Dukan green smoothie – real reviews from weight loss dieters and nutritionists

A weight loss product is Dukan's green smoothie, which allows you to lose extra pounds in a short period. A well-known nutritionist with 40 years of experience in this activity worked on the development of the product. This is a harmless and effective drug for the body. The composition is selected to enhance and improve natural processes in the body. The product has no age-related contraindications, suitable for men and women. And reviews from doctors and consumers themselves indicate the effectiveness of the product.

Who is Dukan?

Pierre Dukan is a French doctor and nutritionist. He is known in many countries, thanks to the development of benefits for those who dream of losing excess weight. Since 2012, Dukan has been producing products - a fat-burning cocktail that can replace any diet. In the book “I Can’t Lose Weight,” he describes the goal of his development: the cocktail should replace breakfast, which helps to lose weight even in situations where exercise or dieting do not give the desired result.

It is not possible to prepare an algae cocktail using such ingredients on your own at home, since it is difficult to collect the necessary components. Some of them grow in the world's oceans. Therefore, the product is available for sale in dry form, which is dissolved in water for use before breakfast.

Do you know? Pierre Dukan was nominated for the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for his development of an algae composition for weight loss.

Why is the cocktail green?

Reviews show that the Dukan cocktail is effective due to its unique algae composition, and for this reason it has a green, algae color. The components of the drug for weight loss are aquatic plants:

  • chlorella;
  • spirulina;
  • kelp;
  • Aegagropyla linnaeus;
  • ascophyllum;
  • Sargassum.

Ocean plants are the active ingredients of the cocktail. Each of the components has a potent effect on the body, and together the effect is enhanced. They affect metabolism, enhance digestion, cleanse and improve intestinal motility.

How does a green smoothie work?

The algae composition of the Dukan cocktail controls body weight and reduces weight. Moreover, weight loss occurs without changes in diet. It promotes:

  • decreased appetite;
  • acceleration of metabolism, as a result of which calories are processed faster;
  • improving digestion;
  • normalization of intestinal microflora.

Body weight is reduced by reducing fat deposits and the skin does not lose elasticity or sag. This is natural weight loss, without the slightest stress on your health. While taking the drug, there is no need to change eating habits; excess fatty foods consumed are eliminated by the drug. Natural ingredients block the absorption of carbohydrates that are consumed with normal meals.

How Ducan Cocktail works for weight loss

Once you lose excess weight, you will never gain weight again.

The drug has a powerful complex effect on the body:

  • prevents the absorption of excess carbohydrates from food;
  • quickly burns fat reserves, starting from the most inaccessible places;
  • increases the speed of metabolic processes by 4 times;
  • has a powerful detox effect, cleanses, removes toxins, waste, excess calcium salts, liquid.

A proven technique from a world-famous nutritionist will allow you to:

  • just replace breakfast with a delicious drink;
  • eat all sorts of sweets, favorite dishes;
  • live a full life;
  • lose weight from the first day;
  • control the absorption of calories received during the day;
  • be energetic and cheerful;
  • eat universally, replace any meal with a drink;
  • recover more quickly from grueling sports training, long-term illnesses or injuries.

Dukan Cocktail has no contraindications for use or side effects.

Composition of a green smoothie and details about the components

Dukan's green smoothie recipe for weight loss is formulated to promote calorie processing throughout the day. Fat cells dissolve even in problem areas of the body.

The Dukan green smoothie contains:

  • Egagropila Linne - affects the processing of fatty tissue at the cellular level. Fats are burned on the organs of the body itself, on the stomach, hips. This algae from northern latitudes is rich in vitamins and has antioxidant effects.
  • Chlorella is a single-celled algae that contains protein equal in quantity to meat. Algae copes with the removal of toxins, heavy metals and radionuclides from the body.
  • Spirulina – cleanses the body of toxins and harmful substances. This is a spiral-shaped algae that contains vitamins, enzymes, and amino acids.
  • Laminaria – enhances the functionality of the intestines, regenerates metabolic processes, improves blood flow. Cleanses the liver and intestines. The algae improves the functioning of the thyroid gland and has a specific taste, which, thanks to various natural additives, is neutralized in the cocktail.
  • Sagrassum - affects the production of hormones (lepin), which promote the breakdown of fat cells. Sagrasum is an algae known by another name as “sea grapes”.
  • Ascophyllum – enhances metabolic processes, removes toxins. The oceanic plant is used in cosmetology and for preparing products for burning fat cells. Thanks to the oceanic plant, the aging process is stopped and skin turgor improves.
  • Lime – gives a pleasant taste, saturates the product with vitamin C. The fruit stops the aging process and improves skin condition.

