Lose weight in 3 days: is it possible to quickly lose weight without harm to health?

Diets designed for 3 days are classified as fasting.

They help you lose weight, but the weight is lost not due to fat, but as a result of cleansing the intestines and removing excess fluid from the body.

Although if you regularly practice unloading, then in the not so distant future you can noticeably become slimmer.

How you can quickly lose weight in 3 days and what results you should expect, we’ll look into this article.

Is it possible to achieve rapid weight loss?

You can lose weight in 3 days, but, we repeat, not by burning fat. If you enter and exit unloading correctly, part of the lost weight is lost forever. If you eat as before, the kilograms will return quickly.

In addition, any fast diet involves a sharp reduction in daily caloric intake. This often leads to a loss of vigor and strength, and a deterioration in mood.

Activity decreases, which means calorie burning. Therefore, if you want to lose weight and maintain good health, you need to take care of a balanced diet during fasting periods.

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The 3-day water diet is not suitable for everyone. A prerequisite for therapeutic fasting is good health and satisfactory health. Nutritionists name a number of contraindications in which refusing food for a long period can lead to harmful consequences. The list of diseases is as follows:

  • cancer;
  • paralysis;
  • recovery period after surgery;
  • tuberculosis and hepatitis in the acute stage;
  • blood diseases;
  • body weight deficiency.

Nutritionists categorically do not recommend practicing starvation diets for any serious illness. Or the process must take place with the consent of the doctor and under his supervision.

A diet of water alone is strictly contraindicated for pregnant and lactating women, children, and elderly people

How to lose weight intensively at home

For intensive weight loss, fatty and fried foods and sweets are excluded from the diet.

The drinking regime must be observed. Water helps cleanse the intestines and remove toxins from the body, which improves your health and appearance. The daily norm is calculated by weight: 30-50 ml per 1 kg. Every morning should start with a glass of water.

List of foods for quick weight loss:

  1. Fruits, vegetables and herbs (pineapple, grapefruit, parsley).
  2. Cereals (barley, buckwheat, oatmeal), legumes.
  3. Dairy products (kefir, cottage cheese).
  4. Meat, fish and seafood.
  5. Egg white.

On an unlimited diet, you are allowed to drink green tea, fruit drinks and compotes without sugar. In the morning you can have a cup of unsweetened coffee. Dried fruits, nuts or honey are used as dessert. But not in large quantities.

Diets and fasting

Limiting food for at least 1 day a month has a beneficial effect on the body. This allows the digestive system to rest, cleanse the intestines and get rid of excess fluid.

But it is not recommended to stay on unloading for more than 3 days, since due to a meager diet, the body does not receive enough nutrients. And this has a detrimental effect on health.

Typically, fasting days refer to mono-diets, the essence of which is to consume one product for a certain period. This could be cereals, fruits, fermented milk drinks, etc. The calorie content of such a diet does not exceed 1000 kcal.

Indications for following a fasting diet are:

  1. Cardiovascular pathologies and diabetes mellitus with excess weight.
  2. Obesity.
  3. Some stomach, kidney and liver diseases.
  4. Urolithiasis and gout.
  5. Toxicosis during pregnancy.

The purpose of unloading is to facilitate and improve the functioning of organs and systems, normalize metabolism, and remove toxins. Reduce fat mass, increase the effectiveness of dietary nutrition.

Fasting days are conventionally divided into types:

  • protein: meat, fish or cottage cheese;
  • fat (ketone): cream, sour cream;
  • carbohydrates: fruits, cereals;
  • vegetarian: only plant foods;
  • liquid: milk, decoctions, broths.

There are also combined fasting programs, where the diet consists of specially selected products.

Important! Most fasting diets are unbalanced, so it is recommended to follow them no longer than 3 days and no more than once a week when indicated. For healthy people, it is enough to limit their diet once a month. Special nutrition programs with consistent diet changes can last up to 2 weeks.

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One of the mistakes when losing weight is choosing between exercise and diet. It is not right. To obtain and consolidate the result, physical activity is required. You need to eat 2 hours before training. Food should consist of complex carbohydrates or proteins. If you can’t eat properly before class, you can snack on a few slices of chocolate, drink juice or sweet tea.

