs move in an intricate step, the hips describe a circle, the stomach moves in waves - while the performer herself may not even move from her place.

Basic belly dance moves for beginners include waves, figure eights, rockers, circles, arches, kicks and shakes. Each element is worked out separately first. It is better to start learning belly dance moves after mastering at least 3-4 basic movements.

You can also do a warm-up in the oriental style, step-by-step performing individual elements, starting from the shoulders and arms, moving on to the neck muscles, chest, abdominals, hips and legs.


Bellydance begins with the work of hands, which always move in different directions in the dance, imitating the plasticity of a snake’s body:

  1. Start with the Wave exercise. Spread your arms to the sides, make sure that your elbows and wrists are half-bent, and your palms are facing the floor. Move from the shoulder towards the hands, smoothly releasing the vibrations.
  2. Imitate the flapping of a bird's wing, from the shoulder to the hands.
  3. Lower your arms along your body, and from this position slowly lift them up, crossing your hands above your head, forming the letter “o”.
  4. Finish your arm work with the Snake exercise. Stretch your limbs in front of you, start moving from the shoulder to the hands, imitating a snake. The right and left hands should move asynchronously.

Mid body

The following set of exercises is aimed at working the pectoral muscles and abdominals:

  1. Do not forget that the legs, body, head and arms must be static. Start moving your chest along the “V” trajectory on a count of 4, with a sharp upward thrust. At the same time, the chest rises and falls due to the shoulders and arching of the back.
  2. Try to master twisting and shaking by moving your chest in a parabola.
  3. Complete the complex with the “Figure Eight” exercise: the body is motionless, the chest and shoulders rotate alternately, describing the number “8”.

Legs, hips

Almost all lower elements in bellydance have one feature: when practicing them, the upper body should not move. Short description:

  1. Start the elements with your hips with the “Arch” exercise: leave one leg at rest, press your foot to the floor. Move your working limb forward, resting on your toes, bend your knee slightly. Move your thigh into a “horseshoe” shape from bottom to top or top to bottom.
  2. Move your right and left hips up and down alternately, clearly recording each transition.
  3. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart so that both feet are on the floor. The upper body should be motionless. Start using your hips, using your buttocks, to describe the number “8”. You can perform the actions with straight legs or slightly bent knees. Also try doing a figure eight up and down, alternately describing “arches” with your hips.
  4. Try to keep your shoulders and feet still. Start working your hips and stomach, making a circle parallel to the floor.

Particular attention should be paid to the physiology of movements in bellydance. Unlike classical choreography, where the body should always be as “collected and tense” as possible, the East is danced with almost relaxed muscles, gathering into a tight knot only at certain moments to perform blows and shakes.

These movements are most effective for girls and women with curvaceous, round body shapes. With such a composition, the elements acquire additional dynamics. Therefore, in order to learn how to gracefully dance a belly dance, it is absolutely not necessary to initially have a slim figure. With regular exercise, weight loss will not take long, since bellydance burns calories just as well as sports training.

Hitting and shaking (shimmy) in oriental dance

The spectacular movements of an Oriental dancer are achieved in several ways:

  • while the stomach, hips or chest are working, the rest of the body (except for the arms) remains in a static position;
  • the stomach “dances” with the diaphragm, with or without arching of the back;
  • performing blows and shaking is based on the “release” of residual muscle tension.

Neck movements

In addition to working the arms, hips and abdominal muscles, every bellydance dancer must include movements of the head and neck. In this way, it is possible to create a “wave” or “snake” effect, when the element starts from the head and smoothly descends through the neck, to the arms, chest, stomach and ends at the knees. Beginners can practice several exercises that help develop smoothness and mobility of the neck muscles:

  1. Start by mastering the sliding element: relax your neck as much as possible, try not to move your shoulders. Raise your arms up in the lock, move your head parallel to your shoulders, right and left.
  2. Move your head with two pushes to the right, two to the left, the trajectory of movement should be parallel to the shoulders, the arms should be in a static lock above the head, forming a “window”.

