Plank for men: how to do this exercise correctly, benefits and time standards

If you find it hard to suck in your beer belly when a slender beauty walks in front of you, then this article is just for you. Now I will tell you what you need to do so that your belly stops embarrassing others. In general, we will discuss the plank exercise and its effectiveness for men.

Benefits of planks for men

There are rumors that men with bellies are more attractive to women, like they are cozy, cute and generally blow the minds of girls. For some reason it seems to me that this is not always the case. So, if you are no longer able to draw in and hold back your aspic, then the plank exercise is exactly what you need.

The benefit of the plank for men is that this exercise helps tone the internal abdominal muscles , which allow you to keep your stomach tucked all the time.

The more pumped the internal muscles are, the easier it is to create the illusion that you do not have a soft airbag in the navel area.

To the question of what a body plank does for a man, we must add that this exercise helps build beautiful posture .
If you want to walk proudly, like an eagle, with your chest out, then do the plank, and all the beauties in the area will be yours. As you can see, the benefits of planking for men are obvious, so feel free to start doing it.

What does the plank exercise do for men?

The plank is a rather difficult exercise. It is great for men, as it helps to comprehensively work out all the muscles and give them a beautiful, sculpted shape. Let's look at how the plank is useful for men:

  • Working out the core muscles. The plank for men pumps the rectus, oblique and transverse abdominal muscles, buttocks, legs, and arms. This exercise alone will not allow you to quickly gain sculpted abs and six-pack abs, but in combination with other types of exercises and appropriate nutrition, it will make it possible to achieve a beautiful, athletic body.
  • Reducing pain and the risk of back and spine injuries. The plank is almost always safe and is indicated for minor intervertebral disc problems and back pain, since it does not require extension and stretching of the spine. It works the back muscles without straining the spine, and also pumps up the abdominal muscles, which are also responsible for the formation of an even posture. Good posture helps improve back health and prevent degenerative osteoarthritis. If the abdominal muscles are developed and the position of the back is correct, pain in the back, neck and shoulders appears less frequently.
  • Improved posture. If a man's abdominal and back muscles are developed, he will slouch less. Regularly doing the plank will help you stand and sit straight, with correct posture. The exercise works many muscles, including the erector spinae, trapezius, and rhomboids. Good posture promotes the correct position of bones, facilitates breathing and promotes the correct placement of internal organs. Also, thanks to a straight back, a man visually becomes slimmer and taller.
  • Acceleration of metabolic processes. The plank is a useful exercise for speeding up metabolism, especially for those who lead a sedentary lifestyle. Doing it for a few minutes helps improve your metabolism for the whole day.
  • Improved flexibility. The plank helps expand and stretch the posterior muscles of the back and legs, making the body more flexible.
  • Improved mood. Almost any activity improves your mood, but the stretching effect of the plank helps release muscles that have become stiff from prolonged sitting. By relieving tension, you can relax and get rid of stress. This is another answer to the benefits of the plank exercise for men.

The plank has contraindications. These include intervertebral hernia, diseases of internal organs in which physical activity is contraindicated by a doctor, injuries to the shoulders and spine.

Will planks help you lose weight?

Regarding weight loss, the situation is quite controversial. On the one hand, the bar will help you lose weight, but cross-stitching and cutting out a stool with a jigsaw will also be equally effective. What I mean is that any activity promotes weight loss by burning calories.

But the fact is that to lose weight you need to create a deficit of these same calories.

If you plow like a robot, knowing neither pain nor fatigue, but at the same time your mouth processes 10 times more food than the population of Africa sees in a year, then there can be no talk of any weight loss.

Therefore, if you want to lose weight, then one plank will not be enough . You will have to improve your diet and start training. By the way, I have articles about proper nutrition and about training for weight loss, both at home and in the gym, and written specifically for men.