Eating before exercise is necessary, otherwise the exercises will not be beneficial, and you will not have the strength to complete them. Fats will be burned in minimal quantities. You can drink water during your workout. During the fasting period, exercise should be moderate. After training, you can eat some nuts or seeds, a salad dressed with vegetable oil.

Advice! A fasting day should be perceived as a useful and positive event, then your mood will be better and you will have more energy. If you feel weak on a diet, it is better to postpone training until later.

Fat Burning Products and Supplements

Eating certain foods can speed up your weight loss process. The list includes:

  1. Pineapple and kiwi.
  2. Lean meat and fish.
  3. Tomatoes and pears.
  4. Cabbage and beans.
  5. Olive oil.

You can also use supplements that include ephedrine, caffeine, choline, hydroxycitric acid or L-carnitine to speed up weight loss.

Advice! Do not indiscriminately get carried away with fat burning supplements. It is necessary to strictly follow the recommended dosages, as exceeding them is fraught with side effects.

How to drink water correctly

If you decide to take a risk and lose three kg in three days, then in order to avoid more harm, pay special attention to your drinking regime. The following rules must be observed:

  1. Drink at least 1.5-2 liters of water per day (more will cause kidney problems).
  2. Calculate your daily volume based on your own weight. The norm is 30 ml per 1 kg of weight.
  3. Drink only clean, still water. It should be at room temperature so as not to slow down the digestion process.
  4. Drink water in small portions with slow sips. Try to drink most of it in the first half of the day so that there is no swelling in the morning.
  5. Do not drink while eating.
  6. Half an hour before meals, drink 2 glasses of water (lunch, dinner); for light snacks, 1 glass is enough.

Water is not just a source of life, but if consumed correctly, it is an excellent assistant in losing weight.

During diets, water removes waste products, toxins, and regulates the digestive process. In addition, by filling the stomach, water briefly relieves hunger. These rules should be followed even after leaving the express diet. Compliance with the drinking regime is a guarantee that you will not overeat in the future.

How much can you lose at an accelerated pace?

When following the 3-day diet, you should not expect impressive results. It is impossible to lose significant weight in such a short period of time. The plumb line can range from 1-3 kg, but most of it will be water.

In addition, even with complete fasting, a person loses no more than 200 g of fat per day. During unloading, this figure is less - 100-150 g. Thus, in 3 days of the diet you can lose only 300-450 g of fat mass. And this is subject to compliance with all the rules and the inclusion of physical activity.

Chocolate diet

Of all the express diets, chocolate is one of the most harmful, but it is perfect for those who want to urgently lose 3 kg in 3 days without denying themselves their favorite treats. True, you will have to take not milk chocolate, but dark chocolate. It is considered the most useful and low-calorie.

The daily diet should consist of 80 g of chocolate and coffee without sugar. It is allowed to add skim milk to the drink. Weight loss occurs due to a calorie deficit and the diuretic effect that black coffee provides. It is quite difficult to maintain such a diet, but in three days you can get rid of 2.5 kg or more. If you are not sure that you can eat only chocolate for a long time, limit yourself to one day, and spend the remaining days of the diet on other low-calorie foods.

Effective three-day programs

To get maximum results, you must follow some rules during fasting diets:

  1. Avoid alcohol and cigarettes, salt and sugar, coffee and black tea.
  2. You need to drink a lot of water - at least 3-4 liters.
  3. Shower and brush your teeth more often.

This will help quickly cleanse the body of toxins and excess fluid.

Low carb diet

Ideal for people who love meat, fish and eggs. The fasting menu includes low-carb foods.

1 day

  1. Breakfast: a glass of kefir, tomato salad dressed with olive oil.
  2. Lunch: 200 g of steamed fish, a glass of mineral water.
  3. Dinner: 1 boiled carrot, 50 g of hard cheese, rosehip decoction.

You can have a snack with an apple, an egg, or a grapefruit.

Day 2

  1. Breakfast: boiled beans, orange juice – 200 ml.
  2. Lunch: 200 g of rabbit stew, a piece of rye bread.
  3. Dinner: 2 eggs, stewed cabbage.

Snacks: unsweetened yogurt or low-fat kefir with berries.

Day 3

  1. Breakfast: 2 eggs, grapefruit.
  2. Lunch: 200 g boiled chicken breast, herbal decoction.
  3. Dinner: baked vegetables, 50 g cheese.

