Fruit bars: how to choose a really healthy one

Are protein or cereal bars always a really healthy snack? What are the benefits of protein bars? How much added sugar, preservatives, fats and other additives do they contain? Is it true that the labeling on bars often does not coincide with the actual composition, and there are no vitamins and minerals at all? What are the benefits and harms of energy bars? What are the benefits of cereal bars? To answer these and other questions, Roskachestvo experts examined healthy bars of four types from 20 brands: muesli/cereal (7 TM), fruit and fruit-nut bars (6 TM), protein (6 TM) and for weight loss (1 TM).


The study included four types of bars. They differ in composition and functional purpose. Protein (protein) bars are considered a good source of protein. They are recommended by sports nutritionists and trainers as supplements to the main diet if it is not possible to meet the daily protein requirement with the help of natural products, for example, during periods of weight gain, intense training and competitions. Muesli bars are a source of slow carbohydrates in the form of cereals, and may also contain berries, nuts and chocolate. Weight loss bars help prolong the feeling of fullness and reduce appetite, which is especially important for those who are losing weight. Fruit and fruit-nut bars are rich in fiber and micronutrients and contain beneficial elements from berries, nuts and fruits.

Before launching a special project to study the bars, Roskachestvo analysts studied the opinions of consumers and systematized the concerns associated with these snacks.

Main consumer fears:

  • A lot of sugar.
  • The calorie content and nutritional supplements declared by the manufacturer do not correspond to the actual values.
  • Large amount of saturated fatty acids.
  • Unhealthy or no different from regular chocolate bars.
  • Unfair labeling.
  • The protein content is less than stated.
  • Mentioning vitamins and minerals on packaging is a marketing ploy.
  • High calorie content (including due to sugar in different types, syrups, etc.).
  • Unnatural and harmful composition, presence of trans fats, preservatives.
  • Not tasty.

So, many are sure that the bars have an unnatural composition and contain a lot of sugar, preservatives and trans fats. There are concerns with the bars that manufacturers indicate incorrect values ​​on the packaging and that all claims about minerals, vitamins and high protein content are a marketing ploy. Let's check how true this is.

In order to find out which of these fears are groundless and which are justified, Roskachestvo experts examined popular bars: cereal/muesli - Everyday Gigant, DiYes, Healthy Snack, Moy Laik, Corny Big, Musler, Fitness; fruit and nut-fruit – Smart Formula, Pikki, RAW Life, “Frutilad”, Fit&Fruit, Bite; protein - Bombbar, 33 ProteinRex, Champ, Ironman (32 Protein Bar), Everyday, Schwarz; for weight loss – Racionika. Of these, 18 products were produced in Russia, 1 in Poland, 1 in Germany.

The products were studied according to 86 indicators, including labeling, organoleptic properties, amino acid composition and energy value.

The benefits and harms of cereal bars

Are protein or cereal bars always a really healthy snack? What are the benefits of protein bars? To find out the answers to these questions, Roskachestvo experts examined four types of bars from 20 brands.

Popular bars were tested: cereal/muesli – Everyday Gigant, DiYes, “Healthy Snack”, “My Like”, Corny Big, Musler, Fitness;
fruit and nut-fruit – Smart Formula, Pikki, RAW Life, “Frutilad”, Fit&Fruit, Bite; protein - Bombbar, 33 ProteinRex, Champ, Ironman (32 Protein Bar), Everyday, Schwarz; for weight loss – Racionika. Of these, 18 products were produced in Russia, one in Poland, and one in Germany. The products were studied according to 86 indicators, including labeling, organoleptic properties, amino acid composition and energy value. The experts did not find any serious discrepancies with the labeling. A small content of preservatives has been recorded in the bars of some TMs, but the myth that the bars consist of only “chemicals” is not confirmed. Trans fats were not found either. There were no comments regarding organoleptics. All the bars turned out to have the taste and smell characteristic of this type of product, all without any foreign flavors. Only one bar, Smart Formula, had a soft consistency, and the products of 11 TMs were determined to be hard. When choosing, keep this in mind so that your teeth are not damaged. Of the 20 TMs, only the Pikki marking did not correspond to the actual value. True, the manufacturer did not overestimate, but underestimated the protein content on the label: tests showed 10.16 g per 100 g instead of the stated 9.2 g. As expected, the protein bars lived up to their name: they contain the largest amount of protein compared to others types of bars. But within the group, the spread is more than twofold: the protein snack itself, Schwarz, has 35.7 g per 100 g, while Champ has only 16.9 g. Among all the studied bars, none of the bars showed discrepancies in fat labeling with actual content. However, wide variation was found in the nut and fruit bar category. The most saturated with fat found 23.9 g (Pikki), while in the same category the Fit&Fruit bar has only 8.5 g. The presence of nuts in the composition does not mean that the snack will be rich in fat. The daily fat intake should be about 83 g with a calorie content of 2500 kcal per day. Be mindful of the fat content when consuming nut products. The largest amount of carbohydrates is found in fruit bars “Frutilad” (73.9 g) and Smart Formula (73 g). For comparison: the Racionika weight loss bar contains 48.7 g of carbohydrates, and the Champ carbohydrate protein bar itself contains 54.6 g. And although Champ has 40.4 g on the label, these are average values, which is what the manufacturer warns about. In relation to indicators of the nutritional value of food products, the labeling may be supplemented with the inscription: “Average values”. In this case, a discrepancy between the declared and actual values ​​is allowed. The highest calorie bar, Pikki, covers almost 1/5 of the daily requirement - 18.4%, while the bar with the lowest calorie content, Healthy Snack, covers only 4.06%. Considering that one “Healthy Snack” bar weighs 55 g, then such a snack will leave too little of a trace in the overall daily requirement - only 2%. To confirm or refute the myth that the bars are unnatural products in which the level of preservatives is off the charts, the level of three acids used in food products as preservatives was also determined. Products of all trademarks were tested for compliance with the Safety Requirements for food additives, flavorings and technological aids, for which the content of benzoic, sorbic and sulfurous acids in them was determined. Benzoic acid (E210) was found only in products 4, RAW Life, Champ, Ironman (32 Protein Bar). But even in the case of the “My Like” bar with the highest content of benzoic acid (539.6 mg), this cannot be called a violation: the norms allow less than 1500 mg of the substance. Author Dinara Dusalieva
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A survey conducted by Roskachestvo showed that when choosing bars, the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BZhU) was a more important criterion than calorie content and price. Experts have found out how much protein the bars contain and how many amino acids can be obtained from them. What is the composition of protein bars?

Amount of protein

Of the 20 TMs, only the Pikki marking did not correspond to the actual value. True, the manufacturer did not overestimate, but underestimated the protein content on the label: tests showed 10.16 g per 100 g instead of the stated 9.2 g.

As expected, protein bars live up to their name: they contain the highest amount of protein compared to other types of bars. But within the group, the spread is more than twofold: the protein snack itself, Schwarz, has 35.7 g per 100 g, while Champ has only 16.9 g.

