Comparing fermented baked milk and kefir | Which is healthier?

Many people wonder what is better when losing weight: fermented baked milk or kefir? Where there are more nutritional components, lower calorie content and is it always possible to consume dairy products on a diet and in case of illness.


For example, in case of acute gastritis or during breastfeeding, many restrictions are introduced on the daily diet. At the same time, no one has canceled the benefits of dairy products. It remains to figure out how healthy fermented baked milk is and how to drink it at night when you are losing weight.

Manufacturing technology

The recipe for making fermented milk product has been known for a long time. The Slavs also noted the benefits and taste of fermented baked milk, preparing it from natural homemade milk. At the same time, Ukraine is considered the birthplace of this drink, hence the name: “ryazha” - jug. The people also used another name - Varenets, which is rarely heard now.

The first method of preparing fermented baked milk appeared about 400 years ago. The composition of the “kefir” product included high-fat baked milk, which was sent to the oven to simmer until a brown tint appeared. Then cream or sour cream was added to the jug and fermented warm until ready. The people also used another name for fermented baked milk - Varenets, which can now rarely be heard.

In modern production, the technology for making fermented baked milk has not changed significantly. Only now special fermented milk streptococcal bacteria and “Bulgarian bacillus” (a special type of bacteria for fermenting products) are added to milk.

When wondering what is healthier: fermented baked milk or kefir, many people prefer the first option. This product is absorbed faster and has a homogeneous mass without lumps.

The fat content of fermented baked milk is higher than that of kefir: per 100 g of 6% drink there are 85 kcal, while in the first version with a fat content of 3.2% there are only 60 calories.

Despite the increased calorie content of fermented baked milk, its acidity level is lower than that of kefir, so people with stomach diseases should give preference to it. In other cases, the choice between these products is based only on taste preferences.

The benefits of fermented baked milk for the body

Consumption of fermented baked milk, as a dairy product with high fat content and calcium content, has a positive effect on human health:

  1. regulates the functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems of the body;
  2. strengthens bone tissue;
  3. increases metabolism;
  4. strengthens the immune system.

Ryazhenka provides the main benefits for the body due to the content of the Bulgarian bacillus and lactic acid bacteria in the composition.

Regular consumption of this drink:

  1. promotes the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the intestines;
  2. inhibits opportunistic flora in the digestive tract;
  3. has a general strengthening effect.

Ryazhenka can be consumed by people with high acidity of gastric juice and various chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. It has a diuretic effect and eliminates swelling. Allowed for children from 1 year.

Benefits and harms

Many consumers are concerned about whether fermented baked milk is good for you in the evenings before bed, does it make you fat and what microelements does it contain? First things first.

This product has a whole range of useful properties:

  1. Rich in phosphorus and calcium, as well as B vitamins, which help normalize metabolism;
  2. Protein from it is better absorbed than from meat;
  3. Refers to diet drinks;
  4. Has a pleasant sweet taste;
  5. Helps remove toxins from the body;
  6. Improves the functioning of the digestive system;
  7. Useful for gastritis and peptic ulcers;
  8. Helps remove toxins from the kidneys;
  9. Strengthens the cardiovascular system;
  10. Relieves hangover.

The benefits of fermented baked milk for the body are obvious, but is there any harm from this drink? No matter what recipe this product is prepared according to, it cannot be called completely safe. If your calcium metabolism is impaired, then stop using this mixture. If symptoms appear after drinking Varents, you should stop drinking it or consult your doctor.

The benefits of kefir for the body

Kefir is not only tasty, but also a healing product. "Kef" means health in Turkish. It contains vitamins B, A, D, E, PP. Rich in calcium, selenium, iron, phosphorus, zinc. The use of kefir, due to its rich mineral and vitamin composition, has a beneficial effect on health:

  1. accelerates metabolic processes;
  2. strengthens bones, teeth and nails;
  3. regulates the functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems of the body.

The product brings particular benefits due to the healing effect of lactic acid microorganisms. Unique fungi normalize the intestinal microflora, helping to strengthen the immune system, which generally has a positive effect on well-being and health.

Nobel laureate, famous biologist I.I. Mechnikov. argued that the aging process is associated with the proliferation of putrefactive bacteria in the human intestine, which poison the body. He considered kefir an excellent remedy that destroys harmful microorganisms in the digestive tract and called it “the drink of longevity.”

Kefir is considered a dietary product, suitable for feeding children from 9 months, people who have suffered serious illnesses and those who want to lose weight. This drink is harmful for high acidity of the stomach, chronic pancreatitis and duodenal ulcer.

Pregnant women and children

During the process of bearing a child, expectant mothers carefully monitor their diet, trying not to harm the baby. In connection with such concern, the question arises whether pregnant and lactating women can drink fermented baked milk. Don't worry, fermented milk products are harmless to the fetus.

The benefits of fermented baked milk for a pregnant woman are:

  • Rapid digestibility of all components;
  • Large amount of protein, amino acids and vitamin B12;
  • An excellent source of calcium, potassium, phosphorus and other beneficial microelements;
  • A small amount of calories will not add extra pounds, complicating the life of the expectant mother;
  • The functioning of the kidneys and gall bladder is normalized.

When wondering whether it is possible to drink fermented baked milk during pregnancy, the answer is yes, except in cases where the attending physician prohibits it from the patient’s diet.

