Exercises on a trampoline for weight loss: jumping fitness

Trampoline exercise is considered one of the best forms of exercise for adults. When you jump on a trampoline, you will experience momentary weightlessness at the highest point of the jump, but when you reach the lowest point of the trampoline's springy net, your body will weigh 4 times the normal weight on the surface of the Earth. You will be amazed at the many health benefits that happen thanks to this fun activity. Why?

Because this activity combines health and fitness benefits that other exercises cannot achieve. In this article, you will learn about 17 benefits of trampoline exercises, if you do any of them, you will definitely get a stronger body and better health.

1.A fun way to lose weight and stay in shape

According to the NASA Journal of Applied Physiology, jumping exercises are 68% more effective than running. NASA research also reports that people weighing 150 pounds (68 kg)

within 1 hour of jumping, you burn more calories than in 1 hour of running.

Long hours of cardio exercise in an attempt to lose weight can actually backfire because prolonged periods of "breathing" exercise can lower your metabolism.

Jumping on a trampoline is an exercise that supports metabolism, and this is very important for weight loss.

If you jump at a moderate pace, you can still breathe as comfortably as possible. You move without stressing your metabolism. For more effective weight loss, jump for 15-20 minutes at moderate intensity at least three times a week.

So, just jump and stay in shape.

Is it possible to lose weight by jumping on a trampoline?

Any physical activity burns calories that a person gets from eating food. Trampoline jumping is no exception. But if you use this sport for weight loss, it will require a lot of effort - simply spending time with children will not help in losing excess weight.

Therefore, in 2000, fitness instructors from the Czech Republic developed a whole complex that is easy to perform on a trampoline, and enjoy the gradual plummets. The workout includes strength and aerobic exercises, during which an adult can lose up to 900 kcal in one session. 900 kcal is 6 hours of walking in the fresh air without resting or eating.

The benefits of jumping are presented as follows:

in an hour of exercise you can burn from 600 to 1000 kcal, which depends on the intensity of physical activity;

as a result of improved blood circulation, metabolic processes are activated, the respiratory system is trained, the body is saturated with oxygen;

the elasticity of the skin increases, and this prevents the formation of stretch marks if the weight is lost quickly;

muscles are strengthened, which also helps burn fat cells and build muscle mass;

lymph flow is normalized - this is a sure way to remove harmful compounds from the body;

improved blood circulation, oxygen saturation of body cells and normalization of lymph flow helps eliminate cellulite;

the production of joy hormones is noted - this is a sure way to prevent fatigue and improve mood.

Increased lymph flow in the body

The lymphatic system is a network of tissues and organs that helps get rid of toxins in the body, waste, and other unwanted materials in the body.

This is the body's metabolic cesspool. Unlike the cardiovascular system, in which the heart automatically pumps blood, the lymphatic system relies entirely on our body movements like a nose.

The cardiovascular system:

  • Heart, blood vessels, blood;
  • Function: transportation of gases, nutrients, waste, hormones.

The lymphatic system works through our conscious movements. Jumping on a trampoline is a full-body exercise. This activity can lead to the simultaneous opening and closing of the lymphatic valves, which will increase lymphatic flow by 15 times.

Sports trampolines

There is one more category of products. Jumping trampolines are a separate type of jumping training equipment. That is, this is performing various fitness exercises on a mini-model under the guidance of a trainer or using educational videos from the Internet. Unlike ordinary models, the winding of such a simulator along with the frame does not come with springs, but is reinforced with special harnesses. This is done so that the canvas does not creak and dampens inertia as much as possible. Thus, to jump, you need to put in more effort and burn more calories. You can enter the query “how to properly jump on a trampoline” into a search engine and the search line will immediately give you dozens of training videos that will explain the jumping technique in a simple and clear way.

If you are thinking about whether this type of active recreation will seem childish, then you can always rely on the facts: it is convenient, does not require the purchase of additional equipment, you work with your own weight, develop reaction, coordination, strength and stop being afraid. Jumping on sports equipment is not only a test of your strength, but also the joy of being able to do something you couldn’t do before. Subsequently, you can think about practicing acrobatic elements and begin to gradually increase the complexity of the tricks that can be performed on this simulator. Now many athletes, snowboarders or representatives of various subcultures cannot imagine their life without the usual equipment. How can you jump on a trampoline with a snowboard? Easily. In the summer, when there is no snow and you can only dream about training, it is the jumping simulator that comes to the rescue. It is used to practice complex elements that can result in injury on ice. This machine is important for beginners who not only want to learn how to jump and get in shape, but also for those who want to try an extreme sport.

Strengthening detoxification and cleansing of the body

Trampoline exercises improve the body's natural detoxification mechanism. Jumping is a unique form of exercise in which weightlessness is achieved at the highest point of each jump and landing, and the force of gravity is doubled with each take-off.