You can have a snack with an apple or a tangerine, or a steam omelet.

The good thing about the diet is that there is no feeling of hunger or loss of strength. On such fasting days, you can exercise or just walk.

Fruit and vegetable liquid discharge

The diet helps you lose up to 3 kg in 3 days.

1 day

  1. Breakfast: a glass of herbal infusion.
  2. Lunch: fruit or vegetable juice.
  3. Lunch: hot carrot broth.
  4. Afternoon snack: herbal decoction.
  5. Dinner: a glass of vegetable or fruit juice.

Day 2

  1. Breakfast: herbal tea with honey, half an apple.
  2. Lunch: a glass of vegetable or fruit juice.
  3. Lunch: hot carrot broth.
  4. Afternoon snack: herbal decoction.
  5. Dinner: fruit juice.

Day 3

  1. Breakfast: prunes (10 pcs.).
  2. Lunch: a glass of vegetable or fruit juice.
  3. Lunch: vegetable salad dressed with yogurt or kefir.
  4. Afternoon snack: pear.
  5. Dinner: juice or carrot broth.

The diet is quite hungry, so during this fasting it is better to give up training and prefer leisurely walking.


Despite the fact that the technique does not last long, it is advisable to exit it correctly in order to maintain the result for a long time. If you adhere to a normal diet with an established drinking regime, then such a measure is not necessary - you just need to continue to drink more clean water.

If the diet was gentle or strict, then it is necessary to make a transition to the previous diet within three days.

Important! Every morning, immediately after waking up, you need to drink 1 glass of water with a slice of lemon, if desired, you can add 1 tsp. honey or a little grated ginger root.

For at least three more days, it is necessary to eat fractional meals in small portions 4-6 times a day. This principle allows you to moderate your appetite and normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. He no longer has to digest food in large quantities, so unnecessary load is reduced.

Exit menu for a three-day water diet:

  • Day 1 – for breakfast, oatmeal, boiled in water, half and half with milk, with pieces of fruit, berries or nuts, 1-2 diet bread, for second breakfast, 1 apple or grapefruit, for lunch, chicken soup with vegetables, buckwheat steamed with boiling water, for an afternoon snack a handful of prunes or dried apricots, for dinner a salad with vegetables and seafood in half and half olive oil with lemon juice, for the second dinner a glass of low-fat kefir;
  • Day 2 – cottage cheese casserole with fruits or herbs for breakfast, 1-2 diet bread, natural yogurt without additives for second breakfast, mushroom soup for lunch, oven-baked zucchini with minced chicken, seaweed salad for afternoon snack, vegetable stew for dinner with beans, low-fat kefir for the second dinner;
  • Day 3 – for breakfast, sandwiches made from black bread and chicken roll, for second breakfast, a handful of any nuts, for lunch, vegetable soup with low-fat white fish, brown rice boiled in water, for afternoon snack 2 kiwis, for dinner, stewed broccoli, for second dinner, low-fat kefir .

If gentle options for a three-day water diet are chosen, then during the weight loss itself, as well as during the period of recovery from it, you can engage in physical activity. This will only increase the results achieved through the drinking regime. If you follow a strict diet, then physical activity is prohibited, since the body does not receive calories that provide the body with energy.

Expert help

Expert opinions about fasting days differ slightly. Some believe that it is beneficial for the body, others do not.

Kovalkov Alexey Vladimirovich, nutritionist

He advises not to get carried away with fasting days, as he believes that they negatively affect the intestinal microflora. A nutritionist recommends going on a short diet only after overeating. Alexey Vladimirovich also believes that sudden weight loss is harmful and dangerous to health.

Angelina Uvarova, coach

Recommends having fasting days once a week if you have problems with excess weight and diet does not help. Kefir, buckwheat, apples, cucumbers and tea with milk work well.

Preparation before a three-day fast

A couple of weeks before the diet, you should completely change your diet. The following products should be avoided:

  • Fried, smoked, salted.
  • All types of canned food and food with marinades.
  • Semi-finished products, especially sausages and frankfurters.
  • Any fast food.
  • Unnatural food with a high content of dyes, flavor enhancers, and flavorings.
  • Sweet drinks and coffee.
  • Yeast bread and baked goods made from finely ground white flour.
  • Salt. If giving it up is difficult, then you need to at least reduce the amount of it in ready-made dishes or switch to sea salt.
  • Nicotine and alcohol in any form.