Homemade fermented baked milk made from natural cow's milk is considered especially healthy. But do not forget that such a product cannot be stored for a long time, so according to the recipe you should prepare only the amount necessary for one-time use.

Cooking recipes

When wondering what to cook from fermented baked milk or how to ferment it at home, you will find many interesting recipes on the vastness of the global network. Among them will be simple and complex dishes, cosmetic masks and even baths made from this product.

Ryazhenka in a slow cooker

A simple way to prepare fermented baked milk at home is to select the right milk. It is best to go to the nearest village and buy several liters of a natural high-fat product. You will also need a multicooker:

  1. Set the appliance to “stew” or “milk porridge” mode, set the timer for an hour, and set the temperature to 100⁰. At this stage the milk will be heated.
  2. Cool the resulting mixture to 40 ⁰C, then add the starter and return the bowl to the device, setting the “heat” for half an hour.
  3. After turning off the multicooker, you need to leave the future fermented baked milk to infuse for 6–8 hours under a closed lid.

Such a simple recipe will take you a minimum of time, and in the end you will get all the necessary vitamins and minerals contained in fermented baked milk. Moreover, the usefulness of such a product is much greater than in the purchased version, since no excipients are added to increase shelf life, and the composition will only include milk and sourdough.

Ryazhenka dishes

If you are wondering what to cook from fermented baked milk, pay attention to the following dishes:

  • Pancakes and pancakes;
  • Flatbread;
  • Shortcake;
  • Cheesecake;
  • Summer mousse cocktail;
  • Yogurts and milk soups.

How to make a harmless product from fermented baked milk is simple, just use only natural ingredients and follow the cooking instructions. Choose a dish according to your taste, as well as calorie content if you are watching your figure, and work wonders in your kitchen.

Contraindications and possible harm to the product

Fermented milk drink practically does not cause an allergic reaction. However, you should limit the use of fermented baked milk in the following situations:

  • milk protein intolerance;
  • gastric and duodenal ulcers in the acute stage;
  • heartburn (individual);
  • age up to 8 months;
  • acute stage of pancreatitis;
  • obesity;
  • compulsive overeating.

A drink can harm the body only if you do not pay attention to its expiration date. In addition, you should not combine fermented baked milk with protein foods, as this can lead to indigestion.

Application in cosmetology

Not all modern beauties are avid visitors to beauty salons. Many people prefer homemade recipes for masks and lotions. When wondering how to make a healing bath with a fermented milk product, you can find the following advice:

  1. Take your usual warm bath and add 1 liter of fermented baked milk to it. It is better to use the homemade version of Varenets.
  2. Soak in the pleasant liquid for 15 minutes until the skin becomes significantly softer.
  3. Repeat the procedure 2 times a month to achieve better results.

If you are looking for the answer to the question of how to make a face mask, then just add a little fermented baked milk to your usual recipe and enjoy moisturized skin. At the same time, all folk recipes with fermented milk products do not cause any harm, since they cannot burn the skin or worsen your condition.

By drinking a glass of fermented baked milk at night, about an hour before bedtime, you will significantly improve digestion and begin to feel lightness and comfort in your stomach.

Drink healthy dairy products and enjoy a renewed and detoxified body.


Ways to lose weight

Fasting day

Carry out no more than 2 times a month. The result is minus 1 kg.


Involves active use every day: 100 ml after breakfast, lunch and dinner. Daily calorie content is not higher than 1,500 kcal. Duration - 1 week. Results: minus 2 kg. Can be observed only if the product is well tolerated and there are no contraindications.

Addition to any diet

Involves periodic use during a dairy, protein or any other diet - 2-3 times a week, no more than 300 ml per day. Improves digestion, prevents food from breaking down, and provides variety in the diet.

Your feedback, comments, questions

  • Ksyusha
    I regularly drink a glass or two of fermented baked milk at night. I just love this drink, and it is correctly said here that it is more gentle and homogeneous, gentle on the stomach, unlike kefir. Ryazhenka at night perfectly pacifies nighttime cravings, and weight loss from it is gradual, but with more complete absorption of nutrients than when consuming “laxative” kefir, which exhausts the intestines. I take thicker fermented baked milk, there are liquid ones - they also immediately make you weak, as if the product is not yet ready.

Ryazhenka: origin, composition and calorie content

Unlike kefir, fermented baked milk is an Old Slavic fermented milk product. It is obtained from baked cow's milk through lactic acid fermentation.

The fermented baked milk ferment contains thermophilic streptococci and cultures of the Bulgarian bacillus (a strain of lactobacilli from which yogurt is produced).

It is known that back in the 17th century, Ukrainian housewives put pots of milk and sour cream in the oven to simmer. With prolonged heating, lactose (milk sugar) interacted with proteins and lactic acid bacteria - the result was a thick, cream-colored drink with a pleasant taste - fermented baked milk. Previously, it was also called kolotukha or parukha.

Simmering whole milk leads to a change in its chemical composition. Due to the evaporation of moisture, the mass fraction of fat increases to 6%, the content of vitamin A, calcium, phosphorus and iron increases, but the amount of vitamins B and C decreases. The composition of fermented baked milk is similar in the set of nutrients to baked milk, but it is better absorbed.

Nutritional value and composition of fermented baked milk:

  1. proteins – 3 g;
  2. fats – 6 g;
  3. carbohydrates – 4 g.

The calorie content of the product is 84 kcal. Similar products are Varenets (made in the Urals and Siberia) and Turkic katyk.

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