Belly Dance Bundles

Staging ligaments in oriental dance is possible only after the basic elements have been mastered, at a reflex level and are performed without thinking. For beginners, they are compiled according to the principle: element-step-turn, so that there is time to prepare the body and thoughts for the next stage. Hand movements are almost always improvisation, with rare exceptions. At a more advanced level, the dancer can perform a combination of 3-5 elements, using the head, shoulders, chest and hips in turn, and only then go into a turn with a step.

A beautiful dance for your beloved man can be learned and choreographed within a month or two after regular classes with a choreographer. Even the simplest and easiest movements in combinations will look no worse than those of professional dancers, if you complement them with a feminine costume and sincere emotions.

An unprepared beginner will not be able to learn the most effective movements using free video lessons. Only an experienced person can explain the nuances and subtleties of plastic surgery.

Who is prohibited from doing Belly dance?

The temporary restrictions are clear, but are there permanent bans for those who wish to practice belly dancing to their advantage? This direction can cause harm to health in the following situations:

  • Congenital flat feet. The problem is that a person spends most of this dance style on his toes, significantly loading the arch of the foot.
  • Malignant tumors of various types.
  • Serious heart problems: previous heart attack, pronounced tachycardia, mitral valve prolapse, heart disease, etc.

In pursuit of profit, in some dance studios and fitness centers there is a tendency to “rejuvenate” the clientele: groups for children are created, and gullible parents happily send their daughter to oriental dancing, wanting only the best for her.

Belly dancing for beginners: choosing clothes

Beginners often wonder what is the most convenient way to practice belly dancing lessons. Well, since this is still belly dancing, it is natural that the stomach should be open. Therefore, we can advise you to wear sports tight pants with a low rise and a top made of soft and light material. It is advisable to avoid wearing sneakers, because... they will only interfere with you when performing various connections and turns. It is best to buy ballet shoes or practice in socks. To add additional magical charm to the dancer, you can use a special ringing belt. But if you don’t have one, then simply tie a large bright scarf around your hips instead.

What do doctors say about dancing for children?

The benefits of belly dancing for a child’s health are too exaggerated: it is worth remembering that a girl during the transformation of the reproductive system at the time of puberty is very sensitive and can become deformed due to incorrect effects on the internal muscles. Therefore, until the age of eight, girls are prohibited from practicing any type of oriental dance, until the age of 12, they are not allowed to use shaking and sharp hip strikes in dancing, and before the end of puberty, it is undesirable to perform deep backbends, especially in combination with sitting and reclining movements.

Feedback from dance studio clients

If you interview women who have been attending Belly dance for more than six months, they all speak enthusiastically about this dance, noting that, in addition to the benefits of belly dancing for the body, there is a significant emotional release.

Dancing for her own pleasure, a woman liberates herself, becoming more natural not only for herself, but also in society. For many, this is a new way to get to know themselves, learn some nuances of character, psychology, and also get rid of long-standing complexes due to appearance or lack of plasticity. According to reviews from dancer-teachers, their clients become more self-confident, sociable and cheerful over time. Many note that they began to react differently to life’s troubles, problems at work - the general attitude towards life has changed: unquenchable optimism has appeared.

What are the benefits of belly dancing lessons?

Belly dancing itself is a combination of shaking, hitting and plasticity. As a result of regular exercise, the skin becomes smooth and elastic, and the muscles are flexible and mobile. Belly dancing allows you to burn up to 300 kcal in one hour, but this is natural during intense exercise. Its elements allow you to reduce body weight, promote the redistribution of fat deposits, literally changing your body shape before your eyes.

When coming to belly dance lessons for beginners, a woman should accept herself as she is, with all the features of her appearance that are unique to her. Of course, this is very difficult. But as you practice, not only the shape of the body begins to change, but also female psychology. Various complexes disappear, the perception of the world around us and oneself in it changes, and self-esteem increases. And this is not surprising. After all, any element of belly dancing is performed by every woman in her own interesting and attractive way.

Pros and cons: what do men think about it?

The fact that belly dancing has significant benefits for women is noted by their men, claiming that, in addition to increased confidence, their wives have become more relaxed in their intimate lives, graceful movements, smoothness and femininity have appeared, which is so lacking in modern ladies.

There is also a change in attitude towards themselves: women stop being too self-critical of their appearance and finally understand that two or three extra kilos are not scary if there is spring in the soul, sincerity and the desire to love are much more important. These are the qualities that men value most in their wives.

