What is better to choose for weight loss - fitness or gym?


Working out in the gym requires diligence, long and hard training. If you are new to this business, then at first it is better to study under the guidance of a trainer who:

  1. Write an individual lesson program;
  2. Will help you set up the technique for doing the exercises;
  3. Provide detailed nutritional advice;
  4. Provides reliable insurance during classes;
  5. It will help to calculate the degree of imposed loads and determine physical capabilities.

As a rule, strength training is the final stage of weight loss. Regular training on exercise machines does not help you lose extra pounds, it only increases your muscle mass. This is what allows you to shape your figure, add elasticity, remove sagging skin, and get rid of the sides.

The gym is effective if you follow the basics of nutrition:

  • It is necessary to exclude sweet, fried, flour products.
  • Alcohol and carbonated drinks are a strict taboo for those who work out in the gym.
  • It is preferable to eat foods that include protein, calcium and phosphorus. Protein is the main component of building materials for muscles, which is why professional athletes eat chicken breast, eggs, and cottage cheese every day.
  • Maintain proper drinking habits. For every kilogram of weight you need to consume 30 ml of purified water.
  • If strength training takes place every other day, then it is better to take protein, which is sold in the form of powder or special bars.
  • It is recommended not to eat two hours before and after classes.

If you choose to work out at the gym, you should remember that your weight may increase slightly. There is no need to panic in advance, because volumes will decrease significantly. Excess fat will go away, muscles will increase, and it is due to this that you can add a couple of kilograms.

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What is better for losing weight - fitness or the gym?

If your goal is to lose weight, then the choice should fall on fitness. His exercises are aimed at burning extra pounds. At the same time, it is almost impossible to pump up muscles, because this is not the very essence of training, but tightening them up and making them more elastic is quite possible.

You will also be able to:

  • adjust your figure by making your waist thinner, your arms more graceful, your legs more prominent;
  • develop coordination and gain the so-called “cat” grace;
  • get rid of stress.

Now let's talk about specific exercises:

  • For the hips: squats, lunges, leg swings, jumping rope.
  • For the chest: bench press, push-ups, dumbbell flyes.
  • For arms: standing press, dumbbell and barbell curls, French press.
  • For the back: pull-ups, deadlifts.
  • For the waist: crunches, side bends with dumbbells.


What is fitness? These are simple activities that may include:

  1. Cardio loads;
  2. Easy charging;
  3. Dancing;
  4. Zumba;
  5. Group classes that involve performing a set of exercises.

Cardio loads

Simple charging


As a rule, fitness helps in losing weight; calories are burned during exercise. To get rid of excess weight, experts recommend running and cycling in the morning. If you are experiencing a total lack of free time, then you can buy a treadmill, exercise bike, elliptical, or visit a gym where these machines are located.

Fitness is not only an assistant in losing weight, but also an interesting hobby.

If a woman is on a diet and exercises on weight machines are especially difficult for her, then dancing, football or other sports will be excellent fitness not only for the body, but also for the soul. Many holistic workouts include meditation, a full-body relaxation technique that helps replenish the lack of positive energy and add a boost of vitality to the body.

Many people choose swimming. During classes in the pool, all muscle groups are worked out, which ensures not only uniform weight loss, but also a tightening effect. Athletes also engage in fitness while “drying” the body, and also as a warm-up before starting strength training.

Fitness or gym: what to choose?

To answer this question, you first need to decide what effect you want to achieve.

Usually people start playing sports when there are already obvious problems with their figure, but for some, 5 extra kilos is a tragedy, and for others, plus 10 is not a hindrance. Sometimes you don’t need to remove weight at all, you just need to “shape” it correctly.

Suppose you weighed 45 kg, your clothes were hanging on you like on a hanger, and suddenly buns and chocolate were deposited on your sides and butt, and your butt began to acquire the coveted roundness. Here you need to react correctly and work not on losing weight, but on giving your body the right attractive shape.

That is, the choice should be based on the goal.

Fitness and exercise equipment - pros and cons

What to choose, everyone decides for themselves, because everyone’s goals and objectives are different. We can only highlight the advantages and disadvantages of each category of physical activity to make your choice easier.

If you have never played sports, it is better to start with fitness. The main advantages are:

  • Possibility of active weight loss;
  • Variety of occupations;
  • There is no need to count the consumed proteins, fats, carbohydrates;
  • Strengthening body tone;
  • Improving the general condition of the body.

Regular fitness classes improve coordination of movements and improve heart rate. If you give preference to dance sports, then not only your figure improves, but also your flexibility, the ability to maintain rhythm, and move to the music. Fitness increases muscle elasticity, allows you to achieve ideal figure proportions, get rid of the sides, “ears” in the hip area.

