Losing weight with the stars in quarantine: video training with Brezhneva and stretching from Utyasheva

Fitness rooms are closed, but this is not a reason to forget about sports. There are a lot of home exercises on the Internet, and now celebrities are joining the collection of videos. Express Gazeta shows how Vera Brezhneva, Laysan Utyasheva and other celebrities keep themselves in shape. We turn on video training and work with the artists!

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Before choosing a workout and going to fight excess weight, you should familiarize yourself with the recommendations of experts - even home sports have limitations. The head of the department of physical therapy and exercise therapy at the Veresaev Hospital, Roman Shiroky, in a conversation with Moscow 24, noted that unprepared people should start with simple exercises: squats, pull-ups, planks.

“If these are active exercises associated, for example, with jumping, then the load on the joints increases. Then the knee joints and ankles can be injured, says Shiroky. — If a person is doing this for the first time simply because he has free time, then he needs to carefully approach this issue, without fanaticism. Gradually increasing the load."

In addition, the specialist noted that independent physical exercise is not recommended for people with ischemia, arrhythmia and diabetes.

Are health problems bothering you? Wonderful! Moves on to home video workouts with the stars.

Workouts in quarantine: abdominal exercises with Nastya Kamenskikh

During self-isolation, a new playlist appeared on the Kamensky YouTube blog - Sport with NK. So far it has only been updated with two videos, with exercises for the buttocks to the track “Butt like Kim” and for the abs. But they are high-quality films that are convenient to repeat. And without further ado.

A three-minute complex for the abdominal muscles includes a “fold”, “bicycle”, exercises for the upper abs, crunches - nothing complicated. But you can’t get away with three minutes: training with Nastya Kamenskikh involves a minimum of three laps with a three-minute break between approaches. “So that your abs are not like a special agent - undercover,” the performer laughs.

What you can and cannot eat on a diet

Regardless of the type of diet being followed, the list of prohibited foods includes:

  • Any sweets, foods high in sugar, desserts, chocolate, baked goods,
  • Pasta and pasta,
  • Fatty meats, poultry and fish,
  • Too fatty dairy and fermented milk products,
  • Dishes cooked in large quantities of oil, smoked foods,
  • Store-bought sauces, including mayonnaise and ketchup,
  • Coffee sticks (three in one),
  • Any dishes made from potatoes and other starchy foods,
  • Alcoholic drinks,
  • Sweet carbonated drinks.

Products that are allowed and from which you can make up your daily diet include:

  • Lean beef, veal, chicken and turkey,
  • Lean fish. The product can be grilled, steamed or baked in the oven with the addition of a minimal amount of oil,
  • Dairy and fermented milk products with minimal fat content,
  • Vegetables and greens (except potatoes, celery, fennel, Jerusalem artichoke),
  • Any porridge,
  • Fruits (except grapes, melons and bananas, which provoke fermentation processes in the body),
  • Nuts and dried fruits,
  • Lemon juice and olive oil can be used to dress salads.

Workouts in quarantine: exercises with elastic bands with Alina Zagitova

During quarantine, training with elastic bands has become popular among movie and sports stars: the equipment is simple, compact and inexpensive, and exercises with it become more effective. Alina Zagitova shared a complex with fitness bands - two videos with exercises for different muscle groups appeared on the Instagram account of the Olympic champion.

So, let's lie down on the mat and get to work! In the meantime, we will briefly talk about the complex from Alina Zagitova.

  • Elastic band on the feet: raise the knees 90 degrees; we make a counter move; we connect the twisting of the body.
  • Band under the knees: squats, lunges, raising the knee to the chest.
  • Plank: straight and side.
  • Running in place, jumping rope, stretching.

About nutrition

My daily diet is quite the same. It necessarily includes fresh fruits and vegetables, cereals, nuts and protein products: quail eggs, fish, seafood, and sometimes chicken. I really love legumes: lentils, peas, beans. Sometimes I have vegetarian days. I'm a pretty strict person, so I try not to skip breakfast, lunch, or dinner. The largest meal of the day is lunch. I eat carbohydrates only for breakfast, and for dinner I prefer protein foods.

