Famous raw vegan athletes

Michael Arnstein

Michael began running competitively at age 13.
His passion is to push his body to its maximum natural capabilities, which is why he became a fruit eater. Over the course of 15 years, Michael gradually transitioned from the standard American diet to veganism and then a fruit diet, and only saw a breakthrough in his results when he switched to raw fruits and greens. At 33, after three years of eating fruit, he broke his personal bests in distances ranging from one mile to 100 miles. His best marathon was in New York in 2011 with a time of 2:28m. And in the summer of the same year, he won the prestigious 100 mile (160 km) race in the Vermont mountains with a result of 15 hours 26 meters. Michael runs up to 200 miles a week in training and has yet to experience any injuries since switching to raw fruit. Michael lives with his wife Victoria and three children in the New York City area and runs his family's jewelry and e-commerce company.

He is the creator and main organizer of the New York Fruit Festival, a global gathering of fruit eaters. I helped him organize bike rides at the festival in 2011. I will definitely be there in 2012.

His website www.TheFruitarian.com contains a lot of useful information, which, with his permission, will be translated and posted on us at www.Fruktoed.com

Athletes of the past:

Georg Hackenschmidt

Our compatriot, born in 1878, was a world-famous weightlifter, worked with a barbell and was engaged in wrestling. Georg ate exclusively live, unprocessed food; his menu consisted of nuts, fruits and vegetables. With such a “meager” diet, his biceps were 45 cm, and he managed to set a new record in lifting a weight of just over 106 kg with one hand! Impressive isn't it?

Do you still think that raw food nutrition and bodybuilding are not compatible? And Georg, thanks to raw plant foods, achieved excellent results and received the world famous nickname “Russian Lion”. By the way, his life was cut short at the age of 91, which is simply unbelievable for a weightlifter!

Ivan Poddubny

Also, our compatriot ate only vegetables and cereals. A convinced vegetarian. He was called “Ivan the Invincible”, “Champion of Champions”, “Iron Ivan” and absolutely justified. There was never a person in 40 years who could defeat him. Ivan had a height of 184 cm, biceps 46, chest 136, neck 50. Poddubny went down in history as an undefeated world champion.

Megan Elizabeth

Meet Megan Elizabeth McDonnell.

She is a fruit eater who doesn’t eat bananas (well, she doesn’t like them, that’s all).

At 20, she was already overweight and on several medications. Then she developed severe allergic reactions to any cosmetics, severe headaches, and had to drop out of college and go to the hospital. Oddly enough, doctors were unable to determine the cause of her deteriorating health, and only dealt with the symptoms of her ailments. Then she turned to a “natural” doctor, who immediately changed her diet, eliminating dairy and meat products. After 4 months, her health stabilized, but was still far from normal. She was willing to try anything to get her life back on track and decided to give the raw food diet a chance.

On the left - 75 kg, on medication, with a chocolate bar in hand. On the right - 50 kg, raw fruits, herbs and vegetables.

After a few weeks of eating a low-fat, raw, plant-based, high-fruit diet, she was a different person. I had the energy to play sports, and my illnesses subsided. Her parents were most amazed by the changes and immediately decided to try fruit eating for themselves.

Megan is now an author, nutritionist, and animal rights activist. She especially emphasizes that you should not limit calories from natural foods, and advises eating as much fruit as you like.

Her website is www.meganelizabeth.com

Dr. Douglas Graham is one of the most recognized fruit nutrition gurus in the world. He is 58 years old, he has been a raw foodist since 1978, and the author of the book that for the first time collected all the basics of fruit eating (“80/10/10 Diet”). Dr. Graham was a gymnast in his youth and later a gymnastics coach, and remained physically active throughout his life. A bunch of different ailments, and primarily allergies, led him to a raw food diet. He successfully got rid of his ailments and began to share his knowledge.

