How to choose the healthiest kefir

Kefir rating

When creating the top rating, we brought together facts and information from studies by Roskontrol, Control Purchase, Rosportebnadzor and Rosselkhoznadzor. Next, we studied the level of demand, identified the most purchased brands on the Russian market and compared their products based on a number of characteristics:

  • Compound;
  • Fat content;
  • Consistency;
  • Taste, smell;
  • Date of manufacture, expiration date, storage conditions;
  • Packaging, packing, tightness;
  • Price, manufacturer's reputation.

The result of the comprehensive analysis was a top list of 10 positions. For convenience, we have divided it into 3 subsections - low-fat, high-fat, and children's drinks. Monitoring customer reviews identified the advantages and disadvantages of each nominee.

The best low-fat kefir

The first category of the rating represents the most delicious kefir with a minimum percentage of fat content for adherents of dietary nutrition. Here, the label usually indicates the fat content from 0 to 1%, and the calorie content is 40-45 kcal for every 100 g. There were more than 10 candidates for VyborExpert’s consideration, but 3 brands made it to the top.

"House in the Village" 1%

Kefir with a mass fraction of fat of 1% from OJSC "VBD" has a low calorie content - 37 kcal. It quenches thirst well and improves health. Combines with fish, meat dishes, eggs and other products containing proteins.

Consists of fresh normalized milk from proven farms and kefir grain starter culture. No food fillers are used during the manufacturing process. Contains beneficial bacteria that normalize intestinal microflora. Recommended for use by people during the postoperative period.

Does not contain pathogenic microorganisms, heavy metals, pesticides and antibiotics. Has low acidity. The taste and smell correspond to this product, the consistency is white, slightly liquid, homogeneous.


  • Natural composition;
  • No harmful components;
  • Suitable for dietary purposes;
  • Convenient packaging with a lid;
  • Uniformity;
  • Inexpensive.


  • By the end of the selling period it becomes sour;
  • Has a slight deviation in protein content.

The drink, weighing 515 g, is packaged in colorful cardboard packaging, which has a twist-off lid for convenience. Stored for no more than 15 days at temperatures from +2 to +5 degrees.

"Shepherd" 1%

The next in the ranking is biokefir from Nalchik Dairy Plant LLC with a fat mass fraction of 1% and has a calorie content of 35 kcal. Enriched with Lactobacillus LGG, a probiotic strain that balances intestinal microflora.

Contains normalized milk, kefir grain starter. Does not contain GMOs, preservatives, starch. Rich in vitamins and minerals. Calcium is one of the main components of bones, involved in muscle contraction. Phosphorus regulates the acid-base balance. Their deficiency leads to rickets and anemia.

The consistency is semi-thick, white. The taste and aroma are pleasant with a slight sourness. It is packaged in 500 g packs in a cardboard tetra pack and has a screw-on lid, which is convenient to use for further storage.


  • Natural composition;
  • Enrichment with lactobacilli;
  • No starch, preservatives;
  • Recyclable packaging;
  • Optimal shelf life;
  • High content of calcium, phosphorus.


  • Price;
  • Some people don't like the sour taste.

For people with gastrointestinal diseases, only fresh kefir is recommended, no more than 2 days have passed since the production date. The packaging must be shaken before use. Store for up to 14 days at a temperature of +2 to + 6 degrees.

BioMax 1%

1% biokefir from VBD OJSC is enriched with bifidobacteria and prebiotics, which improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is well absorbed by the body, which means it can be consumed immediately before bed.

Contains normalized milk and yeast starters. It also contains folic acid, vitamins A, E, D, H. Helps restore intestinal microflora. Since it is low in fat, it can be consumed during a diet. Safety is confirmed by the absence of bacteria, mold and pathogenic microorganisms.

The consistency is semi-liquid, homogeneous white in color with a slightly pungent taste. It is packaged in 450 g bottles in a white food-grade plastic bottle with a screw cap, which distinguishes it from previous nominees in the rating.


  • Useful and safe;
  • Enriched with bifidobacteria and probiotics;
  • Well absorbed by the body;
  • The composition is natural;
  • Suitable for diet menu;
  • Inexpensive.


  • Contraindicated for people with gastritis and stomach ulcers;
  • Long shelf life.

When fresh, it has a laxative effect and gently cleanses the intestines. Recommended for liver diseases, diabetes, gastrointestinal dysbiosis, allergic diseases. Shelf life is no more than 15 days at temperatures from +2 to +6 degrees.