I rarely allow myself sweets. In September I even conducted a small experiment. For a whole month I didn’t eat anything that contained white sugar. And I didn’t have any “withdrawal”. Therefore, I concluded that the love of sweets is a habit and nothing more. Our body needs enough of the glucose we get from fruits. In a month of complete absence of sugar in the diet, the fat layer on the thighs and buttocks has decreased significantly, the skin of the face has become better: the pores have narrowed, small rashes and swelling under the eyes have disappeared. I already forgot the last time I liked myself so much.

In addition to sugar, I minimized my gluten intake. I feel like I am becoming lighter and cleaner without these products. I'm finally back to my comfortable weight (53 kg), which I like. Everyone noticed the changes, so I decided to extend the experiment until the New Year.

I do not accept diets: I am not a supporter of radical measures that are harmful to the body. It’s better to limit your consumption of unhealthy foods and eat right than to torment yourself with diets and then relapse and overeat.

But there should be fasting days. After them you feel great. Recently I gave myself a fasting day on the water - an excellent result. But you need to get out of it correctly.

I started my journey to healthy eating by giving up sugary and carbonated drinks. Then I eliminated heavy sauces from my diet. I gave up pork a long time ago - it’s too fatty meat for me. But, if I come, for example, to Paris, I eat a croissant with pleasure, and then go for a walk.

I try to carry snacks with me at all times. It’s easier for me to eat something healthy than to overeat later in the main meal, or, succumbing to the feeling of hunger, to eat something harmful. In the first half of the day I eat fruits, in the evening - nuts. Sometimes sugar free granola bars.

Workouts in quarantine: stretching at home with Laysan Utyasheva

The gymnast approached sports at home with humor: on her YouTube channel she publishes videos with her, whose guests are star friends of the Utyasheva and Volya families. The last “test subject” - Garik Kharlamov - took part in training for beginners.

Laysan also shows stretching exercises. The star recommends doing them after aerobic exercise 3-4 times a week. The main thing is to do it slowly and carefully so as not to tear the ligaments. Utyasheva’s arsenal of quarantine exercises includes: “good and evil cats”, “a live goose and a dead swan”, “a sumo wrestler asks for food” - in short, it’s both sporty and funny.

Sample menu for the week

A weekly menu consisting of three daily meals can be compiled as follows:

Day of the weekBreakfastDinnerDinner
MondayOatmeal with water, one green apple pureeMushroom soup with vegetable brothBrown rice and a piece of boiled chicken
TuesdayCottage cheese with a minimum percentage of fat, seasoned with a few spoons of natural yogurtLean vegetable broth, steamed piece of turkey filletGreen salad with radishes, veal baked in the oven
WednesdayHalf a grapefruit and two boiled eggsSorrel borschtA piece of salmon, grilled without oil, tomatoes and grilled bell peppers
ThursdayOatmeal with dried fruits and nutsChicken breast soupBoiled sea cocktail with spinach and broccoli
FridayBoiled buckwheat with kefirPuree of permitted vegetables, grilled piece of beefBaked sturgeon, sprinkled with lemon juice, boiled rice
SaturdayOmelette with eggs on water, half an orangeRice and pumpkin porridgeBoiled buckwheat porridge with seafood
SundaySalad of allowed fruitsTom Yam soupGrilled dorado, salad of carrots, avocado and sweet peppers, dressed with a drop of olive oil.

If you feel very hungry between meals, you can drink a glass of freshly squeezed juice. The singer herself assures that it is advisable to drink juice three hours before or after a meal, and you can drink no more than two glasses a day. You should also drink juice at least 4 hours before bedtime.

You can also eat one green apple or drink a glass of low-fat kefir as a snack.