It does not cause any adverse reactions. Therefore, you can stop dreaming of an ideal figure, and start using the drug to make your dreams come true.

Dukan green smoothie: what it is, how it works, how much it costs, where to buy

Not everyone who is overweight and wants to lose weight is ready to give up their usual lifestyle. And not because they don’t want to, they just don’t have enough willpower and support from loved ones. When they start training in fitness rooms and strictly limit themselves in nutrition, they do not notice changes in their figure and do not bring what they started to its logical conclusion.

A former nutritionist and French writer, Pierre Dukan, patented in 2015 a revolutionary product that helps everyone lose weight, regardless of age or health, without dietary restrictions or the need to exercise.

Dukan's green smoothie for weight loss is made from environmentally friendly algae with the addition of plant extracts, is non-addictive, and is effective for any degree of obesity.

The product is certified and is not a medicine, so a prescription is not required to purchase. The manufacturer promises, with proper use of the powder, weight loss of up to 12 kg per month.

If you consume food in large portions, like fried, sweet, starchy foods, do not exercise, or have complexes about being overweight - this product will solve the problem of obesity quickly, without restrictions.

The effect of the algae cocktail is the presence of active substances that accelerate the processing and removal of fats from the body:

  • the process of cleansing begins, getting rid of toxins and excess fluid, which contribute to weight gain and the formation of cellulite;
  • intestinal motility increases, metabolic reactions accelerate;
  • The absorption of carbohydrates slows down due to the fiber content.

Improved digestion promotes rapid weight loss. In the first week alone, up to three kilograms of toxins that have accumulated for years are eliminated.

Benefits of the cocktail:

  • A serving of Dukan green smoothie replaces a full meal, gives you a feeling of fullness for a long time, controlling calorie intake. With a lack of incoming energy, the body begins to use up stored fat cells.
  • The product is a supplier of missing vitamins and minerals necessary for the normal functioning of all organs and systems.
  • Thanks to natural ingredients and the absence of synthetic additives, it is safe for health.

The price of the Dukan weight loss cocktail is 990 rubles, payment by cash on delivery upon receipt of the parcel. If you buy several packages of algae product, you will receive bonuses depending on the cost of the order.

The product is offered by various online trading platforms, but to avoid purchasing a counterfeit, please visit the official website of the distributor. A product purchased elsewhere is likely to be counterfeit.

“Dukan’s green smoothie for weight loss is made from environmentally friendly algae with the addition of plant extracts, is not addictive, and is effective for any degree of obesity.”

Svetlana Titova

Nutritional table

Dukan's green algae cocktail contains a huge amount of minerals and vitamins. While taking the drug, the body is saturated with useful substances:

  • phosphorus – 171 mg;
  • sodium – 140 mg;
  • potassium – 130 mg;
  • magnesium – 24 mg;
  • niacin – 5.4 mg;
  • iron – 5.2 mg;
  • vitamin E – 5 mg;
  • zinc – 3.7 mg;
  • pantothenic acid – 1.7 mg;
  • pyridoxine – 0.5 mg;
  • riboflavin – 0.42 mg;
  • vitamin A – 0.32 mg;
  • titamin – 0.28 mg;
  • folic acid – 60 mcg;
  • iodine – 40 mcg;
  • biotin – 25 mcg;
  • selenium – 20 mcg.

In addition, the product contains dietary fiber (2.5 g). A scoop of Dukan green smoothie, which contains the required amount of proteins (9 g), fats (2.3 g) and carbohydrates (9 g), brings invaluable benefits for a full, active day. This is a low-calorie product, 100 g. cocktail 92 kcal.

We invite you to look at the features of a green cocktail:


Marina, 44 years old “I have always dreamed of having a slim and attractive figure. I tried a huge number of diets and diet pills, but there was never any result. The only thing that really helped me look attractive was Dukan Green Smoothie. I took it for about 2 months, during which time I managed to lose 15 extra pounds. You won't believe how easier my life has become. My health has improved significantly.”

