Jumping jack: how to do the exercise correctly, benefits for weight loss

Pros of exercise

  • Exercise promotes weight loss due to its high energy consumption when performed correctly.
  • Improves blood circulation, increases the overall endurance of the body.
  • Strengthens the cardiovascular system.
  • It is performed without additional equipment; in order to change the load, the pace or complexity of the technique can be increased.
  • The exercise can also be simplified by performing a less impact version without jumping.
  • Suitable for most athletes, regardless of training level.

How can you make the jumping jack exercise more difficult?

Constantly performing the same movements is not only boring, but also ineffective. In addition, the body gradually gets used to the given loads, and the need arises to complicate the task.

You can do this in several ways:

  1. Do JJ jumps with arms and legs crossed.
  2. Jumping with arms extended to the sides.
  3. With a narrow squat.
  4. With a wide squat.
  5. JJ jumps with additional bounce.
  6. In a half squat.
  7. Jumping + plank.
  8. JJ jumps with dumbbells.
  9. Jumping jack with a fitness band on the legs.
  10. With a fitness band in his hands.

Jumping jack technique

  1. Stand straight with your feet together (if stability is not enough, you can place your feet hip-width apart). Lower your arms freely along your body.
  2. Exhale and jump with your feet wider than shoulder-width apart while raising your arms above your head. When lifting, your arms should be bent at the elbow joints. Jumps are performed gently on slightly bent knees, landing on your toes.
  3. As you inhale, jump back to the starting position - lower your arms along your body and bring your feet together.
  4. The abdominal muscles should be tense.
  5. Repeat the movements as many times as necessary.

Exercise technique

Let's start by looking at classic JJ jumps. They are the basis of any other variation.

  1. Take the starting position: stand straight, lower your arms, put your feet together and slightly bend them at the knee joints.
  2. Now jump up while inhaling. As you jump, spread your legs wide, raise your arms up (you can clap your hands above your head).
  3. Emptying your lungs of air, return to the starting position. Perform the required number of repetitions.

Exercise at a pace that suits you (no need to overdo it). The optimal number of repetitions is 20-30 movements in 2-3 sets. It is necessary to select the exact amount taking into account general physical fitness. You can regulate the level of load by speeding up and slowing down the pace.

When starting the exercise, remember the important details:

  • Try not to strain your knees when landing; they should be slightly bent.
  • But on the contrary, tighten your abdominal muscles. Straighten your back, look ahead.
  • Do not forget that the extension of the arms and legs must be synchronous. Watch your range of motion.
  • Don't jump "hard". You need to push off and land softly, as if springing.
  • When jumping, focus on your toes, which will reduce the load.
  • Always exercise in appropriate shoes - sports sneakers.
  • Pay attention to your breathing. Breathe steadily, without delay.

To understand in detail the technique of performing Jumping Jack, it is worth watching the thematic video:

Complication Variations

Half squat jumps

When the muscles adapt to the load, you can complicate the option by performing half-squat jumps.

The exercise is performed like this:

  1. Place your feet together, squat slightly with your knees bent, and bring your forearms together with your elbows bent in front of you.
  2. Exhale, push off with your feet and jump, spreading your feet wider than your shoulders, while simultaneously raising your arms to the sides above your shoulders.
  3. As you inhale, simultaneously jump back into a half-squat and bring your forearms together in front of you.

Jumping with a dumbbell

For more advanced athletes who want to increase the load on the shoulder girdle, you can add jumps while lifting the dumbbell upward.

This is done as follows:

  1. Place your feet together and firmly hold a dumbbell of a suitable weight in your hands by the weighting discs on your sides at the level of your collarbones. The elbows are directed downwards.
  2. With an exhalation, perform a simultaneous jump and lift your arms with weights upward, straightening your elbow joints.
  3. As you inhale, jump your feet together and lower the dumbbell to the starting position, bending your elbows.