Pros, cons and contraindications

To avoid negative consequences, it is better to choose diets that combine kefir and other products.

Kefir mono-diets slow down metabolism, and the lost pounds can return very quickly. And long-term weight loss can affect your psycho-emotional state.

People who:

  • with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract accompanied by high acidity;
  • with acute kidney disease;
  • with intestinal disorders;
  • with ulcers of the stomach and duodenum.

The advantages of such weight loss include:

  • low calorie diet combined with a lot of beneficial properties;
  • getting rid of problems with the digestive system, feelings of heaviness and constipation;
  • cleansing the body of many harmful substances;
  • improvement of intestinal motility. Food begins to be digested faster and does not turn into fatty tissue;
  • no constant feeling of hunger, as kefir satisfies well;
  • acceleration of fat processing;
  • reduction of edema due to diuretic action.

The best fat kefir

The second category contains products with a fat content of 2.5-3.2% - an excellent solution for breakfast, a full-fledged snack, and consumption at night in order to maintain the normal functioning of the digestive organs. The drink is also suitable for preparing various dishes. recommends the 5 best offers of 2021.

"Snezhok" 2.5%, JSC "Laktis"

The first place among kefirs with a fat mass fraction of 2.5% is occupied by the product from the Russian JSC Lactis. Manufactured according to GOST, calorie content is 50 kcal. It is easily absorbed by the body and can be consumed not only in the evening, but also in the morning.

The composition is classic: normalized milk, kefir mushroom starter. No heat treatment is used during production, so all living fermented milk microorganisms and bifidobacteria do not die and retain all their beneficial properties. Heavy metals, pesticides, antibiotics are excluded.

The fermented milk product has a pleasant creamy taste and rich aroma, the consistency is homogeneous, medium in thickness. There are no lumps, moderate bubbles, which indicates good quality. Packaged in soft bags of 500 g.


  • Universal application;
  • Classic composition;
  • Easy to digest;
  • Creamy taste and aroma;
  • Soft packaging;
  • Inexpensive.


  • The need to pour into containers after opening;
  • Contraindicated for people allergic to lactose.

It is recommended to drink kefir 2.5% fat at room temperature. The daily dose for an adult should not exceed 400 g. Stored at a temperature of +2 to + 6 degrees for no more than 15 days.

“From Vologda” 2.5%, PC “Vologda Dairy Plant”

The next fermented milk product with a fat mass fraction of 2.5% is domestically produced kefir. Calorie content is 50 kcal. Used for preparing various dishes, as well as as an independent drink.

Made in accordance with state standards from whole and skim milk using a starter prepared with kefir grains. It has a number of useful properties: improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, supplies the body with protein, strengthens bone tissue, nails, and also resists stomach infections.

It has medium density with a homogeneous mass, no lumps. The taste is soft, balanced, with a slightly perceptible sourness. Packaged in a cardboard tetrapack, the spout of which is cut off for opening. Packaged in 470 g.


  • Classic recipe;
  • Beneficial features;
  • Short shelf life;
  • Balanced taste;
  • Consistency without lumps;
  • Universal application.


  • Light packaging weight;
  • Price.

If kefir is consumed regularly, it cleanses the intestines of harmful microorganisms. The product has a special feature: a short shelf life, no more than 7 days under certain conditions.

"Asenyevskaya Farm", 3.2%

The fermented milk product with a fat mass fraction of 3.2% is produced on a modern farm with the latest equipment by the Kaluga manufacturer. Meets all safety requirements according to verified microbiological indicators.

Ingredients: natural: normalized milk and kefir mushroom starter. No carrageenan, starch, non-dairy fat. Has an increased amount of lactic acid microorganisms and yeast. A thermostatic production method is used, when the starter is added to milk poured into containers.

This method preserves the benefits of beneficial bacteria as much as possible. The consistency is homogeneous, thick with minor lumps; it is advisable to shake the contents before use. The taste is rich, with pronounced sourness.


  • Good fat content;
  • Naturally;
  • Manufacturing by thermostatic method;
  • Pleasant rich taste;
  • Safety;
  • Convenient packaging.


  • The presence of minor lumps;

Packaged in 900 g packs in a white plastic bottle with a stylized label that makes the product branded. The shelf life is short - 10 days, subject to optimal temperature conditions.