So what did our review of protein bars reveal? The discrepancy between the declared protein content and the actual protein content in protein bars can be called a myth. The best of them are a good source of concentrated protein and are superior in protein content to many grains, dairy products, meat and fish.

High protein foods (per 100 g):

  • Dried porcini mushrooms – 30.3 g
  • Peanuts – 26.3 g
  • Cheese “Dutch” 45% – 26.3 g
  • Tuna – 24.4
  • Lentils (grain) – 24 g
  • Chicken meat – 18.2 g
  • Chicken egg – 12.7 g

“Protein bars are needed by athletes to increase their daily protein intake when making a protein shake or eating a meal is not possible. Carbohydrate and energy bars (containing caffeine or guarana) are used to nourish athletes of cyclic and team sports at a distance or during a game. The good thing about the bars is that you can take them on the go and use them without additional preparation. Plus, you'll get a controlled dose of macronutrients with the bar. Protein bars should be taken evenly throughout the day between meals. You can eat carbohydrates before and during work,” says Honored Bodybuilding Coach of Russia, Master of Sports in Bodybuilding, Master of Sports in Powerlifting Alexey Kornilov.

But you need to remember that even protein bars contain a portion of carbohydrates, the expert clarifies. Those losing weight especially need to monitor their carbohydrate content. It is not recommended to take caffeinated bars in the evening. Do not substitute bars for essential natural meals, but if you have whole food on hand, use it.

“I would recommend using quality bars for people who regularly exercise. In this case, the method of including bars in the diet will depend on the type of sport and on the person’s goals, says nutritionist and member of the Russian Union of Nutritionists, Dieticians and Food Industry Specialists Nagima Semchukova. — Also, sometimes people who are unable to fully eat food (on the road, at a meeting) can get benefits from eating bars. However, remember that you should not regularly replace full meals with bars, no matter how good quality they are.”

Amino acids

Protein not only performs a structural function, but is also an enzyme or biological catalyst that speeds up reactions. Protein molecules consist of amino acids arranged in a certain sequence, and they are divided into two groups: nonessential and essential. The human body can synthesize nonessential amino acids itself, but essential ones must be ingested with food, because their deficiency leads to weakened memory and decreased immunity. There are eight such amino acids: isoleucine, valine, leucine, methionine, threonine, tryptophan, lysine and phenylalanine. The remaining amino acids are classified as non-essential, but some of them are conditional, since a non-essential amino acid can be synthesized in the body only from an essential one.

Thus, it is important to get 11 amino acids from food. According to WHO recommendations, the daily requirement for essential amino acids for an adult weighing 70 kg is 12.88 g. Will one bar be able to cover the need for all of them at once?

One bar is not, but 2-3 bars (depending on the weight of the product) can and will even exceed the norm. Three protein bars will cope with this: Ironman (109% of the daily requirement), Schwarz (109.36%) and Bombbar (123.3%). The Racionika weight loss bar also showed good results – 52.72%.

“If we exercise, we need to count all the calories we consume during the day. A candy bar containing fiber, protein and carbohydrates will be better than a chocolate bar or just some other sweet with sugar and other additives. This bar will take much longer to digest than a regular chocolate bar. But it is worth considering that if the bar contains sweeteners, they can cause discomfort in the intestines. And if the goal is still to lose weight, then, from my point of view, you need to do without bars, but eat whole foods and follow a diet and training regimen,” says Honored Master of Sports, two-time world champion in body fitness, Yulia Ushakova.

What does granola do, is it healthy?


It is high in calories and rich in protein, fiber and microelements. It especially contains iron, magnesium, zinc, copper, selenium, B vitamins and vitamin E.

However, the nutritional profile varies greatly depending on the ingredients used.

What are the benefits of muesli?

Although there is little scientific research on granola itself, its commonly used ingredients, such as oats, flax seeds, chia seeds and almonds, are very healthy.

Keeps you feeling full thanks to its high fiber content

Most muesli is rich in protein and fiber, which help keep you full. Protein, ghrelin

and levels of important satiety hormones such as GLP-1.


High protein ingredients include nuts such as almonds, walnuts and cashews, and seeds such as hemp and sesame seeds.

Additionally, high-fiber foods like oats, nuts, and seeds slow stomach emptying and increase digestion time, which can help you feel fuller longer and control your appetite.

What are the other potential health benefits?

Increases blood pressure

High-fiber ingredients like oats and flaxseed have been shown to help lower blood pressure.

Reduces cholesterol levels

Oatmeal This is a good source of beta-glucan, a type of fiber that tries to lower total cholesterol and LDL (bad) cholesterol, which are two risk factors for heart disease.

Reduces blood sugar levels

Whole grains, dried fruits, nuts and seeds can help control blood sugar, especially in people with obesity or prediabetes.

Improves gut health


it has been found to increase levels of beneficial gut bacteria compared to refined breakfast cereals.

Contains many antioxidants

Ingredients such as coconut, chia seeds and Brazil nuts, gallic acid, quercetin, selenium

and vitamin E, good sources of anti-inflammatory antioxidants.

Easy to cook and eat


This is a good option for backpackers and backpackers as it is easy to store for a long time.

What's wrong with muesli?


While some of its ingredients are healthy, they can be high in calories and contain added fats and sugars.

Oils such as vegetable oil, coconut oil, and nut oil are often added to improve cohesion, flavoring, and frying.

However, they provide additional calories. Eating more than the specified serving increases the risk of obesity and metabolic disorders, causing unwanted weight gain.

Additionally, it is recommended to limit sugar intake to 10% of total daily calories; This equates to about 2,000 teaspoons (12 grams) of sugar in a 50-calorie diet.

some granola

One serving contains about 4 teaspoons (17 grams) of sugar. Eating larger than standard size food means consuming excessive amounts of sugar.

Eating too much sugar can increase the risk of many diseases, such as type 2 diabetes, obesity, heart disease, dental caries and even some types of cancer.

So be careful with ingredients like chocolate chips, honey and dried fruits with added sugar.


Among all the bars studied, none of the bars showed discrepancies between the fat labeling and the actual content. However, they found a wide range of indicators in the category of nut and fruit bars. The most saturated with fat found 23.9 g (Pikki), while in the same category the Fit&Fruit bar has only 8.5 g. The presence of nuts in the composition does not mean that the snack will be rich in fat. According to TR CU 022/2011, the daily fat intake should be about 83 g (with a calorie content of 2500 kcal per day). Be mindful of the fat content when consuming nut products.

Tip: Fats can slow down digestion, so nutritionists and athletes do not recommend consuming high-fat bars before physical activity.

When consuming fats, it is important that saturated fats make up less than 10% of your total daily fat intake, and when consuming, you should replace saturated fats and trans fats with unsaturated fats, as recommended by WHO. Not all of the bars studied meet this standard: seven of them contain less than 10% saturated fatty acids (SFA), while for some brands this content exceeds 30%, which is three times the norm.

