Thermogenics (thermogenics): how to choose the best ones and take them without harm to health?

Thermogenics or fat burners for women are usually classified according to their composition and mechanism of action on the body, but their main goal is to achieve optimal body weight with the least possible harm to health. In the process of applying the appropriate therapeutic regimen, it is recommended to include low-calorie diets, as well as acceptable physical activity. Also, these drugs are best used under strict medical supervision to avoid unwanted side effects.

What are thermogenics, their functions as fat burners

Thermogenesis is a process in which the body itself produces heat through metabolism. Thermogenic substances are called substances that help burn fat in a short time. Their job is to increase the metabolic rate, after which the body begins to more actively convert calories into energy.

The main goal of thermogenics is to speed up metabolism, even if it is too slow. You need to understand that not all fat burners are called thermogenic; many of them affect appetite by dulling it, thereby preventing weight gain. Anorectics - act on the neurons of the brain, thereby suppressing appetite. Lipotropics - effectively speed up the metabolism in the body. With the correct dosage, these drugs cannot cause any harm (if there are no contraindications to them).


  • Thermogenic fat burners are promoted as a simple way to burn body fat.
  • Although there is evidence that they can reduce appetite and speed up metabolism and fat burning, the effects are relatively small.
  • They may be more effective when combined with other changes in diet and physical activity, but are not “magic pills.”
  • Always consult your doctor before trying a new supplement, as some people experience serious complications.

The article was prepared by experts for informational purposes only. It should not be used as a guide for treating medical conditions and is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. In case of illness or any symptoms, you should always consult a doctor and not self-medicate.

About the author: Larisa Kuts

Board-certified physician specializing in family medicine, geriatrics and integrative medicine. Clinical experience as a physician ranging from disease management to family practice and emergency care.

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Advantages and disadvantages

Without a doubt, the main feature of thermogenic fat burners is their ability to quickly rid the body of extra pounds. They are used for “lazy” weight loss. This means that there is no serious need for physical activity in order to achieve the desired result (although a little activity is still required). In this case, you do not need to change your diet or use extreme options for the body - fasting.

However, in addition to the positive qualities, there are also disadvantages. Remember that thermogenics, like other weight loss drugs, have a negative effect on the body (especially women), leading to disruption of its functions. It is important to consult a specialist before taking fat burning medications. This will significantly reduce the risk of side effects. These negative consequences include:

  • increase in basal temperature;
  • the emergence of dependence on the drug;
  • change in cellular metabolism.

How to take thermogenics

Before taking a thermogenic supplement, you should consult your doctor. Next, follow the instructions on the product label.

It is best to start fat burners by consuming half a serving to evaluate the effect on the body. Although sports supplements are well tolerated by most athletes, it is best to find out for yourself!

  • Take the first portion in the morning half an hour before meals, and the second before lunch.
  • Do not take thermogenics more than six hours before bedtime.
  • Fat burners are not taken all the time. Thermogenics should be taken in courses no longer than eight weeks. The first course should be made twice as long.
  • Coffee and energy drinks should be avoided when taking supplements of this type.
  • Never use several thermogenics at the same time!

Natural fat burners

Natural fat burners
In addition to dietary supplements, there are natural fat burners contained in food. Their difference from chemical preparations is the absence of harm to the body, since such products are of natural origin. All foods classified as fat burners are divided into two categories: liquid and solid.

The first type includes:

  1. Clean drinking water improves metabolism like nothing else, ridding the body not only of harmful toxins, but also of excess weight. You need to drink about 1.5-2 liters of liquid per day.
  2. Water with lemon – due to the high content of lemon juice, which makes it easier for the body to fight excess weight, the fat burning process is accelerated.
  3. Green tea is a natural fat burner that helps speed up metabolism.
  4. Coffee – increases body temperature and thus increases metabolism in the body. It is better to drink this drink 10-15 minutes before training to increase its effectiveness.
  5. Red wine – helps reduce your appetite by half; just drink one glass before lunch.
  6. Grapefruit juice is one of the best fat burners; it removes excess fluid from the body along with waste and toxins. It should not be taken together with other drugs, or if you have gastritis or ulcers.