This change in gravity benefits every muscle and cell in the body and is very beneficial to the lymphatic system.

As blood flows through the body, lymphatic fluid passes through the blood vessels into the tissues of the body. This fluid nourishes the cells and bathes the body's tissues, forming tissue fluid. The liquid then collects waste, bacteria and damaged cells. To detoxify, jump for at least 15 minutes daily.

How to jump correctly?

In order for trampoline training to really bring benefits in terms of weight loss, you need to know which jumps to perform and how the training is generally carried out. It is conventionally divided into 4 stages.


Under no circumstances should you start jumping without first warming up your joints, muscles and ligaments. Landing in this case can result in injuries, of which sprains are considered the most harmless, but damage to muscle fibers and even joint fractures are possible.

Warm-up involves doing:

  • stretching exercises: you need to bend and rotate your head, torso, bend back (back arch), there should be classic lunges,
  • rotations of all large joints: shoulder, wrist, elbow, knee, hip, ankle, they simply perform circular movements, first with a small and then with a large amplitude,
  • jumping in place, which allows you to “wind up” the heart and prepare it for a significant load.


Jumping on a trampoline is at first a standard and basic complex, and with existing sports skills you can move on to more complex options. Most often, beginners are recommended to perform regular jumps with straight legs, pressing them to the stomach and chest, landing on the buttocks, and turning in the air.

If the training takes place in a gym under the guidance of an instructor, then the training of complex elements is first carried out in a special pit with a soft filler. Only after the exercises begin to be performed correctly on the ground are you allowed to return to the trampoline.

The active part of the workout lasts 40-60 minutes.


An excellent option would be to supplement trampoline jumping with abdominal exercises and stretching. This way you will not only achieve better results in losing weight, but also restore your breathing after an intense workout, calm your muscles, and cool them.

If training is difficult for a beginner, then a cool-down can consist of ordinary stretching, calm walking in place, bending over while shaking the upper limbs.

Improving the functioning of the immune system

The lymphatic system is a vital part of the immune system. It is a defense mechanism against viruses, bacteria, diseases and infections. Lymph contains large numbers of a specific type of white blood cell called lymphocytes. Lymphocytes are responsible for fighting infections in the body. They also eliminate damaged and abnormal cells in the body.

Jumping causes valves in the lymphatic system to open and close simultaneously, increasing lymphatic flow by 15 times.

It boosts immunity, removes toxins and helps slow down the aging process. In addition, the immune system is improved by enhancing red bone marrow activity and supporting tissue repair.


By neglecting to warm up, you are neglecting your health. As in any sport, it all starts with a warm-up. Before jumping on a trampoline, you should pay special attention to it, because this is a rather traumatic sport. Even if you have excellent physical shape and good training, you cannot protect yourself from possible injuries. As soon as I met with the trainer, he immediately sent me to run a little and jump rope to get my heart rate up. The warm-up itself usually starts from the neck, then the shoulder girdle, elbows, hands and then to the tips of the toes. By the way, it is the legs and back that need to be emphasized, because the load on their muscles and spine is the greatest. When you feel that all joints are toned and ready for serious stress, you can move on to... stretching.

The elasticity and strength of your muscles ensures more precise and productive execution of elements while jumping on a trampoline. I spent a few minutes stretching and was about to go on the trampoline, but the coach didn’t let me in, saying that if after the warm-up I wasn’t tired at all, it means I didn’t warm up well. And only after additional exercises did we finally go jumping.

Question to the coach:

Is it possible to replace trampolining with skipping rope?

It is better to include jumping rope in your pre-workout warm-up. It is not worth replacing from the point of view of developing physical qualities - a jump rope and a trampoline provide different types of load on the musculoskeletal system and develop different qualities. The load from the jump rope is speed-strength, the load from the trampoline is complex-coordination dynamic. Roughly speaking, a jump rope promotes an explosive start to action, and a trampoline promotes a qualitative continuation of this action.

Photo: “Championship”

Strengthening the skeletal system and increasing bone mass

Research has shown that the increased gravitational force on the bones during jumping strengthens the bones without injury or fracture. Trampoline exercise increases bone density, which prevents the development of osteoporosis.

Trampoline Exercises: Pros

Although the trampoline was invented by American George Nissen in 1930, jumping fitness originated in the early 2000s in the Czech Republic. Thanks to its effectiveness and simplicity, it quickly gained popularity around the world. To understand why jumping training is so attractive, we will list a number of the most important advantages that they have.

  • They can be practiced by people of all ages and of any gender.
  • The load on the spine and joints will be minimal, since exercises on a trampoline do not harm the back. After all, the trampoline gently absorbs every movement.
  • This is an excellent cardio workout that helps you quickly lose weight. It has been proven that just 10 minutes of jumping fitness burns the same amount of calories as a 3-kilometer run.
  • You can exercise both in the gym and at home. Jumping fitness equipment is very compact and does not take up much space in the apartment.