Pros and cons of energy bars

Among all the advantages, we highlight several main ones:

  • this is a ready-made product that does not require time for preparation;
  • can be stored for a long time;
  • compact;
  • replenish protein deficiency;
  • protein bars contain much less carbohydrates and trans fats than chocolate bars;
  • low calorie content of the product;
  • excess amino acids are quickly eliminated from the body.

As you can see, the energy bar does not have any significant health benefits. Unless it can serve as a quick replenishment of energy at the right time during a strict diet.

But what do researchers and doctors talk about, is there any threat from such a product?

Cons of energy bars:

  • does not replace a full meal, however, it is the best alternative to fast food of its kind;
  • sometimes the “energy bar” label may hide the most ordinary sweets that can harm your figure;
  • real protein bars can be very high in calories, almost like a regular meal, so you need to carefully read the composition;
  • high price.

Eating more energy bars can increase the load on the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. In addition, in such cases there are often complaints of constipation. What happens if you constantly take such bars without following the rules? As a result, the body will begin to use protein not as a “building” element, but as an energy one; in fact, it becomes analogous to protein shakes. But remember, in such cases you will have to make an effort to spend all the extra energy, otherwise there is a chance that the result of excessive consumption of an energy bar will remain noticeable on the figure and certainly not in the best sense of these words.


Carbohydrates in the product are the main source of calories. Nutritionist Nagima Semchukova explains that all micro- and macronutrients are important and needed by our body, but the effect of nutrients can be different. For example, carbohydrates include both cereal flakes and glucose syrup, but their effects on the body are different. In almost 100% of cases, cereal flakes will benefit you more than glucose syrup. The less processed the constituent ingredients of the bar are, the fewer sweeteners it contains, the healthier it will be for us, regardless of the percentage of ingredients.

During the study, experts checked the declared indicators in the labeling with the actual ones, and also calculated how many calories from the daily requirement can be obtained from one bar. No one wants to go overboard with just one snack.

We took into account the mass fraction of carbohydrates without fiber and found inconsistencies in two TMs:

  • “Healthy snack”: the carbohydrate content in the label is 10 times higher. Instead of the declared 78.73 g, only 7.5 g were found.
  • Bombbar: the carbohydrate content in the label is underestimated. Instead of the indicated 6.5 g, 17.5 g were found.

According to TR CU 022/2011, it is recommended to consume 365 g or 1460 kcal of carbohydrates per 2500 kcal/day. The largest amount of carbohydrates is found in fruit bars “Frutilad” (73.9 g) and Smart Formula (73 g). For comparison: the Racionika weight loss bar contains 48.7 g of carbohydrates, and the Champ carbohydrate protein bar itself contains 54.6 g. And although Champ has 40.4 g on the label, these are average values, as the manufacturer warns. With regard to indicators of the nutritional value of food products, the labeling may be supplemented with the inscription “average values” (Article 4, Chapter 4.9, Clause 14 of TR CU 022/2011 “Food products regarding their labeling”). In this case, a discrepancy between the declared and actual values ​​is allowed.

To better understand these numbers, let's compare the highest carbohydrate bar with other products:

  • Medium banana – 28 g
  • Whole wheat spaghetti (140 g) – 37 g
  • Plain bagel – 38 g
  • Baked sweet potatoes (200 g) – 49 g

Conclusion: one bar will clearly not be enough to immediately exceed your daily carbohydrate intake. Even a banana will be more energy-intensive. Perhaps people with a lot of physical activity, on the contrary, will be disappointed by the relatively low carbohydrate content in one snack. But it should be taken into account that insufficient energy saturation with a bar can lead to the desire to eat another one, and this will already affect the daily calorie intake.

Energy bars ranking: from worst to best

How do you know which energy bars are healthy and which are just pretend? Nutritionist Margarita Koroleva spoke about the composition, Masha Botvinina appreciated the taste. We really want to believe that an energy bar is always about proper nutrition, fitness and other healthy lifestyle. “Well, this is not Snickers!”, we say, throwing on the third bar and skimping on lunch. — It says “slim” on it! And even “Fit”! And I bought it on the healthy food shelf in the supermarket. Or even at the pharmacy. There will definitely be no harm!”

At least, that’s what I always told myself, until I asked myself: is every candy bar better than a Snickers bar? After all, Snickers also has something healthy (like nuts) and something tasty (the notorious thick layer of chocolate). And it also gives a boost of energy. (And how much pleasure mixed with the awareness of the Fall, and even sweeter... Mmm..:)

All that I (and, I think, any average person) knew about the bars was that they should not contain fat (this is a plus), their glycemic index is usually high (up to 70 units) and their calorie content is also quite high. Therefore, they can be considered a separate meal and don’t delude yourself too much on this score.

But it turned out that in order to find out which of the bars is good and which is a disguised Snickers, they can - and should - be taken apart literally to the bones. Therefore, I decided to ask nutritionist Margarita Koroleva, candidate of medical sciences and head of the healthy food delivery company “Royal Ration” about the composition.

She said that all the ingredients in energy bars can be divided into useful and not so healthy.

Useful ingredients of the bars:

  • Freeze-dried fruit pieces – preserve the vitamins contained in fresh fruits.
  • Nuts and dried fruits are excellent high-energy foods. They saturate the body with vegetable proteins, fats, carbohydrates, microelements and the best vitamins. Almonds, dried apricots, walnuts, prunes, and pear pieces satisfy hunger well. But they are very high in calories, read the packaging carefully!
  • Flax and chia seeds contain vitamins A, groups B, C, E, F, PP, various microelements and natural fiber, Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids. They are antioxidants.
  • Dates – can replace sugar-containing foods and pure sugar for those with a sweet tooth. They are very high in calories, but for active people one bar with dates will not affect the figure in any way.
  • Cereals - or rather, proper cereals, the original raw materials for which have not been seriously processed, contain a large amount of complex carbohydrates, fiber and vitamins. However, these are not easy to find: they must consist of visible whole grains, including a shell and an intact kernel - these are usually immediately noticeable.

Not the most healthy components of the bars:

  • Sugar and fructose - well, everything is clear here. Opt for bars that contain honey or maple syrup instead. They are well digestible and contain vitamins and microelements that are not found in sugar. Plus, maple syrup contains antioxidants.
  • Palm oil contains a large amount of saturated fatty acids, which contribute to the development of cardiovascular diseases. It is harmless in small doses, but the trouble is that it is stored for a long time and improves the taste of products, so manufacturers add it wherever they can: candy, cookies, chocolate, instant noodles, croutons, crackers, etc.
  • Emulsifier E322 or lecithin is an artificially produced food additive obtained from plant materials. Lecithin, which has not been chemically processed and is found in food products, is necessary for our body. However, artificially isolated lecithin (this one is designated E322) does not provide any benefit. It is often extracted from GMOs, the effect of which on the body has not been fully studied.
  • Emulsifier E476 - this designation hides polyglyceryl polyricinoleate, a cheap substitute for natural cocoa butter, which is why it is often added to chocolate. In most cases there is no harm from it, although some scientists believe that it can promote enlargement of the liver and kidneys.
  • Molasses (maltodextrin) has a high glycemic index - 105-130 units, so it is useful for athletes working to gain weight, but not for those losing weight.”