In addition to the indicated meals, be sure to drink non-carbonated mineral water throughout the day - at least 2 liters per day.

Workouts in quarantine: a set of exercises by Polina Dibrova

So far, the mother of many children is all in preparation for Easter: she cooks Easter cakes, makes Easter eggs, paints eggs, decorates the house - there is no time for sports. We think that Polina will soon return to physical activity - besides, she has a proven complex for training at home:

  • 15 lunges on each leg;
  • 30 chair lifts;
  • 20 times - gluteal bridge;
  • 30 bent leg swings, standing on knees and elbows;
  • 30 straight leg swings from the same position;
  • 20 times - bringing the shoulder blades together from a lying position;
  • 30 times - twisting.

Alisa Osina
Alina Zagitova Vera Brezhneva Quarantine Laysan Utyasheva Nastya Kamenskikh Polina Dibrova sports training

Vera Brezhneva gave a master class on fitness, talking about the most effective exercises

The name of Vera Brezhneva evokes vivid associations with a real standard of beauty and femininity. However, many mistakenly believe that all her figure advantages are a natural gift, nothing more. Correspondents of the Express-Novosti news agency learned how diligently the singer works on herself. Vera Brezhneva shared her most intimate secrets and gave a fitness master class on how, with such a busy schedule, she manages to remain the envy of millions of female fans and the admiration of men.

Wasp waist

According to the show business star, the exercises presented below are perfect for any woman and will help to achieve visible results in transforming her figure in a short time. The first thing men pay attention to is the waist, and the singer advises not to neglect the classic method of pumping up the abs. It is performed by straight lifting the body with pre-fixed legs, and to strengthen the oblique abdominal muscles, alternate half-turns are added in different directions. Alternatively, you can use pumping with leg lifts. To do this, while lying on your back, slowly raise both legs up, it is better if a gymnastic ball is clamped between your knees.

Beautiful legs

According to the singer, the beauty of her legs is of particular importance for a woman; firstly, her wardrobe depends on this - beautiful legs will look harmonious with any dress or skirt, and in the summer season there will be something to show off. Her slender legs are the result of many years of daily work at home and in the gym. Brezhneva advises that for home conditions it is most convenient to use lunges to the side, slightly tilting the body, and try so that the “far” hand touches the floor. This exercise helps tighten your inner thighs. To strengthen their outer side, it will be enough to swing to the side while standing or, alternatively, lie on your side and raise your leg as high as possible.

The envy of fans is the buttocks

There is no special secret here; Vera Brezhneva uses the simplest, but no less effective method - lunges forward with alternate bending of the legs, trying to touch the floor with the knee. However, as a highlight, the singer recommends using another pose in the supine position. The singer advises that it is important to ensure that the legs are slightly bent and the arms are along the body while lifting the pelvis and fixing it at the top point for a couple of seconds. For more athletic women, it is best to use the gymnastic knee-elbow pose with alternate lifting of the legs, but do not rush, but slowly load the fifth point. This pose can be redirected to the next position. To do this, you need to lie on your stomach, as if gluing your torso to the floor, and slowly raise your legs up as much as possible. After a couple of workouts, you can add leg extensions to the right and left to this pose. This exercise is the most effective and allows you to tighten your hips as much as possible in a short time.

Toned arm muscles

To make the most revealing wardrobe items look impressive, Vera Brezhneva pays special attention to training to strengthen her arm muscles. The singer advises using a simple push-up technique with emphasis on the knees to shape the biceps, and to tighten the triceps by adding an inward movement of the palms. The effectiveness of this pose largely depends on correct breathing, which is responsible for saturating the muscles with oxygen and stimulating their growth.

Let us remind you that, among other things, Vera Brezhneva goes for a run every morning and, if possible, tries to walk. In conclusion, the singer added that every woman can afford to devote at least 15 minutes a day to training and become the owner of a seductive figure. The main thing in life is not diamonds, but training.

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