For many years, Dr. Graham has taught fruit nutrition (including greens) at seminars, conferences, private lessons, and through his books and website www.Foodnsport.com. A number of world-class athletes and famous actors have taken classes with Douglas. They say he hasn't been sick since the 80s.

He currently stays in shape by training no more than 1 hour a day, and this is what it looks like (not bad for 55+ years):

Famous and famous raw foodists.

The number of raw foodists is growing steadily.
More and more famous people are joining this movement, including Demi Moore, Uma Thurman, Madonna, Natalie Portman and others. The stars loudly praise their nutrition system; They are seen quite often in raw food restaurants. Let's take a closer look at the most famous raw foodists. 1) Demi Moore was one of the first to turn to a raw food diet. Her experience has been more than 7 years. It is not surprising that the actress has become a standard for her followers. It is believed that the secret of her youth is in her diet. Despite being forced to give up her usual dishes, Demi Moore claims that she enjoys food. She happily drinks a tomato cocktail made from 10 tomatoes, and replaces her favorite candies with frozen sugar-free cherry juice. Thanks to her star mentor, her nutritionist Douglas Graham became famous.

Demi Moore has been an adamant raw foodist for a long time and recommends this nutritional system as the most perfect. It is her many years of experience in a raw food diet that she considers the main success of her irresistibility. Because only natural products, in her opinion, help cleanse the body, maintain it in excellent physical shape and accumulate enormous amounts of energy.

2) Natalie Portman joined the ranks of famous raw foodists in 2009 by reading Jonathan Safran Foer’s novel “Full Illumination.” But during pregnancy I decided to expand my diet with other foods, becoming not a raw foodist, but simply a vegetarian. She claims that she does not regret her raw food experience. But when you are responsible for the life and health of another person, it is important to carefully monitor what you eat. And timely monitor the levels of iron, hemoglobin and proteins, which may decrease with such a diet.

It is believed that Natalie Portman adopted the diet from Demi Moore.

3) Another famous raw foodist, Uma Thurman, also believes in the benefits of this type of nutrition and does not intend to give up her beliefs. According to her, it is difficult to adapt to a new lifestyle, and then ease appears, and you become an unshakable raw foodist. The actress admits that it’s hard to get used to such a menu only at first.

4) But Jared Leto (vocalist of the band 30 Seconds to Mars) limits himself to fruit. During the interview, he is seen eating either bananas or tangerines. The singer's Twitter is filled with photos of watermelons, young coconuts, pomegranates and raw peanuts. Even at photo shoots, he is always with fruit in his hands. Jared came to the raw food diet in a very unusual way. He had to star in a film about Mark Chapman, the killer of John Lennon, and gain 30 kilograms for this. After filming ended, in order to quickly lose weight and get rid of the risk of ending up in a wheelchair, the artist decided to become a raw foodist. Eventually, Leto returned to his optimal physical condition.

5) It is little known that Steve Jobs became a raw foodist in his youth. Then he preferred fruits, especially McIntosh apples. Subsequently, Jobs switched to a nutritious diet. One Halloween, being a convinced raw foodist, he gave the visiting children bottles filled with carrot juice instead of traditional sweets.

6) Cinema also influenced Alicia Silverstone’s diet. The girl decided to change her diet after the release of the film “Batman and Robin”, since she received the unpleasant nickname Fat Mouse from the audience (she played the Bat). With the help of the new diet, Alicia managed not only to lose weight, but also to get rid of the allergies that had plagued her since childhood. The actress's main food is vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts and sprouts. All this is necessarily not amenable to heat treatment.

7) Carol Alt (supermodel) has been eating raw food for more than 10 years, and she even decided to write a book about her diet. She ranks 5th in the top ten top models of all time, and at the age of 47 she became the face of the cover of the December issue of the popular men's magazine Play Boy. The main products for the model are sashimi (raw) and unpasteurized fermented milk products. Carol is convinced that the raw food diet is the main secret of her long-term attractiveness and irresistibility.