Jumping with a fitness band

To add additional weight and increase the load on the leg muscles, you can use a fitness elastic band or mini-band.


  1. Place the band on your shins, placing your feet close to each other, but so that the band does not fly off. Place your arms freely along your body.
  2. As you exhale, jump with your feet apart, stretching the band and feeling resistance while raising your arms above your head. You can do a clap at the top.
  3. As you inhale, return to the starting position.

What is jumping jack

Jumping jack is jumping with simultaneous extension of legs and arms. As a basic element, it is often included in cardio training regimens, regular aerobics, HIIT programs and warm-up complexes. To master this exercise, you do not need to have a high level of physical fitness. However, for those who have never played sports before and have led a predominantly passive lifestyle, it will not be easy at first. Therefore, you should start with minimal loads.

By the way, it is completely in vain that some people regard jumping as an ineffective exercise, insignificant in terms of impact on the human body. During training, Jumping Jack allows you to work out various muscle groups and develop endurance. You need to train regularly and pay close attention to execution technique.

Benefits of jumping jack for weight loss

Since the exercise is aerobic and can be performed for a long time, with a sufficient heart rate, energy will be consumed from fat reserves, but provided that the workout lasts at least 30-40 minutes.

Despite the fact that the exercise is fat-burning, it is not enough to perform one approach for the entire workout. For the effect to be visible, it is necessary to combine jumping with other exercises (possibly with strength ones), alternating the load. The main condition is a sufficient duration of training, only then will the exercises contribute to weight loss.

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Benefits of jumping jack exercise

We have already figured out what JJ jumps are. Now let's find out what results can be achieved by including them in the training program. We will also confirm the numerous benefits of performing this exercise.

  • First of all, Jumping Jack is an effective cardio that can burn a large number of calories. And accordingly, get rid of excess weight.
  • When performing the exercise, blood circulation increases, blood vessels and the heart become stronger (trained).
  • Jumping with parallel extension of legs and arms is ideal for warming up. Thanks to them, the heart rate increases, the body warms up, the muscles and joints of the limbs prepare for the upcoming serious load.
  • The level of the set load and intensity are easy to control independently. It is enough to choose a suitable speed mode for yourself. By increasing the frequency of jumps, you, accordingly, set a greater load and vice versa. One of the training variations involves first jumping at a fast pace to increase blood circulation, and then switching to a moderate (more gentle) pace.
  • To exercise, you do not need to purchase special sports equipment, nor do you need to buy a subscription to the fitness center. It's simple - you can jump at home or outside in good weather.
  • JJ jumps involve active work of the arms, legs and abdomen. Which is very useful for those who have these problem areas.
  • Another important plus. Jumping Jack helps develop endurance, which allows you to withstand longer and more intense loads in the future.
  • Jumping Jack is distinguished by its simplicity of execution technique and the ability to control the level of load. Ideal for both experienced and beginner athletes. If necessary, you can complicate classes with the help of sports equipment or the introduction of additional elements.
  • Jumping Jack helps develop coordination, a sense of balance, and makes your body more flexible and fit.

Jack Jumping: The Exercise You Need to Know About!

These simple exercises can be done every day instead of warming up. Your body will be flexible, resilient, your muscles will always be in good shape.

Jumping Jacks involve jumping with your feet wide apart and your arms touching your head and extending high above your head and bringing your palms together to form an X as you swing your arms and legs, then returning to the starting position with your legs together and your arms together. on the sides of the body. This exercise is also a general warm-up before starting sports. So, what are the benefits of jack jumping exercises?


Despite the fact that Jumping Jack is a popular exercise that promotes rapid weight loss, it also has contraindications.

  • Postpartum period and pregnancy.
  • Serious diseases of the cardiovascular system.
  • Chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • Varicose veins of the legs.
  • The presence of recent injuries or surgical interventions.

If you have anything from this list, consult your doctor before classes. He may simply recommend doing the exercises in easier variations or reducing the number of approaches.

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