Solid products:

  1. A variety of cereals are well absorbed by the body, cleanse the intestines, ridding it of all unnecessary substances. You can take oatmeal, barley, and pearl barley. If you are under intense physical activity, a diet based on porridge alone is not suitable; you need a balanced diet that includes proteins and other foods containing fiber.
  2. Berries and fruits contain a sufficient amount of vitamins and microelements and are also low in calories. With active use, you can significantly lose weight and improve your health.
  3. Protein foods and fermented milk products are considered natural fat burners and also help increase muscle mass. You can use whey and hard cheeses.

Types of fat burners

To choose really good fat burners for weight loss, you need to know what types of these drugs there are.


Wikipedia says: thermogenics are specialized drugs for increasing body temperature and accelerating metabolism. This causes a visible fat burning effect. They are taken in courses not exceeding a month in duration. Then a two-week break is required. You need to drink fat burners twice a day: in the morning and after lunch, and on training days in the morning and before training. They promote fat burning by stimulating the nervous system and should not be taken in the evening. These are powerful fat burners for men and women, which must be taken in the dosage specified by the manufacturer.

To choose the right fat burners for weight loss for men from this category, you need to evaluate the composition. The required components in it are yohimbine, synephrine, naringi and forskolin. The presence of tyramine and phenylethylamine indicates that you should not buy such a drug, since these are inactive substances.

The most effective fat burners for men include substances that increase heat production, speed up metabolism, and block appetite. Since the composition contains active components, they are contraindicated in the presence of diseases of the heart and blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract, liver and kidneys. Fat burners for men can cause some side effects: increased blood pressure, sweating, tachycardia, insomnia, heartburn, nausea, irritability.


L-carnitine is a substance similar to vitamins in its properties. It can be synthesized in the body. When determining which fat burner is the most effective for men, it must be said that L-carnitine takes part in the processes of fat oxidation. This feature allows them to be recycled as energy. This is a good fat burner for girls, since the human body always utilizes excess L-carnitine. With long-term use, L-carnitine is perceived by the body as normal, so it stops working. It is necessary to choose the duration of the course of treatment wisely - a month of treatment, then a break. This is relevant when drying, when there is a certain deficiency of L-carnitine.

The choice of these fat-burning products is quite large, but it is best to give preference to a pharmaceutical drug. Sports nutrition may contain some other additives. The release form may vary, but cheap fat burners in powder are the best choice. With this packaging, the likelihood of counterfeiting is reduced.

L-carnitine ensures accelerated delivery of fatty acids, increased endurance, lowered cholesterol levels, relieved the nervous system, and improved the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. No contraindications or side effects were noted.

Fat and carbohydrate blockers

Fat burners for weight loss for men and women in this category do not allow the enzymes responsible for the digestion of fats and carbohydrates and their absorption by the body to work. These substances do not produce any results in the absence of exercise and diet. When taking a fat burner, you must follow the rules: the course lasts up to a month, and then a break of at least a week is required. It is prohibited and dangerous to violate the manufacturer's dosage.

These are substances based on natural ingredients: vegetable extracts with fiber, methylcellulose, sodium salt, silicon dioxide, gum arabic, Caribbean wax, chitosan. The most effective fat burners for men in this category are necessarily glucose inhibitors. Weight reduction is achieved due to fat-burning properties, as well as blocking the entry of fats from food into deposits.

Any of the drugs should not be taken if you have diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, intestines, liver or kidney failure.


Diuretics act similarly to other laxatives: they increase intestinal motility, preventing water absorption. The result is a temporary weight loss and a decrease in fluid volume in the body. Side effects include increased sweating and diarrhea. By themselves, such drugs are not very effective; they are usually taken in combination with other fat burners. They can cause many disturbances in the functioning of the body.


Good fat burners for weight loss are anorectics, which have become an entire industry in the field of sports nutrition. These substances can suppress appetite, resulting in a drop in body weight. Most thermogenics are also considered anorectics. Appetite suppressants affect the hunger center. In their pure form, these drugs are harmful to women's health. It is recommended to purchase complexes where such substances are only one of the auxiliary components, then the effect will be better.

Cortisol blockers

When choosing the best fat burners for men and women, you can consider cortisol blockers. Such drugs inhibit the effect of cortisol, which helps block muscle catabolism. Their effectiveness is ensured solely by diet, since they are not able to accelerate fat reduction. They do not allow fat deposits to be synthesized. Cortisol blockers can dull the feeling of hunger. This category of substances includes whey isolate, omega-3, BCAA, gainers. Among the potent substances are somatotropin, peptides, clebuterol and other steroid substances.