Let's see what benefits jumping training brings to the body.

  • Burn excess fat, eliminate swelling.
  • Like any aerobic workout, it helps strengthen the heart muscle, saturate tissues with oxygen and normalize blood circulation.
  • Strengthens knee and ankle joints.
  • A very important property of such training is that it helps develop flat feet in childhood and adolescence .
  • Activate metabolic processes in the body.
  • Strengthen and tone muscles (especially the lower body).
  • Excellent for developing coordination of movements.
  • They release the “happiness hormone” endorphin , thereby improving mood and relieving stress.

Improved oxygen circulation throughout the body, resulting in increased cellular energy

The NASA Journal of Applied Physiology lists interesting facts discovered after studies of trampoline exercises. When comparing heart rate and oxygen consumption between mini-trampoline exercise and running, a significant increase in the “biomechanical stimulus” of jumping was found.

This means that trampolining is better for the body than running, which is why trampoline exercises are used to help astronauts recover after being in space to prevent muscle and bone degeneration. Ski jumping automatically improves the mitochondria of each cell, which causes additional cell demand for energy in the body. This will increase energy and the body's ability to use this energy.

Thus, thanks to trampoline exercises, your metabolism will start working and you will lose weight for some time after the end of the session. You will also be energetic throughout the day.

How can a trampoline help you lose weight?

In the minds of most people, a trampoline is a device located in the gym for jumping and performing various tricks. Experts say that exercising on this apparatus not only brings pleasure and causes a surge of joy (who wouldn’t want to fulfill a childhood dream and jump to their heart’s content), but also allows you to effectively lose weight.

And given the fact that there are mini-trampolines on sale that can be installed at home, such workouts can become fundamental in solving the problem of excess weight.

Of the obvious advantages of trampoline jumping, three main ones are worth highlighting:

  • proper execution of exercises is a combination of cardio and strength training; during the session, all muscle groups are worked out,
  • in 1 hour of intense training you can burn up to 900 Kcal, but we are talking only about jumping, and not about warming up before class,
  • While jumping on a trampoline, coordination of movements develops and in the future this will help you master snowboarding, alpine skiing, rollerblading, and skating.

Considering these three advantages, we can conclude that training on a trampoline will definitely help you lose weight. Moreover, it will proceed easily and even fun. Many people literally have an aversion to gyms and monotonous exercises, but here they can have a blast.

Read also: Measured static exercises for weight loss are the best way for many health problems

By the way, such an emotional mood also plays a big role in losing weight, because if a person especially likes some activity, then he will do it not under duress, but at will and much more often, as required.

It is also interesting that basic jumping on a trampoline begins to be possible within 3-4 workouts, even for people who are very overweight and have a complete lack of any experience in physical activity, which will push them to great achievements.

You train your entire body without putting unnecessary pressure on your legs and feet

Many cardiovascular exercises such as brisk running and jogging improve your heart rate. Unfortunately, running or jogging in place puts excess pressure on your joints, legs, and feet. This can lead to pronation, which can even cause injuries to the joints, ankles, knees and back. Jogging or trampolining are more effective because you can exercise for a long time without feeling tired or putting pressure on your joints. When jumping, there is no strong impact on the body as when exercising on a hard surface. The gravitational force provided by trampolining increases the tone of the body because not only the heart and legs work, but the whole body.

Types of trampolining

There are 4 main types of trampolining:

  1. Individual buckles - when one person performs a series of complex exercises, each of which contains at least 10 elements. Acrobatic elements must be performed in the process of high and rhythmic jumps. The discipline is characterized by a variety of elements that are assessed by judges to form an overall result.
  2. Tumbling is when one athlete performs acrobatic jumps at a fast pace. During the exercise, the athlete continuously jumps, landing on his hands and then immediately on his feet, and so on for 6 seconds. For the discipline, a 25 m long track is specially allocated, at the end of which there is a mat for the athlete to land on.
  3. Synchronized jumping is a pair event. Two athletes perform identical elements on the apparatus, which must be synchronized. The performance consists of one compulsory and one optional exercise, the results of which determine the overall result of the team.
  4. Double mini-tramp - when an athlete pounces on a projectile and, in flight, must perform a number of complex elements until he lands on the mat.

Help prevent and combat varicose veins

Jumping is a natural way to get rid of varicose veins. Varicose veins are a condition in which the veins in the legs become enlarged.

There are many factors that can affect blood circulation, ranging from body posture to emotional state. Frequent jumping exercises increase blood circulation. This can significantly reduce the pressure your veins experience and eliminate the inflammation and pain that accompany varicose veins.

Additionally, to protect your veins, drink enough water, wear proper shoes, and maintain a healthy body weight.

