How many calories are in buckwheat porridge with beef stew?

About buckwheat

Since ancient times, people began to eat buckwheat. It appeared in Rus' many centuries ago and immediately gained popularity among the inhabitants of that time due to its satiety. It is generally accepted that it got its interesting name from the root of the name of the country of Greece. But many linguists argue with this fact, arguing that in Rus' they began to call it thanks to the word “walnut”, because in one of the localities it was named after the name of the nuts of the same name, or even from the word “warm”, since it was previously burned in ovens for better preservation.

Buckwheat grows, as well as is consumed, in many countries of the world, including Russia. Buckwheat blooms at the end of June, and what wonderful, tasty and healthy honey comes from it!

People use cereals not only for making porridge, but also cutlets, soups, pancakes, and baked goods. It is very filling and, like any cereal, is good for breakfast. The onset of hunger is not felt soon.

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  • Glasses 0.6 1 glass - how much?
  • The calculations use the weight of only the edible part of the product.

Listed below are the nutrient standards that apply to the site.

Buckwheat was brought to us from Greece, which is why it got its name – buckwheat. Buckwheat is produced from the cereal crop - buckwheat, by cleaning the grain from the hard shell. Buckwheat stores well, does not go rancid, and is widely used for preparing various dishes.

After cleaning, the grain can be steamed, roasted or crushed. But vitamins are best preserved in unfried whole grains - buckwheat.

Despite its high calorie content, buckwheat is a dietary product due to its balanced combination of nutrients and fiber.

Table: calorie content of dry buckwheat, 100 grams of product contains:

How much fat?2.6 g
How many carbohydrates?68 g
How many proteins?12.6 g
Total calories345 kcal

Carbohydrates in cereals take longer to digest, which is why they are called “slow”; they create a feeling of fullness for a long time, which promotes weight loss. Many dishes are prepared from buckwheat: with milk, with mushrooms, with meat, with stew, with onions and vegetables - it goes well with a variety of products.

The benefits of cereals

Buckwheat is so rich in useful substances and elements that even if you eat exclusively this grain for some time, you are unlikely to cause harm to your body. It contains vitamins B, P, PP, E, C, as well as potassium, calcium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, iodine, boron, cobalt and a large amount of iron.

Eating buckwheat has a good effect on the nervous system, and due to the high fiber content in its composition, it helps people with gastrointestinal problems and heart patients. And, of course, we shouldn’t forget how much help it provides to those losing weight. Buckwheat, with its low calorie content, but at the same time an abundance of useful elements, such as folic acid, helps pregnant women maintain their figure and not gain weight, and also has a beneficial effect on the baby’s nervous system.

Composition and nutritional value of buckwheat

The benefits of buckwheat are explained by its unique biochemical composition. This cereal is a real storehouse of valuable minerals, vitamins and other components beneficial to our body. Their content in the product is presented in the table:

Substance nameContent (in g, mg, mcg)
Vitamin B932
Alimentary fiber11,3
Vitamin PP4,2
Vitamin B20,2
Vitamin A2
Vitamin B10,43
Vitamin E6,65
Vitamin B60,4
Beta carotene0,01

Here are just a few of the main important elements that buckwheat contains. The product also contains mono- and disaccharides, various types of acids, and other macro- and microelements. But when studying the nutritional value of the product, it is worth noting the balanced BJU:

  • proteins - 4.2 g;
  • fats - 1.1 g;
  • carbohydrates - 21.3 g.

Carbohydrates contained in cereals are considered slow. That is why buckwheat porridge satisfies hunger for a long time. As for the fat content in this food, it is 1.3% of the daily value. For proteins this figure is 5.6%, and for carbohydrates - 5.8%.

The glycemic index of buckwheat is 40 units.

Calorie content of cereal

Almost no diet is complete without buckwheat. But why did this happen? Let's look at its composition and nutritional value. Boiled cereal without additives contains approximately the following amount of BJU: proteins - 17.5%, fats - 4.5%, carbohydrates - 78%, and about 95-100 kilocalories. Despite the large amount of carbohydrates, cereal is ideal for weight loss, as it contains a lot of useful elements.