After listening to such a mini-lecture, I made a rating of 7 bars - from the most dubious option to the most useful. And ate them :)

Muesli bar “Wild berries in yogurt”, Ego

Masha: “Oh, what a chemical berry aroma hits your nose when you tear open the packaging! The bar is frankly and unabashedly delicious - there are some sweet particles, the rice balls crunch joyfully. Below is a layer of yogurt that looks strikingly similar to white chocolate.

Healthy ingredients: pieces of fruit (pineapple, wild berry granules, blackberry and blueberry puree, dried apples and raisins). There are cereals, but already processed, oatmeal and honey.

Doubtful: sugar, cocoa butter substitutes, lecithin E322 and emulsifier 476, vegetable fat.

Per 100 g: proteins - 5 g, fats - 11 g, carbohydrates - 71 g. Energy value - 412 kcal. Weight - 25 g.

Taste: excellent, alas :).

Healthy lifestyle rating - 7

Price: 26.50 rub. at the Utkonos store

Nut and Pumpkin Muesli Bar, Nature Land

Masha: “Peanuts, Brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds, cut into large pieces and poured with sweet syrup, lie on a layer of chocolate. Tasty? Yes. Nourishing? Very! Healthy? I doubt it - the composition is full of sugar, vegetable fats, leticin, emulsifiers. The only healthy thing is nuts.”

In 40 g: proteins - 6.9 g, fats - 16.2 g, carbohydrates - 11.8 g. Energy value - 215.2 kcal. Weight - 40 g.

Taste: alas again - excellent again :)

Healthy lifestyle rating - 4-5-6

Price: 37 rub. in the online store "Sportvitamin"

Apple and cereal muesli bar, Fortex Muesli

Masha: “A bit dry and harsh. It looks like pressed cardboard and tastes like an incomprehensible sweet mass with crunchy rice balls. Small particles remain in the teeth, which can then be carefully and thoughtfully picked out with the tongue. Healthy ingredients include flakes (alas, not whole, but ground), raisins, pineapple (although there are candied fruits, and they are questionable) and apple. Questionable ones include molasses, butter substitute, sugar and fructose.”

Per 100 g: proteins - 5.2 g, fats - 19.3 g, carbohydrates - 70.4 g. Energy value - 486 kcal. Weight - 40 g.

Taste: so-so

Healthy lifestyle rating - 4-5-6

Price: 35 rub. in the online store "Sportmaster"

“Tonic bar with nuts and goji berries”, Leovit

Masha: “All nuts: peanuts, almonds, plus rice balls. Filled with molasses. All together it’s not too sweet and unexpectedly (despite the low calorie content) it’s simply hyper-satisfying. Only 30 grams, but it seems that you can go into the forest with it alone for three days. Healthy: nuts, rice, goji berries, cherries. But, alas, molasses, vegetable oil, emulsifier.”

In 30 g: proteins - 3.9 g, fats - 9 g, carbohydrates - 11.1 g. Energy value - 141 kcal. Weight - 30 g.

Taste: normal :)

Healthy lifestyle rating: 4-5-6

Price: 54 rub. on the brand's website

Bar “Tropical Paradise” with vitamin C, “Good Traditions”

Masha: “Finally, diversity! No dates, no nuts! Solid fruit: pineapple, kiwi, fig and apricot - everything is cut into small pieces and it is clear which fruit is which. The bar is soft, not dry, no chemical smell. True, the fibers get stuck in the teeth :). The good thing is fruit, the bad thing is molasses.”

In 30 g: proteins - 0.6 g, fats - 0.12 g, carbohydrates - 22 g. Energy value - 91 kcal. Weight - 30 g.

Taste: Good.

Healthy lifestyle rating: 3

Price: 30 rub. at the pharmacy

1-2. Fruit bar Bio Raspberry, Lubs

Masha: “You can’t feel the raspberries at all, not even the aroma. It’s a pity - I wanted to remember the summer. Instead - ground dates with small pieces of almonds. A little dry, but tasty. The composition is close to ideal: dates, almonds, raspberry flakes, agave syrup instead of sugar and raspberry juice concentrate. No harmful effects were detected. We must take it."

Per 100 g: proteins - 9.3 g, fats - 18.6 g, carbohydrates - 47.5 g. Energy value - 420 kcal. Weight - 30 g.

Taste: decent.

Healthy lifestyle rating: 1-2 place prizes.

Price: 130 rub. in the ABC of Taste store

1-2. Nut-fruit bar coconut, Bite

Masha: “No yogurt or chocolate, just a homogeneous mass with white specks of something ground. It doesn't smell like anything. It feels like you are chewing coconut flakes with ground nuts and something else. Overall similar to Fortex and Lubs but not as dry. Not too tasty, really. He's clearly missing something. Or I don't like coconut. It contains only healthy ingredients: dates, coconut, nuts, chia seeds. There’s nothing to complain about.”

In 45 g: proteins - 3.5 g, fats - 12 g, carbohydrates - 22 g. Energy value - 202 kcal. Weight - 45 g.

Taste: not for everyone

Healthy lifestyle rating: one of two leaders

Price: 138 rub. in the ABC of Taste store

To be honest, I did not expect such variety: both ingredients and tastes. The fact that Lubs and Bite turned out to be not the most delicious is not surprising: they do not contain sugar. So this is even more of a plus.

The rest seemed so-so to me - they contain sugar, palm oil, and emulsifiers. I didn’t see any whole grain flakes, honey or maple syrup without any mention of sugar. Many simply indicate vegetable oil, but guess what it is - guess for yourself.

However, I doubt that just one of these bars will make me give up my skates. Moreover, I’ve already eaten them all, and I’m still alive :)

Do you snack on these bars? Which ones do you like?

We thank Margarita Koroleva, candidate of medical sciences, nutritionist, head of the healthy food delivery company “Royal Ration” for her help.


Fiber (the second name for dietary fiber) is primarily responsible for the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Plant fibers come in two types: soluble and insoluble. In the intestines they absorb water and turn into a gel-like substance. According to TR CU 022/2011, it is recommended to consume 30 g of fiber per 2500 kcal per day.

In the course of the study, experts calculated the mass fraction of dietary fiber in a bar per 100 g. As it turned out, the bars are far enough away for one bite to provide the daily amount of fiber. At the same time, the most fiber-rich types of bars were muesli and protein bars, and not fruit and nut bars, as one might expect.