What gives

One of the most popular exercises for developing abdominal muscles is the plank. What does the load give in general:

  • The work involves not only the abdominal muscles, but also the legs, back, buttocks, and arms;
  • not only the superficial part of the muscle corset works, but also the so-called “deep” muscles;
  • The bar helps to recover from injuries when performing other exercises is impossible;
  • Regular exercise helps develop endurance;
  • using a plank, you can develop muscles before performing more traumatic movements;
  • the muscles are put to work almost immediately after the start of the exercise, which allows them to be worked out as much as possible.

The exercise has become widespread due to a number of factors:

  • it can be done at home, no equipment is required;
  • The exercise time is relatively short, which is perfect for people with limited free time;
  • there are many options for doing the plank, which will allow you to diversify your workout and change the emphasis of the load on other muscles;
  • the load is accessible to almost everyone, it is increased by increasing the time the exercise is performed;
  • There are no special contraindications.

What muscle groups are involved?

When performing a plank, the following muscle groups are involved:

  1. Legs. The main emphasis is on the leg muscles; throughout the entire time they are under significant tension.
  2. Buttocks. At the beginning of the movement they contract and remain in this position throughout the entire time.
  3. Hands. They are also a fulcrum when doing planks.
  4. Breast. Thanks to the pectoral muscles, the correct position of the arms is ensured.
  5. Abdominal muscles, including the abs and obliques.
  6. Back. This group provides fixation of the spine.

The plank is used to a greater extent to work on the abdominal muscles, but this is not entirely the right approach. In essence, this is a general strengthening exercise aimed at working almost the entire body.

Does it help you lose weight on your belly and sides?

Losing weight in the abdomen and sides is only possible in combination with the rest of the body.
The plank cannot be aimed at local fat burning. The mechanism for reducing body fat is that it is necessary to force the body to use its own fat as energy. This is possible with a calorie deficit, which is achieved through belly fat loss exercises and diet.

The plank will help expend energy and trigger recovery processes, which will to some extent enhance weight loss.

For more effective weight loss, it needs to be combined with other movements - cardio and strength. Before you properly do the plank for weight loss at home, you need to create a clear training plan that will meet all the conditions necessary for losing weight.

Will this exercise help build abs?

Pumping up your abs is one of the direct responsibilities of the plank. Therefore, definitely, if you do the plank, your abs will pump.

But if you want washboard abs on your stomach, then the plank is unlikely to meet your expectations.

This exercise rather helps strengthen the core muscles and pump up the internal abdominal muscles, which are located under the cubes.

Now, probably, a small revolution has occurred in many people’s heads. Breaking patterns in action, so to speak. Despite the fact that many people think that the abs are only cubes, no, they are also the external and internal oblique abdominal muscles, and the internal abdominal muscles, and the cubes are only the rectus abdominis muscle.

So, in the plank, the internal muscles work primarily . That’s why she won’t draw you six-pack, but she will pump up and strengthen your abs.

Exercise frequency

If you are a beginner athlete, then it is not recommended for you to perform the plank more than twice a week. However, you do not need to perform more than one attempt per training day. The bottom line is that you first need to learn the proper technique. Once you learn how to hold the bar, you can gradually increase the frequency of your workouts.

If you regularly work out at home or in the gym, then most likely at the end of each workout you pump up your abdominal muscles. So, the plank is a great option for completing your abdominal workout . After you have pumped blood into your abdominal muscles, it’s time to give them a static load. This will increase the effectiveness of your training.

If doctors have diagnosed you with back problems and recommended doing planks, the optimal training frequency for you is 3-4 times a week. No more, because you can only make your situation worse.

For many athletes, strong corset muscles are not the goal. They are more attracted to the time they are able to stand in the plank. Such training pumps up your moral and volitional qualities. This approach to business is very good. As a result, you will achieve your goal and gain iron willpower. And sculpted abs and a complete absence of spinal problems will be a bonus for you.

How to do a plank correctly for a man at home?