"Slavic traditions" 3.2%

The Belarusian fermented milk product is prepared using the tank method, which involves first pasteurizing the milk and then fermenting it. Calorie content 55 kcal.

Thanks to natural ingredients, consisting of whole and skim milk with starter, kefir prevents the development of a pathogenic environment in the intestines. It has a number of beneficial effects: strengthens the immune system, calms. Unlike other nominees, it is suitable for those who are lactose intolerant and helps absorb it, acting as a catalyst.

The consistency is moderately thick, there is a slight separation of whey, which disappears when stirred. The taste is slightly spicy, sour milk, the color is white, uniform throughout the volume. Packaged in plastic bottles with a screw cap, 900 g each.


  • Naturally;
  • Convenient packaging;
  • Beneficial features;
  • Pleasant taste;
  • Thick consistency.


  • The need to stir before use;
  • Long shelf life.

The content completely excludes vegetable fats, milk powder, and is additionally enriched with natural calcium. Stored at temperatures from +2 to + 6 degrees for no more than 18 days.

"Prostokvashino", 2.5%

Kefir with a fat mass fraction of 3.2% from the famous Russian brand “Prostokvashino”. Contains a large number of probiotics that improve metabolism and normalize stool. Produced to advanced standards.

Consists of natural pasteurized milk and starter culture, without added starch, pesticides, antibiotics or preservatives. Saturates the body with minerals, vitamins, amino acids, which have the most beneficial effect on the skeletal and muscular system of the body.

The consistency is milky-white, homogeneous, moderately viscous. It has a pronounced sour milk taste, without any foreign odors or taste. Packaged in 930 g plastic bottles with a nicely designed label.


  • Quality of raw materials;
  • Eliminate the feeling of hunger;
  • Safety;
  • High content of probiotics and yeast;
  • Beautifully designed packaging;
  • Inexpensive.


  • Plastic packaging;
  • Towards the end of the shelf life the taste may become sour.

The acidic environment that forms in the stomach after drinking the drink helps to absorb calcium, iron and vitamin D. It has the ability to remove toxins and other harmful substances from the body. Stored under optimal conditions for no more than 14 days.

Rating outsiders: worst kefir

The three with the rating reset are kefir, Burenkino, and Dairy Kingdom. Escherichia coli bacteria have been identified in these products. According to TR CU 033/2013, coliforms are not allowed in 0.1 g of fermented milk product with a shelf life of more than 72 hours. Information about violations identified during testing of kefir was transferred to control and supervisory authorities, including Rospotrebnadzor.

Offending product

Burenkino Kefir with a fat mass fraction of 3.2% "Burenkino"

5.11 p/100 g

Offending product

Dairy Kingdom Kefir 3.2% mass fraction of fat “Milk Kingdom”

5.99 p/100 g

Offending product

Just what you need! Kefir with a fat mass fraction of 3.2% “Just what you need!”

5.77 p/100 g

By the way, many people ask how to get rid of E. coli in a product. Let’s say right away that you won’t be able to disinfect low-quality kefir at home, because kefir cannot be boiled. In addition, generally try not to leave kefir outside the refrigerator in the summer heat - E. coli bacteria multiply very quickly in such favorable conditions. At what temperature do E. coli, anisakids, listeria and other dangerous bacteria die, read HERE


The best kefir for children

The most difficult task is choosing kefir for children. It is recommended for babies from 6 months of age. Special lines are assigned up to 3 years. 2 nominees recommended by the VyborExpert team can maintain an optimal balance of microorganisms and prevent digestive problems.

"Agusha" first spoon, 3.2%

Biokefir from the famous brand "Agusha" is enriched with probiotic microorganisms. Calorie content is 57 kcal. It differs from other products in that it is baby kefir from 6 months.

It contains normalized milk, kefir grain starter, and bifidobacteria, which help improve intestinal microflora and strengthen the immune system. Enriched with vitamins and minerals, it does not cause allergies in children, as it does not contain preservatives, dyes or GMOs. It has a pleasant delicate taste and sour milk smell.

The consistency is homogeneous, without lumps or grains. Packaged 204 g in small tetrapacks. The packaging is environmentally friendly as it is recyclable. For ease of use, there is a tube attached to the pack.


  • Allowed from 6 months;
  • Naturally;
  • Hypoallergenic;
  • Strengthening immunity;
  • No dyes, GMOs or flavors;
  • Short shelf life.