A bar of only one TM can meet the daily requirement - “Healthy snack” (63.44 g per 100 g). No discrepancies were found with any labeling regarding fiber content. As nutritionist Nagima Semchukova warns, eating cereal bars containing a large amount of dietary fiber can lead to intestinal dysfunction.

Cooking at home

If possible, it is always better to make this product yourself rather than buy it at the supermarket without even looking at the composition of the muesli bar. This way you will know for sure that only natural and healthy ingredients are included in it. The most commonly used are oatmeal, whole grains, nuts, honey, seeds (sesame, pumpkin, sunflower), and homemade dried fruits. Instead of honey, you can add agave syrup or stevia extract, and also use banana pulp, apples, and dates.

Such products are prepared simply and quickly. You can also involve children in this activity; they will be happy to mix the mixture and cut the bars.

With orange for tone


  • 200 g oatmeal;
  • 100 g dried fruits;
  • 100 g nuts;
  • orange zest - to taste;
  • 4 tbsp. l. orange juice;
  • 60 g honey;
  • 2 tsp. vegetable oil.

You can take any oil, but it is better to give preference to the first cold-pressed product, regardless of the source raw material. Sunflower, flaxseed, sesame, and pumpkin are suitable.


  1. Chop the nuts with a knife.
  2. Remove the zest from the orange and squeeze out the juice.
  3. Divide the dried fruits into parts: grind one half with honey (30 g) to a paste, cut the second into slices.
  4. Combine flakes, nuts, zest, dried fruits. Add the remaining honey, juice and oil. Stir until all components are evenly distributed throughout the mixture.
  5. Line a baking tray with baking paper and place the mixture on it. Roll out into an even layer.

Place in the oven and bake for about a third of an hour at 180 degrees. Cut the still hot dessert into rectangles or squares. Serve cooled. This delicacy will definitely please little ones with a sweet tooth, and adults will not remain indifferent to it.

With apple and cinnamon

Required set of products:

  • a glass of oatmeal;
  • a handful of dried fruits;
  • 2 apples;
  • a handful of sunflower seeds;
  • several nuts;
  • cinnamon.


  1. Soak dried fruits.
  2. Grind the apples and chop the nuts with a knife.
  3. Finely chop the dried fruits.
  4. Mix all ingredients to form a viscous, viscous mass.
  5. Place on a baking sheet lined with paper and bake for about half an hour.

When the cake is browned, you need to take it out and immediately cut it into portioned bars. Store the finished treat in the refrigerator.


One of the most pressing consumer questions relates to the energy value of bars. Doesn't the manufacturer underestimate the calorie content in the labeling? For those who carefully monitor their weight and count calories, it is important that the snack does not have any hidden calories.

Consumers’ fears were not in vain: almost a third of the brands studied provide incorrect information about the energy value of their products. True, not all of them underestimate calories; there are also those where the number of calories was overestimated.

Nagima Semchukova, nutritionist: If your goal is weight loss, carbohydrate or protein bars, combined with training and a balanced diet, are an excellent tool for achieving your goal. Simply losing weight by eating snack bars is not a good idea. Firstly, it can have the opposite effect because some bars are very high in calories. Secondly, the bars do not contain enough of all the essential nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

What is the nutritional value of a granola bar?

Muesli bars

; It is made from ingredients such as oats, dried fruits, nuts, seeds, honey, coconut and chocolate chips. The nutritional value of these bars varies greatly depending on the brand and ingredients used. While many varieties are higher in sugar and calories, there are some that are healthy.

Granola Bar
Most contain about 100–300 calories, 1–10 grams of protein, and 1–7 grams of fiber per serving.
Many also add some micronutrients, including B vitamins, calcium, magnesium and iron.


The daily calorie requirement is influenced by several factors: age, gender, body weight, level of physical activity. Accordingly, there are several methods for calculating calorie content for each day. We took the average amount of 2500 kcal per day (according to TR CU 022/2011), but please note that, for example, a 33-year-old woman weighing 55 kg with average physical activity requires a much smaller amount of calories - about 1690 kcal per day.

The highest calorie bar – Pikki – covers almost 1/5 of the daily requirement – ​​18.4%, while the bar with the lowest calorie content – ​​“Healthy Snack” – only 4.06%. Considering that one “Healthy Snack” bar weighs 55 g, then such a snack will leave too little of a trace in the overall daily requirement - only 2%.

Nagima Semchukova explains: “The bars are a concentrated source of nutrients. However, of course, they should not be used as a regular meal (consumed instead of full meals). Yes, with a high-quality composition, they can serve as a good, healthy addition to a balanced diet, but you should resort to consuming them during periods of high physical activity, as well as in situations where it is not possible to fully eat food (for example, on hikes, trips) or provide compliance with hygiene measures. Bars are a way to provide the body with support in conditions when it is most needed.”

Composition and calorie content of a muesli bar

The main component of the bar is oats, although sometimes it is replaced with barley, wheat or rye. The role of the binding mass is most often performed by honey, chocolate, and molasses. Nuts, seeds, and dried fruits can be used as additional components.

The calorie content of a muesli bar is quite high.

The exact numbers depend on the composition and volume of a particular ingredient. But the approximate level remains at 410-500 kcal.


Many consumer concerns were associated with the main property of the bar - its sweet taste. If this snack is so tasty and sweet, then maybe there is nothing in it but sugar?


To find out whether the bar was made from the same glaze and wafer wafer, their mass fraction in the entire product was determined. The study did not find figures for half or a third of the bar.


When calculating the total sugar content in the bars, the results showed a very wide range of values ​​- from 7.9 g per 100 g to 63.6 (which is almost two-thirds of 100 g of product!). In general, most manufacturers do not provide data on the amount of sugar on packaging, which makes it difficult for consumers leading a healthy lifestyle to make a choice. Only two brands included information about sugar on packaging. But these values ​​did not coincide with the actual ones. The Corny Big label indicates 33 g - in fact 38.1, Fitness - states 22 g, but in fact 37.3.

Manufacturers of 5 brands included the information “no added sugar” on the label, which was confirmed by the study. But sources of sugar in them can be other ingredients from the composition - fruits, berries, dairy products, etc.

According to WHO recommendations, reducing the intake of free sugars to less than 10% of total energy intake is part of a healthy diet, and reducing their intake to less than 5% is believed to provide additional health benefits. You won’t be able to meet the recommended norms with any bar: consuming 100 g of any of them will exceed the norm, but during the day it’s possible to consume other sources of sugar.

Conclusion: in general, fears are justified, since the bars can indeed contain a lot of sugar, and some exceed the daily intake. But among the variety of these products, you can find those in which the sugar content will be less than 10 g (per 100 g), in particular those without added sugar. When choosing, keep in mind that sugar in the bars will still be contained in some of the main components of the product.

Granola bar recipe

Granola bar

When purchasing, you should check the ingredient label carefully and choose products that are primarily made from real foods, such as fruits, nuts, and grains. Also look for a product that contains less than 10 grams of sugar, at least 5 grams of protein and 3 grams of fiber.