8) One of the most famous musicians, Sting, switched from vegetarianism to a raw food diet. Now his diet consists of varied, but raw food. The singer loves a dish called Raw Sweet Potato Slices with Macadamia Nut Paste so much that he orders it from Seed Live Cuisine Delivery (Los Angeles) for his friends. From America to England, dinner is delivered on Sting's personal plane.

9) Woody Harrelson is also a raw foodist. Most of the products he consumes are grown by the actor himself on his plot (the Hawaiian island of Maui). For Woody, an ordinary hamburger became a symbol of the fall of civilization into the abyss.

10) Among Russian celebrities, let’s highlight the director of the series “School” Valeria Gai Germanika. Fans first learned about her passion for a raw food diet at the Resto Rate Awards 2011. The ceremony was held in Italian style. Valeria Gai enjoyed tasting Italian wines, but didn’t even touch the signature pizzas and pasta. As it turned out, the director eats only fresh vegetables and fruits, raw meat and fish, completely refusing cooked dishes. She believes that this diet increases creativity.

11) The raw food diet has become quite popular. Even among the stars, many people practice eating environmentally friendly products rich exclusively in solar energy. A prominent representative of the raw food diet among celebrities is Ornella Muti. The famous film actress was repeatedly recognized as the most beautiful girl in Italy. The performer of about 90 roles has been practicing a raw food diet for more than 20 years. That is why, according to the actress’s relatives and friends, at 59 years old she has retained her former slimness, beauty, hair shine and skin elasticity.

12) The most famous raw foodist is Angelina Jolie. It is believed that it was she who brought this branch of vegetarianism to Hollywood circles and “infected” its other stars. Once, in an interview with a fashion magazine, Jolie admitted that for many years she had been eating exclusively raw foods, and this is precisely the key to her beauty and charming appearance. The only thing in which she violates the standard raw food diet menu is the consumption of steamed chicken and fish. Angelina motivates this by the fact that the body in any case needs protein, which can only be obtained from meat.

14) Anne Hathaway began her journey as a vegetarian at the age of 12, but was able to completely switch to a raw food diet only in adulthood after reading Safran Foer’s book “Eating Animals.” Since then, she has been an active activist for animal rights and a convinced raw foodist.

15) Madonna. I have devoted myself to a raw food diet since I was 15 years old. In addition, she is actively involved in yoga and is passionate about spiritual practice. At 55 she remains a slim, flexible and plastic woman. It is not difficult for her to do the splits or stand on the bridge. And this, according to the singer, is the merit of proper nutrition.

16) Michelle Pfeiffer joined the ranks of raw foodists relatively recently. In 2011, after watching a film about Bill Clinton, where he said that giving up meat and dairy products helped him overcome heart problems, Michelle decided to switch to vegetarianism. “I want to live long,” she explained her action. That is why her diet now includes only raw vegetables and fruits.

17) Alexey Martynov has been a supporter of a healthy lifestyle since school. He never smoked or drank alcohol, but in pursuit of an athletic body he completely forgot about proper nutrition. In addition to playing sports, he indulged in frequent snacks in large portions. And within two years, with a height of 170 cm, Alexey weighed 120 kg. Realizing that it was time to lose weight, I began to study a lot of literature. Then I came to the conclusion that vegetarianism would be a healthy and effective diet. But over time, the singer excluded dairy products, eggs, bread from his diet and completely switched to a raw food diet. For 8 years now, Alexey has been proudly talking about his healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition, and boasts of his slim, athletic figure.

18) No less famous in raw foodist circles is Annette Larkins. This girl has been eating raw foods for 26 years. At the same time, she claims that she is full of strength, vitality and can easily endure the cold. At 69 years old, she walks in high heels and wears tight clothes that emphasize her 46 cm waist. In addition, the unique phenomenon observed is that Annette's hair does not turn gray. Her heredity is quite severe: her grandmother and mother died of breast cancer before they even reached the age of 50. Annette's father also suffered from cancer and diabetes. That is why she gave up meat, later dairy products, and then completely heat-treated food. And, according to Annette, since then she has never been sick again. To share her experience, she has published several books and video lessons on the topic of raw food nutrition.