  • Price;
  • After opening it is not stored at all.

Contents include protein that is easier to digest than milk. The shelf life, subject to temperature conditions from +2 to +6 degrees, is 9 days, which indicates naturalness. After opening, do not store.

"Tender age 3.2%"

The following product from Voronezh Dairy Plant OJSC is suitable for use by children from 3 years of age. A natural drink that has a beneficial effect on the child’s digestive system. Calorie content 55 kcal.

Made from natural milk and a special starter culture of kefir grains. If you drink regularly, the intestines are protected from constipation, bones and teeth are strengthened. Thanks to this, the risk of developing anemia is reduced, vitamin D ensures the prevention of rickets in a child.

Lactic acid contained in the drink can improve appetite and is also an antiseptic. The product has a pleasant fermented milk taste and aroma, its consistency is homogeneous, without lumps. Packed in a plastic bag of 250/800 g.


  • Naturally;
  • Improves appetite;
  • Manufacturing according to GOST;
  • Choice of packaging volume;
  • Short shelf life.


  • After opening, it is necessary to pour into another container;
  • Towards the end of the shelf life, the sourness may increase.

The drink is made according to state standards and is absorbed by the child’s body by 90%. Recommended for use before bedtime. It is not stored for long, no more than 4 days at a temperature of +2 to +6 degrees.

How to choose kefir

The assortment of dairy products in stores is replete with a variety of brands and bright packaging. You should choose which kefir is best to drink based on its purpose, fat content, consistency and taste. Be sure to pay attention to the expiration and storage dates before you buy one.


Separate lines for children and adults are on sale. For the youngest audience, drinks are offered, where the age group is from 8 months to 3 years. What kefir to give to a child also depends on the composition.

Ideally, it should be made from whole milk, with the number of bacteria appropriate for age and weight category. Adult products include more live fungi and added beneficial bacteria to support digestive function.

Fat content

Almost all manufacturers offer lines of drinks with different fat content from 0.1 to 2.5-3.0%. Much less common are products with a fat content of 6%. In this case, the formula is enriched with cream.

The best kefir for weight loss is from 0 to 1%. It is dietary, but in taste it is inferior to those with medium fat content. Thanks to this indicator, you can drink it every day.

1-3% is a thick, rich consistency, refreshing with a slightly sour milky taste. If the proportion of fat is over 3%, then a feeling of satisfying hunger will also be ensured.

Consistency and taste

A high-quality product should have a uniform texture without impurities, lumps and clots. There should be no serum on the surface. All these indicators indicate a violation of production technology and low quality.

Density depends on the percentage of fat content. Kefir 0.5% has a watery, runny consistency. A drink with a fat content of 3.2% will be more viscous, dense and viscous. As for taste, it should be slightly sharp and sour.

Shelf life

A natural product made from whole milk with starter, if sealed, can be stored for no longer than 5-7 days. If special technologies and/or preservatives are involved, 10-14 days. A longer range may be a reason to doubt the naturalness and benefits.

After opening, it is important to keep the package and contents in the refrigerator for no longer than 2-3 days. The timing affects the taste and the way the product affects the body. The first day retains its softness, pleasant taste, and laxative effect. Then strength and pronounced sourness appear.


Another important condition is environmentally friendly packaging. Ideally, this should be glass or cardboard tetra bags. The first option increases the cost of the product, which is why many manufacturers use plastic bottles to save money. You also need to pay attention to the tightness, as well as the information content of the label.

How to choose the healthiest kefir

The closer to the point of sale the kefir is produced, the better

Photo: Evgenia GUSEVA

Everyone has long known that kefir is a low-calorie drink that is good for digestion. And it is good not only for women losing weight, but also for men (improves potency), the elderly and children (contains many vitamins and minerals necessary for the body). Natural kefir contains bifidobacteria and lactobacilli, B vitamins and vitamin D, which is essential for everyone - the main “crutches” of our immunity during the cold season. Kefir can be especially useful when we are taking antibiotics, as an additional source of probiotics. It also has antimicrobial properties.

But how to choose healthy kefir among all the variety that is on store shelves? While the most popular brands are being tested in laboratories, Roskachestvo experts suggest what to look for when purchasing.

Let's look at the composition

* Natural kefir should consist only of pasteurized milk and a starter culture of live bacteria.