If you're watching your weight, pay attention to the calorie content and choose bars with less than 250 calories per serving.

Plus, you can make it using just a few simple ingredients. homemade granola bar

you can also choose.
Request for making granola bars at home

How to make a granola bar?

  • 2 cups oats
  • 1 cup hazelnuts (almonds, walnuts, pistachios, etc.)
  • 1 small bowl of dates
  • 1/4-1/2 cup peanut butter
  • 1/4 cup maple syrup or honey (optional)
  • Mixtures such as dried fruit or chocolate chips

Before adding to the mixture, remove the dates into the robot and cut them into small pieces. Also heat the peanut butter and maple syrup or honey in the pan for about a minute.

Mix the ingredients, pour into any bowl or baking dish and place in the freezer for 20-25 minutes. Then slice and serve.



In various materials on the Internet you can find loud statements that nutrition bars can not only give you a boost of energy, but also become a good source of vitamins and minerals. Consumers whose opinions were asked before the start of the study are skeptical: there are no vitamins in the bars, it’s all advertising. Among the 20 branded bars in our study, only four manufacturers included claims about vitamins and minerals on their packaging. Let's see if we can trust this information.


Among all the minerals, two were selected - calcium and iron - to see whether the labeling claims corresponded to the actual content.

Iron. According to TR CU 022/2011, vitamins and minerals constitute at least 15% of the average daily requirement of an adult for vitamins and minerals per 100 g of solid food products. If the manufacturer indicates the amount of some mineral substance on the packaging, then SanPiN allows deviations in this case. According to SanPiN clause 8.3.2, deviations of no more than 20% are allowed for the declared iron content. Among the 20 TMs, only Bite showed a discrepancy: instead of the indicated 2.2 mg of iron, the bar actually contained 2.8 mg.

If we compare the composition of the bars by the presence of iron, the scatter appears to be very large. According to TR CU 022/2011, the recommended daily iron intake is 14 mg. The leader in this indicator, the Fitness cereal bar, covers 81% of the daily requirement, while 33 ProteinRex covers only 6%.

Calcium. There were also no comments regarding the reliability of the calcium content in the labeling. Only one manufacturer inflated the numbers: instead of the stated 300 mg per 100 g, only 103 mg was found. And here the scatter in the content of this element turned out to be quite large. Bars with minimal calcium content will cover 1.5% of the daily requirement of 1000 mg, while the leader, Schwarz, will cover 34% of the daily requirement.


As in the case of minerals, SanPiN allows for a discrepancy between the amount stated in the labeling and the actual content. For different vitamins and vitamin groups there are different deviation standards: for vitamins C, B1, B2, B6 – 20%; for vitamins A, D, E, B12, folic acid – 30%.

In the Roskachestvo study, the presence and content of the following vitamins were determined: B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, B12, C, A, D2, D3 and E. Let us say right away that there are no massive discrepancies between the declared and actual content. Only two brands have inconsistencies:

  • Bite: inconsistencies in vitamins B1, B2, B3, B6 and E.
  • Schwarz: inconsistencies in vitamins B1, B2, B9, B12, A, D3.

However, you should not rely on the fact that the bar will cover your daily requirement for all essential vitamins and minerals at once. Among all the products studied, there is not a single bar that achieves 100 percent in this regard. There is also no clear leader in terms of the sum of indicators: a certain bar may be a leader in one vitamin group, but will be inferior in terms of the content of other vitamins. Considering this and the wide variation in indicators among TMs, read the labeling carefully. Contrary to expectations, the bars actually contain vitamins and minerals, although their amounts do not always correspond to what is indicated on the label. The differences are small, so in most cases you can count on the fact that you will receive exactly as many vitamins as indicated by the manufacturer.

Proper nutrition or are granola bars healthy?

Nutritionists from all over the world classify muesli bars as products for proper nutrition and health maintenance. These little compressed morsels, made up of grains and honey (for the most part), are the newest generation of multifunctional foods. They are an excellent addition to the diet of athletes, children of middle and high school age, pregnant women and nursing mothers (in the absence of allergic reactions to components, such as nuts or raisins). Muesli is a source of vitamins, dietary fiber and microelements.

A fly in the ointment with me... with muesli bars!

Who doesn’t love this crunchy, fun and wonderful-tasting “chocolate” made from seeds, oatmeal, nuts, fruits and raisins, pressed into a bar shape? Surely, if not every second, then certainly every third woman who has decided to take on her figure, knows this simple recipe for a muesli bar - a mixture for weight loss. And you don’t know for sure what piece you’ll get on your teeth - either a nut, or a raisin - it’s always a pleasant surprise. However, there is one very significant “but”.

Questionable muesli bar recipes. Is it worth buying?

Many store-bought candy bars (for clarity and credibility, they are often sold in pharmacies) do not meet the requirements that the Ministry of Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences places on this product. 80 percent of all the bars sold in supermarkets are completely zero for your health, that is, there is no harm from them, and you will not find any benefit either. They are prepared on an industrial scale - mix this, this and this, press it, cut it into pieces, package it... done! No aging of ingredients or selection for quality and energy content.

Do not neglect the advice of nutritionists; buy muesli bars only from those manufacturers who have an excellent reputation. Don't believe colorful packaging and loud slogans - the truth is inside them.

According to the latest research in the United States and Europe, these store-bought “hearty snacks, sources of healthy whole grains, low-calorie and sugar-free bars” are a storehouse of empty calories, artificially loaded with fats, chemicals and flavors identical to natural ones. And everywhere it’s all E, e, e, e...

How to eat healthy and without harm to your health?

By eating the right muesli bars (bought in specialized establishments), you will maintain health and excellent physical shape. They are not only tasty, but also healthy and great for small snacks between breakfast and lunch or dinner. They are very mobile, take up little space and can fit even in the smallest handbag. You can take the bars with you on a trip, to training or to lectures.

Real, that is, high-quality muesli bars with a competent recipe can be purchased in the online store, where, in addition to this product, you can find many products for dietary nutrition.

The “Sport & Food Bars” section offers delicious bars that you can easily order, pay for and... eat! These bars are suitable for use at any time of the day and with any liquids, be it water, soda (harmful, but acceptable), coffee, yoghurts (drinkable), tea or juices. The high content of calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium, phosphorus and vitamins B, A and E will allow you to forget about such a problem as seasonal vitamin deficiency.

PS Muesli bars are considered a food product for a category of people who prefer a healthy lifestyle and everything natural!


To confirm or refute the myth that the bars are unnatural products in which the level of preservatives is off the charts, the level of three acids used in food products as preservatives was determined. Products of all trademarks were tested for compliance with TR CU 029/2012 “Safety requirements for food additives, flavorings and technological aids”, for which the content of benzoic, sorbic and sulfurous acids in them was determined.