Victoria, 28 years old “After giving birth, I experienced a serious hormonal imbalance. I want to say that I myself went on diets, and in principle I never allowed myself anything harmful. But the weight kept growing and growing. My friend advised me to try Dukan's Green Smoothie. With his help, I managed to get rid of extra pounds without stress or restrictions. Overall, I'm very glad I tried it. Many of my friends have already tried the Green Smoothie, they were very pleased with the therapy.”

Alexey, 48 years old “All my life I worked outdoors and spent a lot of energy. Because of this, my figure has always suited me. However, last year I was promoted and started working in the office. As a result of this, I quickly gained about 20 extra pounds. I don’t care about my appearance, but serious health problems have arisen. Then my doctor advised me to try Green Smoothie. I took it for a short time, about 3 months. During this period my condition has improved significantly.”

How to take algae cocktail?

Many reviews ask the question of how to take a Dukan green smoothie. There is no need to use complex recipes for cooking. To do this, carefully dilute 1 tablespoon in 1 glass of water or juice. The drug is stirred so that the components are dissolved. The cocktail is drunk in the morning, 30 minutes before meals. Some people practice using the product not only instead of breakfast, but also lunch and dinner. It is necessary to strictly adhere to the instructions indicated on the product packaging.

Important! While taking the drug, it is recommended to drink 1.5 liters of clean water per day.

The course of treatment is 1 month. Although the effectiveness of the weight loss product is visible from the first days, 30 days are needed to consolidate the results. It is an absolutely harmless drug and tastes like seaweed.

Instructions for using Dukan Green Smoothie and did this drink help me?

Three days after ordering, I received a message from the post office saying that my package had arrived. I immediately went for the drink on which I had pinned all my hopes. At the post office, I carefully inspected the order, the cocktail was well packaged, in the original box without damage or opening.

I paid for my order and went home happy. Having sat comfortably in the kitchen, I began to study my acquisition. The package contained a plastic bottle with powder weighing 100g. Instructions for use included:

  • pour a tablespoon of powder into a glass of water at room temperature;
  • mix thoroughly until the cocktail dissolves;
  • take on an empty stomach in the morning before meals;
  • Drink 2 liters of water during the day to better remove waste and toxins;
  • It is advisable to do a fasting day once a week.

The course of treatment lasts a month, but if desired, it can be extended or repeated after some time. As for me, I took it as written in the instructions and lost 4 kg in the first week. I liked it, the powder tastes lemony and not at all unpleasant. It’s easy to drink, and weight loss further encourages you to continue taking it. My appetite decreased, but at the same time I felt cheerful and had a lot of energy for work. After my first weight loss, something happened in my head and I finally believed in myself and was confident that I could lose weight. I didn’t go on a diet, but I began to follow Dukan’s instructions, I drank a smoothie in the morning, and during the day I tried to eat only proper and healthy food. My parents supported me and switched with me to proper nutrition.

After the third week I was unrecognizable, a weight loss drink plus sticking to a healthy diet began to work wonders. My dad and I started going on walks, and I signed up for cardio training at the gym. In a month I lost 25 kilograms, and this is not my limit! Now I look at life differently, I have no complexes and I will achieve everything I strive for! I’m very glad that I ordered Dukan’s Green Smoothie on the official website, it was the impetus for me into a new confident life!

What do doctors and nutritionists say?

Reviews from nutritionists about Dukan's green smoothie are similar in one thing: the components that make up the natural drink bring enormous benefits to the body. Effectiveness in the fight against excess weight often depends on hormonal levels, heredity, lifestyle and other factors. Here is how nutritionists speak about Dukan products:

K. Yakovleva. “While practicing as a nutritionist, it was noticed that many people find it difficult to control their diet. Many people put in a lot of effort, which does not always bring the desired result. Thus, motivation is lost and one gives up. It was decided to use the Dukan cocktail for weight loss. The result was not long in coming. Within a month, patients lost up to 15 kilograms. However, after completing the weight loss course, the weight did not return.”