However, there are some nuances that are important to know. Thus, nutritionists do not recommend consuming boiled buckwheat, since it loses a sufficient amount of vitamins and minerals. It is recommended to pour the cereal with water, leave it overnight, and in the morning, already steamed, use it for food, preserving in it everything that is beneficial for our health.

There are even strict mono-diets based on the consumption of buckwheat in this form. A considerable number of people have lost weight on such a strict diet, but since it has a peculiar strong taste, porridge quickly gets boring. Many simply cannot stand it and try to turn it into a more tasty dish.

Buckwheat combines two paradoxical qualities. An unusually satisfying and nutritious product - at the same time, truly low-calorie and perfect even for very strict diets. The reason for this is the high content of proteins and complex carbohydrates, which makes buckwheat dishes extremely healthy for people who lead an active lifestyle and play sports.

Calorie content of boiled and raw buckwheat

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with two comparative tables of calorie content of buckwheat. The first table contains data on the calorie content of buckwheat porridge boiled in water without additives

, and the second is about the nutritional value
of raw cereals

100 grams of boiled buckwheat contains*:

% of daily value
Calories:110 kcal4.4%
Proteins:4.2 g5.6%
Carbohydrates:21.3 g5.8%
of which sugar:0 g0.0%
Fats:1.1 g1.3%
of which saturated:0 g0.0%
Cellulose:0.3 g1.2%

The nutritional value of 50 grams of boiled buckwheat is 55 kcal. Proteins: 2.1 g, carbohydrates: 10.65 g, Fats: 0.55 g.

100 grams of raw buckwheat contains:

% of daily value
Calories:330 kcal13.2%
Proteins:12.6 g16.80%
Carbohydrates:64 g17.53%
of which sugar:0 g0.00%
Fats:3.3 g3.98%
of which saturated:0 g0.00%
Cellulose (fiber):1.1 g3.67%

* The calorie content of boiled buckwheat and the BZHU ratio
depend on the method of its preparation and the amount of water. The table shows approximate figures. The nutritional value of 100 grams of ready-made porridge, prepared with water and without adding oil, usually does not exceed 110 kcal.

Thus, 100 grams of raw buckwheat (this is exactly how much is usually needed to prepare one or two servings of porridge) contains only 330 kilocalories, which is only 13.2% of the daily requirement of an adult (2500 kcal).

All the beneficial properties of buckwheat

Buckwheat porridge and other buckwheat dishes are good for our health and well-being due to their balanced composition and high nutritional value. At the same time, you should not think that the nutritional value of buckwheat porridge is a consequence of its high calorie content. Not at all - the secret of nutrition lies in the large amount of “slow” carbohydrates and complete, easily digestible proteins in its composition.

In no case should you be afraid of a relatively large amount of carbohydrates

in raw cereals.
As we mentioned above, buckwheat does not contain fast carbohydrates at all, which lead to sharp fluctuations in blood sugar levels. All carbohydrates contained in buckwheat are slow, which means that one serving of buckwheat porridge will create a long-term feeling of fullness, despite its low energy value. Thanks to this, buckwheat porridge is excellent for weight loss
and can be included in a healthy breakfast, which will help avoid feeling hungry until lunch.

The most valuable nutritional components of buckwheat for people actively involved in sports, and, first of all, weightlifting, are proteins.

Here they contain as much as 12.6 grams per serving. At the same time, the amino acid composition of proteins is one of the richest and most balanced among plant foods. Buckwheat proteins contain a large amount of important amino acids - lysine and methionine. At the same time, buckwheat proteins are highly digestible, which makes this grain indispensable in the diet of athletes to speed up muscle recovery after training. Buckwheat does not contain a single gram of fast carbohydrates, which are responsible for the appearance of excess weight if consumed in excess.
Very often, buckwheat is used as a temporary substitute for meat and other sources of animal proteins. For the same reason, this cereal is consistently popular among vegetarians

, for which its rich amino acid profile is especially important.

Regarding fats

, then there are very few of them in buckwheat - only 3.3 grams per serving.
At the same time, there are no harmful saturated fats at all. However, it’s not for nothing that the proverb says that “You can’t spoil porridge with butter.” For better absorption and a more pleasant taste of buckwheat porridge, it is better to add a small amount of vegetable oil to it (linseed oil will be especially useful due to the high amount of OMEGA-3 and will perfectly complement the taste) or initially prepare it with milk rather than water. You can fry a portion of porridge with two eggs a little more, so it will become even more tasty and crumbly

Mineral composition and vitamins

Now that we have found out how many calories are in dry and boiled buckwheat, let’s move on to the mineral composition and vitamins contained in it.