Yoga Nidra is a psychic dream that is often called “ the dream of yogis .” This is a method of relaxation by creating a one-pointed mind. It is also a way of relaxing the personality by withdrawing inward from external objects. Yoga Nidra is actually a part of Pratyahara, i.e. distraction of consciousness from physical objects. In yoga nidra, vision is distracted from external objects of perception, hearing is distracted from sounds, etc. until all connections with the physical senses completely disappear.

Yoga Nidra is one of the most powerful methods not only for creating deep relaxation in a minimum amount of time, but also for reviving degenerated brain nuclei and centers. One hour of yoga nidra is equal to four hours of regular sleep.

The practice of yoga nidra is also indicated not only for those who are physically and mentally exhausted, but also for those who are tired of a passive lifestyle, and for those who have lost interest in life. Yoga Nidra will also rejuvenate and revive the physical, mental and emotional aspects of the personality. This will help those who have a tamasic nature to create additional blood flow and energy. The practice of yoga nidra is especially recommended for those spiritual seekers who suffer from fear, tension, anger, greed and other disharmonies. It is also indicated for those who wish to develop greater awareness and mental clarity.

In the borderline state of yoga nidra, between sleep and wakefulness, you make contact with the superconscious part and the unconscious part of your psyche, where your past memories are collected. Those experiences that were particularly negative or painful were pushed deep into the unconscious area of ​​our psyche, which is hidden behind conscious memories. However, they are still very active and are the source of our irrational fears and obsessions. Also in the unconscious part are instinctive desires that are constantly seeking expression through our consciousness. Tension, in fact, is a clot of suppressed energy that strengthens those needs and desires that block the state of satisfaction. During yoga nidra, these frustrations and blocked unfulfilled desires receive an outlet, as a result of which tensions are reduced and the energy contained in them is released.

A similar process also takes place in normal sleep, when we dream. These dreams consist of randomly selected impulses. In yoga nidra we create our own dream by visualizing a wide variety of symbols that have powerful and universal meaning. These “quick images” trigger other, generally unrelated memories from the depths of the subconscious, and each memory in turn is filled with emotional load. Thus, many types of tension go away, and the mind is freed from unnecessary information.

Yoga Nidra has been compared to hypnosis, but they have little in common. In hypnosis one becomes extremely sensitive to external advice for therapeutic or other purposes, yoga nidra is a heightened self-awareness way of tracking one's own psychic awakening.

It is recommended to practice yoga nidra for the first time in a class with a teacher, this way you will better understand the purpose of the technique and become familiar with the method of practice at each stage. If you don't have a yoga teacher, try to get a yoga nidra recording in class.

Although it can be practiced while sitting or even standing, yoga nidra is typically performed while lying on your back in savasana . It is better to lie on the floor on a mat or blanket. If you feel the need to put a pillow under your head, you can do so. Make sure you are warm enough that you don't need to cover yourself with a blanket. The eyes remain closed throughout the practice, which should last from 30 minutes to 1 hour. The body should be completely relaxed and no movements should be made during practice.

The whole body is consistently relaxed, every limb, every bone, muscle, ligament, circulatory system, breathing, brain, face, eyes, etc.

When your body is completely relaxed, your mind also becomes relaxed, but you must keep it active by bringing your attention to all parts of your body, noticing your breath, experiencing various sensations, creating mental images.

In yoga nidra you don't actually sleep , you have to remain aware throughout the practice, trying to follow all the instructions without judgment. Of course, you can also use yoga nidra as a prelude to sleep. If you practice it for 20-30 minutes before bed, the quality of your sleep will increase dramatically.

During yoga nidra, a decision is made or, in other words, a sankalpa . (Translation of Sankalpa is an intention, an inner conviction that has reached the depths of the subconscious, which is regularly reproduced so that it becomes a reality.) It must be something extremely important to you. Repeat this mentally 3 times with a feeling of deep conviction. It is better if your sankalpa has a spiritual purpose, but you can also make decisions related to the desire to get rid of some habit or improve some aspect of your personality. In yoga nidra, the decisions we make and the thoughts we create become potentially very powerful. They go deep into the subconscious and, over time, they definitely become reality.

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