I. Stretz is a doctor - nutritionist of the highest category. “There are a large number of weight loss products, but many positive, real reviews have been written about this drug. The reason is that the drug has a 100% natural composition that affects fat cells. Toxins accumulate in large quantities in fat mass, therefore, by eliminating extra pounds, a person cleanses the body of harmful substances. The intestines are cleansed of harmful substances up to 2-3 kilograms"

P. Karpenko – professor, nutritionist. “The human body is a complex system. Sometimes, in order for the exchange system to work correctly, it is important to provide it with the right help. Using a Dukan cocktail with algae for weight loss, you can take care of your figure without harm to your health, get rid of cellulite, and increase metabolism in the body."

A world-famous product, it is actively used by nutritionists to help patients who are overweight.

Recipes at home

The most famous and popular recipe for a green smoothie for weight loss:

  • ripe kiwi – 1 piece;
  • fresh lemon with peel - 2 slices 0.5 cm thick;
  • 6 sprigs of parsley;
  • 7 sprigs of mint;
  • ½ glass of water or kefir.

All ingredients are crushed in a blender and mixed with water to create a liquid drink that can be consumed an unlimited number of times per day. You can add kefir instead of water, in which case the cocktail is transformed into a dish and can serve as a substitute for some main meal.

You can use honey as a flavoring additive - 1 teaspoon is enough for the specified amount of ingredients, but such a drink will have a high calorie content - up to 230 Kcal per 100 g and should not be consumed in the evening.

There is a wide range of green smoothies - all of them have the above-mentioned weight loss properties, so they can be varied according to tastes.

According to Dukan

There is no need to prepare your own green smoothie according to Dukan - it is on sale. It contains:

  • spirulina;
  • chlorella;
  • ginger;
  • dog-rose fruit;
  • kelp;
  • cellulose.

It is called algae and can be actively used for weight loss. It’s easy to prepare – dissolve 1 teaspoon of dry raw material in a glass of warm water and mix thoroughly. You can drink it right away as a snack or evening meal. The developer of the recipe himself recommends doing this 30 - 40 minutes before eating a full meal.

According to Butenko

The organizer of the school of dry fasting and body cleansing, Victoria Butenko, does not at all welcome long-term refusal of food and drink. She recommends drinking green smoothies as often as possible, prepared according to the following recipes:

  • orange + spinach + blueberries + banana;
  • strawberries + any greens + banana;
  • green apple + greens + banana.

You can add water, kefir or ice cubes to any composition (if weight loss takes place in the summer and cooling of the body is required). It is not necessary to grind fruits and berries in a blender; you can chop some of them with a knife into small pieces.

Vegetable green smoothies

The number of ingredients is arbitrary, but you need to remember that there should be the most greens in any case. The taste of vegetable cocktails can be improved with the help of ground black pepper, paprika, a minimum amount of salt and other spices. You can cook according to the following recipes:

  • fresh carrots + spinach;
  • tomatoes + cucumber + some white cabbage;
  • tomatoes + parsley + lemon slice;
  • parsley + celery root + tomatoes + cucumber.

You can combine the vegetable composition of the drink with fruits - for example, add oranges or pears, bananas or kiwis, apples to the composition. In this case, no spices are added, but for a daytime snack you can add 1 teaspoon of honey.

The number of green smoothies you drink per day is not limited, but you need to start with 1 - 2 and gradually increase the volume. The fact is that in the first days the body can react to such food “acutely” - with diarrhea, unpleasant and frequent belching. If everything is normal, then by 3–5 days the condition will normalize, and you can already drink 4–6 glasses of the drink per day.

To learn how to prepare 3 options for healthy smoothies, watch this video:

Clinical studies and effectiveness

The effectiveness of the green smoothie has been proven by clinical studies, which involved about 5,000 people of different ages with excess weight ranging from 10-30 kilograms. They drank the cocktail once a day for 1 month, and at the same time drank at least 1.5 liters of clean water. The studies were conducted in medical institutions in the USA, France, Germany, and Israel. The result shows how the green fat burning drug works on the body. In one course I managed to lose from 2 to 15 kilograms. The product 100% eliminated the manifestation of gastritis and coped with the problem of heaviness in the stomach.

Reviews of people losing weight and photos before and after

Real reviews of Dukan's green smoothie indicate the effectiveness of the drug. Due to poor lifestyle, stress, and excess weight gained after pregnancy, many suffer from excess weight. This is especially important for the fairer sex, as excess weight causes discomfort.