Now let’s look at the main question - how to do a plank correctly for a man.

The main problem with this exercise is that most people do it as if they were possessed by seven drunken demons and they were having a party.

Literally after 10 seconds people warp and begin to shake so that it’s scary to watch. And I don’t even want to think about what’s going on in their heads at that moment.

And technology is exactly what needs to be done first. Although many try to race against time. Guys, isn’t that where you’re chasing time? That’s not where you need to brag, that you really are like little ones?

For me to be proud of you, you need to know and follow a few basic plank rules.

Here's how to do a plank correctly for a man:

  1. There is no need to bend your lower back and lower your stomach, I understand that no one has canceled the force of gravity, but you are a man, resist.
  2. There is no need to protrude your pelvis and take the pose of a playful cat; keep your body straight.
  3. Keep your elbows or hands under your shoulders.

If you follow all these rules, then you will be a great fellow and will strengthen not only your abs, but also many other muscles in your body.

Standing in the plank - who is more difficult: men or women?

When I did a plank for the first time after pregnancy, I was immediately able to stand for 1 minute. My husband stood with me. Heroically, he was able to stand for only 30 seconds and simply fell. Of course, he was very upset: a girl after giving birth can stand in the plank for 1 minute, but he fell, barely able to stand half the time! What happens? Is it really true that the bar is much more difficult for men than for women? I believe it’s all about the development and development of our female and male abdominal muscles, abdominal muscles. Different physiology and body structure really shape and strengthen our muscles in different ways. I very often hear that men can barely stand in the plank position for any length of time. Or maybe it’s also a matter of willpower? My husband rose to the challenge! After a couple of weeks, he was already standing for 2-3 minutes, and literally a month later he crossed the threshold of 5 minutes. Now his record is just over 12 minutes. Of course, the difference is noticeable not only in the time interval, but primarily in the body and endurance.

Are there any contraindications for planks for men?

Due to the fact that the exercise is static, it has very few contraindications. In particular, it may be prohibited if:

  • intervertebral hernia;
  • spinal injuries;
  • back muscle damage;
  • pinched nerve endings;
  • other serious diseases.

However, you need to understand that contraindications vary from person to person. And in some cases, even with a herniated spine, the exercise may be allowed. But you need to get permission from your doctor.

However, if you have any complaints about your back, you should definitely consult a doctor before starting classes in order to rule out dangerous diseases and do the plank with peace of mind.

Benefits of planks for men: to stand or not to stand

Not all men bother with regular physical activity. Often due to lack of time or simple laziness.

But you can always find a few minutes a day for a simple plank! Moreover, it can be performed even in the office, distracting from everyday routine work. And what are the benefits of planks for men - we have already told you!

The choice is always yours - health and a beautiful body or daily laziness and excuses “I’ll start tomorrow”! Have you already hit the plank? If not, then run with me!


Male standards: how long to keep?

Let's figure out how long men need to keep the time bar. You might be thinking that since you're a male, you should learn how to hold her for hours. There are no standards for the bar as such. I will even say more, there is no need to chase time at all .

If after 30 seconds you are already shaking as if you had been working with a jackhammer for three days, then doing the plank in this style will not bring any benefit.

Especially if you begin to bend your lower back and pull your pelvis towards the sun, this is no longer a plank at all, but meaningless suffering , which not only will not bring any benefit, but can also cause harm.

Better simple, less time, but high quality. You can gradually increase the time in the plank, the main thing is that your technique does not suffer. There is no standard for men; there are no upper limits. So how long you need to keep the bar in time is your personal business.

We supplement the training program

As we said earlier, the plank will be an excellent solution to diversify and complement your training program. Especially for you, we have compiled a plank schedule for 30 days, which outlines the number of approaches of various types of planks per month for men. Use this as a rough guide to achieve the best results. Remember that any trained muscle becomes stronger, but don't overwork yourself by trying to achieve big results in a short time.