Alexey Martynov

The famous raw foodist Alexey Martynov is the vocalist of the pop group “Stenacardia” . He is seriously interested in sports and winter swimming.

Martynov stopped eating meat, fish and eggs, switching to apples, raw vegetables and kefir. I gave up salt, sugar, bread, everything boiled and fried. And after some time, I completely eliminated all dairy products from my diet. Alexey did not give up exhausting training: he ran 15–20 km every day. Soon, “fasting days” were added to them: in order to “repair” his body as quickly as possible, once or twice a week our hero did not eat or drink anything...

“I don’t know how all this would have ended,” recalls Alexey, “if one day a friend had not opened my eyes. “I believe vegetarianism is cool,” he said, “but look what you look like!” I looked really unwell at that time. Not a trace remained of the pumped up muscles, and the weight dropped to 55 kg... I suddenly realized that it was time to give up with excessive asceticism. I returned to the gym, started eating more - the same raw plant food - and six months later I already weighed 80 kg.”

He still does not eat anything meat, and is ready to talk about vegetarianism for hours. He says he follows the example of ancient Greek philosophers and thinkers, who preferred plant-based foods. In particular, from the vegetarian Pythagoras, who at the age of 40 became an Olympic champion in fist fighting.

“And when doctors tell me that I need to eat meat, I remember one interview with Bernard Shaw,” Alexey laughs. “He was a vegetarian and a big advocate for animals. To the journalist’s questions about his health, he answered that he felt great, but that the doctors were telling him that he wouldn’t last long without meat. Many years passed, Bernard Shaw lived to a ripe old age, and, answering the same questions, he once said that he continued to feel great, and the doctors who predicted his imminent death seemed to have all died.”

Read more about Alexey Martynov >

Celebrity raw foodists: the older, the younger

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Hello friends! Yuri Okunev is with you.

The topic of proper nutrition is gaining momentum in the public consciousness! Celebrities play a significant role in promoting respect for one's body. If you are interested in celebrity raw foodists, in this article I will highlight some of them. By the way, there are more and more of them every day and some manage to look 40 at the age of 80?

So here are the stars for whom this style of nutrition is an integral credo of life.

Sports and raw food diet

Aleksey Voevoda, a bobsleigh champion, takes an honorable first place on my list. Russian raw food athletes are a rare phenomenon. This charismatic character is all the more noticeable against this background.

Thus, Alexey Voevoda says that he was able to become an Olympic champion in 2011 only because he completely gave up meat and dairy products. By the way, Alexey is a two-time Olympic champion of the Games in Sochi, as well as a silver medalist in 2006 and a bronze medalist in 2010.

Raw food stars: a lifelong marathon.

Another prominent follower of this diet is marathon runner Michael Arnstein. Michael told reporters that he was able to achieve his results only after switching to a raw food diet. By the way, his best friend, with whom Michael trains from time to time, introduced him to this method of nutrition.

The athlete says that now he will never change his diet.

Hollywood's Fashion Diet

Among celebrities there are often women raw foodists. For example, the famous American model, director and screenwriter Angelina Jolie not only completely switched to a raw food diet, but also laid the foundation for this movement in Hollywood.

So, thanks to her example, famous raw foodists in the world began to appear without hesitation in restaurants and at parties with full plates of healthy food! The actress herself shares a secret that the main recipe for her beauty and health is a diet consisting of raw foods!

Her colleague, actress Demi Moore, believes that a raw food diet is the only sure way to remove toxins from the body.

Besides, you can eat raw foods as much as you like, the actress jokes.

How to look 40 at 80

You say, “If everything is so great with their health, where are the raw foodists who live long enough?” Of course they are.