Adhering to the instructions, consumers note the effect of the drug on the intestines. A cocktail with a laxative effect, which removes toxins and harmful substances. For those who suffer from constipation, this is an effective remedy. If the drug, diluted in water, is allowed to infuse, it becomes thick in consistency.

The product satisfies hunger. Since it contains lime, the drink has a slight citrus taste. In the first week, some recorded a weight loss of up to 3 kilograms, and this is already a result.

General well-being and mood improve not only from the weight removed, but also from the actions of natural ingredients. A week after starting to use the weight loss drug, the complexion improved, the nails and hair became stronger, and the rashes on the skin decreased.

The weight comes off gradually, without harm to health. There is no need to starve, train hard, or exhaust your body with diets. At the same time, you don’t have to limit yourself to your usual diet. You can eat your favorite foods, of course, provided they are not abused.

The cocktail is effective at any age. It was observed that by drinking an algae drink for breakfast, it was possible to lose up to 20 kilograms in 28 days. At the same time, I felt a surge of strength and energy, as at the age of 18, and my performance increased.

This drug is harmless to health, as it has a natural composition. After stopping a regular diet, you can easily gain weight, but this does not happen after a cocktail.

Like any product, Dukan's green smoothie has negative reviews. Negative reviews are based on the cause of the allergic reaction on the body. This is due to the fact that a natural product that contains algae can cause allergies. Some note that the components cause discomfort in the stomach. Not everyone can tolerate the taste of seaweed, but those who love sea kaputa will like the sushi preparation.

Beneficial features

Dukan green smoothie is a unique remedy that will help you lose excess weight. This is a completely innovative product that has absolutely no analogues.

Be sure to read: BCAA amino acid complex from the manufacturer Dymatize Nutrition

It is not necessary to consult your doctor before using the drink. The active components of the product quickly break down accumulated fat deposits, after which they are removed from the body. This allows us to evaluate the complex positive impact on human internal organs.

Regular consumption of Dukan Green Smoothie allows you to get the following results:

  • Restore normal functioning of the digestive tract. The active components of the cocktail accumulate in the body, after which they begin to act. Due to this, it is possible to cleanse the liver and pancreas of accumulated waste and toxins. This allows you to significantly speed up metabolic processes, which helps a person get rid of excess weight. With regular use, you will notice how your body's functioning will be restored.
  • The activity of the cardiovascular system will be facilitated. Active ingredients from algae prevent the absorption of pathogenic components, thereby improving myocardial function. The likelihood of any complications occurring will be extremely small.
  • Increases the body's protective abilities. The vitamin complexes contained in the Green Smoothie can improve human immunity. Due to this, vitality is significantly increased, the likelihood of any negative consequences is significantly reduced.
  • The activity of the nervous system is restored. Some fibers contained in the Green Smoothie help restore the conductivity of nerve fibers. Due to this, a person’s sleep significantly improves and awakening becomes easier. The psycho-emotional background also improves.
  • The quality of the skin improves. Due to the fact that the active components of the Green Cocktail help remove waste and toxins from the body, the condition of the dermis, hair and nails improves. You will notice how the skin has become smooth, silky, soft. The production of collagen and elastin is also normalized.

Where to buy, and is there a Dukan green smoothie in pharmacies?

Dukan's green smoothie for weight loss is ordered exclusively through the official website. To do this, fill out an application, leaving contact information. Company employees call back to confirm the purchase and process the information. Payment only after receiving the goods. The cost of the drug is inexpensive, and there are favorable promotions on the website.

The weight loss cocktail is sold in a special diet food store in Europe. But it is not available for sale in pharmacies. To avoid counterfeiting, you need to purchase Dukan green cocktail exclusively from an authorized dealer.

Advantages and disadvantages

What are the benefits of Dukan green smoothie? Positive aspects of the drink:

  • health safety;
  • naturalness;
  • replenishment of vitamin and mineral deficiencies;
  • long-term saturation after consumption;
  • the ability to fully replace one of the meals with low calorie content (92 kcal per 100 ml);
  • normalization of stool;
  • improvement of metabolism;
  • restorative and detoxifying effect.

In addition, you do not need to completely change your usual diet. Physical activity while using the drink is not necessary.

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