Benzoic acid and its salts are used in food preservation (food additives E210, E211, E212, E213). By blocking enzymes, it slows down the metabolism in many single-celled microorganisms and fungi, inhibits the growth of mold, yeast and some bacteria. It is added to food products in pure form or in the form of sodium, potassium or calcium salts.

Benzoic acid (E210) was found only in products 4, RAW Life, Champ, Ironman (32 Protein Bar). But even in the case of the “My Like” bar with the highest content of benzoic acid (539.6 mg), this cannot be called a violation: the norms of TR CU 029/2012 allow less than 1500 mg of the substance.

However, the natural content of benzoic acid in raw milk can reach 6.0–10.0 mg/kg, in sour cream – 11–18 mg/kg, fermented milk – 12.5–20.0 mg/kg, and with more With a high concentration of raw milk, the content can reach higher quantities. Considering that concentrated whey can be used as protein in bars, the presence of acid in small quantities can be explained by its natural origin.

Sorbic acid was immediately found in 8 TM bars, but again without exceeding the standards of TR CU 029/2012 - no more than 1500 mg. Sulfurous acid was found in 11 TM bars. And again, none of the manufacturers exceeded the standard of 2000 mg/kg of the substance.

As you can see, the myth that the bars consist of solid preservatives is not confirmed. Manufacturers, if they use them, do so without exceeding regulatory standards.


Muesli bars belong to a new generation of functional foods and are a good addition to the daily diet as a source of dietary fiber, microelements, and vitamins.

A healthy diet helps you always be in great shape, energetic and fit. However, when we set ourselves the task of eating healthy, many difficulties arise along the way. In the bustle of a big city, it’s not easy to find time for healthy eating, so we often snack on the run, buy whatever we need, swallow without chewing, don’t follow the time schedule, thereby earning all kinds of digestive system disorders.

Muesli bars help you stay healthy and fit. Tasty and healthy, they are great for snacking between meals. Each bar is individually packaged, so you can take them on the go.

The bars do not take up much space - they are convenient to place even in the smallest handbag.

There is no cholesterol in muesli bars; they contain only vegetable fats with vitamin E and a high level of polyunsaturated fatty acids. This product has high nutritional value, contains calcium, magnesium, vitamins B and E, iron, potassium. The benefit of the bars also lies in the fact that they can be consumed with almost any liquid: juices, milk, coffee, dairy products, tea.

The bars are also an excellent weight loss product for those who want to reduce their weight or simply control it. Fructose and cereals contain natural dietary fiber, which promotes the development of beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract, binding and removing waste and toxic elements from the body, and improving intestinal function.

Muesli bars are without a doubt a very healthy product. But often we don’t want to eat healthy foods because of their low taste. But this doesn't apply to granola bars at all. They are both healthy and tasty. Eating healthy can be delicious at the same time, and that's great!

Bars are a product for people who prefer exclusively natural products.

They are suitable for those who:

• wants to maintain his beauty and health, uses muesli to lose weight,

• is actively involved in sports,

• has a deficiency of vitamins and microelements,

• recovering from illness,

• wants to satisfy the feeling of hunger with tasty and healthy foods.


The basis of the bars is cereal flakes and grains (most often corn flakes, oat flakes and whole grains), various nuts, seeds, dried apricots, prunes, raisins, candied fruits, dried apples, chokeberries and other fruits and berries.


Grains are an important source of carbohydrates, protein, fiber, vitamins (especially B vitamins and vitamin E), minerals (including zinc and magnesium) and other beneficial nutritional elements, including antioxidants and phytonutrients. Cereals are generally low in fat, and all the fat they contain is usually polyunsaturated.

Dietary fiber (fiber) found in whole grains helps lower blood cholesterol and may reduce the risk of heart disease. Plant fiber is an important product for normal intestinal function. They help reduce constipation and diverticulosis. Foods containing dietary fiber, particularly grain products, help you feel full without eating high-calorie foods. Whole grains are a good source of dietary fiber.

B vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin and folate) play a key role in metabolism: they help release the energy contained in proteins, fats and carbohydrates. B vitamins are also important for maintaining normal functioning of the nervous system.

Folate (folic acid), another B vitamin, helps the body produce red blood cells. Women of childbearing age who may become pregnant or who are in the first trimester of pregnancy should consume sufficient amounts of folate, primarily through natural foods (whole grain sourdough, beef liver, greens, especially parsley, rye, wheat, corn, grain bread, etc. ). This will reduce the risk of embryonic neural tube damage, spina bifida, and anencephaly during fetal development.

Iron is a transmitter of oxygen through the blood. Many girls and women of childbearing age experience iron deficiency anemia. They should consume foods high in the heme form of iron (meat products) or other foods containing iron, along with foods rich in vitamin C, which promotes better absorption of non-heme iron. Whole grain foods are the main source of non-heme iron in many diets.

Whole grains are a source of magnesium and selenium. Magnesium is essential for bone formation and the release of energy from muscles. Selenium is a powerful antioxidant important for the normal functioning of the immune system.


Nuts are a storehouse of vitamins and minerals. The nut contains B vitamins, vitamin A, E, P and others, minerals: phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium, sodium, etc. Almost all nuts contain 60-70% fat, but, as is known, These fats do not contain “bad” cholesterol, but there are plenty of fatty acids. The nut kernel is an ideal protein. The protein that the nut contains can easily replace “animal” proteins.

And one more undeniable argument in favor of nuts: they can be eaten even by overweight people. Despite the fact that, for example, walnuts are higher in calories than chocolate, their low carbohydrate content makes them practically “harmless” for our figure.


This is a very useful product. Possessing excellent taste, prunes have a healing and healing effect on the body. Prunes contain minerals, vitamins and many substances vital for the body. Plums contain: water, sugars, pectin substances, proteins, fiber, the predominant organic acid is malic acid, vitamins B1, B2, PP, C, provitamin A, as well as minerals - sodium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron. Prunes retain almost all the beneficial substances that make up fresh plums. Due to the abundance of ballast substances, prunes are simply necessary for the gastrointestinal tract. By eating prunes every day, you will not only be able to improve your body’s health, but also get rid of extra pounds, since prunes have good dietary properties and are used in many modern diets. Prunes are much more effective than any other natural remedy in the early stages of cardiovascular diseases; they help normalize blood pressure. Prunes have tonic properties, restore decreased performance, and improve the general condition of the body. It has good cosmetic properties, so it can improve the appearance and condition of the skin. Prunes increase immunity and the body’s overall resistance to environmentally hazardous external influences, thanks to the antioxidants it contains. It is very important that prunes absorb free radicals that destroy the body. Because of this, its anti-aging properties and the usefulness of its use as an excellent means for the prevention of cancer are explained.

Dried apricots.

