Exercise “Reverse plank”: benefits and harms, how to do it correctly, photos, reviews

The “reverse plank” is an exercise that enjoys special respect among beginners and professional athletes. With its help you can strengthen the muscle corset and increase muscle tone. Despite the fact that such a fixed position is not as popular as the classic plank, its effectiveness is amazing in the very first days of execution.

The article will tell you in detail what the “Reverse Plank” exercise is, the benefits and harms of it, and will also reveal reviews from people who have already tried this pose and got stunning results. This type of plank has a lot of advantages, so beginners in the sport who want to relieve back pain and strengthen their chest muscles should definitely pay attention to it.

The “Reverse Plank” exercise (photo also provided in the article) helps you keep yourself in great shape without increased vital activity. It can be performed without any additional equipment, so there is no need to visit a gym or purchase special equipment.

What muscles work in the “Reverse Plank” exercise?

During the exercise, the following muscles are worked:

  • straight;
  • pyramidal;
  • oblique;
  • lumbar;
  • anterior and posterior muscles of the thighs;
  • medial;
  • calf;
  • brachioradialis;
  • triceps;
  • shoulder;
  • ulna.

From this list it is clear that the simplest exercise forces several muscle groups to work simultaneously. While in the pose, perhaps not all muscles will be felt, but the next day you can feel a pleasant pain in them.

Benefits of exercise and contraindications

Like any physical activity, the side plank, if performed correctly, benefits the athlete’s body, allowing him to develop muscles and maintain good shape even at home. We invite you to take a closer look at the benefits of the side plank.

How is the side plank useful?

So, what result can an athlete get by performing this exercise daily:

During the exercise, the athlete is in a static position. Thus, he engages a large number of muscle groups at the same time, and in one fell swoop he can work the muscles of the legs, torso and forearm. The side plank is especially valued because it allows you to load your abs well. During the exercise, both the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles are tensed. Medical studies have proven that this particular exercise can reduce back pain in people suffering from scoliosis and correct crooked posture. Those who suffer from this disease, practicing the plank every day, after just six months noted that the pain decreased by 32-35%. Also, the side plank is an indispensable tool in the fight for a “wasp” waist. When performing it, the muscles contract isometrically, their strength develops and, in general, the corset tightens.

Therefore, if you set out to remove the hated sides by summer, then pay close attention to the side bar and its variation with a dip in the body.

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The side plank exercise in some cases can bring not only benefits, but also harm. Of course, there are not so many contraindications, but still, they exist and we are obliged to warn you about this. So, performing a side plank is not recommended if the following factors are present:

  • if you have a herniated disc;
  • if you have injuries to your back, neck and shoulders;
  • if you are in the last months of pregnancy;
  • if you regularly experience severe pain of any kind.


Due to the fact that all muscle groups are loaded, blood flow accelerates, organs and their systems are saturated with oxygen, and the overall tone of the body increases significantly. This is where the benefits of the “Reverse Plank” exercise come into play. If you do it regularly, you can achieve good success. Thanks to the exercise you can:

  • reduce the thickness of the fat layer in one of the most problematic areas - the lower abdomen;
  • strengthen the upper abs, muscles of the upper limbs;
  • improve body flexibility;
  • increase the tone of the spinal muscles;
  • maintain correct posture.

In general, the “Reverse Plank” exercise makes it possible to get rid of excess weight, stop pathological changes that cause severe pain in the lumbar area, and also correct posture.

What is a “reverse plank” and what is its use?

There is a well-known gymnastic exercise called the “plank”. When performing it, a person lies face down on the floor. But - not flat, but leaning on your elbows (or hands) and toes. And he remains in this position for some time, performing various accompanying exercises. The classic “plank” can bring a lot of benefits: remove the stomach, tighten the buttocks, straighten the spinal column, develop and strengthen muscles.

And there is a variation of the classic “plank” - the so-called “reverse plank”. In this case, the one who performs it should initially be not face down, but up, leaning on the palms and soles of the feet. And from this starting position, begin performing various movements.