A little theory

Where would we be without her? Let's quickly go over the main theoretical points in order to immediately dot all the i's.

From Italian the word “somersault” is translated as “jump”. This is a basic element in sports acrobatics. A somersault involves moving at least 360° (possibly more) from a standing position over your head and then landing on your feet. In other words, a head over heels.

In general, there are quite a few types of somersaults. But we will focus only on the two most popular variations - front and back somersaults.

Relieves fatigue and menstrual pain in women due to hormonal imbalance

Jumping exercises are a very effective therapy for women who need relief from menstrual pain. They clear out excess hormones and toxins, which is key to a healthy endocrine system. Therefore, if you are one of those women who suffer from hormonal imbalance, I highly recommend you jumping to solve this problem. Jumping also lowers blood pressure by aiding circulation. They make the body burn carbohydrates more efficiently and may help lower blood pressure.

Trampoline exercises for weight loss

When training to lose weight, intensity is important. Beginners should not perform fat-burning exercises at maximum speed, because... the cardiovascular system has not yet adapted to such loads. The first 2-3 exercises should be done at a slow to medium pace. After getting used to the load, those losing weight can begin to perform exercises faster than before.

What you need for jumping fitness

You need to train in loose clothing that will not restrict movement. You should not buy trousers or a jacket with a lot of metal elements. During training, they can get caught on something, which can lead to injury. A beginning athlete should purchase high-quality running and jumping shoes that fit the foot tightly. They will help you better maintain balance during training and protect your ankle from injury.

A trampoline for weight loss can also be purchased at a sports store. The frame of the jumping training apparatus is made of durable steel that does not deform from impact loads. The weight of the device is 10 kg, and the diameter is 120-130 cm. The projectile canvas is made of wear-resistant stretch fabric. The material inside the frame is secured using a reinforced cable. Rubber tips are attached to the metal elements of the device in contact with the floor. They prevent the projectile from moving during jumps. A home trampoline for weight loss can support a maximum of 120 kg.

Execution Rules

Proper training and adherence to technique will help not only achieve good results in losing weight, but also increase endurance. It is better to jump actively while listening to rousing music. The trainer shows you the technique of performing the movements. You need to not only monitor the correct execution of the elements, but also your own feelings. The rules for performing the exercises are as follows:

  1. Start training only after warming up.
  2. You need to move in an amplitude that is comfortable for you.
  3. If you have problems with balance in the first lessons, you should not perform elements that involve balancing on one leg.
  4. You need to push off from the surface of the equipment with your entire foot.


The benefits of jumping on a trampoline, as you can see, are much greater than you thought. I'm sure you'll want to increase the amount of exercise you do on the trampoline. So why not buy your own trampoline and get all these benefits from your trampoline? Buy trampolines that have enough padding to protect you and your children from hard surfaces. Pay attention to the safety net to prevent falls from the trampoline.

You will truly benefit greatly from trampoline training and have a great, great body!

What exercises are best to include in your workout?

We dare to competently assure you: the range of exercises that should be performed on a trampoline for adults and children, men and women, can be no less diverse than a strength training program in the gym. But there are exercises recommended specifically for those who are starting to practice trampolining for the first time.

Start with warm-up and preparation. You should not treat a trampoline purchased to improve your figure solely as entertainment. Think of it like a sports machine, where you can lose up to 1000 calories per hour of intense training, and in a month lose 10 kg.

Trampoline training for weight loss is preceded by jumping rope. This greatly helps prepare the leg muscles for long-term exercise. So, just a few minutes of jumping rope. A long rest, and then - welcome to the trampoline!

The first exercise is performed with the arms extended at the seams. Jump for 5 minutes and as you move up, raise your arms to the ceiling or sky. Purpose of the exercise? Very simple. You need to learn to keep your balance.

The next exercise during trampoline fitness classes will be more difficult. All the same! Almost! Jumping up with arms raised. However, now you need to try to do the splits. That is, at the moment of landing, stand not on closed legs, but on standing ones at a distance from one another, then group yourself and try to jump up from this position, closing your legs in motion and... landing on the splits again.

This exercise will help you burn significantly more calories!

Jumping on all fours? I'm not kidding. Push off the trampoline with your knees and elbows and fall... straight onto your stomach. And then take the starting position again and fly up as far as possible. Very tiring! Is not it? But for those who want to lose weight in a short time, it is useful, and even necessary.

Jumping with knees raised. Have you already learned to keep your balance? In this case, it is very important to diversify the trampoline exercises for weight loss by jumping with knees raised. The arms remain extended along the body. Initially, this exercise will seem very difficult, but it helps to provide you with strong abs and strong legs.

These four exercises are enough to see results in a month. We sincerely wish you good luck, and finally we would like to touch on a very important topic.

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