The diet should be dominated by natural products - vegetables, fruits, cereals, herbs, nuts. A week before starting the diet, you need to give up meat.

During preparation, taking any medications other than vitamins is prohibited. You need to move more, be in the fresh air more often, and swim. Going to a bathhouse or sauna will also be useful.

The evening before the first “fasting” day, you should do a cleansing enema. This way, the intestines will be clean, and food debris will not decompose in it, poisoning the entire body with toxins.

How to lose weight in thighs (legs) in 3 days

In order for your hips to quickly get into shape, you should perform a set of exercises for 3 days:

  • You need to stand up straight, raise your head up, put your hands on your belt, and place your feet shoulder-width apart. Slowly we rise on tiptoes, then lower ourselves. We perform this exercise 20-40 times;
  • Exercise for the inner thigh muscles. We take the ball, squeeze it tightly between the thighs and release it. We do this 15-20 times;
  • Lie on your right side, with your right arm in a straight position under your head. We place our left hand on the waist. Raise your straight leg up and lower it. We perform 15-20 lifts on each leg;
  • We lie on the floor on our backs, raise our legs from the floor by 30 cm. Then we spread our legs to the sides and squeeze them again. We perform the exercise 10 times;
  • We sit on the floor, legs straight. We bend forward and try to reach the tips of our toes with our hands. We do the exercise 5-10 times.

Taking diuretics

This method should be used in extreme cases when other methods are ineffective. How to safely reduce body weight and recover quickly? Use natural diuretics - rose hips, lingonberry leaves, dry dill decoction, birch buds. Please make sure you are not allergic to these ingredients before use. Popular chemical diuretics: Furosemide, Novurit, Uregit, Lasix. Some of them are prohibited by the IOC.

If you decide to resort to this method, you need to know the specifics of using diuretics. You can drink the drug 5-6 hours before weighing, then intensive fluid removal will begin. The dose is selected individually. The weight reduction method is dangerous because potassium and magnesium salts, which are necessary for normal metabolism, are removed from the body. This can provoke gastrointestinal disorders and the development of heart failure.

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Monthly weight loss plan

The main thing when losing weight is gradualism. You shouldn’t immediately switch to express diets or grueling workouts; it’s better to consistently implement new correct habits. The monthly plan could be as follows:

First week
  1. Drink more water.
  2. Eat several vegetables and fruits every day.
  3. Walk 5000-7000 steps daily.
  4. Reduce the amount of fatty, fried foods.
  5. Keep a food diary, recording each meal hourly.
Second week
  1. Eliminate fast food, fatty, fried foods from your diet.
  2. Start cooking without adding oil, learn healthy, correct recipes.
  3. Analyze your food diary and create a meal schedule hourly, for example, every 2-3 hours.
  4. Walk 7000-9000 steps daily.
  5. Don't forget about water.
Third week
  1. Buy electronic scales. Write down every meal and count calories.
  2. Walk up to 10,000 steps daily.
  3. Introduce moderate exercise.
  4. Completely avoid “forbidden foods” and alcohol.
  5. Don't forget about water.
Fourth week
  1. Completely switch to proper nutrition, cook without adding oil or fatty sauces.
  2. Walk up to 10,000 steps daily.
  3. Make training regular: 2-3 times weekly.
  4. Don't forget about water.

The main thing is to focus on your own characteristics and well-being. If training is difficult, it is better to continue walking or practice leisurely walking. If you are unable to implement a new diet, it is better to seek help from a nutritionist.

First day menu

After the “3 days on the water” diet, you must follow a certain diet so as not to overload your stomach. The menu for the first day looks like this:

  • 7.00. An egg, two slices of whole grain bread, a slice of hard cheese, unsweetened green tea.
  • 10.00. Large apple, 2-3 plums.
  • 13.00. Boiled chicken fillet – 120 g, cabbage salad with cucumbers and lean ham, a slice of rye bread.
  • 16.00. Pear.
  • 18.00. Boiled beef – 120 g, stewed vegetables.
  • 20.00. Unsweetened cottage cheese with fresh fruit – 100 g.
  • 21.00. Herbal tea sweetened with honey (half a teaspoon).

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