NameQuantity% of daily value
Vitamin B1:0.51 mg34.00%
Vitamin B2:0.24 mg13.33%
Vitamin PP:4.3 mg21.50%
Calcium:30 mg2.0%
Iron:6.7 mg47.66%
Vitamin A / Vitamin C:0 mg0.00%

Buckwheat contains important water-soluble B vitamins, which, unlike fat-soluble vitamins, must be supplied to our body daily, because do not accumulate in it. In terms of minerals, buckwheat is certainly one of the leaders in iron content. However, we must remember that the iron we get from plant products is absorbed much worse than from animal products. If you are a vegetarian, you should consider taking additional vitamin and mineral supplements with iron.

In general, buckwheat cannot be called rich in minerals and vitamins. For this reason, we do not recommend “sitting” on the popular “buckwheat diet” for a long time, because Despite all its beneficial properties and nutritional value, a lack of vitamins can lead to vitamin deficiency and many other unpleasant consequences. As they say, everything is good in moderation.

And only as part of a varied diet, buckwheat exhibits all its beneficial properties. Buckwheat porridge is an excellent and balanced dietary product that can be safely recommended for regular consumption by absolutely everyone - children, women and bodybuilders who want to lose weight and maintain body weight (it is especially useful to eat buckwheat a few hours before strength training, because it gives a long feeling of fullness) both to athletes and, of course, to older people.

Buckwheat with stew

One option to make the cereal very tasty is to cook it with stew. A unique taste, reminiscent of Soviet childhood, hiking, and a tourist dinner by the fire, comes from this product.

Of course, there is no doubt that meat will increase the calorie content of a dish. But a lot depends on the cooking process, as well as the type of meat.

Beef is considered more acceptable for those losing weight and not wanting to gain weight than pork or lamb. This also applies to stewed meat. Let's figure out what the calorie content of buckwheat with stew is per 100 grams using simple recipes.

With milk

NameQuantityfatscarbohydratessquirrelsTotal kcal
Buckwheat (half a glass)110 gr1.3346.3173
Milk (1 glass)240 ml10.3607.68124
Water (1 glass)240 ml0000
Sugar (1 tablespoon)30 gr029.90119
Total calories per 2 servings/270 grams55010525556416

Traditionally, porridge is cooked in milk; this also applies to buckwheat; 100 grams of buckwheat with milk contains only 76 kcal. To improve the taste, buckwheat porridge with milk can be seasoned with butter, then the taste will become even more delicate. The calorie content of boiled buckwheat porridge with milk, butter and sugar increases by about 50 kcal/100 grams.

Recipe 1

To prepare buckwheat with stew you will need the following ingredients:

  • 200 g buckwheat;
  • salt to taste;
  • 1 can of beef stew;
  • pepper to taste;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • onion - 1 pc.

Cooking method:

Open the stew and be sure to remove the fat from it. If you do not want to gain weight, move it as far away from your eyes as possible, and if you are not overweight, you can use this fat for frying vegetables. Peel the vegetables, chop them or, on the contrary, cut them into larger pieces. Add a small amount of oil or water, add vegetables and, stirring continuously, bring to readiness. Add meat, pepper and salt in the amount required for you. There are two ways to prepare cereal for a dish:

  1. Rinse thoroughly and place in a frying pan (cauldron), fill with water, and cook like pilaf.
  2. Steam or boil the buckwheat in advance, add to the meat, and cook until cooked for 5 minutes.

If desired, you can add other ingredients: tomatoes, peppers and other vegetables. The calorie content of buckwheat with beef stew is about 125-130 kcal.