Back in 1985, when crazy hairstyles and unhealthy fries were in fashion, Annette Larkins decided to completely switch to a raw food diet. Bad heredity forced her to give up junk food. Annette's mother, several sisters and grandmother died of breast cancer. And the father of the now famous raw foodist suffered from diabetes and cancer. Thanks to a timely strong-willed decision, Annette Larkins, at 80, looks 40!

The woman does not feel drowsy after eating, does not turn gray and tolerates the cold well.

Celebrity nutritionist Dr. Graham

Among the centenarians I would also like to highlight Dr. Douglas Graham. In his youth, he was a professional gymnast, and after some time he became a coach. However, numerous health problems at some point began to seriously interfere with doing what I loved. It was then that Douglas Graham decided to give up junk food and switch entirely to a raw food diet.

Thanks to a diet of raw foods, he completely recovered his health. Dr. Graham currently teaches the subject of fruit nutrition. Yes, yes, you heard right! He also managed to work for several years as Demi Moore’s personal nutritionist. Dr. Graham says there's nothing wrong with getting older, especially for those who have changed their diet in time!

Let's take an example from Mimi Kirk!

On the Internet, I came across the amazing story of Mimi Kirk. This stunning woman has been on a vegetarian diet for about 40 years. At some point, Mimi realized that a raw food diet would help her stay young and beautiful. Contrary to public opinion that the expectant mother and keeper of the hearth should eat well and densely, Mimi began to practice a raw food diet. And now, at 77 years old, with more than 10 years of raw food experience, Mimi Kirk looks like a 40-year-old woman.

But that's not all! In one of the clinics where Mimi underwent a medical examination, she was shown mind-blowing results - the woman’s biological age was 41 years old! Think for a second how great it would be to feel forty again at the age of 77! By the way, many celebrities use the story of Mimi Kirk as an example to follow.


If you decide to follow the example of the stars and switch to this type of diet, it is important to get more information about it from reliable sources.

I recommend a small book by Pavel Sebastianovich with the original title “Why cows are predators.” It is distinguished by a harmonious and concise presentation of the theory of the issue.

Well, for the practical step-by-step implementation of a new way of life and nutrition, the best choice would be the course of a raw foodist with five years of experience, who has deeply studied the theory and practice of this issue, Denis Terentyev, “System of an effective transition to a raw food diet.”

Well, with this I say goodbye to you. See you soon in new blog articles.

Yours, Yuri Okunev.

Athletes are raw foodists

Bobsled champion Alexey Voevoda

The two-time Olympic champion of the Games in Sochi, the Olympic Games - silver medalist in 2006, bronze medalist in 2010, world champion in 2011 - Alexey Voevoda deserves attention. The athlete says that it was precisely the refusal of meat and dairy products that helped him achieve such results.

Alexey tried completely different power systems, this is what he says about them in his interview:

“I tried everything: I sat on meat and dairy, on protein shakes - it’s all wrong. The protein that athletes are chasing so much actually works against them: protein causes decay processes in the body - this is an axiom. Protein decomposition products are urea, ammonia, tinol, toxic gases. Nobody needs this. He became a champion when he switched to veganism and an almost 100% raw food diet. My sister couldn’t get pregnant for many years, I advised her on her diet - after a few months she succeeded.”

Marathon runner Michael Arnstein

Mackle began training at the age of 13, but achieved his highest results in running only after switching to a raw food diet.

“My best friend, who I sometimes train with, inspired me to do this. Now I strive to push my body to its maximum capabilities,” shares Michael.

Interesting video about him:

Bodybuilder Jim Morris

Morris used to be Elton John's bodyguard, after this job he completely went into bodybuilding. Jim switched to vegetarianism at the age of 50, and after 15 years he became a complete raw foodist. Now he is 80 years old, but he is in excellent physical shape, and most importantly, he feels full of energy and health.

“Back then, when I ate milk and meat, I suffered from a variety of diseases that reduced my quality of life. I admit, I wouldn’t be alive today if I hadn’t become a raw foodist,” says Morris.

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