DayType of plankTime in secondsPause in secondsNumber of approaches
2Classic with outstretched arm20203
4Classic with outstretched arm30303
5Lateral (on each side)20303
8Classic with outstretched arm30203
10Classic with outstretched arm30204
11Lateral (on each side)30303
14Classic with outstretched arm45303
16Classic with outstretched arm30206
17Lateral (on each side)30204
19Classic + with outstretched arm/leg60+60302+2
20Lateral (on each side)40304
21Classic + dynamic60 seconds + 8–10 repetitions302+2
22Lateral (on each side)40304
24Classic + dynamic80 + 80302+2
25Lateral (on each side)40304
26Classic + dynamic80 seconds + 8–10 repetitions303+3
29Classic with outstretched arm/leg + dynamic60 seconds + 10–12 repetitions303+3
30Classic + with outstretched arm/leg + dynamic60 seconds + 10–12 repetitions303+3+3

Useful video with different types of planks for men:

When will the results of the plank be seen in men?

Each of us wants to get some result from the work we do.
So here you are most likely expecting a quick result. But the speed of achieving results will depend on your efforts.

If you expect the bar to turn you into a male with the physique of a Greek god, then you will wait a very long time for the result. If you want the plank to turn your bun into a flat tummy, but after each approach you reach for a plate of dumplings, then you will have to wait a long time for the result. Too long.

If you just want to see that your stomach has become more toned, then you will be able to notice this after just a month of regular training .

Will 30-day worksheets be effective?

As practice shows, these tables are really effective . Of course, everything is relative. But the fact is that most tables actually help increase the amount of time you can plank.

But again, a miracle will not happen. Instead of one ball, 8 cubes will not appear.

And here is the table:

130 seconds1 approach
21 minute1 approach
31 minute2 approaches
41 minute 30 seconds1 approach
61 minute 30 seconds1 approach
72 minutes1 approach
82 minutes2 approaches
93 minutes1 approach
112 minutes1 approach
122 minutes 30 seconds1 approach
132 minutes 30 seconds2 approaches
144 minutes1 approach
162 minutes2 approaches
173 minutes2 approaches
183 minutes 30 seconds1 approach
193 minutes1 approach
205 minutes1 approach
222 minutes3 approaches
233 minutes3 approaches
246 minutes1 approach
261 minute1 approach
273 minutes2 approaches
284 minutes2 approaches
295 minutes2 approaches
308 minutes1 approach

Recommendations before training

To minimize the harm from training, you need to follow the recommendations of experienced athletes. They know how to do the plank exercise correctly for men. It is better to start preparatory classes with the option on your knees. After this, they begin classical training.

The trainee should spend the first 15 seconds on his knees, resting his elbows on the floor. Next, a classic exercise is performed. This is a plank with half-bent arms and extended legs. Between each approach, you need to give the man 30-60 seconds of rest.

After this, you can make the classes more difficult. The stand should already be performed with outstretched arms, resting on the floor with your palms. So you need to continue training for 3-4 weeks. And only after reaching a time interval of 2 minutes can you move on to the plank with raised limbs.

The following exercises should be carried out by first raising the legs and then the arms. After a month you can make them more complex. You will need additional load in the form of dumbbells or bottles of sand. At the same time, the arms are extended parallel to the floor.

It is worth watching your limbs - they must be perfectly straight. This is difficult to achieve in a few days, but after months the male body will become flexible. And only in the last stages can you bend your leg so as to reach your abs with your knee.

A high level of skill is shown by athletes who can jump during the plank. During this exercise, the arms and legs should be in their original position - spread apart and resting on the floor when returning from the jump. For another type of training you will need special elastic bands. They are tied around the ankles and wrists, moving them to the sides during exercise. This will make the muscles tense even more.

You can place fitballs under your shoulders and legs. In this position, the man not only stands in the plank, but also does push-ups. A high-level athlete can combine up to six types of vertical stance in one workout.

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