Be sure to read: Which is better for losing weight - a treadmill or an elliptical trainer?

Exercise machines, who chooses this type of load? First of all, strength training begins after the “drying” period, when weight loss has reached its maximum and all that remains is to add definition. Subsequently, regular exercise in the gym will help you stay fit and not gain weight.

Exercises on simulators should be performed under the guidance of a specialist. It is this type of physical activity that is considered dangerous, since if safety rules are ignored, the risk of muscle strain, ligament rupture, and sometimes even damage to the integrity of internal organs increases. The load should gradually increase, but this is determined solely by the coach.

It is important to allow your muscles to rest, which is why it is not recommended to go to the gym every day. The best thing is to alternate loads, combine fitness classes and exercises on simulators. Experts say that to achieve the best results, muscles must have time to recover.

Nutritionists and fitness instructors do not recommend resorting to strict diets if you additionally include sports activities in your schedule. Otherwise, the body may not be able to withstand such stress, which not only greatly tires, but also brings the body to exhaustion, consuming all its resources. It is important to choose the most balanced diet, which will be rich in all nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

Doctors prescribe a course of vitamins to all athletes to maintain health and ensure the natural functioning of the immune system. In pursuit of perfect forms, one should not forget that the body’s resources are not limitless. Try to eat only healthy foods; when cooking, try not to use vegetable oil, replace it with olive oil. Additionally, some women are advised to take fish oil, as it helps ensure the normal functioning of the reproductive system, since disruptions in its functioning become one of the most common negative consequences of sports.

What is more effective - fitness or the gym?

When you need to pump up your muscles, the choice becomes obvious - exercise machines. This does not mean that the weight will not come off: with the right exercise, you can achieve comprehensive results. So, by visiting the gym, you will achieve the following:

  • targeted effects on specific muscle groups;
  • gain a slim figure;
  • you will become the owner of a strong and flexible body;
  • strengthen the cardiovascular system;
  • you will become more resilient.

Returning to the question of what to choose - fitness or a gym, sympaty.net will tell you which exercise machine is intended for what.

  • Exercise bike. Development of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, effects on the muscles of the legs and buttocks.
  • Treadmill. Acceleration of metabolic processes, cardio training.
  • Elliptical trainers. Strengthening the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, muscles, ligaments.
  • Rowing machine. Training the cardiovascular system, endurance and muscle strength.

Remember - any load should be fun!


On the Internet, users actively share their successes in sports and weight loss. For many, an important selection criterion is public opinion, which in 78 cases out of 100 becomes the determining factor. Let's see what Internet users write about fitness and exercise equipment, which is better for losing weight.

Be sure to read: Choosing an effective option for losing weight - running or jumping rope

Lyudmila, 34 years old, Taganrog “Good afternoon! I want to talk a little about how I managed to quickly lose 23 kilograms. Since childhood, I suffered from excess weight, and after 30 years, ears began to appear on my hips, cellulite, and sides. I went on a strict diet and severely limited myself in my favorite treats. I started playing sports. In the morning I run for 50 minutes, in the evening I ride a bike in the park. Twice a week I attend group classes at a dance studio, each time we learn new dance routines, do stretching and sometimes pumping. I advise all girls to exercise, eat right and lead an active lifestyle.”

Alexandra, 21 years old, Moscow “At the age of 20, I became a bodybuilding champion. I devoted my whole life to sports, three years ago I decided to seriously take up strength training. Every other day I do deadlifts and squats with heavy weights. I start every workout with a warm-up on the treadmill, this is an integral part of my training. The final episode is stretching. Before competitions, drying always begins so that the muscles can be shown as much as possible on stage. To be honest, I don’t recommend exercises with heavy weights to those who don’t plan to do it professionally.”

Konstantin, 28 years old, fitness instructor “Hello, girls often ask the question of where to start losing weight, what sport to choose for themselves. The primary goal is to get rid of extra pounds, this can only be achieved if you add cardio exercise to your diet. Regular fitness will help you burn calories faster and burn fat. After reaching the desired mark on the scales, you can begin exercising in the gym using exercise machines. Of course, a preliminary consultation with a trainer is a mandatory rule for any fitness center.”

Important Tips

To achieve the intended result, you need to follow simple recommendations:

  1. The first, if possible, and subsequent classes should be conducted under the guidance of an instructor.
  2. Physical activity should be carried out regularly and systematically.
  3. You should not exhaust yourself with heavy loads, this can only harm your health.
  4. It is worth reviewing the composition of your diet and sticking to it on an ongoing basis.

Where to go for fitness or to the gym, everyone decides for themselves. Take a one-time subscription both there and there, it will be easier to decide what is right for you.

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