If you determine which fat burner is most effective for women, then this category of substances will be one of the most suitable. If the goal is to lose weight, then blockers with a high content of protein and BCAAs, but a minimum of carbohydrates, will be required.

Taking fat burners during physical training

Manufacturers in the sports industry guarantee that the effect will follow immediately, even with little physical activity. This is what captivates poorly versed buyers, which is why they begin to actively take these drugs, hoping that the desired effect will come on its own, even if they do nothing. But it doesn't work that way. The result can only be achieved with the use of fat burners in parallel with physical exercise.

Dietary supplements may differ in the characteristics of their administration. Before taking, be sure to consult with your trainer and doctor (about the consequences and side effects of the drugs).

As a rule, there are general recommendations for use:

  • before taking it, find out if there are any contraindications;
  • take medications mainly in the morning, as they contribute to sleep disturbances;
  • in case of side effects, immediately reduce the dose or completely abandon the drug;
  • Take only on training days;
  • do not interrupt the course.

The best fat burners for women

The following drugs are considered the most popular among women losing weight:

Nutrex Lipo 6 black - it contains both natural and artificial ingredients, thanks to which a quick effect in the process of losing weight is guaranteed, but its reviews are very specific, many complain about side effects.

CLA – conjugated linoleic acid. Quite a popular product, the effectiveness of which is still debated. This acid improves metabolism and has a positive effect on the functioning of the body as a whole.

Hydroxycut Advanced - this drug helps rid the body of extra pounds and also reduces appetite. This remedy has virtually no side effects. By stimulating the metabolic process, fat deposits are eliminated.

Fat Burners - in comparison with other similar products, it has a milder effect and has almost no side effects. With this drug, losing weight is much faster and easier.

Animal Cuts from Universal Nutrition is intended primarily for athletes who are not suitable for conventional fat burners. Like all other analogues, it accelerates metabolism, but does not contain ephedrine, caffeine and aspirin (ECA).

Black Spider is considered one of the most effective remedies. It belongs to the category of thermogenics, the main component of which is ECA.

Contraindications and side effects

Many women want to lose weight quickly and easily, especially when there are thermogenics. But quickly losing a few extra pounds can lead over time to gaining new kilograms if you do not exercise regularly and take dietary supplements uncontrollably. The main danger is side effects.

Negative actions have different effects on the body of a losing weight person:

Problems with the cardiovascular system. Expressed in increased heart rate and increased blood pressure. This is due to the drugs contained in the composition, ephedrine, caffeine, and guarana.

Poisoning. In case of an overdose of the drug, symptoms of intoxication appear. If the acceptable dose is exceeded. This effect is associated with the caffeine contained in the composition. Therefore, you should not drink energy drinks and fat burners at the same time.

Allergy. There may be an allergic reaction to some of the components that make up the drug.

Problems with the digestive system. With active use, gastrointestinal diseases develop, which are accompanied by constipation, belching, diarrhea and other manifestations. The normal absorption of beneficial minerals and vitamins is also disrupted.

Other side effects. No less common are headaches, nausea, heartburn, and abdominal pain.

What are fat burners made of?

Let's look at the influence of individual components of fat burners and their effect on the body.

Among these, the most common ones can be found:

  • caffeine _ Stimulates the central nervous system, activates the production of adrenaline, which is responsible for the delivery of fatty acids into the blood. During training, it is these fat reserves of energy that will be used up, while glycogen will not be wasted;
  • coleus _ Belongs to the mint family, stimulates the production of adenosine, which affects the breakdown of fats;
  • green tea extract . Contains a large amount of chlorogenic acid and suppresses the activity of glucose, which is why the body begins to use fat reserves as energy;
  • L-theanine . Increases dopamine levels, which causes a feeling of joy. Increases endurance;
  • cocoa extract . Contains a large amount of caffeine, magnesium and theobromine, enhances blood circulation. Theobromine provides a tonic effect and activates fat burning processes;
  • yohimbe . Provides a surge of strength, suppresses the action of serotonin, which leads to depressive disorders, extracts acids from adipose tissue and burns fat.
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