This dried fruit cannot boast of a high content of vitamins, but there are significantly more minerals in dried apricots than in fresh apricots. Dried apricots contain a lot of organic acids and pectins, which effectively remove heavy metals and radionuclides from the human body. The sweetness of dried apricots is a consequence of the high content of glucose, sucrose and fructose. Their total share may be more than 80 percent. Eating dried apricots is recommended for anemia, impaired vision, heart disease and as a general tonic. Dried apricots help eliminate blockages in blood vessels and soften hard tumors, rejuvenate the skin and strengthen the hair. The plant fibers contained in dried apricots help cleanse the intestines. Dietary properties are mainly due to the predominance of potassium salts over sodium salts. The high magnesium content makes it possible to recommend dried apricots for the treatment of hypertension and some forms of anemia.


Lecithin is a universal dietary supplement.

Prevents and promotes the treatment of cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the nervous system (fatty liver, hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver, alcoholic liver damage, vascular atherosclerosis, multiple sclerosis, alcoholic polyneuritis, absent-minded attention, memory loss, psoriasis, etc.).

Lecithin is the basis of all biological membranes of the human body. Lecithin is needed by the body as a building material for the renewal and repair of damaged cells. It has a wide range of effects on the physiological functions of the body: ensures normal fat metabolism, restores the structure of the liver, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system, improves brain function, improves kidney function, restores the immune functions of lymphocytes and macrophages, stimulates the absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K in the gastrointestinal tract, etc.


There are 39 microelements in our body. These organic compounds are also minerals, but due to their minimal concentration and the fact that they are found in the body only in microdoses, they are called trace elements.

Microelements are organic compounds (the simplest building blocks of nature's atomic structure) that cannot be produced by the body and therefore must be absorbed through food, since the human body needs them for its wide variety of functions. The life, function and structure of every cell depends on the action of minerals. Minerals are contained in intracellular fluid, regulating its composition, participate in the formation of blood cells, bones, participate in the functioning of the nervous system and regulation of muscle tone, including muscle tone of the cardiovascular system. Minerals function as coenzymes, participating in the processes of energy production, growth and recovery of the body. For normal functioning, the human body, like all living things, requires maintaining an appropriate balance of minerals, which is determined by the level of individual minerals and their ratio.

Potassium plays an important role in intracellular metabolism, in the regulation of water-salt metabolism, osmotic pressure, and acid-base status. It is necessary for the normal functioning of muscles, in particular the heart. Potassium helps remove water and sodium from the body. It activates a number of enzymes and participates in important metabolic reactions. Phosphorus compounds take part in all vital processes of the body, but they are of particular importance in the metabolism and function of nervous and brain tissue, muscles, liver, kidneys, in the formation of bones, enzymes, hormones, active forms of B vitamins. Phosphorus is part of nucleic acids acids - carriers of heredity and adenosine triphosphoric acid - energy storage.

Iron is necessary for normal hematopoiesis. It is part of the hemoglobin of erythrocytes, which delivers oxygen to organs and tissues, muscle myoglobin, and enzymes that ensure cell respiration processes.

Magnesium activates enzymes of carbohydrate and energy metabolism, participates in bone formation, normalizes the excitability of the nervous system and the activity of the heart muscles. It has an antispastic and vasodilating effect, stimulates intestinal motor function and bile secretion, and promotes the removal of cholesterol from the intestine.

Calcium forms bone tissue, participates in the processes of excitability of nervous tissue, muscle contractility and blood clotting, and reduces vascular permeability. It is a necessary component of the nucleus and membranes of cells, cellular and tissue fluids; it has an anti-inflammatory effect and a reduction in allergy symptoms.


Vitamins (from the Latin word vita - life) are organic compounds of different chemical nature with high biological activity. They are part of all cells of the human body and are necessary for the processes of absorption of nutrients, cell growth and restoration, and other vital processes. Most vitamins are not synthesized in the body and therefore are an essential part of the diet. The cells of our body constantly need vitamins, which they require not once a week or even a day, but every hour, every minute, every second. A lack of vitamins in the diet leads to metabolic disorders, decreased performance, fatigue and other painful phenomena.

Chronic deficiency or prolonged absence of any vitamin in food can lead to illness.

The participation of vitamins in metabolic processes allows them to be used for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. First of all, they are used to ensure the absorption of food, increase the body’s resistance to harmful environmental influences and diseases, and increase performance.

Vitamin A (carotene)

Carotenes are fat-containing pigments. About 60 of them (for example, beta-carotene) are considered provitamins, precursors of vitamin A that arise during metabolism. First of all, they protect us from free radicals and increase the protective power of the body’s own interferons against pathogens.

Vitamin A in our immune system fights viruses, bacteria and other pathogens, keeps our body youthful and healthy, improves visual acuity, and makes the skin smooth and elastic.

Vitamin B1 (thiamine)

Thiamine has a calming effect on your nervous system. It promotes wound healing by actively participating in cellular metabolism. In addition, it has analgesic properties. Vitamin B1 is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous, cardiovascular, endocrine and gastrointestinal systems.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin)

Those who constantly experience mental or physical stress require especially high amounts of riboflavin, which promotes the release of stress hormones, such as adrenaline, from the adrenal cortex. Vitamin B2 is a kind of engine of the body. It tirelessly stimulates the production of energy in the cells of the body, helps convert the resulting energy into muscle activity, performs antioxidant functions, takes part in hematopoiesis, helping to increase the level of hemoglobin and red blood cells.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid)

Vitamin C in the body performs two important tasks: providing immune protection and stabilizing the psyche. In the immune system, vitamin is the worst enemy of all pathogens, parasites, viruses, microbes and, first of all, free radicals.

Vitamin D (calciferol - vitamin D2, cholecalciferol - vitamin D3)

The molecules of this vitamin perform the main task in the body - the absorption of calcium and the use of its salts for the formation of bones and teeth. Thus, vitamin D maintains the strength and stability of the skeleton and ensures that the calcium concentration in the blood never falls below a certain level.

The need to saturate our body with useful substances is obvious. To stay healthy and vigorous, you need to eat right.

Muesli bars contain many minerals, fiber, healthy acids, and vitamins.

This is a wonderful and tasty help to our body.


Series of messages “Desserts, sweets”:
Part 1 - Fried... milk. Extraordinary yummy! Part 2 - Recipe for homemade sweets... Part 14 - Muesli bars Part 15 - Making muesli bars yourself Part 16 - What are the benefits of muesli bars Part 17 - Bounty bars Part 18 - Bird's milk sweets Part 19 - Prunes with walnuts and sour cream Part 20 – Lemon curd “Miss Andrew”


Carefully study the labeling: manufacturers indicate reliable calorie content and nutritional supplements (with minor deviations). This way you can choose the type of bar taking into account the calorie content of your daily diet. Healthy bars can actually be a source of vitamins and minerals, and in some cases, dietary fiber. But loud marketing promises on the label should not be blindly trusted. This is especially true for sugar: it is contained in all the bars studied, including those without added sugar. With the right choice, a bar can be beneficial - it can be a good source of fiber, protein, slow carbohydrates and microelements.

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