It is believed that the “reverse plank” is not as popular as its classic counterpart, but it has a lot of advantages. She helps:

  • work and strengthen the core muscles (these muscles support and stabilize the spine and pelvis);
  • improve posture;
  • tighten the stomach and help support internal organs, preventing their displacement and prolapse;
  • reduce belly fat;
  • strengthen the lower back and prevent diseases characteristic of this part of the body (this is especially true for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle);
  • relieve lower back pain;
  • improve mobility and flexibility.

In general, the main advantage of the “reverse plank” is the ability to remove excess weight, block changes in the lower back that can lead to severe pain in the future, and, of course, make your posture more beautiful.

As for the disadvantages of this exercise, in fact, there are none. The only thing is that when performing it, sometimes there may be pain or discomfort in one or another part of the body. But this is mostly due not to the exercise itself, but to its not entirely correct execution. For example, incorrect neck position when holding a position, incorrect placement of hands, etc.


As you know, playing sports has certain restrictions. Trainings should be conducted taking into account your own physiological parameters, age characteristics and health status.

The “Reverse Plank” exercise is not recommended to be performed in the following cases:

  • pregnancy period;
  • previous injuries to the shoulder joints or elbows;
  • hernia;
  • compression fracture;
  • C-section;
  • various operations on the abdominal organs.

In addition to this list, you should also pay attention to relative contraindications. These include injuries to the wrists and hands. In this case, it is recommended to perform a simple modification of the Reverse Plank exercise. To do this, you will need to rely not on straight arms, but on your elbows, which will also effectively load the muscles of your abdomen, back and legs.

When do you have wrist problems?

The plank is very easy to do. Especially if you calculate your strengths and do not make a choice in favor of an initially difficult option. But how to do a reverse plank correctly if you have wrist problems. For example, problems may arise in people who have undergone surgery in this area, who have previously had wrist fractures, etc.

If you have any problems in your wrists, you need to perform the exercise with emphasis on straight arms. For convenience and simplicity, bend your elbows. The support in this case will be transferred to the feet and elbows. The wrists in this position will remain free and not involved.

How to do the “Reverse Plank” exercise correctly

The position in question can be performed in various modifications. It can be both simplified and complicated. First of all, you need to take care of your comfort during the exercise so as not to get injured or slip. To do this, you need to lay a special rug or mat. Despite the fact that the likelihood of getting a fracture when falling from such a height is small, no one is immune from abrasions and hematomas. Therefore, it is necessary to perform the “Reverse Plank” carefully, concentrating only on it.

General information about the plank exercise and its benefits

With regular training, including elbow planks, many muscle groups are activated, which help tighten the body and make the skin elastic. This element has long been included in the training complex of both professional and novice athletes. During the lesson the following are in a state of tension:

  • legs;
  • breast;
  • stomach;
  • sides;
  • buttocks;
  • hands.

Therefore, the bar can quite rightly and justifiably be called a multifunctional exercise. The main advantages of such activities are that they do not require the use of sports equipment; you can train at home - all you need is time and endurance.

At first, classes will not be easy, since intense muscle tension will result in soreness throughout the body.

But for the plank to really help, you need to do it over a long period of time. The duration of one workout, the number of approaches performed per day, and the duration of training depend on the severity of the problem.

The plank is not a strength exercise, so it does not have the ability to burn calories intensively, like squats, for example. However, this does not reduce its benefits, especially for those who want to have a slim and toned body. Thanks to regular training you can:

  • tighten sagging skin;
  • make your stomach flat;
  • remove the sides;
  • give your legs slenderness.

The plank also helps strengthen the spine, since it is also under constant tension until the end of the workout.

Thanks to this, you can avoid the development of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system, for example, osteochondrosis. It is useful to do the exercise in the initial stages of scoliosis, although during training you may feel pain and discomfort in the area of ​​displaced areas of the spine.