Dietary properties of buckwheat for weight loss

Benefits of buckwheat in the fight for weight loss:

  • This cereal contains a fairly large amount of easily digestible protein.
  • Buckwheat contains only 3% fat
  • Buckwheat provides a wide variety of dishes: casseroles, cutlets, porridge, soup, pudding.
  • The “buckwheat diet” will allow you to lose from 5 to 15 kg of excess weight.
  • Buckwheat improves bowel function
  • Cereals fight toxins and waste
  • Buckwheat dishes leave you feeling full for a long time
  • Pairs perfectly with meat, dairy, fermented milk products, mushrooms and vegetables.
  • Buckwheat is easily digested by the intestines
  • Eliminates constipation

Buckwheat diet rules:

  • Eat buckwheat for 2 weeks
  • Do not add spices and salt to buckwheat
  • Do not add fat or oil to buckwheat
  • Do not cook, but steam the buckwheat (or pour it overnight).
  • Do not combine buckwheat with meat

Buckwheat - dietary food

Recipe 2

This cooking option is less suitable for maintaining weight due to pork, which, as is already known, has a higher calorie content than beef. You can also prepare this dish in a frying pan or cauldron.

We will need:

  • buckwheat 200 grams;
  • 1 can of pork stew;
  • onion - 1 piece;
  • mushrooms - 150 grams;
  • tomato paste - 1 tablespoon.

Cooking method:

Rinse the buckwheat thoroughly until the water runs clear. In a frying pan, fry mushrooms with finely chopped onions, add tomato paste at the end. At the same time add the stew and buckwheat, mix well. Cook over low heat, gradually adding water, until the buckwheat is cooked.

The calorie content of buckwheat with pork stew is about 220 kcal. Quite high, since in addition to fatty meat, there are also mushrooms, which tend to absorb large amounts of oil.

Recipe 3

And this is the most simple recipe that will allow you to prepare an equally tasty, but rather low-calorie lunch. Here's what it needs:

  • buckwheat - 200 g;
  • onion - 1 pc.;
  • stew - 1 can;
  • salt, pepper - to taste;
  • water - as needed.

Cooking method:

The cereal must be thoroughly rinsed until the water becomes transparent, and let stand for about half an hour (if you don’t have time, you can do without it). In a cauldron, knead the stew, add onions, which are not fried in this recipe, however, if such a desire arises, then why not. But remember: this will increase the calorie content of the dish, and there is no escape from it. Stir the onion and meat for five minutes, after which buckwheat is added. Add salt and pepper, stir thoroughly, cook over low heat for 25 minutes, add water if necessary. In this recipe, buckwheat will be completely cooked in the juice of the stew, soaked in it and acquiring a rich taste. The calorie content of buckwheat with stew per 100 grams is 130 kcal.

Cooking rules

It would seem that preparing buckwheat with stew is as easy as shelling pears. But it’s still worth knowing some nuances that make the dish especially tasty.

For cooking you need egg grains, but they will make crumbly porridge. Buckwheat needs to be sorted to remove all uncleaned grains and rinsed well. When preparing the dish, two methods are used. You can boil the buckwheat separately, and then mix the porridge with the heated stew and additional ingredients. Or you can stew buckwheat together with stew in one bowl.

You should choose high-quality stew, prepared according to GOST requirements. Tasteless stew will completely ruin the dish. It's best to use homemade stew. The type of meat does not really matter; you can take beef, pork, rabbit, and venison.

Very often onions are added to the dish. To make it tastier, chop the onion as thinly as possible and fry in oil until tender. You also need to fry other vegetables - carrots, bell peppers, etc. You can add mushrooms to the dish, the taste will only benefit from this.

Interesting facts: buckwheat is very popular in the CIS countries, but in Europe it is exotic. Perhaps this is due to the fact that buckwheat is a low-yielding crop, and in densely populated Europe its cultivation was considered impractical, because it was necessary to save acreage. But in Russia there was no shortage of acreage, so they willingly cultivated the crop.

Let's sum it up

You can come to the conclusion that the calorie content of buckwheat with beef stew is much less than with pork, but which one to use is up to you.

Buckwheat is useful for its composition for the human body, even in combination with other products; it is also suitable for weight loss with all its parameters. And if you combine it with a fairly high-calorie product - stew, you are unlikely to gain weight.

However, it is worth understanding that by using various seasonings and flavoring additives, we increase the calorie content of any, even the most dietary dish. Therefore, if it is still difficult for you to eat cereal in its pure form, you can, of course, cook it, for example, with meat or stew, but in this case, try to add a minimum of spices.

Buckwheat is not only healthy, but can also be tasty if you show desire and imagination.

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