* If you want to choose a product with maximum beneficial properties, take kefir with 2.5-3.2% fat content. Low-fat kefir does not contain fat and fat-soluble vitamins. For example, vitamin D in the absence of fat molecules is not absorbed.

* The closer to the point of sale the kefir is produced, the better.

* The shelf life of natural kefir reaches 10-14 days on average. But it depends on the packaging: in glass bottles it can be stored for 36 hours, and in polymer containers - 72 hours. If the packaging indicates that its shelf life is a month or more, then it is probably made using artificial emulsifiers and vegetable fats.

“Kefir, in which vegetable fats are found, cannot even be called a kefir product,” comments Elena Yurova, head of the technical and chemical control laboratory at VNIMI, candidate of technical sciences. – Kefir differs from a kefir product only in the starter used, and the composition of the milk cannot be changed. Therefore, the presence of vegetable fats in the product is counterfeit.

From the beginning of this year, according to amendments to the technical regulations of the Customs Union, kefir, which contains vegetable fats, will be called “a milk-containing product with a milk fat substitute, produced using kefir technology.” And it will stand separately from natural dairy products.

Fresh will relax, standing will strengthen

Those who want to use the special properties of kefir should look not only at the expiration date, but also at the production date.

! Fresh kefir (not older than two days from production) is less sour. It has laxative properties and more effectively cleanses the body of metabolic products.

! Starting from the third day of production, kefir becomes more acidic and contains a lot of lactic acid. In the case, on the contrary, it strengthens. “This is due to the presence of a certain microflora and alcohol content, which gives the fixing effect,” explained Lyudmila Vikulova, director of the research department of Roskachestvo.

Yellow does not mean bad

Normally, the color of kefir should be white, without shades. But research by Roskachestvo has shown that a yellowish tint is not necessarily a sign of unsuitability. This may depend on the fat content of the product and the quality of the raw materials.

The main thing is the smell, which should not be sharp, and the taste, which should not be bitter or, on the contrary, sweetish. Good kefir always gives off a slight sourness. Too sour kefir is also bad; storage rules may have been violated.

“Kefir is an extremely sensitive product, as it is made from live starter cultures, and any violations during transportation and storage can cause irreversible processes,” said Artem Belov, executive director of Soyuzmoloko. — The consumer should traditionally pay attention to the packaging, its absence of swelling, integrity, and also choose trusted manufacturers who value their reputation, and be wary of incredibly cheap goods.

How long to store kefir

Kefir should only be stored in the refrigerator. But even here there are some peculiarities. Opened packaging is stored at a temperature no higher than 10 ° C and no longer than 4-6 hours, because fermentation proceeds faster. The drink loses its beneficial properties.

Unopened packaging should be protected from exposure to sunlight and stored on the top shelf of the refrigerator at a temperature of 2-6 °C.

— During the fermentation of bacteria and yeast, which are contained in kefir starter, carbon dioxide appears in the drink, causing the lids and boxes to swell. If this happens, it is not at all necessary to immediately throw away the product; pay attention to its smell and color, it may still be suitable for consumption,” noted Lyudmila Vikulova.


Who shouldn't have kefir?

— First of all, these are people with high acidity of gastric juice. Also, kefir is prohibited for gastric and duodenal ulcers, hyperacid gastritis or pancreatitis, explained Doctor of Medical Sciences, nutritionist, herbalist Mariyat Mukhina.

Which kefir is better

Now you know which 10 brands and names have the highest purchasing power. Based on the selection criteria, you will be able to make a final decision on which product is the best. recommends paying attention once again to several review items:

  • “Chaban” 1% is a product approved by Roskontrol, a rich formula with lactobacilli, a high content of calcium and phosphorus;
  • BioMax 1% – delicious biokefir with bifidobacteria and probiotics, easy to digest for the diet menu;
  • “Asenyevskaya Farm”, 3.2% – produced by thermostatic method while preserving nutritional properties, pleasant rich taste;
  • “Prostokvashino”, 2.5% – popular brand, manufactured using advanced technologies, high content of probiotics and yeast, saturation;
  • "Agusha" first spoon, 3.2% - the best children's drink, as the first complementary food for babies, improving digestion.

This is one of the healthiest drinks for both children and adults. In summer it will be the best alternative to refreshing cocktails, in winter it will support the immune system. Which nominee to give preference to is up to you to decide through trials and experiments, as this is a matter of taste.

( 2 ratings, average 4.5 out of 5 )
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