See also:

Is it possible to play sports and exercise if you have hypertension?

Classic version

Every beginner can do the classic exercise without any special training. It is done this way:

  1. Sit on a non-slip mat and extend your legs straight forward, bringing them together.
  2. Tilt your back 45 degrees, rest your hands on the floor so that your hands are clearly under your shoulders, and point your fingers towards your feet.
  3. Push your body up, distributing support on your arms and legs.
  4. Align your body in a straight line so that there are no bulges or bends.
  5. Hold the pose for 15 seconds, during which you should never relax your buttocks or abdomen.
  6. Smoothly lower yourself to the starting position, allowing yourself to relax only after your buttocks touch the floor surface.

It will not be difficult for experienced athletes to repeat a fixed pose immediately after the body has lowered itself onto the mat, because they have already mastered this exercise to the point of automatism. But beginners will need to take short breaks between approaches.

How to do it right

The reverse plank technique is somewhat reminiscent of the classic one, only in a mirrored form.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. You sit on the floor with your legs extended forward.
  2. Leaning your body back and leaning on your palms, lift your pelvis and lift it to a straight line with your legs and body. This is the starting position, which does not change, since it is a static exercise.
  3. The muscles of the abdomen, thighs and buttocks should be tense.
  4. Hold out for the maximum amount of time (20 seconds will be enough for a beginner) and smoothly return to the starting position.

Modifications on straight arms

Today, many different options for performing the exercise on straight arms have been invented. All of them contribute to the development of several muscle groups, but some are extremely difficult to perform. To find the most suitable option for yourself and achieve success with it, you need to familiarize yourself with the best positions:

  1. When turning your fingers towards the body, it is not the brachialis, but the biceps muscle that tenses.
  2. If you want to work your shoulder joints, then your hands should be positioned as far away from the body as possible during the exercise.
  3. To increase the stretch of the hip and gluteal muscles, you need to perform a plank with hip raises. To do this, you need to follow the technique described above, but keep your legs not straightened, but bent at a right angle.
  4. You can make the exercises more difficult to quickly eliminate fat deposits by swinging your legs alternately while at the top point.
  5. Rotation of the pelvis at a fixed point will provide an excellent opportunity to work out the oblique muscles.

Correct technique

There are several options for performing the reverse plank exercise. The principle of execution directly depends on your physical fitness. Therefore, there is the simplest or classic position, as well as the complex or advanced one. For ease of understanding, let's consider the classic version.

To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Wear comfortable clothes.
  2. Sit on the floor, carpet, mat.
  3. Place your outstretched arms under your shoulders.
  4. Place your hands with your fingers spread parallel to each other.
  5. Straighten your legs.
  6. Pull them forward in the opposite direction from your hands.
  7. Leaning on your hands, raise your body.
  8. Squeeze your legs together, including your feet.
  9. Place your feet on the heels (in a more complex version, the feet are placed on the entire sole).
  10. Move the load from the arms and legs to the middle of the body.

It is noteworthy that the head in this position should not bend too far back and overexert itself. It is best to keep your head straight in the reverse plank exercise and not overstrain your neck.

The navel and stomach are directed straight up. It should feel like there is a thread stretching from the ceiling to your navel. While doing the exercise, imagine that someone is pulling this string and forcing you to lift your navel up.

Rules for performing the exercise

Remembering the basic rules and following them is not so difficult, so you should not ignore them:

  1. You need to immediately tune in to the maximum load on your hands. People who want to master the plank should not have any problems with their hands. Otherwise, you can become the owner of a subluxation or even dislocation of the wrist joint. Also, do not forget that when performing the exercise on the elbows, it will not be possible to create a chic relief of the forearms.
  2. It is best to do a plank immediately after training. At this time, the muscles have not yet cooled down, so they can be properly stretched without getting a tear or sprain.
  3. At the top point, you need to carefully monitor the position of the body. The body and legs must form a straight line. The only exception is the maximum hip lift exercise, but it is not recommended for beginners.
  4. In the first couple of days, the classic plank should be done for no more than 15 seconds. You can make the task easier by pulling in your stomach and taking breaks in breathing. It is allowed to increase the time spent in the pose only after you can breathe through the chest automatically.
  5. If your legs begin to tremble, then you should stop doing the plank and give your body a rest. This rest should be active so that the muscles remain warm all the time. The ideal option is to walk calmly, raise straight and bent legs, bend in different directions, and so on.

Varieties of exercise

Naturally, plank pose works different muscles. For example, the classic plank primarily engages the abdominal muscles and middle back muscles, while the reverse plank, in addition to the gluteal muscles, also has a positive effect on the calf muscles. What plank exercises do you know? There are about two dozen common types of this exercise.


You need to lie face down, place your palms on the floor shoulder-width apart, legs either hip-width apart, or feet together. The body should be like a stretched string - without kinks. You need to hold the exercise for about 15-20 seconds for beginners. This option helps to work out the abdominal muscles.

Elbow support

We lean not on our palms, but on our elbows, placed shoulder-width apart. The hands can be closed into a lock, the lower back should be as flat as possible. This plank pose is the most commonly used.

With arm/leg raise

The original version of the plank is complicated by a raised straight arm or leg. It is important to ensure that your hips and shoulders remain in line. This position also helps you learn to maintain balance and keep your core muscles toned.

Elbow with arm/leg raise

Do you want to have beautiful back muscles? Then this option is especially for you! We take the classic position with emphasis on the elbows, and raise the outstretched arm or leg. It is important to stretch the extended limb as much as possible.


A more advanced version of the plank that helps improve the obliques and lateral thighs. You need to lie on your side, and then rise, leaning on your outstretched arm or elbow and forearm, and also support using the edge of your foot. Make sure that the pelvic line does not sag.

Lateral with minimal support

An advanced version of the previous exercise - you need to lean strictly on the palm and edge of the foot, and your free arm and leg should be raised.


The starting position is a traditional side plank with emphasis on the elbow and forearm. Twisting is the rotation of the hips and shoulder girdle relative to the spine in different directions. To understand how to perform the exercise correctly, I recommend watching video tutorials.

Reverse plank

As I already said, the reverse plank helps to work the buttocks and calves. We lie down on the floor, rest our hands strictly under our shoulders, pull our socks, resting on our heels, back and lower back straight, gaze directed upward (do not allow bending in the cervical region).

Reverse bent bar

A rather complex version of the plank, but very useful. This is a classic reverse plank, which is performed with emphasis on the legs bent at a right angle. What to pay attention to: you should not throw your head back, you should not lower your pelvis, you should not bend at the lower back or round your back.

Triangular strip

This option is familiar to many from yoga, where this exercise is called “Downward-facing dog.” This is a plank with emphasis on the elbows and forearms and toes; during execution, the body is bent at the pelvis at a right angle. This version of the plank strengthens all the back muscles.

Pull-up plank

During the classic plank, you need to pull one knee towards the corresponding elbow. Perform each knee separately; raising your head is not recommended; it is very important to tighten your stomach.

Side plank push-ups

We alternate side planks with classic push-ups.

Plank with jumps

From the classic position with emphasis on outstretched arms, you must perform jumps with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. If the exercise is too difficult, you can do pacing.

Side Plank Hip Drop

We take a classic side plank pose with emphasis on an outstretched palm, and then slowly and carefully lower the hip to the floor. We fixate in this position for at least 15 seconds.

Jumping into a squat with emphasis

The starting position is a classic straight plank with emphasis on outstretched arms, from which you need to use a jump to take the position of a deep squat with emphasis.

Plank with emphasis on the ball

A classic plank, but a regular ball or fitball is used as a support. It is important to maintain balance.

Dumbbell plank

We complicate the classic plank with dumbbells and leg weights. If you want to increase the overall load, you can ask someone to put a barbell disc on your back.


Many people leave their reviews about the Reverse Plank exercise, which allows beginners to see the effectiveness and efficiency of this pose. Girls who have been trying to fight excess weight for a long time, but this is difficult, are especially enthusiastic about the exercise. This type of plank helped them lose about 5 kilograms in just a month. At the same time, the excess volume in the lower abdomen also disappeared. The girls themselves claim that they did not perform any additional exercises. In order to achieve such a great result, it was enough for them to limit themselves in the consumption of sweets and flour products, as well as doing the plank twice a day.

There are often reviews from people who do the exercise to strengthen their muscles, and they succeed very well. For athletes training at home, the “Reverse Plank” helped strengthen the corset without any additional equipment. Thanks to this, they were able to save time and money on visits to gyms.

Pros and cons of the exercise

Before us is a plank, in which the athlete turns face up in order to work the back muscles to a greater extent.

Benefits of the reverse plank:

  • strengthens the core;
  • improves posture;
  • tightens the stomach;
  • strengthens the transverse abdominal muscle;
  • improves the condition of the lumbar region;
  • increases mobility of the shoulder joint;
  • stretches the abs, namely the rectus muscle;
  • Helps tighten the gluteal muscles.

The disadvantage of the reverse plank is that a significant load falls on the trapezius muscles. If a person naturally has poor posture and is accustomed to raising his shoulders toward his ears, he may experience significant pain when performing this exercise.

In addition, the reverse plank is contraindicated for pregnant women and during the recovery period after childbirth. For pregnant women, it only seems safe, because in fact it creates pressure on the fetus, and after childbirth, this position and the stand itself can be uncomfortable during the entire recovery period.

Reverse plank: a forgotten exercise for the back and buttocks

Watch this video on YouTube

The main advantages of the exercise

The plank is an extremely versatile exercise, its implementation:

  • Does not require special equipment;
  • Doesn't take much time;
  • Allows you to work out different muscle groups.

The exercise simultaneously solves the following problems:

  1. Strengthens muscles and develops strength (even deep muscles that are not involved in dynamic exercises begin to work);
  2. Develops mental concentration (to keep the body in a horizontal position it is necessary to show character);
  3. Helps relieve tension after prolonged sedentary work;
  4. Restores the functionality of injured muscles;
  5. Improves aesthetic appearance (forms correct posture);
  6. Warms up the body before large-scale physical activity (useful as a warm-up).

Fact! Planking won't build your muscles, but it does help strengthen your entire body overall.

Benefits of exercise for men

The benefits of this element for men are as follows:

  1. There is a reduction in pain and the risk of spinal injuries.
  2. There is an improvement in posture. Due to the tension of the spinal muscles and abdominal muscles, the curved spine is gradually straightened. Correct posture is not only an aesthetic aspect, but also a guarantee of a healthy heart and respiratory system. Due to the displacement of the vertebrae, the nerves are pinched, which can also lead to intercostal neuralgia. Regular, persistent planking will help gradually eliminate this problem.
  3. During the session, a large number of muscle groups are in a tense state, which helps to strengthen them. Due to this, under constant loads, muscle relief appears. It becomes clearer, more pronounced. But it should be borne in mind that the bar alone will not help get rid of fat deposits on the stomach or sides - this can only be achieved through a whole range of actions.

    The result of the plank for men in 6 months

  4. Metabolism improves. This exercise should be one of the components of the exercise plan of a man who leads a sedentary lifestyle. It “accelerates” the blood well and improves its circulation. At the same time, the supply of oxygen to tissues improves, which helps normalize metabolism in the male body.
  5. The process of hormone secretion is stabilized. This applies not only to testosterone, but also to thyroid hormones. It is a well-known fact that the level of biologically active substances directly depends on a person’s physical activity. Physical inactivity is the worst enemy of hormonal levels, so a man leading a sedentary lifestyle needs to exercise regularly.

Thus, this element is very beneficial for the health and beauty of the male body.

See also:

What heart rate is considered normal for men by age?

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